This appendix covers the following topics:
The table lists profile options that require you to provide a value. The table also indicates whether you can view or update profile options and at which levels your system administrator can update these profile options: the user, responsibility, application, or site levels.
The key for this table is:
Update - You can update the profile option.
View Only - You can view the profile option but cannot change it.
No Access - You cannot view or change the profile option value.
Profile Option | Default Value | User Access | System Administration: User | System Administration: Responsibility | System Administration: Application | System Administration: Site |
ICX: Date Format Mask | DD_MON_RRRR | Update | Update | No Access | No Access | Update |
ICX: Language | American English | Update | Update | No Access | No Access | Update |
ICX: Limit Connect | 1000 | No Access | Update | No Access | No Access | Update |
ICX: Limit Time | 4 | No Access | Update | No Access | No Access | Update |
ICX: Session Timeout | 30 | No Access | Update | No Access | No Access | Update |
MO: Operating Unit | No Default Value | No Access | No Access | Update | No Access | Update |
Determines the default date format. The American English default is DD-MON-RRRR, for example, 07-JAN-1999.
For year 2000 compliance, all year formats are converted to RRRR, which accepts four-digit century and year entries verbatim (1950 is stored as 1950) and converts two-digit year entries in this way:
Entries of 00 to 49 are converted to 2000 to 2049, respectively.
Entries of 50 to 99 are converted to 1950 to 1999, respectively.
Users can specify their preferred date format in their user preferences. User preferences override the default format provided by this profile option.
Sets the default language to use for offline or remote communications with other users on the system. It is also used for other Oracle Applications login methods. You set the language at the Site level, which is then defaulted to the Application, Responsibility and User levels. The user has the option to change the default language. The default profile option setting is American English.
Sets the maximum number of page hits per session. The default is 1000.
Sets the maximum number of hours a user can remain logged on per session. The default value is 4.
Sets the maximum number of minutes to wait before invalidating an idle ICX session. The default value is 30.
Controls to which operating unit a particular responsibility corresponds. This profile option is only used if you have installed multiple organization support.
Most of these profile options impact the login session. In addition, you can control the login session through the Apache Jserv Session.
The table in this section lists all other profile options that affect the operation of Internet Expenses. The table identifies the levels at which each profile option is updatable, and provides any default value. If you are setting a profile option at the application level, you must define it for Oracle Payables. Since Internet Expenses is tightly integrated with Oracle Payables, it does not have a separate application ID in the Applications Object Library.
The key for this table is:
Update - You can update the profile option.
View Only - You can view the profile option but cannot change it.
No Access - You cannot view or change the profile option value.
Profile Option | Default Value | User Access | System Administration: User | System Administration: Responsibility | System Administration: Application | System Administration: Site |
OIE: Allow Credit Lines | Yes | No Access | Update | Update | Update | Update |
OIE: Allow Non-Base Pay | No | No Access | Update | Update | Update | Update |
OIE: Approver Required | No | No Access | Update | Update | Update | Update |
OIE: Carry Advances Forward | Yes | No Access | No Access | Update | Update | Update |
OIE: CC Approver Req | No | No Access | Update | Update | Update | Update |
OIE: CC Payment Notify | No | No Access | No Access | Update | Update | Update |
OIE: Enable Advances | Payables | No Access | No Access | Update | Update | Update |
OIE: Enable Approver | No | No Access | Update | Update | Update | Update |
OIE: Enable Bar Code | No | No Access | No Access | Update | Update | Update |
OIE: Enable Cost Center | Yes | No Access | Update | Update | Update | Update |
OIE: Enable Credit Card | No | No Access | No Access | No Access | No Access | Update |
OIE: Enable DescFlex | No | No Access | Update | Update | Update | Update |
OIE: Enable Expense Allocation Splitting | No | No Access | Update | Update | Update | Update |
OIE: Enable Expense Allocations | No | Update | Update | Update | Update | Update |
OIE: Enable Policy | Warn Users | No Access | Update | Update | Update | Update |
OIE: Enable Project Allocations | No | No Access | Update | Update | Update | Update |
OIE: Enable Project Expenditure Organization | No | No Access | Update | Update | Update | Update |
OIE: Enable Tax | No | No Access | Update | Update | Update | Update |
OIE: Grace Period | 30 | No Access | No Access | No Access | No Access | Update |
OIE: Purpose Required | No | No Access | No Access | Update | Update | Update |
OIE: Report Number Prefix | No | No Access | No Access | Update | Update | Update |
AME: Installed | No | No Access | No Access | No Access | Update | No Access |
Default Country | No Default Value | Update | Update | Update | Update | Update |
Disable Self-Service Personal | Yes | No Access | No Access | No Access | No Access | Update |
WF: Notification Reassign Mode | Reassign | No Access | Update | Update | Update | Update |
HR: Cross Business Group | Yes | No Access | No Access | No Access | No Access | Update |
Journals: Display Inverse Rate | No | Update | Update | Update | Update | Update |
MO: Security Profile | No Default Value | No Access | No Access | Update | No Access | Update |
PA: Allow Project- Related Entry in Oracle Internet Expenses | No | No Access | No Access | No Access | Update | No Access |
PA: AutoApprove Expense Reports | No Default Value | No Access | No Access | No Access | Update | No Access |
Personalize Self-Service Defn | Yes | No Access | No Access | No Access | No Access | Update |
Printer | No Default Value | Update | Update | Update | Update | Update |
Sequential Numbering | No Default Value | Visible | No Access | Update | Update | Update |
WF: Mailer Cancellation Email | Disabled | No Access | No Access | No Access | No Access | Update |
Set the OIE: Allow Credit Lines profile option to Yes to enable users to enter negative receipts (credit lines). Users enter negative receipts to report the refund of a previously reimbursed expense, for example, an unused airline ticket. Setting this profile option to No prevents users from entering negative expense lines for cash and other expenses. Users can still enter negative corporate credit card expense lines. The default value is Yes.
Set the OIE: Allow Non-Base Pay profile option to Yes to enable users to choose the reimbursement currency for their expense reports. You must set up Oracle Payables to use multiple currencies before you can enable this profile option.
See also: Establishing Multiple Currencies Setup.
The OIE: Approver Required profile option indicates whether users must designate an approver for their expense reports. If you set the OIE: Approver Required profile option to Yes, Internet Expenses requires that users always enter an approver. If you set this profile option to Yes with Default, the employee's supervisor, as defined in Oracle HRMS, defaults in the Approver field.
Note: If you set the OIE: Approver Required profile option to Yes or Yes with Default, do not set the OIE: Enable Approver profile option to No. If you do, the Approver field does not appear on the General Information page but users will receive an error message that the field is required.
The OIE: Carry Advances Forward profile option lets you determine whether remaining advance amounts are carried forward for use on subsequent expense reports.
The values are:
Yes - Advance amounts can be adjusted. Any balance amount can be carried forward to subsequent expense reports.
No - Advance amounts cannot be adjusted. An advance can be used only for one expense report. Any balance amount must be paid back to the employer.
To indicate whether end users or Payables personnel can select an advance or update advance details in expense reports, set the OIE: Enable Advances profile option.
The OIE: CC Approver Req profile option indicates whether users must enter an approver when they charge their expense reports to a cost center different from their own.
Set the OIE: CC Approver Req profile option to Yes to require users to enter the Approver field when users enter a cost center other than their default cost center. The value Yes for this profile option takes precedence over the values that you set for the OIE: CC Approver Req and OIE: Enable Approver profile options. If you set this profile option to Yes, you must also set the OIE: Enable Approver profile option to Yes.
Use the OIE: CC Payment Notify profile option to specify whether a notification is sent to employees when payment is created in Oracle Payables for corporate credit card transactions. The default value is No.
See also: Expenses Workflow.
The OIE: Enable Advances profile option lets you specify whether end users or Payables personnel can select an advance or update advance details in expense reports.
The values are:
No - Neither the end user nor Payables personnel can select an advance on an expense report.
End User - The end user can select an advance, but Payables personnel can only view advances information.
Payables - Only Payables personnel, and not the end user, can select an advance and update advance details.
Both - The end user can select an advance. Payables personnel can both select an advance as well as adjust advance details.
The OIE: Enable Approver profile option enables the Approver field in Internet Expenses. When this profile option is set to Yes, the Approver field is available for users to specify a different employee to approve their expense report. When this profile option is set to No, the Approver field is hidden.
The OIE: Enable Bar Code profile option lets you specify whether the bar code must be enabled on the confirmation page. If enabled, it will also allow scanning of bar codes to retrieve expense reports in Audit Expense Reports page and Receive Receipt Package page.
The values are:
Yes - Bar code will be enabled.
No - Bar code will not be enabled.
Sets how the user can enter cost center details in the General Information page.
Yes - Indicates that the user can select the cost center from the list of values.
No - Indicates that the cost center list of values will not be displayed in the General Information page.
Read-only - Indicates that the user can view the cost center, but cannot update it.
Set the OIE: Enable Credit Card profile option to Yes to enable the credit card functionality to allow users with corporate credit cards to select and add credit card transactions to their expense reports.
The OIE: Enable DescFlex profile option enables Internet Expenses to display both header level and line level descriptive flexfields in expense reports. You must first set up descriptive flexfields for use in Internet Expenses before you can enable this option. For more information, see: Setting Up Descriptive Flexfields.
The values for this profile option are:
No - Disables the use of descriptive flexfields.
Header Only - Enables the use of descriptive flexfields at the header level only.
Lines Only - Enables the use of descriptive flexfields at the line level only.
Both - Enables the use of descriptive flexfields at both the header level and line level.
OIE: Enable Expense Allocation Splitting
The OIE: Enable Expense Allocation Splitting profile option lets you specify whether the user can split expense lines into distributions for both project and non-project enabled expense lines. If set to Required with reason, then the user must complete the Expense Allocations field.
Note: If the OIE: Enable Expense Allocations profile option is set to No, then this profile option does not affect splitting non-project enabled expense lines.
OIE: Enable Expense Allocations
The OIE: Enable Expense Allocations profile option determines the level at which to activate expense allocation functionality for expense reporting. The values are:
No - Expense allocation functionality is not enabled.
User-enabled - Displays the Enable Expense Allocations check box in the Expenses Preferences page. The user checks the box to enable expense allocations for expenses entry.
User-enabled with Online Validation - Displays the Enable Expense Allocations check box in the Expenses Preferences page. The user checks the box to enable expense allocations for expenses entry with online validation of accounting code combinations.
Automatically-enabled - The Enable Expense Allocations check box in the Expenses Preferences page is automatically enabled for expense allocations for expenses entry.
Automatically-enabled with Online Validation - The Enable Expense Allocations check box in the Expenses Preferences page is automatically enabled for expense allocations for expenses entry with online validation of accounting code combinations.
The default value is No.
If you plan to enable expense allocations, then you must set up Internet Expenses accounting flexfield behavior for your charts of accounts. See: Expense Allocations.
The OIE: Enable Policy profile option controls the behavior of Internet Expenses in relation to reports that contain policy violations. If an expense report is submitted with violations, Internet Expenses captures policy violations for reporting purposes. The values are:
Prevent Submission - The end user cannot submit the expense report. All monetary violations that exceed tolerances result in preventing report submission, including the exchange rate policy (the exchange rate tolerance is the exchange rate limit). An error message informs the user of the policy violation. For more information, see Tolerance Limits.
For all non-monetary policy violations, and for monetary violations that do not exceed tolerances, the behavior is the same as the Warn Users option (users receive a warning but can submit the expense report).
Warn Users - The end user can submit the expense report. A warning message informs the user that the report contains policy violations. This includes non-monetary policy violations, and monetary policy violations where the violation is below the limit + threshold.
Inform Approvers - The end user can submit the expense report. If there are policy violations, they are transparent to the end user, but Internet Expenses documents the violations for approvers.
The default value is Inform Approvers. See also: Policy Compliance and Violation Types.
OIE: Enable Project Allocations
The OIE: Enable Project Allocations profile option enables users to enter project-related information on expense reports. You must set up Internet Expenses to integrate with Oracle Projects before you can enable this option.
The values for this profile option are:
Yes - Enables the entry of project information.
No - Disables the entry of project information.
Required - Requires the entry of project information.
Yes with account allocations - Allows the update to accounting information when project information has been entered.
Required with account allocations - Allows the update to accounting information when required project information has been entered.
See: Setting Up Expense Allocations.
See also: Integrating with Oracle Projects.
OIE: Enable Project Expenditure Organization
The OIE: Enable Project Expenditure Organization profile option lets you specify whether or not users can update the project expenditure organization value for project-enabled expense lines during expenses entry.
The values for this profile option are:
No - the project expenditure organization is not enabled for entry.
Yes - project-enabled expense lines display an updatable project expenditure organization value during expenses entry.
This value is effective only when the OIE: Enable Project Allocations profile option is also Yes.
The default value is No.
Note: Similar setup for the html-based audit management module involves using the Oracle Application Framework.
The OIE: Enable Tax profile option enables the availability of tax-related elements on expense reports. Set this profile option to Yes to display the Tax Code field on expense reports. Set this profile option to No to conceal the display.
See: Setting Up Tax.
The OIE: Grace Period profile option specifies the number of grace period days beyond an end date that certain OIE setup items remain available for use. The OIE setup items are:
Rate schedules
Rate schedule rule values that have end dates
Location records
Expense report template Inactive On field
Expense types
These items remain available for selection and use as long as the system date is before the end date plus the number of grace period days. The default value is 30.
The OIE: Purpose Required profile option controls whether users must enter a purpose when creating an expense report. A purpose is a brief description of the business activities that justify the expenses in a report.
The OIE: Report Number Prefix profile option specifies a prefix value for expense report numbers. The expense report number becomes the corresponding invoice number when the expense report is converted into an invoice through the Expense Report Export program. Entering a prefix value enables you to easily identify invoices in Payables that were expense reports created in Internet Expenses. Leave this option blank if you do not want to specify a prefix value for expense report numbers.
For example, if you set the OIE: Report Number Prefix profile option to use the prefix Web, your expense report numbering appears as Web589, Web560, Web561, and so on.
The AME: Installed profile option enables the integration between Internet Expenses and Oracle Approvals Management. See: Integrating with Oracle Approvals Management.
Note: You must select Oracle Payables as the application in order to define the AME: Installed profile option for Oracle Internet Expenses.
Oracle Payables does not refer to the AME: Installed profile option, since integration with Oracle Approvals Management is always turned on for Oracle Payables.
The Default Country profile option enables the default country in your environment. You can choose any country listed in the Maintain Countries and Territories window. All address zones use this field as the default source for the Country field. Users have the right to set their own default country.
The Disable Self-Service Personal profile option enables you to disable any personalizations that you have made to the Internet Expenses user interface using the Oracle Application Framework. If you set this profile option to Yes, then all personalizations made to the Internet Expenses user interface will be disabled. See: Configuring the User Interface.
WF: Notification Reassign Mode
The WF: Notification Reassign Mode profile option determines the forwarding functionality that is available to employees. If you set the WF: Notification Reassign Mode profile option to Reassign, employees see the Reassign button on the notification. Clicking Reassign lets employees choose between transferring or delegating that notification. If you set the WF: Notification Reassign Mode profile option to Delegate, employees will see the Delegate button. When employees click Delegate and enter an employee name, the notification is delegated to the employee whose name is entered.
When a notification is delegated to employees the notification is forwarded to the delegated employee, but the original recipient of the notification remains the owner. If you set this option to Transfer, employees will see the Transfer button. When employees click Transfer and enter an employee name the notification is transferred to the whose name is entered. When a notification is transferred, the notification is forwarded and the new recipient becomes the owner of the notification.
Note: Assign the WF: Notification Reassign Mode profile option to the workflow responsibility.
The HR: Cross Business Group profile option allows cross business group approvals. If you set the HR: Cross Business Group profile option to Yes, the employee can select approvers from other business groups during expenses entry. Employees can also specify approvers from other business groups as the default approver on the Expenses Preferences page.
Journals: Display Inverse Rate
The Journals: Display Inverse Rate profile option determines how the reimbursable amount is calculated when users enter foreign currency receipts. When this profile option is set to No, the receipt amount is multiplied by the exchange rate to determine the reimbursable amount. When it is set to Yes, the receipt amount is divided by the exchange rate. The default value is No.
Note: The Journals: Display Inverse Rate profile option only provides controls for cash and other expenses. It does not control how the reimbursable amount is calculated for corporate credit card expenses because these amounts are already determined for credit card transactions.
The MO: Security Profile profile option is used to grant users access to various features and functions in Internet Expenses. The MO: Security Profile profile option works in conjunction with Oracle HRMS security profiles. See: Setting Up Security Profiles for more information.
PA: Allow Project-Related Entry in Oracle Internet Expenses
The PA: Allow Project-Related Entry in Oracle Internet Expenses profile option enables users to enter project-related information on expense reports. If you set this option to Yes, then you must set the OIE: Enable Project Allocations profile option to Yes as well.
You must set up Internet Expenses to integrate with Oracle Projects and Oracle Grants Accounting before you can enable this option. See: Integrating with Oracle Projects and Integrating with Oracle Grants Accounting.
PA: AutoApprove Expense Reports
The PA: AutoApprove Expense Reports profile option permits automatic approval of project-related expense reports. See: Integrating with Oracle Projects.
The Personalize Self-Service Defn profile option enables the Oracle Application Framework in Internet Expenses. If you set this profile option to Yes, then the OA Framework is available to expenses administrators to configure the Internet Expenses user interface. See: Configuring the User Interface.
Use the Printer profile option to select the printer that prints Internet Expenses data. If a printer cannot be selected, contact your system administrator. Printers must be registered with Oracle Applications. Users can view and update this profile option.
The Sequential Numbering profile option assigns sequential numbers to documents created by Internet Expenses and controls the creation of documents depending upon the setting that you use. The available settings are:
Always Used - You cannot enter a document without a sequence number.
Not Used - The system does not check for a sequence number.
Partially Used - If no sequence number exists for a document, you can enter the document but receive a warning message.
If you need to control sequential numbering for each of your sets of books, set this profile option at the Responsibility level. Otherwise, use either the Site or Application level.
The WF: Mailer Cancellation Email profile option enables the functionality that sends the cancellation notifications when time outs are reached for a notification and a new notification is sent because of resend setup. If you set this profile option to Enabled, cancellation notifications are sent. If you set this profile option to Disabled, cancellation notifications are not sent.