
This chapter covers the following topics:

Import Overview

Bulk import is the process of loading customer data in bulk from legacy, third party, or other external sources into the TCA Registry.

In Oracle Customers Online, you can load source files of organization, person, or contact data into the TCA import interface tables. See: File Loads Overview.

For the transfer of data from the interface tables into the TCA Registry, you have these options.

The import is only for information on the party level. To import both party and account information, use Customer Interface. See: Customer Interface, Oracle Trading Community Architecture User Guide.

Related Topics

Introduction to Oracle Customers Online

File Loads Overview

A file load contains information about loading data from one comma-separated value (CSV) file, or a file delimited by another allowed character, into the import interface tables. The file load:

Each line in the source file, as separated by the end-of-line character, is called a party record. A party record contains a set of attributes related to an organization or person.

After a file load successfully completes the loading process, the interface table data from that source file is included in an import batch. The import batch has the same name as the file load, and contains information about transferring that same data from the interface tables into the TCA Registry.

A file load is active until its corresponding import batch is either:

In the completed file loads history, you can view completed, or inactive, file loads and their details. See: Reviewing File Load Details.

Searching for File Loads

You can search for active or completed file loads that you created by:

File Loads Process

  1. Load a new source file by creating a file load.

  2. View details of the file load, for any load or import status.

  3. Correct errors from the loading process, if any.

  4. If the load errors were corrected offline, you can load the file with the corrected records.

  5. If you decide not to correct errors or load the corrected file, you can remove file loads with the Partially Completed with Errors, Awaiting Resolution or Partially Completed with Errors, Awaiting Reload status. Removed file loads do not appear in the completed file loads history.

  6. After the file load's corresponding import batch is either rejected or successfully imported, you can view the file load in the completed file loads history.

You can also manage mappings that define which target attribute to load each source attribute value into. See: Managing Mappings.

Related Topics

Import Overview

Loading New Files

Loading a new source file into the import interface tables involves these main steps:

  1. Defining the file load.

  2. Providing the source-to-target attribute mapping.

  3. Reviewing and submitting the file load.


Related Topics

Loading Data into the Interface Tables, Oracle Trading Community Architecture User Guide

Interface Tables, Oracle Trading Community Architecture User Guide

Bulk Import Interface Tables, Oracle Trading Community Architecture Reference Guide

File Loads Overview

Defining File Loads

Provide a unique file load name, and information about the source file to load.

Source File Format

If the source file format does not match what you define for the file load, the file cannot be successfully processed.

This is an example of the first few columns and rows of a source file:

"Name", "ID Number", "Birthday"
"Smith, Jon", "12345", "27-09-1950"
"Lee, Jennie", "67890", "10-10-1979"

This table describes source file format elements and the format definition for the above example.

Format Element Description Source File Example Source File Format Definition
File header The first line in the file, with attribute text describing the values in the corresponding column "Name," "ID Number," "Birthday" File header exists
Column delimiter The alphanumeric character that separates column values The comma between separate fields, for example between "Smith, Jon" and "12345" ,
Field enclosed by The alphanumeric character that encloses a column value, used if values contain the column delimiter The quotation marks, to indicate that "Smith, Jon" maps to a full name field, whereas Smith, John without quotation marks would map to last and first name fields "
Date format The format of date values in the source file "27-09-1950" and "10-10-1979" DD-MM-YYYY

Source File Contents

Specify if the file includes organization or person records. If the persons are also contacts for organizations, you must provide a mapping that includes the organization name attribute. See: Providing Mappings.

Select information types to be loaded. See:

Your party and information type selection determines the interface table attributes that are available to be used for mapping to the source file attributes.

Related Topics

Loading New Files

Providing Mappings

A mapping contains a specific set of attributes from the source file and the corresponding interface table attributes that they are to be loaded into. You can save mappings and use them for loading files from any source system.

By default, all the source attributes are displayed, in the order that they appear in the source file. You have these options for providing the target attribute mapping to use.

You can optionally save the mapping as it is in the table, no matter which method you used to create or modify it. Enter a new mapping name or an existing one to overwrite it with the mapping that you are saving. You can manage saved mappings. See: Managing Mappings.

Whatever mapping you have when you move on to the next step is the mapping used for this file load, whether or not you saved it. If you saved a mapping, modified it, and then clicked Next, the modified mapping is used for the file load.

Caution: If you leave any target attribute blank, then the value for the corresponding source attribute will not be loaded.

Mapping Rules and Validations

Each target attribute can only be used once in a mapping. Other rules and validations for the mapping that you provide include:

Managing Mappings

Saved mappings can be used for file loads from any source. See: Providing Mappings. Access mapping management from the File Loads page. See: File Loads Process.

To manage mappings, you can:

Related Topics

Loading New Files

Reviewing File Load Details

File load details are available for review:

The file load details include:

If you are reviewing file load details as part of loading or reloading a file, you also get a preview of the source file. You see all the source attributes and the first five party records in the source file, as they would be loaded. Review this information for obvious errors, such as missing or incorrect file headers or other formatting issues with the source file. You can still revise your source file.

Note: This preview does not reflect changes from online error correction. See: Resolving File Load Errors.

Resolving File Load Errors

After you submit a file load, party records that pass all validations are successfully loaded into the interface tables. If any of the party records fail validation, then the record is marked with error and not loaded. The file load status is Partially Completed with Errors, Awaiting Resolution.

To resolve file load errors you can:

Errors Correctable Online

These type of errors can be corrected online, either by attribute or party record.

Related Topics

File Loads Overview

Correcting Errors by Attribute

Within a file load, correct errors online across party records for particular attributes. The attribute summary lists only the source attributes that contain errors, in the order they appear in the source file.

After you select the attribute to correct, you get the party records with an error for that attribute. These party records can collectively have one or more errors for the attribute. See: Errors Correctable Online.

Tip: Use the source file row number to identify the party record, especially if the party name itself, organization or person name, is the attribute with error.

Provide new values for every party record before you apply the changes. If all the new values pass the validation for the online correctable errors, then the number of attributes with errors decreases by one. If the attribute is also the last correction needed for particular party records, then those records are loaded into the interface tables, and the number of party records with errors decreases accordingly.

Aside from correcting errors online by attribute, you can also:

Related Topics

Resolving File Load Errors

Correcting Errors by Party Record

Within a file load, correct errors online across attributes for particular party records. The party record summary lists only the records that contain errors, in the order they appear in the source file.

Tip: Use the source file row number to identify the party record, especially if the party name itself, organization or person name, is the attribute with error.

After you select the party to correct, you get the attributes within that record with an error. Each attribute can have one or more errors. See: Errors Correctable Online.

Provide new values for every attribute before you apply the changes. If all the new values pass the validation for the online correctable errors, then the party record is loaded into the interface tables, and the number of party records with errors decreases by one. If any of the corrections is the last one needed for particular attributes across all party records, then the number of attributes with errors decreases accordingly.

Aside from correcting errors online by party record, you can also:

Related Topics

Resolving File Load Errors

Correcting Errors Offline

For a particular file load, you can export all party records with errors to a file for offline correction. The exported file contains only the records with errors, and the file header, if any exists in the original source file.

Each line in the exported file contains all the attributes for a party record, in the order that the attributes and records appear in the source file. The exported file uses the format that is defined for the source file, for example the same column delimiter. See: Defining File Loads.

Tip: To see which attributes to correct offline, you can view the errors that are correctable online by attribute. See: Correcting Errors by Attribute. The exported records, however, can contain errors that are not correctable online.

After you export for offline correction, the file load status is Partially Completed with Errors, Awaiting Reload. The file load is totally complete after you load the exported file with all errors resolved. If there are still errors after a reload, you can re-export and reload until you correct all errors.

Related Topics

Resolving File Load Errors

Reloading Offline Corrected Records


Single quotation marks are automatically added to the beginning and end of each record in the exported file. You must remove those marks before loading the file. See: Prerequisites.


  1. Search for and select the original file load to load the corrected records for. See: File Loads Overview.

  2. Provide the location of the exported file with corrected party records.

  3. Review the load of the corrected records. This reload occurs with the same file load definition and mapping as the original source file. You also preview the corrected records to reload. See: Reviewing File Load Details.