Reports and Concurrent Programs

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Reports and Concurrent Programs

Oracle Advanced Pricing provides reports and concurrent programs that enable you to administer, manage, and review your pricing operations and data to:

Accrual Details Report

The Accrual Details report enables you to run a report to view modifiers that have been set up for accruals or those with associated Coupon Issue information. Using this report, you can quickly see which coupons have been issued and the coupon numbers generated for a modifier.

Report Submission

In the Submit Request window, Name field, select Accrual Details.

Report Parameters

Accrual Details Report

the picture is described in the document text

Attribute Mapping Rules Error Report

This program provides status and error messages to advise you about the following:

You can run the report for a single Request Type, such as Order Management (ONT) or all request types. The number of errors appears on the log after the report is run.

Report Submission

In the Submit Request window, Name field, select Attribute Mapping Rules Error Report.

Report Parameters

Attribute Mapping Rules Error Report Parameters

the picture is described in the document text

Request Type: Select a single Request Type or leave it blank to run report for all request types.

Build Attribute Mapping Rules Program

This program generates entries into the BUILD_CONTEXTS application program interface (API). You pre-generate entries into this API so that the pricing engine evaluates only the qualifier and pricing attributes used in the price lists, modifiers, and formulas that are relevant to each call rather than all of the attribute mapping rules.

Note: The Build Attribute Mapping Rules program sources the attributes that are used only in the active pricing setup if the profile value QP: Build Attributes Mapping Options is set to Yes. If the profile value QP: Build Attributes Mapping Options is set to No, this program sources the attributes that are used in both the active and inactive setup. The default value of the profile QP: Build Attributes Mapping Options is No; you can update it only at the site level.

Recovery Process

If the process fails:

To recover,

  1. Check the concurrent program log to view any errors. If needed, log in to SQL/PLUS and check the errors associated with compiling the QP_BUILD_SOURCING_PVT body. Problems may include:

    • You reference an API in an attribute mapping rule and the API is invalid or does not exist.

    • You have a typographical error in an attribute mapping rule that refers to an API or global structure.

  2. Fix the attribute mapping rule in the Attribute Mapping window.

  3. Rerun this concurrent process.

Report Submission

Run this program after you:

In the Submit Request window, Name field, select Build Attribute Mapping Rules.

Run the process during a time when most users are not logged on to the system. You may encounter a record locking problem if this process runs at the same time that the pricing engine is processing calls.

Report Parameters


Build Formula Package Program

To generate the formula package, you should run the Build Formula Package concurrent program every time that you set up a new formula expression. Every time a new formula expression is created or updated, a Warning dialog box displays a message to run the Build Formula Package concurrent program.

This concurrent program builds the Formula Package containing statements that use bind variables for evaluating the formula value. This generated package is called from the main engine formula package at run time to calculate the formula value.

Note: If the Formula expression already exists in the current generated formula package, the Warning box does not appear.

Report Submission

In the Submit Request window, Name field, select Build Formula Package.

Report Parameters


Cross Order Volume Load

Cross order volume amount totals are based on the list price (not selling price) of the order lines. Run the Cross Order Volume Load program to populate the cross order volume tables. Then you can run the Cross Order Volume report to view the information from the cross order volume tables. The Cross Order Volume Load program uses the following criteria when computing cross order volume attributes:

Example of Cross Order Volume Period Processing

The cross order volume profile options define which order lines to include in the cross order volumes. For example, consider the following cross order volume period setups:

If you set the profile options as described, then run the Cross Order Volume Load program with an effective date of December 31, 2005, the pricing engine considers orders lines with request dates from the following periods:

Report Submission

In the Submit Request window, Name field, select Cross Order Volume Load.

Report Parameters

Cross Order Volume Report Parameters

the picture is described in the document text

Cross Order Volume Report

Run the Cross Order Volume report to view the information from the cross order volume tables. The report displays the total order amount, total item amounts, and total item quantities for each customer and period. The report displays the cross order quantity values (for example, Period 1 Item Quantity) rounded to the nearest whole unit. Cross order amount values (for example, Period 1 Amount and; Period 1 Item Amount) are rounded to two decimal places.

Note: The Cross Order Volume report displays only totals for the operating units to which the responsibility has access. If you have implemented Multi-Org Access Control, data reported is for the list of operating units as restricted by MO: Security Profile.

Report Submission

In the Submit Request window, Name field, select Cross Order Volume Report.

Report Parameters


Related Topics

Cross Order Volume Load

Modifier Details Report

This report displays modifier information.

Report Submission

In the Submit Request window, Name field, select Modifier Details.

Report Parameters

Modifier Details Report Parameters

the picture is described in the document text

Price Lists Report

This report displays the following price list information:

Report Submission

In the Submit Request window, Name field, select Price Lists.

Report Parameters

Price List Report Parameters

the picture is described in the document text

Additional Information: If pricing security is enabled, only price lists for which you have View or Maintain access privileges are included in the report.

Pricing Formulas Report

This report displays pricing formulas and their details, including factor lists.

Report Submission

In the Submit Request window, Name field, select Pricing Formulas.

Report Parameters

Pricing Formulas Report Parameters

the picture is described in the document text

Purge Pricing Engine Requests Program

This program purges all pricing engine requests or selected requests. Run this program on a regular basis to purge the historical data from the pricing debug tables. This improves the performance of the Pricing Engine Request Viewer window.

Report Submission

In the Submit Request window, Name field, select Purge Pricing Engine Requests.

Report Parameters

Purge Pricing Engine Requests Parameters

the picture is described in the document text

This program has two input parameters:



QP: Audit Pricing Tables

Run the QP: Audit Pricing Tables process to enable the triggers for audit the pricing tables in Oracle Advanced Pricing. Use the Oracle Pricing Administrator responsibility to run this process.

Note: You must set the profile optionQP: Enable Auditing to Yes prior to running this process.

Request Submission

In the Submit Request window, Name field, select QP: Audit Pricing Tables.


The QP: Audit Pricing Tables process creates the triggers on the base tables but in a disabled mode. The default value is No. To enable the triggers, select Yes for the following parameters:

QP: Audit Trail Report

Run the QP: Audit Trail Report to monitor the historical changes in price lists and modifiers. This helps you to choose pricing differences during certain periods of time. Use the Oracle Pricing Manager responsibility to run this report.

Report Submission

In the Submit Request window, Name field, select QP: Audit Trail Report.

Report Parameters

Set the following parameters for your report:

QP: Bulk Import of Price List Program

The Pricing Data Bulk Loader API is implemented as the concurrent program QP: Bulk Import of Price List. Using the concurrent program, you define the pricing data to be imported (bulk loaded), then run the concurrent program to import the price list data from interface tables into the Oracle Advanced Pricing tables. To improve processing efficiency, you can schedule the concurrent program to run at optimal times, such as when no active users are on the system.

The QP: Bulk Import of Price List program enables you to complete the following tasks:

You can set the profile option QP: Batch size for Bulk Upload (QP_BATCH_SIZE_FOR_BULK_UPLOAD) to restrict the number of records that are read to the PL/SQL tables. This helps to improve the bulk import performance. The default value for the profile is 1,000, but you can change this value to suit your hardware configuration. For more information, see the Advanced Pricing Implementation Guide, Profile Options.

Scenarios for Using the QP: Bulk Import of Price List Program

Your business practices may require that you upload price list data on a regular basis, such as in the following scenarios:

Processes performed by the QP: Bulk Import of Price List Program

The QP: Bulk Import of Price List program completes the following processes:

Note: For more information on populating the interface tables for bulk loader, see Oracle Advanced Pricing Implementation Guide.

Considerations for Running the QP: Bulk Import of Price List Program

Review the following considerations before running the QP: Bulk Import of Price List program:

Report Submission

In the Submit Request window, Name field, select QP: Bulk Import of Price List.

Report Parameters

QP: Bulk Import of Price List Parameters

the picture is described in the document text

QP: Maintains the Denormalized Data in QP Qualifiers

This program populates the denormalized column data in the pricing tables and fixes data corruption specific to the denormalized columns that occur from a patch application or other set-up issues. You can run this program on a periodic basis or if the pricing engine performance decreases.

This program calculates and populates modifier statistics that the pricing engine search optimizer uses to find modifiers by the most direct method. For each modifier at the list and line level, the process calculates information related to its:

This program automatically runs after you add or change each modifier and recalculates some statistics for that modifier. In addition, you should run the program periodically to recalculate all of the statistics for all the modifiers.

Note: The Request log for an automatic run is not saved and cannot be viewed in My Requests if the QP: Maintains the Denormalized Data in QP Qualifiers program runs successfully. The log file is saved; you can view the file only when an exception occurs.

Report Submission

In the Submit Request window, Name field, select QP: Maintains the Denormalized Data in QP Qualifiers.

Run the program during a time when most users are not logged on to the system. You may encounter a record locking problem if this program runs at the same time that the pricing engine is processing calls.

Report Parameters

QP: Maintains the Denormalized Data in QP Qualifiers parameters

the picture is described in the document text



QP: Pattern Upgrade

Use this program to upgrade the existing pricing setup to patterns. You must run this concurrent program with empty criteria to upgrade all the existing setup to patterns and to avoid any discrepancies during pattern creation.

Note: It is not advisable to change between pattern and non-pattern search algorithm frequently as pattern creation will not happen properly. This would lead to non-desired results within pattern search.

Report Submission

In the Submit Request window, Name field, select QP: Pattern Upgrade.

Report Parameters

QP: Pattern Upgrade Parameters

the picture is described in the document text

QP: Performance Control

Use this program to update the qp_pricing_attributes table data for the factor lists which were created or updated with the profile value QP: Performance Control set to Yes.

Note: Ensure that you run this program before using the updated factor list to update the pricing attribute values. The application does not evaluate the formula correctly when you use it to evaluate the price of price lists or modifiers prior to running this program.

Report Submission

In the Submit Request window, Name field, select QP: Performance Control.

Report Parameters

QP: Performance Control Parameters

the picture is described in the document text

QP: Security Control with Views Conversion

This program enables you to turn on pricing security for your entire installation. Before setting to the program to ON, ensure that you have completed the pricing security setup steps outlined in the Oracle Advanced Pricing Implementation Manual.

Note: QP: Security Control (read-only): This profile option displays the current setting of the security option for your entire installation (either on or off). You cannot directly update this profile option value - only the concurrent program QP: Security Control with Views Conversion can turn pricing security on or off.

Report Submission

In the Submit Request window, Name field, select QP: Security Control with Views Conversion.

Report Parameters

Security Control: Select ON or OFF.

QP: Upgrade Pricing Data for Bulk Loader Program

Use this program to upgrade the existing pricing data for bulk loader.

Report Submission

In the Submit Request window, Name field, select QP: Upgrade Pricing Data for Bulk Loader.

Report Parameters

QP: Upgrade Pricing Data for Bulk Loader Parameters

the picture is described in the document text

Qualifier Grouping report

This report shows details for qualifier groups including grouping conditions and effective dates within the group.

Report Submission

In the Submit Request window, Name field, select Qualifier Grouping.

Report Parameters

Qualifier Grouping report parameters

the picture is described in the document text

Update Price Lists with Multicurrency Conversion Criteria

This concurrent program enables you to maintain and use price lists in different currencies. Complete the following prerequisites before running this program:

  1. Set the profile option QP: Multi-Currency-Installed to Yes (Y). The valid values for the profile are Yes (Y) or No (N). The default value is No.

  2. Run the concurrent program Update Price Lists with Multi-Currency Conversion Criteria only once.

Running this program does the following:

The following example shows the setup for five price lists before conversion and the multicurrency list that is created after the conversion:

Currency Rounding
USD -2
USD -2
USD -3
FRF -1

The concurrent program creates four currency conversion criteria based on the price list currency and rounding factor of the price lists.

Currency Currency-To Rounding

Attach the multicurrency conversion list to the respective price list. You can then attach the multicurrency conversion list to the respective price list. You must add new currencies to the existing multicurrency lists or create new multicurrency lists with the currencies required for conversion.

Note: Attaching a multicurrency list to the respective price list is a mandatory step - without it the pricing engine cannot use the current price lists as multicurrency price lists. After you run the concurrent program, you can create additional multicurrency lists or add existing currencies to the created multicurrency lists.

Report Submission

In the Submit Request window, Name field, select Update Price Lists with Multi-Currency Conversion Criteria.

Report Parameters

Update Price Lists with Multicurrency Conversion Criteria

the picture is described in the document text

Do you want to enable Multi-Currency price lists?: Select Yes to enable multicurrency price lists.

Note: The program must be run initially only once to activate the multicurrency feature; otherwise, data corruption may result. After you have successfully run the concurrent program, all existing price list or agreement windows will be converted to multicurrency price lists. You should not return to non multicurrency price lists. Changing the profile back to N (no) may cause undesired results if conversion criteria have been used. Oracle does not support changing the setting back to No.


None. Once you have successfully run the concurrent program , do not return to non-multicurrency price lists. All existing price list windows are converted to multicurrency price lists. Changing the profile option QP: Multi-Currency Installed back to N (no) may cause undesired results if conversion criteria have been used.

Update Promotional Limit Balances program

Use the Update Promotional Limit Balances program to update promotional limit balances for selected modifier lines.

Report Submission

In the Submit Request window, Name field, select Update Promotional Limit Balances.

Report Parameters

Update Promotional Limit Balances

the picture is described in the document text

Related Topics

Updating an Existing Limit Balance