Budget Codes Setup


The budget code is an administrative or functional subdivision of a budget agency and must have at least one main account code associated with it. The Define Budget Codes window defines and updates an agency's budget bureau code and budget account code information.

Since a budget codes must be associated with a treasury account symbol, the Treasury account symbol must be established before defining the budget codes.


Before setting up Budget Codes you must establish the Treasury account symbol (agency identifier and main accounts) to be associated with the budget code.

Related Topics

Treasury Account Symbols Setup.

Defining Budget Codes

To define Budget Codes, navigate to the Define Budget Codes window.

Duplicate header records are determined by the combination of Agency Identifier, Budget Bureau Code, and Budget Account Code. If there is not a unique combination of values for those fields, it is considered a duplicate record.

The Treasury Account Symbols button will redirect you to the Treasury Account Symbol record for the agency identifier Main Account Code combination.

There needs to be a unique agency identifier, main account code combination. If there are multiple header records for the agency identifier, the same main account code cannot be added to both records.

The following table describes selected fields on the Define Budget Codes window

Define Budget Codes Window Description
Field Name Description
Agency Identifier Represents a valid agency identifier values from the Define Treasury Account Symbol window. This field can now be three characters long to meet changing Federal requirements.
Budget Bureau Code A two character code which represents a subdivision of an agency for presentation in the President's Budget.
Budget Account Code A two character code which is used in conjunction with the agency identifier and the budget bureau code, uniquely represents a budget account, which is an administrative or functional subdivision of an agency and sometimes a budget bureau.
Budget Account Title The title assigned by OMB to a budget account.
Main Account Code Main account codes from the Define Treasury Account Symbols form for the Agency Identifier entered on this window.
Federal Account Symbol Title The system populates this field based on the Main Account Code selected.
Treasury Account Symbols Select this button to redirect to the Define Treasury Account Symbols form for the Agency Identifier and Main Account Code combination.