Online Representations and Certifications Application (ORCA)


Online Representations and Certifications Application (ORCA) replaces most of the paper based Representations and Certifications (Reps and Certs) in Section K of solicitations with an web services interface. ORCA enables suppliers to register their certifications (small business, HUBZone business, and so on). CLM enables buyers to extract this information from ORCA and store it along with the CLM document.

Users can integrate with ORCA from within Oracle CLM Sourcing or Oracle CLM Purchasing to retrieve representations and certifications information for each supplier and store it along with the CLM document (solicitation or award). CLM enables users to perform real-time queries for representation and certification information for one or more suppliers from ORCA and retrieve such information in a short span of time.

Published Solicitations that have been closed for bidding and draft awards are the CLM documents that require the representations and certifications information from ORCA. This information is stored with the CLM document for each supplier. Thus, if a user needs to find out the representations and certifications information for a supplier for a particular solicitation or award, the user can retrieve the CLM document along with the representations and certifications information and view the required details for the supplier.

Extracting ORCA Details via CLM Documents

Draft unapproved awards, IDVs and orders referencing IDVs are used to view and extract ORCA information. You cannot retrieve ORCA information for approved awards, IDVs, orders referencing IDVs or modifications.

The representations and certifications information retrieved on the referenced solicitation for the associated supplier flows to the resulting award during the awarding process.

The representations and certifications information retrieved on the referenced IDV for the associated supplier is not required to flow to the resulting award during the awarding process.

When an award is archived, the associated ORCA details are also archived.

To view ORCA information, select View ORCA Details from the Actions LOV of a draft award and click Go. The View ORCA Details page that displays shows you the recently extracted ORCA details. Click the View Certifications link to open the Attachments page. A representations and certifications document from FAR and another representations and certifications document from DFARS are available for you to view and download. Note that these representations and certifications documents from FAR and DFARS are stored with the award information along with the supplier. You can also search for a representations and certifications document by Title using the Search LOV. Click the Return to View ORCA Details link to go back to the View ORCA Details page.

Click the Extract ORCA Information button to open the Extract ORCA Information page. Select a supplier by clicking the Select radio button. The Supplier Name, Supplier Site and Offer Numbers are defaulted on the page. Enter a Unique Entity Identifier for the supplier, without which you will not be able to extract the ORCA information. The Unique Entity Identifier defaults if it is already stored for that supplier site; in such a situation, the Unique Entity Identifier is not editable by the user. Also, note that the Unique Entity Identifier, if manually entered by the user, will not be stored for that supplier site. It is only used to get the information from ORCA. Select a Registration Status Code (Current, Archived, or Current + Archived) that specifies to ORCA the time frame (or date range) to extract the suppliers representations and certifications information. If you select Current from the Registration Status Code LOV, you will get the current representations and certifications information from ORCA. If you select Archived or Current + Archived from the Registration Status Code LOV, the Registration Start Date and Registration End Date fields are enabled and available for you to enter the date range information. In such cases, there may be multiple records coming from ORCA, depending on the extraction period, and you may see several rows of retrieved data. For example, enter a date range for last year to extract last year's representations and certifications information. Then click Get Certifications Details. CLM integrates with ORCA to retrieve the representations and certifications information. The pdfs from FAR and DFARS containing the representations and certifications information are available in the View Certifications column as an icon. Click the View Certifications icon to view and download the pdf. You can extract ORCA information as many times as required by clicking the Extract ORCA Information button. Click the Return to Award link to go back to the Awards page.