Acquisition Plan Summary


An Acquisition Plan Summary is created and used by a federal agency to outline the proposed requirements and acquisitions of the agency. It helps formulate a strategy to satisfy the future procurement needs of the agency. The Acquisition Plan Summary ensures that the agency fulfills its procurement requirements in a timely and cost-effective manner. CLM addresses the frequently used (but non-standardized) need across federal agencies to coordinate and plan acquisition efforts. You can perform a combination of actions within the Acquisition Plan Summary, including capturing information related to procurement purpose, solicitation method, extent of competition, potential vendors, supporting attachments in multiple formats and other key data elements associated with typical procurement activities. The Acquisition Plan Summary is routed through an approval chain before it gets finalized. Another important feature of the Acquisition Plan Summary is the ability to reference the Acquisition Plan Summary in Purchase Requisition and Solicitation documents. This helps the agency keep track of all the downstream documents created referencing the Acquisition Plan Summary.

Note: An Acquisition Plan is a Procurement Strategy tool. Procurement managers analyze the demand and schedule tasks in order to find the best acquisition strategy for specific goods or service. For example, an agency would like to procure 10 combat submarines in the next 3 years. The method to acquire the goods or services – the strategy, the plan, the sequence of steps, is defined by an acquisition plan. As the agency works through the plan, the documents created in the procurement process are linked to the acquisition plan.

Related Topics

Acquisition Plan Summary Home Page

Creating and Managing an Acquisition Plan Summary

Actions on an Acquisition Plan Summary

Using Acquisition Plan Summary in CLM Documents

Acquisition Plan Summary Home Page

Using the Acquisition Plan Summary responsibility in CLM, navigate to the Acquisition Plan Summary link which will take you to the home page. The home page is the main page that helps you create, view and manage your acquisition plan summary documents.

The home page has several regions that you can use to view and manage Acquisition Plan Summary documents.

The first region enables you to perform a simple search or an advanced search for Acquisition Plan Summary documents. The simple search LOV requires that you select a Name or Number and enter the value in the next field, and then click Go.

Click the Advanced Search link to open the Advanced Search page. Enter search criteria values such as Effective Date, Operating Unit, Status, Administrator, and so on, and then click Go to retrieve your Acquisition Plan Summary document(s).

To create a new Acquisition Plan Summary: Click the Create Acquisition Plan Summary button above the search results region in the Advanced Search page. Additionally, use the Export button to export the Acquisition Plan Summary documents found in the search results region to a comma-separated MS-Excel spreadsheet.

Use the Select radiobutton to select an Acquisition Plan Summary document and then select the Open value from the Actions LOV, then click Go. This action will open the selected Acquisition Plan Summary document.

Click the Simple Search button to return to the Acquisition Plan Summary Simple Search page.

The Acquisition Plan Summary home page consists of the following regions:

The most frequently used action in the Update Milestone page is to update the status of the milestone. Click the Status list of values to select a relevant status for the milestone. Optionally, enter comments in the Notes text area to record your updates. Click Apply to save your work and return to the Acquisition Plan Summary home page.

Creating and Managing an Acquisition Plan Summary

Use the Acquisition Plan Summary responsibility to create and manage Acquisition Plan Summary documents. Click the Acquisition Plan Summary menu item to open the Acquisition Plan Summary home page.

Create an Acquisition Plan Summary in one of the following two ways:

Enter relevant data for the following fields (fields marked with an '*' are mandatory):

The Notes tab enables you to enter short notes for the Acquisition Plan Summary. Click the Notes tab and then click Add Note. The Add Note page displays and you need to select the Note Type and Visibility before you enter the content for the note.

Click Apply to save your changes and return to the Acquisition Plan Summary page. The Notes tab shows you the notes you created. Click the '+' (plus) icon or the Show link to view the note contents.

Click Apply and Add Details to be able to enter further information for your Acquisition Plan Summary.

At the left of the page, you will see some links namely, Header, Parties and Contacts, Milestones, Documents. The links are described as follows:

Parties and Contacts

Use this page to create a list of potential parties, including suppliers, who you plan to work with to fulfill your agency's acquisition needs. The default operating unit is displayed when you add a supplier. Click Add Supplier to open the Add Supplier page. Using the Add Supplier page, select a Role (Supplier), Supplier Name, and Address from the lists of values. When you select the role as Supplier, the Supplier Site list of values displays and you need to select a supplier site. When you select a Supplier Site, the Address populates automatically. To add another supplier to the Acquisition Plan Summary, click Apply and Add Another, otherwise, click Apply.

When you return to the Acquisition Plan Summary page > Parties and Contacts link, another block for Contacts displays below the Suppliers region. Click Add Contact to add one or more contacts for the supplier you have selected. The Add Contact page displays, and you need to select a Contact Role (Salesperson, CEO, Accountant, Buyer, and so on) for the contact. Then select the Contact Name from the list of values. If you don't see the contact you want to add, you can create an adhoc contact by clicking Create Contact. In the Add Contact page, the Phone Number and Email Address of the contact display automatically when you select a contact. This information comes from the contact details entered in the Supplier profile. To add another contact to the Acquisition Plan Summary, click Apply and Add Another, otherwise, click Apply.


Use the Milestones page to create one-time and recurring milestones for the Acquisition Plan Summary. Create milestones that will help your agency track the execution progress of the acquisition plan. For example, offer creation is a one-time milestone, and creating monthly status reports is a recurring milestone.

Milestones help assign responsibilities to members of the procurement team, send reminders, and ensure that all necessary tasks are completed on time. Click Create Milestone to open the Create Milestone page.

Milestone Name and Internal Contact are mandatory fields. Select a Milestone Type – Contractual or Internal. Select a Responsible Party (Supplier or Internal). The Due Date region enables you to specify if the milestone is one-time or recurring. If you want to create a one-time milestone, select the Fixed Date radiobutton and enter a date. This will be the due date for the completion of the milestone. The due date may also be entered as a number of days relative to the Effective Date, or Expiry Date. The Repeat Information region enables you to enter a one-time milestone or a repeating (recurring) milestone.

Click the Repeating Deliverable/Milestone radiobutton to make the milestone recurring. Enter a Frequency (example, 2 weeks, 1 month, and so on). Select a value from the Repeat On list of values (example, first day of the month, 23rd day of the month, and so on). Enter an end date for the milestone using the Repeat Until (Fixed Date) field.

The Notifications region enables you to specify when notifications can be sent to the following people: suppliers, contract administrators, buyers, responsible party's contacts, and so on. For example, you can opt to send a notification 2 or 5 days prior to the due date, or when the status of the milestone is changed (from Incomplete to Completed), or if the milestone is overdue. If the milestone is overdue, you can escalate the notification to a person higher up in the organization using the Escalate after Due Date and Escalation Contact fields.

The Attachments region enables you to attach various kinds of files to the acquisition plan summary - including the ability to annotate the acquisition plan summary with a note. Click Add Attachment to open the Add Attachment page and specify the kind of attachment to use: Desktop File/Text/URL or From Document Catalog.

  1. Select a Category from the list of values. The Category defines the purpose of an attachment, and controls which forms or pages can access it.

  2. Select the attachment Type:

    • File - specify a file name to upload. Enter the file location, or use the Browse button to locate the file.

    • URL - enter the URL for a Web page.

    • Text - Enter text that is less than 2000 characters. If the text you want to attach is more than 2000 characters, upload it in a file.

  3. From the Document Catalog:

    • Use the Search regions to query existing documents.

    • Select the Document Name link to view a document before attaching it.

    • Select the document(s) to attach.

    • Click Apply.

Save your work in the application page from which you launched the attachments flow. The attachments are not added until you save your work in the parent region.

In the Create Milestone page, click Apply or Add Another to create another milestone. Click Apply to create the milestone. When you click Apply, a confirmation message informing you that the milestone has been created is displayed.


Select a document category to add to the Acquisition Plan Summary. Then select the Add New Document action. The Add Document page displays and you can add a document using this page.

Enter a Description and a Category. Add a file or enter a web address (URL) by clicking the appropriate radiobutton. Then click Apply to add the file or URL of the contract document to the Acquisition Plan Summary.

Actions on an Acquisition Plan Summary

The following actions can be performed in an Acquisition Plan Summary page:

Using Acquisition Plan Summary in CLM Documents

Associating an Acquisition Plan Summary to a Purchase Requisition

After you create, and approve an Acquisition Plan Summary, you can associate it to a Purchase Requisition.

Associating an Acquisition Plan Summary to a Solicitation

After you create, and approve an Acquisition Plan Summary, you can associate it to a Solicitation. You can also associate the Acquisition Plan Summary to a draft solicitation amendment or to a new round of the solicitation.

For more information, refer to the Oracle Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector Sourcing User Guide.