Cash Positioning

This chapter tells you how to use Cash Positioning. It explains how to create cash position worksheets, generate daily cash positions from these worksheets, and view the cash position results.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Cash Positioning

Cash positioning is a planning tool that helps you view your daily cash position by currency or bank account. Cash positioning allows you to project your cash needs, and evaluate your company's liquidity position. The daily cash positions are based on actual cash flows from various Oracle Applications. You can generate a daily cash position for a single currency, multiple currencies, a single bank account, multiple bank accounts, a single Legal Entity, or multiple Legal Entities.

You can search for an existing worksheet as follows:

  1. Navigate to the Cash Position Worksheet Search and Results page.

  2. Select the search parameters and click Go.

Refer to the following sections in this chapter for details on how to accomplish various cash positioning tasks:

Creating Cash Position Worksheets

A worksheet contains cash position specifications. Worksheets determine the presentation of sources (rows) and bank accounts (columns) for your cash position. Worksheets also include the following types of general information:

Cash Management provides the following two seeded worksheets:

Default Cash Position Worksheet: This worksheet includes the default values for the Bank Account Balance section, Intra-Day Activities section and all transaction sources except for the User-Defined and Open Interface sources.

Default Treasury Cash Position Worksheet: This worksheet includes the default values for the Bank Account Balance section, Intra-Day Activities section, Treasury Inflow and Treasury Outflow sources.

You can specify the sources you want to include in the cash position to create custom cash position worksheets. You can include transaction source defaults or you can choose to manually set the parameters for the transaction source. For more information on source type specifications, refer to Cash Position Worksheet Page Reference.

Once you have selected your cash position specifications, you can save your worksheet, and use it to generate your daily cash positions. This process gathers current source information from the selected Oracle Applications.

External Cashflow Open Interface and Distributed Database Integration

The External Cashflow Open Interface allows you to utilize external sources of cash inflow and outflow data for the Cash Positioning feature, providing you an enterprise-wide cash positioning solution on a distributed database environment.

You define your worksheets to include the Open Interface Inflow and Open Interface Outflow source types. You can then generate a cash position and Cash Management automatically retrieves information available from the external sources you have defined.

To Create a Cash Position Worksheet:

  1. Navigate to the Cash Position Worksheet Search and Results page.

  2. Click Create Worksheet.

  3. In the Create Cash Position Worksheet page, enter a unique name for your worksheet.

  4. Enter the number of columns that you want Cash Management to display in each page of your cash position results. The default is 20.

  5. Select Yes or No for Use Calculated Prior Day Cash Flow and Overdue Transactions Balances. This allows you to use real-time prior day cash flow and overdue transactions balances or to use calculated balances. For more information refer to Cash Position Prior Day Cash Flow and Overdue Transactions Program.

  6. The Bank Account Balance section is required and is automatically included with the default values. To specify parameters of your choice for this section, click Set Manually and select the appropriate values. For more information refer to Bank Account Balance

  7. If you have set up cash pools, you can choose to include them in your cash position. To specify parameters of your choice for this section, click Set Manually and select the appropriate values.

  8. Select whether to Include or Exclude Intra Day activities in your cash position. If you choose to include Intra Day activities, you can select to either include or exclude them from the closing balance calculation.

    You can select from the following options:

    • No: Do not include intra-day activities in cash position.

    • Only Display: Display Intra-day activities in the cash position without affecting the closing balance. This is the default value.

    • Display and include in closing balance: Display intra-day activities in the cash position and add the amount to the net cash flow to calculate the closing balance.

  9. Select Include This Section in the Cash Position for each inflow and outflow source type you want to include in the cash position. This option includes the selected sources with the default values. This option is not available for the Open Interface and the User-Defined source types.

  10. Optionally, click Set Manually to select the parameters you want to apply to your selected source types if you do not want to use the defaults. You must select appropriate values for the applicable parameters for each source type you choose to include in the worksheet.

    You can also choose to include multiple rows from the same source type with different parameters by clicking Add Another Row. It is recommended that you provide a unique description for each row you include to make the cash position meaningful. For the list of applicable parameters for each source type see: Cash Position Worksheet Page Reference.

  11. Click Apply to save the worksheet.

Note: A validation is performed for each row for the following and error messages will be displayed in case of a violation:

Click Update to edit all the parameters.

Select an existing Cash Position Worksheet and click Duplicate to create a new cash position worksheet.

Cash Positioning Source Transaction Dates

When Cash Management collects the source data for a cash position, it includes source transactions whose cash activity date is the As Of Date for the cash position. Cash Management searches for a valid date in the sequence indicated, using the first date it finds.

The following table explains which date is used as the expected cash activity date.

Type Expected Cash Activity Date or Time
Supplier Payments 1. Value Date (Actual then Anticipated), 2. Maturity Date, or 3. Payment Date
Payroll Expenses 1. Payment Date
Customer Receipts 1. Value Date (Actual then Anticipated), 2. Maturity Date, or 3. Latest Receipt Transaction Date
Treasury Inflow 1. Settlement Date
Treasury Outflow 2. Settlement Date
Intra-Day Activities 1. Value Date 2. Statement Date
Cash Management Inflow 1. Actual Value Date 2. Cashflow Date
Cash Management Outflow 1. Actual Value Date 2. Cashflow Date

Overdue Transactions In Cash Positioning

You have the flexibility to include or exclude overdue transactions for all appropriate source transaction types in your cash positions. Including overdue transactions gives you an accurate representation of potential cash inflows and outflows. Overdue transactions are open transactions with a cash activity date before the cash position As of Date.

Overdue transactions are collected and displayed on the Overdue Transactions line of the Cash Position Results page. Overdue transactions apply to the source types described below. You can specify on each worksheet whether to include overdue transactions for the applicable source types. If you choose to do so, you must also specify the Cutoff Period, which determines how far back in time to include overdue transactions.

The following table contains cash forecasting overdue transaction sources:

Type Definition
Supplier Payments Payments scheduled to have been cleared before the position date, but that are still uncleared.
Customer Receipts Receipts scheduled to have been cleared before the position date, but that are still uncleared.
Treasury Inflow Treasury transactions scheduled to have been cleared before the position date, but that are still uncleared.
Treasury Outflow Treasury transactions scheduled to have been cleared before the position date, but that are still uncleared.
Cash Management Inflow Cash Management transactions scheduled to have been cleared before the position date, but that are still uncleared
Cash Management Outflow Cash Management transactions scheduled to have been cleared before the position date, but that are still uncleared.

Cash Position Prior Day Cash Flow and Overdue Transactions Program

To expedite the generation of a cash position, you can run the Cash Position Prior Day Cash Flow and Overdue Transactions program before you submit you cash position. If you specify the option to use calculated prior day cash flows and overdue transactions for the cash position results, the Cash Positioning program will use the pre-calculated prior day and overdue transactions balances. To create these pre-calculated prior day cash flow and overdue transactions balances, you must run the Cash Position Prior Day Cash Flow and Overdue Transactions program prior to generating your cash position. You can run the program manually or you can have the program run automatically according to the schedule you define. In addition to calculating prior day and overdue transactions balances, the Cash Position Prior Day Cash Flow and Overdue Transactions program will purge old summary data.

Submitting the Cash Position Prior Day Cash Flow and Overdue Transactions Program

To run the Cash Position Prior Day Cash Flow and Overdue Transactions program according to a schedule:

  1. Navigate to the Submit Requests window.

  2. Select Submit a New Request.

  3. Select the Cash Position Prior Day Cash Flow and Overdue Transactions program.

  4. Leave all the parameters blank.

  5. Click Schedule. Either apply a saved schedule by clicking Apply a Saved Schedule or select Periodically and assign a start time. Schedule it to run daily or nightly. You can save the schedule for future use. You may need to check the Increment Date parameters Each Run checkbox if you are scheduling multiple nightly tasks for multiple dates.

To Run the Cash Position Prior Day Cash Flow and Overdue Transactions program manually:

You can submit Cash Position Prior Day Cash Flow and Overdue Transactions concurrent program manually to calculate summary prior day cash flow and overdue transaction balances.

  1. Navigate to the Submit Requests window.

  2. Click Submit a New Request.

  3. Select the Cash Position Prior Day Cash Flow and Overdue Transactions program.

  4. Enter the Worksheet Name and the As of Date.

Cash Position Worksheet Page Reference

Cash Position Worksheet Page - Inflow Source Type Characteristics

The following table contains the legend for the Cash Inflow Source Types table.

  Legend for Inflow/Outflow Source Type Characteristics  
R = Required ARR = Customer Receipts OII = Open Interface Inflow
O = Optional XTRI = Treasury Inflow CEI = Cash Management Inflow
Y = Required if Include Overdue Transactions is Yes UDI = User-Defined Inflow  

The following table displays characteristics, such as required or optional, of the applicable fields for each source type you can enter in the Cash Position Worksheet page.

Description O O O O O
Bank Account     O    
Transaction Type   O      
Include Indicative Exposures?   R      
External Source Type       R  
Forecast Selection Criteria Descriptive Flexfield       O  
Receipt Method O       O
Transaction Subtype          
Include Cleared Transactions? R R     R
Include Overdue Transactions? R R     R
Cut Off Days Y Y     Y
Amount     O    

Cash Position Worksheet Rows Page - Outflow Source Type Characteristics

The following table contains the legend for the Cash Outflow Source Types table.

  Legend for Inflow/Outflow Source Type Characteristics  
R = Required APP = Supplier Payments UDO = User-Defined Outflow
O = Optional PAY = Payroll Expenses OIO = Open Interface Outflow
Y = Required if Include Overdue Transactions is Yes XTRO = Treasury Outflow CEO = Cash Management Outflow

The following table displays characteristics, such as required or optional, of the applicable fields for each source type you can enter in the Cash Position Worksheet page.

Description O O O O O O
Business Group   O        
Payroll Name   O        
Bank Account       O    
Include Indicative Exposures?     R      
Transaction Type     O      
External Source Type         R  
Forecast Selection Criteria Descriptive Flexfield         O  
Receipt Method O O        
Transaction Subtype           O
Include Cleared Transactions? R   R     R
Include Overdue Transactions? R   R     R
Cut Off Days Y   Y     Y
Amount       O    

Worksheet Details

Worksheet Name: A unique name for your cash position worksheet.

Number of Columns Displayed in Results: The number of columns that should be displayed in each page of your cash position results. The default is 20.

Use Calculated Prior Day Cash Flow and Overdue Transactions Balances: Indicates if you want to use calculated or real-time prior day cash flow and overdue transactions balances. The default is No.

Bank Account Balance

Description: (Optional) A description of the source type. The information you enter here may be useful when you have multiple rows with the same source type, but different criteria.

Legal Entity: (Optional) A legal entity that you want to generate the cash position for. You can select a legal entity or leave this field blank to collect source data for all legal entities. You can have multiple rows of a bank account balance in your worksheet. Each row can be for a different legal entity, or you can have one row represent all legal entities.

Bank: (Optional) The bank whose transactions you want to include in the cash position. You can select a bank name or leave this field blank to include all banks.

Bank Account: (Optional) The bank account whose transactions you want to include in the cash position. You can select a bank account or leave the Bank Account field blank to include all bank accounts. The list of values is controlled by CE: Bank Account Security profile option. See: Profile Options in Cash Management.

Important: If you selected a bank name in the Bank field and/or a legal entity, you should include bank accounts that belong to the selected bank and legal entity.

Balance Type: Select a value in this field to indicate the type of balance to be used for the opening balance of the bank accounts included in the cash pool. Options include: Available Balance, Value Dated Balance, and Ledger Balance.

Float Type: Select a value in this field to adjust your opening bank account balance. Options include: Add One Day Float, Add Two Day Float, None, Subtract One Day Float, and Subtract Two Day Float.

Cash Pools

Cash Pool Name: The name of the cash pool.

Balance Type: The type of balance to be used for the opening balance for the bank accounts included in the cash pool. Options include: Available Balance, Value Dated Balance, and Ledger Balance.

Float Type: Select a value in this field to adjust the opening balance of the bank accounts included in the cash pool. Options include: Add One Day Float, Add Two Day Float, None, Subtract One Day Float, and Subtract Two Day Float.

Intra-Day Activities

Include intra-day activities in the Cash Position. Choose to include or exclude intra-day activities from the cash position results. Choices include No, Display but do not include in closing balance, and Display and include in closing balance.

Description: (Optional) A description of the source type. The information you enter here may be useful when you have multiple rows with the same source type, but different criteria.

Transaction Type: The type of transactions that you want to include in your cash position for the intra-day activities source. Choices include: All, Miscellaneous Payment, Miscellaneous Receipt, Non-Sufficient Funds, Payment, Receipt, Rejected, Statement, and Stopped.

Customer Receipts

Description (Optional) A description of the source type. The information you enter here may be useful when you have multiple rows with the same source type, but different criteria.

Payment Method (Optional) The user-defined Receivables choice to account for receipt entries and applications.

Include Cleared Transactions? : (Optional) Indicates if you want to include transactions that have been cleared on the As of Date.

Include Overdue Transactions? : (Optional) Indicates if you want to include or exclude open transactions that have a cash activity date before the cash position As Of Date.

Cut Off Days: If you choose to include overdue transactions, you must enter a value. The value you enter determines how far back to include overdue transactions.

Important: Transaction volume increases with an increase in the cutoff period. If you choose a cutoff period that is very long, and you are including many historical transactions, then the position may take longer to generate.

Treasury Inflow and Outflow

Description: (Optional) A description of the source type. The information you enter here may be useful when you have multiple rows with the same source type, but different criteria.

Transaction Type: The type of transactions that you want to include in your cash position for the Treasury Inflow and Outflow sources. The list of values displays the transaction types that are seeded in Oracle Treasury.

Include Indicative Exposures: For Treasury Inflow and Outflow, if you select Yes, you can include transactions in the cash position as follows:

Include Cleared Transactions? : (Optional) Indicates if you want to include transactions that have been cleared on the As of Date.

Include Overdue Transactions? : (Optional) Indicates if you want to include or exclude open transactions that have a cash activity date before the cash position As Of Date.

Cut Off Days: If you chose to include overdue transactions, you must enter a value. The value you enter determines how far back to include overdue transactions.

Important: Transaction volume increases with an increase in the cutoff period. If you choose a cutoff period that is very long and you are including many historical transactions, then the position may take longer to generate.

Open Interface Inflow and Outflow

Description: (Optional) A description of the source type. The information you enter here may be useful when you have multiple rows with the same source type, but different criteria.

External Source Type: Indicates the user-defined external source type for Open Interface Inflow or Open Interface Outflow. The list of values is from the Context field of the Forecast Selection Criteria Descriptive flexfield you created during setup of the External Cashflow Open Interface.

Forecast Selection Criteria: The descriptive flexfield that indicates the external forecast selection criteria based on the external source type you entered in the previous field for Open Interface Inflow or Open Interface Outflow sources. The list of values is from the segments you defined for the Forecast Selection Criteria Descriptive flexfield.

User-Defined Inflow and Outflow

Description: (Optional) A description of the source type. The information you enter here may be useful when you have multiple rows with the same source type, but different criteria.

Amount: (Optional) The amount of the user-defined inflow and outflow. The user can now update the amount as desired at any point to decide the cash position.

Bank Account: (Optional) The bank account to which the user-defined inflow and outflow amounts belong. This could be valid for all banks or a specific bank marked in the worksheet.

Supplier Payments

Description: (Optional) A description of the source type. The information you enter here may be useful when you have multiple rows with the same source type, but different criteria.

Payment Method: (Optional) Payment methods predefined in Oracle Payables for how suppliers' invoices can be paid. Choices include: Check, Electronic, Wire, Future Dated, Manual Future Dated, and Clearing.

Include Cleared Transactions? : (Optional) Indicates if you want to include transactions that have been cleared on the As Of Date.

Include Overdue Transactions? : (Optional) Indicates if you want to include or exclude open transactions that have a cash activity date before the cash position As Of Date.

Cut Off Days: If you chose to include overdue transactions, you must enter a value. The value you enter in the determines how far back to include overdue transactions.

Important: Transaction volume increases with an increase in the cutoff period. If you choose a cutoff period that is very long and you are including many historical transactions, then the position may take longer to generate.

Payroll Expenses

Description: (Optional) A description of the source type. The information you enter here may be useful when you have multiple rows with the same source type, but different criteria.

Payroll Name: (Optional) Indicates the name of the payroll to include in the cash position. Leave this field blank to include cash flows from all payrolls.

Payment Method: (Optional) Predefined and user-defined payment methods in Oracle Payroll for how employees' payroll can be paid. Predefined choices include: Cash, Check, and NACHA (National Automated Clearing House Association).

Generating Cash Positions From Worksheets

A cash position worksheet contains rows that define transaction sources and columns that display either currencies or bank accounts included in the cash position. You can define reusable worksheets for generating cash positions.

When you submit a cash position, Cash Management collects the necessary source data and summarizes the information as cash position amounts, based on the cash position worksheet specifications. The cash position data is then available for update, inquiry, viewing in a Discoverer Workbook, or for export to a spreadsheet application.

You can generate a new cash position because you have created a new worksheet, or because you want to recalculate a cash position with different submission parameters.

To Generate a Cash Position From a new Worksheet:

  1. After you create a new worksheet, click Apply. See: Creating a Cash Position Worksheet

  2. Click Generate Cash Position in the Confirmation page.

  3. In the Generate Cash Position page select appropriate values for the submission parameters. See: Generate Cash Position Page Reference

  4. Select Continue to generate the cash position.

To Generate a Cash Position From an Already Existing Worksheet:

  1. Query an existing worksheet in the Cash Position Worksheet Search and Results page.

  2. Select the Generate Cash Position corresponding to the worksheet you want to use.

  3. In the Generate Cash Position page, select appropriate values for the submission parameters. See:Generate Cash Position Page Reference

  4. Select Continue to generate the cash position.

Generate Cash Position Page Reference

As Of Date: The date for which you want to generate the cash position. The default value is the system date.

Factor: Indicates the way amounts are displayed in the cash position.

Currency: The currency for the source transactions for which you want to generate a cash position. Leave this field blank to include all currencies in your cash position.

View By: Indicates how to display the cash position results. Choices include Bank Account, Currency, and Cash Pool.

Include Subsidiary's Bank Account Balance: If you have subsidiary bank accounts set up in Oracle Treasury, you can choose to include the bank account balances of the subsidiary bank accounts in your cash position. Subsidiary bank account balances are summarized by currency and added to the opening balance of the appropriate currency in the Cash Position Results by Currency page. The subsidiary bank account balances are displayed in a separate section below the cash position results when you view the cash position results by bank account.

Calculation Of Opening and Closing Bank Account Balances in Cash Positioning

The opening bank account balance displayed in the cash position results is the previous day's closing bank account balance for that bank account.

The balance type and the float type used in calculating the opening balance is determined by the selections made in the cash position worksheet.

If the previous day's closing balance is not available, then the latest available bank account balances are displayed instead. In this case, the cash position results also display a Prior Day Cashflows row that includes transactions between the latest available balance date and the Cash Position As of Date.

The closing balance is calculated as Opening Balance + Prior Day Cash Flows + Net Cash Flow.

For cash pools included in the cash position, the opening balance is the sum of the previous day's balances or the last available balance for all the bank accounts included in the cash pool.

You can also define target balances for bank accounts. These target balances are displayed in the cash position and help you determine the surplus or deficit balance for bank accounts that you include in your cash position. See: Company Profiles, Oracle Treasury User Guide.

Balance Gapping in Cash Positioning

A balance gap arises when you have gaps in your cash flows between the current system date and your defined until date. This gap can occur under the following circumstances:

Knowing when a balance gap occurs is crucial to effectively handle the funds you loaned or invested. You can use the View Balance Gapping window/page, to manage your balance gaps.

To reduce your balance gapping results, enter amount ranges that meet your cashflow requirements. The balance gapping results incorporate real time data from Oracle Treasury.

To view balance gapping information:

  1. In the Cash Position Results page, choose View Balance Gapping. The View Balance Gapping page appears.

  2. Select a currency for which you want to view the balance gaps.

  3. Select a previously run cash forecast in the Forecast Name field. The forecast selected here will be used to populate the net cash flow data from Oracle Payables, Oracle Receivables and Oracle Payroll. Cashflows from Oracle Treasury will be obtained directly. This field is optional for Oracle Treasury users (if you only want to include cashflows from Oracle Treasury), but it is required for non-Treasury Users.

  4. In the Start Date and End Date fields, enter the dates between which you want to view your balance gaps.

  5. (Optional) Select a legal entity for which you want to view your balance gaps. To view balance gaps for all legal entities, leave this field blank.

  6. (Optional) Select a bank account for which you want to view your balance gaps. To view balance gaps for all bank accounts, leave this field blank.

  7. In the Balance From and To fields, enter an amount range for the balance gap that you want to view. To view all balance gaps, leave these fields blank.

    Tip: If you borrowed money to cover a negative balance, enter a number equal to or greater than zero in the Balances From field. By entering a larger number, you accept a larger balance gap. If you had a positive balance and invested the money, enter a number equal to or less than zero in the To field. By entering a larger negative number, you accept a larger balance gap.

  8. Choose Refresh Gapping Data to generate balance gapping.

  9. You can view the details of the gapping results in a Discoverer Workbook by selecting View in Discoverer Workbook. See: Viewing Cash Positions in Discoverer

Available Liquidity

If you are a Oracle Treasury User, the cash position results also include an Available Liquidity section that displays your current position by currency in Short Term Money, Discounted Securities and Fixed Income Securities.

You can click the amounts displayed for each deal type to drill down to the details of the underlying deals.

In the Short Term Money Details page, you can view the details of the short term money deals and access the Short Term Money window in Oracle Treasury by clicking Manage Short Term Money. In the Fixed Income Securities Details page, you can view the details of the fixed income securities deals and access the Fixed Income Securities window or the Fixed Income Securities for Resale/Repurchase window in Oracle Treasury by clicking Create Fixed Income Securities Deal or Resell Fixed Income Securities Deal respectively. In the Discounted Securities Details page, you can view the details of the discounted securities deals and access the Discounted Securities window or the Discounted Securities Resales window in Oracle Treasury by clicking Create Discounted Securities Deal or Resell Discounted Securities Deal respectively. See: Deal Types and Product Types, Oracle Treasury User Guide.

Generating a Cash Leveling Proposal

If your cash position includes cash pools, you can select to generate a cash leveling proposal from the Cash Position Results Page, in the Bank Account View Page or Cash Pool View Page. The Cash Leveling Proposal is calculated online based on the Sub Account target balances and transfer amount calculation rules.

For notional cash pools and physical cash pools with bank initiated sweeps, you can use the cash leveling proposal to approximate the projected closing balance of the concentration account so that the investment or funding decisions could be made from the concentration account based on the projection. By clicking Apply, the composition results are displayed.

For physical cash pools that do not have bank initiated sweeps, you have the option to generate Intercompany Funding Transactions and/or Inter-Account transfers from the cash leveling proposal. These transfers can then be included in the payment file and sent to the bank through Oracle Treasury.

You can select transfers for which you want to generate transfers in Oracle Treasury and click Apply. This will display a Warning page, where you will be provided with the options of submitting the Generate Cash Leveling Transfers concurrent request to generate inter-account and intercompany fund transfers in Oracle Treasury. See: Cash Leveling, Oracle Treasury User Guide.

Subsidiary bank accounts that are part of the cash pool are included in the cash leveling proposal. However, since the projected closing balance is not calculated for subsidiary bank accounts, the opening balance is used in calculations instead. You can update the transfer amount calculated and click Recalculate New Closing Balance to recalculate the closing balances.

The Transfer Amount will be calculated as follows:

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Example 4

Example 5

Example 6

Example 7

Example 8

Example 9

Viewing Cash Position Results

When you generate a cash position, your cash position results are displayed by currency, by bank account, or by cash pools, depending on your selection in the View By field in the Generate Cash Position page. You can switch among the three views by selecting the appropriate value in the View By field and clicking Refresh Data. Cash Management displays the cash position results in a spreadsheet format with the rows representing the cash flows and the balances and the columns representing either bank accounts, currencies, or cash pools.

The cash position results displayed on this page represent only those transactions that are associated with bank accounts to which the current user has Bank Account Access security enabled. This is controlled by CE: Bank Account Security profile option. See: Profile Options in Cash Management.

Cash Position Results: Currency View Page

In the Cash Position Results: Currency View page, the results of your cash position are displayed by currency with each column representing a currency included in your position. If you chose to include subsidiary bank account balances in your cash position, they are added to the opening balance for the currency which corresponds to the subsidiary bank account's currency. This page also displays the available liquidity for Oracle Treasury users.

In the Cash Position Results: Currency View page, you can do the following:

Cash Position Results: Bank Account View Page

In the Cash Position Results: Bank Account page, the results of your cash position are displayed by bank account with each column representing a bank account included in your position. If you chose to include subsidiary bank account balances in your cash position, they are summarized by currency and displayed in a separate section below the cash position results.

In the Cash Position Results: Bank Account View page, you can do the following:

Cash Position Results: Cash Pool View Page

In the Cash Position Results: Cash Pool page, the results of your cash position are displayed by cash pool with each column representing the cash pools or individual bank accounts included in your position. If you chose to include subsidiary bank account balances in your cash position, they are summarized by currency and displayed in a separate section below the cash position results.

In the Cash Position Results: Cash Pool page, you can do the following:

Cash Position Results Page: Currency View, Bank Account View, and Cash Pool View Reference

As of Date: Indicates the date for which the cash position is generated.

Factor: Indicates the way amounts are displayed in the forecast.

Currency: The currency for which the cash position results are displayed. The value here defaults from the value selected for the Currency field in the Generate Cash Position page. If no value was selected for this field in the Generate Cash Position page, then this field will be blank.

Legal Entity: The legal entity for which the cash position results are displayed.

Currency Range: If the number of columns in your cash position results by currency exceeds the number of columns you specified in the cash position worksheet, the results are displayed in multiple pages. You can navigate between the pages by selecting a value in this field and clicking Refresh Data.

Bank Account Range: If the number of columns in your cash position results by bank account exceeds the number of columns you specified in the cash position worksheet, the results are displayed in multiple pages. You can navigate between the pages by selecting a value in this field and clicking Refresh Data.

View By: Indicates whether the cash position results are displayed by currency, by bank account, or by cash pool. You can select the appropriate option in this field and click Refresh Data to view the cash position results by the selected option.

Source Transaction Details Page Reference

The following table contains the legend for the Source Transaction Details Column Reference table.

  Legend for Cash Positioning Source Transaction Details Column Reference: Inflows  
S = Summary section ARR = Customer Receipts CEI = Cash Management Inflow
D = Detail section XTRI = Treasury Inflow  

The following table contains the source transaction details column reference for cash inflow.

Cash Activity Date S S S
Transaction Currency S S S
Transaction Amount S S S
Organization D    
Receipt Number S    
Bank Account Currency S S S
Bank Account Amount S S S
Status D   D
Deal Number   S  
Deal Type   S  
Counterparty   S  
Amount Type   S  
Deal Subtype   D  
Transaction Number   S  
Cashflow Number     S
Bank Account Name     D
Bank Account Number     D
Description     D
Counterparty Name     D
Counterparty Bank Account     D
Transaction Subtype     D
Legal Entity   D D
Receipt Method D    
Product Type   D  
Portfolio Code   D  

The following table contains the legend for the Source Transaction Details Column Reference table.

  Legend for Cash Positioning Source Transaction Details Column Reference: Outflows  
S = Summary section APP = Supplier Payments XTRO = Treasury Outflow
D = Detail section PAY = Payroll Expenses CEO = Cash Management Outflow

The following table contains the cash positioning source transaction details column reference for cash outflow.

Cash Activity Date S S S S
Transaction Currency S S S S
Transaction Amount S S S S
Payment Priority D      
Supplier Type D      
Pay Group D      
Organization D      
Payment Number S      
Bank Account Currency S S S S
Bank Account Amount S S S S
Status D     D
Payment Method D D    
Payroll Name   S    
Business Group   D    
Deal Number     S  
Deal Type     S  
Counterparty     S  
Amount Type     S  
Deal Subtype     D  
Transaction Number     S  
Cashflow Number       S
Bank Account Name       D
Bank Account Number       D
Description       D
Counterparty Name       D
Counterparty Bank Account       D
Transaction Subtype       D
Legal Entity     D D
Product Type     D  
Portfolio Code     D  

Intra-Day Activities and Net Cash Flow Detail Page Reference

Legend for Cash Positioning Intra-Day Activities and Net Cash Flow Details

The following table contains the intra-day activities and net cash flow details column reference.

Column IDA NCF
Cash Activity Date S S
Transaction Currency S S
Transaction Amount S S
Transaction Number S S
Organization   D
Bank Account Currency S S
Bank Account Amount S S
Status   D
Line Number S  
Payment Method   D
Transaction Type S S
Exchange Rate Type D  
Exchange Rate D  
Agent D  
Agent Bank Account D  
Invoice Number D  
Value Date D  
Description D  

Available Liquidity Section Details

The following table contains the legend for the Short Term Money, Fixed Income Securities, and the Discounted Securities Details pages table.

  Legend for Short Term Money, Fixed Income Securities, and the Discounted Securities Details Pages Table  
S = Summary section STM = Short Term Money FIS = Fixed Income Securities
D = Detail section DS = Discounted Securities  

The following table contains the Short Term Money, Fixed Income Securities, and the Discounted Securities Details pages.

Deal Number S S S
Portfolio S S S
Deal Subtype S S S
Product Type S S S
Rate S S S
Maturity Date S S S
Balance S S S
Transaction Number D D D
Face Value D D D
Rate Basis D D D
Start Date D D D
Deal Date D D D
Counterparty D D D

Modifying Cash Position Worksheets and Cash Position Results

You can, with some limitations, modify cash position worksheets and cash position results.

Modifying Cash Position Worksheets

To query existing cash position worksheets:

  1. Navigate to the Cash Position Search and Results page.

  2. (Optional) Enter a partial or full Worksheet Name.

  3. Click Go. Cash Management displays all worksheets that match your search criteria.

  4. Click the worksheet name in the Cash Position Worksheet Results table to view the details.

To modify a cash position worksheet:

  1. Query an existing cash position worksheet.

  2. You can modify any of the information for the cash position worksheet by selecting Update corresponding to your worksheet.

Modifying Amounts on a Cash Position

To modify amounts on a cash position:

  1. Query an existing cash position worksheet (see above).

  2. Click Generate Cash Position. The Generate Cash Position page appears.

  3. Select appropriate values for the parameters and click Continue to generate the cash position.

  4. Click the amount corresponding to a transaction source for the bank account or currency in the cash position results that you want to modify. The Source Transaction Details page appears.

  5. You can choose to exclude transactions by disabling the Include checkbox that corresponds to the transaction.

For user-defined cash position worksheet, you can directly modify the amount. The user-defined cash flow amounts in the Cash Position results page can also be modified.

To generate exposures in Oracle Treasury:

  1. Query an existing cash position worksheet.

  2. Click Generate Cash Position. The Generate Cash Position page appears.

  3. Select appropriate values for the parameters and click Continue to generate the cash position.

  4. Click the amount corresponding to the currency or bank account for which you want to generate exposures in the Intra-Day Activities row. The Intra-Day Activities and Net Cash Flow Details page appears.

  5. You can choose to generate exposures in Oracle Treasury by selecting one or more intra-day transactions and clicking Generate Exposures.

  6. The Generate Exposures page appears, where you can enter details for the selected exposure transactions and click Apply to generate exposures and return to the Intra-Day Activities and Net Cash Flow Details page

Important: This feature is available only to Oracle Treasury users.

Exporting Cash Position Results to Your Spreadsheet Application

You can transfer cash position results to you spreadsheet application. Excel can be used to manipulate information for analysis and graphical representation. Use Export in the Cash Position Results page to export cash positions from Cash Management to Microsoft Excel. This option is available only on the Windows platform, and only if Excel is installed.

To export cash position results to Excel:

  1. Navigate to the Cash Position Worksheets Search and Results page.

  2. Generate a cash position See: Generating a Cash Position

  3. In the Cash Position Results page, click Export.

  4. Saving the file exports the data to file name "export" and the file type depends on the value set for the "Export MIME Type" system profile option.

  5. You can make modifications to your cash position results in your spreadsheet application.

    Note: Saving in your spreadsheet application does not save an updated spreadsheet in your Oracle database.

Viewing Cash Positions in Discoverer

You can view cash position results in a Discoverer Workbook. Oracle Discoverer enables you to manipulate information for analysis and graphical representation. To view cash position results in Oracle Discoverer, click View in Discoverer in the Cash Position Results page. This option is only available if you have Oracle Discoverer installed.

Cash Management provides one predefined workbook, which contains the following worksheets:

Cash Position with Surplus/Deficit

This worksheet displays the cash position results along with the surplus and deficit. The prior day cash flow and overdue transactions rows are both calculated in real time.

Cash Position with Closing Balance

This worksheet displays the cash position results along with the closing balance. The prior day cash flow and overdue transactions rows are both calculated in real time.

Cash Position with Surplus/Deficit using Calculated Prior Day Cash Flow and Overdue Transactions

This worksheet displays the cash position results along with surplus or deficit. The prior day cash flow and overdue transactions rows are both calculated using the Cash Position Prior Day Cash Flow and Overdue Transactions program.

Cash Position with Closing Balance Using Calculated Prior Day Cash Flow and Overdue Transactions

This worksheet displays the cash position results along with the closing balance. The prior day cash flow and overdue transactions are both calculated using the Cash Position Prior Day Cash Flow and Overdue Transactions program.

Gapping Details Worksheet

This worksheet displays the details of the balance gapping results grouped by bank account.

Supplier Payments Worksheet

This worksheet displays details of supplier payments that pertain to a particular cash position.

Customer Receipts Worksheet

This worksheet displays details of customer receipts that pertain to a particular cash position.

Payroll Expenses Worksheet

This worksheet displays details for payroll expenses that pertain to a particular cash position.

Treasury Transactions Worksheet

This worksheet displays details of treasury transactions that pertain to a particular cash position.

Intra-Day Activities

This worksheet displays details of the intra-day transactions reported by the bank that pertain to a particular cash position.

Security in Cash Positioning

Oracle Treasury's Legal Entity security secures cash position worksheets and cash position results for Oracle Treasury users. Only Oracle Treasury users have access to the sources of Treasury Inflow and Treasury Outflow for inclusion in a cash position. Similarly, only Oracle Treasury users have the option to include subsidiary's bank account balances in the cash position results when generating a cash position. In the cash position results, Oracle Cash Management displays only the transactions that belong to legal entities that the Treasury user has access to. Non-Treasury users will not have access to any Treasury transactions although they can still generate and view cash position results across all organizations.