Profile Options

This appendix covers the following topics:

Before You Begin

This appendix chapter describes profile option settings that are required for successful implementation. These profile options are only for Common Application Calendar. For additional functionality, you may need to set additional profile options from the appropriate calling applications. Consult the calling application's documentation for additional information.

Common Application Calendar Profile Options

This section summarizes the Oracle Common Application Components profile options per module that you need to set.

Notes Profile Options

The following table describes the profile options that are specific to Notes.

Notes Profile Options
Name Category Default Value Level Description Outcome
Notes: Default Note Status Notes Public Site This profile option sets the default note status. Profile option values include private, public, or publish. If you select Publish, then that is the default value shown in the Status drop-down list when creating a new note.
If no profile option is set, default is Public.
Notes: Default Note Type Notes N/A Site This profile option sets the default note type only to the Notes in Oracle Applications Framework. It does not apply to the HTML and Forms-based Notes. Set the desired value to the note type. If this profile option is not set or the note type default value is not mapped to a source, then there will not have a default value in the Note Type field during note creation. Otherwise, the default note type will appear in the field.

Gantt Profile Options

The following table describes the profile options that are specific to Gantt

Gantt Profile Options
Name Default Value Level Description Outcome
JTF_GANTT_SNAP_VALUE_DAYS_MODE 60 minutes User Enables the start or end of a taskbar to automatically readjust (snap) during drag and drop operations in the "Day" view. Snaps to the default value if the user does not specify a snap value.
JTF_GANTT_SNAP_VALUE_SIX_HOURS_MODE 60 minutes User Enables the start or end of a taskbar to automatically readjust (snap) during drag and drop operations in the "6 Hour" view. Snaps to the default value if the user does not specify a snap value.
JTF_GANTT_SNAP_VALUE_THREE_HOURS_MODE 30 minutes User Enables the start or end of a taskbar to automatically readjust (snap) during drag and drop operations in the "3 Hour" view. Snaps to the default value if the user does not specify a snap value.
JTF_GANTT_SNAP_VALUE_HOURS_MODE 15 minutes User Enables the start or end of a taskbar to automatically readjust (snap) during drag and drop operations in the "Hour" view. Snaps to the default value if the user does not specify a snap value.
JTF_GANTT_SNAP_VALUE_30MIN_MODE 10 minutes User Enables the start or end of a taskbar to automatically readjust (snap) during drag and drop operations in the "30 Minute" view. Snaps to the default value if the user does not specify a snap value.
JTF_GANTT_SNAP_VALUE_15MIN_MODE 5 minutes User Enables the start or end of a taskbar to automatically readjust (snap) during drag and drop operations in the "15 Minute" view. Snaps to the default value if the user does not specify a snap value.
JTF_GANTT_DEF_TIMELINE_MODE Day Mode Site Application ResponsibilityUser Enables specification of one of the following modes upon startup:
  • 15 Minutes Mode

  • 30MIN

  • Hours Mode

  • 3 Hours Mode

  • 6 Hours Mode

  • Days Mode

Specifies one of six available modes on startup.

Assignment Manager Profile Options

The following table describes the profile options that are specific to Assignment Manager.

Assignment Manager Profile Options
Name Category Default Value Level Description Outcome
JTFAM: Activate Auto Selection of Resources Assignment Manager Yes Application This profile option is set to activate the auto-selection of resources by the Assignment Manager engine. The engine uses this profile option setting to determine where the user needs to make a selection from the provided list of resources, or if this task is performed automatically by the Assignment Manager engine itself. If you set this profile option to No, the Assignment Manager engine will automatically make a selection from the provided list of resources.
JTFAM: Activate Contracts Preferred Resources Assignment Manager No Application This profile option is set to retrieve the preferred resource information from the Contracts module. The engine uses this profile option setting to determine whether the Contracts Preferred Engineers are picked up automatically by the Assignment Manager engine or not. If you set this profile option to No, it will uncheck the Contracts in the Assignment Manager.
Activate Installed Based Preferred Resources Assignment Manager No Application This profile option is set to retrieve the preferred resource information from the Install Base module. The engine uses the profile option setting to determine whether the Install Base Preferred Engineers are picked automatically by the engine. If you set this profile option to No, it will uncheck Territories in the Assignment Manager.
JTFAM: Activate Workflow Name Assignment Manager No default value Application This profile option is set to a user-defined workflow procedure name. This workflow procedure is user-programmed code for further filtering the resources. The engine retrieves the procedure name from this profile option, and uses it to process the user's request. This profile option is an additional filter based on a user's criteria.
JTFAM: Check Resource Calendar Availability for SR Auto Assignment Assignment Manager No User This profile option indicates to Assignment Manager if it needs to check the Calendars, Shifts, and Exceptions that are associated with the list of Resources returned from Install Base, Contracts, or Territories to determine the Resource’s availability for service request Auto Assignment. Yes Indicates that AM needs to check for Resource Availability using Calendars, Shifts, and Exceptions. If a Resource does not have a Calendar, Shift, or Exception, then the Resource is not considered for assignment. No Indicates that Assignment Manager ignores the Calendars, Shifts, and Exceptions associated with the Resource.
JTFAM: Check Resource Calendar Availability for Task Auto Assignment Assignment Manager No User This profile option indicates to the Assignment Manager if Assignment Manager needs to check the Calendars, Shifts, and Exceptions that are associated with the list of Resources returned from IB, Contracts, or Territories to determine the Resource’s availability for Task Auto Assignment. Yes Indicates that Assignment Manager needs to check for Resource Availability using Calendars, Shifts, and Exceptions. If a Resource does not have a Calendar, Shift, or Exception, then the Resource is not considered for assignment. No Indicates that AM ignores the Calendars, Shifts, and Exceptions associated with the Resource.
JTFAM: Resource Type for Unassisted Mode Assignment Manager Employee Resource Site This profile option sets the default value for resource type in the unassisted mode. This profile option is a convenience to the user who wants the resource type to be the defaulted value in the unassisted mode.
JTFAM: Resource Search Order Assignment Manager Contracts Preferred Resource Site This profile option sets the default order for resource selection between Contracts and Install Base if both check boxes are selected in the Assignment Manager for a service request assignment. If Contracts Preferred Resource is selected, then Assignment Manager engine checks Contracts preferred resources first. If a Contracts preferred resource is found, then stop the process. If not, then select the Install Base preferred resources. If an Install Base preferred resource is found, and stop the process. If not, then continue check the territories.
If Install Base Preferred Resource is selected, then Install Base preferred resources are selected first, if a resource is found, then stop the process. If not, then continue check the Contracts.
If "Both Contracts and Installed Base" is selected, then Assignment Manager checks both preferred resources simultaneously before retrieving qualified resources from winning territories.
JTFAM: Usage for Groups and Teams Assignment Manager All Site This profile option sets the default value for the group and team resource selection used in a service request assignment. If it is set to All, then all group or team resources, regardless of its usage, are all displayed in the Gantt chart. If it is set to Support, then only the group or team with Support usage can then be retrieved for a service request assignment.
JTFAM:UOM code used by Assignment Manager for Tasks Assignment Manager HR Site Tasks contains a profile that defines the Time Class used to define a task duration. The UOM (Unit of Measure) that defines Hour in that time class must be set for this profile. By default if the value is not set for this profile "HR" is considered to be the UOM that denotes Hour.
JTFAM: Use Current Date, Time for Assignments Assignment Manager Yes Site This functionality enables the sysdate/time to be used for determining a task start date. When set to Yes, the sysdate/time is used to determine a task start date. When set to No, a date and time that precede the sysdate and time can be used to determine the task start date.
JTFAM:Filter resources based on group membership Assignment Manager Yes Site This functionality filters resources based on group membership. When set to Yes, the profile option filters resource by group membership. When set to No, filtering does not occur.

Task Manager Profile Options

The following table describes the profile options that are specific to Task Manager.

Task Manager Profile Options
Name Category Default Value Level Description Outcome
Task Manager: Default Task Type Task - Defaults Meeting Site Use the Default Task Type profile option to set the default task type. Possible values include appointment and lead. Set the value to the task type that you want to appear in the task type drop-down list when you are creating a task.
Task Manager: Default Task Status Task - Defaults Open Site Use the Default Task Status profile option to set the default task status. Possible values include open and completed. Set the value to the task status that you want to appear in the task status drop-down list when you are creating a task.
Task Manager: Default Assignee Status Task - Defaults Accepted Site Use the Default Assignee Status profile option to set the default assignee status. Set the value to the assignee status that you want to appear in the Assign To Status drop-down list when you are creating a task.
Task Manager: Default Priority Task - Defaults Medium Site Use the Default Priority profile option to set the default task priority. Possible values include critical and medium. Set the value to the task priority that you want to appear in the task priority drop-down list when you are creating a task.
Task Manager: Default Task Owner Task - Defaults No default value Site Use the Default Task Owner profile option to set the default task owner. Set the value to the name of the default task owner.
Task Manager: Owner Type for a Task Task - Defaults No default value Site Use the Owner Type for Task profile option to set the default owner type. Possible values include employee resource and party. Set the value to the owner type for the task.
Task Manager: JTF Tasks Default Date Selected Task - Defaults Scheduled Site Use the JTF Tasks Default Date Selected profile option to set the default date selected. Possible values include Planned, Scheduled, or Actual. Set the value to the default date that you want to default in the Create Task window.
Time Unit of Measure Class Task - Administration Time Site Use the Time Unit of Measure Class profile option to define the time unit of measure class in the inventory module.
Depending on the time unit of measure class, you will see the list of UOM codes in the Tasks module.
Depending upon the value of this profile, the Time UOM codes are shown in the list of values. If the value of this profile changes, then there will be a discrepancy between the existing data and the new LOV shown for the new Time UOM class.
Oracle strongly recommends the value of this profile should NOT be changed after the system is in production
Task Manager: Create Quick Task Task - Administration No default value Site Use the Create Quick Task profile option to display the "Create Quick Task" button on the Tasks Summary window. Set the value to Yes if you want the "Create Quick Task" button to appear in the Task Summary.
Set the Value to No if you do not want the button to appear in the window.
Client Timezone   America/Los_Angeles Site The Client Time zone profile option is used by Calendar to set the default time zone for the client in the Create Appointment window. Set the value to the location where your appointments take place.
Setting the time zone from the profile link in the Calendar UI is another way to set and update this profile value.
Task Manager: Send Notifications to Group or Team Members Task - Administration No Site The Task Manager: Send Notifications to Group and Team Members profile option provides the ability to notify either the Owner or the Assignee of a Group or Team resource, when a task is modified.
This profile option is for workflow only.
If the value is set to No or Null, thennotification is sent to group's or team's e-mail ID.
If the profile option is set to Yes, then the system looks at any resources of type Group or Team and expand them to include any of their members whose resource type is RS_EMPLOYEE, RS_PARTY or PARTY_PERSON.
When adding a resource to the notify list, the system checks to see if the resource is already on the list before adding it.
Task Manager: Abort Previous Task Workflow if it is still active Task - Administration No Site The Task Manager: Abort Previous Task Workflow if it is still active profile option is used to determine whether to abort the previous workflow processes before starting the next one. If the value is set to No, then the previous Task Workflows that are still active are not aborted.
If the value is set to Yes, then the previous Task Workflows that are still active are aborted.
Task Manager: Default Task Summary Source or All Task - Defaults Source User The JTF_TASK_SUMMARY_SOURCE profile option sets the view drop-down list value in the Task Summary context sensitive window and in the contextual summary region in OA Frame. Possible values are Source and All. Set the value to Source to have all tasks created with a particular source in the contextual window.
Set the value to All to have all tasks created with a source as well as those which refer to that source in the context sensitive Task Summary.
Task Manager: Mass Task Reassign Access Task - Administration No Site Use the Task Manager: Mass Task Reassign Access profile option to display the Task Reassignment window. If the profile option is set to Yes, the Task Reassignment window is accessible and the administrator is able to reassign tasks. If the value is set to No, then the Task Reassignment window is not accessible and a relevant message is shown.
Task Manager: Copy Task Start Date to End Date Task - Defaults Yes Site This profile option is used to control the task start and end date for the Palm and Outlook synchronization. If it is set to Yes, the task start date is defaulted from the system date and the task end date is defaulted to the task start date.
For example, if it is set to Yes, then any changes the user made to the task start date while the user is in the task creation screen will automatically be populated to the task end date field.
Task Manager: Set Context Data Security Task - Administration Full Access Site Use the Task Manager: Set Context Data Security profile option to set task data security for the context sensitive task instances. If Full Access is selected, then all the tasks related to the context can be viewed, updated, and deleted. If Security Access is selected, then whether the task for that context can be updateable is based on the privileges granted to the user.
Task Manager: automatically launch workflow Task - Administration Yes Site Use the Task Manager: automatically launch workflow profile option to disable the task subscription workflow events. If it is set to Yes, then workflow notification will be sent when subscribed events are raised. If it is set to No which disables the workflow event, then no workflow notifications will be sent when subscribed events are raised.
Task Manager: Default Duration Task - Defaults No Duration Site Use the Task Manager: Default Duration profile to set the default value of the duration field. If this profile is set, then the task end date can be automatically calculated based on start date and time plus the duration.
This profile option overrides the profile "Task Manager: Copy Start Date to End Date" if both profiles are set.
Task Manager: Restricted Task Update Task - Administration Yes Site Use the Task Manager: Restricted Task Update profile option to allow task updates in the standalone Forms-based Tasks. If it is set to the default value Yes, then tasks created from other sources cannot be updated in the standalone Forms-based Tasks to avoid breaking product specific business rules enforced on the task. If it is set to No, then users can update contextual tasks. Setting to No is not recommended because it can result in breaking business rules and possible data corruption for some tasks such as Field Service tasks.

Calendar Profile Options

The following table describes the profile options that are specific to the HTML Calendar.

Calendar Profile Options
Name Category Default Value Level Description Outcome
JTF HTML Calendar Administrator Calendar - Administration No default value User The JTF HTML Calendar Administrator profile option sets the Calendar System Administrator who grants approval and subscription requests for group and public calendars. Set the value to the username of the calendar user who grants group and public calendar requests.
Client Timezone   America/Los_Angeles Site The Client Time zone profile option is used by Calendar to set the default time zone for the client in the Create Appointment window. Set the value to the location where your appointments take place.
Setting the time zone from the profile link in the Calendar UI is another way to set and update this profile value.
JTF HTML Calendar Task Span Days on Calendar Calendar - Administration No Site The JTF HTML Calendar Task Span Days profile option sets tasks that spans over more than one day to appear continuously across days on your personal calendar. Set the profile option to Yes to have your tasks that span over more than one day to appear continuously across days on your personal calendar.
If the value is set to No, the task shows as a memo for each day affected.
ATGCA: Enable Web Mail Calendar - Administration No User The "ATGCA: Enable Web Mail" profile option is used to enable or disable web mails sent from an integrated webmail, such as Oracle Collaboration Suite, through the Calendar Availability window. If it is set to Yes, then you can launch webmails through the Availability window. If it is set to No, then you cannot send webmails, but HTML "mailto:" attribute will be used instead.
ATGCA: Web Mail Server URL Calendar - Administration N/A User The "ATGCA: Web Mail Server URL" profile option is used to specify the URL address for the integrated webmail server. Set valid server URL for the web mail server in order to send web mails through an integrated web mail, such as Oracle Collaboration Suite, from Availability view.
Self Service Accessibility Features   No User This "Self Service Accessibility Features" profile option is used to access the Accessibility Daily View page in the Oracle Applications Framework based Calendar. If it is set to "Screen Reader" or "Yes", then users can access the Accessibility Daily View page. If it is set to "No", then users cannot access this accessibility page.

Calendar Synchronization Profile Options

The following table describes the profile options that are specific to the OA Calendar Synchronization with Oracle Sales for Handhelds and Oracle Sales.

Calendar Profile Options
Name Category Default Value Level Description Outcome
CAC Sync: Appointments Category Calendar - Synchronization Oracle Appointments Site When appointments are synchronized between Common Application Calendar (CAC) and Pocket PC or Desktop Outlook, the appointments from Oracle Sales are placed in the category specified in this profile option. If this profile option is changed after the initial implementation, then users must perform a Full Synchronization.  
CAC Sync: Contact Sync Mode Calendar - Synchronization Download Only at the site level, Two Way at the application level for ASP (Oracle Sales for Handhelds) Site and application Determines if contacts can be synchronized both ways or download only. Choices are Disabled, Download Only, and Two Way  
CAC Sync: Contacts Category Calendar - Synchronization Oracle Contacts Site When contacts are synchronized between Common Application Calendar and Pocket PC or Desktop Outlook, the contacts from Oracle Sales are placed in the category specified in this profile option. If this profile option is changed after the initial implementation, then users must perform a Full Synchronization.  
CAC Sync: Days Before Calendar - Synchronization 14 Site. This profile can also be set by users. The number of days set here determines the number of past days for which tasks and appointments are synchronized from the server to the client during initial (full) synchronization. Tasks and appointments due or occurring within the previous x days as well as tasks and appointments due or occurring anytime in the future are included. Recommend using between 7 and 21 days. There are no limits for synchronizing from the client to the server.  
CAC Sync: Include Details Calendar - Synchronization Yes for ASP Application If set to yes, then appointments that are synchronized include appointment details in the body notes.  
CAC Sync: Include Links Calendar - Synchronization Yes for ASP Application If set to yes, then contacts and appointments synchronized to the offline device include links to related pages. If set to yes, then CAC Sync: Include Details must also be set to yes.  
CAC Sync: Include Tasks Without Date Calendar - Synchronization Yes at site level, No at application level for ASP Site and application If set to yes, then tasks without due dates are included in the synchronization for the user.  
CAC: Maximum number of Contact Preferences for each user Calendar - Synchronization 200 Site Users create lists of contacts to include during synchronization. This profile sets the maximum number of contacts for all users.  
CAC Sync: Tasks Category Calendar - Synchronization Oracle Tasks Site When tasks are synchronized between Common Application Calendar and Pocket PC or Desktop Outlook, the tasks from Oracle Sales are placed in the category specified in this profile option. If this profile option is changed after the initial implementation, then users must perform a Full Synchronization.  
JTF SYNC: Category Value Calendar - Synchronization Oracle Business System This profile option is used in the Palm and Outlook synchronization process.
It is to set the default value for the category while trying to download business contacts to the offline device.
All business contacts downloaded to the offline device will be created with this category. If the category does not exist in the offline device, then it will be created upon synchronization.

Escalation Manager Profile Options

The following table describes the profile options that are specific to Escalation Management.

Escalation Manager Profile Options
Name Category Default Value Level Description Outcome
Escalation: Close Only When De-escalated Escalation Yes Site The escalation document cannot be closed (you cannot set up the escalation status to 'Close') without first changing the Escalation Level to 'De-escalated'. If set to Yes, then it can regulate the escalation status change sequence from De-escalated to Close.
If set to No, then it will not.
Escalation: Default Contact Type Escalation Employee Site This profile option sets the default contact type to Employee in the Contacts tab. You can also set it to Customer, and then it will default the contact type to Customer.
Escalation: Default Escalation Owner Escalation Name Site This profile option sets the default escalation owner to a specific resource name, such as John Smith. See description.
Escalation: Default Customer Contact Point Escalation Phone Site This profile option sets the default customer contact point to Phone in the Contacts tab. You can also set it to other values such as Cell, Email, Pager, or Web.
Escalation: Default Document Type Escalation Task Manager Site This profile option sets the default document type to Task in the Document field on the Reference Document tab. You can also set it to other values such as Service Request or Defects.
Escalation: Default Employee Contact Point Escalation Work Site This profile option sets the default employee contact point to Work in the Contacts tab. You can also set it to other values such as Home, Mobile, or Pager.
Escalation: Default Escalation Level Escalation Level 1 Site This profile option sets the default escalation level to Level 1. You can also set it to other values such as Never Escalated, Level 2, or De-Escalated.
Escalation: Default Status Escalation Open Site This profile option sets the default escalation Status field to Open. You can also set it to other values such as Closed or Working.
Escalation: Default New Note Type Escalation General Note Site This profile option sets the default note type to General Note if additional notes are attached to an escalation document. You can also set it to other values such as Event or Approved.
Escalation: Default Notify Escalation Yes Site This profile option sets the default Notify check box to "checked" in the Contacts tab. You can also set it to No, which will leave the check box "unchecked" in the Contacts tab.
Escalation: Default Reason Code Escalation Slow Progress Site This profile option sets the default escalation Reason field to Slow Progress. You can also set it to other values such as Unacceptable Solution, or Unresponsive Owner.
Escalation: Default Reference Type Escalation Escalation Site This profile option sets the default escalation reference type to Escalation in the Reference Document tab. You can also set it to other values such as For Your Information.

Business Rule Manager Profile Options

The following table describes the profile options that are specific to the Business Rule Monitor.

Business Rule Monitor Profile Options
Name Category Default Value Level Description Outcome
Business Rule Monitor Workflow Administrator Escalation No Default Value Site This profile option must be set first in order to grant this profile option to the BRM Workflow Administrator. The Administrator can receive workflow notifications when the monitoring process starts and stops, and also when errors are detected.