Post Award Requests

Overview of Post Award Requests

Post Award Requests, as the name suggests, are documents created after the award is approved. These documents capture the required changes to the approved award. With post award requests, contracting professionals do not have to go through the more formal cycle of creating modification documents immediately. When the post award request is created, capturing the changes to the award that are required, and after it is approved, it can be merged with the modification document. Thus post award request documents are interim documents that enable contracting professionals to make changes on an award and then create modification documents which capture the same changes from the post award request documents.

Post award requests are similar to purchase requisitions, however, unlike purchase requisitions that are created before the award, post award requests are created after the award is approved.

Requesters usually start change requests for an approved award. When the change request is approved by the relevant approvers, a post award request is created for the award. Then the Contract Administrator, who manages requests for changes to an existing contract from various sources, incorporates the changes from the post award request to a modification.

The post award request is similar to a modification document and thus the attributes at header, line, schedule, distribution, pay item level are mostly the same for post award requests and for modifications. Post award requests can commit funds (in a manner similar to purchase requests) or make any other changes to the award as well.

You can create any number of post award request documents for an award, as long as the award has a status of Approved. If the award is closed, you cannot create a post award request for the award. The post award request is linked to, and used to create the same award modification. The information in post award request document can be in a single or multiple modification documents; also, the information in multiple post award request documents can be a single or multiple modification documents.

Creating and Using Post Award Requests

Navigate to the Awards tab and then click the Post Award Requests subtab.

See also: Overview of Post Award Requests.

You can use the predefined views to search for the following post award requests:

The Views region in the Post-Award Request Summary page enables you to view a list of post award requests that have been created in Oracle CLM Purchasing or Oracle CLM iProcurement. Select a post award request and then select an action to perform on the post award request:

The Post Award Request sub-tab enables you to search for post-award request documents and view their information. Search by any combination of the following search criteria: Award, Supplier, Buyer or Approval Status. You can use the list search to filter the data.

You can enter partial field values as your search criteria. The system shows you search results that matches the partial search criteria. For example, enter "PST" in the Post Award Request field. Every post award request with a number that starts with "PST" is displayed in the search results.

You can add more search criteria fields by selecting a value for the search criteria fields from the Add Another list of values. The Add Another search criteria field will appear below the default search criteria fields (that is, below, Award, Supplier, Buyer and Approval Status). Click Go to view the search results.

Select a post award request from the search results and then select one of the following actions from the Select Post Award Request: actions list of values:

The Awards sub-tab displays the list of current awards with different statuses. For awards with a status of Approved, the Actions list of values displays the Create Post Award Request action. Select this action to create a post award request. The detailed information on creating post award requests is provided in the section Creating Post Award Requests.

Creating Post Award Requests

Use the Create Post Award Requests action to create post award requests. The Create Post Award Request page displays and you need to enter relevant information in order to create the post award request document.

The first region in the Header tab contains information specific to the post award request. Enter the Requester and Comments in the required fields. The post award request number is derived by appending the PAR indicator and control number as a suffix to the award number. Thus, as an example, if the award number is KPS-13-A-0245, the post award request number will be KPS-13-A-0245-PAR-0001.

The Award Details region consists of some fields that can be updated via a post award request: Effective Date, Supplier Contact, Communication Method, External IDV Number, Buyer, Award Administrator, Description, Conforming Award. The updates you make to the above fields are also shown in the modification document. This occurs when you create a modification from the post award request using AutoCreate.

The Terms region consists of some fields that can be updated via a post award request: Payment Terms, Number of Signed copies, Default ship to Location, Ship Via, Freight Terms and Transportation Arranger. The updates you make to the above fields are also shown in the modification document. This occurs when you create a modification from the post award request using AutoCreate.

The Business Priority and Project Information region consists of the following fields that can be updated via a post award request: DPAS Rating, Customer Project Code, Priority Code, Customer Project Text. The updates you make to the above fields are also shown in the modification document. This occurs when you create a modification from the post award request using AutoCreate.

The Award Categorization region consists of some fields that can be updated via a post award request: No Competition Reason, Admin SCD, Contract Category. The updates you make to the above fields are also shown in the modification document. This occurs when you create a modification from the post award request using AutoCreate.

The Attachment region enables you to attach one or more attachments (Notes, Files or URLs) to the post award request. When you create attachments in the post award request, and then create modifications from the post award requests, the system saves the attachments of the post award requests in the modification documents.

Funding on a Post Award Request

You can check the availability of the funds while creating the post award request by selecting the Check Funds action in the Actions list.

Address and Supplier Details

Select a supplier, a supplier site and contact information from the search drop-down lists. Use the D-U-N-S Number and CAGE as search criteria to look for the supplier that you need to enter in the PAR. Ensure that the addresses, locations, and contacts are appropriate and relevant. Also ensure that the supplier details are correct. Any updates you make to these regions are reflected in the modification document that will be created from the post award request.


New line numbers are generated by the system by incrementing the previous line number by 1. Thus, the previous line number could belong to an award line or could be a post award request line. In case the previous line number is an award line, the line number is not updateable. However, for newly created post award request lines, the line number is updateable. The intent here is to ensure that the line numbers are unique across all the related documents – awards, post award requests, modifications and concurrent modifications, and conformed awards.

The new line number of a post award request is generated based on the following rules:

If there are no post award requests for the award document, then the new line number in the post award request is the last generated line number on the award+1.

If there are post award request documents available for the award document, then the line number will be last generated line number+1 of the most recently created post award request.

If there are post award requests and modification documents created for the award document, then the line number will be the last generated line number of the recent-most document +1 (the last document can be a modification or a post award request document).

If you have created post award request documents for the award and have manually updated the line numbers in the post award request documents, then the line number generated will be the greatest line number among the newly created lines on the modification document +1.

Existing lines in a post award request (from the base award) may not be deleted, however, they can be updated in a post award request. You can create new lines in a post award request that will be used to create modification lines using the AutoCreate process. You also need to enter a comment in the Comments field for the new line.

You can definitize or undefinitize a line in a post award request using the Undefinitize / Definitize related fields that are available in the line details page. For more information on definitization and undefinitization, refer to the Awards chapter (Lines section).

Additionally, the actions in the Actions LOV that are applicable for awards are also displayed for post award request lines. Therefore, you can perform line level actions such as View Change Summary, Global Update, Copy, and so on, for the post award request as well. Click Show Only PAR Lines to exclude the original award lines from the page view.


The Schedules tab displays all the shipments for the base award lines as well as the post award request lines. You cannot delete a schedule, however, you can update it by clicking the Update icon. The Schedule Details page has a Comments field, where you can enter comments for the schedule.

Pay Items:

If you create or update Pay Items as part of your post award request creation, ensure that you enter a comment in the Pay Items details page using the Comments field.


The post award request document displays the distributions created during the award creation. In a post award request, you cannot increase the distribution amount and funded amount via the distribution that was created in the award. If you need to increase the distribution amount or funded amount, you will need to create a new distribution.

Note: Use the Split icon to create a new distribution in order to add new funds via a post award request.

To manage the Funded Amount value in a post award request distribution:

To manage encumbrance in a post award request:


Attachments from the award are copied over to the post award request. Attachments can be added to the header, lines and shipments.

During autocreate, attachments are copied over to the modification document. Header level attachments are copied over to the modification header and line level attachments go to the respective line(s) in the modification from the post award request.

Click Add Attachment in the Attachments region to add an attachment to the post award request. Attachments belonging to the award are displayed in the Awards block of the Attachments region and attachments belonging to the post award request are displayed in the Post Award Request block of the Attachments region. For more information on using attachments, refer to the Attachments section in the Awards chapter of this guide.

Liquidating Funds on a Post Award Request

The Withdraw action enables you to liquidate available balance funds on a post award request. Use the Withdraw action on post award requests with the following statuses: Returned, Rejected, In-Process, Approved, Approved–Assigned, Pre-Approved. If any post award request line is linked to a draft modification, you cannot use the Withdraw action. If the Encumbrance function is enabled, you can perform the Withdraw operation on post award requests. You cannot withdraw individual lines, you can only withdraw the post award request document. When you withdraw the post award request, the remaining funds are unreserved on the document lines. These funds are then available for use.

Checking Funds on a Post Award Request Notification

When you submit a post award request for approval, an approver or a fund manager receives the post-award request (PAR) notification for approval. Before approving the notification, the approver can correct or add a new line item. To review whether budgetary restrictions apply, the approver can check funds on a PAR approval notification.

As an approver, you receive a PAR notification for approval.

To check funds:

  1. Click Edit Document on the notification. The Update Post Award Request page appears.

  2. Select the Check Funds action and click Go.

  3. Review the budgetary control information message and click View Results.

  4. Review the Budgetary Control Results report for funding details.

If funds are available, you can make a commitment to secure or reserve funds. After this process, the contracting office receives the PAR as a source for the award modification.

Using Workload Assignments from the Post Award Requests page

As a workload administrator, you can access the Workload Assignment functions from the Post Award Requests page in Buyer Work Center. First navigate to the Post Award Requests page and select one or more PAR lines, then select a value from the Workload Assignment LOV and click Go. The Workload Assignment LOV displays the following options: Create New Assignment, Add to Existing Assignment, Remove Lines from Assignment, Create Assignment for Requests, Add Requests to Assignment, and Remove Requests from Assignment.

Create New Assignment

The Create Workload Assignment page is used by the workload administrator to create new workload assignments. The top of the page displays general information about the workload assignment, such as Start Date, Workload Assignment Number, Buyer, Assignment Milestone Template, Status, Estimated Duration (Days), Estimated Completion Date, Actual Completion Date, and so on. Select a Buyer and Assignment Milestone Template from the respective LOVs. You can enter a value for the Estimated Duration (Days) field, if it doesn't default from the Assignment Milestone Template.

Estimated Completion Date must be a future date. If it is earlier than the Start Date, the system displays an error. Estimated Completion Date is calculated automatically as the sum of the Start Date and Estimated Duration (Days) if they are entered. Alternatively, if you enter a value in the Estimated Completion Date, the Estimated Duration (Days) values is automatically calculated.

If you have an assignment milestone template for the workload assignment, the milestones associated to the template are displayed in the Milestones region. Otherwise, you can specify milestones (even without a template) for a workload assignment.

Select a milestone type, either System or User, from the Type list. If you select System, a search icon appears next to the Milestone Name field. Click the search icon to find a system milestone to use in this workload assignment. The description is defaulted. You can enter a value in the Estimated Days field.

If you select User, you must provide all of the milestone details and then click Apply.

To remove a milestone, click the Delete icon in the Remove column. To add a milestone, click Add Milestones.

The Post Award Requests Lines region displays all the requisition lines that you selected in the Post Award Requests page to be added to this new assignment.

Click Apply to save your work and create a new workload assignment The system updates the suggested buyer details on all selected PAR lines, and the buyer receives a notification that the new workload assignment has been assigned to him or her.

Click View Buyer Workload to see the buyer workload for all buyers. All buyers are displayed in the View Buyer Workload page, along with the number of assignments they have been given. All workload assignments for a given buyer are summed by currency and the total is displayed for that buyer. If two lines on an assignment have different currencies, there will be two records for the same buyer, each with a different currency. To search for an individual buyer, click the Buyer LOV indicator and enter the buyer's name in the Search window. The search results display workload assignment information only for that buyer.

Add to Existing Assignment

The Add to Workload Assignment page is used by the Workload Administrator to add post award request lines to an existing workload assignment. To navigate to this page from Demand Workbench, select Add to Existing Assignment from the Workload Assignment LOV. The top region of the page displays the Workload Assignment Number LOV, from which you can select a workload assignment With a status of Assigned or Suspended. When you select a workload assignment number from the LOV, the rest of the information gets populated in the page.

The Milestones region displays the milestones associated with the workload assignment to add the recently selected requisition lines.

The Post Award Request Lines region displays all the requisition lines (previously added and newly added) that are part of the workload assignment. You can only add PAR lines with identical currencies to a workload assignment.

The Action History region displays the history of actions that the Workload Administrator has performed on the assignment, such as Suspended or Resumed.

To add the requisition lines to this workload assignment, click Save.

Remove Lines from Assignment

To remove lines from an assignment, selects this option from the Workload Assignment LOV and click Go. The selected PAR lines will be unassigned from the assignments. A confirmation message indicates success. The Assignment column in the Post Award Requests page then no longer displays the workload assignment number.

Note: If any milestone in an assignment is completed, you cannot remove a post award request line from that assignment.

Create Assignments for PAR

Create Assignment for PAR enables you to create a workload assignment for all lines (available in the search results of Demand Workbench) of the selected PAR. This is useful if the PAR has a large number of lines.

If you select lines that are part of an existing workload assignment, the system displays a warning and prompts you to either proceed (ignoring the warning) or cancel the action.

Using the Create Assignment for PAR option takes you to the Create New Assignment page, where you can enter the details required. Refer to the Create New Assignment section in the preceding paragraphs for more information.

Add PAR to Assignments

Use the Add PAR to Assignment option to add the available lines of a selected PAR (from the search results in the Demand Workbench page) to an existing assignment in bulk by selecting any one line. If you select lines that are already assigned, the system displays a warning message, prompting you to continue or cancel.

When you select Add PAR to Assignment, the Add to Existing Assignment page appears, and you can enter the details to complete the addition of lines to the existing assignment. For more information, see the section Add to Existing Assignment.

Remove PAR from Assignment

Use the Remove PAR from Assignment option to remove all lines of a selected PAR (from the search results in the Demand Workbench page) from an existing assignment.

If a line is not part of an assignment, the system displays an error message, prompting you to proceed with the removal of the assigned lines or take no action. Refer to the preceding section, Remove Lines from Assignment, for more information.

Statuses of PAR documents and their actions

The following table lists the statuses of the PAR documents. It also outlines which actions are available to be used by a PAR document with a specific status.

Status / Action Draft In Process Approved Approved,To Be Implemented Approved, Implemented Withdrawn Pre-Approved Rejected
Update Yes No No No No No No Yes
Delete Yes No No No No No No No
Withdraw No No Yes No No No No No
Notify Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
View Action History No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
View Approval Workflow No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
View Base Document Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
View Base Document PDF Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
View Modifications No No Yes Yes Yes No No No
View Post Award Request PDF Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
View Contract File Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes