Billing A Loan

This chapter describes how to bill a loan.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Loan Billing

You must periodically bill your active loans to automatically generate the proper documents in Oracle Receivables. Your borrowers pay against these documents in Receivables.

Use the LNS: Billing concurrent program to submit the billing process for your active loans in Oracle Loans. See: Submitting the LNS: Billing Program.

The LNS: Billing program bills only those loans whose status is active, delinquent, or in default.

Note: As the Loans Agent, you can also bill loans by submitting the LNS: Loans Maintenance and Billing request set from a Forms application such as Oracle Receivables.

Integration with Oracle Receivables

When you bill a loan, Loans reviews your system options setup to determine how many documents to create in Receivables.

For example, Receivables can create multiple documents for each bill:

See: Setting Up System Options.

With these Receivables documents, you can:

Drilldown between Oracle Loans and Oracle Receivables

You can view both the billing that Receivables generates, as well as the payments that are applied in Receivables to loans, from several locations in the Loans application:

LNS: Billing Program

For details on using the LNS: Billing concurrent program, see: LNS: Billing Program.

Loan Payment Due Date

For each loan, Loans calculates the payment due date using the payment start date plus the payment frequency option that you defined during loan creation. See: Interest Rates.

For example, if the loan start date is May 25, the payment start date is June 25, and the Payment Frequency is Monthly, then the due dates for each subsequent billing period are June 25, July 25, and so on.

If you submit the LNS: Billing program on June 29 and specify a two week range of seven days (-7) before and seven days (+7) after the system date), then Loans selects for billing the example loan mentioned above, because its due date (June 25) falls within the specified two week range (June 22 through July 6).

Billing Periods

The LNS: Billing program creates only one bill per loan, per billing period:

Submitting the LNS: Billing Program

Submit the LNS: Billing program in Oracle Loans to create bills (Receivables documents) for your active loans.

You can create bills for a single loan or borrower, or for a range of loans, borrowers, or dates.

Using standard request submission, you can schedule billing to run at a specific time, or to run periodically.

Submit the LNS: Billing program from either the Forms-based Submit Request window, or click Submit Requests from the Dashboard. See: Running Reports and Programs, Oracl E-Business Suite User's Guide.

For more information, see: Overview of Loan Billing.


To submit the LNS: Billing program


The LNS: Billing program creates a bill for all active loans that match the entered parameters.

Enter at least one parameter to run billing:

  1. Using the Loan Agent responsibility, click Submit Requests on the Dashboard.

  2. Select the LNS: Billing program, and enter required parameters.

Submitting the LNS: Reverse Last Bill Program

If a bill that you issued to a borrower is incorrect, then you must use the LNS: Reverse Last Bill concurrent program to credit the original bill. For detailed information, see: LNS: Reverse Last Bill.

LNS: Allow to Bill and Pay from UI

Use the LNS: Allow to Bill and Pay from UI profile option to control user access to Bill and Pay transactions from the UI. The available profile values are: