Data Quality Management

This chapter covers the following topics:

Data Quality Management Overview

Oracle Trading Community Architecture Data Quality Management (DQM) is a set of tools and features that provide powerful searching and matching functionality for search, duplicate identification, duplicate prevention, and other data management features. With a sophisticated matching mechanism, DQM can determine records that match specified search criteria, or records that are potential duplicates of another record.

TCA and other Oracle applications integrate Data Quality Management functionality for various purposes, including:

For the purposes of matching records, DQM takes into account that records can contain typographical errors, spelling errors, or incomplete data. DQM copies the data into staged tables separate from the TCA Registry, and transforms and standardizes the staged records. With fuzzy searches through the transformed data in the staged tables, a set of possible matches in the TCA Registry is established.

For resolving duplicates, DQM also lets you define a repository of the entities and procedures that are processed when parties are merged. DQM also provides an Automerge feature to automatically merge records that exceed a specified threshold.

Note: If you have information from source systems in the TCA Registry, DQM uses the Single Source of Truth record for each party. See: Single Source of Truth Overview.

Related Topics

Major Features

Data Quality Management Examples

Data Quality Management Process

Administering Data Quality Management

Major Features

Data Quality Management provides various features that work together as a powerful and flexible data transformation and matching tool. These features are integrated with TCA and can be used by any Oracle E-Business Suite application to search and identify duplicates.

Attribute Search in Entities

DQM uses attributes in these four entities, which are a subset of the TCA Registry, to search and identify matches:

Most of the attributes correspond to a table column in the TCA Registry tables. For example, party name is an attribute of the party entity, and the value for this attribute is obtained from the HZ_PARTIES table. The party name can be one attribute that you use to evaluate if two parties are duplicates or matches, for example John Smith and Jon Smith.

You can add custom attributes if the predefined attributes do not meet your needs. These custom attributes, along with special seeded logical attributes, do not correspond to a TCA Registry column.

See: Attributes for DQM.

Predefined and Customizable Search and Match Functionality

You can use predefined transformations and match rules to search and identify matching records. Transformations transform party, address, contact, and contact point attribute values into standardized representations for high quality matching. In addition to the seeded transformations, DQM provides seeded word replacement lists in American English that transformations can optionally call upon. Match rules determine and evaluate the results of the matching process.

You can define and implement custom transformations to optimize the match rules for your environment and application. You can also set up your match rules to meet your business needs.

Transformations and Word Replacements

Transformations transform data into representations that are more similar for matching purposes. For example, transformations can replace double letters with only one of the letters, as well as remove nonalphanumeric characters and vowels. A transformation that removes vowels would change, for example, both values for an address attribute, 123 Main Rd and 123 Mane Road, into 123 MN RD. This transformation allows the two attributes to be determined a match, minimizing the effects of potential spelling errors, such as Mane, and data entry inconsistencies, such as Rd versus Road.

Transformations use word replacement lists which create synonyms that are treated as equivalents for searching and matching. You can use word replacements to standardize certain portions of your party data to minimize the effect of data entry inconsistencies on searches. For example, a word replacement transformation can replace California, Calif, and ca with CA.

See: Word Replacements and Transformations Overview.

Match Rules

Match rules determine whether two parties should be identified as a match or potential duplicate. DQM match rules can be applied, for example, when you:

Match rules support score-based matching and consist of two parts, acquisition and scoring criteria. Acquisition provides an initial set of possible matches, and scoring assigns scores to attributes to further filter matches and rank the results.

When you define match rules, you can specify which attributes are important for matching and configure how the attributes should be evaluated. For example, you can define a match rule so that only records with the same transformed party name and party number attribute values are considered matches. You can also determine how matching or similar attributes are scored to produce a total score that you can use to evaluate a record. To each attribute that you use in a match rule, you also assign transformations.

See: Match Rules Overview.

Staged Schema

The staged schema is a mirror of a portion of the TCA Registry and contains data that transformations have cleansed and standardized. Matches are determined by comparing an input record against the transformed records in the staged schema, which is separate from the TCA Registry. The Registry itself is not transformed or searched at any time. The staged schema is shared across all Oracle E-Business Suite applications.

Searches through the staged schema are actually searches against the interMedia or B-Tree indexes that index the schema and speed up the search process. During the acquisition phase of matching, the indexes quickly limit the number of parties to evaluate for scoring.

You can run programs in DQM to generate or update the staged schema and the indexes. For accurate searches, the staged schema can be automatically synchronized with the TCA Registry when records in the Registry are created or updated through user interfaces or TCA import.

See: Staged Schema.

Merge Dictionary

The Merge Dictionary contains the entities and procedures that are processed during party merges. You define how duplicate parties are to be merged and in what order. See: Merge Dictionary Overview.


Automerge is a process that can be implemented as part of duplicate identification. Based on the setup, Automerge automatically merges records that exceed a specified threshold. See: Automerge.

Duplicate records can be identified when a Create or a Save Web service (create operation) is invoked. Automerge is run based on the criteria specified in the match rule

Data quality is enabled based on the profile HZ: Enable DQM for Integration. When a Create or Save Web service (create operation) is invoked,

  1. If data quality is enabled, then duplicate identification is based on the Match Threshold and the Automerge Threshold values specified in the match rule.

  2. When an organization or person (party) is created in Customer Data Hub, the parties are merged based on the following criteria:

    • If the match score is less than the Match Threshold value, then the newly created party is retained.

    • If the match score is more than or equal to the Match Threshold value, but less than the Automerge Threshold value, then a merge request is created to merge an existing party and the newly created party.

    • If the match score is more than or equal to the Automerge Threshold value, then the existing party and the new party are automatically merged.


Various features support using DQM in different countries and languages, including:

Related Topics

Data Quality Management Overview

Data Quality Management Examples

These examples illustrate using Data Quality Management to identify existing duplicates, search for parties, or prevent duplicate entries.

Identifying Duplicate Parties

For a party called International Party Duplicates, the party name could have been entered in different ways, such as International Party Duplicates, Inc. or IPD.

You use a transformation to remove all nonalphanumeric characters and terms such as Corp and Inc, and then normalize party names into three-letter acronyms in the staged schema. Define match rules and search for duplicates.

As a result, the entries in this table are displayed as possible duplicates:

Original Value Transformed Value in Staged Schema
Intl Party Duplicates IPD
International Party Duplicates IPD
International Party Duplicates, Inc. IPD

Searching for Parties

An Oracle application has implemented DQM to create a search interface that you enter search criteria in. Transformations were created, including one that uses the DQM PL/SQL function Soundex, and the results were populated into the staged schema.

You want to search for parties of type Person with the last name Smyth who are located in California. The last name could have been misspelled and entered in different ways, such as Smith or Smythe. You enter Smyth and California in the search interface, and the Oracle application applies a match rule that includes a filter for the state of California and searches through the staged schema for search results.

This table shows the original entries in your TCA Registry.

Name Location
Smith, James Redwood Shores, California
Smith, Virginia Seattle, Washington
Smyth, Edward Los Angeles, California
Smyth, Helen New York City, New York
Smythe, Joseph Los Angeles, California

This table shows the Soundex representation for these names:

Name Soundex Representation
Smith S260
Smyth S260
Smythe S260

The search finds the entries in this table as possible matches:

Name Location
Smith, James Redwood Shores, California
Smyth, Edward Los Angeles, California
Smythe, Joseph Los Angeles, California

Preventing Duplicate Entries

DQM was implemented to enforce the policy that no duplicates are allowed for matches on the combination of cleansed party name and address. Transformations were defined that remove all vowels and double letters, and a match rule was also defined that best expresses the policy.

As a result, you avoid populating the duplicate entries in the TCA Registry, shown in this table, because their transformed records are identical:

Original Record Transformed Record
Allison Byrne, 123 S. Main Str. 11111 ALSN BRN, 123 MAIN, 11111
Alisen Burn, 123 South Main Street, 11111 ALSN BRN, 123 MAIN, 11111

Related Topics

Data Quality Management Overview

Data Quality Management Process

This diagram illustrates how the different features of Data Quality Management work together to find matches and duplicates.

the picture is described in the document text

  1. The TCA Registry contains party information that could have been entered with typographical errors, spelling errors, and aliases.

  2. You run the DQM Staging program to transform and standardize the attribute values, such as party name and number, in a copy of the Registry, the staged schema. The attributes to include in the schema, as well as the transformations to use on each attribute, are defined in the Define Attributes and Transformations page.

  3. The staged schema stores the transformed attribute values, separate from the original Registry.

  4. Input records come in when you enter or search for party information, or run a duplicate identification process.

  5. The transformations in a match rule transform the attribute values in the input record.

  6. The same match rule is applied to compare the transformed input record attributes against the attributes in the staged schema.

  7. Based on how the attributes match up, potential matches from the staged schema are identified for the input record. If the match rule contains scoring criteria, the selected records from the staged schema are also scored.

Bulk Duplicate Identification

Bulk duplicate identification is a particular DQM process to identify duplicates for a large number of records within the TCA Registry. The process involves:

Instead of comparing against the staged schema one at a time for each input record, as with simple duplicate identification, bulk duplicate identification compares the whole set of input records at once through a join procedure in the staged schema.

This diagram illustrates the bulk duplicate identification process:

the picture is described in the document text

  1. TCA Registry attributes are transformed for the staged schema. The attributes to include in the schema, as well as the transformations to use on each attribute, are defined in the Define Attributes and Transformations page.

    Also defined are the attribute and transformation combinations to be used for bulk duplicate identification. The staged schema includes B-Tree indexes only for the transformed attributes marked for bulk duplicate identification.

  2. A duplicate identification process is started, either for a subset of records in the TCA Registry or for the entire Registry. The transformed version of that set of input records is already represented in the staged schema.

  3. A match rule with the Bulk Duplicate Identification purpose is applied, and the input set within the staged schema is joined with the staged schema.

    Each record in the input set is simultaneously compared against all other records in the same staged table using only B-Tree indexes.

  4. Based on how the attributes match up, potential duplicates from the staged schema are identified. If the match rule contains scoring criteria, the selected records from the staged schema are also scored.

Related Topics

Data Quality Management Overview

Administering Data Quality Management

To utilize and implement Data Quality Management (DQM) functionality, you must set up and administer the DQM tools. These tools are integrated with TCA and can be used by any Oracle Applications E-Business Suite application to search the TCA Registry and identify or prevent duplicates.

To administer Data Quality Management:

  1. Review information about the current DQM setup. See: DQM Administration Overview Page.

  2. Create word replacements.

  3. Define attributes and transformations.

  4. Generate the staged schema and indexes.

  5. Define and compile match rules.

  6. Synchronize the staged schema with the TCA Registry.

  7. Maintain the Merge Dictionary.

  8. Define DQM profile options.

    Note: To set the HZ: Merge Master Party Defaulting profile option to User Hook, you must create a custom user hook. See: Creating Custom Merge Master Party Defaulting Method.

  9. At any time, you can run Diagnostic reports to get comprehensive details about the current DQM setup. See: DQM Diagnostic Reports.

Related Topics

Data Quality Management Overview

Introduction to Administration

DQM Administration Overview Page

The DQM Administration Overview page provides basic information about the current Data Quality Management setup. For each possibly displayed informational message, these tables tell you where to go for more details.

General Information
Informational Message See
One or more TCA records failed to synchronize. Run the DQM Setup - Detailed diagnostic report for more information. DQM Diagnostic Reports
TCA data has not been staged. Set up attributes, transformations, and word replacement lists, and run the DQM Staging Program with the Stage All Data staging command.
The DQM synchronization method is set to: <method>. DQM Synchronization Method
Changed Setup
Informational Message See
The transformations <transformation names> have been added to this attribute: <attribute name>. Defining Attributes and Transformations
Values were added or removed for these word replacement lists: <word list name>. Creating and Updating Word Replacement Lists

Related Topics

Administering Data Quality Management

Word Replacements

With word replacement, you can identify words that act like synonyms of other words for the purpose of searching and matching. Transformations can use word replacements.

Word replacement is a particularly useful technique for standardizing certain portions of your party information to minimize the effect of data entry inconsistencies on searches. You can use these word replacements in the development of transformations. In the PL/SQL functions used in transformations, code can be written to call a word replacement list.

Word replacement lists contain word pairs, each pair with an original and replacement word. The replacement word is used when the original word is identified and any specified conditions are met. Aside from using seeded conditions, you can also create your own conditions. See Creating Custom Word Replacement Conditions.

For example, this table displays possible original words for a replacement word in a word list for a specified language.

Word List Name Language Original Word Replacement Word
Person Name American English Bob Robert
Person Name American English Rob Robert
Person Name American English Robbie Robert
Person Name American English Roberto Robert
Person Name American English Bobby Robert

When you enter Rob as the value for a first name attribute of a search, the search returns records in which the first name attribute matches to the replacement word for Rob. The result of your search would return records containing Bob, Robbie, Roberto, Bobby, and Robert as well as Rob.

Seeded and Custom Word Replacement Pairs

DQM provides word replacement lists containing over 3,000 word replacement pairs in American English. The included word lists are:

See: Seeded Word Replacement Lists, Oracle Trading Community Architecture Reference Guide.

You can add to the lists of seeded word replacement pairs in American English or create lists in any other languages supported by Oracle Applications.

Administering Word Replacements

This table describes some terms in the pages used for this procedure.

Selected Terminology
Term Description
Identification Method The method that the original word in a word pair is identified by:
  • Delimited: As astring of alphanumeric characters preceded and followed by blank spaces

  • Nondelimited: As a string anywhere.

Data Source Source of the word list, for example Seeded for seeded lists.

To administer word replacement lists, you can:

Related Topics

Data Quality Management Overview

Creating and Updating Word Replacement Lists

Although DQM provides over 3,000 word replacement pairs in American English, you can modify the provided lists or create lists of word replacement pairs with words that users often enter with errors or as shortcuts.

The fuzzy key generation program uses only the following 3 word lists for fuzzy search

  1. ADDRESS_DICTIONARY – for address

  2. ORGANIZATION_NAME_DICTIONARY – for organization

  3. PERSON_NAME_DICTIONARY – for person

You cannot create your own replacement list, but must update any of the applicable lists listed above, for fuzzy search.

Important: A new word list is not used until you create custom transformations that use the list. See: Creating Custom Transformations.

Procedure to Select the Word Identification Method

When you create or copy a word list, you must specify the word identification method. You cannot change the method when you update a list.

Note: The Nondelimited method is usually used for relevant non-English languages, such as Japanese, that are based on characters, not words separated by spaces.

John is the original word, Jonathan is the replacement word, and the attribute value is John Johnson. If the word replacement with the Delimited method is applied, then the attribute value becomes Jonathan Johnson, because only John surrounded by spaces is replaced. If with Nondelimited, then the value becomes Jonathan Jonathanson, because John is replaced no matter where it appears.

Procedure to Enter Word List Information

This table describes some terms in the pages used for this procedure.

Selected Terminology
Term Description
Condition Criterion that must be met for the word replacement to occur. Conditions are particularly useful for country-specific word replacements. For example, in the UK, LTD or Limited is a common organization name suffix. You can specify to replace either word with a blank space only if it appears at the end of a string.
  1. Enter a unique word list name, and optionally define the source of the list, for example to identify a list that you created or obtained from a third party. When you update an existing list, you can change the name and source, but not the language.

  2. Define word replacement pairs.

    • No matter which word identification method is selected, do not enter original words with spaces.

    • For original and replacement words, you can enter not only whole words, but also abbreviations, word fragments, and numeric characters. For example, you can create a word replacement pair by entering 1 as the original word and one as the replacement word. If a user enters 1 to perform a search, then one is used to search your party information.

    • Replacement words do not have to be unique and can be left blank. You cannot, however, use the same word as both an original and replacement word in the same word list. For example, you cannot have Street to be replaced by St. in a word pair, and also St. to be replaced by Saint in another word pair.

      You can create several word replacement pairs that have different unique original words with the same replacement word. This table shows an example:

      Original Word Replacement Word
      Bob Robert
      Rob Robert
      Robbie Robert
      Roberto Robert
      Bobby Robert
  3. For any word pair, optionally enter a condition.

    You can use the same original word multiple times in a list only if the replacement words and conditions are different. For example, you can enter St. twice as an original word to be replaced by the replacement words Street and Saint, with a condition for each case.

    Important: If you use original words multiple times, the conditions are applied in the order defined, and a word is replaced according to the first condition that is met. For example, if the St. and Street word pair is defined first, and that condition is met, then the word replacement occurs. The condition for the St. and Saint word pair is skipped.

  4. You must enter a value after the condition if the field is not disabled. If multiple values are possible, for example for the seeded If Country Equals condition, separate each value by a comma.

  5. After you add or modify word replacement pairs, run the DQM Staging program to update the staged schema to include the new or revised word replacement pairs. In the Original Word column, Staging Required indicates the word pairs that still need to be staged.

    For any record that you add to or update in the TCA Registry, the word replacement pairs become immediately effective after the DQM Staging program finishes. See: DQM Staging Program.

Related Topics

Word Replacements

Word Replacements Tips

Word Replacements Tips

When you create and use word replacements, consider these issues:

See: Seeded Word Replacement Lists, Oracle Trading Community Architecture Reference Guide.

Creating Custom Word Replacement Conditions

Create custom conditions to use with word replacement pairs. You have a lot of flexibility, so make sure that the conditions you create make sense and work correctly.

Each condition includes a defined function and possible user-defined values. For example, the user must specify at least one value, such as Argentina, when defining a word pair with the seeded If Country Equals condition. If the record being evaluated has Argentina as the Country attribute, then the word replacement occurs.

On the other hand, the seeded End of String condition and does not require a user-defined value. If the original word is at the end of a string and the replacement word does not cause the entire string to be null, then the word replacement occurs.


  1. Write a custom function with this signature:

    FUNCTION <custom function>(
        p_input_str     IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_token_str     IN  VARCHAR2,
        p_condition_id  IN  NUMBER, 
        p_condition_val IN  VARCHAR2)

    The tca_eval_condition_rec function is used for all seeded conditions. Instead of defining a new function, you can use the seeded one and write custom code in the if/elseif block for the condition_id, as shown in this example:

       if condition_id  = 1
            get_gbl_condition_rec_value( 'PARTY_SITES', 'COUNTRY' )  = 'US'
                            do this and return true/false ;
      elsif condition_id = 2
            get_gbl_condition_rec_value( 'PARTY_SITES', 'ZIPCODE' ) = 'xxxxxx'
                            do this and return true/false ;
           return true ;
    END  ;
  2. Insert a new row in the HZ_WORD_RPL_CONDS_B table and populate the columns.

    • CONDITION_FUNCTION: The custom function that you define for the condition.

    • CONDITION_VAL_FORMAT: How many user-defined values the condition can take. This table provides examples of how the possible column values are used.

      CONDITION_VAL_FORMAT Value Condition Reason
      None Start of String Condition does not apply to specific values
      Single Party Type Equals Condition requires only one party type value
      Multiple In Country Condition requires at least one country value

      Note: It is possible to implement a condition that applies to multiple attributes, for example a Party Type Equals and In Country condition. Single attribute conditions, however, are recommended.

Related Topics

Word Replacements

Attributes for DQM

Attributes make up the four entities used in DQM: Party, Address, Contact, and Contact Point. Each attribute in the entities is derived from a specific column in one of the TCA Registry tables. These four entities make up the staged schema.

For example, the Party entity in DQM is named HZ_STAGED_PARTIES and contains attributes from the TCA Registry tables:

Examples of attributes in the Party entity include:

Attributes in the staged schema contain values from the TCA Registry tables that have been transformed into representations that are more alike for the purposes of matching. Attributes, therefore, are used to search for possible matches between an input record and the TCA Registry data.

If needed, you can use up to 30 CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE columns in each entity to store additional attributes. See: Creating Custom Attributes and Seeded Attributes, Oracle Trading Community Architecture Reference Guide.

Related Topics

Defining Attributes and Transformations

Data Quality Management Overview

Transformations Overview

Your raw party information can include typographical errors, spelling errors, inconsistent formats, and abbreviations due to input errors. For this reason, searches performed on raw values often are inconclusive or miss potential matches.

Transformations transform attribute values in the staged schema so that the values are more similar and useful for the purpose of matching records. Transformations neutralize the effects of data errors on your searches. For example, a transformation that removes all of the double letters in a party name transforms a name such as Allied Freight into Alied Freight. This transformation makes it easier to match to a party if a typographical error, such as a missing double letter, exists.

After your raw data has been transformed and populated into the staged schema, match rules can use the transformed data to score each record to determine if the record is considered alike enough to be a match to an input value.

DQM includes several standard, or seeded, transformations. You can also develop your own transformations.

Seeded Transformations

DQM provides several predefined transformations, such as Cleanse and Exact. The Exact transformation accomodates various characters in non-English languages. See: Seeded Transformations, Oracle Trading Community Architecture Reference Guide.

For example, the Cleanse transformation performs these actions:

  1. Capitalizes all letters.

    Zannardi-Montoya is transformed to ZANNARDI-MONTOYA.

  2. Removes nonalphanumeric characters.


  3. Reduces any white space to one space.

  4. Removes double letters, retaining only one of the double letters.


  5. Removes vowels and Y except initial vowels and Y.

    ZANARDI MONTOYA is transformed to ZNRD MNT.

    The final result from the Cleanse transformation is ZNRD MNT. This result would be populated into the staged schema.

All seeded transformations are available in packages. Not all seeded transformations are automatically populated into the staged schema. During the installation of DQM, you can decide if you want to use all of the available transformations.

To ensure that a seeded transformation is populated into the staged schema, you must define the transformation and then run the DQM Staging program. See: Defining Attributes and Transformations and DQM Staging Program.

Related Topics

Defining Attributes and Transformations

Creating Custom Transformations

Data Quality Management Overview

Defining Attributes and Transformations

Specify the attributes to use for matching, and assign transformations to each attribute. Only active attribute and transformation combinations that you define in the Define Attributes and Transformations page can be used in the staged schema and in match rules.

You define attributes and transformations for each entity used in DQM: Party, Address, Contact, Contact Point. Attributes are transformed by their assigned transformations in the staged schema.

For address, contact, and contact point attributes, you can optionally denormalize the attribute to the party level. The transformed value would be stored in the HZ_STAGED_PARTIES table instead of the staging table for the entity. You should denormalize only attributes that have a limited number of possible values, such as the Country attribute. Denormalization improve performance, but you cannot denormalize all attributes.


This table describes some terms in the pages used for this procedure.

Selected Terminology
Term Description
Uniqueness The uniqueness of an attribute value with respect to other attributes for identifying an entity. For example, for an address, the Postal Code attribute provides a more unique value, across records, than the State attribute. This uniqueness information is used for DQM searches.
Bulk Acquisition Option indicating that the attribute and transformation combination can be used in acquisition for match rules with the Bulk Duplicate Identification purpose. The attribute value, as transformed by the transformation, would be indexed with B-Tree indexes, which are used only for bulk duplicate identification. See: Bulk Duplicate Identification.
  1. Select an attribute name and enter a user-defined name. Search interfaces that use DQM generally display the user-defined names, not the attribute names, as the search criteria.

    If you are defining one of the 30 custom attributes, enter the name of the custom PL/SQL procedure that DQM uses to obtain the custom attribute. See: Creating Custom Attributes.

  2. Indicate the uniqueness of the attribute with respect to other attributes for the entity.

  3. To view or update the transformations assigned to an attribute, click Transformation Details for the appropriate attribute to display the transformations below.

    Note: You cannot remove attributes that are seeded for the entity or used in seeded match rules.

  4. To assign a seeded transformation, just enter the transformation name. For custom transformations, you must also enter a description as well as the PL/SQL function that is called to transform the attribute values and to return a formatted result. See: Creating Custom Transformations.

  5. Default: Specify if the transformation is also selected by default when the corresponding attribute is selected to be used in a new match rule. See: Assigning Scores, Transformations, and Thresholds.

  6. Bulk Acquisition: Specify if the attribute and transformation combination can be used in acquisition for match rules with the Bulk Duplicate Identification purpose.

    Note: For performance reasons, select this option only when necessary.

    You cannot deselect Bulk Acquisition for transformations that are used, for acquisition, in seeded match rules of Bulk Duplicate Identification purpose.

  7. Active: To use the transformation, you must activate the transformation for the selected attribute.

    You cannot inactivate seeded transformations if they are used in seeded match rules. You can, however, activate inactive transformations to use in custom match rules.

    Note: You cannot remove transformations that are seeded for the attribute or used in seeded match rules.

  8. Use Up and Down to order the transformations. For example, the CLEANSE transformation alters the original attribute value more than EXACT does. You would order EXACT before CLEANSE because the transformed value is closer to the original and provides a more precise match.

    If multiple transactions have Default selected, then this order is reflected when the corresponding attribute is selected for new match rules with the Search purpose.

  9. Before you can use new or updated attributes and transformations, you must generate or update your staged schema. See: DQM Staging Program.

Related Topics

Attributes for DQM

Transformations Overview

Attribute and Transformation Tips

Creating Custom Attributes

You can define custom attributes for the entities used in DQM: Party, Address, Contact, and Contact Point. Up to 30 custom attributes are available in each entity.

Note: Before creating new attributes, verify that none of the seeded attributes satisfy your needs. Many seeded attributes are inactive, so be sure to check the list of inactive attributes before creating custom attributes.


  1. Write a custom procedure that obtains the custom attribute.

    When a CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE column needs information about a party, address, contact, or contact point, DQM calls a procedure with this signature:

    FUNCTION <custom_attribute_proc>
         p_record_id     IN     NUMBER,
         p_entity_name   IN     VARCHAR2,
         p_attrib_name   IN     VARCHAR2,
         p_context       IN     VARCHAR2)
    • p_record_id: The p_record_id value in the signature is the primary key of the table where the CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_PROCEDURE is defined.

      This table displays the appropriate p_record_id value for each entity attribute.

      Entity Attribute p_record_id
      Party PARTY_ID
      Address PARTY_SITE_ID
      Contact ORG_CONTACT_ID
      Contact Point ORG_CONTACT_POINT_ID
    • p_context: The p_context value, STAGE or SEARCH, indicates whether the attribute is to be used in the context of staging or searches.

  2. Define the custom attribute using one of the available CUSTOM ATTRIBUTE values. Enter your custom PL/SQL procedure and define transformations for the attribute. See: Defining Attributes and Transformations.

    Note: If you do not plan to transform the party information for a custom attribute, then use an Exact transformation.

Related Topics

Attributes for DQM

Creating Custom Transformations

You can create transforms to transform any of the TCA Registry attributes in the entities used in DQM: Party, Address, Contact, and Contact Point.


  1. Create a PL/SQL function for transforming a TCA table column.

    Create the transformation in the APPS schema as a PL/SQL function that conforms to the following standard signature:

    FUNCTION <transformation_function_name>  
        p_original_value         IN     <ATTRIBUTE_DATATYPE>  
        p_language               IN     VARCHAR2,
        p_attribute_name         IN     VARCHAR2,  
        p_entity_name            IN     VARCHAR2,  
        p_context                IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) 
    • p_original_value: The data type of the parameter p_original_value depends on the data type of the attribute that the parameter is transforming. The return value, however, must be VARCHAR2.

      This table shows an example of p_original_value data types for different attributes.

      Attribute Name Attribute Code Data Type of p_original_value
      Party Name PARTY_NAME VARCHAR2
      Person Name PERSON_NAME VARCHAR2
      Last Update Date LAST_UPDATE_DATE DATE
      Date of Birth DATE_OF_BIRTH DATE
    • p_language: You must include this parameter, but cannot use it.

    • p_context_value: The p_context value, STAGE or SEARCH, indicates whether the transformation is to be used in the context of staging or searches.

      You can use any PL/SQL procedure that adheres to the above signature as a transformation.

  2. Assign your custom PL/SQL function to a transformation. To use the transformation, you must also assign the transformation to at least one attribute. See: Defining Attributes and Transformations.

Related Topics

Transformations Overview

Attribute and Transformation Tips

When you create and use transformations, consider these issues:

Match Rules Overview

Match rules determine whether two records should be identified as a match. A match rule has one of these purposes:

Match rules with Bulk or Expanded Duplicate Identification purpose support score-based matching and consist of two parts, acquisition and scoring. Acquisition provides an initial set of possible matches, and scoring assigns scores to attributes to further filter matches and rank the results.

A match rule can be of type:

Administering Match Rules

Related Topics

The Matching Process

Data Quality Management Overview

The Matching Process

The matching process depends on the purpose of the involved match rule. See:

Related Topics

Match Rules Overview

Search Matching Process

This diagram describes the DQM matching process involving match rules with the Search purpose.

the picture is described in the document text

  1. The staged schema stores the transformed TCA Registry attribute values for comparison in the matching process. The included attributes and the transformations applied to each are defined in the Define Attributes and Transformations page.

  2. Input records come in when you enter party information or search criteria.

  3. The attributes in the match rule assigned the highest level of uniqueness, as defined in the Define Attributes and Transformations page, are transformed by the transformations ordered first in the match rule based on match precision. This combination represents criteria for the most exact matches.

    For example, the Address 1 attribute provides a more unique value, across records, than the City attribute. The EXACT transformation, which modifies values less than the CLEANSE transformation, would provide more precise matches based on the transformed values. So Address 1, defined as the most unique attribute for the Address element, is first transformed by EXACT.

  4. The attribute values in the input record that are transformed by the transformations in the match rule are compared against the attribute values in the staged schema to determine matches.

    Note: In order for an attribute to be shown to the user during search, the attribute must be set for acquisition or both scoring and acquisition. It should not be set at scoring only as the attributes will not be displayed on the UI.

  5. For each entity, steps 3 through 4 are repeated in sequence of attribute uniqueness and transformation order.

  6. When a maximum number of matches is reached, the match results are returned. Search results from the first sequence, with the most exact criteria, would have the highest match percentages.

Related Topics

The Matching Process

Expanded Duplicate Identification Matching Process

This diagram describes the DQM matching process involving match rules with the Expanded Duplicate Identification purpose.

the picture is described in the document text

  1. The staged schema stores the transformed TCA Registry attribute values for comparison in the matching process. The included attributes and the transformations applied to each are defined in the Define Attributes and Transformations page.

  2. Input records come in when you enter party information, or run a duplicate identification process.

  3. Transformations from the acquisition and scoring phases of the match rule transform the input record, one entity at a time, for the attributes defined in the match rule.

  4. The attribute values in the input record that are transformed by the acquisition transformations in the match rule are compared against the attribute values in the staged schema.

    Matched acquisition attribute values determine the most relevant subset of records from the staged schema to form the work unit.

  5. The work unit consists of all records from the staged schema with attribute values that match the transformed acquisition attribute values of the input record.

    The work unit saves you time and resources because this relevant subset of records, not the entire staged schema, can be compared against the input record for scoring.

  6. The attribute values in the input record that are transformed by the scoring transformations in the match rule are compared against the attribute values in the work unit. Based on the match rule, a score is calculated for each record in the work unit.

  7. Steps 3 through 6 are repeated for each entity.

  8. Scores from all entities are added together for each record.

  9. The score of each work unit record is compared against the match and Automerge thresholds defined in the match rule.

    • Records with scores that reach the match threshold are selected as matches for the input record.

    • Records with scores that also reach the Automerge threshold are automatically merged if Automerge is implemented and the match rule is designated for use with Automerge.

Related Topics

The Matching Process

Bulk Duplicate Identification Matching Process

This diagram describes the bulk duplicate identification process, involving match rules with the Bulk Duplicate Identification purpose.

the picture is described in the document text

  1. The staged schema stores the transformed TCA Registry attribute values for comparison in the matching process. The included attributes and the transformations applied to each are defined in the Define Attributes and Transformations page.

    Also defined are the attribute and transformation combinations to be used for bulk duplicate identification. The staged schema includes B-Tree indexes only for the transformed attributes marked for bulk duplicate identification.

  2. A duplicate identification process is started, either for a subset of records in the TCA Registry or for the entire Registry. The transformed version of that set of input records is already represented in the staged schema.

  3. With the Bulk Duplicate Identification purpose, the match rule specified for the duplicate identification is applied to the staged schema, which is joined with the input set for bulk comparison.

    1. Using the acquisition criteria in the match rule, each record in the input set is compared to all other records in the same staged table.

      For example, an acquisition criterion is the D-U-N-S Number attribute with the Exact transformation. All D-U-N-S Numbers, as transformed by the Exact transformation, would be compared against one another.

    2. Matched acquisition attribute values determine the most relevant subset of records from the staged schema to form the work unit.

    3. Using the scoring criteria in the match rule, each record in the work unit is compared to all other work unit records in the same staged table.

    4. A score is calculated for each record in the work unit, and scores for all entities are added together for determining duplicate parties.

  4. The score of each work unit record is compared against the match and automatic merge thresholds defined in the match rule.

    • Records with scores above the match threshold are selected as potential duplicates.

    • Records with scores that also exceed the Automerge threshold are automatically merged, if Automerge is implemented and the match rule is designated for use with Automerge.

Related Topics

Bulk Duplicate Identification.

The Matching Process

Integration Services Duplicate Identification Matching Process

This diagram describes the duplicate identification process, involving match rules with the Integration Services purpose.

the picture is described in the document text

  1. When a person or organization is created in Customer Data Hub, the duplicate identification process checks if HZ: Enable DQM for Integration Services profile option is set to Yes.

  2. If data quality is enabled, the DQM Organization/Person Search API uses the following logic to identify if the new organization or person:

    • If the match score is less than the Match Threshold value then the new organization or person is retained.

    • If the match score is more than or equal to the Match Threshold value but less than the Automerge Threshold value, then a merge request is created to merge the existing organization or person and the new organization or person.

    • If the match score is more than or equal to the Automerge Threshold value then an Automerge request is created to merge the existing organization or person and the new organization or person.

  3. If more than one existing organization or person is retrieved as a potential match for the new organization or person, then the matching process is executed for the record with the highest match score. This rules applies to both, the Automerge and Create Merge request processes.

  4. If more than one existing organization or person is retrieved as a potential match for the new organization or person, and all records have the same high match score, then the matching process is executed for the record with the most recent last update date. This rules applies to both, the Automerge and Create Merge request processes.

Defining Single Match Rules

You define a match rule when you create a custom rule, update an existing custom rule, or copy an existing seeded or custom rule. You cannot update a seeded match rule.

When you define match rules, you can specify which attributes are important for matching and configure how the attributes should be evaluated. For each attribute that you use in a match rule, you also assign one or more transformations.

For example, you can define a match rule so that only records with the same transformed party name and party number attribute values are considered matches. You can also determine how matching or similar attributes are evaluated to provide meaningful search results or duplicate candidates.

For your business needs, you do not need to use all of the functions of match rules with the Expanded Duplicate Identification, Bulk Duplicate Identification, or the Integration Services purpose.


  1. Enter the basic information for the match rule. See: Entering Match Rule Details.

  2. Select attributes for the match rule. See: Selecting Attributes and Defining Usage.

  3. (Match rules with Bulk Duplicate Identification and Expanded Duplicate Identification purpose only) Define the usage of the attributes. See: Selecting Attributes and Defining Usage.

  4. Assign transformations. For match rules with Bulk Duplicate Identification, Expanded Duplicate Identification, and Integration Services purpose only, also define scores and thresholds. Submit the match rule. See: Assigning Scores, Transformations, and Thresholds.

  5. Compile the match rule. See: Compiling Match Rules.

Related Topics

Match Rules Overview

The Matching Process

Match Rule Example

Entering Match Rule Details

Note: The match rule purpose that you select determines various aspects of defining the match rule, for this as well as subsequent procedures.


  1. Enter the basic information for the match rule, including its name and purpose.

    Note: You cannot change a match rule's purpose after the match rule has been saved.

  2. For match rules with Expanded Duplicate Identification, Bulk Duplicate Identification, or Integration Services purpose, specify for the search operator if a record must match any or all acquisition attributes to be considered a match.

    Even if you select Match Any, a record still must match all acquisition attributes within the same entity, except Party. For example, for acquisition, you have only the Party Name and D-U-N-S Number attributes from the Party entity, and City and State from the Address entity. If a record matches only D-U-N-S Number, it is considered a match. If it matches only State, it is not considered a match. Because City is also from the Address entity, the record would need to match both City and State.

  3. For match rules with Expanded Duplicate Identification, Bulk Duplicate Identification, or Integration Services purpose, indicate if the Allow Automerge check box must be selected. See: Automerge.

    Caution: You cannot undo automatic merges. For Automerge, use only match rules that provide exact matches.

  4. For match rules with Search purpose, indicate if the match rule can be used to identify existing records that are possible duplicates of a new record, to prevent duplicates from being saved.

Related Topics

Defining Single Match Rules

Selecting Attributes and Defining Usage

After you have entered basic details for the match rule you are creating, you select attributes to include in the match rule and, for match rules with Expanded Duplicate Identification or Bulk Duplicate Identification purpose, define the usage of each attribute.

After this procedure, assign transformations and, for match rules with Expanded Duplicate Identification or Bulk Duplicate Identification purpose, optionally scores and thresholds. See: Assigning Scores, Transformations, and Thresholds.


  1. Select attributes, from the Party, Address, Contact, and Contact Point entities, that help you obtain all relevant matches. For example, if you want to find records that have matching names, include the Party Name attribute in the match rule.

    Note: Only defined attributes are available for you to select. See: Defining Attributes and Transformations.

    If this match rule has the Bulk Duplicate Identification purpose, and you plan to use this rule for bulk import, then do not select user-defined custom attributes. See: Bulk Import Overview, Oracle Trading Community Architecture User Guide.

    If you are defining a match rule with the Search purpose, the selected attributes determine the search criteria that appear in the user interface. The actual prompt that appears for each criterion is the user defined name. See: Defining Attributes and Transformations.

  2. (Bulk Duplicate Identification, Expanded Duplicate Identification or Integration Services only) Define the usage of the selected attributes in the match rule..

    • Acquisition: Used for comparing an input record to the records in the staged schema, to obtain an initial set of matched records.

      If you specify more than one acquisition attribute in the match rule, the search operator that you defined for the match rule determines whether all or any attribute must match to determine if the input record is a match to a record in the staged schema. See: Defining Single Match Rules.

      Do not be too restrictive with your acquisition if you want fairly loose matches. For example, if you use the Address, City, and State attributes for acquisition, with the Match All search operator, then a record must have the same combination of address, city, and state to match. If you use just City and State, however, you will have more potential matches, and can still use address as a match criterion by including Address as a scoring attribute.

      The initial set of matched records obtained by acquisition is called the work unit. A work unit includes all records with acquisition attribute values, transformed using the transformations, that match attribute values of the input record. The work unit can be the final set of matches or used for scoring.

      If you only want to consider this initial set of matched records, you do not have to define scoring attributes and specify thresholds or scores. You would have a match rule that requires that a record matches any or all acquisition attributes you have selected.

    • Filter: Used in acquisition so that the attribute must be a match in the work unit. The search engine groups filter attributes of the same entity under a match-all condition, even the Party entity.

      Note: If the attribute's type is Lookup, then the DQM search engine defaults that attribute as a filter because the values of the attribute are usually not unique across records.

      For example, this table displays a set of acquisition attributes:

      Attribute Name Entity Type Filter Default as Filter
      Party Name Party   Yes No
      D-U-N-S Number Party   Yes No
      CEO Name Party   No No
      Address 1 Address   No No
      Country Address Lookup Yes Yes
      Phone Number Contact Point   No No

      If the match rule's search operator is Match Any, then all of the returned records will match either of the following criteria:

      • Party Name and D-U-N-S Number

      • Address 1 and Country

      Even though the search operator is Match Any, and Address 1 is not a filter, all acquisition attributes within the same entity, other than Party, must be a match. In this case, because they are filters within the same entity, party attributes Party Name and D-U-N-S Number both also must match. See: Defining Single Match Rules.

      Note: Attributes used as filters are only used in acquisition, not scoring, because all records must contain these filter attributes.

    • Scoring: Used to score the records in the work unit. With the scoring component of a match rule, records that do not exactly match the values of the acquisition attributes values can still be considered a match.

      Note: Scoring attributes do not have to be the same as the acquisition attributes, and you can use more attributes for scoring. For best results with match rules with the Search purpose, however, use the same attributes for both acquisition and scoring.

      You must have acquisition attributes from each entity that has scoring attributes in the same match rule. For example, if you have scoring attributes from the Party and Contact Point entities, you must also have acquisition attributes from those two entities, even if not the exact same attributes.

Related Topics

Defining Single Match Rules

The Matching Process

Assigning Scores, Transformations, and Thresholds

After you have selected attributes for the match rule and defined their usage, assign transformations for each attribute. For match rules with Bulk Duplicate Identification or Expanded Duplicate Identification purpose, you also define the scores and weights used to calculate the match score for each record in the work unit. The match score for the entire record is the sum of the actual weighted attribute scores. This match score is the value that is compared to the match rule thresholds to evaluate the record in the work unit.

Procedure for Match Rules with Search Purpose

  1. To specify the order in which attributes appear as search criteria, assign a number to every attribute. Use positive integers greater than 0. The numbering does not have to be gapless.

    For example, if you have four attributes, the first row of displayed search criteria contains attribute 1 and 2, from left to right. The second row contains attribute 3 and 4, from left to right. All attributes without an assigned number are displayed last.

  2. Assign at least one transformation for each attribute. You can choose more than one transformation for each of the attributes in the match rule.

    Tip: Use the fewest transformations possible in your match rule. Using more transformations than necessary could affect the time required for staging and the performance of your search.

    Transformations that appear by default were selected to do so, in the specified order, on the Define Attributes and Transformations page. See: Defining Attributes and Transformations.

  3. Use Up and Down to order the transformations. For example, the CLEANSE transformation alters the original attribute value more than EXACT does. You would order EXACT before CLEANSE because the transformed value is closer to the original and provides a more precise match.

    This order determines how the search is processed. See: Search Matching Process.

  4. You can save the match rule definition and compile it later. A new or updated match rule cannot be used until it is compiled. See: Compiling Match Rules.

Procedure for Match Rules with Bulk Duplicate Identification or Expanded Duplicate Identification Purpose

This table describes some terms in the pages used for this procedure.

Selected Terminology
Term Description
Score A numeric value awarded to a record if the attribute is evaluated as a match. If the attribute does not match, then a score of zero is assigned.
This score is then multiplied by the weight percentage of the attribute, if any, to determine the final weighted attribute score that counts toward the match score of the record.
Weight A percentage used to determine a weighted score. If a transformed attribute value is a match, the weight is multiplied by the attribute score to determine the weighted score of the attribute. If an attribute is assigned more than one transformation, the highest weighted score is awarded to the record for the attribute.
For example, you assign the Party Type scoring attribute a score of 50, and assign the transformations Exact and Cleanse to that attribute. You give Exact a 80% weight and Cleanse 50%. If the Party Type attribute is a match with both transformations, the attribute's weighted score would be 40.
Adjusted Score The attribute score multiplied by the weight percentage for the attribute and transformation combination.
Match Threshold A threshold that must be met for records to be considered a match. The Match Threshold for search rules is expressed as a percentage.
Automerge Threshold A threshold that must be reached for Automerge. A record with a score equal to or above the Automerge threshold is marked by default as a candidate for merge without manual intervention. The record will be automatically merged if Automerge is implemented.
Similarity An algorithm that compares the transformed attribute value of the input record to the corresponding attribute value from the work unit record and assigns a percentage for the extent of similarity. This similarity percentage is the edit distance between two strings, or groups of text, computed as follows:
  1. Determine the edit distance, or the number of changes required to make the longer string match the shorter string.

    For example, for Smythe and Smith, the edit distance is two.

  2. Subtract the edit distance from the number of characters in the longest string.

    Following the example above: 6 - 2 = 4.

  3. Divide the amount calculated in step 2 by the number of characters in the longest string.

    Continuing the example: 4/6 = 0.6666.

  4. Express the result as an integer.

    In this example the result would be a similarity score of 67.

If two strings are identical, then the similarity percentage equals 100. If no characters in the two strings are the same, then the similarity percentage is zero.
  1. Rank your scoring attributes in order of importance by assigning scores in the form of integers. Assign the highest score to the attribute that you consider the most important for a match.

  2. Assign at least one transformation for each acquisition, filter, and scoring attribute. DQM applies the selected transformations to that attribute before the input record is compared to the record in the work unit. You can choose more than one transformation for each of the attributes in the match rule.

    Tip: Use the fewest transformations possible in your match rule. Using more transformations than necessary could affect the time required for staging and the performance of your search.

    If the match rule has the Bulk Duplicate Identification purpose, then only transformations marked for Bulk Acquisition on that page are available for the corresponding attribute. See: Defining Attributes and Transformations.

  3. For scoring attributes, optionally assign weights and, available through personalization, similarity matching. You also specify if the attribute and transformation combination is used in acquisition or scoring processes when the match rule runs.

    • Weight: Assign percentage weights to the transformations depending on how similar the transformed value of the attribute would be to the original values of the attribute. For example, you should assign more weight to the Exact transformation than to the Cleanse transformation because Exact makes fewer changes to the original data.

    • Similarity: The Similarity matching option does not require an exact match, letting you create fuzzier matches by applying the similarity algorithm to transformed attribute values. The similarity algorithm compensates for unanticipated errors that the transformations do not catch.

      If the computed percentage is greater than or equal to the similarity percentage that you define in the match rule, the attribute is considered a match. If you select the Similarity option, you must enter this similarity percentage.

      Note: The Similarity option requires additional computing resources and time.

  4. Define match rule thresholds.

    Note: Make sure that:

    • You do not set any thresholds too low. Low thresholds might let combinations of attributes pass as matches that are not significant.

    • Each threshold is less than the sum of the possible scores of all attributes.

    • Match Threshold: To compute what you should enter, determine the minimum set of attributes required for a match. The total of the attribute scores of this minimum set is the maximum value of the match threshold.

    • Automerge Threshold: You can enter this threshold only if the match rule is allowed for Automerge. See: Defining Single Match Rules.

      To compute the Automerge threshold, determine the minimum set of attributes required for considering two parties for merge. The total of the attribute scores of this minimum set is the maximum value for the Automerge threshold.

      The automatic merge threshold must be more than or equal to the match threshold.

      Caution: You cannot unmerge records that are automatically merged. Set the automatic merge threshold high enough to prevent merging records that are not definite duplicates.

  5. You can save the match rule definition and compile it later. A new or updated match rule cannot be used until it is compiled. See: Compiling Match Rules.

Related Topics

Defining Single Match Rules

The Matching Process

Match Rule Example

This section provides an example of how you can develop a match rule. This example focuses on the scoring and threshold components, detailing the thought process you might take to create an effective match rule.

Preparing for the Match Rule

  1. Create a list of all of the attributes that should match between two matching records. This list should include attributes that are really important as well as attributes that are just good to have as matches.

    For this example, this table shows the following list of attributes:

    Attribute Name Entity Type
    Party Name Party  
    Phone Number Contact Point  
    Address1 Address  
    Country Address Lookup
    Postal Code Address  
    Contact Last Name Address  
  2. Rank the order of importance of the attributes, as shown in this table:

    Rank Attribute Name Entity Type
    1 Party Name Party  
    2 Phone Number Contact Point  
    3 Contact Last Name Contact  
    4 Address1 Address  
    5 Country Address Lookup
    6 Postal Code Address  

    This ranking indicates that the attribute score you assign to party name is the highest and the scores are lower or stay the same as you go down the ranking.

  3. Identify the minimum sets of attributes you require to match for records to be considered matches, for example:

    • Only the party name

    • Only the phone number

      This requirement indicates that your acquisition attributes should at least include party name and phone number and that you should select the Match Any search operator.

  4. Identify the sets of attributes that by themselves are not good enough to indicate that you have matching records, but which, if they were close enough matches, might give additional credence to a match on the minimum set of party name and phone number.

    • Only address

    • Only country

    • Only postal code

    • Only address and country

    • Only address and postal code

    • Only country and postal code

    • Only contact last name

      This selection determines the attributes that you need to include as scoring attributes.

Selecting Attributes and Assigning Scores

  1. You should select the Match Any search operator because you have two sets in step 3 of Preparing for the Match Rule.

  2. Choose attributes from step 1 of Preparing for the Match Rule that would get you all of the possible matches. You must include the attributes from step 3 of Preparing for the Match Rule. For this example, you select:

    • Party Name

    • Phone Number

    • Contact Last Name

  3. Select attributes from step 1 of Preparing for the Match Rule that you want to use to score the records. You must include the attributes from step 4 of Preparing for the Match Rule.

    This table shows the scoring attributes.

    Attribute Name Entity Type
    Party Name Party  
    Phone Number Contact Point  
    Address1 Address  
    Country Address Lookup
    Postal Code Address  
    Contact Last Name Contact  
  4. Assign scores to the scoring attributes following the ranking in step 2 of Preparing for the Match Rule. The most important attributes receive the highest scores. For this example, the score assignments should reflect the following:

    • Matches on party name provide the best match results, so you assign the highest score to party name.

    • Matches on a phone number might be the second best matching criterion, so you assign the next highest score to phone number.

    • Combinations of the address components and contact last name are the third best, so you assign scores by relative importance.

    • The contact last name attribute is estimated to have about the same value as the address1 attribute.

    For this example, the scores in this table are assigned to the scoring attributes.

    Scoring Attributes Scores
    Party Name 40
    Phone Number 30
    Address1 15
    Country 10
    Postal Code 10
    Contact Last Name 15

    The total score for the attributes in this table is 120.

Setting the Match Threshold

  1. Obtain minimum sets from step 3 of Preparing for the Match Rule and total attribute scores from step 4 of Selecting Attributes and Assigning Scores.

    • For Party Name the total attribute score is 40.

    • For Phone Number the total attribute score is 30.

  2. Set your match threshold based on the lower score of the two minimum sets, in this example, 30.

With the match threshold at 30, you can interpret scoring as follows:

With the match threshold at 30, this table shows results of possible matches:

Possible Matches Cumulative Score Match
Party Name 40 Yes
Phone Number 30 Yes
County, Postal Code, and Contact Last Name 35 Yes
Address1, Country, and Postal Code 35 Yes
Party Name and Phone Number 70 Yes
Phone Number and Country 40 Yes
Address1 and Country 25 No
Country and Postal Code 20 No
Party Name, Address1, and Contact Last Name 70 Yes

Considering the Impact of Transformations on Your Thresholds

If you have transformation weights other than 100%, then you might need to tune your threshold. With weights other than 100%, the total score for the record can be lower than the match threshold that you assigned. The total score is the sum of attribute scores that are multiplied by the weight.

For example, a minimum set of attributes required for match consists of party name. The following table shows the transformations and weights assigned to the Party Name attribute, as well as the weighted attribute scores calculated for each transformation.

Party Name Attribute with Attribute Score 40

Transformation Weight % Weighted Attribute Score Calculation
Exact 100 100% * 40 = 40
Reverse 80 80% * 40 = 32
Cleanse 50 50% * 40 = 20

Depending on the transformations, a matching party name can have a weighted attribute score below 40. With a weighted score of 20, for example, this minimum set might not exceed the match threshold of 30. If you want all possible matches that originate from any of the transformations, you might want to adjust some of your values.

You have three options:

  1. Decrease the match threshold to the lowest possible weighted attribute score. Performing this option might affect the scores of other attributes and thresholds.

  2. Increase the weight of the transformations so that the lowest possible weighted attribute score exceeds the match threshold. This option might not always be possible because weights must be less than or equal to 100.

  3. Increase the attribute score so that the lowest possible weighted attribute score exceeds the match threshold.

For example, you can increase the Party Name attribute score to 60 and the Cleanse transformation weight to 70%. This table shows the adjusted assignments with each possible weighted attribute score exceeding the match threshold of 30.

Party Name Attribute with Attribute Score 60

Transformation Weight % Weighted Attribute Score
Exact 100 60
Reverse 80 48
Cleanse 70 42

Defining Match Rule Sets

You define a match rule set when you create a set, as well as update or copy an existing set.


  1. Enter the basic information for the match rule set, including its name and the purpose of all match rules in the set. The Bulk Duplicate Identification purpose is not used in match rule sets because bulk duplicate identification processes in bulk. For match rule sets to function effectively, the records must be processed row by row.

    Note: After a set is first created and compiled, you cannot change the purpose when you later update or copy the match rule set.

  2. Specify a fallback match rule, at least one match rule to include in the set, and the conditions under which to use each match rule. All combinations of the condition components must be unique.

    Note: If a match rule set with Search purpose is used to render search UI, then the superset of all attributes in the set is the displayed search criteria.

    For example, to run a match rule for Australian addresses, you define the condition as:

    • Entity: Address

    • Attribute: Country

    • Operation: Equals

    • Value: Australia

      Note: The value is not case sensitive.

  3. Define the order in which the match rule set conditions are evaluated. The first condition to be met determines which match rule runs.

    You can save the match rule set definition and compile it later. A new or updated match rule set cannot be used until it is compiled. See: Compiling Match Rules.

Related Topics

Match Rules Overview

DQM Compile All Rules Program

Use the DQM Compile All Rules program when you initially install DQM to compile the seeded match rules provided by TCA. You can also use this program to compile all of the match rules that you create or update.

You can compile selected match rules in the Match Rules page, while this program always compiles all rules. The program attempts to compile all match rules even if certain match rules fail to compile. Match rules that are already compiled remain compiled, and match rules that can be successfully compiled are compiled. Match rules that fail to compile are left uncompiled.

You can see the compile status of each match rule in the Match Rules page.


Before you can compile your match rules, you must run the DQM Staging program. For more information, see: DQM Staging Program.

Related Topics

Compiling Match Rules

Quality Adjusted Search Results

The Quality Adjusted Search Results feature takes a record's match percentage, as determined by a match rule, and adjusts it based on what you define as quality. This feature applies only to searches, or matching processes using match rules of type Search, and only to records with scores that reach the match rule's match threshold percentage value. You get search results that are based on both similarity to search criteria and quality, sorted by the quality adjusted match percentage.

If the HZ: Enable Quality Weighting for DQM Match Scores profile option is set to Yes, then DQM applies two user hook procedures to search results that reach the match threshold. The first procedure determines the quality weighting, or the percentage of the final adjusted match percentage that should be based on quality. The second determines the quality score, which represents the user-defined quality of a record, with 100 as the highest possible.

To set up, you must:


This table shows the records that a match rule has identified as search results, with the match percentages that the match rule has calculated.

Record Match Percentage
A 70%
B 67%
C 65%
D 62%

The first user hook procedure determines that the quality weighting is 20%, and the second procedure calculates the quality scores as shown in this table.

Record Match Percentage Quality Score
A 70% 50
B 67% 20
C 65% 60
D 62% 80

If 20% of the final adjusted match percentage is from the quality score, then 80% is from the original match percentage. The match percentage must be adjusted to be out of 80%, not 100%. This adjustment, for the weighted match percentage, is calculated as:

Weighted Match Percentage = Match Percentage * (100 - Quality Weighting) / 100

The quality score must also be adjusted based on the quality weighting of 20%. The weighted quality percentage is calculated as:

Weighted Quality Percentage = Quality Score * Quality Weighting / 100

This table shows the weighted match percentages and weighted quality percentages, with quality weighting of 20%.

Record Match Percentage Weighted Match Percentage Quality Score Weighted Quality Percentage
A 70% 56% 50 10%
B 67% 53.6% 20 4%
C 65% 52% 60 12%
D 62% 49.6% 80 16%

The final quality adjusted match percentage is calculated by adding the weighted match percentage and the weighted quality percentage. This table shows the search results, sorted by the quality adjusted percentages.

Record Weighted Match Percentage Weighted Quality Percentage Quality Adjusted Match Percentage
A 56% 10% 66%
D 49.6% 16% 65.6%
C 52% 12% 64%
B 53.6% 4% 57.6%

Note how the order of the records have changed when quality is taken into account.

Creating Logic for Quality Adjusted Search Results

For the logic to use in calculating quality adjusted search results, you must write two user hook procedures for the HZ_DQM_QUALITY_UH_PKG package: get_quality_weighting and get_quality_score. These procedures let you implement the logic to use, according to your organization's needs and definitions of quality.

The template code for the HZ_DQM_QUALITY_UH_PKG package is present in the file $AR_TOP/patch/115/sql/ARHDQUHB.pls, which has dummy implementations for the user hook procedures. Copy this file and provide actual implementations for the quality weighting and scoring procedures.


In the get_quality_weighting procedure, include all the possible search match rules that are used for quality adjusted search results. You can assign different quality weighting to the match rules.


FUNCTION get_quality_weighting(p_match_rule_id IN NUMBER)
     l_quality_weighting NUMBER := 0;
          IF (p_match_rule_id = 8) THEN 
               l_quality_weighting := 20;
          ELSIF (p_match_rule_id = 10) THEN
               l_quality_weighting := 25;
          END IF; 
     RETURN l_quality_weighting; 
END get_quality_weighting;

For example, a search is run using the match rule with the ID of 10. The get_quality_weighting procedure would determine that 25% of the quality adjusted match percentage is based on the quality score. The remaining 75% is based on the original match percentage.


In the get_quality_score procedure, include all the possible search match rules that are used for quality adjusted search results. The logic in this procedure can be as simple or complex as you need. You can base the logic only on record values passed to the procedure, for example the certification level or whether a DUNS Number exists or not. For a more complex approach, you can instead take the passed values and use them to join to any number of tables to determine quality, or to call other procedures, APIs, programs, and so on.

Caution: The more complex the procedure, the more the performance might be negatively affected.


FUNCTION get_quality_score(p_match_rule_id IN NUMBER, p_hz_party_rec IN HZ_PARTIES%ROWTYPE) 
     l_quality_score NUMBER := 0;
          IF (p_match_rule_id = 8) THEN 
               IF p_hz_party_rec.duns_number IS NOT NULL THEN 
                    l_quality_score := 50; 
               END IF;
          ELSIF (p_match_rule_id = 10) THEN
               IF p_hz_party_rec.duns_number IS NOT NULL THEN 
                    l_quality_score := 35; 
               END IF; 
          END IF;
     RETURN l_quality_score;
END get_quality_score; 

For example, a search is run using the match rule with the ID of 10, and the record that is evaluated has a DUNS Number. The get_quality_score procedure would assign this record a score of 75.

Related Topics

Quality Adjusted Search Results

Viewing Match Rules

View the details of match rules of type Single or Set.

Related Topics

Match Rules Overview

Staged Schema

The staged schema is a separate set of database tables with a portion of the data from the TCA Registry that transformations have standardized for improved matching. During matching, the input record is compared against the records in the staged schema instead of the original Registry. To enable efficient searches, the staged schema is indexed using Oracle interMedia and B-Tree indexes. DQM searches against the indexes to take advantage of high performance capabilities in searching through large quantities of data.

Staged Schema Features

Each table in the staged schema contains attribute values for each entity: Party, Address, Contact, and Contact Point, and can include up to 30 custom attributes. In the Define Attributes and Transformations page, you define the attributes that you want in the staged schema as well as the transformations to apply to each attribute value. See: Defining Attributes and Transformations.

For example, for the Party entity, you can include the party name attribute and specify two transformations to transform the party names. Each attribute, in essence, corresponds to a column in a TCA Registry table that stores the attribute value, and the staged schema contains the transformed version of those values.

See: Seeded Attributes, Oracle Trading Community Architecture Reference Guide.

This table shows the mapping of the TCA Registry to the staged schema. The staged schema table that is used depends on the program you run to stage data. See: Administering the Staged Schema.

Entity TCA Registry Table Staged Schema Table

Administering the Staged Schema

Data Quality Management lets you:

interMedia Indexes

interMedia indexes speed up the acquisition phase of the matching process by quickly limiting the number of parties to evaluate for scoring. interMedia indexes are built using inverted indexes, a structure that differs from normal indexes. DQM provides four interMedia indexes, one for each entity.

You can:

B-Tree Indexes

B-Tree indexes are created in the staged schema only for attributes that were transformed for bulk duplicate identification. These indexes provide increased performance over interMedia indexes, and are used only for matching processes that involve match rules with the Bulk Duplicate Identification purpose. See: Bulk Duplicate Identification.

You can:

Related Topics

Data Quality Management Overview

DQM Staging Program

Use the DQM Staging program to create the staged schema, B-Tree, and interMedia indexes. This program applies transformations to a portion of the data contained in the TCA Registry and generates a separate schema with the transformed and standardized data.

When you specify in the Staging Command parameter to create indexes, the DQM Index Creation program automatically runs to generate interMedia and B-Tree indexes for the staged schema. Invoke the DQM Index Creation program not just to create indexes for the first time, but also to reindex the entire staged schema whenever necessary.

Tip: You can use the HZ: DQM Index Creation Memory profile option to override the default amount of memory that is allocated for creating interMedia indexes. See: Profile Options and Profile Option Categories.

The time that the program takes to create the staged schema depends on the size of your database and the number of attributes and transformations that you defined. To decrease the amount of time, you can specify how many parallel workers to use when you run the DQM Staging program. Workers are processes that run at the same time to complete a task that would otherwise take longer with a single process. The DQM Staging program invokes the DQM Stage Worker, which spins off parallel workers for staging the data.

Aside from creating the entire staged schema and the interMedia indexes, you can also run the DQM Staging program to:

You should estimate the disk space first before actually staging data. The report output displays, in megabytes, the space required to stage each entity and create all indexes, as well as the total for all entities and indexes.

Note: Run the DQM Staging program every time that you add or modify attributes or transformations. See: Defining Attributes and Transformations.


Before you submit the DQM Staging program, you must define attributes and transformations. See: Defining Attributes and Transformations.

Program Parameters

Related Topics

Staged Schema

DQM Index Optimization Program

Use the DQM Index Optimization program to optimize interMedia indexes. You can schedule this program to run on a periodic basis. In general, you can run the DQM Index Optimization program less frequently than the DQM Synchronization program. The DQM Index Optimization program improves the performance of interMedia searches, which gradually degrades over time. You should run this program once in a while, but frequent optimization is not mandatory.

The DQM Synchronization program, however, synchronizes data between the TCA Registry and the staged schema, so you should run this program as often as possible to keep the search results accurate. See: DQM Synchronization Program.


Before you submit the DQM Index Optimization program, you must make sure that both the staged schema and interMedia indexes exist.

Program Parameters

Number of Workers: Enter the number of parallel workers, between one and ten, that you want to use to optimize the existing interMedia indexes or leave the parameter blank. The DQM Index Optimization program runs with one worker if you leave the parameter blank.

Related Topics

Staged Schema

DQM Synchronization Method

Select either the Automatic or Batch synchronization method, or Disable for no synchronization between the staged schema and the TCA Registry. Synchronization ensures that any new or updated data in the TCA Registry is reflected in the staged schema, and interMedia and B-Tree indexes.

Related Topics

Staged Schema

DQM Synchronization Program

Use the DQM Synchronization program to synchronize an existing staged schema with the TCA Registry. The program:

You can schedule the DQM Synchronization program to be run on a periodic basis. The frequency that you want to submit this program with depends on:

If you run the program frequently, the data in the staged schema and indexes are sooner updated for your searches. The interMedia indexes, however become less optimal and slower to use. To optimize the interMedia indexes, see: DQM Index Optimization Program.


Program Parameter

Number of Workers: Enter the number of parallel workers, between one and ten, that you want to use to synchronize the staged schema, or leave the parameter blank. The synchronization runs with one worker if you leave the parameter blank.

Related Topics

Staged Schema

Merge Dictionary Overview

The Merge Dictionary stores the entities and procedures that must be processed to merge party entities for any Oracle application. During the merge process, each procedure sequentially executes for the entities defined in the Dictionary. Merge programs use the information in the Merge Dictionary to recognize which entities to merge, and they recognize the foreign keys and procedures without the need to recompile or regenerate the application code.

Each Oracle application maintains its own tables to store the information required to complete its business functions. During a merge process, all registered applications must be able to access the data for the appropriate entity that is related to the TCA Registry. If a merge procedure attempts to access a deleted party, the transaction, attributes, and other information for the party cannot be merged.

To maintain how Oracle applications are affected by the merge process, you register the entities, for example Accounts, Organization Contacts, and Party Sites, foreign keys, and procedures for specific Oracle applications in the Merge Dictionary. See: Maintaining the Merge Dictionary.

For example, if your company enters into a service contract with one of the parties in your Registry, you would use Oracle Receivables to send invoices and statements to that party and Oracle Service to administer that service contract. If that party is acquired by another party, is identified as a duplicate of another party, or has sites that must be consolidated, you must merge those parties or party sites. This party merge affects customer accounts and attributes of the parties in Oracle Receivables, Oracle Service, and other Oracle Applications.

The registration specifies the names of the procedures required to merge the entities that interact with the party entities. These entities can be identified using the foreign key attributes that they contain. If any entity contains an attribute that is a foreign key to any of the TCA entities, these entities should be part of the Merge Dictionary and a procedure should be created to handle the records in this entity during the merge process.

Some Oracle Applications, along with their party entities, are automatically registered at installation. If you have installed any of these applications, when you perform a merge, the entities associated with the parties in these applications are merged as well. See: Party and Account Merge Impact, Oracle Trading Community Architecture Reference Guide.

Related Topics

Data Quality Management Overview

Maintaining the Merge Dictionary

With the Merge Dictionary, you determine the sequence of entities to merge, as well as view, update, and add seeded or custom entities.

You add entities as a child of another entity. The parent entity is merged before the child, and the foreign key of the child points to the parent.

You can delete custom entities from the Merge Dictionary. The data from deleted entities will not be merged during any merge process, and all child entities under the deleted entity will also be deleted.

See: Customizing the Merge Dictionary.


Before you add any Oracle application to the Merge Dictionary, you must:

Entity Details

This table describes the details of the entity that you are viewing, updating, or adding. What you can update depends on whether the entity is seeded or custom.

Detail Description
Entity The name of the table that has a foreign key to the HZ_PARTIES table or a related table such as HZ_PARTY_SITES or HZ_CONTACT_POINTS.
Application The Oracle application affected by the merge process.
Sequence The order in which the entity is to be processed during a merge.
Parent Entity The name of the table that the foreign key of the entity refers to.
Primary Key The name of the primary key column for the entity.
Foreign Key The name of the foreign key column which links the entity to its parent entity.
Description A description of the entity, for example Party for HZ_PARTIES.
Description Columns The name of the columns used to generate a description for the record, for example, PARTY_NAME for the HZ_PARTIES table. You can alternatively enter a complex concatenation or decode expression. The description columns are used in reports and logs.
Procedure Name The name of the merge procedure, which must conform to the standard merge procedure signature.
Merge Records in Bulk Whether or not the merge procedure is called once for every record or for all records in the table that references the merged party.
If records are merged in bulk, you cannot assign child entities to this entity.
Additional Query Clause A SQL clause that is used to specify additional filtering conditions for joining the table to the related parent entity.
Batch Merge Routine Whether or not the merge procedure is a routine that should be processed in batch, for performance reasons. Generally, you should use this option if the table that this merge routine is created for has multiple foreign key references to TCA. This option lets you create one batch routine instead of a number of regular routines for each foreign key.

Customizing the Merge Dictionary

You can customize the Merge Dictionary by including your own custom entities as part of the merge process, so that custom entities can be merged using standard merge rules or custom rules. You must develop the code to customize the merge procedures used by your custom applications and entities. Your custom merge procedure should:

If the relationship between the parent and child entities involve more than one foreign key or is complex, you can enter an additional join condition in the merge procedure.

For example, the HZ_CONTACT_POINTS table can be associated with either a party or party sites based on the value of the owner_table_name. To associate HZ_CONTACT_POINTS with:

Related Topics

Merge Dictionary Overview

Creating Custom Merge Master Party Defaulting Method

The merge master party is the party in a duplicate set that remains in the TCA Registry after a merge. The HZ: Merge Master Party Defaulting profile option setting determines the method to use for defaulting the master for each duplicate set. You can define a custom user hook and set the profile option to User Hook to use your method. See: DQM Deployment Category.

Note: If you select User Hook as the profile value, then you must write the custom code in procedure HZ_USER_HOOK_PKG.default_master_user_hook() to link the user hook to the custom PL/SQL procedure.


The parameters for the custom user hook are:

User Hook Example

/* Use OSO party as master party, if it doesn't exist, use any party id 
in the dup set*/

procedure default_master_user_hook(
  p_dup_set_id            IN NUMBER,
  x_master_party_id        OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
  x_master_party_name        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
  x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
  x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
  x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ) is

    cursor get_OSOPartyId_csr is
        AND DSP.DUP_SET_ID= p_dup_set_id
        AND NVL(DSP.MERGE_FLAG,'Y') <> 'N'
        AND ROWNUM = 1;

    cursor get_RandomPartyId_csr is
        AND DSP.DUP_SET_ID= p_dup_set_id
        AND NVL(DSP.MERGE_FLAG,'Y') <> 'N'
        AND ROWNUM = 1;

    -- Initialize return status to SUCCESS
        x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;

      open get_OSOPartyId_csr;
    fetch get_OSOPartyId_csr into x_master_party_id,x_master_party_name;
        close get_OSOPartyId_csr;

    if x_master_party_id is null /* OSO party doesn't exist */
        open get_RandomPartyId_csr;
        fetch get_RandomPartyId_csr into 
            close get_RandomPartyId_csr;    
    end if;

        x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR;


                        p_encoded => FND_API.G_FALSE,
                        p_count => x_msg_count,
                        p_data  => x_msg_data);


Related Topics

Data Quality Management Overview


Automerge automatically merges records that exceed a specified threshold during duplicate identification. The Automerge program only runs if the match rule specified for the duplicate identification process is designated for Automerge.

Note: Automerge is always implemented as part of a duplicate identification process. You can manually run Automerge only to resubmit an automatic run that resulted in error.

The Automerge program evaluates records against the match and automatic merge thresholds set in that match rule. The program:

If a party is to be automatically merged, but already exists in a merge request in Oracle Customer Data Librarian, then an error is recorded in the Automerge log, and that party is not merged with its duplicates. The program continues and merges other parties that do not incur errors. See: De-Duplication Overview, Oracle Customer Data Librarian User Guide.

Rules for Automerge

In each duplicate set, two or more duplicate candidates are automatically merged into one merge master record. You can control aspects of the merge through profile options.

See: DQM Deployment Category.

Other rules of Automerge are:

Program Parameters

Run this program from Standard Request Submission only to resubmit an Automerge that resulted in error.

Related Topics

Data Quality Management Overview

Account Merge

You can merge accounts using the Create Account Merge Request API or the Create Account Merge web service. See the iRep for more information on account merge.

The following rules apply when an account merge takes place.

DQM Diagnostic Reports

Use DQM diagnostic reports to evaluate your DQM setup and understand how and why DQM processes are working as they are. You create a report to generate a report output that provides details of your DQM setup at the time of report submission. You can resubmit a report to regenerate the output using the same report parameters, but also to capture DQM setup details at a different time.

Note: The output from a resubmitted report replaces the previous output. To avoid this override, create a new report instead.

There are two types of DQM diagnostic reports:

The DQM Setup - Detailed report provides all the information that the DQM Setup - Basic report does, plus additional details.

DQM : Generate XML Data for the Diagnostic Reports

The DQM : Generate XML Data for the Diagnostic Reports program runs when you create a DQM diagnostic report from the DQM Diagnostics page. You can also run this program from Standard Request Submission to resubmit a previously run report, exactly the same as resubmitting from the DQM Diagnostics page. See: DQM Diagnostic Reports.

Program Parameter

Select the name of the DQM diagnostic report to resubmit.

Related Topics

Administering Data Quality Management

Data Quality Management Overview