Profile Options and Pricing Parameters

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Profile Options

During implementation, profile options can be set to specify how Oracle Advanced Pricing controls access to and processes data. Typically, the System Administrator is responsible for setting up and updating profile option values. See: Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide, User Profiles and Profile Options in Oracle Application Object Library for more information.

Find System Profile Values

the picture is described in the document text

In the Profile field, enter QP% and click Find to display all the site level profile options for pricing in the System Profile Value window:

System Profile Values window

the picture is described in the document text

For each profile option, select a Site value that supports your implementation requirements for Oracle Advanced Pricing.

Profile Options Setup Summary

This section provides a summary of Advanced Pricing profile options and the System Administrator level at which the profile options can be viewed and updated: Site, Application, Responsibility, or User. The short names and definitions used in the tables are described as follows:

Value Definition
SA Site System Administrator: Site level
SA App. System Administrator: Application level
SA Resp. System Administrator: Responsibility level
SA User System Administrator: User level
User User level
Yes You can update the profile option.
No You cannot change the profile option value.
Blank You must specify a default value or you may encounter a system error.
Req? (Required)
  • Required (Req.): Requires you to provide a value for the profile option.

  • Optional: (Opt.) Already provides a default value, so you must change it only if you do not want to accept the default.

For the following table, if the value No is displayed in the Default Value column, the default for the profile option is No.

If implemented with Oracle Order Management, the Order Management (OM) profiles indicated must also be considered in order to work with related pricing (QP) profile options.

Profile Option SA Site SA App. SA Resp. SA User Default Value User Req?
OM: Discounting Privilege No Yes Yes Yes Full No Opt
OM: GSA Discount Violation Action View Only No No No Warning No Opt
OM: Promotion Limit Violation Action Yes No No No Null View Only Opt
OM: Negative Pricing View Only View Only View Only No Blank View Only Opt
OM: Display Qualified Ask for Modifiers (See: Setting up Non-Seeded Profiles)

Note: Since it is a non-seeded profile, it does not already have a set value. You can set the profile and its values to suite your requirement. The mentioned values serve as examples.

Yes Yes Yes Yes No View Only No
QP: Accrual UOM Class Yes Yes No No Blank View Only Opt
QP: Accumulation Attributes Enabled Yes Yes No No No View Only Opt
QP: Archive Header Qualifiers Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Opt
QP: Administer Public Queries Yes Yes Yes No Blank No Opt
QP: Allow Buckets for Manual Modifiers Yes No No No Blank Yes Opt
QP: Allow Duplicate Modifiers (Used by Basic Pricing Only) Yes No No No Yes No Opt
QP: Batch Size for Bulk Import Yes Yes Yes Yes 1000 Yes Opt
QP: Blind Discount Option Yes Yes No No Yes View Only Opt
QP: Break UOM Proration Allowed Yes Yes No No Blank Yes Req
QP: Build Attributes Mapping Options Yes No No No No View Only Opt
QP: Continuous Price Breaks Need inputs Need inputs Need inputs Need inputs Yes Need inputs Need inputs
QP: Cross Order Volume Period1 Yes Yes No No Blank View Only Req
QP: Cross Order Volume Period2 Yes Yes No No Blank View Only Req
QP: Cross Order Volume Period3 Yes Yes No No Blank View Only Req
QP: Custom Ignore Pricing Yes No No No Blank View Only Opt
QP: Custom Sourced Yes No No No No View Only Opt
QP: Debug No No No Yes Request Viewer Off Yes Opt
QP: E-mail - From Address Yes No No Yes -- Yes Req
QP: Enable Auditing Yes No No No No Yes Opt
QP: Enable Best Price Formula Evaluation Yes No No Yes -- Yes Opt
QP: External Default Pricing Perspective Yes No No Yes Order Management View Only Req
QP: Exclude Qualifiers Yes No No No Blank Yes Req
QP: Get Custom Price Customized Yes No Yes No No No Opt
QP: Ignore Price List Date Validation Need inputs Need inputs Need inputs Need inputs Need inputs Need inputs Need inputs
QP: Inbound XML Messaging Responsibility No Yes No No -- Yes --
QP: Insert Formula Step Values into Temp Table Yes No No No No No Opt
QP: Internal Default Pricing Perspective Yes No No No Order Management View Only Req
QP: Inventory Decimal Precision Yes Yes Yes Yes 10 Yes Opt
QP: Item Validation Organization Yes No Yes No Blank No Opt
QP: Limit Exceed Action Yes No Yes Yes Hard - Adjust Benefit Amount Yes Opt
QP: Line Volume UOM Code Yes Yes No No Blank No Req
QP: Line Weight UOM Code Yes Yes No No Blank No Opt
QP: Licensed for Product No Yes No No Blank -- Req
QP: Modifier Find Window - Show records Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes  
QP: Multi-Currency Installed Yes No No No No No Opt
QP: Multi Currency Usage No Yes Yes No Blank No Req
QP: Negative Pricing Yes Yes No No No No Opt
QP: Pass Qualifiers to Get_Custom_Price API Yes No No No No No Req
QP: Pattern Search Yes No No No Blank No Opt
QP: Pattern Search Path Yes No No No Blank No Opt
QP: Performance Control Yes No No No None No Opt
QP: Price Rounding Yes No No No Blank No Req
QP: Pricing Party Hierarchy Type Yes No No No Blank No Opt
QP: Pricing Perspective Request Type

Note: For each application, there is a separate default value.

Yes Yes No No Order Management Order No Req
QP: Pricing Transaction Entity Yes Yes No Yes Order Fulfillment No Opt
QP: Promotional Limits Installed Yes No No No No No Opt
QP: Qualify Secondary Price Lists Yes No No No No Yes Opt
QP: Return Manual Discounts Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Opt
QP: Satisfied Qualifiers Option Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Opt
QP: Security Control Yes No No No Off No Opt
QP: Security Default Maintain Privilege Yes No No No Global No Opt
QP: Security Default ViewOnly Privilege Yes No No No Global No Opt
QP: Selling Price Rounding Options Yes No Yes Yes Individual: = round(listprice) + round(adj) No Opt
QP: Set Request Name Yes Yes Yes Yes Blank Yes Req
QP: Source System Code Yes Yes No Yes Oracle Pricing Yes Opt
QP: Unit Price Precision Type Yes Yes No No Standard No Opt
QP: Valueset Lookup Filter Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Opt
QP: Verify GSA Violations Yes No No No No No Opt

Setting Up Non-Seeded Profiles

Apart from setting up values for the seeded profiles, you must:

To create the non- seeded profile:

  1. Navigate to System Administrator > Define Profile Options > open the Profile window.

  2. Enter the following information:


    • Application: Order Management

    • User Profile Name: OM: Display Qualified Ask For Modifiers

    • Description: Decides whether only eligible ask for modifiers should be displayed or all (in Promotions LOV in Promotion/Pricing Attributes block of Sales Order window).

    • SQL Validation:

  3. Save

Profile Options

You must set a value for profile options followed by the word "required," no default is supplied. Ordinary users can see profile options followed by the word "exposed," only system administrators can see the rest. Further details follow the list, click an item to find them.

OM: Discounting Privilege

This profile option determines control of a user's ability to apply discounts to an order or order line.


The default value is Full.

OM: Display Qualified Ask for Modifiers

Create and set Yes as the value for this profile to avail the functionality of getting only eligible ask-for modifiers in Oracle Order Management.

This profile enables you to obtain only eligible ask-for modifiers qualified for the sourced attributes in Oracle Order Management. When you set this profile to Yes, Order Management displays the eligible ask-for modifiers; else the application retains the original behavior of listing all the modifiers. When this profile is set Yes, the application makes a Pricing engine call to retrieve all the eligible ask-for modifiers based on the sourced attributes. This enables you to view all the eligible modifiers when you click on the Promotion list of values in the Promotions/Pricing Attributes window (Actions from Sales Order window in Oracle Order Management). See: Setting up Non-Seeded Profiles

OM: GSA Discount Violation Action

This profile option determines the user is notified when you define a discount that results in GSA violation.

This profile must be set as Yes if you want order entry personnel to receive a GSA violation warning message, and if the QP: Verify GSA is set to Yes.

OM: Negative Pricing

This profile option determines whether or not a negative list price or selling price can be entered on an order. Select either Yes or No. For example: a trade-in item may be entered on an order with the trade-in value as a negative value.

OM: Promotion Limit Violation Action

Determines the hold action Order Management will take when encountering a initial promotional hold returned by the pricing engine. If the pricing engine returns a possible promotional hold for an order or order line, Order Management will use the value of this profile option to determine the course of action for the order or line. Messages are generated and can be viewed within the Process Messages Window.

Select from:

This profile option is optional.

The default value is Null.

Ordinary users can't see this profile option.

System administrators can see this profile option at the Site level.

QP: Accrual UOM Class

This is required if your business gives non-monetary accruals as benefits.

Specifies the unit of measure class to be used for defining accrual units of measure. The Modifier Setup window displays all units of measure in this class when entering the Benefit UOM for an accrual.


All UOM classes defined to Oracle Applications.

This profile option is visible and can be updated at site and application levels.

The default value is Null.

QP: Accumulation Attributes Enabled

This profile option enables the use of accumulation attributes for modifiers. The value of the accumulation attribute is sourced from the pricing request when evaluating accumulated range price breaks for modifiers. To use the accumulation attribute feature, the profile QP: Accumulation Attributes Enabled must be set to Yes.

Note: Ensure that you set this profile to Yes at the application level only for applications that support the Accumulation attributes feature. Else, you must set this profile to No.


This profile option can be set at the Site and/or Application level.

The default value is No.

QP: Administer Public Queries

Enables a query saved in the Public folders to be deleted or renamed (when value of the profile QP: Administer Public Queries is set to Yes).


The default value is Null.

QP: Allow Buckets for Manual Modifiers

This profile option enables you to define buckets for manual line or group of line level modifiers


If the profile value is changed from Yes to No and there are manual modifiers defined with buckets, the manual modifiers defined with buckets need to be end-dated or deactivated. The pricing engine will return the manual bucketed adjustment even if the profile is set to No.

This profile option is set at the site level.

The default value is No.

QP: Allow Duplicate Modifiers

Used by Basic Pricing Only. The profile option QP: Allow Duplicate Modifiers, which is typically set by the System Administrator, determines if duplicate modifiers are permitted. If set to Yes (the default), an existing modifier can be duplicated. If set to No, you must change the new modifier line before you can save it. A modifier line is considered a duplicate if any of the following attributes of the original and duplicated line match within the same modifier list:


This profile option is visible and can be updated at the site level.

The default value is Yes.

QP: Archive Header Qualifiers

Use this profile option to archive header-level qualifiers of the price lists. When you archive inactive pricing entities, the application deletes the header-level qualifiers based on the value of the profile option.


Yes: Select Yes to archive header-level qualifiers of the pricing entities.

No: Select No if you do not want to archive the header level qualifiers of the pricing entities.

The default value is No..

QP: Batch Size for Bulk Import

This profile option value determines the number of records loaded into the memory for bulk import processing. Setting an appropriate value for this profile based on hardware configuration improves performance; however, the system may "hang" if the profile value is set too high.

The default value is 1000.

QP: Blind Discount Option

The default value for this profile option should only be changed if you never define blind discounts. If you never define blind discounts, set this profile option to No; this bypasses part of the search engine processing. A blind discount is defined as a modifier that has all of the following:


This profile option is visible and can be updated at the site and application levels.

The default value is Yes.

QP: Break UOM Proration Allowed

This profile option controls whether break ranges for price lists need to be prorated or not. This profile is useful for service usage pricing engine calls.


This profile option can be updated at the site and application levels.

The default value is Blank.

QP: Build Attributes Mapping Options

This profile option enables you to set attribute mapping rules for attributes in both the active and inactive setups.


The default value is No.

QP: Continuous Price Breaks

This profile option enables you to disable the continuous price break functionality. If you do not set the profile value, then the application uses the continuous price break functionality.


Warning: Ensure that changing the default value of the profile is based on correct business needs as switching the profile back and forth may lead to unexpected results.

QP: Cross Order Volume Period1

This is required if you will be running the cross order volume load program. This defines the number of days of order lines that the load program will accumulate and total. This value must not be the same as the value in QP: Cross Order Volume Period 2 or QP: Cross Order Volume Period 3.


Always expressed in days.

This profile option is visible and can be updated at the site and application level.

The default value is Blank.

QP: Cross Order Volume Period2

This is required if you will be running the cross order volume load program. This defines the number of days of order lines that the load program will accumulate and total. This value must not be the same as the value in QP: Cross Order Volume Period 1 or QP: Cross Order Volume Period 3.


Always expressed in days.

This profile option is visible and can be updated at the site level.

The default value is Blank.

QP: Cross Order Volume Period3

This is required if you run the cross order volume load program. This defines the number of days of order lines that the load program will accumulate and total. This value must not be the same as the value in QP: Cross Order Volume Period 1 or QP: Cross Order Volume Period 2.


This value is always expressed in days.

This profile option is visible and can be updated at the site level.

The default value is Blank.

QP: Custom Ignore Pricing

This profile option provides users an opportunity to inform the pricing engine to ignore lines that have no significance from pricing perspective. These lines can be marketing or manufacturing option items whose lines are sourced to pricing for processing. After considerable unnecessary processing, the pricing engine fetches a value of zero for these lines, which can be avoided. Due to this unnecessary processing, these lines are an extra burden on pricing and cause performance issues.

Using this profile option, you can save significant amount of time especially in case of bigger orders by implementing the QP_CUSTOM_IGNORE.IGNORE_ITEMLINE_FOR_PRICING custom hook API. If you set the profile to Yes, then the application calls the custom API before processing the line in price engine. You must write logic that can identify that the incoming line is a zero priced line.

QP: Custom Sourced


The default value is No.

QP: Debug

This profile option enables you to set the Request Viewer and how it captures request details into the pricing debug tables and debug log information into the debug log table.


This profile option can be updated at the user level and is active for the transactions of the user who set this profile option—other users' transactions are not affected.

Note: The profile option, QP: Set Request Name can be used in conjunction with the QP: Debug profile option. When the QP: Set Request Name is set to Yes, the Request Name field will be prefixed with the Order ID.

The default value is Request Viewer Off.

QP: E-mail - From Address

This profile option defines the sender's e-mail address when a price book is e-mailed from the price book feature.

You need to set up the profile option QP: E-mail - From Address to specify the From Email Address for any e-mails that are sent from the price book feature. When the price book is e-mailed, the recipient can identify the sender and respond to the sender's return e-mail address. The default return e-mail address is used only when e-mailing from the price book feature not from a different e-mail application such as Outlook.

Note: To send the price book via e-mail, select the Send Email option from the Create Price Book page.

To set the return e-mail address, enter the return e-mail address such as in the profile option QP: E-mail - From Address. This serves as the return address when a price book is e-mailed from the price book feature.

Important: Publishing a price book to a printer or as an e-mail attachment is dependent on the availability of the Delivery Manager Component of the Oracle XML Publisher (XDO) product.


You can enter any valid e-mail address. This profile option is visible and can be updated at the site and user level.

The default value is Blank.

QP: Enable Auditing

Use this profile option to audit the pricing tables in Oracle Advanced Pricing. Set the profile option to Yes to enable auditing at the site level. Set the profile option to No to disable auditing.

After you set the profile option, run the QP: Audit Pricing Tables process to enable the triggers for the tables that need to be audited. See QP: Audit Pricing Tables in Oracle Advanced Pricing User's Guide.

The default value is No.

QP: Enable Best Price Formula Evaluation

Use this profile option to evaluate the Best Price functionality for modifiers with attached formula. Set the value to Yes to enable the pricing engine to evaluate the price for modifiers having formulas attached when Precedence is set to Best Price for the phase in which the modifier is defined. For setting up Best Price as Incompatibility Resolve code, refer to the Precedence and Best Price chapter in the Oracle Advanced Pricing Implementation Guide.

QP: Exclude Qualifiers

The profile option determines the evaluation of the exclusive qualifiers for multi-value attributes. When you set this value to Yes, the Exclude button is enabled on the Qualifier window.

The default value is Blank.

QP: External Default Pricing Perspective

This profile option is used for the price book feature and sets the default pricing perspective for all external users. This value defaults to the Pricing Perspective field in the Create Price Book page. However, an internal user can override the defaulted value by selecting a different pricing perspective.

Note: External users cannot view or change the Pricing Perspective field. The value Purchasing is valid for internal users but not external users.

The default value is Order Management.

QP: Get Custom Price Customized

This profile option indicates, when processing formulas, that the pricing engine evaluates the line type function. If your organization wants to use this formula line type, you must:


This profile option can only be updated at the site level. This profile is required if your business needs more pricing formulas than are provided in basic pricing.

A pricing formula consists of a formula expression (mathematical expression) consisting of step-numbers and formula lines that correspond to each step-number in the formula expression. Each formula line associates with a formula line type. There are six formula line types in Oracle Advanced Pricing (three in basic pricing). One type is function.

Oracle Advanced Pricing provides a function called Get_Custom_Price with a standard set of input parameters. The user is provided the flexibility of writing any custom code in the function body and use the input parameters supplied by the pricing engine. The value returned by the Get_Custom_Price function can be used in a formula expression.

To use the customized Get_Custom_Price function's return value in a formula, the user must set up a formula with a line type of function (the formula may or may not have other formula lines).

The Get_Custom_Price function can be used in any number of formulas at the same time because the formula ID is an input parameter to the function and assists the user differentiate code logic.

The default value is No.

QP: Ignore Price List Date Validation

This profile option enables the application to ignore the price list date validation and enables you to update the lines and header details of the price lists created using the Copy Price List feature. To update the price list lines and header details for price lists that are created using the "Copy Price List" feature, you must set Y as the value for this profile option.

The default value is No..

QP: Inbound XML Messaging Responsibility

This profile option defines the responsibility (at the Application or User level) for inbound XML messages. It can be set only at the System Administrator (SA) Application level and by the user. This profile option is used by the price book feature to set the responsibility context for an inbound XML message request for a price book; for example, a Get Catalog XML message.

Note: The Application corresponds to the pricing perspective of the price book request.

The default value is Blank.

QP: Insert Formula Step Values into Temp Table

This profile option can be set only at the site level using the System Administrator responsibility.


The default value is No.

QP: Internal Default Pricing Perspective

Sets the default value for the pricing perspective for all internal users using the price book feature. These values can be applications such as Oracle Order Management and Oracle Purchasing that request information from the pricing application. This value defaults to the Pricing Perspective field in the Create Price Book page; however, an internal user can override this value by selecting a different pricing perspective. An external user cannot view the Pricing Perspective field or change its value.

Note: Oracle Advanced Pricing is not one of the valid values for this profile option.

The default value is Order Management.

QP: Inventory Decimal Precision

Used to set maximum decimal precision for uom conversion when calculating pricing quantity. If not set, it is defaulted to 10 digits decimal precision.

Example 1

Consider the following set up:

The pricing engine rounds the pricing quantity based on the decimal precision setting. If the default precision is 10 digits, then the resulting pricing quantity will be 12 * (1/12) = 0.999999999999…the number will be rounded to 1YR.

Example 2

Consider the following set up:

The pricing engine rounds the pricing quantity based on the decimal precision setting. If a user sets the Profile QP: Inventory Decimal Precision to 6 digits, then the resulting pricing quantity is calculated as follows: 16 * (1/12) = 1.33333333333333… which is rounded to 1.333333 DZ.

The default value is 10.

QP: Item Validation Organization

Set this profile, by site or responsibility, to an organization at the level in your organization hierarchy at which you set prices for items.


This profile option is visible and can be updated at the site and responsibility levels.

Before setting this profile option, you need to set up values for:

Valid inventory master organizations will be available based on values of HRMS profile settings. For more information on these profiles, see: Configuring, Reporting and System Administration in Oracle HRMS, Security chapter.

Note: For more information on multiple organizations, see the Multiple Organizations chapter in this guide.

The default value is None.

QP: Licensed for Product

This profile option identifies which Oracle software application can use Oracle Pricing. The value can be set after you buy the license to use Oracle Pricing along with other Oracle Applications. For example, to use Oracle Pricing for Oracle Procurement applications, you must be licensed to use Oracle Pricing and set the value of this profile to PO (Oracle Procurement).


The value of this profile need to be set to the Oracle Application which is planning to use Oracle Pricing.

This profile option can be updated at the application and user levels.

The default value is Blank.

QP: Limit Exceed Action

This profile option defines the default action codes for promotion and modifier limits. It specifies the action for the pricing engine if a pricing request exceeds a promotional limit.

This profile option is based on the lookup type Limit Exceed Action.


This profile option is visible and can be updated site level using the System Administrator responsibility.

The default value is Hard–Adjust Benefit Amount.

QP: Line Volume UOM Code

Required if your business must define qualifier rules which include the seeded qualifier line volume.

This profile option specifies the unit of measure of the line volume qualifier. The attribute sourcing API converts the item on the request line to its primary UOM, then uses the volume attributes of the item to derive the line volume of the item in the UOM specified in the profile option.

Order Volume:

The Order Volume qualifier calculates the total volume of all the order lines for the order. In order to use this qualifier the following must be set up:

  1. The profile, QP: Line Volume UOM Code, must be set to the correct volume uom code. This uom code is the uom for the total order volume.

  2. There must be a uom conversion set up to convert from the ordered_uom for each order line to the volume uom specified in the profile. For example if line 1 of your order is in Ea and the profile is set to CBM, there must be a conversion set up from Ea to CBM for the item.

The calculation of Order Volume:

Each order line will be converted into the line volume (order_quantity *

uom_conversion_rate) and the line volumes will be totaled to get the Order Volume.


All units of measure currently defined to Oracle.

This profile option is visible and can be updated at the site and application levels.

The default value is Blank.

QP: Line Weight UOM Code

This profile option specifies the unit of measure for the line weight qualifier. This is required if your business needs to define qualifier rules which includes the seeded qualifier line weight.

The attribute sourcing API converts the item on the request line to its primary UOM, and then uses the weight attributes of the item to derive the line weight of the item in the UOM specified in this profile option.

The Order Weight qualifier is calculated as the total weight of all the order lines for the order. In order to use this qualifier the following must be set up:

  1. The profile QP: Line Weight UOM Code must be set to the correct weight uom code. This uom code is the uom for the total order weight.

  2. A uom conversion must be set up to convert from the ordered_uom for each order line to the weight uom specified in the profile. For example, if line 1 of your order is in KGM and the profile is set to LBS, there must be a conversion set up from KGM to LBS for the item.

How order weight is calculated:

Each order line will be converted into the line weight (order_quantity * uom_conversion_rate) and the line weights will be totaled to get the Order Weight.

This is similar to the Line Weight qualifier setup.


All units of measure currently defined to Oracle.

This profile option is visible and can be updated at the site and application levels.

The default value is Blank.

QP: Modifier Find Window - Show records

This profile option enables you to use a Find window in the Modifiers window to query modifier records. However, typically, you would use the Pricing Organizer feature to find modifiers and modifier information.


The default value is No.

QP: Multi Currency Usage

This profile option determines if the calling application can use multicurrency price lists.


This profile option can be updated at the site, responsibility and application levels.

The default value is Blank.

QP: Multi-Currency Installed

If you have global customers or do pricing in different currencies, the multicurrency feature enables you to maintain a single price list for multiple currencies.

Once the profile option is set to Yes, the concurrent program Update Price Lists with Multi-Currency Conversion Criteria must be run to enable the price list windows for multicurrency usage.

Note: Once the concurrent program has been run successfully, all existing price list and agreement windows are converted to multicurrency price lists. Users should not return to NON multicurrency price lists. Changing the profile option back to No may cause undesired results if conversion criteria have been used. Oracle does not support changing the setting back to No.

The program must be run initially only once to activate the multicurrency feature; otherwise, data corruption may result.


This profile option is visible and can be updated at the site and application level.

The default value is No.

QP: Negative Pricing

The default value should only be changed if your business needs to define a negative price on a price list line. Controls whether a negative price can be entered in the Price List setup window.


This profile option is visible and can be updated at the site and application levels.

The default value is No.

QP: Pass Qualifiers to Get_Custom_Price API


The default value is Blank.

QP: Pattern Search

You must set this profile option at the site level to turn on the pattern search engine.

You can set this profile to any of the following values:

QP: Pattern Search Path

This profile directs the search path during the search. Setting a value for this profile is not mandatory. The default value is Search Lines First. You need to run few common pricing flows and decide which is the best search path for your pricing setup.

You can set this profile to any of the following values:

QP: Performance Control

This profile resolves performance issues while updating formulas having huge factor lists in which the expensive query is updating the pricing attributes. If you set the value to Yes, then the application defers updating pricing attributes. This makes the update process of the formula fast, resulting in better performance.

QP: Price Rounding

This profile option controls how the value for the rounding factor is derived and used in price lists and related windows. The Advanced Pricing - Price Lists window rounds, stores, and displays the list price based on the profile option setting.

The value entered in the Round To field from the price list is used to store the rounded value, while currency precision determines the displayed list price.

For example, if the Round To value is -2 and the currency precision is -5, the following list prices display:




If the QP: Price Rounding profile option is set to Enforce Currency Precision, then the value in the Round To field in the Advanced Pricing - Price Lists window cannot be updated. Also, the values permitted for the rounding factor will be limited to the price list currency precision.

Warning: If the QP: Price Rounding profile option is set to Enforce Currency Precision, and you enter a list price greater than the precision amount allows, you will be unable to save the price list. An error message only displays when you try to save the price list, not when you first enter the list price.

The following table shows how different settings for QP: Price Rounding affect the list price. Assume that the price list price = 6.15 and the markup change = 1.52% resulting in 6.24348.

If QP: Price Rounding value is: (see right) Blank (Default) Enforce Price List Rounding Factor Enforce Currency Precision
Value in Round To field on Price List (see right for values) -2 -2 -4
List Price 6.15 6.15 6.15
Mark up 1.52 % 1.52 % 1.52 %
List Price (new) 6.24348 6.24 6.2435


Note: Formula Prices: For dynamic formulas, the calling application passes the rounding factor and the resulting rounding factor displays regardless of the profile setting.

Rounding Behavior

The profile option settings for QP: Price Rounding affect the rounding behavior as described below:

Formula Prices

For dynamic formulas, the calling application passes the rounding factor and the resulting rounding factor displays regardless of the profile setting.

Price List

Adjust Price List

The list price, after adjustment by amount or percent, will be rounded and stored using Rounding Factor if the profile option QP: Price Rounding is set to Enforce Rounding Factor or Enforce Currency Precision.

Add Items to Price List

The list price will be rounded and stored using Rounding Factor if the profile option QP: Price Rounding is set to Enforce Rounding Factor or Enforce Currency Precision and Set List Price Equal to Cost From is checked on the window.

Update Formula Prices

The list price will be rounded and stored using Round To if the profile option QP: Price Rounding is set to Enforce Rounding Factor or Enforce Currency Precision.

Update Formula Prices

The list price will be rounded and stored using Round To if the profile option QP: Price Rounding is set to Enforce Rounding Factor or Enforce Currency Precision.


The Round To is used to round and store the list price if the profile option QP: Price Rounding is set to Enforce Rounding Factor or Enforce Currency Precision.

The default value is Blank.

QP: Pricing Party Hierarchy Type

This profile option specifies the hierarchical party relationship type from Trading Community Architecture (TCA) to be used in pricing. A value must be assigned to this profile before you can select the Party Hierarchy Enabled check box for TCA Party qualifier attributes. The following is a list of seeded TCA Party attributes:

It can be set at the Site level.

The default value is None.

QP: Pricing Perspective Request Type

This profile option is used for the price book feature and defines the mapping between the Pricing Perspective and Request Type. It can be set at SA Site and SA Application levels. Default at the site level is Order Management Order. Each relevant (valid pricing perspective) application level has a different default.


The following lists the values for the request type to pricing perspective mappings:

The default value is Order Management Order.

QP: Pricing Transaction Entity

This profile option indicates the current Pricing Transaction Entity (PTE) in use. Only those contexts and attributes assigned to the current Pricing Transaction Entity will be available in the list of values on the setup forms. Likewise, querying up setup data for price list lines, modifiers, and qualifiers, etc. will cause the description to be shown only for those contexts and attributes that are assigned to the current Pricing Transaction Entity. Therefore it is important to set this profile option to the correct value before creating or querying any setup data in the Pricing Application.

It is not a good idea to changes this profile often as you will see the other context-attributes combinations for a different PTE when querying on the pricing setup forms. If this happens, you will see the internal ID code.

This profile can be set at the site, application, and user levels.


The valid values for this profile are all the Pricing Transaction Entities that belong to QP Lookup type QP_PTE_TYPE.

The seeded value of this profile for various applications is shown in the table below.

Application name Default Value
Site Level Profile Value Order Fulfillment (ORDFUL)
Oracle Transportation Execution (FTE) Logistics (LOGSTX)
Oracle Inventory (INV) Intercompany Transaction (INTCOM)
Oracle Demand Planning (MSD) Demand Planning (DEMAND)
All other Applications Defaulted from Site

The default value is Order Fulfillment.

QP: Promotional Limits Installed

This profile option activates the promotional limits feature in Oracle Advanced Pricing to enable users to manage promotional limits and related functions. The initial default value is N for No which means the limit feature is not active. The System Administrator must change this value to Y for Yes to be able to use limits. Only the System Administrator can change the value of this profile at site and application levels only. Other users can view the profile only.


The default value is No.

QP: Qualify Secondary Price Lists

This profile option enables the pricing engine to use the qualifier rules defined for the secondary price list. For example, suppose you have distributors who can buy only certain product families. If you do not use qualifiers on secondary price lists, then you must create a price list for each possible combination of product families and distributors. If you use the QP: Qualify Secondary Price Lists option, then you can have a single parent price list with multiple secondary price lists, each for a product family with a qualifier that identifies the distributor by name or type.

Note: This profile option is set typically by the System Administrator.


The default value is No.

QP: Return Manual Discounts

A modifier can be applied to the order automatically at the time of pricing or can be returned to the calling application (Oracle Order Management) and stored in price adjustments table, so that users can choose adjustments to be applied on the order line.

The following modifiers types can be manual:

Manual modifiers can be set at all levels (line, group of lines, and order); manual line/group of line level modifiers can be used with modifier buckets.

Manual Discount Flag in the Pricing Engine Request Viewer window

In the Pricing Engine Request Viewer window, the Manual Discount Flag check box reflects the setting of the profile QP: Return Manual Discounts. If the Manual Discount Flag box is selected, then the QP: Return Manual Discounts is set to Yes. The profile option settings determine which modifier is evaluated by the pricing engine. For example, assume the following setup:

Modifier Name Incompatibility Level Precedence
Manual_1 Incompatibility 1 100
Manual_2 Incompatibility 1 200

When QP: Return Manual Discounts = Yes, then the list of values (LOV) will show both Manual_1 and Manual 2.

When QP: Return Manual Discounts = No, then the LOV will show Manual_1 since it has the highest precedence (determined by the lower precedence number).


The default value is No.

QP: Satisfied Qualifiers Option

The profile option QP: Satisfied Qualifiers Option impacts performance when entering and booking an order. It controls whether satisfied qualifiers are returned to the calling application or not.


The default value is No.

QP: Security Control

This profile option is view-only and displays the current status of pricing security for your entire installation--either On or Off. You can use only the Security Control concurrent program to change the security setting. Before using this concurrent program, ensure that you have completed all the set up and implementation steps. For more information, see: Pricing Security, Oracle Advanced Pricing Implementation Guide.


The default value is Off.

QP: Security Default Maintain Privilege

This profile option controls the default maintain privileges for NEWLY CREATED price lists and modifiers after security is turned on. For example, if the profile option is set to Operating Unit, then the maintain privileges for that price list or modifier are restricted to the default operating unit of the responsibility that created the price list or modifier. This controls which users (if any) have access to maintain specific price lists and modifiers. View and maintain responsibilities are controlled separately by different profile options.


Global, Operating Unit, Responsibility, User, or None.

The default value is Global.

QP: Security Default ViewOnly Privilege

This profile option determines the default view-only privileges for NEWLY CREATED price lists and modifiers after security is turned on. View and maintain responsibilities are controlled separately by different profile options. This controls which users (if any) have access to view specific price lists and modifiers.


Global, Operating Unit, Responsibility, User, or None.

The default value is Global.

QP: Selling Price Rounding Options

This rounding option rounds the selling price after adding unrounded list price and adjustments: selling price = round (list price + adjustments)

Note: The profile OM: Round Unit Selling Price has been migrated to QP: Selling Price Rounding Options.


This profile option can be viewed and updated at the site and responsibility level.

Freight Charge Rounding

Freight Charge Rounding: If the QP: Selling Price Rounding Options profile is set to NO or ADDITIVE then freight charges will not be rounded. If the profile is set to INDIVIDUAL then freight charges will be rounded. The rounding flag in the control record passed by calling application may have one of the following values:

Case 1)

Rounding Flag = Q

Profile QP: Selling Price Rounding Options = NO

List Price = 12.60, Rounding Factor = 0, Discount 25%

Adjustment amount = -3.15

Selling price = 12.60-3.15=9.45

Case 2)

Rounding Flag = Q

Profile QP: Selling Price Rounding Options = INDIVIDUAL

List Price = 12.60, Rounding Factor = 0, Discount 25%.

Adjustment amount = -round (round(12.60)*0.25) = -3

Selling price = round(12.60) - 3 = 10

Case 3)

Rounding Flag = Q

Profile QP: Selling Price Rounding Options = ADDITIVE

List Price = 12.60, Rounding Factor = 0, Discount 25%.

Adjustment amount =-3.15

Selling price = -round(12.60 - 3.15) = 9

Case 4)

Rounding Flag = N

List Price = 12.60, Rounding Factor = 0, Discount 25%.

Adjustment amount = -3.15

Selling price = 12.60-3.15=9.45

Case 5)

Rounding Flag = Y

List Price = 12.60, Rounding Factor = 0, Discount 25%.

Adjustment amount = -round (round(12.60)*0.25) = -3

Selling price = round (12.60) - 3 = 10

Case 6)

Rounding Flag = NULL

List Price = 12.60, Rounding Factor = 0, Discount 25%

Adjustment Amount = -round (round(12.60)*0.25) = -3

Selling price = round(12.60) - 3 = 10

The default value is Individual: = round(listprice) + round(adj).

QP: Set Request Name

The profile option QP: Set Request Name can be used in conjunction with the QP: Debug profile option so that the Request Name field will be prefixed with the Order ID.


Any valid values such as the Name or User ID of the user submitting the price request.

The QP: Set Request Name profile option is visible and can be updated at the site, application, responsibility, and user levels.

The default value is Blank.

QP: Source System Code

This profile option is used in all pricing setup windows to identify the application through which the pricing information is being entered. This source system code is held on all price and modifier lists to identify the origin of the data. At the time of pricing, the pricing engine may restrict its search to pricing information which originated from a particular application depending on the request type to source system setup.

By default, the value of the profile option QP_SOURCE_SYSTEM_CODE is QP (Oracle Pricing) at the Site level. However, to differentiate between applications and prevent update of modifiers among several applications, the value of this profile can be set up at the Application level.

If modifiers are created in different applications such as Oracle Advanced Pricing, Order Management, or Trade Management, then changes to the modifier can only be made in the application where the modifier was originally created. These changes include changes to the modifier header (as deleting is already prevented) or changes such as inserting, updating, or deleting modifier lines, pricing attributes, and qualifiers.

If you do not want to differentiate between applications or prevent update of modifiers created by different applications, then no specific setup is required. In this case, all modifiers are created with same value for source system code (assuming the value of this profile is set only at site level by default or same value if set for all applications which create modifiers).


The following customer requirements need to be established when setting up the profile options:

To accommodate these requirements, the value of the profile QP_SOURCE_SYSTEM_CODE is set up as follows:

The default value should only be changed if the source of the pricing data is any application other than Oracle Advanced Pricing. Set this to the source system lookup code of the application which is interfacing the pricing data.

After Attribute Mapping Manger is installed, this profile can be set at Site, Application and User level. The default value for this profile at the time of installation at the Site level is Oracle Pricing. The seeded value of this profile for various applications is shown in the table below:

Application name Default Value
Site Level Profile Value Oracle Pricing (QP)
Oracle Transportation Execution (FTE) Oracle Transportation Execution (FTE)
Oracle Inventory (INV) Oracle Inventory (INV)
Oracle Marketing (AMS) Oracle Marketing (AMS)
All other Applications Defaulted from Site

Note: Set the QP: Source System Code Profile to the source system lookup code of the application from which the QP Setup or other application setup windows are called.


QP: Oracle Pricing (and other source system lookup codes of related applications).

This profile option can be updated at the site and responsibility levels.

The default value is Oracle Pricing.

QP: Unit Price Precision Type

This profile option determines the Round To value that is defaulted on the price list. The rounding factor is limited by the number of positions allowed in the standard or extended precision format of the price list currency.

Note: If you update either the extended or standard precision value for a currency, then the updated value is applied only to new price lists but not existing price lists.


This profile option can be updated at the site and application levels.

Important: At the beginning of a price request, the item amount is sourced and then calculated using quantity * unit price. This value is then converted to a canonical format. However, if the value is larger than the canonical format, the conversion fails. Currently, for number type attributes, the pricing engine handles numbers of up to 21 digits to the left of the decimal, and 40 digits to the right of the decimal. Since the item amount and item quantity are also attributes (sourced internally) , the restriction applies to these attributes as well.

The default value is Standard.

QP: Valueset Lookup Filter

Use this profile option to enable or disable a search criteria window for qualifier value lookups in qualifiers, price lists, and modifiers. Some qualifiers use large valuesets, for example, those based on all customers, and searches may take a long time. If you want to reduce the number of items that display in the list of values, you can enter search criteria. If you do not enter search criteria and click the list of values indicator for the fields Value From or Value To, you see a window which advises that you have not entered search criteria and that the search may take a long time.


This profile option is visible and can be updated at the site, application, responsibility, and user levels.

The default value is Yes.

QP: Verify GSA Violations

This profile option indicates whether the pricing calculation engine should test for GSA violations. You can change the value to Yes if you require GSA pricing functionality.

The evaluation is performed if: 1) a request is for a non-GSA customer, and 2) GSA rules are violated if the selling price of an item is calculated to be less than the price of the item on any GSA price list.


This profile option can be updated at the site, application, responsibility, and user levels.

The default value is No.

Overview of Pricing Parameters

Pricing parameters provide controls for pricing applications that can be set by a Pricing Transaction Type (Request Type) or by a group of transactions that share pricing setups (PTE). Unlike profile options, which can be set at the site, application, responsibility, and user levels, parameter values are set at Pricing Transaction Entity (PTE) or Request Type level.

Note: Request types are those order applications that request pricing data (for example, Request Types such as Order Management Order or Oracle Contracts for Service).

Pricing parameters provide flexibility in situations where the parameter value needs to be different for different Request Types.

Note: Parameters are defined at either the Pricing Transaction Entity (PTE) level or the Request Type level: parameters defined at the PTE level may affect behavior for the pricing engine and the user interface level, while parameters defined at the Request Type level mainly affect pricing engine behavior.

For example, if you wanted price break ranges returned for Oracle Transportation but not Oracle Order Management, you could not set an application level profile option simultaneously to No for Oracle Order Management and Yes for Oracle Transportation. However, the pricing parameter Return only satisfied Price List break lines gives you the flexibility to define different parameter values for each Request Type: No for Oracle Order Management or Yes for Oracle Transportation. This enables price breaks to be returned for Oracle Transportation but not for Oracle Order Management.

Related Topics

Overview of Pricing Parameters

Viewing Pricing Parameter Definitions

Setting Pricing Parameter Values

Seeded Pricing Parameters

Viewing Pricing Parameter Definitions

You can search for parameters by parameter level and/or name to view details about seeded parameters. Pricing parameters enable you to control the functionality of the pricing engine at the PTE (pricing transaction entity) and Request Type levels.


In the Parameter Definition page, you can review parameter details and update parameter values (if applicable):

Related Topics

Overview of Pricing Parameters

Setting Parameter Values

Seeded Pricing Parameters

Viewing and Updating Pricing Parameter Values

You can do searches to find available pricing parameters, view detailed information about a parameter, and if desired, change the parameter value. Pricing parameters enable you to control the functionality of the pricing engine at the PTE (pricing transaction entity) and Request Type levels.

Use the Parameters Values page to search for and update existing values for a parameter. A parameter value (either seeded or overridden with a user-assigned value) controls the default behavior for a parameter. For example, the seeded values (Yes or No) for the parameter Return Only Satisfied Price List Break Lines control which price break lines are returned.

You can update a parameter value by entering a new User Assigned Value to take precedence over the seeded value.

Note: You must be assigned the Oracle Pricing Administrator or Pricing Manager responsibility to view or update pricing parameters.

To view and update pricing parameter values

In the Parameter Values page, do a search to display the parameter name(s) and related information:

Related Topics

Overview of Pricing Parameters

Viewing Parameter Definitions

Seeded Pricing Parameters

Seeded Pricing Parameters

This section describes the seeded pricing parameters. Theses parameters can be set only at Request Type level.

Price Book Pricing Events

This parameter identifies which pricing events should be used in the generation for a price book submitted for that request type. You can enter the name of a different valid pricing event in the User Assigned Value field or enter multiple pricing events by separating each event name with a comma; for example, PRICE, LINE (two events) or PRICE, LINE, BATCH (three events). Enter the event name(s) in capital letters; the system does not validate your entry or warn you if you make an incorrect entry such as entering an invalid event name. For more information on seeded events, see Oracle Advanced Pricing Implementation Guide, What are Pricing Events.

Note: A pricing event is a point in the transaction life cycle when you want to price the transaction (or certain transaction lines), or when you want to apply price adjustments, benefits, or charges to the whole transaction or specific transaction lines.


The default value for the Order Management request type is BATCH event. If the customer has defined modifiers that apply at order booking time (for example, for BOOK event) and if these modifiers are used to calculate net prices for the price book, set the parameter value for Order Management request type to BATCH, BOOK.

Return Only Satisfied Price List Price Break Lines

This parameter value indicates if the pricing engine should return only satisfied price break lines from the price list or all price break lines. Set parameter value to Y (Yes) for improved performance.

Example of break processing

Suppose a price list line is set up as a Point Break with the following break ranges by quantity:

If the quantity value for the current request is 15, then the break processing differs depending on the parameter value selected: