Working with Task Templates (Forms Only)

This chapter covers the following topics:

Designing Task Templates

A task template is a skeleton task and a task template group is a grouping of various task templates. Creating a template eliminates the user's interaction with the specific properties of a task which simplifies the task creation process.

For example, a service department is constantly requested to have computer problems fixed. John Smith, a service director, requests the creation of a task template group called PC Repair that is specifically used for a service request. This template group consists of a set of required tasks, including customer appointment, computer repair, and progress update. These tasks are defined in a template format with task type, priority, and status information specified.

How to Create Task Template Groups

The implementers or system administrators can define task template groups only in the Forms-based Task Manager.

Use the following regions in the Setup Task Template Groups window to enter task template group information:

After saving this template group, the Number field for each task you defined in the Related Task Templates region populates automatically.

In addition, you can define additional assignee resource types and unit information, dependencies and the offset information among task templates, and task recurrence information for a task template. See Defining Template Details.

Once a template or template group is created, users are able to create multiple tasks simultaneously based on the selected template or template group.

Note: The Private task flag in the Forms-based version of Task Manager is not supported. HTML Task Manager does support both Private and Public tasks.

Defining Template Details

Additionally, you can define assignee resource types and unit information, dependencies, and task recurrences by clicking the appropriate buttons to bring up the following tabs shown in the Task Details window:

Use this tab to set the order among task templates and to separate the sequence between task templates using time-sensitive restrictions. Use the Offset field to enter a numeric value plus an appropriate unit of measure, such as one hour or 30 minutes, to separate the initial task template from a subsequent task template. For example, you can have "one day" (offset) time frame between the first template, customer appointment, and the next template, computer repair. This allows a service agent to have one-day preparation after the appointment and before the computer repair.

Perform the following steps to define task template details.



  1. Navigate to Task and Escalation Manager > Task > Task Templates.

  2. In the Task Template Details window, with your template information defined, click Resources.

    The Task Template Details window opens.

  3. Select a resource type from the list of values (LOV).

  4. Enter the number of resources needed in the Required Units field.

    Selecting the Enabled Flag activates the resource type for the corresponding task template.

  5. You can set a dependency type for the template. The default is Finish to Start. There are four dependency types:

    • Finish to Start: The successor task cannot start until the predecessor task finishes.

    • Start to Finish: The successor task cannot finish until the predecessor task starts.

    • Start to Start: The successor task cannot start until the predecessor task starts.

    • Finish to Finish: The successor task cannot finish until the predecessor task finishes.

  6. In the Recurrence tab, select how you want the task to repeat, daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly, and provide information in the corresponding required fields.

  7. Click OK to save your information.