Running Reports

This chapter describes the reports available to collectors and their managers.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Oracle Advanced Collections Reports

The Collection Agent and Collections Manager responsibilities in Oracle Advanced Collections can run reports.

The following reports are available:

Related Topics

Collector Campaign Schedule Report

Payment Campaign Report

Payment Collector Report

Promise Reconciliation Report

Collector Campaign Schedule Report

The Collector Campaign Schedule Report shows how a collections campaign is performing. It displays the following information:

See: Running the Collector Campaign Schedule Report

Related Topics

Running Oracle Advanced Collections Reports

Running the Collector Campaign Schedule Report

The Campaign Outcome Report and the Collector Outcome Report show collection activities and compare the activities with promises to pay and with payments. Use this procedure to run the Campaign or Collector Outcome Report.


  1. Navigate to Reports.

    The Collections Reports page lists available reports.

  2. Click Campaign Collector Outcome Report.

    The page lists parameters for running the report.

  3. In the Date field, choose the time period the report covers.

  4. In the Type field, choose to run the report by campaign or by collector.

  5. Use the LOVs to choose filter information in the remaining fields:

    • Campaign Schedule

    • Collector

    • Outcome

    • Result

    • Reason

  6. Click Run Report.

Payment Campaign Report

The Payment Campaign Report displays payment activities compared with a stated goal by campaign. The report includes the following columns:

See: Running the Payment Campaign Report

Related Topics

Running Oracle Advanced Collections Reports

Running the Payment Campaign Report

You can monitor the results for a particular campaign by the hour or for the day in relation to a stated goal. Use this procedure to run the Payment Campaign Report.


  1. Using the Collections Agent responsibility, navigate to Reports.

    The Collections Reports page lists available reports.

  2. Click Payment Campaign Report.

    The page lists parameters for running the report.

  3. In the Date field, choose the time period the report covers.

  4. Select a currency to use for the report results.

  5. Use the LOV to choose a campaign schedule or use the default All.

  6. In the Report Type field, choose to run either a summary or a detail report.

  7. Choose the type of payments collected under the campaign to be shown in the report or choose All.

  8. Select either hourly or daily for the goal.

  9. Enter the goal amount.

  10. Click Run Report.

Payment Collector Report

The Payment Collector Report displays payment activities compared with a stated goal by collector. The report includes the following columns:

See: Running the Payment Collector Report

Related Topics

Running Oracle Advanced Collections Reports

Running the Payment Collector Report

A collector or manager can quickly view collections activity for the day or for the hour and compare it to a goal. Collectors can manage their activities hour by hour to reach their daily goals. Use this procedure to run the Payment Collector Report.


  1. Navigate to Reports.

    The Collections Reports page lists available reports.

  2. Click Payment Collector Report.

    The page lists parameters for running the report.

  3. In the Date field, choose the time period the report covers.

  4. Select a currency to use for the report results.

  5. Use the LOV to choose the collector or a group. If you are logged in as a Collections Agent, then the field displays your user name.

  6. In the Report Type field, choose to run either a summary or a detail report.

  7. Choose the type of payments collected by the collector to be shown in the report or choose All.

  8. Select either hourly or daily for the goal.

  9. Enter the goal amount.

  10. Click Run Report.

Promise Reconciliation Report

The Promise Reconciliation Report compares promises with payments and with broken promises. The report shows the following fields:

See: Running the Promise Reconciliation Report

Related Topics

Running Oracle Advanced Collections Reports

Running the Promise Reconciliation Report

The Reconciliation Report compares promises to pay with receipts of promised payments. In this report, canceled promises are not identified as broken promises.

Use this procedure to run the Reconciliation Report.


  1. Using the Collections Agent responsibility, navigate to Reports.

    The Collections Reports page lists available reports.

  2. Click Reconciliation Report.

    The page lists parameters for running the report.

  3. In the Date field, choose the time period the report covers.

  4. Select a currency to use for the report results.

  5. Choose to group by campaign schedule or by collector.

  6. Optionally, use the LOV to limit the report to a selected collector or schedule.

  7. Click Run.