Inbound Process

This chapter covers the following topics:

System Inbound Process Overview

Oracle Warehouse Management provides a full-suite of highly automated RF hand held computer based transactions that enable a warehouse to receive incoming material. Incoming material enters the warehouse from the following sources: suppliers, distribution centers, or returned material from suppliers or customers. Oracle Warehouse Management uses Radio Frequency (RF) technology, material handling rules, Advanced Task Framework (ATF) container management and storage constraints. Oracle Warehouse Management supports the following inbound processing features:

Functional Business Flow Description

Oracle Warehouse Management supports the following: receipt, inspection, and put away for material from a supplier purchase order, material sent from an internal warehouse against a Shipment Number or Internal Requisition, or material returned from a customer against a Return Materials Authorization (RMA) number. You can use express receipts if you receive an Advanced Shipment Notice from a trusted supplier or material from an internal warehouse.

Oracle Warehouse Management enables you to configure receipt inspection if you must inspect received material before you receive the material into inventory through the receipt routing. When you receive material, Oracle Warehouse Management uses rules in the Rules Engine to determine the cost group, accounts, and the optimal inventory storage location for a put away. This enables you to focus on the execution of material handling.

Oracle Warehouse Management supports a variety of business flows and practices that enable you to model your business requirements. You can receive material through different routings depending if the material require inspection, and if the material needs to be counted as on-hand immediately after receipt checkin. You can use substitute items to receive items against a blanket purchase order releases and the supplier item code. The system gives you real-time responses about tolerance violations. Opportunistic crossdocking allows material to be put away immediately to an outbound staging lane or staged to manufacturing shop floor if backordered sales order lines or WIP component demand exist for the material. You can receive material directly into an inventory storage location in a single step or receive it into a receiving area for later inspection and/or put away.

You can use Advanced Task Framework (ATF) to plan the flow of material from the receiving area to the final putaway location. You can use ATF to model complex inbound material movement within the warehouse. Complex material movement may include, multiple drop-offs to intermediate pick and drop locators, and movement to inspection and packing stations before the eventual movement to the final putaway location. ATF also provides opportunities for material consolidation and deconsolidation that helps you to optimize material handling.

Functional Area

When material reaches the warehouse, you receive the check-in against the matching document number. The document number can be the purchase order number, internal requisition number, Inter-org shipment number, or RMA number. Along with the document information, you scan the information of the material you receive. This information includes the part number, revision, lot numbers, and serial numbers. The revision, lot number, and serial number are required based on the configuration of the part in the system. For example, if the part number is revision and lot controlled, the system prompts you to enter the revision and lot number. However, if the part number is not revision controlled, lot controlled or serial controlled, the system does not require the information. The inbound process directly correlates to part setup controls, and the document type you use for receiving and the inbound process setup. The window dynamically generates based on the details of the received material, the inbound process, and the type of document you use for receipt of material. This allows you to focus on entering the fields that appear on the window.


Oracle Warehouse Management allows you to receive material against multiple document types such as PO, ASN requisition, shipment number for inter-org material transfers, RMA, etc. It also allows you to receive material against material against a blanket PO. You can use existing desktop windows in purchasing to perform receipts in an Oracle Warehouse Management enabled organization. However if you use the desktop windows to receiving material, you must use one of the following methods to finish processing the material.

Document Receipt

Use a document initiated receipt when you know the document number at the time of receipt. Oracle Warehouse Management utilizes an interface that enables you to receive material against some or all of the document types. If you use multiple document types to receive material, you do not have to change windows to receive material that use different document types. You control which document types to allow for receiving material for a particular receiving menu option.

Item Receipt

Use item initiated receipt when you do not know the document number for the incoming material. Enter the item in the receipt screen to initiate the receipt process. This populates the list of values in the document number field from where you can pick the document number to receive against.

Mobile Receipt Process

In a an Oracle Warehouse Management organization, receipt an also be carried out using the mobile pages. In the mobile pages, you can initiate material receipt by document or item.

Document Initiated Receipt

Use item initiated receipt when you do not know the document number for the incoming material. Enter the item in the receipt page to initiated the receipt process. This populates the list of values in the document number field. You can pick the desired document to receive against from this list of values.

Locators in Receipt Process

Depending on the routing of the receiving document, material is receiving in a receiving area or inventory. If the receiving document has direct routing, material is receiving directly into inventory, and must be receiving in an inventory locator.

If the receiving document has standard or inspection routing, material is receiving in a receiving area. You can receiving this material in a receiving locator. It is possible to pinpoint the physical locator where the material resides before it is putaway to storage. The physical locators in the receiving are can be pack stations, inspection stations, consolidation locations, or staging lanes. You can model all of the as receiving locators in a receiving subinventory. The following validations control the usage of receiving locators:

LPNs in the Receipt Process

You can use LPNs to receive material within Oracle Warehouse Management. You can use LPNs in the receiving process only if you use the mobile pages, or the receiving open interface to process the receipt transaction. An LPNs is mandatory in the mobile receipt pages except in the following circumstances:

You can use a pregenerated LPN, generate an LPN during receipt, or receive material into an existing LPN to perform receipts using the mobile pages. You can use LPNs to track the material (part, revision, lots and serials) throughout the warehouse. you must use LPNs for receipts in the inbound process involves receipt of materials into a receiving area prior to inspection and putaway. LPNs can be containers other than a carton or pallet. For instance, if you do not use LPNs throughout the warehouse, you can use a cart as an LPN. you can receive material into the LPN, and putaway the LPN into your storage areas. If you designate all subinventories as non LPN controlled, Oracle Warehouse Management forces material to be putaway loose and the cart (modeled as an LPN) is available to receive more material. You can also model an area on the receiving dock as an LPN and receive material and putaway to inventory storage.

If the item is lot and / or serial controlled, you must enter lot and serial information when you receive items. If necessary, you can configure the system to prompt you to enter lot and serial information during item receipt. you can use this information to build putaway logic. For example if you receive two different lots of an item number in two shipments, you can set up rules that determine the putaway location based on the lot number.

Oracle Warehouse Management mobile receipt allows you to receive material using the internal item number, the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) or the supplier part number. You can scan either the GTIN or the supplier part number instead of the item part number to receive material in to the warehouse. In order to facilitate future receipts, you can also dynamically create a relationship between the vendor part number and the internal item number the first time you receive the item. You can also receive a different item number as a substitute.

Express Receipt Versus Standard Receipt

You can perform an express receipts within Oracle Warehouse Management. You can perform express receipts against material for which there is previous knowledge, i.e. a PO shipment with an ASN, or a shipment from another warehouse. To perform an express receipt use a mobile device to complete the following steps:

  1. Enter the ASN Number, or Internal Shipment Number

  2. Enter the LPN if necessary

  3. Enter the PO if necessary.

  4. Enter the Subinventory if necessary

  5. Enter the Locator if necessary.

  6. Select Done.

You do not have to use express receipts to receive material against an ASN or Internal shipment. You can use the standard receipt menu to perform a confirmed receipt. If you choose to use a standard receipt, enter the information at receipt time regardless of prior knowledge. This enables you to confirm the exact details of the received material.

Express Receipt of Nested LPNs

It is possible to receive nested LPNs using express receipts against an ASN, Requisition, or In-transit Shipment. You can receive any LPN within the nested structure. When you scan a nested LPN to receive and express receipt, the system retains the nesting hierarchy of the LPN and receives all of the inner LPNs automatically. If you scan one of the inner LPNs from within the nested structure, the system receives only the inner LPN and its contents. In this case, the inner LPN is unnested from the parent LPN.

Related Topics

Describing Receiving Processes, Oracle Warehouse Management User's Guide


If the material requires inspection, Oracle Warehouse Management requires you inspect the LPN before it allows you to putaway the material. You scan the LPN to initiate inspection and then inspect the contents. If the material is under lot or serial control, enter the lot and/or serial numbers as you inspect the items.

Receiving Inspection Modes

Oracle Warehouse Management supports two modes of receiving inspection - Oracle Purchasing Inspection, and Oracle Quality Inspection. If you use Oracle Purchasing Inspection, Oracle Warehouse Management requires you to enter the accepted and rejected quantities and quality codes and reasons for each. If you use Oracle Quality Inspection, Oracle Warehouse Management requires you to enter data according to a collection plan set up in Oracle Quality. See Collection Plans, Oracle Quailty User's Guidefor more information on setting up a collection plan to be used with Oracle Warehouse Management.

LPN Storage of Inspected Material

Oracle Warehouse Management requires you pack accepted and rejected material in to separate LPNs at inspection time. This facilitates the putaway process and allows for easier processing of rejected material. The logic of the inspection page assumes that accepted material remains in the original LPN while rejected material is moved to a separate LPN. This logic controls the field defaults but you can override it at inspection time.

Inspecting Items under Serial Control

Oracle Warehouse Management supports two modes of inspection for serial controlled items: individual and range. This is controlled via a form function parameter. If you choose to inspect items using serial individuals, you must scan each serial before inspection. Enter 1 or 0 to accept or reject the serial numbered item. If you choose to inspect serial controlled items using serial ranges, enter a range of serial numbers, and accept, or reject the entire range.


Putaway is the process of moving material from a receiving area into a storage area when material is received and putaway is initiated for the received material, the rules engine suggests an optimal putaway location for he material. If you are using advanced task framework, the system also determines an operation plan to move the material to the final putaway location. Each time you putaway the material, it progresses further along the operation plan and comes closer the final putaway location. Putaway consists of the following two operations:

you have multiple options to perform putaway load and drop. These options facilitate pack, unpack and split of material from the LPN during putaway. The following table displays the putaway load and drop options.

Putaway Load Options
Inbound Operation Operation Mode Details
Putaway Load Transfer Contents into an LPN The contents of he LPN are transferred to an Into LPN during putaway load. This is useful when you need tor transfer material from one container to another for putaway.
Putaway Load Select Contents into an LPN This option allows selective transfer of contents from an LPN to an Into LPN during putaway. This is useful when multiple case LPNs are loaded into a pallet LPN and palletized during the putaway process
Putaway Load Load full LPN into an LPN The entire LPN is selected for putaway.
Putaway Load Load full LPN for putaway  

You can use the form function parameters to enable one or more of these options. You can create a user defined menu option which allows or restricts some of these putaway modes. There are also multiple options available for the putaway drop transaction.

Inbound Operation Operation Mode Details
Putaway Drop Transfer contents into an LPN The contents of the LPN are transferred to an Into LPN during putaway drop. This is useful when material from one container needs to be transferred to another container when material is deposited at the putaway location.
Putaway Drop Select Contents into an LPN This options allows selective transfer of LPN contents to an Into LPN during putaway. This is useful when material from a mixed LPN is putaway. This is also referred to as Item Based Putaway.
Putaway Drop Drop full LPN into LPN This options allows nesting of an LPN to an Into LPN during putaway drop. This is useful when multiple case LPNs are dropped into a pallet LPN and palletized during the putaway drop process.
Putaway Drop Drop full LPN The entire LPN is dropped at the putaway location.

In addition, you can configure the putaway drop transaction to allows system directed drop or manual drop. Consequently, the destination location during putaway can be directed by the system or you.

Directed Drop

In a system directed putaway Oracle Warehouse Management suggests an optimal putaway location for the material. During the putaway process you confirm material attributes such as quantity, UOM, putaway location, and lot as applicable. System directed putaway may stop split LPNs if the items are mixed or if the locators have capacity constraints. However if the system suggests you putaway an entire LPN in the same place, it does not prompt you to enter the item or quantity.

Manual Drop

Use directed putaway allows you to put away an entire LPN in a single scan. Select User Dropon the putaway window to initiate user directed putaway. Optionally, the rules engine validate the locator you select to ensure the restrictions are met even if the locator is not optimal. You can also setup rules to suggest the initial locator, as long as you can put away the entire LPN. In addition, you can disable User Dropif it is not required


If you enable crossdocking during putaway, Oracle Warehouse Management suggests you putaway the material directly to the staging area for immediate outbound shipment or WIP issue. Opportunistic crossdocking is available only during a putaway after a standard or inspection routing receipt. If you perform a putaway after you perform a direct routing receipt, you cannot crossdock the material. You also cannot crossdock rejected material. Oracle Warehouse Management uses the rules engine to putaway this material.

Putaway of Nested LPNs

The following reasons list why nested LPNs are possible.

Oracle Warehouse Management supports putaway of nested LPNs. You can putaway any LPN with the nested structure. However depending on the putaway rules, capacity constraints, and the number of items residing in the LPN, the system may not retain the nested structure if you use directed putaway. In such cases, the system suggests that you drop the contents of the nested LPNs in different locators. The system retains the LPN nested hierarchy under the following circumstances.

If you scan one of the inner LPNs from within a nested structure, the system, puts away only the inner LPN and its contents. The system either unpacks or unnests the inner LPN.

Note: The system does not support pick load of nested LPNs.

Related Topics

Describing the Crossdocking Putaway Process, Oracle Warehouse Management User's Guide

Returns and Corrections

You can perform returns on material received through the mobile user interface. Oracle Warehouse Management supports two modes of returns: a two-step return process, and a one-step return process. You can configure the return process as a one-step express return or a two-step return using a profile option.

Return to Supplier (Vendor) Integration with Shipping

The return to supplier (vendor) with shipping integration process supports WMS-enabled organizations and Inventory organizations. This feature enables you to:

One-step Returns

For one-step returns, you use the return window from Oracle Purchasing to create the return. Additional Oracle Warehouse Management functionality allows you to query returnable lines by receiving LPN. In addition, the fields, To LPN and From LPN allow return of material that resides in an LPN. The material being returned to the vendor comes from the From LPN. The physical container that is used to return material to the vendor is the To LPN. You can use any LPN that is Defined but not used or Resides in Receiving as the To LPN. Material can be either returned directly to the supplier or to an intermediate receiving area before being returned to the supplier.

Note: You must associate all material that resides in receiving with an LPN. Therefore if you return material from Inventory to Receiving, you must specify a “To LPN” for the material. You do not have to specify a “To LPN” if you return the material directly from inventory to the supplier.

Two-step Returns

You initiate two step returns through Oracle Purchasing as well. However, when the record is saved, the return transaction does not complete. You must verify the return through the mobile return screen before the return transaction is saved. You must scan the LPN that contains the material return and confirm the return of the material inside the LPN. After the confirmation, the return transaction posts.


Corrections to material received in Oracle Warehouse Management process through the Corrections window in Oracle Purchasing. You can correct a Receipt, Inspection, or Delivery transaction. Additional Oracle Warehouse Management functionality allows you to query receipt lines by LPN, and correct LPN information for received material. Similar to returns, corrections are also recorded using 'From LPN' and 'To LPN'. However the meaning associated with 'From LPN' and 'To LPN' is different in correction context. A 'To LPN' is the LPN where the received material currently resides and needs to be corrected. A 'From LPN' is the LPN that will hold the corrected material after correction has been posted. Corrections post immediately when after you save the record from the desktop. Unlike returns, there is no two-step correction process.

Related Topics

Explaining LPN Based Returns, Oracle Warehouse Management User's Guide


If you enabled planned crossdocking prior to material being received, Oracle Warehouse Management suggests that you put away material away directly to the staging area for immediate outbound shipment or WIP issue. The crossdock to outbound shipment or manufacturing job occurs based on the planned crossdock decision.

Opportunistic crossdocking is available only during a putaway after a standard or inspection routing receipt. If you perform a putaway after you perform a direct routing receipt, you cannot cross dock the material. You also cannot crossdock rejected material. Oracle Warehouse Management uses the rules engine to putaway this material.


Inbound Form Function Parameters

Form function parameters are name-values lists in Oracle Warehouse Management inbound transactions to control window appearance, layout and functionality. Form function parameters are configured by navigating to Application->Function option in the system administrator responsibility. A standard Oracle Warehouse Management install comes with seeded menu options with pre-configured form function parameters. However, you can create own mobile menu options by creating a custom function and specifying different values for the form function parameters. You can do this by creating a user-defined function and assigning it a unique function name. The user-defined function must also be associated with an HTML call that relates it to the underlying inbound function. A list of the HTML call and the standard inbound function is specified in the following table:

Inbound Function HTML Calls
Mobile Receipt oracle.apps.inv.rcv.server.RcptGenFunction
Express Receipt oracle.apps.inv.rcv.server.RcptASNFunction
Load and Drop

A list of form function parameters and their values can be entered under the parameters column. Only certain form function parameters are valid for specific inbound function. A list of form function parameters and allowed values for each parameter is shown for each inbound function.

You can specify the following parameters for mobile receipt functions:

Parameter Name Allowed Values Comments
SERIAL_TYPE RANGE, INDIVIDUAL If this parameter is set it to RANGE then the form accepts a range of serial numbers. The form will show two serial number fields - From SN and To SN on the mobile page. The serial numbers within that range are assumed to be continuous and not missing. If the form function parameter was set to “INDIVIDUAL” then in that case only one serial number field is displayed and the user needs to enter all the serial numbers one at a time.
ATTACHMENT_DISPLAY_MODE NEVER, ALWAYS, REQUEST Controls if document attachment should be displayed on receipt. If this parameter is set to Request, then the receipt page shows a button for <Attachments>
SHOW_COO YES, NO This form function parameter controls the display of Country of Origin field
DOCTYPE ALL, PO, INTSHIP, RMA, REQ, ASN This form function parameter controls the document type used for receipt e.g. if the parameter value is set to PO, only Purchase Orders can be used to receive items from the form.
ITEM_CONTROLLED YES, NO If this form function parameter is set toYES, the receipt page is configured for item-initiated receipt. In such a case, user enters the item and then selects the document number to receive the item. If the value is set toNO, document initiated receipt is assumed.
TRANSACTION ALL, PO, INTSHIP, RMA, REQ, ASN Control allowed transaction types in for Inspection in MSCA inspection menu. No relevance for WMS. Default to ALL
CONTAINER YES, NO If this form function parameter is set to YES, then the receipt pages are configured to display the Container LOV. Use the Container LOV field to attach container items to the receipt LPNs.
CONTAINER_DETAIL YES, NO Use this form function parameter in conjunction with the CONTAINER form function parameter. If you set both these form function parameters to YES, then the Update LPN page appears when a container item is selected.

You can specify the following parameters for the mobile express receipt function:

Parameter Name Allowed Values Comments
SERIAL_TYPE RANGE, INDIVIDUAL If this parameter is set it to RANGE then the form accepts a range of serial numbers. The form will show two serial number fields - From SN and To SN on the mobile page. The serial numbers within that range are assumed to be continuous and not missing. If the form function parameter was set to “INDIVIDUAL” then in that case only one serial number field is displayed and the user needs to enter all the serial numbers one at a time.
TRANSACTION REQEXP, ASNEXP, SHIPMENTEXP, SHIPMENTCONFM Controls the documents that can be used to perform an express receipt.

You can specify the following parameters for the mobile putaway load and drop functions:

Parameter Name Allowed Values Comments
SUGGESTION RULES, USER, BOTH RULES<Load> and <Drop>buttons. The <User Drop>button is not displayed. This Automatically consolidates one location suggested for the entire LPN.
USER: Displays only the <User Drop>button. This is used for user directed putaway. This automatically consolidates one location suggested for the entire LPN.
BOTH: Displays the <Load>,<Drop>, and <User Drop>buttons. This allows you to perform system directed or user directed putaway. It automatically consolidates one location suggested for the entire LPN.
LINES: Displays the <Load> and <Drop> buttons. This is used for system-directed putaway. This options forces you to confirm each line individually even if all items within the LPN are destined for the same locator.
VALIDATE YES, NO This parameter is applicable only if User Dropbutton is activated and therefore it is applicable only if SUGGESTION is set to eitherBOTH orUSER. If this parameter is set toYES , user entered sub-inventory and locator is validated to see if violate a constraint defined in putaway rules. No rules engine validation is performed if this parameter is set to NO.
LOAD_INTO_LPN YES, NO Controls the display of the Into LPNfield in the Manual Load Page.
LOAD_FULL_LPN YES, NO Controls the display of the <Load Entire LPN>button in the Manual Load page.
LOAD_CONTENTS YES, NO Controls display of <Select Contents>button in the Manual Load Page
LOAD_TRANSFER_CONTENTS YES, NO Controls the display of the <Transfer All Contents> button in the Manual Load Page
SERIALLY_COUNTED YES, NO If set to YES, each entry of serial number increments the qty in item based putaway. If NO user enters the qty and then serial
PAGE_TYPE MANUAL_DROP, ANUAL_LOAD, DROP_ALL, SYSTEM_DROP, PUTAWAY_LOAD Controls if the page being configured will be of type manual load, manual drop, drop all or system directed drop
DROP_INTO_LPN YES, NO Controls the display of Into LPN field in Drop Pages.
DROP_FULL_LPN YES, NO Controls the display of the <Drop Entire LPN>button in the drop pages.
DROP_TRANSFER_CONTENTS YES, NO Controls the display of the <Transfer all Contents>button in the drop pages.


The following form setup creates a user defined Mobile Receipt menu option that allows receipt only for Purchase Orders. The mobile receipt form has the Country of Origin field enabled for entry.

Function Function Description HTML Call Parameters

Receipt Routings

The following receiving types are available in Oracle Warehouse Management: Standard, Direct, and Inspection. When implementing Oracle Warehouse Management, you decide which routing type to use based on the receiving item and the available document information. This section discusses how Oracle Warehouse Management picks the routing when the document types differ for received material.

For purchase orders, the routing used for receipts is stored on the PO Line Shipment. The shipment routing defaults based on the default routing for the Item, Supplier, and Organization of the PO. However you may change the default routing when you create the PO.

Mixed Receiving Types

However if there are multiple shipments for the same Purchase Order / Item / Organization combination, and each have different routings, Oracle Warehouse Management uses the most restrictive routing of an Approved, Open for Receiving shipment at time of receipt. If any of the shipments require inspection, when you attempt to receive the shipments against the purchase order, Oracle Warehouse Management requires you to inspect the shipments. If none of the shipments require Inspection, but some are marked as Standard and some are marked as Direct, Oracle Warehouse Management receives the material using standard routing. Oracle Warehouse Management uses Direct routing only if all shipment lines for the PO / Item / Organization combination use a Direct routing.

Return Receipts

For RMA receipts, if the RMA Inspection Required flag is checked for the returned item, you must inspect the item. You set the Inspection Required flag at the item level. If you do not set the Inspection Required flag, Oracle Warehouse Management uses the default routing for the item. If a default routing for the item does not exist, Oracle Warehouse Management uses the default organization level routing.

In-transit Shipments

For in-transit shipments Oracle Warehouse Management first determines if a default routing for the item exists. If there is no default routing for the item, it determines if a routing exists at the Shipping Network, and routes the item accordingly. If neither exist, Oracle Warehouse Management uses the default routing for the receiving organization.

Advanced Shipping Notice Express Receipts

For ASN express receipts, the routing is determined based on the information entered on the purchase order. Material is received from the ASN according to the receipt routing of the PO Line Shipment associated with the ASN line. If part of the material requires inspection, you must inspect those LPNs before you can putaway the shipment. If an LPN is specified at time of express receipt, then the shipments on that LPN are used for making the decision.

If you receive the ASN through an express receipt, the required lot and serial attributes defaulted based on the default set for the required attributes. If the attributes are different from the defaults, you can chooses not do an express receipt or change the attributes after you perform the receipts. Oracle Warehouse Management requires default values for required attribute segments in order to use Express Receipts. If default values are not defined the transaction does not process.

Since the routing is determined after you enter the item and the LPN was entered previously, it is possible that the receiving LPN is deemed invalid after you scan the item. For example, you cannot perform a direct receipt into an LPN that has a status of Resides in Receiving. You can perform direct receipts in new LPNs or LPNs that contain space with the status Resides In Inventory. If the item is restricted to a set of locations within inventory, the putaway LPN must also reside within the set of locations.

The LPN must also be in a location that allows the delivery transaction. If the delivery transaction is not allowed for the location, you receive an invalid LPN message when you exit the item field. If you entered an LPN with an invalid state for the receiving transaction, you receive an error message that indicates the LPN has an invalid state for this transaction. You must enter a different LPN before you can continue.

Oracle Warehouse Management does not support the Oracle Purchasing Profile, Allow Routing Override when you perform receipts on the mobile device. You must perform receipts according to the proper routing when you use the mobile device.


The entire inbound process integrates with label printing. The following business flows for label printing are associated with the inbound flow:

Receiving Other Items

Oracle Warehouse Management enables you to receive all types of items - Supplier items, substitute items and expense items. You must define Expense Items to receive with an Item Master. Expense Items are items that are not designated as Inventory Items and are not transactable in Inventory, but can be received into the warehouse.

At the time of receipt, Oracle Warehouse Management enables you to scan the Vendor Items or Substitute Items in the Item field on the mobile device. The receiving process is very similar to receiving normal items, except when you deliver the substitute item after receiving, it is the substitute item that is received in inventory and transacted throughout the warehouse. When delivering material received using the Vendor Item Number, it is the internal item number that is transacted. When receiving the supplier item or the substitute item, the Oracle Warehouse Management honors the tolerances of the original item. See: Defining Receiving Options, Oracle Purchasing User's Guide for more details on how to setup substitute items and supplier items.

For receiving a substitute item when you create a shipment for the item in your purchase order, verify the Allow substitute item check box is checked in the receiving controls window. This field defaults from the setting on the item and organization. You must define the substitute item in the Item Relationship form. See Defining Item Relationship, Oracle Inventory User's Guide.

When you receive a supplier item, you can specify the substitute item number on the purchase order line. This defaults from the System Item/Vendor Item relationship. But, you can specify the supplier item number without specifying that relationship and receive it using the supplier item number. See: Defining the Supplier Item Attributes, Oracle Purchasing User's Guide

Direct Receiving and Put Away Issues

While performing a direct receipt, the subinventory and locator fields default if possible. If you are doing a direct receipt into an existing LPN in Inventory then the subinventory and locator default with the LPN. If the receiving LPN is new, the subinventory defaults from the purchase order distributions from the PO receipt and the shipment lines for an intransit shipment receipt. For the subinventory and locator to automatically default, the distributions and shipment lines must have the same subinventory and locator. Finally, the subinventory and locator can default from the transaction default values if no other information exists. You can override the default values if no default information is available. See:Defining Subinventories, Oracle Inventory User's Guide.

When you perform a putaway following a direct receipt, you cannot use a rule which requires any PO, RMA or Internal Requisition references. Since you received the material into Inventory, the reference information is no longer available. A put away after a Direct Receipt is considered a move order subinventory transfer transaction. Because of this, in order for the putaway to be successfully allocated, there must be a Picking Rule that successfully allocates in order for the putaway to allocate. Make sure to have a Picking Rule for the material in the receiving staging area if you plan to put away from that inventory location into final storage.

Locator Capacity

If a discrepancy exists in reported locator capacity, and actual locator capacity, you can run the concurrent report Update Locator Capacity to verify the locator capacities against the on-hand table and correct any errors. During initial implementation it is suggested that you run this at least once a week.

QA Inspection

If you purchased Oracle Quality, set the profile QA: PO Inspection to Oracle Quality and have a collection plan defined, during item inspection you use the Oracle Quality inspection flows. If the material requires inspection and, you do not have a collection plan, the profile option QA: PO Inspection to Oracle Quality, is not set or you do not have Oracle Quality installed you use the default Oracle Purchasing Inspection flow.

Related Topics

Collection Plans, Oracle Quality User's Guide

Shortages and Opportunistic Crossdocking

At the time of receipt, Oracle Warehouse Management enables you to check for material shortages. If you want to view material shortage messages for an item, verify the Check for Material Shortage check box is selected in the Item Master window. In addition, you must set the PO Receipt transaction to allow shortage notifications on the Transaction Type setup window. Finally, you must set the Shortage Parameters to indicate the types of shortages to check.

When you perform a putaway, the system checks to see whether an opportunistic crossdocking opportunity exists. If an opportunistic crossdocking opportunity exists, then it suggests a crossdock. The system checks for opportunistic crossdocking if you enable crossdocking on the Organization Parameters window. It uses crossdock criteria to determine the demand for crossdock. This includes backordered and scheduled sales order lines. If the demand quantity exceeds the putaway quantity, then the system creates a new delivery detail for the unfulfilled quantity, and updates the status on the original delivery detail line to Released to Warehouse.

If the putaway quantity exceeds the demand quantity, then the system creates two tasks; an opportunistic crossdock task, and a putaway task. When you perform an opportunistic crossdock, you drop the material into a staging lane subinventory and locator based on rules, or to the job or supply subinventory defined for the job. After you drop the material, the system creates a new reservation and updates the delivery detail line with the LPN ID. The status on the delivery detail is also updated to Staged.

Related Topics

Warehouse Organization Setup

Crossdocking Overview

Inventory Attribute Group, Oracle Inventory User's Guide

Material Shortage Alerts and Shortage Notifications, Oracle Inventory User's Guide

Special Rule Considerations

There are a few rule parameters that use constants to refer to different conditions, the following section addresses those constraints.

To set up a Put Away or Cost Group Assignment rule based on inspection result, you can use the Object 'Actual Transaction' and the parameter 'Inspection Status' and compare it to a constant character. A value of '1' indicates that the material is not inspected. A value of '2' indicates you accepted the material after inspection. A value of '3' indicates you rejected the material after inspection.

Use reference parameters for receiving rules based on document type. The reference parameter has the following values: - PO_LINE_LOCATION_ID for a PO receipt, ORDER_LINE_ID for a RMA receipt, SHIPMENT_LINE_ID for an internal requisition receipt. These objects pertain specifically to putaway rules.

Lot and Serial Numbers

Oracle Warehouse Management allows you to generate a lot number or a serial number with a configurable key. You can generate lot and serial numbers only if the transaction enables you to generate a new lot number or a new serial number. For example, if you receive a PO of a lot or serial controlled material you can always generate a new lot or new serial number for that material. However if you receive an RMA receipt for an item with serial number control of pre-defined, you cannot generate a serial number, and must use the serial number issued out of stores.

Receiving Tolerances

While perform a receipt, it is possible the received material exceeds the receiving tolerances. If you set the Over Receipt Quantity Action to warn, you receive a message that indicates you exceeded the tolerance, and the system asks you if you want to continue. If you set the Action to reject, you receive a message that indicates you cannot proceed because of a tolerance violation. If a single tolerance is exceeded by a receipt, you receive a message that indicates you exceeded the tolerance. If multiple tolerances are exceeded, you receive multiple messages.

However, it is possible that different parts of a single receipt line can violate different tolerances because you can match the receipt against multiple shipments. For example if you receive a quantity of 25 items against two shipments with a quantity of 10 each and the first shipment has a tolerance of warning set for location tolerance and second shipment has a warning set for quantity tolerance, when you receive the 25 items, you receive 10 items against the first shipment and receive a location tolerance warning and 15 against the second shipment and receive a quantity tolerance warning. If you use a mobile device you receive a general warning message that indicates the tolerances were exceeded. However, if you set the tolerances as error, then an error message displays and you cannot process the receipts.

Matching Algorithm

When you perform a PO receipt, you have the PO Number and the item. When you perform an in-transit shipment receipt, you have the shipment number and the item and for an RMA receipt you have the RMA number and the item. In the case of a PO, you receive quantity against one of the shipments, in the case of an RMA receipt you receive the material against one of the order lines and similarly for the in-transit shipments. This requires the system to match against the appropriate shipment when you perform the receipt.

The system matches a shipment for a purchase order against the first promised shipment. The system then queries all the open approved shipments. The shipments are ordered based on the promise date and quantity. The system also takes the tolerance receiving tolerances in to account. If a shipment does not satisfy either the location tolerance or the quantity tolerance then the quantity is not consumed. If it satisfies the tolerances, then the quantity is consumed against the shipment if the quantity is less than or equal to the tolerance. If there is extra quantity, if tolerance allows it, the extra quantity received is adjusted against the last shipment and not consumed across all the valid shipments even though other shipments may exist that would allow you to consume the quantity. Similar logic applies for in-transit shipments and RMA.

Transaction Processing

Oracle Warehouse Management uses the RCV: Processing Mode profile to determine the processing mode of the transaction. If the profile is set to Immediate or Batch, the transaction processes by spawning a concurrent request in the background and immediately returns control to you. If the profile is set to Online, the transaction processes on-line on the mobile device and you cannot do anything until the transaction completes.

Common Problems

  1. I cannot generate a LPN for the Express receipts and confirmed receipts after giving the shipment number or the ASN but I can generate in all other LPN fields. Why?

    Express receipts / Confirm Receipts - On the first page you cannot generate a LPN as that is the field in which you can select the LPN which was shipped as part of the shipment/ASN. You can only do a Ctrl + L.

  2. I am unable to perform an express receipt of a lot/serial controlled item. Why?

    If you are not able to express receive a lot controlled or a serial controlled item from mobile for an in-transit shipment then please verify the attributes. It is possible that the attribute definitions are different in the two organizations. In such cases if you have a required attribute, it should always have a default value associated with it. If the default does not exist for a required attribute, you will encounter an error while doing an express receipt of an in-transit shipment. To successfully perform an express receipt, there must not be any required attributes without defaults in the receiving organization that aren't also in the sending organization.

    Express in-transit shipments can also error out if the item is revision controlled and the revision you are receiving is not defined in the receiving organization in which case you will get an error saying invalid item revision.

  3. I am trying to perform an inspection and I receive the message No result found when I scan the LPN. Why?

    If on inspection you get the message No result found when you enter the LPN, verify that the receipt you performed did happen. Perform the inquiry on the LPN and verify if the LPN exists in receiving. You cannot perform an LPN inspection if the LPN is not In Receiving or it does not require inspection. To verify this, re-query your purchase order and select the item you are attempting to receive. Then click Shipments, then Receiving Control. The receiving control should be set to Inspection.

    Note: Receiving control is set on per shipment. A purchase order can not only have different lines being received with different routings but within the same lines you can have different shipments being received with different routings.

  4. While performing a receipt I receive the message Online transaction failed. Press any key to continue. What should I do?

    If while performing the receipt you receive the following message Online transaction failed. Press any key to continue, you should do the following:

    Verify whether the transaction managers are running. Log on as system administrator, query the managers. You should see two entries - Receiving Transaction Manager and RCVTM. Against each of these there should be a non zero value for the actual processes. If it is not, please consult your system administrator to look into the problem. If that is all right then you should log on to the desktop and there are a couple of things you could do. You can try and perform the same receipt on the desktop. On the desktop it will not ask you for the LPNs so you will be doing a loose receipt so should go ahead and complete that receipt from the desktop. You will not be able to put away. If you still get an error, please log a bug with the error message against Oracle Purchasing. If that goes through fine the problem could be more involved and needs to be debugged. Please see the debugging section on what all you can do for debugging. If this message is followed with the following message - The item was not found at the specified location, then that is just a warning message.

  5. I get the following message stating - INV_ALL_SQL_ERROR. What is the problem?

    If you get a message like -INV_ALL_SQL_ERROR , most likely there is an invalid PL/SQL package. If you are unable to find it then please file a bug with the entire message.

  6. I am unable to see the purchase order in the purchase order LOV. Why?

    If you are not able to see your purchase order in the LOV while trying to perform a receipt, check the shipment record when the purchase order was created. The shipment record for each of the lines has a ship to organization field and it should be set to the organization you want to receive the purchase order in. The purchase order must also be approved and have shipment lines that are Open for Receiving for the current organization.

  7. I am unable to find my blanket purchase order when I am trying to perform a receipt. Why?

    If you are not able to see your blanket purchase order on the mobile when you try to receive against it, please make sure that you have created a release for the same before you are ready to receive it.

  8. For a RMA receipt I receive a No result found message when I scan the RMA. What could be the reason?

    If you receive a No result found for a RMA receipt then please verify that the RMA has the shipping organization set to the receiving organization. For this you will have to look at the shipping tab on the sales order pad. Also verify that the RMA is booked and that it hasn't already been received against.

  9. I am performing an RMA return and it is not stamping the right cost group and I have a cost group based on the return reason. What could be the problem?

    For RMA returns if there exist a cost group rule based on the return reason then make sure that it is marked on the sales order that was created for the return. There is a return reason on each line - make sure that the reason for the line you are receiving against is what you are expecting.

  10. I cannot press the down arrow or the tab key on the Lot number field. Is this a bug?

    The down arrow or the tab key does not work on the lot number field or the serial number field. Only the enter key works. Generally the users should only be using the enter key. It is a technological limitation since there can be attributes associated to these which may require going to a new page. This is only possible with an enter key so the other keys to leave the field have been disabled except the up arrow.

  11. I am trying to perform a transaction but I am losing the connection to the server. What could be the reason?

    If anytime you loose the connection to the host while performing a transaction, it may be because the class file was not recompiled when one of the base classes was recompiled and changed. So you need to recompile the class file and start the server again.

  12. I am unable to perform any receipts. Why?

    Make sure that the purchasing and the inventory periods are open before performing any receipts. You can open the purchasing periods from Purchasing Super User responsibility, Setup, Accounting and the inventory periods from Inventory responsibility in Accounting, accounting periods.

    Also make sure that the receiving parameters are set for the organization you are receiving the material in. For this please log on as Purchasing Super User and then navigate to Setup, Organization, Receiving Options. Please make sure that you have at least set up the receiving inventory account and there are other default receiving parameters which are required and should be setup prior to receiving.

  13. My location is not defaulted in the location field when doing a receipt. What am I missing?

    When defining the organization please make sure you have given a location on the Organization form otherwise the location will not be defaulted when you are receiving the material.

  14. I am trying to putaway after performing a direct receipt but it is failing. I have the putaway rules defined. What could the reason be?

    If you are trying to perform a put away after a direct receipt, it might fail if you have not defined a default picking rule that can be fulfilled. This is because, after you perform a direct receipt, the material is already on hand and you will need to have a picking rule and a put away rule for the allocation to be successful.

  15. I receive an error message when I scan the LPN for putaway. Why?

    While trying to perform a putaway after a receipt if you get LPN not inspected after scanning your LPN, make sure that you first go and inspect the LPN you are trying to putaway. You cannot perform a put away until you have inspected your receipts that require inspection. You cannot over ride routing during the receiving process.

  16. I am unable to generate a LPN/Lot or a Serial Number.

    The LPN, lot or serial generation may fail because there may not be a sequence assigned to Organization and Item. You need to assign the starting sequence for these. These are again available when you are defining the Inventory Parameters for your organization. The serial number has to be padded when giving the starting serial number with the number of zeroes equal to the number of digits you want to keep for your serial numbers.

  17. I just performed a receipt but I am not able to see the transaction on the desktop. What could be the reason?

    If you don't see the just completed transaction in the view transactions form, please make sure that the processing mode for receiving transaction is online. Please refer to the purchasing manual to see how to set this. It is possible that even though the transaction has been completed, it is still in the interface table waiting to be processed if it has not errored out already.

    It could be that the transaction failed in the background if the processing mode is set to a background mode. Check the Receiving Transaction Summary form to see if there are any transactions that have errors.

  18. I am trying to perform a direct receipt but I am getting the error message Invalid LPN. Why is my LPN invalid?

    If while trying to perform a direct receipt, after scanning the item you get the message saying Invalid LPN then it might be because you are trying to receive the material into a LPN that has a status of Resides in Receiving. To perform a direct receipt, you must use either a new LPN or an LPN that has a state of Resides in Inventory.

  19. I am unable to receive a substitute item. Is there a setup I am missing?

    Make sure that you have a substitute item relationship defined for that item in the receiving organization. Also ensure that the Allow Substitute Receipts is checked on the Shipment line for the receipt you are performing.

  20. What should I do if I am not receiving the shortage messages when performing a receipt?

    If you are not receiving material shortage messages, please make sure that the Check Material Shortage check box is checked in the Item Master form. Also ensure that the transaction type you are performing, PO Receipt into Inventory is marked to enable online shortage messages. Lastly, check that the Shortage Parameters are set up to check for the shortages you would like - either WIP shortages or Order Management shortages.

  21. I do not see any of my receipt transactions after I pressed <F2>. What could have gone wrong?

    The transation is commited only when you select <Done> on the receipt header or receipt information page. Until you do that, you will not see any transactions. Selecting <F2> rolls back all the data you entered after you entered the transaction from the menu and before going back to the menu.

  22. I am unable to see my ASN in the ASN LOV on the mobile device.

    It is possible the ASN import process failed. Check the progress of the ASN using Oracle Purchasing to determine if there were errors in the ASN processing.

  23. I'm unable to see any LPN information for my ASN.

    If the LPN, lot, or serial information from the ASN could not be processed because it violated uniqueness constraints, you must receive the ASN using an ASN confirmed receipt. If the LPN, lot, or serial already existed in the system at the time of import, that part of the import ASN process would have failed. The rest of the ASN import process would succeed, but if any of that information is missing from the ASN information, you cannot perform an Express Receipt on that ASN - the confirmed Receipt must be used so that all the information can be properly collected.

  24. The LPN is not cross-docked when putaway is performed. What could be the reason?

    For an LPN to be cross-docked, the following conditions must be met:

    • Cross-docking is enabled for the organization

    • LPN context must be 'Resides in Receiving' or 'Resides in WIP'

    • Backordered sales order lines exist for the item

    • LPN is not reserved to a sales order, or the LPN is reserved to a sales order with backordered delivery lines

    • All backordered delivery lines are reserved to other sources of supply

    • Putaway rule does not restrict putaway drop to outbound staging lane. The staging lane is always determined based on the default staging locator for the organization.

Debugging Notes

You should set the debug profiles to ON for the mobile users. To set the profiles log on as System Administrator, and query the profiles for the mobile user having the problem. The profiles for debugging should be set to - INV: Debug Trace set to Yes, INV:Debug Level set to 9, and INV: Debug File set to a database writable file. After setting these up, perform the transaction again and you should see the log messages in your log directory (from the Debug File profile) in the file INVMWA.log. Go to the end and you may see the reason why the transaction was failing. It may be a set-up issue in which case you will see a detailed message as to why it was failing. If it still does not make sense, please provide the last 100 lines of the log file. These log message would be prefixed with INV_RCV.

If you can only process the transaction from the desktop, and not a mobile devices compare the values of the two rows in RCV_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE. The values for the columns in RCV_TRANSACTION_INTERFACE both for the desktop and the mobile should be the same. When debugging please make sure that the receiving transaction processing mode is set to online as it gives you more information on why the error is occurring.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why did my put away fail with the message Could not allocate space or materials?

    There could be many reasons for this:

    • heck to make sure that there are valid Put Away Rules defined for the current situation and that they are assigned properly. If the rules have been changed recently, log off the mobile UI and re-logon and try the put away again.

    • If you are trying to put away material from Inventory (i.e. after a direct receipt), make sure there is a Pick Rule that will allocate successfully against the material being put away.

  2. How can I query material that has been received under a Standard or Inspection routing but not yet Put Away?

    You can query such material through the Material Workbench by using the View By LPN setting and querying for LPNs that have a state of Resides in Receiving.

  3. Why hasn't my on-hand inventory increased after doing a receipt transaction?

    The on-hand inventory doesn't increase until the put away has been completed, if the receipt routing is Standard or Inspection Required. If the receipt routing is Direct then the on-hand inventory should be incremented immediately after the receipt has been completed.

  4. When should I use Standard or Direct receipt routings?

    If it is essential that your inventory on-hand balance be incremented immediately after the receipt transaction has been completed, you should use Direct receipt routing.

    However, if some material requires inspection, you should use Standard routing for material that doesn't require inspection and Inspection Required routing for material that does require inspection. Additionally, if you plan to make use of the opportunistic crossdocking functionality, you should use Standard receipt routings, as that functionality is not available using the Direct receipt routing. Also, if it is necessary to have put away rules based on the supplier or information stored on the purchasing document, you should use Standard routing.