Credit Management API User Notes

This appendix describes public Oracle Credit Management APIs.

This appendix covers the following topics:

Overview of Credit Management Public APIs

This document outlines the specifications and the methodology for using the Credit Management public APIs.

The Credit Management public APIs includes five APIs:

  1. Create Credit Request API

  2. Update Credit Request API

  3. Withdraw Credit Request API

  4. Guarantor API

  5. Get External Decision API

All APIs are PL/SQL APIs that create or update objects in the Credit Management system based on the specified parameters. The APIs do not cause performance degradation to the main flow calling the API.

Basic Business Needs

Products in the Oracle e-Business Suite use Oracle Credit Management as part of their respective business flows to perform credit analysis on parties, accounts, or account sites. For example, Oracle Order Management and Oracle Lease and Finance Management are two such products.

In addition to entering the credit request (more formally known as the credit application) from within Credit Management, e-Business Suite products might want to trigger the creation of a credit request from their existing flows.

Specific requirements from each product also exist for handling the results (which are the recommendations) of a credit analysis performed in Credit Management.

Some of these products might also want to perform custom processing if the automation process of a credit request fails.

See: Credit Request Business Events.

Before you begin ...

Initialization of ARP_STANDARD and ARP_GLOBAL

Custom code that uses AR, OCM, or HZ APIs will set the ORG_ID via dbms_application_info.set_client_info() and then call the APIs. The APIs in turn might access either ARP_STANDARD and ARP_GLOBAL, which initialize the global variables that are used across Credit Management when the package is first called. Most of these global variable values are organization dependent, and the first such call sets the global variables based on the current ORG_ID.

If additional custom code then changes the ORG_ID via another call to dbms_application_info.set_client_info(), then the ORG context changes, but the ARP_STANDARD and ARP_GLOBAL context does not.

In such cases, you should explicitly re-initialize the global variables by a call to these two public procedures:

  1. ARP_GLOBAL.INIT_GLOBAL: For setting public variables in ARP_GLOBAL.

  2. ARP_STANDARD.INIT_STANDARD: For setting public variables in ARP_STANDARD.

Major Features

The major features of these public APIs are:

Related Topics

Credit Request Business Events

API Usage

Create Credit Request API

The ar_cmgt_credit_request_api.create_credit_request routine is used to create a credit request for initiating a credit review for a party, account, or account site.

This API routine has 4 output and 35 input parameters. The API returns the credit_request_id of the credit request created in Credit Management as one of the default output parameters. The following is the breakdown of the parameters:


Standard API parameters: 4

Credit Request parameters: 35


Standard API parameters: 3

Credit Request parameters: 1

Standard API Parameters

The following table lists standard API parameters that are common to all Credit Request API routines.

Parameter Type Data-type Required Default Value Description
p_api_version IN NUMBER Yes   Used to compare version numbers of incoming calls to its current version number. An unexpected error is raised if version incompatibility exists. In the current version of the API, you should pass a value of 1.0 for this parameter.
p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2   FND_API.G_FALSE Allows API callers to request that the API executes initialization of the message list on their behalf.
p_commit IN VARCHAR2   FND_API.G_FALSE Used by API callers to ask the API to commit on their behalf.
p_validation_level IN VARCHAR2   FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL Currently, not for use.
x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2     Represents the API overall return status. The expected values are: --FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS --FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR --FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR
x_msg_count OUT NUMBER     Number of messages in the API message list.
x_msg_data OUT VARCHAR2     Message in encoded format if x_msg_count=1.

Create Credit Request API Parameters

The following table lists the parameters that are relevant to the Create Credit Request API.

Parameter Type Data-type Required Description
p_application_number IN VARCHAR2(30)   Application number on the credit request. This could be internally generated by a sequence based on the setting in the Credit Management system option.
p_application_date IN DATE   Date on the credit request.
p_requestor_type IN VARCHAR2(30)   Requester type. Valid values are EMPLOYEE or FND_USER.
p_requestor_id IN NUMBER   HR PERSON_ID or FND_USER_ID, depending on requester type.
p_review_type IN VARCHAR2(30)   'Review type' of the credit request. 'Review types' are created as AR lookups during Credit Management setup.
p_credit_classification IN VARCHAR2(30)   'Credit classification' of the party/account/site that are created as AR lookups during Credit Management setup.
p_requested_amount IN NUMBER   Requested credit limit amount.
p_requested_currency IN VARCHAR2(30)   Currency of the requested credit limit.
p_trx_amount IN NUMBER   Transaction amount.
p_trx_currency IN VARCHAR2(30)   Transaction currency.
credit_type IN VARCHAR2(30)   Type of credit request. Possible values are 'Term' and 'Trade'.
p_term_length IN NUMBER   Term length specified as number of months. Relevant for the credit_type 'Term'.
p_credit_check_rule_id IN NUMBER   Identifier of the credit check rule defined in Order Management (OM-specific attribute).
p_credit_request_status IN VARCHAR2(30)   Credit request status. Possible values are SAVE and SUBMIT.
p_party_id IN     Party identifier.
p_cust_account_id IN NUMBER   Customer account identifier.
p_cust_acct_site_id IN NUMBER   Customer account site identifier.
p_contact_party_id IN NUMBER   Party identifier for the credit contact.
p_site_use_id IN NUMBER   Site use identifier.
p_notes IN VARCHAR2(2000)   Notes.
p_source_org_id IN NUMBER    
p_source_user_id IN NUMBER    
p_source_resp_id IN NUMBER    
p_source_resp_appln_id IN NUMBER    
p_source_security_group_id IN NUMBER    
p_source_name IN VARCHAR2(30)   Source name on the credit request, which is used to identify the source product that initiated the credit request.
p_source_column1 IN VARCHAR2(150)   Unique identifier of the entity for which the credit request was created.
p_source_column2 IN VARCHAR2(150)   Unique identifier of the entity for which the credit request was created.
p_source_column3 IN VARCHAR2(150)   Unique identifier of the entity for which the credit request was created.
p_credit_request_id OUT NUMBER   Credit request identifier.
p_review_cycle IN VARCHAR2(30)    
p_case_folder_number IN VARCHAR2(30)   Case folder number, which is used by the case folder generated by this credit request.
p_score_model_id IN NUMBER    
p_parent_credit_request_id IN NUMBER   Parent credit request ID
p_credit_request_type IN VARCHAR2   Credit request type. Derived from AR lookups OCM_CREDIT_REQUEST_TYPE.
p_reco IN VARCHAR2   Recommendation name. Users can pass their own recommendations. The recommendation must be a lookup.

Update Credit Request API

The ocm_credit_request_update_pub routine is used to update an existing credit request for a party, account, or account site.

Standard API Parameters

To view the standard API parameters that are common to all Credit Request API routines, see: Standard API Parameters.

Update Credit Request API Parameters

The Update Credit Request API includes the p_credit_request_rec parameter of PL/SQL record type, which shares parameters with the Create Credit Request API. See the table that describes the shared parameters.

The following table describes the parameters of p_credit_request_rec that are unique to the Update Credit Request API.

Parameter Data-type
check_list_id NUMBER
credit_analyst_id NUMBER
case_folder_id NUMBER
stock_exchange VARCHAR2(50)
current_stock_price NUMBER
stock_currency VARCHAR2(30)
market_capitalization NUMBER
market_cap_monetary_unit VARCHAR2(15)
pending_litigations NUMBER
bond_rating VARCHAR2(30)
legal_entity_name VARCHAR2(240)
entity_type VARCHAR2(30)
recommendation_name VARCHAR2(30)
attachment_flag VARCHAR2
status VARCHAR2
request_id NUMBER

Withdraw Credit Request API

The ocm_credit_req_withdraw_pub routine is used to withdraw an existing credit request for a party, account, or account site.

Standard API Parameters

To view the standard API parameters that are common to all Credit Request API routines, see: Standard API Parameters.

Withdraw Credit Request API Parameters

The following table describes the parameters that are unique to the Withdraw Credit Request API.

Parameter Type Data-type Required Description
p_credit_request_id IN NUMBER   Credit request ID
p_withdrawl_reason_code IN VARCHAR2   Withdrawal reason code. Derived from AR_CMGT_APP_WITHDRAW_REASONS lookup type.

Guarantor API

The ocm_guarantor_pub routine is used to automatically submit a credit application for a guarantor that is included on a credit application or in a case folder.

Standard API Parameters

To view the standard API parameters that are common to all Credit Request API routines, see: Standard API Parameters.

Guarantor API Parameters

The following table describes the parameters that are unique to the Guarantor API.

Parameter Type Data-type Required Description
x_guarantor_credit_request_id OUT VARCHAR2   Guarantor credit request ID
x_guarantor_application_number IN OUT VARCHAR2   Guarantor application number
p_party_id IN NUMBER   Party identifier
p_contact_party_id IN NUMBER   Contact party identifier
p_parent_credit_request_id IN NUMBER   Parent credit request identifier
p_currency IN VARCHAR2   Currency
p_guaranted_amount IN NUMBER   Guarantee amount
p_funding_available_from IN DATE   Funding available from date
p_funding_available_to IN DATE   Funding available to date
p_case_folder_id IN NUMBER   Case folder identifier
p_notes IN VARCHAR2   Notes
p_credit_classification IN VARCHAR2   Credit classification of party, from AR lookups. Defaulted as “GUARANTOR”.
p_review_type IN VARCHAR2   Review type of party, from AR lookups. Defaulted as “GUARANTOR”.
p_requestor_id IN NUMBER   Requester identifier
p_source_org_id IN NUMBER   Source product organization identifier
p_source_user_id IN NUMBER   Source product user ID
p_source_resp_id IN NUMBER   Source product responsibility ID
p_source_appln_id IN NUMBER   Source product application ID
p_source_security_group_id IN NUMBER   Source product security group ID
p_source_name IN VARCHAR2   Source product name, derived from AR lookup OCM_REQUEST_SOURCE
p_source_column1 IN VARCHAR2   Source product column 1, must be passed as source product identifier
p_source_column2 IN VARCHAR2   Source product column 2, must be passed as source product document number
p_source_column3 IN VARCHAR2   Source product column 3
p_credit_request_status IN VARCHAR2   Request status
p_review_cycle IN VARCHAR2   Review cycle
p_case_folder_number IN VARCHAR2   Case folder number
p_score_model_id IN NUMBER   Scoring model ID
p_asset_class_code IN VARCHAR2   Asset class code
p_asset_type_code IN VARCHAR2   Asset type code
p_description IN VARCHAR2   Description
p_quantity IN NUMBER   Quantity
p_uom_code IN VARCHAR2   Unit of measurement
p_reference_type IN VARCHAR2   Reference type
p_appraiser IN VARCHAR2   Appraiser name
p_appraiser_phone IN VARCHAR2   Appraiser phone
p_valuation IN NUMBER   Valuation
p_valuation_method_code IN VARCHAR2   Valuation method code
p_valuation_date IN DATE   Valuation date
p_acquisition_date IN DATE   Acquisition date
p_asset_identifier IN VARCHAR2   Asset identifier

Get External Decision API

The ocm_get_extrl_decsn_pub routine is used to bypass Credit Management's scoring functionality and extract case folder contents for scoring by an external scoring engine.

This API consists of four procedures:

  1. Get Score

  2. Include Data Points

  3. Get Recommendations

  4. Submit Case Folder

API Parameters

The following table lists standard API parameters that are common to all four Get External Decision procedures:

Parameter Type Data-type Required Default Value Description
p_api_version IN NUMBER Yes   Used to compare version numbers of incoming calls to its current version number. An unexpected error is raised if version incompatibility exists. In the current version of the API, you should pass a value of 1.0 for this parameter.
p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2   FND_API.G_TRUE Allows API callers to request that the API executes initialization of the message list on their behalf.
p_commit IN VARCHAR2     Used by API callers to ask the API to commit on their behalf.
p_validation_level IN VARCHAR2     Currently, not for use.
x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2     Represents the API overall return status. The expected values are: --FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS --FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR --FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR
x_msg_count OUT NUMBER     Number of messages in the API message list.
x_msg_data OUT VARCHAR2     Message in encoded format if x_msg_count=1.

The following table lists the parameters for the Get Score API:

Parameter Type Data-type Required Description
p_case_folder_id IN NUMBER   Case folder identifier
p_score_model_id IN NUMBER   Scoring model identifier
p_score IN NUMBER   Score

The following table lists the parameters for the Include Data Points API:

Parameter Type Data-type Required Description
p_case_folder_id IN NUMBER   Case folder identifier
p_data_point_id IN data_point_id_varray   Array of data points to be included in case folders

The following table lists the parameters for the Get Recommendations API:

Parameter Type Data-type Required Description
p_case_folder_id IN NUMBER   Case folder identifier
p_recommendations_type IN VARCHAR2   Name of recommendation (defined as lookup type)
p_recommendations_tbl IN credit_recommendation_tbl   List of recommendations to be included.

The following table lists the parameters for the Submit Case Folder API:

Parameter Type Data-type Required Description
p_case_folder_id IN NUMBER   Case folder identifier

Exception Handling and Result Messages

The Credit Management APIs return three types of information to its calling programs:

Return Status

The return status (x_return_status) of the API informs the caller about the result of the operation (or operations) performed by the API. The different possible values for an API return status are:

The following section describes the different values of return status and their meanings.


A success return status means that the API was able to perform all the operations requested by its caller. A success return status may be accompanied by messages in the API message list which will be informative.


An error return status means that the API failed to perform some or all of the operations requested by its caller. An error return status is usually accompanied by messages describing the error (or errors) and how to fix it.

In most cases, you should be able to take corrective action to fix regular, expected errors such as missing attributes or invalid date ranges.

Unexpected error

An unexpected error status means that the API has encountered an error condition it did not expect or could not handle. In this case, the API is unable to continue with its regular processing. Examples of such errors are unrecoverable data consistency errors, memory errors, and programming errors (such as attempting a division by zero).

In most cases, only system administrators or application developers can fix these unexpected errors.


The APIs put result messages into a message list. Programs calling the APIs can then get the messages from the list and process them by issuing them, loading them into a database table, or writing them to a log file.

Messages are stored in an encoded format to let the API callers find message names using the standard functions provided by the message dictionary. It also allows the storing of these messages in database tables and reporting off these tables in different languages.

The API message list must be initialized every time a program calls an API. API callers can either call the message list utility function FND_MSG_PUB.Initialize or request that the API do the initialization on their behalf by setting the p_init_msg_list parameter to TRUE.

The program calling the API can retrieve messages from the message stack using the existing FND API functions FND_MSG_PUB.Count_Msg and FND_MSG_PUB.Get.

Message Level Threshold

The message level threshold is stored in a profile option named FND_API_MSG_LEVEL_THRESHOLD. This profile option can be updated at all levels (site, application, or user). The API checks against this threshold before writing a message to the API message list.