Oracle Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector Command Center

This chapter covers the following topics:

Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) for Public Sector Command Center

Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) for Public Sector Command Center Overview

The Oracle Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) for Public Sector Command Center presents contracting officers, contracting specialists, program managers, and members of the legal team with information from all procurement processes in the enterprise. Use this data to maximize productivity for a variety of end-to-end business processes.

The command center enables procurements teams to collaborate, review, analyze, and act to:

The CLM Command Center includes role-based dashboards with metrics and charts that highlight critical information around the day-to-day activities of contracting officers, specialists, and project managers. The command center provides in-depth, multidimensional analysis using transactional data so that you can take corrective actions to resolve issues proactively. You can drill down directly from the dashboards to the CLM application pages for immediate access to the underlying processes.

CLM Command Center Dashboards for Roles

The CLM Command Center provides dashboards for two primary roles:

These dashboards are organized by role under the following responsibilities and menus:

Important: Though the same dashboards (Requisitions, Solicitation, IDVs, and Awards) are available to PMO managers and contracting officers, these dashboards display metrics, refinements, charts, tag clouds, results tables, and actions specific to the target roles.

Note: You can use the CLM Command Center only after the installation and common configurations are completed as described in My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2495053.1, Installing Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework, Release 12.2. For additional ECC overview information, see Overview of Enterprise Command Centers, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide.

Searching Enterprise Command Center Dashboards

Use the dashboard sidebar to refine (filter) the data on each dashboard. You can select a value or record from the Available Refinements component, or use Search to find a keyword, a value, or a specific record. The type-ahead feature suggests matches for your entry that correspond to the available refinements. When you submit a search, the search term is added to the Selected Refinements list, and the dashboard data is refined to include only records that match the search. You can add multiple refinements and remove any of them at any time. Use Saved Search to create and save your search. You can edit, delete, or refer to this saved search. You can also use data sets to further refine your search.

Use an asterisk (*) or percent (%) to perform a partial keyword or record search that matches any string of zero or more characters. You can also use a question mark (?) to perform a partial search that matches any single character.

Additional Information: For more information about searching for and refining data in enterprise command centers, see Search in Highlights of an Enterprise Command Center, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide.

User Defined Attribute Search

In addition to the predefined search attributes displayed in the Available Refinements component, the CLM Command Center dashboards display the following attributes, if relevant data exists for these attributes.

Attribute Description
POP Start Date Within Search for requisitions for which the need-by date or the period of performance (POP) start date is the value defined in the date range. As a date range, you can provide a value such as 0 to 30 days or 0 to 60 days.
Submitted Before Need-By Date The approved date of a requisition line is less than or equal to the value defined in the date range from the need-by date or the period of performance start date. Use this attribute to search for requisitions that are submitted and the need-by date or the period of performance start date falls in the specified date range. As a date range, you can provide value such as 0 to 30 days or 0 to 60 days.
Options Exercised On Time If the option is exercised on time then it is YES. If the option is not exercised or exercised not within time, then the value is NO.
Elapsed Days This is the number of days that are remaining to start working on assignment. This attribute is calculated as: system date minus (-) start date for assignment.
Funded On Time Award or IDV lines that are fully funded before the need-by date or the period of performance start date.
Planned Duration in Days The total duration in days for an acquisition plan. This attribute is calculated as: expiration date minus (-) effective date.
Elapsed Duration in Days The number of days from which the acquisition plan is effective. This attribute is calculated as: system date minus (-) start date for acquisition plan.
Liquidatable This attribute is available on the Requisitions dashboard if there are partially funded requisition lines. The Details option in the Requisition Lines results table displays the following columns:
  • Liquidatable: This column shows the Y or N value, which indicates whether liquidation is allowed for a line.

  • Funds Liquidatable: This column displays the funds that are available for liquidation.

Dashboards for Contracting Officers

Overview of Dashboards for Contracting Officers

See Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) for Public Sector Command Center Overview for information about the CLM Command Center.

As a contracting officer, use the dashboards to work with the following procurement documents:

Navigate to the dashboards using the CLM Purchasing Super User responsibility.

CO Requisitions Dashboard

For information about dashboards for contracting officers, see Overview of Dashboards for Contracting Officers.

The Requisitions dashboard enables contracting officers to gain end-to-end visibility of requisitions and workload management. This dashboard provides the capability to review, monitor, alert, and analyze requisitions and workload. The dashboard displays only approved requisitions and in case of Military Interdepartmental Purchase Requests (MIPRs), the requisitions must be approved and acknowledged or accepted.

Use the Requisitions dashboard to:

Access the Requisitions dashboard using the following navigation:

CLM Purchasing Super User responsibility > (N) Buyer Work Center > Command Center > Requisitions

Requisitions Dashboard

the picture is described in the document text

The following table describes the dashboard:

Component Description
Requires Attention (summary bar) This summary bar displays the following metrics.
  • Open Assignments: The number of open assignments that are not completed and assigned to a particular contracting officer or a contracting specialist. Use this metric to review pending work.

  • Unassigned PR Lines: The number of unassigned purchase requisition (PR) lines Use this metric to assign the work to contracting specialists based on parameters such as the current work load, the FSC/PSC code, or a purchasing category. Additionally, you can assign a set of requisition lines to a particular contracting specialist using the Create Assignment for Lines action from the Requisition Lines results table.

  • Unassigned PAR Lines: Use this metric to assign these lines to contracting specialists.

  • Options Due for Exercising: This metric shows the number of requisition option lines that are due for exercising

Status (tab) This tab shows the following charts:
  • Assignment (Count) by Assigned To, Assignment Status (chart)

    This bar chart shows the number and the status of assignments that are assigned to a contracting specialist.

  • Milestone (Count) by Milestone Status, Assigned To (chart)

    This bar chart shows the status of milestones that are assigned to a contracting specialist.

Analysis (tab) This tab shows the following charts:
  • Requisition Amount (Sum), Requisition Line (Count) by FSC or PSC (chart)

    By default, this bar line chart shows the number of requisitions lines and the requisition amount by FSC or PSC. Select a different dimension to view the number of requisition lines and the requisition amount by project, task, expenditure type, expenditure organization, or item.

  • Requisition Line (Count) by Line Status (chart)

    This pie chart shows the percentage of requisition lines and the status of these lines. The hover text for each segment displays the number of requisition lines in that status.

Requisitions, Requisition Lines, Funding, Assignments, Milestones, and Post Award Requests (results tables) These tables display requisitions summaries and details for requisition lines, funding, assignments, milestones, and post award requests. For requisition lines, you can view details related to quantities and amounts. Use attribute groups in the results tables to see more information about requisitions. To view details, click the link icon in the View column in these results tables.
Options (table-level actions) See Performing Actions for information about the available actions you can perform by selecting the Options icon in the results tables.

Performing Actions

The following sections describe the actions that you can perform from the Options icon in the results tables.

Common Actions

The following are the common actions that are available from the Options icon in the results tables.

Actions for Requisitions

the picture is described in the document text

Actions for Requisition Lines

the picture is described in the document text

The following table describes the actions available when you select the Options icon in the Requisitions and Requisition Lines results tables. Select one or more rows and click the Options icon to act on your selection.

Action Results Table Action Description
Create Assignment for Requisition Requisitions Use this action to create an assignment for all the requisition lines of a particular requisition. If the selected requisition has multiple lines and an assignment is already created for few lines, then the application will ignore the lines and create a new assignment for unassigned lines.
Add Requisition to Assignment Requisitions Use this action to add all the requisition lines of a particular requisition to an existing assignment. In the multiple line selection, if there are assigned lines, then the application ignores the assigned lines and you can add the unassigned lines to an existing assignment.
Remove Requisition from Assignment Requisitions Use this action to remove all the requisition lines of a particular requisition from an assignment. The application ignores the unassigned lines and enables you to remove assigned lines from an existing assignment.
Review and Add To Doc Builder Requisitions, Requisition Lines When you select requisitions or requisition lines and click this action, the application automatically displays the CLM Demand Workbench page to review and to add to Document Builder.
Create Assignment for Lines Requisition Lines Use this action to analyze unassigned requisitions and assign these requisitions based on parameters such as the FSC or the PSC code or existing workload of a contracting specialist. The assignment creation enables you to create regular requisitions and MIPR.
Add to Assignment for Lines Requisition Lines Use this action to add the selected requisition lines to an existing assignment.
Remove Lines from Assignment Requisition Lines Use this action to remove requisition lines from an existing assignment.

Actions for Post Award Requests

the picture is described in the document text

In the Post Award Requests results table, select one or more rows and click the Options icon to perform the following actions on your selection.

Action Description
Create Assignment for Lines Use this action to create new workload assignments. When you select one or more rows and select this action, the Create Workload Assignment page appears to perform the task.
Add to Assignment for Lines Use this action to add post award request lines to an existing workload assignment. When you select one or more rows and select this action, the Add to Workload Assignment page appears to perform the task.
Remove Lines from Assignment Use this action to remove lines from an assignment. The selected post award request lines will be unassigned from the assignment. A confirmation message indicates success. The Assignment column in the Post Award Requests page then no longer displays the workload assignment number. If any milestone in an assignment is completed, then you cannot remove a post award request line from that assignment.
Review and Add to Doc Builder When you select post award requests and click this action, the application automatically displays the Post Award Requests page to review and to add to Document Builder.

For more information about how to perform these actions, refer to this guide.

CO Solicitations Dashboard

For information about dashboards for contracting officers, see Overview of Dashboards for Contracting Officers.

The Solicitations dashboard provides the capability to track and analyze the solicitation process.

Use the Solicitations dashboard to:

Access the Solicitations dashboard using the following navigation.

CLM Purchasing Super User responsibility > (N) Buyer Work Center > Command Center > Solicitations

Solicitations Dashboard

the picture is described in the document text

The following table describes the dashboard:

Component Description
Requires Attention (summary bar) This summary bar displays the following metrics.
  • Amendments: This metric shows the number of active solicitation amendments that are either in draft or waiting for approval

  • Pending Approval: The number of solicitations that are waiting for approval. Click this metric to view the current approvers in the results table and follow up on approvals.

  • Pending SBCRs: The number of solicitations that have pending Small Business Coordination Record (SBCR) actions. The pending SBCR actions include creation and approval of SBCRs. This metric enables contracting officers to analyze the number of solicitations that must be created for SBCRs.

  • Open Protests: Use this information to resolve the protests and change the status of the solicitations.

  • FBO Exception Reasons: This metric shows the number of draft solicitations that have FedBizOps (FBO) exception reasons

  • Deliverables Due: This metric shows the number of solicitation deliverables that are due or overdue

Solicitation (Count) by Status, Solicitation Type (chart) By default, this bar chart shows the number and the status of solicitations for each solicitation type. The dimensions are solicitation number, sourcing project, category, and acquisition plan.
Elapsed Time (Average) by Solicitation Phases, Solicitation Amount Range (chart) This bar chart shows the average time it takes to process solicitations through phases and by amount ranges.
Solicitations, Solicitation Lines, Responses, Deliverables, Protests, and Forms and Notices (results tables) These tables display solicitations summaries and details for solicitation lines, responses, deliverables, protests, and forms and notices. Use attribute groups in the results tables to see more information about solicitations. To view details, click the link icon in the View column in these results tables.
Options (table-level actions) The following are the common actions that are available from the Options icon in the results tables.
  • Compare: Select multiple rows to compare information.

  • Export: Use this action to export the search results in a comma-separated values (CSV) file.

CO IDVs Dashboard

For information about dashboards for contracting officers, see Overview of Dashboards for Contracting Officers.

Use the IDVs dashboard to:

Access the IDVs dashboard using the following navigation.

CLM Purchasing Super User responsibility > (N) Buyer Work Center > Command Center > IDVs

IDVs Dashboard

the picture is described in the document text

The following table describes the dashboard:

Component Description
Requires Attention (summary bar) This summary bar displays the following metrics.
  • Expiring IDVs: This metric shows the number of IDVs that will expire within the next 30 days.

  • Awaiting Signature: The number of indefinite delivery vehicles (IDVs) that are waiting for signatures. Use this metric to follow up and get the awards approved.

  • Pending Approval: The number of IDVs that are waiting for approval. As a contracting officer, use this metric to approve IDVs and follow up with other approvers for IDVs for which you are the administrator.

  • Pending CAR Authentication: The number of IDVs with pending Contract Action Report (CAR) authentication. The count includes IDVs for which CAR is not created and IDVs for CAR which is not authorized.

  • Pending J&A Postings: This metric shows the number of IDVS that are waiting for J&A postings as the No competition Reason is not provided.

IDV Number (Count) by IDV Type, Status (chart) This bar chart shows the number and the status of IDVs for each IDV type.
Amount Agreed (Sum), Amount Released (Sum) by IDV Number (chart) This dual metric bar chart shows the sum of the amount agreed to and the sum of the amount released, that is, the amount consumed for an IDV.
IDV Details (tabbed component)
Header and Lines (results tables)
These tables show details for IDV headers and lines. Use attribute groups in the results tables to see more information about IDVs. To view details for a header or a line, click the link icon in the View column.
Options (table-level actions) The following are the common actions that are available from the Options icon in the results tables.
  • Compare: Select multiple rows to compare information.

  • Export: Use this action to export the search results in a comma-separated values (CSV) file.

CO Awards Dashboard

For information about dashboards for contracting officers, see Overview of Dashboards for Contracting Officers.

Use the Awards dashboard to:

Access the Awards dashboard using the following navigation.

CLM Purchasing Super User responsibility > (N) Buyer Work Center > Command Center > Awards

Awards Dashboard

the picture is described in the document text

The following table describes the dashboard:

Component Description
Requires Attention (summary bar)
Review (tab)
This tab displays the following metrics:
  • Awaiting Signature

  • Pending Approval

  • Pending J&A Postings: This metric shows the number of awards that are waiting for J&A postings as the No competition Reason is not provided.

  • Pending CAR Authentication: The number of awards with pending Contract Action Report (CAR) authentication. The count includes awards for which CAR is not created and awards for which CAR is not authorized.

  • Pending Definitizations

Requires Attention (summary bar)
Alerts (tab)
This tab displays the following metrics:
  • Options Due for Exercising

  • Deliverables Due

  • Closeout Tasks Due

  • Open Protests

Status (tab) This tab contains the following charts.
  • Award Number (Count) by Status, Award Type: By default, this bar chart shows the number and the status of awards for each award type. The group dimensions are administration office, invoice office, issuing office, and payment office. Select a different dimension to display data by administration office, invoice office, issuing office, and payment office, or COR office.

  • Set-Aside Amount by Set-Aside Type: This pie chart shows the percentage of amount distribution for a set-aside type.

Analysis (tab) This tab contains the following charts.
  • Award Number (Count) by Award Amount Range: This pie chart shows the number of awards in each amount range.

  • Award Total (Sum), Funded Value (Sum), Amount Billed (Sum) by Award Number: This dual metric bar chart helps you see the total award amount, the funded value, and the amount billed for an award.

Award Details (tabbed component)
Header, Lines, Schedules, Funding, Deliverables, Closeout Tasks, and Protests (results tables)
These tables display information about headers, lines, schedules, funding, deliverables, closeout tasks, and protests. Use attribute groups in the results tables to see more information about awards. To view details, click the link icon in the View column in these results tables.
Options (table-level actions) The following are the common actions that are available from the Options icon in the results tables.
  • Compare: Select multiple rows to compare information.

  • Export: Use this action to export the search results in a comma-separated values (CSV) file.