Purchase Requisitions

Preferences page

Click the Preferences link located at the top of the page to view and edit the default values that will appear on the requisition. The CLM Preferences (Office and Contacts defaults) link opens a region that enables you to select the Location and Contact for an Office Type (COR Office, Requesting Office, Issuing Office etc.). The selected master data defaults the addresses and charge account information on the requisition. You can change the values of the defaulted data on the specific requisition. This data on the requisition is retained, even if the preference settings change at a later point of time.

Shopping Cart

A requisition is created when you add items to a shopping cart (catalog or non-catalog items) and checkout the items. Checkout is a 3-stage process. Each stage has it's own page and sub-pages that you can drill down to, in order to enter the information relevant to the requisition. Given below are the details of the 3-stage checkout process.

Note: Please note that internal requisitions are not supported in CLM.

Note: Purchase requisitions may also be created using other e-Business Suite modules (such as Planning, Manufacturing, etc). Please note that in a CLM enabled instance, these purchase requisitions are always imported as non-FAR documents. As a result, the subsequent or ensuing orders are also created as non-FAR (non-CLM enabled) documents. As non-FAR (non-CLM enabled) documents, they are seamlessly integrated with Receiving and Invoicing functions in e-Business Suite.

Shopping Cart enables you to create requisitions quickly and in a user-friendly manner. Select an item that you have chosen from a store or from a shopping list search result and click Add to Cart. The item gets placed on the shopping cart and the Shopping Cart region displays the item that you have added. Please note that the item gets placed on the shopping cart as a CLIN (contract line), that is, it becomes a line in the requisition.

If one or items in this shopping cart have information templates associated to them, you can provide additional information for those items in the shopping cart page. For more information on Information Templates, please refer to the Oracle iProcurement Implementation and Administration Guide.

The Shopping Cart displays the number of lines that it contains as well as some details of recently added lines. Click View Cart and Checkout to proceed with the checkout process. The Shopping Cart page opens, displaying the line information for the item(s) you added to the shopping cart. You can edit the line numbers that have been defaulted for CLINs on this page.

Click Organize Lines if you wish to move the lines to other locations, for example, you wish to move a line to be a SLIN below a CLIN. The Organize Lines page displays. The Organize Lines page consists of 2 regions: Current Structure (source) and Target Structure (destination). Select one or more lines by clicking on the Select checkbox in the Current Structure region. Then select the type of move you wish to perform using the Select Action LOV in the Target Structure region. Select from one of the 3 possible values: Move After Selected Line (moves the line after the line you selected in the previous page), Move Before Selected Line (moves the line above the line you selected in the previous page) and Move as subline(s) under selected line (moves lines as SLINs under selected CLIN).

The action Move as sub-line(s) under selected line is not applicable for:

Click Done to save and apply your changes and return to the previous page. The Shopping Cart page displays, showing you the new structure of the lines.

Clicking Save saves the items of the shopping cart in an incomplete requisition. The items will remain in the shopping cart and will not be converted to purchase requisition lines.

Click Checkout if you wish to save your work, check out your items and convert the shopping cart items into requisition lines. Checkout is a 3-step process which you can follow to checkout your items quickly.

Step 1 of the checkout process involves entering the requisition information. For more details on entering the relevant data in this page, please refer to the Purchase Requisitions chapter in this guide.

Note: The Emergency Requisitioning feature is not supported in CLM.

Step 2 of the checkout process involves viewing and managing approvals and notes. View the approvers and enter a justification if you need to make any changes to the approval hierarchy. Optionally enter a note to the buyer.

Step 3 of the checkout process involves reviewing and submitting your items. The Review and Submit Requisition page displays the header, line and attachment details associated with your checkout. You can choose to Save your work and return to it at a later point of time. You could also opt to submit the requisition for approval by clicking Submit. When you click Submit, a confirmation message displays, telling you that the requisition (with a Purchase Requisition number) has been submitted for approval.

Click the Continue Shopping button to return to the Stores page and proceed with your shopping activities.

When the items and the CLINs/SLINs/Options are added to the requisition via the shopping cart, you can go to the requisition lines and edit the information as per your requirement, anytime before the requisition is submitted for approval.

Related Topics

Document Numbering

Contract Line / Sub-Line (CLIN / SLIN)

Exhibit Line / Contract Data Requirements List (ELIN/CDRL)




Copy Action

Checkout: Requisition Information

The first stage displays the Checkout: Requisition Information page. Enter the relevant requisition header information on this page.

A requisition number is automatically assigned to the requisition. This number typically has the following structure, which can be changed during setup: Prefix-Fiscal Year-Agency Identifier- Serial Number (example: PR-10-CDC-12345). For more information on document numbering, please refer to the appendix - Common CLM Functionality.

For more information on setting up CLM document numbering, please refer to the Oracle Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector Implementation Guide.

Click the Edit Requisition Number link below the Requisition Number to change the numbering sequences and serial numbers via the popup.

Enter a Requisition Description that will help you to identify the requisition's purpose. The requisition description is defaulted from the description of the first item. This is a mandatory field.

Addresses region

The Addresses region in the Checkout: Requisition Information page enables you to enter the relevant office addresses and contacts for the following offices. Please note that the addresses and contact information default based on the address preference setup in the Preferences page, however you can overwrite the default values.

Business Priority and Project Information region

The fields in the Business Priority and Project Information region are:

Sourcing Information region

The fields in the Sourcing Information region are:

Delivery Information region

The following fields are in the Delivery Information region. Fields in this region are used to enter default values for all the lines in the requisition.

Billing region

The information in this region is related to Oracle Projects and Billing. Fields in this region are used to enter default values for all the lines in the requisition. For more information, please refer to the Oracle iProcurement Implementation and Administration Guide.

Editing Requisition Lines

In the Checkout: Requisition Information page, click Edit Lines in order to view and edit the requisition lines.

The Line Number is automatically populated for you. A line can be a CLIN (contract line) or a SLIN (sub-line). A CLIN/SLIN can be a priced line or an informational line. An informational line does not have any pricing details associated with it. Similarly, SLINs, which are used to capture additional information about the CLIN, can be priced sub-lines or informational sub-lines.

CLIN numbers are always 4 digit numeric values that fall in the range 0001-9999. SLINS are lines that use a 6-character numbering format – numeric or alphanumeric. The first 4 digits of the SLINs are populated with the parent CLIN number. The next 2 digits are automatically generated, based on whether the SLIN is a Priced sub-line or an Informational sub-line. Informational SLINs have the last 2 digits numeric values in the range 01-99. For Priced SLINs, the last 2 digits are always alphabetical values ranging from AA to ZZ (except the alphabets I and O which are not used in number generation at all).

A CLIN or SLIN can be further defined as an Option Line. An Option Line stores and displays information that is used at a future point in time. For example, in a CLIN/SLIN structure that consists of the following, SLIN 0001AD is an Option Line:

In the example above, the SLIN 0001AD can be exercised or used only in the future (i.e. when the warranty coverage for the above hardware part expires). Please note that you can create an option line without a base line as well.

Option lines cannot be Informational lines but the base line of an option line can be an Informational line. The base line of an option line cannot be an option line.

The Requisition Information: Edit Lines page consists of 4 tabs – Delivery, Billing, Accounts, and Attachments.

Using the Edit Lines page, you can edit the line information in the Delivery, Project, Item and Accounting tabs. You can also perform actions such as copy, delete and reorganize the CLIN/SLIN structure of the requisition lines.

Delivery: The fields that you can change on the Delivery tab are: Need-By Date, Period of Performance Start Date, Period of Performance End Date, Requestor, Deliver-To Location, and Destination Type.

Note: Please note that Need-By Date and the Period of Performance dates cannot be entered together, you would need to enter either one of them.

Billing: Select a p-card if applicable. The fields you can change on the Billing tab are: Project, Expenditure Type, Expenditure Organization, Expenditure Item Date.

Click the Split icon to split the line into 2 or more billing lines. The Requisition Information: Split Cost Allocation page opens, enabling you to split the line. Click Apply to return to the Edit Lines page. When you click Apply, the GL Date is either automatically corrected or validated with an error message. Please refer to the GL Date field description for more information.

Accounts: The charge account for the line is defaulted in this tab, along with the line information. You can also split the line into 2 or more lines using the Split icon.

Click the Charge Account hyperlink in order to enter the funding and other account related information for the line.

External Account: In cases where CLM is used without Oracle e-Business Suite as the backing financial system or when a CLM site needs to use funds from another agency, the External Account field is present to record line of accounting that represents the funds from the other system. This is a free text, non segmented, non-validated field that can be printed and externally integrated.

Fund Source Not Known: Use this checkbox to indicate to the system that the charge account for this request is not known yet. For example, the requester might want to initiate the requisitioning process so that the procurement office can complete the pre-award activities (solicitation, supplier selection) by the time the source of funds becomes available. This checkbox is not available for lines that do not have distributions. Examples of such lines are: Informational Lines, Option Lines, Priced CLINs with Informational Funded SLINs. For the rest of the purchase requisition lines, this checkbox is available for use. If you select Fund Source Not Known, the system warns you that it will clear any PO Charge Account and GL Date information that was defaulted. Select Yes to clear the accounting details, or No to retain the accounting details and specify the fund source. If you do not know the funding details or if the source of funds is unknown at this time, select the Fund Source Not Known checkbox. When the source of funds is known to you later, you can always return to the requisition and create an amendment to specify the fund source and other accounting information.

If you have selected Fund Source Not Known, the requisition is created without accounting information. Awards that are autocreated from these requisition lines (without accounting information) will have no distributions. Also, if a solicitation is autocreated using these requisition lines (without accounting information), the outcome award from the solicitation will have no distributions.

If you have not selected Fund Source Not Known, the accounting information is defaulted on the requisition Accounts tab, as per the rules defined in the Account Generator. If the accounting information is not defaulted, you can manually enter the Charge Account and GL Date details.

Defense Funding: This checkbox determines if the LOA (Line of Accounting) is provided from the DoD or not. In case of DoD orders, this information is relevant for FPDS-NG reporting.

Operations Accounting Flex: This flexfield displays the segment-wise combination of the account. You can click on the Search icon next to the field and choose another combination of segments for the account. This flexfield name is dependent on the organization's accounting structure.

FMS Case Number: Foreign Military Sales (FMS) case number, which is assigned for DoD purchases for FMS. It is used for FPDS-NG reporting and other roll up reporting so the amount of money spent can be tracked. This free-text field displays regardless of whether the Charge Account or External Account is being utilized.

Agency Accounting Identifier: This field is used to identify the accounting system to which funds belong. This free-text field displays regardless of whether the Charge Account or External Account is being utilized.

Note: 'Apply this Cost Allocation information to all applicable requisition lines' is not supported in CLM.

GL Date: The GL (General Ledger) date is automatically defaulted to the current (system) date for you when you select a Charge Account. You can change this value to a valid date (the date should be within an open purchasing period when the journal entry for this requisition is created). The GL Date is validated during the time the requisition is submitted for approval.

A profile option, PO: Validate GL Period, controls the validation of this GL Date field. For more information on the profile option, please refer to the Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector Implementation Guide. If the value of the GL Date is invalid (for example, the date is in a closed GL period, or in a period that is not yet open), the system automatically corrects the GL Date value to reflect the current date.

A message displays on the page, informing you that the GL Date value has been adjusted automatically for you. However, you still can opt to change the GL Date value to any other valid date if required.

You can enter a funded value in the Split Cost Allocation page. The funded value is defaulted to the total line amount in the Accounts tab. However this can be modified and the funded value may be 0 or less than the line amount. The Partial Funded checkbox is selected to indicate that the funded value is less than the line amount. The following funding-related fields are in the Accounts tab to capture the funding information:

For more information on Funding, please refer to the appendix - Common CLM Functionality.

Attachments: Add an attachment to the line by selecting the Add Attachments icon. The Add Attachments page displays, with the attachment options. Click Add Another to add another attachment, or click Apply to save your attachment to the line and return to the Edit Lines page.


Using the Accounts tab, select a distribution and click Check Funds. If the check funds action completes successfully, a message displays, informing you that the check funds has been successful. The GL Date is automatically corrected if it is an invalid date and an informational message telling you about the automatic correction is displayed on the page.

From any of the tabs (except the Attachments tab), select a line using the Select checkbox and then click Update. The line information is available for you to update.

Using any of the tabs (except the Attachments tab), select a line using the Select checkbox and then click Copy. The Copy Lines : Specify Copying Options page enables you to copy CLIN/SLIN structures and option lines in the same CLM document. The copy alternatives are:

In addition, the Define Need By Date and Period of Performance Dates region enables you to enter a specific date or obtain a derived date. A derived date is calculated from the existing date values by the system after you enter a duration, for example, 1 month after the Need By Date of the source line.

The Need By Date and Period of Performance date entries are optional. If you do not enter the date values, they are defaulted from the original (source) line.

The Define Option Dates region enables you to either enter a specific date or obtain a derived date. A derived date is calculated from the existing date values by the system after you enter a duration, for example, you can specify that the option start date should be set to 3 months earlier than the Need-By Date derived for that line.

Click Apply to initiate the copy and when you return to the Lines page, you will see the copied lines with the appropriate dates and CLIN/SLIN structures and options, if any.

For more information on the rules governing the copy action, please refer to the Appendix - Copy Action.

Using any of the tabs (except the Attachments tab), select a line using the Select checkbox and then click Delete. The line is deleted from the requisition. Delete an Option Line directly by clicking the Delete button. If you attempt to delete a Base Line that is associated with one or more Option Lines, a warning message is displayed, informing you that the base line with associated option lines will be deleted. You can choose to cancel the delete operation, delete the linked option lines or unlink the option lines.

Using any of the tabs (except the Attachments tab), select a line using the Select checkbox and then click Move. The Organize Lines page opens, enabling you to move the selected line before or after other lines.

Organize Lines

The Organize Lines page consists of 2 regions: Current Structure (source) and Target Structure (destination). Select one or more lines by clicking on the Select checkbox in the Current Structure region. Then select the type of move you wish to perform using the Select Action LOV in the Target Structure region. Select from one of the 3 possible values: Move After Selected Line (moves the line after the line you selected in the Edit Lines page), Move Before Selected Line (moves the line above the line you selected in the Edit Lines page) and Move as sub-line(s) under selected line (moves a line as a SLIN under a CLIN).

The action Move as sub-line(s) under selected line is not applicable for :

Click Done to save and apply your changes and return to the Edit Lines page. The Edit Lines page displays, showing you the new structure of the lines.

Related Topics

Update Selected Line(s)

Update Selected Line(s)

When you need to change any values of the items that you created while shopping, you can use the Update Selected Lines page to make updates to the item line information. If you have selected a line and clicked Update, the Requisition Information: Update Selected Line page opens with the following regions:

Item region

Most of the requisition information is defaulted on this page. Enter or update the rest of the fields, if required.

Pricing related fields are displayed if the line is a priced line. If the line is Informational, the pricing related fields are not displayed.

Select a Contract Type - The Contract Type list is used to determine the pricing calculation for the item or service to be procured. For example, if the Contract Type is Firm Fixed Price, the price is calculated as Quantity * Unit Price. For an item type of Goods billed by Quantity, the Contract Types are different from the item type of Goods or Services billed by Amount. For more information on Contract Types and their pricing formulas, please refer to the appendix - Common CLM Functionality.

Enter a Cost Constraint while updating the line, if required. The default value of the Cost Constraint list is Null. A Cost Constraint is an indicator at CLIN/SLIN level that controls the pricing and/or the document printing behavior for that CLIN/SLIN.

Enter a Quantity, Unit of Measure, Unit Price, Currency as per your requirements. The total line amount is automatically calculated for that item or service. The total line amount is calculated for that Contract Type and the formula that was used in calculating the total line amount is displayed below the final price value. The field label of the total line amount is also subject to change, depending on the contract type selected by you. Example: For some contract types, the total line amount may be called Extended Price and for other contract types, it may be called Total Amount.

Below the Extended Price field, a pricing formula is displayed, telling you the formula that was used in calculating the Extended Price. For goods or services billed by amount line types only, the Pricing Details hyperlink is displayed; on clicking the hyperlink, the Pricing Details popup displays, showing you additional pricing attributes that contribute to the calculation of the total line amount.

Note: Please note that rate based temp labor line types are not supported in CLM.

Supplier region

Enter the supplier information that you will need to procure the items from. If you enter supplier information for a non-catalog request, selecting the New Supplier check box tells iProcurement not to validate the supplier. This allows you to enter a name for suppliers that are not yet approved for use by your organization. It does not add them to your supplier base.

Please note that the Supplier region is updateable for non-catalog items only. In case of catalog items, the Supplier region is view-only and you cannot update it.

Option region

The Option checkbox in the Option region enables you to specify whether the line should be treated as an Option line. You can convert a regular line into an option line, and an option line into a regular line by toggling this check-box. The system displays a warning before allowing the change. Click Continue to proceed with the conversion or Cancel to retain the existing lines as is.

If you wish to associate a base line to your option line, select a Base Line Number from the LOV. The option line may or may not be associated with a base line.

Option Num (Number) is a system generated number and is non-updateable.

Option Dates are mandatory fields.

Additional Item Information region

This region contains additional information about the item to be procured.

Federal Customer Designation region

The fields within this region provide information that will allow the requester to designate a particular classification code, project and/or program to the item being procured.

Additional Shipping Information region

The fields in this region provide specific shipment information about the items being procured.

Inspection Information region

The fields in this region enable you to define the specific inspection location for the items/goods being procured.

Delivery region

Billing region

This region consists of fields associated to Oracle Projects. For more information on this region, please refer to the Oracle iProcurement Implementation and Administration Guide.

Notes and Attachments region

Add notes or attachments using this region. Notes are usually short texts that you need to communicate to suppliers. You can also attach documents in the line details by clicking the Add Attachments icon. The Add Attachment page displays, and you can add an attachment of type Desktop File/Text/URL or From Document Catalog to the requisition line. Enter the Attachment Summary Information and then define the attachment by selecting a File, URL or text to attach. Click Add Another if you wish to attach another document in addition to the one you have just attached. Click Apply to save your attachment to the checkout and return to the checkout process.

Click Apply to save your changes and proceed with the checkout.

Checkout: Approvals and Notes

Step 2 of the checkout process involves viewing and managing approvals and notes. View the sequence of approvers for your requisition and enter a justification if you need to make any changes to the approval hierarchy. Optionally enter a note to the buyer.

You can attach documents during the checkout by clicking the Add Attachment button. The Add Attachment page displays, and you can add an attachment of type Desktop File/Text/URL or From Document Catalog. Enter the Attachment Summary Information and then define the attachment by selecting a File, URL or text to attach. Click Add Another if you wish to attach another document in addition to the one you have just attached. Click Apply to save your attachment to the checkout and return to the checkout process.

When you copy a requisition, all associated attachments get copied to the new requisition.

For more information on setting up approvals management, please refer to the Oracle Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector Implementation Guide.

Checkout: Review and Submit

Step 3 of the checkout process involves reviewing and submitting the requisition for approval. A requisition number is displayed at the top of the Checkout: Review and Submit page, along with the Total (with Options) of the Requisition lines and Total Without Options. The Total value of the requisition includes option line values. The Total Without Options value excludes the values of the option lines. For more information on Options, please refer to the Editing Requisition Lines section in this chapter.

If you have attached any documents to the requisition, the Requisition Attachments region displays a summary line of the attachments.

The Lines region displays all the lines that have been created as part of the requisition. Click on the Show link to display a few more requisition details, including Billing Information.

Click Submit to submit the requisition for approval. You can continue to create further requisitions using the Continue Shopping button, which takes you back to the Stores tab.

After the requisition is approved by all the approvers, the reserve at completion workflow reserves the funds in the requisition.

When the requisition is approved, use it to create a solicitation or an award using Document Builder in the CLM Sourcing or CLM Purchasing modules.

Requisitions - Views and Search

The Requisitions > Requisitions tab consists of a View region where you can see requisitions according to the view selected. For example, you can see the requisitions that you have created using the All My Requisitions view. Select a view from the View LOV and click Go. The Views region populates with the relevant requisition details.

Search for a requisition that you do not see in your view by clicking Search. The Requisitions Search page enables you to enter one or multiple search criteria to find your requisition. For example, you can search by Requester, Requisition Number, Issuing Office, Suggested COR Office Address, Suggested COR Office Contact, Suggested Award etc. Enter values in the Search Criteria fields and then click Go. The search results display in the region below. The search results display the requisition numbers with a hyperlink, so you can click on any requisition number and open it to view the details of the requisition. If the requisition has an order associated to it (that is, an order has been created from the requisition), the order number displays in the search results as well. If there are multiple awards that are funded by a single requisition line, the term Multiple displays in the Award column. Click the Requisition number link to open the Requisition page. Scroll down to the Details region. The Details region shows you the line details with the associated awards. The Award column displays the term Multiple if multiple award lines are associated to the single requisition line. If a single award is associated to the requisition line, the award number displays. Click the Details icon to open the Requisition: Details page. Select an award using the Select radiobutton and the related documents (such as receipts, invoices, Advanced Shipment Notices, payments) are displayed for that award. Click the Return link to go back to the Requisition page.

Some of the actions that you can perform by selecting a requisition (use the Select radio button) and clicking the appropriate action button (either in the search results page or in the Views page):

Show Procurement History to Requesters

In order that requesters have visibility into the entire procurement cycle, starting with the requisitions they create or approve, CLM provides procurement history to requesters. Requesters need to be aware of downstream activities that take place on the requisition. For example, requesters need to be able to track procurement operations such as RFQ initiated, Award Approved, on the requested item/services. Click Current Procurement Status to open the popup that provides the action history for the downstream procurement activities. For example, when the current status is Award Approved, the action history will show display who approved the award and when the solicitation was published.

In the requisition line, there are two columns for tracking downstream documents: Current Procurement Status (such as Award Approved, Solicitation Published, Partially Received, Fully Invoiced) and Document Number. Click the Current Procurement Status links to open the relevant popup that provides details on the downstream document.

Click Document Number to open the actual document (such as solicitation, award).

If the line is placed on multiple awards, the document number displays the Multiple link. Click the Multiple link to open the popup and view the award document numbers.


Unlike the Notifications region in the Stores page that displays the recent notifications only, this Requisitions > Notifications page displays all the notifications depending on the Notifications View that you select. The Views LOV displays the following seeded notification views: All Notifications, FYI Notifications, Notifications From Me, Open Notifications, To Do Notifications.

When a requisition with lines that do not have accounting information is approved, the notification displays all the requisition lines, including the lines where the Fund Source Not Known checkbox is selected. A note in the Requisition Lines region informs you that there are priced lines in the requisition that do not have charge account details.

For requisitions with accounting information, the Line of Accounting details are displayed in the notification at the requisition line level. When there are multiple charge accounts, the Multiple link is displayed instead of the charge account. Click the Multiple link to open the Distributions popup window that displays the charge accounts, with the Allocation Percentage, Quantity, and Amount. If needed, you can add an external account number in the External Account column. Use personalization to hide or display this column.

You can perform the following actions after selecting one or more notifications: Open a notification, Reassign a notification to another approver, Close a notification.

See also: Approving a Requisition Amendment.


The Requisitions > Approvals page has a View region where you can view requisitions at different stages of approval. For example, the seeded views in the page are: Requisitions I Have Approved and Requisitions to Approve. The results of the view are displayed in the region below. Select a requisition by clicking on the Select radio button and then perform any of the following actions:

Use Search to enter search criteria to look for a requisition or a set of similar requisitions. Search for a requisition that you do not see in your view by clicking Search. The Requisitions Search page enables you to enter one or multiple search criteria to find your requisition. For example, you can search by Requester, Requisition Number, Issuing Office, Suggested COR Office Address, Suggested COR Office Contact, Suggested Award etc. Enter values in the Search Criteria fields and then click Go. The search results display in the region below. The search results display the requisition numbers with a hyperlink, so you can click on any requisition number and open it to view the details of the requisition. If the requisition has an order associated to it (that is, an order has been created from the requisition), the order number displays in the search results as well. Using the search results, you can select a requisition and perform the following actions:

The Related Applications region consists of the following actions you can perform on the requisition: