Attribute Setup Workbench


UDA or User-Defined Attributes provide an infrastructure that you can use to define new attributes, group them and associate that group to one or more types of documents transacted within Purchasing. The UDA framework is used for information only attributes that do not impact the E-Business Suite business flows and for information defaulting in purchasing documents. UDA can be any additional details that an organization wants to record while creating purchasing documents. For example, transportation details, insurance details, payment details, and so on.

User-defined attributes capture all the detailed information about an object. The Attribute Setup Workbench enables you to create user-defined attributes with validation logic to support the needs of your organization.

Planning your Implementation and Setting Up UDA

A summary of the steps you need to complete when planning your implementation are listed below:

The key decision areas when planning your UDA implementation are:

It is recommended that you create your value set before defining your attribute groups. Ensure you identify the attributes you want to capture on specific documents and group the attributes into a functional group based on the way you intend to share them across documents.

You use the Attribute Setup Workbench to complete your UDA setup. Use the Purchasing responsibility to access the Attribute Setup Workbench. Navigate to Setup: Attribute Setup Workbench: Attribute Setup Workbench to access and use the following tabs to complete the UDA setup:

To be able to set up UDA, you must:

  1. Define value sets for User-Defined Attributes.

  2. Define attribute groups.

  3. Define functions and function parameters.

  4. Create new revisions to existing templates or create a new template.

  5. Create and update actions on the attribute template to associate attribute groups with functions.

  6. Simulate and test your setup.

Related Topics

Attribute Setup Workbench - Introduction

Attribute Setup Workbench - Value Sets

Attribute Setup Workbench - Attributes and Attribute Groups

Attribute Setup Workbench - Functions

Attribute Setup Workbench - Templates

Attribute Setup Workbench - Simulate

Attribute Setup Workbench - Predefined Templates, Usages, and Attribute Groups

Value Sets

User-defined attributes capture all the detailed information about an object. The Attribute Setup Workbench enables you to create user-defined attributes with validation logic to support the needs of your organization. To do so, create value sets and associate the value sets with user-defined attributes. Attributes can have a static or dynamic list of valid values or a range of values. For each user-defined attribute, you can optionally specify a value set with data type and validation rules to be applied when the user inputs data. Once created, value sets can be reused for different attributes. It is recommended that you create your value set before defining your attribute groups.

Creating Value Sets

To create a value set:

  1. On the Attribute Setup Workbench page, click the Value Sets tab.

  2. Click Create.

  3. On the Create Value Sets page that displays, enter the Value Set Name. This is the name by which the system and users keep track of the value set. You can only enter alphanumeric (a, b, c,..., 1, 2, 3,...) and the underscore ( _) characters for the value set name. You cannot use spaces or special characters. The length is limited to 15 characters. This is a mandatory field.

    Note: Once specified, you cannot edit the value set name.

  4. Enter a Description for the value set.

  5. Select a Data Type for your value set. The data type that you select determines the values that are available in the value set. An attribute's data type must match the data type specified for that attribute's value set. The different data types are:

    • Character

    • Number

    • Standard Date

    • Standard Date Time

    Note: You cannot edit the data type once the value set has been created.

  6. Enter a value for Maximum Size to limit the user's input in the attribute text field. For example, in some cases, you may want to limit the number of characters in the attribute Date to 10 characters, or the number of characters in Name to 50. Keep the default value of 0 to omit this particular validation. This is a mandatory field.

  7. Select a Validation Type from the list of value. This is a set of values against which the values entered by users are validated. You can select from:

    • None - there is no explicit set of values against which the user's input is validated.

    • Independent - the explicit values against which the user's input is validated are defined here. To create explicit values, select Poplist to display valid values as a drop-down list. Select List of Values to display valid values as a searchable list of values.

    • Translatable Independent - this validation type behaves the same as Independent but enables the display of values in another language.

    • Table - the explicit values against which the user's input is validated come from a database table. For the Validation type Table, the value set can display as a List of Values or Poplist.

    Note: Use Poplist if the value set is likely to have < 5 values. It is recommended to use a List of Values if the number of values fetched in a value set is greater than 5 - 10. Additionally, note that the LOV defaulting actions are supported only on attributes that have a value set of type List of Values.

  8. Click Apply and Continue.

  9. Depending on the Validation Type you selected, you can enter values for your value set.

  10. If you selected Independent or Translatable Independent, then enter the following details:

    1. Enter a name for the Value. This is the name used to identify the value internally.

    2. Optionally, enter a Description for the value.

    3. Ensure the Enabled check box is selected.

    4. Enter a Sequence for the value. This sequence number determines the order in which the value displays.

    5. Optionally, enter a Start Date and End Date.

    6. Click Add Another to add another value to the value set.

  11. If you selected Table as the validation type, then enter the following details:

    1. Enter an Application Name. This is the name of the application in which the table is registered.

    2. Enter a Table Name. This is the name of the database table or view in the schema.

    3. In the Value Column section, enter the display name of the column. Enter the data Type of the value column, and the Size of the value column.

    4. In the Meaning Column section, enter the description of the value that renders in the LOV window. Enter the Type to determine the data type of the meaning column. Enter the Size of the meaning column.

    5. In the ID Column section, enter the internal value for the column. Enter the data Type of the ID column. Enter the Size of the ID column.

    6. In the Where Clause section, enter an additional Where clause to further constrain a query. You can also use bind values in Where clauses in the following ways:

      • You can refer to other attributes in the same attribute group as the attribute that uses this value set by using the following syntax:


        For example: (lookup_type='EGO_EF_Industry_TYPE' and instr(:$ATTRIBUTEGROUP$.Attr1 , tag) > 0 )

        Note: In the example above, ensure you include a space between Attr1 and the comma for the SQL string to parse correctly.

      • You can refer to primary keys for the object to which the attribute group is associated by using the following syntax:


  12. Click Apply.

Attributes and Attribute Groups

The Attribute Setup Workbench enables you to create a set of operational user defined attributes that display at predefined locations in the application pages. Once you have decided upon the attributes you require and the levels at which you require them, you can group sets of attributes, which need to display on the same set of levels, into attribute groups in a meaningful way based on your requirements. All operations on UDAs happen at the Attribute Group level.

In Purchasing, attributes are supported at the following levels:

An attribute group can be single-row or multi-row. Single row attribute groups display a text field with a value. Multi-row attribute groups enable you to associate multiple sets of attribute values with the same object instance. For multi-row attribute groups, you can define which attributes or combination of attributes will maintain the uniqueness of records in cases where the attribute group is displayed as multi-row.

You can set up as many attribute groups as necessary, with the following limitations on the number of attributes within each attribute group:

Attributes are defined by their names and values and are saved within attribute groups. Attributes cannot exist outside an attribute group. You can create user-defined attributes that more specifically identify their characteristics and specifications and capture information. At this point, decide on the allowable set of values for each attribute and how you would like to render the attribute. For example, you might want to display one attribute as a text field and another as a check box, and so on.

If you want to configure the behavior of UDAs beyond simple data capture, then define actions on your attribute group. You can define UDAs to possess certain validation logic (for example, value sets) and indexes. You can control where your attribute groups render based on the usages you define on the attribute template. There are, however, predefined locations on the application pages where you can display UDAs.

Creating Attribute Groups

You create attribute groups to combine attributes in a logical, functional manner.

To create attribute groups:

  1. On the Attribute Setup Workbench page, click the Attribute Groups tab.

  2. Click Create.

  3. On the Create Attribute Group page that displays, enter an Internal Name for the attribute group.

  4. Enter a Display Name. This is the name of the attribute group as it will be displayed in the user interface.

  5. Optionally, enter the Description of the attribute group.

  6. Select the Behavior of the attribute group:

    • Multi-Row to associate multiple sets of attribute values with the same object instance.

    • Single-Row to associate one attribute value with each object instance.

  7. Select Maintain Unique Keyto view, update, and delete unique key attributes. If the attribute group is multi-row, the Maintain Unique Key check box determines whether or not the attribute is part of the key that uniquely identifies a row. A unique key is any set of attributes whose values can be used to uniquely identify a row within the attribute group. You can define the unique key on the attribute group Detail page. You can add or edit the unique key as long as doing so does not destroy the uniqueness (creating duplicates) of existing records. You can specify that each attribute is part of a unique key when creating the attribute, or--more conveniently--you can specify all unique key attributes in the group via the attribute group Detail page.

    Note: This is applicable for multi row attribute groups only.

  8. Enter a value in the Number of columns shown in the table field. This field determines the number of columns that display on the attribute group page. The default value is 5.

  9. Enter a value in the Number of rows shown in the table field. This field only appears for multi-row attribute groups and determines the number of rows that display in the attribute group page before the Next and Previous links display. The default value is 5. This field only appears for multi-row attribute groups and determines the number of rows that display on the attribute group page.

  10. Select the Business Entities to which you want to apply the attribute group.

    Note: Note: When you enable an attribute group at multiple levels, the attribute data will flow as a target document is auto-created from a source document.

    You can select all or select from:

    • Purchasing Order Header

    • Purchasing Order Line

    • Purchasing Order Shipments

  11. Click Apply and Add Attributes to add user-defined attributes to your attribute group..

  12. On the Create Attribute page that displays, enter the Internal Name of the attribute. This is the name by which the attribute is tracked internally.

  13. Enter the Display Name. This is the name of the attribute as it appears within the user interface.

  14. Enter the Sequence number for the attribute. The sequence determines the order in which the attribute is displayed on the page and also determines the order in which the attribute is processed.

  15. Enter a Tip for the attribute. This is the description of the attribute; this description also appears as tip text on pages that have attributes that can be updated.

  16. Select a value for the Data Type. The data type you select determines the values that are available in the column and value set. An attribute's data type must match the data type specified for that attribute's value set. The list of values for a value set only displays value sets whose data type matches the data type of the attribute.

    Note: Selecting a data type always clears the column and value set. For example, say you selected the Number data type. Then you select your column and value set--remember that your column and value set choices are determined by the data type you chose. Then you decide to change the data type from Number to Date. Notice that after you change the data type, your column and value set are cleared; you need to select new ones based on your new data type. Additionally, the data type determines the values that are available in the Display As field. You cannot change the data type once an attribute is created.

    Note: The maximum number of characters for a character type attribute and translatable text fields is 2000 characters. Number type fields have a maximum size and precision of 22.5 (22 digits to the left of the decimal and 5 digits to the right).

  17. Select a value for the Column to select where the attribute is stored in the database table. The column list of values only returns columns with the data type you specified in Data Type. The list of values also indicates whether or not the column is indexed.

  18. The Enabled check box determines whether or not the attribute is enabled (and available for use) or disabled (and not available for use). By default, the Enabled check box is selected. If the attribute is enabled, specify whether or not the attribute is optional or required. If required, the user cannot save data for an object using the attribute group without entering a value for that attribute. You can always disable attributes. However, you cannot delete attributes after an attribute group has been associated with an Attribute Template or a Purchasing document.

  19. Select the Read Only check box to specify whether or not the user can update the attribute value.

  20. Select the Required check box to specify whether or not the user must enter an attribute value.

  21. Select a value in the Display As list to determine how the attribute appears within the user interface. The available values for Display As are determined by the data type selected.

    Note: Personalization is not supported. To display or hide an attribute, select the Hidden from the Display As list.

  22. Select a Value Set Name that serves as a set of constraints for an attribute.

  23. Enter a Default Value for the attribute. If you select a value set, the value set's constraints apply to the default value. This value defaults upon object creation.

    Note: In an attribute group with at least one required attribute, no default values are applied for any attributes when a required attribute does not have an assigned default value.

  24. Click Apply and Add Another to save and create another attribute.

  25. Once done, click Apply.

Copying Attribute Groups

When you copy an attribute group, all of the attribute group's field values and attributes default to the new attribute group. You can override all defaulted values and attributes except for the attribute group Behavior field.

To copy attribute groups:

  1. On the Attribute Setup Workbench, Attribute Groups page, search for the attribute group you want to duplicate and click the Copy icon.

  2. On the Create Attribute Group page that displays, the field values from the original attribute group appear. You must enter a new Internal Name and Display Name for the copied attribute group. You have the option to change all field values except for the Behavior field; you cannot change the original Single-Row, Multi-Row in the Behavior field.

  3. Click Apply. The Attribute Details page displays. The attributes from the original attribute group are attached to the newly copied attribute group. From this page, you can edit or delete the existing attributes and add new attributes.


To define your own custom logic, you can add user-defined functions and actions to Attribute Groups without having to customize the entire page. By first setting up user-defined attributes, you can then execute user-defined functions with those attributes. You need to define functions only if you plan to have actions associated with your attribute groups.

Actions execute predefined PL/SQL program units. You must write these program units containing the logic you want to execute on various events related to the attribute group and load them to the database in the apps schema. Register these program units as functions. Using different algorithms, you can calculate values by passing attribute values to functions. User-defined functions can be PL/SQL functions. Functions use input or output parameters of various data types such as string, integer, or Boolean. You can also map these parameters to attributes, object primary key values, and external attributes. Actions are trigger points for functions that trigger at specific events or are displayed as buttons or links on the page. You can also prompt the user based on the user's input.

Creating Functions

To create a user-defined function:

  1. On the Attribute Setup Workbench page, select the Functions tab.

  2. On the Search and Select: Functions page that displays, click Create Function.

  3. On the Create Function page that displays, enter an Internal Name for the function.

  4. Enter a Display Name. This is the name of the function as it appears in the user interface.

  5. Enter a Description for the function.

  6. Select the Function Type from the list of values. The supported function type for Purchasing is PL/SQL. When you select PL/SQL as the function, then you must also specify the Package in which the procedure resides and the Procedure that implements your custom logic.

    Note: Run the PL/SQL package in your custom schema and then create a synonym for this package in the APPS schema.

  7. Click Apply.

Deleting Functions

To delete a user-defined function:

  1. On the Attribute Setup Workbench page, select the Functions tab.

  2. On the Search and Select: Functions page that displays, select the function you want to delete.

  3. Click Delete.

    Note: Note: You can only delete a function when it is no longer associated with an action.

Creating Parameters for a Function

After creating a user-defined function, specify the parameters to pass when that function is called.

To create parameters for a function:

  1. On the Attribute Setup Workbench page, select the Functions tab.

  2. On the Search and Select: Functions page that displays, select the function for which you want to create parameters and click the function display name.

  3. On the Function Details page that displays, you can view the Basic Information of the Functions. This includes the Internal Name, Display Name, Description, Function Type, and the details associated with the function type.

  4. Click Add.

  5. On the Create Function Parameter page, enter the Internal Name of the parameter.

    Note: Note: The internal name of the parameter must match exactly (case sensitive) to the parameter name of the PL/SQL procedure or function in the database.

  6. Enter the Display Name of the parameter as it appears in the user interface.

  7. Enter the Sequence. This is the order in which this parameter appears relative to other parameters associated with this function. The sequence must be unique among all parameters associated with this function. Specify the order sequence of the function parameters; this is the order in which the parameters are passed to a function or procedure.

  8. Select the Data Type from the list of values, which contains the available data types. The values available are dependent on the type of function for which you are defining parameters.

    Note: The data type of the parameter must match the data type of the corresponding PL/SQL function or procedure parameter in the database.

  9. Select the Parameter Type for each parameter based on whether the corresponding attribute is providing an input parameter to the function or expecting a return value from the function (for example, input, output, input/output). The parameter options for a parameter depending on the function type and parameter data type you have already selected.

    The valid parameters for PL/SQL functions are:

    • Date

    • Error Array

    • Number

    • Varchar

  10. Click Apply.


Using a template enables you to streamline the document creation process and is a mandatory step. There can be only one template for a given combination of Functional Area, Document Type, Document Style, and Level. You can have any number of revisions to a template, however, only one of them can be active at any time. The effective dates determine whether a template revision is active or not. There can be only one revision with future effective dates. The revision number starts with 0 and increases incrementally by 1 each time you create a new revision to the template.

You can work with Attribute Templates to:

Note: You can create an attribute template for Purchasing functional area only.

Searching for Attribute Templates

To search a template:

  1. On the Attribute Setup Workbench page, select the Attribute Templates tab.

  2. Enter the parameters to search for a template. You can search based on any or all of the following criteria:

    • Template Name - the name of the template.

    • Functional Area - select Purchasing.

    • Document Type - select from Blanket Purchase Agreement, Contract Purchase Agreement, or Standard Purchase Order.

    • Document Style - select from the defined document styles.

    • Level - select a level from Shipment, Line, or Header.

    • Operating Unit - to filter attribute templates based on operating units. This is applicable for functional areas of Requisitions, Sourcing, and Purchasing.

      When you select Purchasing functional area and an Operating Unit, the results display templates based on document styles mapped to one OU or ALL OU's.

  3. Click Go. The search results display up to 10 records.

  4. Click Next to view more search results.

Creating a New Attribute Template

To create a new template:

  1. On the Attribute Setup Workbench page, select the Attribute Templates tab.

  2. Click Create Template.

  3. Enter a Template Name. Use this name to identify the template.

  4. By default, the Functional Area is Purchasing.

    For Purchasing: You can create a template specific to a particular OU based on the document style defined. If the document style is set to All OUs, then your template will be associated with all OUs. If the document style is set to a specific OU, then the template you create will be associated only with that OU.

    All existing predefined document styles are updated with All OU's, and the UDA templates are applicable for all the OUs. If you change the setup of the document style by updating it to a specific OU, then the UDA template also is applicable only for that respective OU. Other OUs will not display these UDA details when you open the Create Order and Create Agreement pages.

    You can also create templates for Sourcing and Requisitions, but only if the template is defined for a specific OU.

    When you select Requisitions or Sourcing, the OU list is enabled. Select a specific OU to associate the template only to that OU.

    Note: Use predefined templates if the template applies to all OUs.

    If you select Sourcing or Requisitions as the functional area, and you define or modify the template, the application will verify if the template is defined for the specific OU or if the template is predefined (All OUs). Based on this, the application displays user defined attributes in the solicitation or offer pages.

    The template defined for a specific OU will always precede the predefined template that applies to All OUs. If there is no template defined for a specific OU, then the predefined template applicable to all OUs is used to render the requisition details.

  5. Select the Document Type. By default, you can only create templates for Purchasing. For Purchasing, you can select from:

    • Blanket Purchase Agreement

    • Contract Purchase Agreement

    • Standard Purchase Order

    If you create the UDA template with the OU, the OU is added as one of the parameters for validating the combination to avoid duplication of templates in the same manner as it is validated for the parameters Functional Area, Document Type, Document Style, and Document Level. If the combination exists in a predefined template for ALL OU's, then the template for the specific OU will overwrite the existing predefined template for ALL OUs. This ensures that OUs which do not have any UDA templates continue to work with predefined UDA templates, while the OUs that have templates use the templates they created. If the template already exists for the selected combination, an error is displayed with the additional parameter OU.

  6. Select the Document Style from the list of values. The list displays all active document styles that have the document type enabled.

  7. Select the Level from the list of values. You can select from:

    • Header

    • Line

    • Shipment

  8. Optionally, select a template from the Copy Usages list. When you select a template to copy and click Continue, the application creates a new template by copying usages and actions from the selected template. The newly created template displays in update mode with a revision 0.

  9. Enter an Effective Date. Ensure you enter only the current date or a future date.

  10. Enter any comments.

  11. Click Continue to create the new template.

Updating an Attribute Template

To update a template:

  1. On the Attribute Setup Workbench page, select the Attribute Templates tab.

  2. Enter the parameters to search for a template. The page displays up to 10 records at a time.

  3. Click the Template Name to view the template. The View Template page displays the current revision of the template. The current revision is the one that is effective on the system date. If there is no current revision, then it displays the latest revision.

    Note: You can only select those document styles that are associated with the OU.

  4. The Actions column displays an Update icon denoting update if the latest revision of the template does not have a transaction document associated with it. Click the Update icon to update the latest revision of the template. The Update Template page displays. You cannot update the Template Name, Functional Area, Document Type, Document Style, Level, and Revision Number.

  5. Enter an Effective From date. This is the date from which the revision is applicable.

  6. The Effective To date is automatically displayed on the previous revision of the template when you provide an effective from the date on the newer revision of the template.

  7. Enter any comments for the template.

  8. In the Usages section, you can view the existing Usages associated with the template. Usages denote the area on the document UI where the attribute group will display. Usage also indicates the purpose of an attribute group on a document (for example, document numbering attribute group, complex pricing attribute group, and so on). You can also view the Context, Sequence, and Attribute Group associated with the usage.

  9. Click the Usage Name to view the template usage.

  10. Click Create Usage to add a new usage to the template. On the Create Template Usage page that displays, select a value from the Usages list. The table displays usages available in Purchasing.

    UDA Usages - Purchasing
    Usage Name Purchasing
      Header Line Shipment
    General Information Rendered on Header Page Rendered on Line Details page Rendered on Schedule Details page
  11. Click the Actions icon to update action on a usage. Alternatively, click Create Action to add a new action for the usage.

    See: View and Create Actions for Templates

  12. Enter a Sequence. This determines the order in which the attribute groups having the same usage render on the user interface.

  13. Select an Attribute Group from the list to associate the usage to the attribute group.

  14. Click Apply.

  15. Click the Attribute Group name to view and update the attribute group details. You can update all details except the Internal Name and the Behavior.

    See: Creating Attribute Groups

Creating a New Revision to an Existing Attribute Template

To create a new revision to a template:

  1. On the Attribute Setup Workbench page, select the Attribute Templates tab.

  2. Enter the parameters to search for a template.

  3. Click the Template Name to view the template. The View Templates page displays the current revision of the template. The current revision is the one that is effective on the system date. If there is no current revision, then it displays the latest revision.

  4. The Actions column displays an icon denoting create revision if the latest revision has a transaction document associated with it. Click the Revision icon to revise the template or click Create Revision on the View Template page. A warning message displays asking you to confirm that you want to create a revision for the existing template. Click Yes to create a revision. The Update Template page displays the template name and revision number for the template. You cannot update the Template Name, Functional Area, Document Type, Document Style, Level, and Revision Number.

  5. Enter an Effective From date. This is the date from which the revision is applicable.

  6. The Effective To date is automatically displayed on the previous revision of the template when you provide an effective from the date on the newer revision of the template.

  7. Enter any comments for the template.

  8. In the Usages section, you can view the existing Usages associated with the template. Usages denote the area on the document UI where the attribute group will display. Usage also indicates the purpose of an attribute group on a document (for example, document numbering attribute group, complex pricing attribute group, and so on). You can also view the Context, Sequence, and Attribute Group associated with the usage.

  9. Click the Usage Name to view the Template Usage.

  10. Click Create Usage to add a new usage to the template. On the Create Template Usage page that displays, select a value from the Usages list.

    See: UDA Usages - Purchasing

  11. Click Copy Usage to copy an existing usage. On the Copy Template Usage page that displays, select the template from which you want to copy the usage. Select the usage you want to copy. Select the Action. You can select from Add or Replace. By default, the Action is Replace. If you select Add, the usages are added to the template. If you select Replace, then all existing usages are replaced by the usages you select. If you selected the Add action, then if you encounter duplicates, you can review and delete the usages you do not require, per the validation rules as follows:

    • The application allows multiple usage entries for the same context for other types of usages but with different attribute groups and sequences.

    • When you click Apply, the application submits a concurrent request to compile a template, without which a template cannot be used on a document.

  12. Click the Actions icon to update action on a usage. Alternatively, click Create Action to add a new action for the usage.

    See: View and Create Actions for Templates

  13. Enter a Sequence. This determines the order in which the attribute groups having the same usage render on the user interface.

  14. Select an Attribute Group from the list of values to associate the usage to the attribute group.

  15. Click Apply.

  16. Click the Attribute Group name to view and update the attribute group details. You can update all details except the Internal Name and the Behavior.

    See: Creating Attribute Groups

Viewing and Creating Actions for Attribute Templates

To associate the function as an action on a template, you can define actions.

To view, update, delete, or create actions:

  1. On the Attribute Setup Workbench page, select the Attribute Templates tab.

  2. Enter the parameters to search for a template. The page displays up to 10 records.

  3. Click the Template Name to view the template. The View Template page displays the current revision of the template. The current revision is the one that is effective on the system date. If there is no current revision, then it displays the latest revision.

  4. Click Update or Create Revision.

  5. On the Update Template page, click the Actions icon to view the existing actions associated with the template. Select an Action from the list of values and click Update to update the action or click Delete to delete the selected action.

  6. Click Create Action to create a new UDA action associated with the template.

  7. On the Create Action page that displays the Object Name, Classification, and Attribute Group display by default. You cannot update these.

  8. Enter a Sequence to define the order in which the action must execute.

  9. Enter an Action Name to identify the action.

  10. Optionally, enter a Description for the action.

  11. Select a Function you defined from the list.

  12. In the Action Execution region, select an Execution Method from the list. This controls the type of action. You can select from:

    • User Action - Renders as a button next to the Attribute Group. The action is executed whenever the user clicks on the button.

    • LOV Defaulting Action - Triggers when an attribute with a LOV is modified by the user.

    • Reference Data Refresh - This automatically triggers when saving or submitting changes.

    • Submission Check Action - Triggers on submitting a document for approval. Errors are displayed on the user interface.

    • Defaulting Action - Triggers when rendering the attribute group for the first time. Also, triggers for non-rendered attribute groups when the document is saved for the first time.

    • Post Data Save Action - Triggers upon saving the document. This is meant for executing any logic you want whenever a given attribute value is altered.

    • Validation Action - Triggers just before saving the document. Errors are displayed on the user interface.

    • Post Approval Action - this action triggers at the end of the approval cycle.

  13. If you selected User Action as the Execution Method, then you need to enter some more details to define the user action. These are:

    • Display Style - This is optional and defines the user interface element that executes the action. The action will display as a button or link next to the attribute group on the user interface where the attribute group renders. The action is executed when the user clicks on the button or the link.

    • Prompt Application - This is mandatory and is the application of the prompt for the action if the prompt is defined in the database.

    • Prompt Message Name - This is mandatory and is the message name of the prompt if the prompt is defined in the database. Otherwise, the actual prompt. This message is the label of the button or link.

    • Dynamic Prompt Function - This is optional and selects an existing function whose return value will define the prompt of the action. Must have parameter of type Return, with data type String. The value returned by this function will be the button or the link label.

    • Dynamic Visibility Function - This is optional and selects an existing function whose value will determine whether or not the action is rendered. The button or link is displayed or hidden based on the return value of this function.

  14. Click Apply. The Action Details page displays.

  15. Click Update in the Basic Information region to make updates to the basic information of the action.

  16. In the Mappings for Function section, click Update. Use this page to map the parameters for the function.

  17. On the Create Mappings page that displays, you can view the Action and the Function. You cannot update these details.

  18. In the Mapping table, for each Parameter Name, select the Mapping Group Type and a Mapped Attribute. You can map function parameters to attributes in the attribute group, document primary keys, external parameters as follows:

    Mapping Group Type Mapped Attribute
    Attribute Group The list displays the attributes available within an attribute group.
    Primary Key The Primary Key list displays those primary keys associated with the document type. For example, for the PO line level, you can select the PO Line ID and Draft ID. If you are on PO Header, then you can select PO Header ID and Draft ID. If you are on the Requisition Line, you can select Requisition Line ID.
    External Attribute When you select this mapping group type, the mapped attribute field changes to a free text field, and you must enter the external parameter to match exactly (case sensitive) to the parameter name in the list of external parameters available in Purchasing UDA. The external parameters supported are:
    • x_msg_data - use this external parameter for validation check functions and submission check functions

    • x_msg_count - use this external parameter for validation check functions and submission check functions

    • x_errorcode - use this external parameter for validation check functions and submission check functions

    • x_return_status - use this external parameter for validation check functions and submission check functions

    • VENDOR_CONTACT_ID - use this external parameter to pass vendor contact to the associated function

    • VENDOR_SITE_ID - use this external parameter to pass the vendor site to the associated function.

    • VENDOR_ID - use this external parameter to pass the vendor to the associated function.

    • ITEM_ID - use this external parameter to pass the item description to the associated function.

    • LINE_TYPE_ID - use this external parameter to pass the line type to the associated function.

    • SHIP_TO_LOC_ID - use this external parameter to pass the ship-to location to the associated function.

    • ORG_ID - use this external parameter to pass the organization description to the associated function.

    • AGENT_ID - use this external parameter to pass the agent description to the associated function.

    • CONTRACT_TYPE - use this external parameter to pass the contract type to the associated function.

    • CATEGORY_ID - use this external parameter to pass the category description to the associated function.

    • PREPARER_ID - use this external parameter to pass the preparer description to the associated function.

    External parameters are certain important fields on the document which are made available to UDAs to facilitate tighter integration as well as passing error messages back to the base application.
  19. Click Apply.


Use the Simulate tab to simulate and test your UDA setup based on the value sets, Defaulting, and LOV Defaulting Event actions.

To simulate and test your UDA attributes:

Predefined Templates, Usages, and Attribute Groups

Oracle Purchasing provides a set of predefined templates, usages, and attribute groups which you can use.

The predefined templates are:

Template Name Level Document Type Document Style
UDA Standard Purchase Order Header Template Header Standard Purchase Order UDA Standard Purchase Order
UDA Standard Purchase Order Line Template Line Standard Purchase Order UDA Standard Purchase Order
UDA Standard Purchase Order Shipment Template Shipment Standard Purchase Order UDA Standard Purchase Order
UDA Blanket Purchase Agreement Header Template Header Blanket Purchase Agreement UDA Blanket Purchase Agreement
UDA Blanket Purchase Agreement Line Template Line Blanket Purchase Agreement UDA Blanket Purchase Agreement
UDA Contract Purchase Agreement Header Template Header Contract Purchase Agreement UDA Contract Purchase Agreement

Usage Name: General Information

Attribute Group Name: General Information

Attribute Group Description: General Information

Applicable To: Order Header, Order Line, Order Shipment

Attribute Attribute Description Required Field Displayed As Display Only Value Set Name Values
Attribute 1 Attribute 1 No Text Field - - -
Attribute 2 Attribute 2 No Text Field - - -

Document Numbering

Document numbers are unique alphanumeric identifiers that are assigned sequentially to purchase orders and agreements. In Oracle Purchasing, you can use UDAs to configure the format of your document numbers. Document Numbering is an attribute group within the attribute template. When you create an order or agreement using the document style attached to the attribute template, a document number is generated based on the document numbering attribute group setup within the template.

To configure document numbers you can either modify the predefined document number attribute group setup or create a custom document number usage to generate a document number for purchase orders and agreements.

The predefined numbering usage (Document Numbering) helps you to generate a purchase order or agreement number with elements such as a prefix, a fiscal year, and a sequence number. You can include a delimiter between these elements and rearrange these elements in the setup and use them to generate alphanumeric sequence numbers.

Note: Optionally, you can associate a document style with an attribute template. The UDA functionality is applicable when the template is associated with the document style.

Using the Predefined Document Numbering Usage

The Document Numbering, a predefined numbering usage, has the following predefined values:

Usage Name: Document Numbering

Applicable To: Order or Agreement Header

Attribute Group Name: PO Document Number

Attribute Group Description: PO Document Number


Attribute Attribute Description Required Field Displayed As Display Only Value Set Name Values
Prefix - Yes Text Field No - -
Fiscal year - Yes Text Field Yes - -
Allowed Range - Yes Text Field No PO_CLM_ALLOWED_RANGE -
Minimum Range - No Hidden No - -
Maximum Range - No Hidden No - -
Serial Number - Yes Text Field No - -
Delimiter - No Text Field Yes - -
Document Number - No Text Field Yes - -
Suffix - Yes Text Field No - -

Oracle Purchasing provides the document numbering setup for the following document styles and templates. You can modify the setup according to your requirements.

The associated document styles are:

  1. UDA Standard Purchase Order

  2. UDA Contract Purchase Agreement

  3. UDA Blanket Purchase Agreement

The associated UDA templates are:

  1. UDA Standard Purchase Order Header Template

  2. UDA Contract Purchase Agreement Header Template

  3. UDA Blanket Purchase Agreement Header Template

See: Searching for Attribute Templates

Note: If you use the UDA functionality and continue with the automatic numeric number (set up in the purchasing options), then you must delete the Document Number usage from the attribute group.

Configuring Document Numbering Usage in the Attribute Setup Workbench

To create document number usage and setup, complete the following steps:

  1. Create an attribute group to define the structure for your document number and add attributes such as prefix, fiscal year, numbering range, and delimiter. The sequence number you enter for the attribute determines the order in which the attribute is processed and displayed on the page.

    Note: You can modify the predefined attribute group PO Document Number setup to generate a document number for purchase orders and agreements.

    See: Creating Attribute Groups

  2. Add your attribute group to the Document Numbering Usage for the attribute template at the header level (a template is created with the combination of document type and style) for which you are configuring the document number.

    Note: You can add the attribute group to the existing attribute template or you can create a new template.

    Ensure that you select the following details:

    On the Create Template Usage page, select Document Numbering as the usage. Select or enter values for the following fields:

    • Applicable To: Select the Base Document. This field associates the attribute group to the base document (the main document).

    • Operating Unit: Select an operating unit for which to associate the usage with the attribute group for document numbering. Or, select All Operating Units.

      Note: Note: When you create a new template, ensure that you select the correct operating unit for the document style.

    • Sequence: Enter a value to determine the order in which attribute groups that have the same usage are presented the user interface.

    • Attribute Group: Select an attribute group with which to associate the usage.

    See: Updating an Attribute Template

  3. Define actions: Define the following actions for each attribute group for Document Numbering:

    • Defaulting: This is a mandatory action. Define this action to default the value for each segment of the attribute group. This action ensures that when you create and save or submit a document, the document number is generated correctly.

    • Generation: This mandatory action is triggered when you save a document. The code you enter here maps segments to generate the final document number.

    • PO Get Delimiter: Enter code to return the delimiter character (if any) used when you map segments to create the final document number.

    See: Viewing and Creating Actions for Attribute Templates