Cash Forecasting

This chapter tells you how to use Cash Forecasting. It explains how to create cash forecast templates, generate cash forecasts from those templates, and make changes to those templates and forecasts.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Cash Forecasting

Cash forecasting is a planning tool that helps you anticipate the flow of cash in and out of your business, allowing you to project your cash needs and evaluate your company's liquidity position.

Refer to the following sections in this chapter for details on how to accomplish various cash forecasting tasks:

To Search for an Existing Cash Forecast Template:

  1. Navigate to the Forecast Templates Search and Results page.

  2. Select the search parameters and click Go.

Related Topics

About Cash Forecasting

Generating Cash Forecasts from Templates

You can define reusable cash forecast templates for use in generating cash forecasts. A cash forecast template is a matrix, similar to a spreadsheet, with each row defining the source of the cashflow, and each column defining the forecast period in GL periods or in days. When you submit a forecast, you generate exactly the forecast that you need by entering submission parameters, such as start date and forecast currency.

When you submit a cash forecast, Cash Management collects the necessary source data and summarizes the information as cash forecast amounts, based on the forecast period specifications. The forecast data is then available for update, inquiry or reporting purposes, or for export to any spreadsheet application.

Cash Management determines projected cash activity dates based on your specifications. For example, if the source type is Supplier Invoices, the expected cash activity date is based on either the discount date or the due date depending on your selection in the template. Refer to the Cash Forecasting Source Transaction Dates table, Oracle Cash Management User Guide.

If you have created a forecast template that includes a user-defined source type, Cash Management creates a row that contains zeroes when you generate a cash forecast. If you want to enter amounts manually in the forecast amount cells for user-defined source types, click the zero in the forecast cell and add transactions in the Source Transactions Details page.

You might generate a new cash forecast because you have created a new template, or because you want to recalculate a forecast with different submission parameters.

You can generate forecasts in the following ways:

Generating Cash Forecasts for a Project

You can generate a forecast for a specific project or for a range of projects. If you generate a forecast for a range of projects, Cash Management produces a separate forecast for each project.

To specify projects for your forecast that are different from those on the template, you must complete the starting and ending project numbers on the Submit Forecast window.

If you submit a forecast for a project based on a template that includes some sources types that are related to Projects and others that are not related to Projects, Cash Management produces a forecast that reflects information from only the source types related to Projects.

External Cashflow Open Interface and Distributed Database Integration

The External Cashflow Open Interface allows you to utilize external sources of data as cash inflow and outflow data for the Cash Forecasting feature, providing you an enterprise-wide cash forecasting solution on a distributed database environment.

You can generate a cash forecast and the External Cashflow Open Interface automatically retrieves information available from the external forecast sources you have defined.

Prerequisites for All Methods of Generating Cash Forecasts

Generating a Cash Forecast with Amounts Calculated Automatically

To create a cash forecast from the Forecast Templates Search and Results page:

  1. Navigate to the Forecast Templates Search and Results page.

  2. Query an existing forecast template and select Run Forecast that corresponds to the template.

  3. Enter the appropriate parameters and click Submit to generate a new cash forecast.

  4. When you click Submit, you receive a confirmation message in the Forecast Templates Search and Results page. You can then select the View Forecast that corresponds to the template to navigate to the Forecast Search and Results page where you can monitor the status of your request.

To create a cash forecast from the Forecast Search and Results page:

  1. Navigate to the Forecast Search and Results page.

  2. Query an existing forecast from the Forecast Search and Results page and select the Run Forecast.

  3. Enter the appropriate parameters and click Submit to generate a new cash forecast.

  4. When you click Submit, you receive a confirmation message in the Forecast Search and Results page. You can then click Refresh Processing Status to monitor the status of your request.

To create a cash forecast from the Submit Request window:

  1. Submit a request for Cash Forecasting by Days or Cash Forecasting by GL Periods in the Submit Request window.

  2. Select any print or run options prior to submission.

    Tip: Consider using report sets if you routinely generate a given set of cash forecasts.

    Important: If you are generating a cash forecast for a project, you can generate a forecast for a specific project or for a range of projects by entering a starting and ending project number.

    Cash Management automatically generates the Cash Forecast Execution Report, which indicates if the Submit Forecast program produced any errors. You can also print this report later using the Submit Request window. Cash Management also generates the Cash Forecast report if the Submit Forecast program produced no errors.

Related Topics

Generating a Cash Forecast with Amounts Generated Automatically

Creating a Manually Entered Cash Forecast

External Cash Flow Open Interface

Cash Forecasting Reports

Submission Parameters

Submission Parameters

Enter values for the following parameters when you generate forecasts using either the Submit Request window, Run Forecast in the Forecast Templates Search and Results page, or Run Forecast in the Forecasts Search and Results page.

Forecast By: The forecast period type used to run the cash forecast. The values for this field automatically default based on the forecast template you select and is not updatable.

Template Name: The forecast template used to create a new forecast.

Forecast Name: The unique forecast name for this cash forecast. If you do not enter a forecast name, Cash Management automatically generates a unique name for you by attaching the system date and time to the template name.

Factor: Indicates the way amounts are displayed in the forecast.

Calendar Name: The name of the GL accounting calendar, used when submitting a forecast by GL Period. In addition, if you submit a forecast by Days, and you select the GL Cash Position or the Both Bank Account and GL Cash Position option in the View Opening Balance By field, then you need to enter a Calendar Name.

Important: All GL sources for a forecast by GL periods must use ledgers with the same accounting calendar. If you are creating a forecast across multiple organizations, all organizations' ledgers must use the same accounting calendar.

Start Period and Start Date: The accounting period to begin the forecast, or the day to begin the forecast. Cash Management restricts you to using Start Period when submitting a forecast by GL Period, and Start Date when submitting a forecast by Days.

Note: The Start Date or Period should be as of today or in the future. If you enter a start date in the past, or a start period in the past (or that is in progress), the forecast only includes transactions as of today. For example, if an invoice is paid today, but you enter a forecast start date of two days ago to try to include it as an open invoice, Cash Management still considers it paid and therefore does not include the invoice (as open) in the forecast.

Start Project Number: The beginning number for the range of projects that you want to include in the forecast. Cash Management creates a forecast for every project number in the range that you specify. The default is the project number defined in the template.

End Project Number: The ending number for the range of projects that you want to include in the forecast. Cash Management creates a forecast for every project number in the range that you specify. The default is the project number defined in the template.

Forecast Currency: The currency in which the forecast amounts are to be displayed.

Source Currency Type: The currency type for the sources in the cash forecast. The options are:

Source Currency: The currency for the source transactions. The transactions included in your forecast calculations are determined by the combination of your entries for this field and the Source Currency Type field, as explained in the following table. If the Source Currency Type is All, you do not enter a Source Currency.

Note: For any document without a source currency (such as a requisition or purchase order), Cash Management assumes that the ledger currency is the currency of the transaction.

The following table contains the transactions included for each Source Currency Type:

Source Currency Type Which Transactions Are Included
All All transactions, all ledgers, all operating units
Entered All transactions entered in the Source Currency for all ledgers
Ledger Selects all ledgers where the ledger currency for that ledger equals the Source Currency specified, and then includes all transactions of all currencies from those ledgers

Exchange Date and Exchange Type: The exchange rate date, and the exchange rate type, which is defined in Oracle General Ledger. These fields are required if the Forecast Currency and the Source Currency are not the same.

Important: Cash Management automatically converts transaction currency amounts to the forecast currency according to the daily rates for the specified exchange rate type and date.

However, if daily rate information for the exchange date and type does not exist in the Oracle General Ledger daily rates table, the forecast will be inaccurate because Cash Management ignores transactions amounts that it cannot convert to the forecast currency.

Exchange Rate: The user-defined currency exchange rate when the Exchange Rate Type is User. The User rate only applies when the Source Currency Type is Entered, as no one rate will apply to converting various currencies to the forecast currency. This field is required if the Forecast Currency and the Source Currency are not the same.

Amount Threshold: The minimum value of individual transactions to be included in the forecast, allowing you to omit insignificant transaction amounts from the forecast calculations. Cash Management compares this amount to transaction amounts if the Source Currency Type is Entered, and ledger amounts of transaction if the Source Currency Type is Ledger. The program then only selects transactions that are greater than this amount threshold.

If you leave this field blank, then the program selects all valid transactions that meet the selection criteria. This field is not applicable when the Source Currency Type is All.

Row Number From/To: A list of values provides you with a choice to run a partial forecast for sequential rows of the template you entered.

Request by Row: Select Yes to submit a separate concurrent request for each row, so that the rows for the forecast are generated concurrently. (This method is useful for testing or for very large forecasts, that is, forecasts with a large amount of data.)

Opening Balance Options

The parameters in this section refer to the opening balance that you can choose to display in your cash forecast.

View Opening Balance By: Select how to view the opening balance for your cash forecast from the following options:

Bank Account Balance Type: If you choose either the Bank Account or Both Bank Account and GL Cash Position option in the View Opening Balance By field, you must choose what type of bank account balance should be used. The options include: Available, Value Dated, and Ledger Balance.

Float Type: If you choose either the Bank Account or Both Bank Account and GL Cash Position option in the View Opening Balance By field, then you must select a value in this field to adjust your opening bank account balance. Options include: Add One Day Float, Add Two Day Float, None, Subtract One Day Float, and Subtract Two Day Float.

Include Subsidiary's Bank Account Balance: If you choose either the Bank Account or the Both Bank Account and GL Cash Position option in the View Opening Balance By field, and you have subsidiary bank accounts set up in Oracle Treasury, you can choose to include the bank account balances of the subsidiary bank accounts in your cash forecast.

Creating a Manually Entered Cash Forecast

You can create a new cash forecast using an existing template without running the forecast program, with no values calculated. You can then manually fill in forecast amounts in the new forecast.

  1. Navigate to the Forecast Search and Results page by selecting Cash Forecasting from the menu.

  2. Select either Days or GL Periods in the Forecast By field, and click Create Forecast Manually.

  3. In the Create Forecast Manually page, enter the Template Name, Forecast Currency, and Factor. If the forecast is by Days, you must enter a Start Date and if it is by GL Period, you must enter a Start Period. Optionally enter a Forecast Name. Click Continue.

  4. In the Create Forecast page, you can:

    • Enter forecast amounts in the cells and click Recalculate Summary Cash flows to update summary cash flows.

    • Manually add rows and columns to the existing forecast template by clicking Add Row or Column.

    • Exclude rows from summary calculations by disabling the Include checkbox in front of the row and clicking Recalculate Summary Cash Flows.

    • Export the forecast to an external application by selecting Export.

    Important: When you add columns and rows on a forecast template, the changes affect manually created forecasts based on that template as well as those automatically generated.

Cash Forecast Results

Cash Forecast Results Page Reference

Forecast Name: The unique forecast name for this cash forecast.

Template Name: The forecast template used to create the forecast.

Forecast Currency: The currency in which the forecast amounts are displayed.

Factor: Indicates the way amounts are displayed:

Display: You have the option to view the Source and Description, Description Only and Source Only.

View By: You have the option of viewing forecast results by transaction source, by bank account or GL cash position bank account, depending on selection made when submitting the forecast.

Viewing Cash Forecast Results

You can view your cash forecast results by transaction source, bank account or GL cash position. When you select the forecast name in the Results table, the Forecast Results by Transaction Source page appears. In the View By option, you choose how you want to view the results and click Go.

Forecast Results By Transaction Source

This page displays the forecast results by transaction source. The table below the results displays the summary amounts for the cash inflow, the cash outflow and the net cashflow for each forecast period. For transaction sources associated with bank accounts, the forecast results displayed on this page represent only those transactions that are associated with bank accounts to which the current user has Bank Account Access security enabled. See: Bank Account Access Security within the UMX wizard.

In the Forecast Results by Transaction Source page you can do the following:

Forecast Results by Bank Account

This page displays the forecast results by bank account. If your forecast contains projected cashflows such as invoices, sales orders, purchase orders, sales opportunities, etc. and you choose the View By Bank Account option, Cash Management groups these sources together and displays them in the Others row If you have not modified your External Cashflow Open Interface view to include Bank Account ID. Cash Management also displays the open interface transactions in the Others row.

In the Forecast Results by Bank Account page you can do the following:

See: Calculation of Opening and Closing Bank Account Balances and GL Cash Position in Cash Forecasting

Forecast Results by GL Cash Position

This page displays the forecast results by GL cash accounts. If your forecast contains projected cashflows such as invoices, sales, orders, purchase orders, sales opportunities, etc., and you choose the View by GL Cash Position option, Cash Management groups these sources together and displays them in the Others row. Cash Management also includes open interface transactions in the Others row if you have not modified your external cashflow open interface view to include Bank Account ID.

In the Forecast Results by GL Cash Position page, you can do the following:

Calculation of Opening and Closing Bank Account Balances and GL Cash Position in Cash Forecasting

Bank Account Balances

The opening bank account balance displayed in the cash forecast results is the closing bank account balance of the day prior to the first day or period of the cash forecast for that bank account.

The balance type and the float type to be used in calculating the opening balance is determined by the selections made while submitting the cash forecast.

If the previous day's closing balance is not available, then the latest available bank account balances are displayed instead. In this case, the cash forecast results by bank account also display a prior day cashflows column that includes transactions between the latest available balance date and the first day/period of the cash forecast so that the closing balance can be projected accurately. The closing balance for bank accounts is calculated as Opening Balance + Prior Day Cash Flows + Net Cash Flow.

Warning: If you choose to include overdue transactions in your cash forecast and your bank account balances are not up to date, transactions that are included as Overdue could overlap with transactions that are included as Prior Day Cashflow causing potential double-counting of transactions in the forecast results.

GL Cash Position

The opening balance for GL cash accounts for a forecast by days is calculated as the sum of the balance available for the forecast start period within which the forecast start date lies and the net of GL accounting journal entries between period start date and the forecast start date. The opening balance for GL cash accounts for a forecast by GL periods is the balance available for the first day of the forecast start period.

Source Transaction Details Page Reference

Source Transaction Details Page: Cash Inflow

The following table contains the legend for the Cash Inflow Source Transaction Details table.

  Legend for Inflow/Outflow Source Type Characteristics  
(blank) = Not applicable ARI = Customer Invoices PAI = Project Inflow Budgets
S = Summary Section ARR = Customer Receipts XTRI = Treasury Inflow
D = Detail Section ASF = Sales Forecasts UDI = User-Defined Inflow
  GLB = GL Budgets OII = Open Interface Inflow
  OEO = Sales Orders  
  PAB = Project Billing Events  

The following table lists the fields that are displayed in the Summary and Detail section for each cash inflow source type in the Source Transaction Details page.

Cash Activity Date S S S S S S   S S S
Forecast Amount S S S S S S S S S S
Transaction Currency S S S   S S   S S  
Transaction Amount S S S   S S   S S  
Transaction Number S                  
Profile Class D       D          
Dispute Amount D                  
Organization D D D   D D D      
Receipt Number   S                
Bank Account Currency   S           S    
Bank Account Amount   S           S    
Status   D D   D          
Receipt Method   D                
Bank Account Name   D           D    
Bank Account Number   D           D    
Lead Number     S              
Channel     D              
Win Probability     D              
Balance Currency       S            
Ledger       D            
Sales Order Number         S          
Line Number         D D        
Order Type         D          
Deal Number               S    
Deal Type               S    
Counterparty               S    
Amount Type               S    
Deal Subtype               D    
Transaction Number           D   D    
Company               D    
Resource Name             S      
Period Name             S      
Period Start Date             S      
Period End Date             S      
Project Currency             S      
Revenue             S      
Task Name             D      
Event Number           S        
Invoice Line Type           D        
Billed Flag           D        

Source Transaction Details Page: Outflow

The following table contains the legend for the Cash Outflow Source Transaction Details table.

  Legend for Inflow/Outflow Source Type Characteristics  
(blank) = Not applicable APX = Expense Reports POP = Purchase Orders
S = Summary Section GLB = GL Budgets POR = Purchase Requisitions
D = Detail Section GLE = GL Encumbrances XTRO = Treasury Outflow
  PAO = Project Outflow Budgets UDO = User-Defined Outflow
API = Supplier Invoices PAT = Project Transactions OIO = Open Interface Outflow
APP = Supplier Payments PAY = Payroll Expenses  

The following table lists the fields that are displayed in the Summary and Detail section for each source type in the Source Transaction Details page.

Cash Activity Date S S S S S   S S S S S S S
Forecast Amount S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Transaction Currency S S S S S   S S S S S S S
Transaction Amount S S S       S S S S S S  
Invoice Number S   S                    
Payment Priority D D             D        
Supplier Type D D             D        
Pay Group D D             D        
On Hold? D   D                    
Organization D D D     D D   D D      
Payment Number   S                      
Bank Account Currency   S           S     S    
Bank Account Amount   S           S     S    
Status   D             D D      
Payment Method   D           D          
Bank Account Name   D           D     D    
Bank Account Number   D           D     D    
Balance Currency       S S                
Source     D                    
Payroll Name               S          
Business Group               D          
Purchase Order Number                 S        
Line Number                 D D      
Requisition Number                   S      
Deal Number                     S    
Deal Type                     S    
Counterparty                     S    
Amount Type                     S    
Deal Subtype                     D    
Transaction Number                     D    
Company                     D    
Resource Name           S              
Period Name           S              
Period Start Date           S              
Period End Date           S              
Assignment Start Date                 D D      
Assignment End Date                 D D      
Project Currency           S              
Cost           S              
Burdened Cost           D              
Task Name           D              
Expenditure Status                          
Expenditure Type             D            
Expenditure Item Date             D            
Quantity             D            

Modifying Cash Forecast Templates and Cash Forecasts

You can modify cash forecast templates and forecasts, with some limitations. The following table addresses what you can change on cash forecast templates and cash forecasts and when:

  Change Descriptive Information Add Rows and Columns Delete Rows and Columns Change Forecast Amounts
New Templates Yes Yes Yes N/A
Templates Used to Generate Forecasts No No No N/A
Forecasts No Yes, with an option to modify original template and all existing forecasts based on that template; or to create new template. No Yes, modify values directly in fields by drilling down to the Source Transaction Details page and either adding a new transaction or excluding existing transactions. Forecast summary amounts cannot be modified, but are automatically updated to reflect forecast amount changes.

Modifying Templates

To query existing cash forecast templates:

  1. Navigate to the Forecast Templates Search and Results page.

  2. (Optional) Enter a partial or full Template Name.

  3. (Optional) Select a forecast period type in the Forecast By field.

  4. Click Go. Cash Management displays all cash forecast templates that match your search criteria.

  5. Click the Template Name in the Forecast Template Results table to view template details.

To modify a cash forecast template:

  1. Query an existing cash forecast template (see above).

  2. If no cash forecasts exist based on the template, you can modify any of the information for the cash forecast template by selecting Update corresponding to your template.

Modifying Forecast Amounts on an Existing Cash Forecast

To query existing cash forecasts:

  1. Navigate to the Cash Forecasts Search and Results page.

  2. (Optional) Enter a partial or full Template Name, or a partial or full Forecast Name. Optionally enter a forecast period type in the Forecast By field.

  3. Click Go and Cash Management displays all cash forecasts that match your search criteria.

  4. In the Forecast Results table, you can view the following information: Forecast Name, Template Name, Forecast By, Start Date/Start Period, Processing Status, and Date Run.

    Note: Click the Template Name to view the details of the template used to generate this forecast.

  5. Click the Forecast Name to review the forecast results.

To modify forecast amounts on an existing cash forecast:

  1. Query an existing cash forecast (see above).

  2. Click the Forecast Name. The Cash Forecast Results page appears.

  3. Click the amount in the forecast cell that you want to modify. The Source Transaction Details page appears.

  4. You can choose to exclude transactions by disabling the Include checkbox that corresponds to the transaction. Or, you can add a new transaction by entering the transaction details in the Transaction section and clicking Add.

  5. Click Apply to save the changes and return to the Forecast Results page.

To add a column to an existing cash forecast:

  1. Query an existing cash forecast.

  2. Click the Forecast Name. The Cash Forecast Results page appears

  3. Choose Add Row or Column. The Add Rows and Columns page appears.

  4. Enter a unique Column Number and GL Period From and To/Days From and To values.

    Values must be integers between 1 and 999. The Column Number indicates the sequence of the columns in the forecast.

  5. Enable the Create a New Template option if you do not want the new columns to be added to all existing forecasts that are based on the original template for the forecast. Enabling the Create a New Template option creates a new template with the same rows and columns as this forecast, including the columns you are adding. Cash Management updates the summary amounts in the cash forecast to reflect your changes.

  6. If you enabled the Create a New Template option in the previous step, enter a Template Name for a new template. Alternatively enable the Update Existing Template option to update the existing Forecast template.

  7. Click Apply to save the column information and the modified template.

    Note: If you have created a new forecast template, further changes that you make from this point are made on the new template. You can make further changes to the new template now, or query it later.

To add a row to an existing cash forecast:

  1. Query an existing cash forecast.

  2. Click the Forecast Name. The Cash Forecast Results page appears

  3. Choose Add Row or Column. The Add Rows and Columns page appears.

  4. Enter a Row Number. Values must be integers between 1 and 999. The Row Number indicates the sequence of the rows in the forecast.

  5. Choose a Source of either User-defined Inflow or User-defined Outflow. This creates a new row, filled with zeros, in the forecast for you to manually enter a definition and forecast amounts.

    Note: If you want to add standard sources that are not yet a part of your template, use the Forecast Templates window. See: Modifying Cash Forecast Templates and Cash Forecasts

  6. Check the Create New Forecast Template check box if you do not want your new rows to be added to all forecasts using the original template for your forecast. Checking this box creates a new template with the same rows and columns as this forecast, plus the rows you are adding.

  7. If you checked Create a New Template in the previous step, enter a Template Name for a new template.

  8. Choose Add to save the row and the new or modified template.

    Note: If you have created a new forecast template, further changes that you make from this point are made on the new template. You can make further changes to the new template now, or query it later.

    Important: You can add rows and columns in a template, but your action will affect all cash forecasts previously generated using that template. Adding rows and columns to a previously-defined template generates forecast amounts of zero for the new cells in existing forecasts.

Add Rows or Columns Page Reference

Row Number: Indicates the sequence of rows in the forecast. Enter a unique integer between 1 and 999 for the row you are adding.

Source: Indicates if the source is User-Defined Inflow or User-Defined Outflow. Cash Management creates a new row that contains zeros so you can manually enter forecast amounts.

Description: (Optional) A description of the source type. The information you enter here may be useful when you have multiple rows with the same source type, but different criteria.

Column Number: Indicates the sequence of columns in the forecast. Enter a unique integer between 1 and 999 for the column you are adding.

GL Periods / Days From: Use this field, along with the GL Periods/Days To field, to indicate the time range for this forecasting period.

GL Periods / Days To: Use this field, along with the GL Periods/Days From field, to indicate the time range for this forecasting period.

Create A New Template: Select this option to create a new template that contains the same rows and columns as this forecast, plus the row or column you are adding.

Update Existing Forecast Template: Select this option to add the new row or column to the existing template and all the forecasts based on this template.

Template Name: Enter the name of the new forecast template.

Purging Cash Forecasts

You can purge previously generated cash forecasts when you submit the Purge Cash Forecasts program using the Submit Request window. Cash Management automatically generates the Purge Cash Forecasts report when you submit the Purge Cash Forecasts program. The Purge Cash Forecasts report lists the forecasts that have been purged.

Submission Parameters

Purge Option: Choose forecasts by days, GL periods, or both.

Forecast Template: Optionally choose the forecast template associated with the forecasts you want to purge.

Forecast Date From/Forecast Date To: Optionally choose a value for each of these parameters. All forecasts within this date range will be purged.

Exporting Cash Forecasts to Your Spreadsheet Application

You can transfer cash forecast results to your spreadsheet application. Excel can be very useful to manipulate information for analysis and graphical representation.

Use Export in the Cash Forecast Results page to export cash forecasts from Cash Management to Microsoft Excel.

Note: This option is available only on the Windows platform, and only if Microsoft Excel is installed.

To export cash forecasts to Excel:

  1. Navigate to the Forecast Search and Results page.

  2. Query the cash forecast you want to export.

  3. Click the Forecast Name. The Forecast Results page appears.

  4. Click Export. The Export Forecast Results page appears.

  5. You can choose to export the Cashflow Detail and/or the Cashflow Summary.

  6. Saving the file exports the data to file name "export" and the file type depends on the value set for the "Export MIME Type" system profile option.

Note: Saving in your spreadsheet application does not save an updated spreadsheet in your Oracle database. You can make any modifications to your cash forecast results in your spreadsheet application.

Related Topics

Cash Forecast Report

Viewing Cash Forecasts in Discoverer

You can view cash forecast results in a Discoverer Workbook. Discoverer enables you to manipulate information for analysis and graphical representation.

To view cash forecast results in a Discoverer Workbook, click View in Discoverer in the Cash Forecast Results page. This option is only available if you have Oracle Discoverer installed.

Cash Management provides one predefined workbook, which contains the following worksheets:

Cash Forecast by Forecast Currency Worksheet

This worksheet displays the forecast amounts grouped by transaction source type in the forecast currency.

Cash Forecast by Transaction Currency Worksheet

This worksheet displays the cash forecast amounts grouped by transaction source type in the forecast currency and the transaction currency.

Cash Forecast by Bank Account Currency Worksheet

This worksheet displays cash forecast results grouped by transaction source type and bank account for a particular currency.

Cash Forecast by Bank Account Balance Worksheet

This worksheet displays the bank account opening and closing balances, net cash flows, and subsidiary bank account opening balances for different bank accounts grouped by legal entity.

Supplier Invoices Worksheet

This worksheet displays details of supplier invoices that pertain to a particular forecast.

Supplier Payments Worksheet

This worksheet displays details of supplier payments that pertain to a particular forecast.

Expense Reports Worksheet

This worksheet displays details of expense reports that pertain to a particular forecast.

Customer Invoices Worksheet

This worksheet displays details of customer invoices that pertain to a particular forecast.

Customer Receipts Worksheet

This worksheet displays details of customer receipts that pertain to a particular forecast.

Sales Forecasts Worksheet

This worksheet displays details of sales forecasts that pertain to a particular forecast.

GL Budgets Worksheet

This worksheet displays details of GL budgets that pertain to a particular forecast.

GL Encumbrances Worksheet

This worksheet displays details of GL Encumbrances that pertain to a particular forecast.

Sales Orders Worksheet

This worksheet displays details of sales orders that pertain to a particular forecast.

Open Interface Sources Worksheet

This worksheet displays details of open interface source transactions that pertain to a particular forecast.

Project Billing Events Worksheet

This worksheet displays details of project billing events that pertain to a particular forecast.

Project Budgets Worksheet

This worksheet displays details of project budgets that pertain to a particular forecast.

Project Transactions Worksheet

This worksheet displays details of project transactions that pertain to a particular forecast.

Payroll Expenses Worksheet

This worksheet displays details of payroll expenses that pertain to a particular forecast.

Purchase Orders Worksheet

This worksheet displays details of purchase orders that pertain to a particular forecast.

Purchase Requisitions Worksheet

This worksheet displays details of purchase requisitions that pertain to a particular forecast.

Treasury Transactions Worksheet

This worksheet displays details of treasury transactions that pertain to a particular forecast.

Security in Cash Forecasting

Oracle Cash Management imposes Oracle Treasury's Legal Entity security for Treasury users to secure forecast templates and forecast results. Only Oracle Treasury users have access to the sources of Treasury Inflow and Treasury Outflow for inclusion in a forecast. Similarly, only Oracle Treasury users have the option to include the subsidiary bank account balances when submitting a cash forecast. In the cash forecast results, Oracle Cash Management displays only the transactions that belong to legal entities that the treasury user has access to. Non-Treasury users will not have access to any Treasury transactions although they can still generate and view forecast results across all organizations.