Order Changes and Returns

This chapter covers the following topics:

Order Changes

Order Management provides you with the ability to automate the process of changing various types of orders. However, system and processing constraints can prevent specific changes to an order depending on the flow status.

The Order Management User's Guide provides a detailed description of the processing constraints.

You can make changes to an ATO model line without delinking the configuration item.

Summary of Allowed Changes to an ATO Model Line
Change Allowed Reservation /Flow Schedule Impact
Schedule Ship Date Until line is shipped No change to reservation/reference
Request Date/Scheduled Arrival Date Until line is shipped No change to reservation/reference
Order Line Quantity Until line is shipped Reservation is decreased if quantity decreases and reservation exists
Cancellation Until line is shipped Reservation/reference is removed
Configuration Change Until line is shipped Reservation/reference is removed, and configuration item is delinked
Manual Delink of Config Item Until line is shipped Reservation/reference is removed, and configuration item is delinked
Unschedule Until line is shipped Reservation/reference is removed, and configuration item is delinked
Warehouse change Until supply is created and reserved/referenced, if model attribute Create Configured Item, BOM is set to Based on Model. Not allowed if attribute is set to Based on Sourcing, or Item Based on Model, BOM Based on Sourcing or NULL N/A: Must remove reservation or reference in order to change the warehouse
Manual splits Until supply is reserved/referenced N/A: Must remove reservation or reference in order to split the line.

Note: The Order Line quantity increase will not result in a reservation increase. You should run the appropriate create supply batch program to create more supply. Or, in the case of a work order, you can manually increase the quantity on the work order and then increase the reservation.

Important: Order Management has a delete constraint that prevents the deletion of a line after booking. This prevents you from changing the configuration of a model after it has been booked. This is a nonseeded constraint that should be removed if you need to make changes to your configurations after booking. See Order Management Setup for more information.

Note: Because a configured BOM is created with only seven decimal places on component items, change management compares the old and new quantities on options after rounding to seven decimal places. If there is no change after rounding a quantity to seven decimals, CTO does not consider this as a configuration change and does not delink the configuration item.

After a change is made, Order Management will try to reschedule the order with the changes. If rescheduling succeeds then system will store the changes, otherwise the system will not save the changes.

Notification of the Change

A notification of the changes made is sent to either the planner or the buyer for any ATO configuration whose workflow is at ship line.

A configuration line workflow will be at ship line if material or supply is reserved to the sales order line, or the workflow is set to skip the autocreate supply process entirely. For configured items and make ATO items, notification will be sent to the planner of the top model/item in the shipping organization. For purchase to order ATO items or configurations, a notification will be sent to the buyer on the requisition, if one exists, or the buyer specified on the top model/item in the shipping organization. The planner or buyer should be a valid workflow user. If the planner or buyer is not valid workflow user then notification will be sent to the SYSADMIN user by default. The default user can be customized by changing the Change Order Administrator attribute default value in the workflow. Please see the Inventory user manual to know how to set up the planner code to an item.

Note: These changes could cause data inconsistency between Order Management, WIP, and PO if action is not taken by the planner to update associated WIP jobs, flow schedules, or purchase orders.

CTO provides custom APIs where you can write your own custom code and control the behavior of change order notifications according to your business requirements. The APIs include CTO_CUSTOM_NOTIFICATION.send_notifications and CTO_CUSTOM_NOTIFICATION.ctrlnotificationforwfattr. The custom APIs provide the following options for receiving or stopping the FYI notification for order changes:

Additional Information: For custom change order notification setup, see Custom Change Order Notifications. in the section Custom CTO Packages.

Drop Shipped Configurations

The CTO change order process does not send notifications for drop shipped orders. If you change the request date on a drop ship order before it is interfaced to purchasing, the scheduled ship date will not change. You must change the scheduled ship date manually.

Most order changes on a drop ship sales order can be automatically communicated to the purchase document, as long as an ASN or receipt has not been performed.

For configurations:

See De-link Configuration Item for more information. Fulfillment in the Oracle Order Management User's Guide has more information on drop ship change management.

Important: If the ATO model is reconfigured, the Purchase Order line/shipment tied to the configuration item loses its relationship to the sales order line. Purchasing will not be able to derive any sales order information for any exception handling. Due to this reason, it is recommended not to disable the new reconfiguration constraints. You will have to manually handle any resulting exceptions due to the disabling of the constraints.

Processing Constraints

Order Management still has some seeded processing constraints for configurations that deny certain actions when the workflow reached certain status.

ATO Model

For an ATO model order line, there are still processing constraints that prevent certain order changes.

After a configuration item is created, you cannot delete the top model order line. You can cancel the top model by setting the quantity to zero or clicking Actions.

There is also an Order Management constraint that prevents cancellation or reduction in quantity of an ATO model line if the configuration line is interfaced to shipping and some deliveries are staged. This is a 'non seeded' constraint. If this constraint is removed then the staged lines can be canceled. It is recommended that you do not remove this constraint.

You also cannot cancel any quantity on the model line that is associated with a closed delivery on the configuration line. However, if the configuration line is interface to shipping and there are no staged deliveries, but there are some closed deliveries, then the model quantity that is not yet closed can be canceled.

Option Items

There is a delete constraint that prevents the deletion of a line after booking. This will prevent you from being able to change the configuration of a model after it has been booked. This is a nonseeded constraint that should be removed if you need to make changes to your configuration after booking.

Configuration Item

For the configuration order line, there is a processing constraint that prevents updating anything on the configuration line. To make changes to the configuration line's dates or quantities, change the ATO model line and the changes will cascade to the configuration item.

ATO Item

For an ATO item order line, there is a processing constraint that prevents you from changing the warehouse after a work order, flow schedule, purchase requisition, or purchase order has been created and reserved to the ATO item.

There is also an OM constraint that prevents cancellation or reduction in quantity of an ATO item line if the line is interfaced to shipping and some deliveries are staged. This is a nonseeded constraint. If this constraint is removed then the staged lines can be canceled. It is recommended that you do not remove this constraint.

You also cannot cancel any quantity that is associated with a closed delivery. However, if the line is interface to shipping and there are no staged deliveries, but there are some closed deliveries, then the unclosed quantity in the order line can be canceled.

Remnant ATO Model Lines

All lines in a PTO model can become remnant if the PTO model is partially shipped. Additionally, all lines will become remnant if any item under a nonship model complete PTO model is dropshipped and has been partially or fully received.

If you are using PTO-ATO Hybrids, you will not be able to change any of the following on the remnant ATO model lines:

Request date, schedule ship date, schedule arrival date, quantity, or configuration. You also cannot delete and cannot invoke the configurator.

See the Oracle Order Management User's Guide for more information on remnants.

Re-instituting Prior Processing Constraints

In the previous releases, Order Management had additional seeded processing constraints for configurations that denied certain actions when the workflow reached a certain status. The original processing constraints are described here, along with details on how to reinstate them if you business requires them.

Prior ATO Model Constraints

For an ATO model order line, there were processing constraints that prevented certain order changes.

After a configuration item is created, these actions were not allowed:

Prior ATO Item Constraints

For an ATO item order line, there were processing constraints that prevented certain order changes.

After a work order or flow schedule was created and reserved to the ATO item, these actions were not allowed:

After ship notified of the ATO item, these actions were not allowed:

To reinstitute these constraints

If needed, the preceding removed conditions can be added as a nonseeded condition. The following tables are the exact conditions that were removed in OM Family Pack E. They can be added exactly as shown to keep the old functionality. Please refer to Oracle Order Management User's Guide to know how to add conditions to the existing constraints.

Note that only the conditions were removed in OM Family Pack E. The validation templates for those conditions are still available to use.

Cancel Contraint
Operation Attribute User Action
CANCEL - Not Allowed
Cancel Constraint Conditions
Group Scope Validation Entity Record Set Validation Template
6 Any Order Line Line ATO
6 Any Order Line Line Ship notified
6 Any Order Line Line Standard item
7 Any Order Line Line Configuration Created
Update Ordered Quantity Contraint
Operation Attribute User Action
UPDATE Ordered Quantity Not Allowed
Update Ordered Quantity Constraint Conditions
Group Scope Validation Entity Record Set Validation Template
6 Any Order Line Line ATO
6 Any Order Line Line Ship notified
6 Any Order Line Line Standard item
8 Any Order Line Line Configuration Created
Delete Contraint
Operation Attribute User Action
DELETE - Not Allowed
Delete Constraint Conditions
Group Scope Validation Entity Record Set Validation Template
3 Any Order Line Line Configuration Created
CREATE Line Contraint
Operation Attribute User Action
CREATE - Not Allowed
Create Constraint Conditions
Group Scope Validation Entity Record Set Validation Template
3 Any Order Line Line Configuration Created
Update Scheduled Ship Date Contraint
Operation Attribute User Action
UPDATE Schedule Ship Date Not Allowed
Update Scheduled Ship Date Constraint Conditions
Group Scope Validation Entity Record Set Validation Template
2 Any Order Line Line ATO
2 Any Order Line Line Ship notified
2 Any Order Line Line Standard item
4 Any Order Line Line Configuration Created