Solicitation Amendments

Solicitation Amendments Overview

After publishing a negotiation, the buyer can update information defined in the document if required. This update is called an amendment. All suppliers are notified that the sourcing document has been changed and are required to view and acknowledge the changes. They must also review their previous response and resubmit it in accordance with the amendment if they wish to continue participating. Amendments can be created anytime after the preview date/time or open date/time , if no preview date/time was specified, and also after the close date/time.

You can create an amendment at any time after approval of a solicitation. You can also create an amendment after the solicitation is closed. When you create an amendment, the application automatically displays all the details from the confirmed solicitation. You can change line items using an amendment, or cancel a solicitation using an amendment.

Use the View Amendment History page to query for Conformed Amendments. Search for Draft and Approved Amendments using the Manage Drafts Search Page. Drafts/Approved Amendments also appear in the Buyer Home Page under the Draft section.

The information that the View Amendment History page displays is dependent on the status of the current negotiation document. The information that displays for Created and Conformed Amendments includes the Amendment Number, Status, Effective Date, Signed Date, Review Changes, Cancellation, and a Create Amendment button. For amendments that are created but not submitted for approval, the Amendment History page additionally displays an Update icon that you can use to update the amendment. The Create Amendment button does not display here. For amendments that are created and approved, the status displays Approved.

Once you have completed amending your document, you can generate a description with the details of the amendment.

See: Generating a Description

Creating a Solicitation Amendment

You can create an amendment at any time after solicitation approval and publish.

To create an amendment:

  1. On the Negotiations tab, from the list of Published Negotiations, select the Negotiation to amend and click the Negotiation Number link.

  2. On the Solicitations page that displays, select Create Amendment from the Actions list.

  3. On the Create Amendment Header page that displays, enter the header details you want to amend:

    • By default, the Amendment Number displays.

    • Enter the Effective Date and a Description for the Amendment.

    • You can amend details such as the Document Title, Solicitation Type, and Sourcing Project in the Negotiations region.

    • The Option check box in the Option region enables you to convert a line into an option line or an option line into a regular line. You get a message, warning of the conversions. Click Continue to proceed with the conversion or Cancel to retain the existing lines as is. If you wish to associate a base line to your option line, select a Base Line Number from the LOV. The option line may or may not be associated with a base line. Option Num (Number) is a system generated number and is non-updateable. Option Dates are mandatory fields.

    • You can edit details such as the DPAS Rating, Priority Code, Customer Project Code, and Customer Project Text in the Business Priority and Project Information region.

    • View and edit the details of the Competitive Information.

    • Add or remove members of the collaboration team and notify them in the Collaboration Team region. You can also update the members of the collaboration team using the Action list of values.

    • Edit the Bill-To Address, Ship-To Address, FOB, Payment Terms, Carrier and Freight Terms in the Terms regions.

    • Update the Price Precision details in the Currency region.

    • Update the Requirements region as applicable.

    • Add or remove details of Abstracts and Forms. Each entry created in the forms region is a combination of the federal standard form, and the document format in which that form can be printed. An XML template is associated with each row for printing.

    • Add Notes and Attachments as applicable.

  4. Click Addresses to update the details of location, address code, and contacts for the address types. See Viewing and Entering Address Details for default address information.

  5. Click Lines to update line details of the negotiation. You can create new CLINs, SLINs, Option lines with or without base lines and also organize lines. You can also delete existing lines based on your requirements.

  6. Click Controls to update Schedules, Response Rules, and Submissions Rules for the negotiation.

  7. Click Contract Terms to update the clauses and deliverables for the negotiation.

  8. Click Suppliers to view the details of the suppliers. Note that you cannot invite suppliers using an amendment.

  9. Click Review to review your changes.

  10. From the Actions menu, select the action and click Go to proceed.

  11. Click Conform to create a conformed document once the amendment is approved. Note that when you create an amendment, the original and amendment document are maintained separately.

Conforming a Solicitation Amendment

Once an amendment is approved, you must confirm the document before you publish it.

To conform a solicitation amendment:

  1. On the Create Amendment Review page, click Conform.

  2. On the Confirmation page that appears, you can view the status of the conformation.

  3. Click Publish to publish the solicitation.

Note: Once the amendment is conformed, it merges with the original document and retains the original document number.

Related Topics

Creating and Conforming a Cancellation Amendment

Deleting a Draft Amendment

Viewing an acknowledged Amendment

Approving a Solicitation Amendment

If your solicitation requires approvals, the solicitation amendment must be approved before you can conform and publish the amendment.

To approve a solicitation amendment:

  1. On the Create Amendment Review page, select Submit for Approval from the actions menu.

  2. On the Review Submit for Approval page, enter a note for the approvers and click Submit.

  3. When you log in as an approver, you see the Create Amendment Review page. Click Review to review the amendment.

  4. Select Approve from the Actions menu to approve the amendment.

Generating a Description

Once you have completed amending your document, you can generate a description with the details of the amendment.

In the Solicitation Amendment page, select the Generate Change Description action from the Actions LOV. The Change Description page displays. Choose a mode to generate the system description for the amendment - Background Mode or Runtime Mode.

If you wish to generate the change description summary document in runtime, select the Runtime Mode radiobutton and click Generate. A message displays, informing you that the Change Description has generated successfully. Click the link to the rtf document to download the change description summary document. Open the rtf file to view and update the change summary if required. Use the Upload Change Description field to perform the upload of the change description summary document from your local computer to the CLM system. Click Browse to find the rtf file on your local computer and to select it. Click Apply to save your change description summary document with the amendment document. A selected check box, Text Edited by User, also displays, indicating that you have updated the change description summary document. Note that this check box always remains selected, whether you modify the change description or not. The Mod Updated After Generating Description check box displays as selected when you have made changes to the amendment after the change description is generated.

When you select Background Mode and click Generate, a concurrent request is run in the background. A confirmation message displays, telling you the concurrent request ID that has been submitted.

Navigate to the Requests > View Requests page to verify if the concurrent request has processed successfully. If the concurrent request has processed successfully, the link to the change description summary document (in rtf format) displays on the Change Description page. Click the link to the change description summary document and save or open the rtf file as per your requirement. You will see a summary of the changes you made as part of the amendment.

Edit the text if you need to update any of the changed descriptions. Then use the Change Description page to upload the updated rtf file back to the system. Use the Upload Change Description field to perform the upload of the change description summary document from your local computer to the CLM system. Click Browse to find the rtf file on your local computer and to select it. Click Apply to save your change description summary document with the solicitation amendment document. A selected check box, Text Edited by User, also displays, indicating that you have updated the change description summary document.

If you have made identical updates or additions to various lines in the document, the system collates or rolls-up these changes in the change description summary document. For example, you updated the Need-By Date in 4 lines to the same value (that is 01-Jul-2012). The change description summary displays the changed date and mentions the line numbers that were updated.

The consolidated summary is available for all CLINs, SLINs and CLIN-SLIN structures. All the fields are eligble to be collated or rolled-up in a summary, except for the following:

Return to the Update Amendments page and select the View Change Description action from the Actions LOV to see the summary of changes. You can download the change summary document rtf by clicking the filename link. If you have updated the change description summary document, the read-only check box Text Edited By User is shown as selected. If you have updated the amendment after generating the change description, the read-only check box Mod Updated after Generating Description is shown as selected.

Searching and Viewing a Solicitation Amendment

Solicitation Amendment can exist in three statuses - Draft, Approved or Conformed. You can search for conformed amendments from the View Amendment History page. You can search for draft and approved amendments from the Manage Drafts Search Page. Drafts/Approved Amendments also appear in the Negotiation (Buyer) Home Page under the Draft section.

To search for a solicitation amendment:

  1. On the Negotiations tab, select the published solicitation for which you want to view the amendment history.

  2. From the Actions menu, select View Amendment History. On the Amendment History page that appears, you can view the details of the amendment. Click the Amendment Number link to see details of the solicitation. Click the Review Changes icon to see difference between the original and amended document.

    Clicking on the Review Changes icon displays different information based on the status of the document.

Creating and Conforming a Cancellation Amendment

In the event you need to cancel a solicitation, you can do so using amendments. A cancelled solicitation is designated as cancelled and will not be awarded. Vendors do not need to acknowledge the cancellation of a solicitation.

To create a cancelling amendment:

  1. On the Negotiations tab, select the published solicitation for which you want to create the cancelled amendment.

  2. On the Solicitation page, select Create Amendment: Cancellation from the Action menu.

  3. Edit the Document Number as required.

  4. Enter a Cancel Note to Suppliers.

  5. If the cancellation requires approvals, enter the details of the collaboration team and click Review.

  6. Click Conform.

Deleting a Draft Amendment

You can delete any draft amendment except those that are submitted for approval or approved or conformed.

To delete a draft amendment:

  1. On the Negotiations tab, click the Draft link in the Manage quick links region.

  2. On the Manage Draft Negotiations and Amendments page, conduct a search for draft solicitations and select the one to delete.

  3. Click Delete to delete the draft.

Viewing an acknowledged Amendment

Use the Monitor Supplier Activities page to view suppliers' acknowledgements of the solicitation amendments. You can display the Monitor Supplier Activities page by opening a solicitation and then selecting Monitor Supplier Activities from the Actions LOV. The activities of each supplier are grouped in different regions. The activity Amendment Acknowledged indicates that the supplier has acknowledged the amendment and agrees to the new terms and conditions.