Document Types, Document Styles and Line Types

Document Types

Login using your credentials and use a CLM Purchasing responsibility that gives you access to the Setup pages or windows.

Navigate to: Setup > Purchasing > Document Types to open the Document Types page. The Document Types page lists all the available document types that you can use with CLM for a given operating unit. The Operating Unit LOV is displayed in the top right corner of the page and you can select any listed operating unit to see the document types associated with it. The following columns provide more information on the document type:

Note that the Document Types page is a common page to view all the document types. However you are allowed to create only certain document types, that is, Offers.

Click Create to create a new document type. The Create Document Type page opens, displaying the fields you need to specify to create a document type. Enter the following information:

You can enable or disable the document type using the Disable check box in the Control region.

Click Apply to save your changes and return to the Document Types page.

Note: Customers upgrading from a prior release of e-Business Suite will see some nomenclature changes to the Document Type names. For example, Blanket Purchase Agreement will be displayed as IDV, Purchase Orders will be displayed as Awards, and so on.

Updating a Predefined Document Type

Click Update to update your selected predefined document type. The Update Document Type page displays. The following fields are available for you to edit for procurement documents. The fields below are an example only, the Update Document Type page displays different fields for different document types:

Approvals Region

The approval region enables you to set the approval controls for the document type. Note that if the document types approval fields do not have values, the document styles values are used.

The following fields are in the Control region:

Click Apply to save your changes and return to the Document Types page.

Document Styles

The Document Styles page lists all the available document styles that you can use with CLM. Some styles are predefined, and you can create new styles depending on your requirements. Document Styles are relevant for Purchasing documents only. The values in the Document Styles page override the values that you have set in the Document Types page for Purchasing documents.

Log in using your credentials and use the CLM Purchasing responsibility that gives you access to the Setup pages or windows and navigate to the Documentation Styles page:

(N) Setup > Purchasing > Document Styles

  1. Click Create to open the Create Document Styles page.

  2. Enter a Name, Description, and select a Status (Active or Inactive).

  3. Select the CLM Enabled check box to specify if the document style (and all subsequent documents created using that document style) are FAR documents or non-FAR documents.

    Note: If you select the CLM Enabled check box, then the UDA Enabled check box is disabled. CLM users must not select the UDA Enabled check box.

    By enabling this check box, you will be able to create FAR compliant documents with all the CLM functionality such as CLIN/SLIN structures, Complex Pricing of Contracts, Incremental Funding, Options and so on. If this check box is not enabled, any document created using this style will be a non-FAR document. This check box cannot be updated, once selected and saved.

  4. Select the IGT Enabled check box if you use document style for IGT specific transactions. When you select this check box, the document style is saved, and no further changes can be done and this check box will be disabled for further updates. See Setting Up G-Invoicing.

    Blanket Purchase Agreement in the Document types region and the Forms region in CLM is not applicable for G-Invoicing. Select PO IGT APPROVAL from the Approval Workflow list for the new intragovernmental orders from the Document Controls region.

    Note: The Commodities region contains only Goods and Services as the Purchase Bases. By default, both of these check boxes are selected. Temp Labor is not applicable to IGT, and the line types that are applicable for G-Invoicing are only goods and services.

  5. Select an OU from the list to associate the document style to a selected OU. By default, All OUs is selected, which associates the document style to all OUs.

    Note: All users will have access to document styles you associate with all OUs. If users have access to a specific OU, based on Multiple Organization Access Control (MOAC) access, then the document style related to that OU will be available to select when creating orders.

  6. In the Document Types region, specify the document types and their display names to associate with the style. The display names appear in the LOV when you create a document, therefore it is a good practice to provide appropriate and meaningful display names. You can associate one or more document types to a document style. Select the Enable check box to enable the document style for that document type.

  7. If the CLM Enabled check box is selected, then the Forms region appears. This region is applicable for CLM documents only. Click Add Another Row to add a document type and its related formats. Select a Document Type from the list and then select a Standard Form and Document Format from the lists. The Standard Form list and Document Format list show only those forms and formats that are applicable to that document type.

  8. Select a Standard Form Template and a Document Format Template from the lists for that document type. The Standard Form Templates are BI Publisher templates that print on the face page of the form. The Document Format Templates are also BI Publisher templates that enable you to print the continuation pages of the form. To print a PDF, the Standard Form Template and Document Format Template are combined to generate the output.

  9. Select the Active check box to activate the row, and select Default to select the document type as a default. For a given document type, you can specify many combinations of Standard Forms and Document Formats, however only one can be a default on the CLM transaction document.

  10. If the CLM Enabled check box is selected, then the Document Controls region appears. Use this region to specify the approval workflows and to enforce warrants for the document style. Enter values for the following fields:

    • Allow Concurrent Modifications - If this check box is selected, the user is able to create concurrent draft modifications for CLM documents (Awards/IDVs) that were created using that document style. This check box is editable only when there is no open modification for that document style.

      If there are open modifications for the document style, the check box is non-editable. To make the check box selected to enable Concurrent Modifications, run the CLM Seed Data Processor concurrent program with the document style name as the value for the parameter Document Style. Select ENABLE_CONC_MODS as the value for the parameter Mode.

      For more information on the CLM Seed Data Processor concurrent program that enables concurrent modifications in the Purchasing module, refer to the section Initial Setup Steps in this guide.

    • Allow Post Award Requests: If you select this check-box, the Create Post Award Requests action is available for the approved awards that are currently in the system.

      Additionally, the Post Award Request Controls region is also displayed. This region is described in the following section.

    • Approval Workflow - The Workflow Item Type (PO CLM Approval workflow using AME) that is used in this approval.

    • Workflow Startup Process - The top process (PO CLM AME Approval Top Process) that is used in this approval.

    • AME Transaction Type – The AME Transaction Type that is associated with this document style.

    • AME Transaction Type for Modification – The AME Transaction Type for Modification that is associated with this document style.

      For more information on AME and Workflow, refer to the Approvals chapter in this guide.

    • Enforce Warrants Type - Select the warrant type to enforce from the list. If you do not select a value for this field, then the application does not enforce warrants. If you create a document from a document style for which warrant is enforced, then the application validates warrant enforcements based on the warrant level defined in document style.

      The application validates if the Contracting Officer (KO) specified on the document is valid. It validates if the warrant attached to the KO is valid and that the warrant status is Active. The application verifies if the amount specified for the document for the warrant is greater than or equal to the document total amount and that the document total amount includes the option amount. The application displays error messages if any of the above validations fail.

      If the document amount exceeds the warrant, the user must assign another KO with a higher warrant authority. The newly designated KO receives a notification and they must sign the document. If another KO is not available, then the system administrator can assign the notification to a different KO. If the validations fail, then the application rejects the document, and the buyer must resubmit it for approval. If the warrant currency is different from the ledger currency or the document currency, then the application displays an error message.

      To enforce warrants on change amounts or modifications, the application considers the document style with warrant type specified used to create the document for validation purposes.

      When the KO signs the Modification document, then the warrant enforcement depends on the sum of the absolute values of the line change amounts for the modification. For example, if Line 1 of the Modification increases by $500, and Line 2 decreases by $400, then warrant must be valid against $900. This implies that the KO who signs the Modification should have a warrant amount that is equal to or greater than $900.

  11. The Post Award Requests region enables you to select some controls for post award requests.

    • Click the Auto assign Post Award Requests check box to assign the post award request automatically to a specific user. The Auto assign to list of values displays, and you can select a specific user (Award Administrator, Buyer, Contracting Officer) that you want to assign the post award request to.

    • Enter a Document Format Template to associate the post award request with. This template is used to generate the PDF of the PAR document.

    • Enter an AME Transaction Type to associate to the post award request.

  12. In the Commodities region, specify the line types to associate with the document style. You can select one or more Purchase Basis for the line:

    • Goods

    • Services

    • Temp Labor

      Note: Rate based temp labor line types are not supported for CLM FAR transactions.

      If you select Specified as your Line Type, then the Line Types list displays, enabling you to select one or more line types for the document style.

  13. The Pricing region is not applicable for CLM FAR transactions.

  14. The Complex Payments region enables you to define the various payment types for complex work orders.

  15. Click Apply to save your changes and return to the main page.

  16. In the main page, you can duplicate a document style by selecting the Copy icon beside a document style. Click Update to update an existing document style.

Line Types

Oracle CLM Purchasing provides the line type feature so that you can clearly differentiate orders for goods from those for services. In addition, the services related line types support a broad range of service categories including general business services, consulting services, and contingent labor.

There are two basic line types: quantity-based lines and amount based lines.

Use quantity-based line types when you want to specify the quantity, unit of measure, and unit price for the items you are ordering. Oracle CLM Purchasing provides Goods as an initial quantity-based line type. You can modify this line type or create new quantity-based line types to satisfy your needs.

Use amount-based line types when you want to order services and other items by amount. You create an order for a service by selecting an amount-based line type, category, item description, and total amount of the service. You can also receive and match services by amount.

For more information on Line Types and how to set them up, refer to the Oracle Purchasing User's Guide.

Severable Services

Severable services are services, when stopped midway, the executed part of the service is complete in itself and is measurable. Severable services are such services that accrue as time passes.

In contrast, non severable services produce a single or unified outcome, product or report. A non severable contract is essentially a single undertaking that cannot feasibly be subdivided. The agency does not receive value from the service rendered until that service is completed.

To specify a line type as severable, follow the outlined steps:

For more information on severable services, refer to the Oracle Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector Purchasing User Guide.

Important: Note that though the Line Types page is available to CLM and non-CLM customers, the Severable Services feature is applicable only to CLM customers.

Setup Considerations for Modifications

Setup considerations for Modifications documents are as follows: