Budget Execution Transactions


Budget execution uses these business rules as the basis for distributing and controlling budgetary data:

Note: Appropriation, budget level 1, is mandatory; lesser budget levels must be entered sequentially by fund value, but not all levels need to be used.


To process Budget Execution transactions, you must:

  1. Define Budget levels.

  2. Define Transaction types and if needed, transaction sub types.

  3. Define Budget Distributions

Budget Levels

Budget execution has an unlimited number of levels for budget control and details. Each of the budget levels uses a window with fields for the data required at that level. Users choose the number of budget levels and their names.

Note: Budget level names are assigned during the setup process.


The ABC agency uses these hierarchies:

Both apportionment and allotment transactions are recorded using the Enter Funds Distribution window.

Entering Appropriations

You can complete these tasks in the Enter Budget Authority window:

To enter budget authority transactions, navigate to the Enter Budget Authority window.

The following table describes selected fields on the Budget Authority window, Main tab.

Enter Budget Authority Window Description, Main Tab
Field Name Description
Number A unique budget transaction number for tracking purposes.
[Revision Number] Descriptive number for tracking purposes; after approval, number is incremented by 1 when transaction updated and saved.
Treasury Account Symbol Treasury Account Symbol as defined in the Define Fund Attributes window.
Fund Value Fund value for appropriation transaction.
Distribution Enabled budget segments for distributions to fund value.
Description Budget distribution account segment description.
Transaction Date Defaults to current date.
Authority Duration Code Authority Duration Code ; automatically displayed the Treasury Account Symbol selected.
Apportionment Category Apportionment category; automatically displayed for fund value.
Direct or Reimbursable Code Direct or Reimbursable Code; automatically displayed for fund value
Status Provides the state of the document (such as incomplete, in process, approved)
Beginning Period of Availability First fiscal year of funds availability; automatically populated based on treasury account symbol.
Expiration Date Treasury account symbol expiration date; automatically populated based on treasury account symbol.
Cancellation Date Treasury account symbol cancellation date.
Document Total Control total for the sum of the transaction amounts.
Source Defaults to Manual for transactions entered in the budget execution module; indicates Reprogramming if the transaction was created from the reprogramming process.
Rev Descriptive number for tracking purposes; after approval, number is incremented by 1 when transaction updated and saved.
GL Date Accounting period to which the transaction is to be posted; must fall within an open or future-entry general ledger period. The GL date cannot be after the cancellation date of the Treasury Account Symbol.
Transaction Type Transaction type; values defined in Define Budget Transaction Types window for the budget level.
Sub Type Conditionally required based on the transaction type setup.
Increase/Decrease Increase or decrease transaction amount to fund value.
Transaction Amount Dollar value of the transaction.
Public Law Code Specific public law code related to appropriation; must be entered if the PL Code flag is enabled in the Define Budget Transaction Types window for the Transaction Type selected.
Reduction Type Reduction Type seeded values.
Advance Type Advance type; must be selected if the Advance flag is enabled in the Define Budget Transaction Types window for the Transaction Type selected.

The following table describes selected fields on the Budget Authority window, Transfers tab.

Budget Authority Window Description, Transfers tab
Field Name Description
Agency ID Agency identifier of the agency involved in the transfer; must be entered if Transfer is selected in the Define Budget Transaction Types window for transaction type selected. This field lists all Agency Identifiers defined using the Trading Partner TAS form.
Main Account Main account code of the agency involved in the transfer; must be entered if Transfer is selected in the Define Budget Transaction Types window for transaction type selected. This field lists all Main Accounts defined on the Trading Partner TAS from for the Agency ID selected.
Check Funds... Initiates the funds checking process.
Approve... Initiates the budget execution transaction approval process and opens the Approve Document window. If Workflow is enabled, the Approve Document window appears. Authorized users can forward the document to a different approver.

The following table describes the approval process according to whether workflow is enabled or disabled.

Approval Process based on whether Workflow is enabled or disabled
User Access for Budget Level Workflow Disabled Workflow Enabled  
    Change Forward To check box selected Change Forward To check box deselected
User entering or modifying the transaction has approver access Funds Reservation process. If the document passes funds check it is reserved and approved. Funds Reservation process. If the document passes funds check it is reserved and approved. Funds Reservation process. If the document passes funds check it is reserved and approved.
User entering or modifying the transaction does not have approver access Document becomes available for approval by another user with approver access for the budget level within the same security group or a group super user for the budget level. Depending on the budget level the document can be forwarded to another approver, but not the default approver, within the security group or a group super user. Document is forwarded to the default approver. The default approver must be specified in the Define Budget Users window if the user does not have approver access for the budget level.

Entering Funds Distributions

Complete these tasks in the Enter Funds Distributions window:

To enter funds distributions transactions, navigate to the Enter Funds Distribution window.

The following table describes selected fields on the Enter Funds Distribution window.

Enter Funds Distribution Window Description
Field Name Description
Budget Level Budget level for which users are distributing funds. If the budget level is entered after the fund value is entered, the list of values is restricted to the budget levels that are defined for the fund value.
Fund Value Fund values from Define Budget Distributions. List of values includes fund values that have a corresponding transaction defined in a previous budget level.
From Distribution Distributions available from previous level for the fund value selected. This field is blank when the source is reprogramming.
Description Budget distribution account segment description.
Number Unique number to identify the budget transaction for a particular combination of budget level, set of books and source.
Apportionment Category Automatically displayed for fund value.
Direct or Reimbursable Code Automatically displayed for fund value.
Transaction Date Defaults to current date.
Treasury Account Symbol Treasury Account Symbol as defined in the Define Fund Attributes window.
Direct or Reimbursable Code Automatically displayed for fund value.
Transaction Date Defaults to current date.
Treasury Account Symbol Treasury Account Symbol as defined in the Define Fund Attributes window.
Revision Number] Revision number; increments by 1 when transaction updated and saved.
Status Document status. Valid values include Incomplete, In Process, Approved, Rejected, Requires Re-approval, Forwarded, Not Reserved, and Reserved.
Source Defaults to Manual for transactions entered in the budget execution module; indicates Reprogramming if the transaction was created from the reprogramming process.
Document Total Control total for the sum of the transaction amounts.
Amount for Distribution Amount available for distribution.
Main Tab for main account distribution information.
Rev Revision number; after document approval, increments by 1 for the appropriate line level transaction revision.
GL Date Accounting period to which the transaction is to be posted; must fall within an open or future-entry general ledger period. The GL date cannot be after the cancellation date of the Treasury Account Symbol.
Qtr Fiscal year quarter; automatically populated when GL Date selected.
Fund Distribution Values of enabled budget segments for distributions to fund value at current budget level.
Transaction Type Transaction type; defined in the Define Transaction Types window.
Transfers Tab for Trading Partner Direct Transfer information.
Agency ID Three character numeric Trading Partner AID if the Transfer checkbox is selected on the Budget Transactions Type form. This field lists all Agency Identifiers defined using the Trading Partner TAS form.
Main Account Four character numeric Trading Partner Main if the Transfer checkbox is selected on the Budget Transactions Type form. This field lists all Main Accounts defined on the Trading Partner TAS form for the Agency ID selected.
Sub Type Conditionally required based on the transaction type setup.
Increase/Decrease Indicates if transaction is an increase or a decrease.
% Percent of amount available for distribution that should be distributed at this line; enabled only when distribution amount provided.
Transaction Amount Dollar amount. If users enter the % field, the amount is calculated as amount available percentage provided.
Check Fund... Initiates funds checking process.
Approve... Initiates budget execution transaction approval process. If workflow is enabled, the Approve Document window appears. Authorized users can forward document to a different approver.

Re-programming Transactions

Reprogramming transactions transfer distribution amounts from one account to another. In the Re-programming Transactions window, users can record and create reprogramming transactions using a single data entry point.

Reprogramming Process

The reprogramming process includes the following steps:

  1. Enter reprogramming transaction data in the Re-programming Transactions window

  2. Initiate funds checking and approving reprogramming transactions in the Re-programming Transactions window or the Budget Transaction Summary window.

  3. When the reprogramming transaction passes funds checking and is approved, the Create Rreprogramming Transactions process is initiated.

    Note: Automatic numbering is not available for reprogramming transactions.

Create Reprogramming Transactions

The Create Reprogramming Transactions process generates budget execution documents and journal entries in Subledger Accounting based on information entered in the Re-programming Transactions window. After the reprogramming process passes funds reservation and is approved, the Create Reprogramming process automatically starts generating and the accounting transactions are marked as passed in Subledger Accounting for the Reprogramming transactions.

The Create Reprogramming Transactions process creates these documents that can be viewed in the Budget Transactions Summary window, the Enter Budget Authority window, and the Enter Funds Distribution window:

If the Transfer-From distribution fails funds reservation, the document status changes to Not Reserved and the reprogramming documents are not created. The journal entries are marked in Subledger Accounting with draft or error.

Reprogramming documents can be viewed in the Budget Transactions Summary window, the Enter Budget Authority window, or the Enter Funds Distribution window.

Documents created using the Reprogramming process are not available for subsequent updates or revisions.

To reprogram a transaction, navigate to the Re-programming Transactions window.

Note: If the Flexfields: Shorthand Entry profile option is enabled, GL aliases are enabled in the Re-programming Transactions window.

The following table describes selected fields on the Re-programming Transactions window.

Re-programming Transactions Window Description
Field Name Description
Document Number Unique budget transaction number.
Budget Level Budget level for which funds are being distributed for.
GL Date Accounting period to which the transaction is to be posted. The GL date cannot be after the cancellation date of the Treasury Account Symbol.
Fund Value Fund value from which transaction amounts are being transferred. List of Values includes fund values that have a corresponding transaction defined for that budget level.
Distribution Flexfield definition from which funds are to be reduced.
Fund Value Fund value to which transaction amounts are being transferred to.
Distribution Flexfield definition to which funds are to be made available.
Type Transaction type; values defined in Define Budget Transaction Types window for the budget level.
Sub Type Conditionally required based on the transaction type setup.
Amount Transaction amount to be distributed.
Public Law Code Specific public law code related to appropriation; must be entered if the PL Code flag is enabled in the Define Budget Transaction Types window for the Transaction Type selected.
Reduction Type Reduction Type seeded values.
Advance Type Advance type; must be selected if the Advance flag is enabled in the Define Budget Transaction Types window for the Transaction Type selected.
Agency ID Agency identifier of the agency involved in the transfer; must be entered if Transfer is selected in the Define Budget Transaction Types window for transaction type selected. This field lists all Agency Identifiers defined on the Trading Partner TAS form.
Main Account Main account code of the agency involved in the transfer; must be entered if Transfer is selected in the Define Budget Transaction Types window for transaction type selected. This field lists all Main Accounts defined on the Trading Partner TAS from for the Agency ID selected.
Description Budget distribution account segment description.
Status Document status. Values include Incomplete, In Process, Not Reserved, and Processed.

Approving Documents

To approve a document:

  1. Navigate to the Enter Budget Authority or Enter Funds Distribution window.

  2. Query the appropriate document number.

  3. Select Approve to run the budget execution transaction approval process. If workflow is enabled, the Approve Document window appears. Authorized users can forward a document to a different approver.

  4. Select Forward, if you want to send the document to an approver other than the default approver.

  5. Select the approver in the Forward To field.

  6. Enter your comments in the note.

Approving Budget Execution Notifications

To review budget execution notifications and take appropriate approval actions:

  1. Navigate to the Worklist window.

  2. In the Subject field, select a notification.

  3. Select either Approve, Reject, or Reassign.

Related Topics

Planning Summary Account Templates, Oracle General Ledger User Guide.

Defining Budget Levels, Oracle U.S. Federal Financials Implementation Guide.

Defining Budget Users, Oracle U.S. Federal Financials Implementation Guide.

Defining Budget Transaction Types, Oracle U.S. Federal Financials Implementation Guide.

Defining Budget Distributions, Oracle U.S. Federal Financials Implementation Guide.

Defining Budget Levels, Oracle U.S. Federal Financials Implementation Guide.

Federal Seed Data Setup, Oracle U.S. Federal Financials Implementation Guide.

Using Standard Request Submission, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Budget Transaction Summary