Federal File Creation Functionality


The Federal File Creation process generates files and reports to support both GTAS and Data Act reporting.

GTAS serves as the single USSGL trial balance for each TAS including budgetary and proprietary USSGL beginning and ending balances. A single data collection system paves the way for more consistent and complete financial data and allows for better analytical reporting.

The DATA Act requires all federal agencies to report their spending information – including linked financial and award data – using a government-wide data structure.

The Federal File Creation process and the corresponding pre-requisite processes are briefly described below followed by a flowchart that depicts the relationship between these processes:

The Federal File Creation process creates GTAS and/or Data Act files depending on the File Type parameter selected during the Federal File Creation process submission. For File Type of GTAS, a GTAS Bulk File is created. For File Type of Data Act, Data Act file(s) are created. These files are created at the Federal Attribute level of detail from balances in the Extract Table and the GL Balances Table. Federal Attributes values associated with the Fund, TAS, and Natural Account are looked up on the Define Funds Attributes form, the Define Treasury Account Symbols form, and the Federal Attributes Form; respectively.

The GTAS Bulk File includes beginning and ending balances at the Federal Attributes level of detail. The process also generates a GTAS Trial Balance and a GTAS Exception Report.

Data Act Files A, B, and C include beginning and ending balances at the Federal Attributes level of detail. File B provides the balances at an additional level of detail to include Program and object. File C further provides balances and detail at the Award Attribute level.

If the Save Ending Balances parameter for the Federal File Creation process is set to Y, the Ending Balances Table is updated with Ending Balances (these balances are used as beginning balances for the next year).

Federal File Creation Process Steps Diagram

The following diagram lists the steps of the Federal File Creation process.

Federal Attributes Setup

A Federal Attributes table defines configuration for GTAS and Data Act Attributes associated with specific USSGL Accounts. This table is ledger based and includes the following:

Name Type Default Value Required Updateable Domain Values
Federal Attributes From Title        
Account Number LOV   Yes Yes Parent and child accounts from the Key Flexfield Values defined.
Begin End Indicator Radio Button Ending Yes Yes
  • Beginning

  • Ending

  • Both

Authority Type Code LOV   No Yes List value from FV_AUTH_TYPE lookup
Direct or Reimbursable Code Check Box Unchecked No Yes  
Apportionment Category Code LOV   No Yes List values from FV_APPOR_CAT Lookup
Apportionment Category B Program Code Check Box Unchecked No Yes, if Apportionment Category Code includes “B”, Otherwise, display only and are set to unchecked  
Program Report Category Code Check Box Unchecked No Yes, if Apportionment Category Code includes “A” and/or “B”, Otherwise, display only and are set to unchecked  
Federal or Non-Federal Code LOV   No Yes List value from FV_FED_NON_FED_CODE lookup
Trading Partner Check Box Checked if the Fed or Non Fed code includes “F” or “G” otherwise unchecked No Only updatable if Federal or Non-Federal Code includes an “F”, otherwise not updatable
  • Y-checked

  • N-unchecked

New or Bal Code Check Box Unchecked No Yes  
Current or Subsequent Code LOV   No Yes List values from FV_CUR_SUB lookup
BEA Category Code Check Box Unchecked No Yes  
BEA Category Code Account Type LOV   Yes, if BEA Category Code is checked Yes, if BEA Category Code is checked otherwise, it is blanked and not enterable. List values from FV_BEA_ACCOUNT lookup
Borrowing Source Code Check Box Unchecked No Yes  
Exchange or Non-exchange Code LOV   No Yes List values from FV_EXCH_NON_EXCH lookup
Custodial or Noncustodial Code LOV   No Yes List value from FV_CUST_NON_CUST lookup
Budgetary Impact Indicator LOV   No Yes List values from FV_BUD_IMPACT lookup
Prior Year Adjustment Code LOV   No Yes List values from FV_PYA lookup
Program Cost Indicator Check Box Unchecked No Yes  
Reduction Type Check Box Unchecked No Yes  
Award Flag Check Box Unchecked No Yes  

The following rules apply to the above Federal Attribute LOVs on this form:

GTAS Attributes Table Setup Concurrent Process

The GTAS Attributes Table Setup concurrent process contains the following parameters:

Parameter Required Default Value Additional Information
Ledger Yes Uses the same logic for Ledger as all other concurrent requests that have Ledger as a parameter. Uses the same logic for Ledger as all other concurrent requests that have Ledger as a parameter.
Delete Existing Data Yes None Values are Y – Yes or N-No. If the Value Is Y, the data are deleted and re-seeded for the Ledger designated above. If the Value Is N, the data is not deleted. Only updates to the Table are made for the designated Ledger.


The GTAS Attributes Table Setup process is described below. The GTAS Attributes Table Setup populates the Federal Attributes Table with USSGL Accounts, Balance Types, and Attributes for GTAS and Data Act Reporting from a file with Federal Attributes Seed data. The seed data used to populate the Federal Attributes Table contains Federal Attribute data consistent with the Bulk File GTAS Attributes Table spreadsheet on Treasury's web-site.

Where an attribute value exists for the following attributes on the Treasury Bulk File GTAS Attributes Table spreadsheet the corresponding default value is populated on the Federal Attributes Table:

Attribute Federal Attribute Default Value
Direct or Reimbursable Code Checked
Apportionment Category B Program Code Checked if Apportionment Category Code includes “B”
Program Report Category Code Checked if Apportionment Category Code includes “A” and/or “B”
Trading Partner Checked if Federal or Non Federal Code includes “F” or “G”
New or Bal Code Checked
Current or Subsequent Code “A: Available in Current Period”
BEA Category Code Checked
BEA Category Code Account Type “B: Budget Authority” if BEA Category Code is checked
Borrowing Source Code Checked
Exchange or Non-exchange Code “X: Exchange”
Prior Year Adjustment Code “X: Not an adjustment to prior-year reporting”
Program Cost Indicator Checked

Users are able to update the existing table with new values or replace the existing table in its entirety (re-seed).

Federal Accounts Creation

The Federal Account Creation Process identified all of the accounts in the Federal Attributes Table where selected Federal attributes cannot be derived directly from a transaction's CCID.

The Federal Account Creation Process contains the following parameters:

Parameters Required Default Value
Ledger Yes Uses the same logic for Ledger as all other concurrent requests that have Ledger as a parameter.
Fiscal Year Yes Uses the same logic for Ledger as all other concurrent requests that have Ledger as a parameter.


The Federal Accounts Creation process is described below.

The Federal Accounts Creation Process includes an award flag for Data Act Reporting. The award flag is populated with “Y” if the Award Attributes checkbox is selected for the GL Account on the Federal Attributes form.

The process first deletes any rows in the table that meet the parameter criteria (i.e., Ledger and Fiscal Year).

The Federal Accounts Creation process then selects all GL accounts, from the Federal Attributes form, that meet one or more of the following criteria:

The process generates a report of all new records added to the table.

Federal Activity Attributes Creation

A Federal Activity Attributes Creation Process creates Federal activity Attributes with Federal attribute data that cannot be derived directly from segments within the CCID (e.g. Fund, Natural Account).

The Federal Activity Attributes Creation process contains the following parameters:

Parameter Required Default Value Additional Information
Ledger Yes Use the same logic for Ledger as all other concurrent requests that have Ledger as a parameter. Use the same logic for Ledger as all other concurrent requests that have Ledger as a parameter.
To period Yes None Use the same logic for To as all other concurrent requests that have To Period as a parameter.
Re-create Activity Balances Yes No Valid values: Y - Yes and N - No. If no, create/update Federal Activity Attributes for journals not already reflected in the Federal Activity Attributes. If yes, delete all existing Federal activity attributes for the Fiscal Year and recreate through the To Period.


The Federal Activity Attributes Creation process is described below.

The Federal Activity Attributes Creation process selects GL Journals Lines for processing where the GL Journal Line meets the following criteria:

Federal Activity Attribute rows are created / updated for GL Journals with Accounts present in the Federal Account Table (created from the Federal Accounts Creation process)

The Federal Activity Attributes Table includes the attributes listed below. Each Federal Activity Attributes Table row has a unique combination of all of these attributes except the last attribute (i.e., Dollar Amount).

Federal Activity Attributes Table Elements Matrix:

Field Name When Populated
Ledger Always
GL Period Always
Period Year Always
Period Number Always
Journal Source Always
Journal Category Always
CCID Always
Fund Always
Natural Account Always
Authority Type Code If the Federal Account Table row exists with the Authority Type Code Flag =”Y”.
Federal or Non-Federal Code If the Federal Accounts Table row exists with the Federal or Non-Federal Code Flag = “Y”.
Trading Partner Type If the Federal Accounts Table row exists with the Federal or Non-Federal Code Flag = “Y”.
Trading Partner Name If the Federal Accounts Table row exists with the Federal or Non-Federal Code Flag = “Y”.
Trading Partner Agency Identifier If the Trading Partner Flag= “Y”
Trading Partner Main Account Code If the Trading Partner Flag= “Y”, and if the Trading Partner Agency Identifier has been populated.
Budgetary Impact Indicator If a Federal Accounts Table row exists for the GL Account and the Budgetary Impact Indicator Flag = “Y”.
Reduction Type If the Federal Account Table row exists with the Reduction Type =”Y”.
Debit Credit Indicator Always
Data Act Reporting Indicator If the Award checkbox is selected for the GL Account on the Federal Attributes form.
PIID If the Award checkbox is selected for the GL Account on the Federal Attributes form.
Parent Award Id If the Award checkbox is selected for the GL Account on the Federal Attributes form.
URI If the Award checkbox is selected for the GL Account on the Federal Attributes form.
FAIN If the Award checkbox is selected for the GL Account on the Federal Attributes form.
Dollar Amount (summary amount for GL Journals with the above attributes) Always

A Federal Activity Attributes Creation Exception Report may result from running this process. Exceptions must be cleared prior to running the Federal File Creation Process in order to report the most recent activity on the interface file. .

The Trading Partner Agency ID required by GL Accounts for transactions with Federal trading partners will be populated from the Supplier or the Customer Account on the transaction if there is no Trading Partner TAS on the transaction distribution. Transactions to which this applies include:

Federal File Creation Process

The Federal File Creation process contains the following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Value Required Domain Values
Ledger     Yes  
To Period LOV None Yes  
File Type LOV None Yes Valid values are:
  • GTAS

  • Data Act

  • GTAS and Data Act

Data Act File LOV If File Type include “Data Act”, defaults to “Files A, B, and C”, otherwise no default Yes, if File Type includes “Data Act”, otherwise blank and display only Valid values are:
  • File A: Appropriations Account

  • File B: Object and Program Activity

  • File C: Award Financial Files A, B, and C

Data Act File C Amount Type LOV If File Type include “Data Act” and Data Act File includes “C” , defaults to “Files A, B, and C”, otherwise no default Yes, if File Type includes “Data Act” and Data Act File includes File C, otherwise blank and display only Valid values are:
  • Transaction Activity

  • Transaction Activity and Balances

Data Act Include File C Program Activity LOV If File Type include “Data Act” and Data Act File includes “C” , defaults to “No”, otherwise no default Yes, if File Type includes “Data Act” and Data Act File includes File C, otherwise blank and display only Valid values are:
  • Yes

  • No

Run Mode LOV If File Type include “Data Act” and Data Act File includes “C” , defaults to “Preliminary”, otherwise no default Yes, if File Type includes “Data Act” and Data Act File includes File C, otherwise blank and display only Valid values are:
  • Final

  • Preliminary

Agency ID Low LOV None No  
Agency ID High LOV Defaults from Agency ID Low No for components where low range value is not entered. Required for components for which a low range is entered and must be greater than or equal to the low range. -
Main Account Low LOV None no -
Main Account High LOV Defaults from Main Account Low No for components where low range value is not entered. Required for components for which a low range is entered and must be greater than or equal to the low range. -
Save Ending Balances LOV N Yes Valid values are:
  • Yes

  • No

Generate Reports LOV N Yes Valid values are:
  • Yes

  • No

If the File Type parameter on the Federal File Creation includes “GTAS”, the following processing will occur:


The Federal File Creation process performs the following:

The process invokes the Federal Activity Attributes Creation Process to create/update Federal Activity Attribute Balance records through the To Period. Federal Activity Attribute Balance records are only created / updated for GL Journals that meet the parameter selection criteria that have not been previously processes by the Activity Balance Creation process.

A GTAS Extract Table is created using Federal File Creation Process parameters as follows:

Balance Type Description
Beginning Balances GTAS Ending Balance Data from prior Fiscal Year based on the To Period parameter
Ending Balances GTAS Ending Balance Data from the prior Fiscal Year plus Federal Activity Attribute Balances up through the To Period parameter specified

The GTAS Extract Table is created using data in the following tables as input:

The GTAS Extract Table includes data in the table below for all TASs where the GTAS reportable indicator is checked. $0 balances are suppressed except for the USSGL 101000 account. If a TAS has no activity and zero balances, a bulk file with a $0.00 101000 balance is submitted Note that all data needed for the GTAS Bulk File and GTAS Trail Balance are provided in this table with the exception of GTAS Attributes that can be derived from segment of the CCID.

Field Name Source Table (Beginning Balances) Source Table (Ending Balances) How Populated
CCID GTAS Ending Balances Table (prior year data) GL Balances Table Using the CCID
Fund GTAS Ending Detail Balances Table (prior year data) GL Balances Table Using the balancing segment of the CCID
Natural Account GTAS Ending Detail Balances Table (prior year data) GL Balances Table From the Natural Account segment of the CCID
Debit Credit Indicator GTAS Ending Detail Balances Table (prior year data) GL Balances Table Based on the balance of amount being extracted: D - Debit for a positive amount or C - Credit Balance for a negative amount.
Begin End Indicator Federal Attributes Table Federal Attributes Table Look up the Begin End Indicator attribute for the GL Account, Populate Begin End Indicator attribute value

Note: If the value = S (Both), create 2 extract records, one with B and one with E.

Authority Type Code GTAS Ending Detail Balances Table (prior year data) Federal Activity Attributes Balance Table With the Authority Type Code
Federal or Non-Federal Code GTAS Ending Detail Balances Table (prior year data Federal Activity Attributes Activity Balance Table With the Federal or Non-Federal Code
Trading Partner Agency Identifier GTAS Ending Detail Balances Table (prior year data Federal Activity Attributes Activity Balance Table With the Trading Partner Agency Identifier
Trading Partner Main Account Code GTAS Ending Detail Balances Table (prior year data Federal Activity Attributes Activity Balance Table With the Trading Partner Main Account
Budgetary Impact Indicator GTAS Ending Detail Balances Table (prior year data GTAS Activity Balance Table With the Budgetary Impact Indicator
Dollar Amount GL Balance Table (prior year data) / GTAS Ending Detail Balances Table (prior year data) GL Balance Table / Federal Ending Detail Balances Table (prior year data) + Activity Balance Table Absolute value of Dollar Amounts summarized using the above columns:
  • If Begin End Indicator = Begin (B) or Both (S) , prior year ending balances

  • IF Begin End Indictor = Ending (E) or Both (S), balances through period selected

Accounts not Eligible for GTAS Report

The GTAS Bulk File Creation process determines General Ledger accounts that have balances that are not eligible for GTAS (e.g. agency specific memorandum accounts) reporting. Accounts that meet one or more of the following criteria are listed:

Note: If you set up an account(s) that does not meet one of the above criteria and then run the interface process, the account(s) are reported in the bulk file. Subsequently, if you change the setup (e.g. disable the US SGL account(s)) and reruns the process, the rows for the account(s) existing in the interface table (inserted by the prior run), are deleted so that they are not reported going forward.

Output is provided in the form of a separate report for accounts that meet the above. Each unique GL Account Number is displayed on the report only one time.

GTAS Interface Validation Exception Report

The GTAS Bulk File Creation process performs the following validations:

GTAS Exception Report Description, SGL Account Exceptions
Validation Description
Multiple USSGL Account Parents Defined The account has multiple US SGL parents defined in General Ledger and is not reported in GTAS.
Customer Federal or Non-Federal Code not valid for GL Account The Federal or Non-Federal Code derived based on the Customer is not valid for the GL Account based on the Federal or Non-Federal Code Federal Attribute valid values.
Supplier Federal or Non-Federal Code not valid for GL Account The Federal or Non-Federal Code derived based on the Customer is not valid for the GL Account based on the Federal or Non-Federal Code Federal Attribute valid values.
Authority Type Code not valid for GL Account The Authority Type Code derived based on the Transaction Type is not valid for the GL Account based on the Authority Type Code Federal Attribute valid values.
Custodial or Noncustodial Code not valid for GL Account The Custodial or Noncustodial Code derived based on the Fund is not valid for the GL Account based on the Custodial or Noncustodial Code Federal Attribute valid values.
Apportionment Category Code not valid for GL Account The Apportionment Category Code derived based on the Fund is not valid for the GL Account based on the Apportionment Category Code Federal Attribute valid values.
Program Report Category Code is Required The Program Report Category Code is required based on the Program Report Category Code Federal Attribute configuration for the GL Account but not configured on the Reporting Codes form.
Apportionment Category B Program Code is Required The Apportionment Category B Program Code is required based on the Apportionment Category B Program Code Federal Attribute configuration for the GL Account but is not configured on the Reporting Codes form.
Budgetary Impact Indicator not valid for GL Account The derived Budgetary Impact is not valid for the GL Account based on the Budgetary Impact Indicator Federal Attribute valid values.

A GTAS Interface Validation Exception Report is created. The output is sorted in the following order:

GTAS Interface Edit Exception Report

The GTAS Bulk File Creation process performs the edits described below and produces a report for records failing the edits.

Validation Description
Beginning Balance Budgetary Debits must equal Budgetary Credits Exception: Beginning Balance Budgetary Debits must equal Budgetary Credits
Ending Balance Budgetary Debits must equal Budgetary Credits Exception: Ending Balance Budgetary Debits must equal Budgetary Credits.
Beginning Balance other than Budgetary Debits must equal Budgetary Credits Exception: Beginning Balance Proprietary Debits must equal Budgetary Credits.
Ending Balance other than Budgetary Debits must equal Budgetary Credits Exception: Ending Balance Proprietary Debits must equal Budgetary Credits.

GTAS Bulk File Interface Report

The GTAS Adjusted Trail Balance Report provides the USSGL Account Balances and Attributes that are captured in the GTAS Bulk File. The report displays the following:

Header Data:

Detail Data:

USSGL accounts and Amounts are summarized based on unique combination of attribute values. Detailed lines for each USSGL account with identical attribute are summed and reported as one total Amount for the unique attribute combination.

If a Natural account exists as a record on the Federal Attributes Table that record is used for purposes of populating report and bulk file attributes. If the natural account does not exist then the associated parent account attribute definitions on the Federal Attributes Table is used. The attribute are determined as follows:

Column Title Description When Populated Source
ATA Allocation Transfer Agency Identifier Always Derived from TAS
AID Agency Identifier Always Derived from TAS
BPOA Beginning Period of Availability Always Derived from TAS
EPOA Ending Period of Availability Always Derived from TAS
A Availability Type Code Always Derived from TAS
MAIN Main Account Code Always Derived from TAS
SUB Sub-Account Code Always Derived from TAS
USSGL Account First 6 characters of the Parent Account for the Natural Account Segment that matches a USSGL Account Always Derived from Natural Account Segment on GTAS Extract Table
Amount Amount Always From GTAS Extract Table
DR/CR Debit / Credit (D or C) Always From GTAS Extract Table
B/E Beginning / Ending Balance Based Begin End Indicator Federal Attribute value for the GL Account: Beginning, Ending, or Both (beginning and ending) From GTAS Extract Table
ATC Authority Type Code If the Authority Type Code Federal Attribute value for the GL Account is not null From GTAS Extract Table
DRC Direct or Reimbursable Code If the Direct or Reimbursable Code Federal Attribute value for the GL Account is checked. Derived from the Fund.
ACC Apportionment Category Code If the Apportionment Category Code Federal attribute value for the GL Account is not null. Derived from the Fund.
ACB Apportionment Category B Program Code If the Apportionment Category B Program Code Federal Attribute check box is checked and the Apportionment Category Code value derived from the Fund is “B”. Derived from the Reporting Codes based on configuration.
PRC Program Report Category Code If the Program Report Category Code Federal Attribute check box is checked and the Apportionment Category Code value derived from the Fund is “A” or “B”. Derived from the Reporting Codes based on configuration.
FNF Federal or Non-Federal Code Always From GTAS Extract Table
TPA Trading Partner Agency Identifier Always From GTAS Extract Table
TPM Trading Partner Main Account Always From GTAS Extract Table
NBC New or Bal Code If the New or Bal Code Federal Attribute value for the GL Account is checked and the Financing Code for the Fund does not = D or G . If the Budget Fiscal Year is less than the Fiscal Year parameter, populate with BAL, otherwise populate with NEW.
CSC Current or Subsequent Code If the Availability Time Federal Attribute value for the GL Account is not null. Derived from the Current or Subsequent Code Federal Attribute.
BEA BEA Category Code If the BEA Category Code Federal Attribute value for the GL Account is checked. If the BEA Category Code Account Type Federal Attribute value = “Budget Authority”,
  • Lookup the Budget Authority BEA Category Code Fund Attribute on the Fund Attributes form.

  • Populate with the value of the Budget Authority BEA Category Code Fund Attribute.

If the BEA Category Code Account Type Federal Attribute value = “Outlays”,
  • Lookup the Outlays BEA Category Code Fund Attribute on the Fund Attributes form.

  • Populate with the value of the Outlays BEA Category Code Fund Attribute.

BSC Borrowing Source Code If the Borrowing Source Code Federal attribute value for the GL Account is checked. Derived from the Fund.
ENC Exchange or Non-exchange Code If the Exchange or Non-exchange Federal Attribute value for the GL Account is not null. Derived from the Exchange or Non-exchange Federal Attribute.
CNC Custodial or Noncustodial Code If the Custodial or Noncustodial Code Federal attribute value for the GL Account is not null Derived from the Fund.
BII Budget Impact Indicator If the Budgetary Impact Indicator Federal attribute value for the GL Account is not null. From GTAS Extract Table.
PYA Prior Year Adjustment Code If the Prior Year Adjustment Code Federal attribute value for the GL Account is not null. Derived from the Prior Year Adjustment Code Federal Attribute.
CCY Credit Cohort Year If the Financing Code for the Fund = D or G and the USSGL account is budgetary From CCID (Credit Cohort Year Segment).
PCI Program Cost Indicator If the Program Cost Indicator Federal attribute value for the GL Account is checked. Derived from the Reporting Codes table based on configuration.
RT Reduction Type If the Reduction Type Federal attribute value for the GL Account is not null Derived from the Reduction Type Federal Attribute.

The sort order of the report is:

There is a page break when there is a change in one or more values of the TAS Components and the TAS Components are displayed at the top of every page.

GTAS Bulk File

The GTAS bulk file is populated using data on the GTAS Extract Table and data derived from element on this table as follows. If a Natural account exists as a record on the Federal Activity Attributes Table that record is used for purposes of populating report and bulk file attributes. If the natural account does not exist then the associated parent account attribute definitions on the Federal Attribute Table will be used.

The above USSGL accounts and Amounts are summarized based on unique combination of attribute values. Detailed lines for each USSGL account with identical attribute is summed and reported as one total Amount for the unique attribute combination. Note that numeric fields must be padded with leading zeroes on the GTAS Bulk File.

GTAS Ending BalancesTable

If the Save Ending Balances parameter is set to “Y”, the process will create ending balances records on the GTAS Ending Balances Table. GTAS Ending Balance records is created from records in the GTAS Extract Table. However, only GTAS Extract Table records with a Begin End Indicator of “E" is included in the GTAS Ending Balances Table. The GTAS Ending Balance Table includes the same data elements included in the GTAS Extract Table. However, it does not include a Begin End Indicator and also includes a Fiscal Year element.

The data elements in the GTAS Ending Balances Table are provided in the following table:

Field Name Source
Ledger GTAS Interface Process Parameter
Fiscal Year GTAS Interface Process Parameter
CCID GTAS Extract Table
Fund GTAS Extract Table
Natural Account GTAS Extract Table
Debit Credit Indicator GTAS Extract Table
Begin End Indicator GTAS Extract Table
Authority Type Code GTAS Extract Table
Federal or Non-Federal Code GTAS Extract Table
Trading Partner Agency Identifier GTAS Extract Table
Trading Partner Main Account Code GTAS Extract Table
Budgetary Impact Indicator GTAS Extract Table
Dollar Amount GTAS Extract Table

GTAS Trial Balances

The GTAS Trial Balance includes USSGL Balances at the GTAS Attribute level of detail. Data for this report is obtained from the following sources:

The GTAS Trial Balance extract will capture the following data:

Column Title Description
ATA Allocation Transfer Agency Identifier
AID Agency Identifier
BPOA Beginning Period of Availability
EPOA Ending Period of Availability
A Availability Type Code
MAIN Main Account Code
SUB Sub-Account Code
Acct No Natural Account Segment
Period Period
Beginning Balance Beginning Balance
Current Period Debits Debits for the Period
Current Period Credits Credits for the Period
Ending Balance Ending Balance
ATC Authority Type Code
DRC Direct or Reimbursable Code
ACC Apportionment Category Code
ACB Apportionment Category B Code
PRC Program Reporting Category Code
BEA BEA Category Code
BSC Borrowing Source Code
CNC Custodial or Noncustodial Code
FNF Federal or Non-Federal Code
TPA Trading Partner Agency Identifier
TPM Trading Partner Main Account
NBC New or Bal Code
CSC Current or Subsequent Code
ENC Exchange or Non-exchange Code
BII Budget Impact Indicator
PYA Prior Year Adjustment Code
CCY Credit Cohort Year
PCI Program Cost Indicator
RT Reduction Type

GTAS Transaction Register

A GTAS Transaction Register Report includes USSGL transaction activity at the GTAS Attribute level of detail. Data for this report is obtained from the following sources:

Accounts that meet one or more of the following criteria are excluded from the report:

The GTAS Transaction Register displays the following data:

Column Title Description
ATA Allocation Transfer Agency Identifier
AID Agency Identifier
EPOA Ending Period of Availability
BPOA Beginning Period of Availability
A Availability Type Code
MAIN Main Account Code
SUB Sub-Account Code
Transaction Number Transaction Number (document number)
Event ID Event ID
GL Date GL Date
Posted Date System Date of Transaction
Source Journal Source
Category Journal Category
Accounting Flexfield Accounting Flexfield Values
Debit Amount Debits for the Period
Credit Amount Credits for the Period
ATC Authority Type Code
DRC Direct or Reimbursable Code
ACC Apportionment Category Code
ACB Apportionment Category B Program Code
PRC Program Report Category Code
BEA BEA Category Code
BSC Borrowing Source Code
CNC Custodial or Noncustodial Code
FNF Federal or Non-Federal Code
TPA Trading Partner Agency Identifier
TPM Trading Partner Main Account
NBC New or Bal Code
CSC Current or Subsequent Code
ENC Exchange or Non-exchange Code
BII Budget Impact Indicator
PYA Prior Year Adjustment Code
CCY Credit Cohort Year
PCI Program Cost Indicator
RT Reduction Type
USSGL United States Standard General Ledger