User Procedures

This chapter describes how to use Oracle Advanced Collections functionality, defines selected terminology you will encounter and addresses frequently asked questions for each feature.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Using the Profile Tab

View a snapshot of customer information including:

Definitions Related to the Profile Tab

Include in Dunning: Indicates if a customer is included in the current dunning cycle. Use the Action menu to manually change this setting.

Collector Name: Name of the collector:

Enter the collections agent's or collections manager's first and last name consistently across Advanced Collections enabling the correct collector name to appear in the Profile tab and all collections correspondence.

Filter by Selected View: Select this check box if you want to display metric information specific only to the view shown in the Collections header.

Metric Name: The name of a measurement or key indicator relating to the customer.

Metric Value: The value calculated by the metric formula.

Past Year Installments: Payment record for the previous twelve months.

Past Year Promises: Promises to pay for the previous twelve months.

Rating: Indicates whether the metric value falls in a low, medium, or high range of all possible values.

FAQs on Using the Profile Tab

What is the Include in Dunning field used for?

This indicates whether the customer is included in the current cycle of dunning correspondence or not. To change this setting, go to the Actions menu and select Include in Dunning or Exclude from Dunning. Then select Refresh to display your change. If you exclude a customer from dunning, the customer will not be included in dunning until you change the selection on the Actions menu.

How can I put a credit hold on a customer?

You can apply or release a credit hold from the Actions menu. Set the IEX: Enable Credit Hold profile option to Yes to enable this menu item. Credit hold information is also viewable on the Profile: Transaction tab on the Customers page in Oracle Receivables.

How often is the metrics data refreshed?

You can set the IEX: Metric Calculation Method profile option to refresh the data in batch or real time mode.

In batch mode, the data is refreshed periodically, based on how often the concurrent program is run. Make sure you schedule the Delinquency Status Determination concurrent program to run before the Metrics concurrent program so that your data will reflect the most recent delinquency information.

If you set this profile option to Real Time, Advanced Collections calculates the metric values each time a collections agent navigates to the Profile tab. Running complex metrics formulas in real time mode may cause performance issues.

How much data is used to calculate metric values?

Metrics are calculated using data from the past twelve months. If you want to use a larger range of data, then create a new metrics. See: Set Up Metrics, Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide.

Do I have to set up my own metric calculations?

No, Advanced Collections has preconfigured metric calculations that are grouped by Customer, Account, and Bill To views. For a list of metrics available in Advanced Collections, see: Metrics, Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide.

Can I add additional metrics?

Yes. Use the Create Metrics in the Transaction Setup portion of the Collections Checklist to add or modify metrics. If entirely new metrics are needed, have your system administrator or SQL developer create the components because metrics formulas consist of PL/SQL or function statements.

Do I have to use all the seeded metrics?

No, in the Collections Checklist, enable only the metric calculations that you want to use. You can also set the order in which they appear on the Profile tab.

How do you set the collector at the Party level?

Currently Oracle Receivables does not support party collector information. To set a collector at the Party level, you must use Oracle Territory Management.

Related Topics

Using the Profile Tab

Using the Collections Window

Set Up Metrics, Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Using Customer Contacts

Specify contacts for collections and dunning purposes.

FAQs on Using Customer Contacts

How do I designate the purpose for a contact?

In the Advanced Collections header, select an organization and highlight a contact name. From the Actions menu, select:

Should I set up a contact for both collections and dunning?

Yes. Advanced Collections automatically displays the Collections Contact in the Collections header with the customer information, making it easy for your collectors to place calls. All collections correspondence will be sent to the Dunning Contact. If you set up both a collections and a dunning contact, you ensure consistent contact methods, and eliminate mistakes and miscommunications with your customer.

When I record a promise to pay, which contact is displayed in the Promise Made by field?

The Customer Contact.

Can the collections contact and the dunning contact be the same?


Related Topics

Designating Customer Contacts

Using the History Tab

View historic customer and transaction information based on type of history selected. For a list of the history types, see: Overview of the History Tab.

Select a payment record from the History tab, right click and select Receipts Workbench to navigate to AR Receipts Workbench. You can also use the Navigate to > Receipts Workbench menu option.

Definitions Related to the History Tab

Resource Name: Employee who interacted with the customer.

FAQs on Using the History Tab

How do I view more detailed information for a line?

For more information for a line, select a different type of history. You can view more information for a line in Payment History by clicking Details.

How can I see notes related to a line?

You can view notes in the Notes field when viewing Adjustment, Dispute, Payment, or Promise History. For All History, Advanced Collections displays the last note created in the Notes column.

Can I select which history types are available?

Yes. Use the IEX_HISTORY_TYPE lookup, to enable or disable history types.

Can I change the default type of history that displays on the History tab?

Yes. The default history type is controlled by the IEX: Default History Type profile option.

Related Topics

Viewing Adjustment History

Viewing Correspondence History

Viewing Dispute History

Viewing Interaction History

Viewing Payment History

Viewing Promise History

Viewing Adjustment History

View adjustment information for a customer displayed chronologically.

Definitions Related to Viewing Adjustment History

Activity Name: Advanced Collections uses the Adjustments activities set up in Receivables, including write-offs, claims, and finance charges.

Type: Advanced Collections displays the Adjustment type set up in Receivables.

FAQs on Viewing Adjustment History

Can I limit the number of lines displayed?

Change the date range to reduce the number of lines displayed or to narrow your search.

Related Topics

Viewing History

Viewing Correspondence History

View correspondence information for a customer displayed chronologically.

Definitions Related to Viewing Correspondence History

Type: Indicates the delivery method for the correspondence: e-mail, fax, or print.

Status: Indicates the status of the correspondence event: closed (successful) or open (not yet sent).

Amount Due: Total delinquent amount that triggered the dunning.

Resend button: Select this button to resend a dunning notice reflecting the most current delinquency information.

FAQs on Viewing Correspondence History

Can I limit the number of lines displayed?

Change the date range to reduce the number of lines displayed or to narrow your search.

Why don't all sent correspondence have an interaction?

This can be for a number of reasons.

  1. During implementation, the interaction tracking was not enabled properly.

  2. If correspondence is sent through a concurrent program such as strategies, the interaction tracking mechanism is not called there and interactions are not recorded.

Related Topics

Viewing History

Viewing Dispute History

View dispute information for a customer displayed chronologically.

Definitions Related to Viewing Dispute History

Dispute Status: Reflects the status of the credit memo request in Oracle Receivables.

Dispute Reason: Indicates the reason for the dispute, selected by the collector when entering the dispute.

Dispute Section: Indicates the name of the invoice section disputed, such as Total. Appears only if dispute was entered for an invoice section.

FAQs on Viewing Dispute History

Can I limit the number of lines displayed?

Change the date range to reduce the number of lines displayed or to narrow your search.

Related Topics

Viewing History

Viewing Interaction History

View interaction history for a customer displayed chronologically.

Definitions Related to Viewing Interaction History

Resource Name: The employee who interacted with the customer.

Action: For a selected interaction, the action that occurred as defined in Oracle Interaction History.

Outcome: For a selected interaction, the immediate response to an agent's interaction, such as Contact, No Answer, or Busy. Outcomes are defined in Interaction History.

Result: For a selected interaction, a result of an interaction or activity. Results are defined in Interaction History.

Reason: For a selected interaction, a reason for the result of an interaction or activity. Reasons are defined in Interaction History.

Object Name: For a selected interaction, the object as defined in Interaction History.

FAQs on Viewing Interaction History

Can I limit the number of lines displayed?

Change the date range to reduce the number of lines displayed or to narrow your search.

Related Topics

Viewing History

Viewing Payment History

View payment history information for a customer displayed chronologically.

Definitions Related to Viewing Payment History

State: Confirmed or cleared state of the receipt in Oracle Receivables.

Status: Applied or unapplied receipt in Oracle Receivables.

Taken By: The resource name for the agent who took the payment or Receivables if the payment was not taken through Advanced Collections.

FAQs on Viewing Payment History

Can I limit the number of lines displayed?

Change the date range to reduce the number of lines displayed or to narrow your search.

Can I view credit card payments in payment history?

Yes. Payment history includes credit card payments and credit card refunds.

Related Topics

Viewing History

Viewing Promise History

View a history of customer promises to pay listed chronologically.

Definitions Related to Viewing Promise History

Promise Status: Open or broken promise.

Promise Broken: Either Yes or No.

Payment Amount: Amount of promised payment.

FAQs on Viewing Promise History

Can I limit the number of lines displayed?

Change the date range to reduce the number of lines displayed or to narrow your search.

Related Topics

Viewing History

Viewing Account Information

Use this procedure to view account information.


  1. Using the Collections Agent responsibility, select an account in the Accounts tab of the Collections window.

  2. Click Details.

    The Account Details screen displays information about the selected account.

  3. Optionally, view credit information for the account in the Credit tab. Information is read only.

  4. Optionally, in the Roles tab, view existing role information that was entered in Oracle Receivables.

  5. Optionally, in the Sites tab, view existing information entered in Oracle Receivables.

  6. Optionally, in the Relationships tab, view existing account relationship information entered in Oracle Receivables.

  7. Click Cancel to return to the Collections window.

  8. Click Customer to navigate to Oracle Receivables where you can see additional information about this account.

Guidelines for Account Relationships

When you create relationships between any customer accounts in Oracle Receivables, you indicate that the relationship is either one-way or reciprocal.

When you apply receipts to an invoice in a one-way relationship, the parent account can apply receipts to the invoices in the related account, but receipts in the related account cannot be applied to the parent account's invoices.

When applying invoices to commitments, an account can only apply invoices to commitments that it owns or to commitments of a parent customer account to which it is related. Reciprocal account relationships allow parties to pay each other's debit items and enter invoices against each other's commitments.

If you use Oracle Trade Management

If you have installed Oracle Trade Management, you can view trade claims, disputes, overpayments and other information for your customer by selecting the View Open Lines Listing button. See: Viewing Claims in Oracle Trade Management.

Related Topics

Oracle Receivables User Guide

Viewing Account Balances by Aging Bucket

Use this procedure to view account balances by aging bucket.


  1. Using the Collections Agent responsibility, select a customer and select to view by customer, account, or bill to location.

  2. Select the Aging tab.

    The aging balance information for your customer, bill to, or account displays using the default aging bucket and does not display open credits or receipts at risk.

    The collectible amount represents the total value of all current and delinquent transactions.

  3. To change the aging bucket, select a different aging bucket from the drop down list for the Aging Bucket field and then click Display.

  4. To view receipts that have not yet cleared the bank and factored receipts that have not been risk eliminated, check Receipts at Risk and click Display.

Viewing Open Credits

Use this procedure to view open credits.


  1. Select a customer.

  2. Select the Aging tab in the Collections window.

  3. Select Summarize from the list of values in the Open Credits field.

  4. Select Display.

  5. The open credit information displays in the Open Credits box.

Viewing Transaction Data

Use this procedure to view transaction data.


  1. Using the Collections Agent responsibility, in the Transactions tab of the Collections window, select one of the following transaction classes for a selected account and date range:

    • Invoice

    • Credit memo

    • Debit memo

    • Chargeback

    • Deposit

    • Guarantee

    • Bills Receivable (to be supported in the future)

    • Leasing Invoice (used for Oracle Lease and Finance Management only)

      Note: Leasing Invoice displays only the contract consolidated invoices created prior to the uptake of Oracle Lease and Finance Management. For new contract users, this class is not available.

  2. Select Include Current to display transactions that are not past due, delinquent transactions that have been paid, and delinquent transactions for the date range. Select Include Closed to also display transactions with a Closed (paid on time) status for the date range selected.

    Note: Transaction status can be:

    • Current: Not past due or delinquency that has been paid

    • Delinquent: past due

    • Blank: Paid before due date

  3. All the transactions pertaining to the date range will be shown in the dynamic table.

    Note: When you select multiple transactions for processing, the application limits the selection to 4000 characters. Select only a few transactions at a time.

  4. You can include or exclude the columns from the display by right clicking on the column header.

  5. Use the Filtering By option to filter the transactions, if required.

    Note: The filtering option for the transaction data is not available for Sales Order, Score, Paid, or Promise Date columns.

  6. If applicable, you can select a transaction, right click and select Reason for Delinquency.

    Select a reason for delinquency from the LOV.

    Note: You can add your own customized reasons for delinquency to the LOV.

    See: Reviewing Delinquencies.

  7. If applicable, you can select a transaction, right click and select Transaction Workbench to navigate to AR Transaction Workbench. You can also use the Navigate to > Transaction Workbench menu option.

  8. If applicable, you can select a transaction, click Dunning History to display the dunning details. The Transaction Dunning History window opens up. This spread table displays Dunning Details for the selected transaction with order by Creation Date column.

    On right clicking a dunning history record, a pop-up menu opens up with the following options:

    1. Show Letter

    2. Show Delivered Letter

    3. Show Invoice Letter

    4. Show Delivered Invoice Letter

    5. Show Dunning Transactions

    6. Show XML Data

    7. Show Invoice XML Data

    On selecting any option from the pop-up menu, the corresponding data get displayed.

If you use Oracle Lease and Finance Management:

To display contract information on the Transaction tab, you must expose the following columns:

The Transaction Details window displays information about selected leasing invoices or leasing contracts but the dispute functionality is not available. You can also access Transaction Details from the Lifecycle tab.

Using the Notes Tab

Collectors can enter notes in the following situations:

The Note tab in the Collections window displays notes related to the data level displayed in the header.

Related Topics

Viewing Customer Information

Using the Tasks Tab

The Task tab in the Collections window displays all open tasks relating to the customer displayed in the Collections window header. Select a task in the list of tasks to see detailed information about the task.

To display only tasks associated with the View selected in the Collections header, such as Account or Delinquency, set the OTS: Task Details - Query Task By profile option to Reference.

See: Profile Options Not Owned by Oracle Advanced Collections, Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide.

Viewing Loan Information

If you use Oracle Loans, you can use the Loans tab to view information about all loans for a customer or other view shown in the Collections header.

You can access the Loans tab from within Advanced Collections, as a loans servicing agent, to view loans with a status of current, delinquent, or in default. You can also use the Collector's Work Queue to track strategy work items for delinquent loans or broken promises.

From the Loans tab, you can:

The Transactions tab displays Loans invoices in the list of transactions. The loan number appears in the Transaction Number column.

Tip: Rearrange the columns in the dynamic table to display the loan number at the beginning of the table so you can quickly find a loan. Save your new configuration.

Tip: If the lending organization generates multiple invoices and/or debit memos each month for principal, interest, and fees, sort transactions using the transaction number (loan number) and due date. This groups all transactions for a loan and due date so you can quickly find a specific transaction.

You can also navigate to Transaction Details and Payment Processing. See: Processing Payments.

If a delinquent loan cannot be resolved, you can initiate later-stage collections activities such a litigation, bankruptcy, and repossession. Later-stage delinquency activities are performed at the transaction level. You cannot write off a loan in Advanced Collections, but you can make adjustments or create credit memos in Oracle Receivables.

See: Managing Later-stage Delinquencies.

Viewing Cases

You can view cases for a customer from the Case Management tab. Oracle Advanced Collections must be integrated with Oracle Lease and Finance Management.

A case is defined as a group of contracts for a customer sharing the same bill-to address, private label, and other Lease Contract parameters. When a contract is created, Oracle Lease and Finance Management calls the Case API passing in the rules to create a case, the Case API look for a currently open and existing case that matches the given rules. If no case is found that matches the rule, then a new case is created.

You can manage later stage delinquency for all contracts for a case from at Case Management tab.



  1. Using the Collections Agent responsibility, select the Case Management tab.

    The tab displays the cases in a dynamic table.

  2. Select the case you want to view.

    Click the ellipsis button besides contract to view all contracts associated with the case. You can assign the status of litigation/repossession/writeoff from this page. You can also see the details of the contract by clicking on the contract number. This will navigate to the leasing center contract UI.

    Note: You can create the Repossession from this tab. Repossession is against an asset attached to the contract. Once created, the repossession can be closed by filling up the disposition code. However, this will not bring back the assets of the repossession to the available list in the Contract and Case Management tab.

  3. If you want to enter payment information for a case, then click Payment Processing and follow the Processing Payments procedure.

Viewing Contracts a Customer Has With Your Organization

You can view contracts for a customer if you are using the Oracle Contracts applications. To have full use of the Contracts tab, Oracle Advanced Collections must be integrated with Oracle Lease and Finance Management.



  1. Using the Collections Agent responsibility, select the Contract tab.

    The tab displays the contracts in a dynamic table.

  2. Select the contract category you want to view.

    Contract information appears.

    Note: You can create the Repossession from this tab. Repossession is against an asset attached to the contract. Once created, the repossession can be closed by filling up the disposition code. However, this will not bring back the assets of the repossession to the available list in the Contract and Case Management tab.

  3. If you want to enter payment information for a lease contract, then click Payment Processing and follow the Processing Payments procedure.

  4. If you want to view the details of a contract, then:

    1. Select the contract in the table.

    2. Click Details.

      The appropriate Oracle Contracts application opens, depending upon the type of contract.

Related Topics

Oracle Sales Contracts Implementation and Administration Guide

Oracle Service Contracts User Guide

Using Custom Tabs

The Collections window includes two tabs that can be customized to support the unique business requirements of your enterprise. These tabs are hidden until programmed by your implementation team or system administrator. Use them if you need to provide specific information for your collectors that is not available with the standard functionality of Advanced Collections.

Using Attachments

You can add attachments to a collections issue that collectors can access when interacting with customers. For example, you can attach an image file to a delinquency to show the item that your customer ordered or attach a scanned copy of the sales order for the transaction. Attachments can be in the form of a document reference, file, long text, short text, or a web page.

The Attachment icon in the toolbar indicates whether the Attachments feature is enabled in the Collections window. When the button is grayed out, the Attachment feature is not available. When the Attachment feature is enabled in a window, the icon becomes a solid paper clip. The icon changes to a paper clip holding a paper when the Attachment feature is enabled in a window and the current record has at least one attachment.

To view the attachment, choose the Attachment icon, or choose attachments from the View menu.

For more information, see: About Attachments, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide.

Using Directory Assistance

Use this procedure to search for a phone number on the web.



  1. Use your self service web applications login and select Directory Assistance from the Navigator.

    The Directory Assistance page appears.

  2. Use the LOV to select the URL for the directory assistance web site you want to use.

  3. If required, enter your search information. One or more fields are required depending upon the chosen directory assistance web site.

  4. Click Search Web.

    The directory assistance web site appears with the results of the search.

Using Payment Processing

Enter, view, and query payments or promises to pay for invoices, accounts, or contracts.

FAQs on Using Payment Processing

Where can I access the Processing Payments button?

You can access Payment Processing from the Accounts, Transactions, Lifecycle, Aging, and History tabs. If you use Oracle Lease and Finance Management, you can access Process Payments from Contract and Case Management tabs.

Can I enter a partial payment?

If the customer wants to pay a partial amount, then enter the payment amount for that item.

Why do I have to select a site manually sometimes?

When selected invoices are of inactive sites and on clicking Payment Processing, "All sites belongs to selected invoices are inactive, you can select a site manually" message is displayed and payment processing form is opened.

You have to select the site manually in the Locations field.

How are credit card payments authorized?

When you submit a credit card payment, the information is sent to Oracle Receivables which sends it to Oracle Payments for authorization and processing. Oracle Payments determines if the card is valid and reserves the funds. If it cannot authorize the charge, Payments returns an error to the Payments Processing window in Advanced Collections.

For more information about how Oracle Payments authorizes payments, see: Authorize Transaction from Source Product Flow (F2), Oracle Payments Implementation Guide.

Can I send a payment confirmation to a customer?

If the IEX: Send Correspondence Automatically profile option is set to Yes, then Advanced Collections sends a confirmation document to the customer's dunning contact address and a correspondence event is recorded in the customer's history. For more information about profile options, see: Correspondence Category, Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide.

Related Topics

Processing Payments

Processing Credit Card Payments

Processing Bank Check EFT Payments

Accepting Promises to Pay

Processing Credit Card Payments

Use this procedure to process credit card payments.


  1. Click Payment Processing on any tab that supports payment processing. Account or invoice information from the tab appears in the Processing Payment window.

  2. If the customer wants to pay all items, then select Pay All.

  3. If the customer wants to pay the full amount for a specific item, then select Pay in Full for that item.

  4. If the customer wants to pay a partial amount, then enter the payment amount for that item.

  5. Choose the Credit Card tab and enter the credit card details for the payment. See: Adding Credit Card Information.

  6. Enter a note about the payment.

  7. Click Submit or Submit and Close.

    If the IEX: Send Correspondence Automatically profile option is set to Yes, then a confirmation document is sent to the customer's dunning address using the correspondence method and template specified in the Collections Checklist. For more information about correspondence profile options, see: Correspondence Category, Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide.

Adding Credit Card Information

Use this procedure to add credit card information for payments.


  1. Click Payment Processing on any tab that supports payment processing. Account or invoice information from the tab appears in the Processing Payment window.

  2. Select the Credit Card tab.

  3. Click the ellipsis button, next to the credit card number field, then click Create in credit card section in the Payment Details window.

  4. Enter the credit card information and click Apply.

  5. Review the credit card information in the Payment Details window and click Apply.

Processing Bank Check EFT Payments

Use this procedure to process bank transfer payments.


  1. Click Payment Processing on any tab that supports payment processing. Information from the tab appears in the Processing Payment window.

  2. If you are paying on accounts and you want to see the total balance due for an account, then click in the Click to Calculate Balance field.

  3. If the customer wants to pay all items, then select Pay All.

  4. If the customer wants to pay the full amount for a specific item, then select Pay in Full check box for that item.

  5. If the customer wants to pay a partial amount, then enter the payment amount for that item.

  6. Choose the Bank Transfer tab and enter the information for the payment. To add a new account number, click the ellipse and add the information in Payment Details.

  7. Enter a note about the payment.

  8. Click Submit or Submit and Close. The bank transfer payment is authorized through Oracle Payments and then sent on toOracle Receivables.

    If the IEX: Send Correspondence Automatically profile option is set to Yes, then a confirmation document is sent to the customer's dunning address using the correspondence method and template specified in the Collections Checklist. For more information about correspondence profile options, see: Correspondence Category, Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide.

Entering a Promise to Pay

Use the following steps to enter promises to pay for single or multiple transactions and also to cancel a promise to pay:

To enter a promise to pay for a single transaction

  1. Select a transaction on any of the tabs that support payment processing and click Payment Processing.

  2. Select the Promise tab.

  3. Select an item in the payment region. The item information appears in the Promise tab.

  4. Enter the promise amount, promise date, and planned payment method.

  5. The Adjusted column reflects the difference between the promise amount entered and the amount overdue for that item.

  6. Optionally enter the payment account (such as the credit card number) or a payment item number (such as the check number).

  7. Optionally, enter a note in the Notes Detail window.

  8. Click Submit or Submit and Close.

    If the IEX: Send Correspondence Automatically profile option is set to Yes, then a promise confirmation document is sent to the customer's dunning address using the correspondence method and template specified in the Collections Checklist. Otherwise, collectors can manually send correspondence to confirm a promise to pay. To change this setting, go to the Collections Checklist.

    Note: Send confirmation letters only after entering all promises for a customer, since the confirmation letter contains the cumulative information for each promise entered. It could be either multiple promises made for a single transaction or for multiple transactions.

    For example, if two promises were made for a transaction, the first confirmation letter will include information regarding the first promise made, while the second confirmation letter will contain cumulative information regarding both the promises made for the transaction.

    Once the promise has been submitted, select View Notes from the Actions menu to display all the notes for the transaction. You can create new notes or update existing notes only from the View Notes window. The notes for a transaction are also displayed on the History tab.

    Oracle Advanced Collections creates a broken promise callback in the Collector's Work Queue for the collector who took the promise if the promised payment is not made.

To enter a promise to pay for multiple transactions

  1. Select multiple transactions on any of the tabs that supports payment processing and click the Payment Processing button.

  2. Select the Mass Promise tab.

  3. Enter the date of the expected payment, payment method. Optionally enter the payment account (such as the credit card number) or a payment item number (such as the check number) if available.

  4. Optionally, enter a note for the promise.

  5. Click Submit.

    After recording a promise to pay, Advanced Collections updates the Promise? column on the Transaction tab to Yes.

To cancel a promise to pay

You can cancel a promise to pay, with a status of open, if no payment has been recorded for the promise. You can use this feature to cancel a promise before the promise due date if the promise is no longer valid. When a promise is canceled, only the promise is deleted. The delinquency remains.

A canceled promise cannot be reinstated. However, you can enter a new promise.

All canceled promises are recorded in Promise History. You can use the Promise Reconciliation report to identify customers who habitually promise payment, but then cancel their promises. In the report, a canceled promise is not identified as a broken promise.

  1. Select a transaction or group of transactions on any tab that supports payment processing and click Payment Processing.

  2. Select the Promise tab.

  3. In the Payment Method region, select Cancel. For multiple transactions, you can select Cancel All to cancel all promises shown.

Reversing Payments

Customers occasionally ask that recent payments received be reversed due to errors in the information they gave the collector or to a disagreement they have with their delinquency. If your organization allows this, use this procedure to reverse a payment.


  1. In the Collections window, select the History tab.

  2. Choose the Payment History type.

  3. Select the account.

  4. Enter a date range.

  5. Click Display to generate the payment history.

  6. Highlight the payment and click Details.

    The Payment History Details window displays information about the selected payment.

  7. Highlight one or more payment lines and click Reverse Payment.

    The Reverse Payment window displays the selected receipt number.

  8. Use the LOV to choose a reversal category.

  9. Use the LOV to choose a reason for the reversal.

  10. Enter a note to explain the reversal.

  11. Click Reverse.

    A payment reversal request is recorded and the payment status changes. The delinquency is reopened the next time the concurrent programs are run.

    A reversal confirmation message containing a reversal number appears and can be used as a reference by the customer and collector.

    If the IEX: Send Correspondence Automatically profile option is set to Yes, then a confirmation document is sent to the customer's dunning address using the correspondence method and template specified in the Collections Checklist. For more information about correspondence profile options, see: Correspondence Category, Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide.

    Note: The. IEX: Enable Receipt Reversal profile option controls whether you can reverse payments. For more information about business flow profile options, see: Business Flow Configuration Category, Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

If a customer requests a payment reversal, it is a good idea to obtain payment again from the customer using a different payment method or source.

Adjusting Invoices

Collectors can adjust overdue transactions while talking to their customers. Use this procedure to submit an adjustment against an invoice (whether or not it is delinquent).


  1. Using the Collections Agent responsibility, in the Transactions tab, select the invoice and click Adjustment Processing.

  2. You can review the status of other adjustments made against this transaction in the Adjustment Processing region.

  3. To enter a new adjustment against this transaction, create a new row in this region.

  4. Enter the adjustment activity, amount, date, and reason.

  5. Optionally, enter a note.

  6. Click Adjustment.

    Note that collectors must have the financial authority to initiate such adjustments. This financial authority can be based on responsibility, job category, amount of the transaction or related adjustment, or a combination of these items.

    If a collector attempts to make an adjustment that exceeds his or her authority, then the adjustment is considered pending. A collections manager must approve the pending adjustment in Oracle Receivables. See: Approving Adjustments, Oracle Receivables User Guide.

    When you adjust a transaction in Oracle Advanced Collections, the adjustment is created in Oracle Receivables.

    An adjustment confirmation message containing an adjustment number appears and can be used as a reference between customer and collector.

    If the IEX: Send Correspondence Automatically profile option is set to Yes, then a confirmation document is sent to the customer's dunning address using the correspondence method and template specified in the Collections Checklist. For more information about correspondence profile options, see: Correspondence Category, Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide.

The user profile option IEX: Allow Adjustments must be set to Yes.

Confirmation of the adjustment is sent if an adjustment confirmation template is defined in the IEX: Adjustment Fulfillment Template profile option.

Disputing Invoices

Debtors often refuse to pay invoices because they do not believe they owe money for a variety of reasons. Use this procedure to submit a dispute against an invoice (whether or not it is delinquent). Once created, a dispute is sent to Oracle Receivables through the Credit Memo Workflow for review and resolution. See: AME Credit Memo Request Workflow, Oracle Receivables User Guide.


  1. Using the Collections Agent responsibility, in the Transactions tab, select the invoice and click Transaction Details.

  2. If the customer is disputing a specific invoice line item, then perform the following steps:

    1. Select Specific Invoice Lines from the Dispute Section LOV.

    2. Select the line item.

    3. Enter the dispute amount or dispute quantity for the line. If the invoice has no line items, then the line-item related dispute fields are not accessible.

      The application calculates the dispute amount if you enter a dispute quantity. The dispute amounts are totaled in the Dispute Total field.

  3. If the customer wants to dispute a section of the invoice, then use the LOV in the Dispute Section field to select one of the following:

    • Lines subtotal

    • Shipping

    • Tax

    • Total

      The total amount for the selected section appears in the Dispute Totals field. Earlier disputes are not included in the total.

  4. If the customer's dispute is over an expected discount, enter the discount amount.

    The amount is calculated using the entered percent against the invoice total prior to shipping and tax.

  5. Select a dispute reason.

  6. Optionally, enter a note.

  7. Click Dispute.

    While invoices are in dispute they are no longer labeled as delinquent. Disputed transactions are recorded in Interaction History, including the transaction number, class, type, date, status, amount, remaining amount, customer name, and organization.

    A dispute confirmation message containing a dispute number appears and can be used as a reference between customer and collector.

    If the IEX: Send Correspondence Automatically profile option is set to Yes, then a confirmation document is sent to the customer's dunning address using the correspondence method and template specified in the Collections Checklist. For more information about correspondence profile options, see: Correspondence Category, Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide.

    The dispute creates a Credit Memo Request in Oracle Receivables.

Reviewing Delinquencies

Use the following procedure to review delinquency information.


  1. Using the Collections Manager responsibility, open the Delinquencies tab, choose Summary.

    The Delinquency Summary page displays delinquencies assigned to you.

  2. Click the Delinquency ID for the record you want to work on.

    The Delinquency Detail page appears.

  3. If you want to add a predicted recovery amount or predicted recovery chance, then enter the data into the corresponding fields.

  4. If you want to view actual cost information for the delinquency, then choose Actual Cost from the menu.

    The actual cost details appear.

    If you want to add an actual cost, then click Create.

    The Create Costs page appears.

    Enter cost information.

  5. If you want to view budgeted cost information for the delinquency, then choose Budget Cost from the menu.

    The budgeted cost details appear.

    The Create Costs page appears.

    Enter cost information.

  6. If you want to review the strategies relating to the selected delinquency, then choose Strategies from the menu.

    The Strategies page lists the names and active dates of the strategies assigned to the delinquency.

  7. If you want to review the value of assets involved in the bankruptcy, then choose Asset Value from the menu.

    The Asset Value page displays a list of assets.

Related Topics

See also: Updating a Delinquency.

Updating a Delinquency

Use this procedure to update information about a delinquency that has a status of delinquent.



  1. Using the Collections Agent responsibility, in the Collections window, select the Lifecycle tab.

    Delinquency information for the selected view appears.

  2. Select a delinquency from the table that has a status of Delinquent.

    The details appear on the tab.

  3. Optionally, select an unpaid reason from the List of Values (LOV).

  4. Optionally, click the ellipsis button beside Strategy to view details of the displayed strategy.

  5. Optionally, enter a note about the delinquency.

  6. If you want to send a request for service hold to your manager for approval, then select Service Hold Request. A workflow notification is sent to your manager when you save.

  7. If you want to see detail information about the delinquent invoice, then click Transaction Details.

    The Transaction Details window displays detail information. You can also enter dispute information in this window.

  8. If you want to process a payment from the Lifecycle tab, then click Payment Processing.

    The Payment Processing window opens.

  9. If the delinquency is beyond normal collections procedures, then click New Status and change the status.

    A status change starts a workflow and sends a notification to a manager or specialist for approval and further action.

Note: When you select multiple delinquencies for processing, the application limits the selection to 4000 characters. Select only a few transactions at a time.

Service Hold Request is only available if you are using Oracle Lease and Finance Management and the IEX: Service Hold of Delinquencies profile option is set to Yes.

Recording a Bankruptcy

You can record information when customers claim they are planning to declare or are actually in bankruptcy. When you change the status of a delinquent customer to Bankruptcy:



  1. Using the Collections Agent responsibility, in the Collections window, select the Lifecycle tab. Delinquency information for the selected view appears.

  2. Click New Status.

  3. In the Status field, select Bankrupt from the LOV.

  4. Enter the chapter number, if known.

  5. Select the legal firm from the LOV, if known.

  6. Optionally, click the ellipsis button beside Firm to see details about the firm.

    The Address Information window displays addresses and contacts for the firm.

  7. In the Counsel field, enter the name of the attorney assigned to the bankruptcy.

  8. In the Court field, use the LOV to select the court or district under which the filing was made.

  9. Optionally, click the ellipsis button beside Court to see details about the court.

    The Address Information window displays addresses and contacts for the court.

  10. Enter the filing, court order, and bankruptcy closed dates, if known.

  11. Optionally, enter a note about the bankruptcy.

Related Topics


Closing a Bankruptcy

You can close open bankruptcies and revert them to earlier status.

Note: You cannot create another bankruptcy unless the previous bankruptcy is closed.



  1. Select Bankruptcy from the Tools.

  2. Select an open Bankruptcy.

  3. Select Bankruptcy Withdrawn or Bankruptcy Dismissed as the disposition code from drop down menu.

  4. Apply the record

Related Topics


Manually Notifying Customers of Impending Report to Credit Bureau

You can manually start the procedure to notify a customer of your intention to report the customer to a credit bureau.



  1. Using the Collections Agent responsibility, search for the case that is the subject of the impending report.

  2. You can optionally examine the case details, the contract details and the history details.

  3. Click Notify Customer.

    This sets the action to Notify Customer, and the status to Manual action pending, and a row appears with this information in the History Details area.

To complete the notification process, you must have scheduled the IEX: Process Pending and IEX: Notify Customer concurrent programs.

IEX: Process Pending writes data to interface tables, and sets the status to Processed.

IEX: Notify Customer sends the notification email to the customer, and sets the status to Complete.

For information about running these concurrent programs and their parameters, see: Concurrent Programs for Oracle Lease and Finance Management.

After the time period specified by the IEX: CB Notification Grace Days profile option, a follow-up task is created for the collections agent, indicating that is it time to report the customer to a credit bureau.

Manually Reporting a Customer to a Credit Bureau

You may have previously notified the customer of your intention to report the customer to a credit bureau.



  1. Search for the case that is the subject of the impending report.

  2. You can optionally examine the case details, the contract details and the history details.

  3. Click Report Customer.

    This sets the action to Report Customer, and the status to Manual action pending.

  4. To complete the reporting process, you must have scheduled the IEX: Process Pending concurrent program.

    IEX: Process Pending writes data to interface tables, and sets the status to Processed.

    Note: After the IEX: Process Pending concurrent program has finished executing, the data is available to the credit bureau in the interface tables. Additional software is required to validate and transfer the data from the interface tables for use by the credit bureau.

    For information about running these concurrent programs and their parameters, see: Concurrent Programs for Oracle Lease and Finance Management.

Reporting All Customers

This process makes the data for all customers available to a credit bureau, regardless of delinquency.


  1. Using the Collections Administrator responsibility, navigate to Foundation and Sales Set Up > Concurrent Requests > Run.

  2. Schedule the IEX: Report All Contracts concurrent program request.

  3. To complete the reporting process, you must have scheduled the IEX: Process Pending concurrent program.

    The IEX: Process Pending concurrent program writes data to interface tables, and sets the status to Processed.

    Note: After the IEX: Process Pending concurrent program has finished executing, the data is available to the credit bureau in the interface tables. Additional software is required to validate and transfer the data from the interface tables for use by the credit bureau.

    For information about running these concurrent programs and their parameters, see: Concurrent Programs for Oracle Lease and Finance Management.

Manually Transferring Cases to an External Agency

Use this procedure if you want to manually trigger the transfer of cases to an external agency.



  1. Using the Collections Agent responsibility, search for the case that you intend to transfer to an external agency.

  2. You can optionally examine the case details, the contract details and the history details.

  3. Click Transfer.

    The Transfer Case window appears.

  4. Select a Review Date. On the review date, a task will be created on the agent's work queue as a reminder to review the case transfer.

    The default review date will be the current date plus the number of days specified in the IEX: EA Transfer Days profile option.

  5. Move to Agency, then click the ellipsis button that appears and select an agency from the drop down list.

  6. Click Update.

  7. To complete the transfer process, you must have scheduled the IEX: Process Pending and IEX: Review Transfer concurrent programs .

    IEX: Process Pending writes data to interface tables, and sets the status to Processed.

    IEX: Review Transfer will create a task on the collection agent's work queue on the review date.

    This procedure of manually transferring cases to an external agency also writes "Notification Pending" records to the OKL_OPEN_INT and IEX_OPEN_INT_HST open interface tables.

    Note: After the IEX: Process Pending concurrent program has finished executing, the data is available to the external agency in the interface tables. Additional software is required to validate and transfer the data from the interface tables for use by the external agency.

    For information about running these concurrent programs and their parameters, see: Concurrent Programs for Oracle Lease and Finance Management.

Manually Reviewing Transferred Cases

Use this procedure to decide what to do with the transferred cases. You can either trigger an automatic recall or specify that you wish to review a case before recall.

For both options, automatic recall or review before recall, you can specify the dates on which the operations should take place.



  1. Using the Collections Agent responsibility, search for the case which you want to review.

  2. You can optionally examine the case details, the contract details and the history details.

  3. Click Recall Notice.

    The Recall Notice window appears.

  4. Select either the Automatic Recall or Review Before Recall radio button.

  5. If you choose Automatic Recall, you must specify the Recall Date.

    The default recall date will be the current date plus the number of days specified in the IEX: EA Recall Grace Days profile option.

    If you choose Review Before Recall, you must specify both the Recall Date and the Review Date. The Recall Date is not required for the review process, but can be included in any notification messages that you may wish to create.

  6. Click Update.

  7. To complete the automatic recall or review process, you must have scheduled the IEX: Review Transfer and IEX: Recall Transfer concurrent programs.

    IEX: Review Transfer examines the cases set for Review Before Recall, sets the status to Notified and, on the review date, creates a task in the collection agent's work queue.

    IEX: Recall Transfer examines the cases set for Automatic Recall and, on the recall date, sets the status to Recalled.

    This procedure of manually reviewing cases also writes "Notification Pending" records to the OKL_OPEN_INT and IEX_OPEN_INT_HST open interface tables, no matter whether you choose the Automatic Recall or the Review Before Recall option.

    For information about running these concurrent programs and their parameters, see: Concurrent Programs for Oracle Lease and Finance Management.

Manually Recalling Transferred Cases

Use this procedure to manually recall transferred cases.



  1. Using the Collections Agent responsibility, search for the case which you want to review.

  2. You can optionally examine the case details, the contract details and the history details.

  3. Click Recall.

    A window appears, with a message asking you if you are sure you want to perform the recall.

  4. If you wish to perform the recall, click Yes.

  5. This procedure of manually recalling transferred cases sets the status to Recalled, and also writes Notification Pending records to the OKL_OPEN_INT and IEX_OPEN_INT_HST open interface tables.

Controlling Status in the Collections Header

The Collections Header includes a Status field for the customer. This status indicates the customer's most critical delinquency status.

You can determine the priority in which to display a customer's delinquency status. For example, if a customer bankruptcy takes precedence over other delinquency statuses in your company, then create a new customer status prioritization and give bankruptcy the most critical collections status priority.

Use the procedure given in Set Up Customer Status Prioritization, Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide to set up filters and priorities that control the status displayed in the header for each customer.

Reassigning Work

You can temporarily reassign work from one collector to another on a one-time basis or for a specific date range. You can also permanently change the customers assigned to a collector using a manual or automatic method. This transfers all new work items to the new collector.

To manually reassign work to a different collector

You can manually change work assignments for your collectors using the Collections Administrator responsibility. For example, if a collector is out sick, you can reassign some or all of the work items that appear in the Collector's Work Queue for a collector to a different collector or to multiple collectors. You can sort broken promises, work items, and customers assigned to a resource to locate specific items to reassign to another resource. Or you can transfer ownership of all items owned by a collector to a different collector.

Note: To change work assignments permanently, use Territory Manager or the Customer page in Oracle Receivables to change the collector assigned to the customer.

  1. Using the Collections Administrator responsibility, go to Ownership.

  2. Select the type of ownership you want to reassign:

    • Broken Promise Ownership

    • Work Item Ownership

    • Customer Ownership - reassigns both broken promises and work items

  3. Select the current resource owner.

  4. Select the resource owner you want to transfer to.

  5. Click Display to show all items or customers assigned to current collector.

  6. Select the items you want to transfer. Then click Update. Or, to transfer ownership of all items assigned to a collector, click Update All.

To reassign work for a specific time period

If you want to temporarily change work assignments for a specific time period, use the Collector Reassignment page available for the Collections Manager responsibility. The collector assigned to the customer will not change. Only the work items will be displayed in the Collector's Work Queue for the collector who is covering the work temporarily. Once the specified time period expires, the work items will no longer be displayed in the work queue for the temporary collector.

Note: You can temporarily reassign the following work assignments from one collector to another:

To permanently reassign a new collector to a customer (Manual Method)

You can manually change the collector assigned to a customer, account, or bill to location in the Customer page in Oracle Receivables. On the Profile: Transaction tab, enter the name of the new collector for the customer, or other level, in the Credit & Collections section. This change is permanent.

To permanently reassign a collector to a customer (Automatic Method)

You can automatically change collector assignments at the customer, account, and bill to level by running Oracle Territory Manager. This changes customer assignments in the customer profiles. The new assignments are visible in the Customer page in Oracle Receivables. This change is permanent.

Note: When you reassign a collector, using the manual or automatic method, current open work items for any running strategies will not be reassigned. Only new work items and open promises to pay are assigned to the new collector.

Related Topics

Set Up Territory Management, Oracle Advanced Collections Implementation Guide

Self Registering Accounts

Use the following procedure to self register accounts.

  1. Using the Collections Agent responsibility, navigate to the Collections window.

    Search for the organization with an active e-mail address.

  2. Select Accounts as the View By.

  3. Select Actions > Self Registration.

  4. Once the self registration procedure is completed, you receive a confirmation message.