Phase I: Setting Up Resource Manager

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Setting Up Resource Manager

Resource Manager is implemented in two phases. In the first phase, you set up Resource Manager by defining and configuring required components. In the second phase, you use Resource Manager to manage your resources. This section summarizes the steps to set up Resource Manager. Detailed instructions for these steps are provided in the subsequent sections.

Defining Resources

You can define resource by either importing it into Resource Manager and then modifying it or by creating it in Resource Manager.

Importing Resources

Instructions to import resources are contained in the following sections:

Creating Resources in Forms

You can create a salesperson in the Forms-based version of Resource Manager and designate it as type Other or TBH (To Be Hired). Resources of this type are written directly to the Resource Manager tables and do not appear in the HRMS tables. You can also create a resource such as a salesperson in Forms by first creating the resource in HRMS and then importing the resource into resource manager and modifying it as required. If you have not licensed HRMS, you can create a resource using the Form windows that are shared with HRMS and then using Resource Manager to import the resource. Detailed instructions for these steps are provided in the following sections:

Optionally Defining Role Types and Roles

After defining resource, you can organize them with roletypes and roles. A role type is a broad descriptive category such as "Sales" that contains one or more roles. A role is a more detailed descriptive categories such as "Sales Representative" or "Sales Manager". When a role is created, it is associated with a specific role attribute. This enables different roles to be grouped together when defining a resource reporting hierarchy. Detailed instructions for creating role types and roles and for assigning attributes to roles are provided in the following sections:

Defining Skill Levels in HTML

The final step in setting up Resource Manager is to define skill levels in the HTML version of Resource Manager. In the HTML version of Resource Manager, the appropriate users or system administrators with the Resource Self Service Administrator responsibility must set up the Define Skill Levels window. Instructions for performing this step are contained in the Defining Skill Levels in HTML section.

Configuring Group and Team Member Notifications

Resource Manager enables group and team members to receive Workflow notifications. This is particularly useful when important communications are sent to a group or team that require immediate dissemination to all of their members. For example, if a support group or team receives a high priority service request then all members of the group or team can simultaneously be notified to ensure that immediate action is taken. Resource Manager accomplishes this by integrating resources, groups, group members, teams, and team members with Workflow roles. When a resource is created or updated, its information, including relevant attributes, is stored in both Resource Manager and the corresponding Workflow role tables. Notifications can only be sent to all group or team members if the group-to-membership or team-to-membership relationship information stored in Resource Manager is in sync with the data stored in the corresponding Workflow role tables. To accomplish this, Resource Manager administrators must run the Synchronize Workflow Roles concurrent program on a periodic basis. Instructions for performing this step are contained in the Configuring Group and Team Member Notifications section.

Note: In addition to enabling group and team member notification, Resource Manager integration with Workflow roles also provides a framework for task security.

Publishing Workflow Business Events

Resource Manager uses event subscriptions to publish events such as creating, updating, and deleting resources to enable resource manager users to subscribe to these events and perform their required business processes. An event subscription is a registration indicating that a particular event is significant to a particular system and specifying which processing to perform when the triggering event occurs. Instructions for performing this step are contained in the Publishing Business Events section.

Mass Importing Resources From Other Applications in the E-Business Suite

Mass importing resources is the most common method of defining resources that are stored in E-Business applications such as HRMS, TCA, or PO. This is accomplished using concurrent programs listed in the following table to synchronize data between Resource Manager and the HRMS, TCA, and PO databases. Oracle recommends that the system administrator run the concurrent programs, listed in the following table, on a regular basis, to synchronize data between the Resource Manager and other applications and to maintain data integrity.

Importing Contingent Workers from Oracle HRMS

You can import contingent workers that are defined in HRMS into Resource Manager by using public APIs. Resource Manager does not differentiate between imported contingent workers and employees and exposes both as employee resources. You cannot maintain contingent workers in Resource Manager but can do so in Oracle HRMS.




CRM Administrator or

System Administrator


Navigate to the Navigator - CRM Administrator window, or

Navigate to the Navigator - System Administrator window


Run the Resource Manager concurrent programs listed in Resource Manager Concurrent Programs. Instructions for running the concurrent programs are contained in this section.

Note: Oracle strongly recommends that an employee, or party, or supplier contact not have more than one application user.

Note: If a resource (employee, party, or supplier contact) is linked to two or more application users, and imported into Resource Manager, then one application user is selected at random and associated with that resource.

Importing Resources From Legacy Applications Using APIs

You can import resource from legacy application using the Resource Manager public published APIs. To accomplish this you must first use the APIs of your legacy system to import the legacy data into either the HRMS, TCA, or PO databases. Once this is accomplished, create a batch program that calls the Resource Manager public published APIs and uses them to transfer data from HRMS, TCA, or PO, to Resource Manager. See the Resource Manager Public APIs, Oracle Trading Community Architecture Technical Implementation Guide for more information about Resource Manager public published APIs.

Importing Individual Resources

In some cases, you may want to import individual resources from different application databases. You can accomplish this by selecting a resource based on its category and then identifying its role and eligibility dates before saving it to Resource Manager.

You can import Employees, Parties, Partners, and Supplier Contacts into Resource Manager from Oracle HRMS, Purchasing and TCA, depending on the resource category you select. The only resource that you can create, but not import through the Resource window, is with category of Other, or To Be Hired in Forms. Perform the following steps to import a resource.





In the Navigator window select Resource Manager > Maintain Resources > Import Resources.


  1. Use the Select Resources to Import window to search for the resource you wish to import.

  2. Choose a resource from the search results.

  3. Optionally modify any of the default values. For example, you can automatically create a sales person when importing a resource by selecting the Create Salesperon Automatically checkbox and by choosing a value from the resulting Sales Credit Type field.

  4. Save the resource.

  5. Optionally define additional resource information such as roles, group or team membership by clicking the Details button and using the resulting forms as required.


Before importing an individual resource, you should understand the following:

See Also

Synchronize Employees

Creating a Resource Manually in Forms

Using the Resource window, you can manually designate a resource either as Other or as a salesperson of type Other or To Be Hired. Resources that are designated as Other can be individuals who are not salespeople or can be objects such as a hospital bed. When you designate a resource as a salesperson of type Other, then it must be associated with a specific organization however, resources are generally not associated with specific organizations.

Resource Window

You define a resource as a salesperson in the Resource window. This window contains a Resource section in which you provide basic information about the resource and a series of tabs that enable you to provide more detailed information about the resource. The Identification Num field of the Resource section enables you to specify a resource of type Other that is not a salesperson. The following table describes the available functions in the Resource window tabs:

Resource Tab Descriptions
Tab Description
Roles Use this tab to view, assign, and modify information about roles and role types. The role type is the actual role a resource plays, for example, Administrator or Contractor. These roles, role types, and role attributes check boxes are defined in the Setup window. The Start Date default is the current date, and it can be modified.
Groups Use this tab to view, assign, and modify information about groups. Groups are not necessarily one person, and a resource can belong to more than one group. The Groups tab reveals in detail which groups the resource belongs to, and the role in the group. Resources can play multiple roles in a group. Click the group name to display the group member roles if this resource has group member roles assigned.
Teams Use this tab to view, assign, and modify information about teams. Teams can comprise multiple groups and combinations of groups and individuals. Click the team name to view the Team Member Roles.
Service Use this tab to define the Agent Time Zone information and the Support Site where the resource works.
Interaction Center Use this tab to view, assign, and modify the email addresses and the Agent ID numbers of resources associated with the eMail Center or Call Center modules. This tab is used primarily by the Call Center and eMail Center modules. All fields are read-only. If the resource is not associated with either center, these fields are blank.
(Optional) Enter the Scripting Agent Login if the employee uses Oracle Scripting. Use the Telephony Parameters region to enter middleware configuration, parameters, and values for the agent. Which telephony parameters are required and which values to specify depend on the types of switch and CTI middleware used in the Call Center.
Compensation Use this tab to view or define the Currency Type corresponding to the Cost per Hour listed on the Service tab.
Receivables Use this tab to define a salesperson and to assign a territory.
Miscellaneous Use this tab to view personal information about the resource. The fields in this tab are read-only.

Receivables Tab

Some of the required functions for defining a resource as a salesperson are performed in the Receivables tab of the Resource window. The following table describes the available functions in the Receivables tab fields:

Field Descriptions for the Receivables tab in the Resource Window
Field Description
Date Active Enter the range of dates that this salesperson is to be active. Date Active (start date) is a required field, the Date Active (end date) is optional. If you do not enter an end date, this salesperson is active indefinitely.
Geo Override and Inside City Limits The Geo Override value associates the salesperson with a unique tax jurisdiction. Both fields are available only if you have installed a sales tax vendor of type Taxware Sales. Oracle recommends you use Tax System or Vertex Quantum.
Accounting Flexfield (Forms) The accounting flexfield includes Revenue, Freight, and Receivable Accounts. Receivables can use this information, along with your AutoAccounting rules, to determine the revenue, freight, and receivable accounts for invoices that you assign to this salesperson.
Territory Flexfield (Forms) If you want to assign a territory to this salesperson, then enter the range of dates that this territory is to be assigned to this salesperson. The Start Date defaults as the current date, but you can change it. If you do not enter an End Date, this territory is active for this salesperson infinitely.

Perform the following steps to create a salesperson.


  1. Log on to the system with the CRM Administrator or CRM Resource Manager reponsibility and in the Navigator, select Resource Manager > Maintain Resources > Resources.

  2. Click New in the Find Resource window.

  3. Select either TBH or Other for the Category.

  4. To create a salesperson, you must enter a valid value for the Salesperson Number. Although it can accept a 0 value, it is not recommended.

  5. Enter the name of the resource in the Name field. If the resource is an object such as a hospital bed, enter the name of the object in this field.

  6. Enter a Start Date for the resource.

    You must enter at least a start date here. The end date defaults to an open end data and is optional.

  7. (Optional) If the resource is type Other and is not a salesperson, enter the reference number for the resource in the Reference Num field.

  8. Select the Receivables tab and perform the following:

    1. Enter the range of dates that this resource is to be active.

      The Date Active (start date) is a required field and defaults as the current date. However, you can change it by accessing the calendar through the list of values (LOV). If you do not enter a Date Active (end date), this salesperson is active indefinitely. The Date Active cannot precede the Start Date.

      If the resource's status is Active but the transaction date that you enter is not within this date range, Receivables does not display this salesperson in the LOV in the Transactions window.

    2. (Optional) Enter the resource's Email address.

    3. (Optional) Enter a Geo Override value for the resource. This value associates the resource with a unique tax jurisdiction.

      The Geo Override and Inside City Limits fields are available only if you have installed a sales tax vendor of type Taxware Sales/Use Tax System or Vertex Quantum.

      If you entered a value in the Geo Override field and the tax jurisdiction for this address is within city limits, select the Inside City Limits check box. This check box is enabled only if your sales tax vendor is Vertex Quantum.

      For additional information, see the following:

      Oracle E-Business Tax: Vertex Q-Series and Taxware Sales/Use Tax System Implementation Guide.

    4. Check the Active for Receivables check box to indicate that this resource is an active salesperson for use in Oracle Receivables.

    5. Enter a quota Sales Credit Type.

      Oracle Order Management uses this information to determine if the sales credit for an order is a quota or non-quota amount. You can define additional sales credit types in Oracle Order Management. However, you can only assign Sales Credit Types that are of type 'Quota' to salespersons in Receivables.

    6. (Optional) Enter the Accounting Flexfield for your Revenue, Freight, and Receivable Accounts.

      Receivables can use this information, along with AutoAccounting rules, to determine the revenue, freight, and receivable accounts for invoices you assign to this salesperson.

    7. (Optional) Assign a territory to this resource.

      The Territory Flexfield must be set up before an assignment is made.

    8. (Optional) If you assigned a territory to this resource, then enter the range of dates that this territory is to be assigned to this salesperson.

      The Start Date defaults as the current date, but you can change it. If you do not enter an End Date, this salesperson is active indefinitely, or as long as the territory is active.

  9. (Optional) Enter more information in the other tabs to further specify the resource. You can simultaneously end date a resource's roles, group member roles, team member roles, and sales person records.

  10. Choose File > Save to save your work.

    This action populates the Resource Number field with the automatically generated resource tracking number.


You can only create a resource of category Other, or To Be Hired, through the Resource window. If the resource is of any other category, it must be imported.

You can create a resource of type Other or a salesperson of type Other or To Be Hired. To create a resource of type Other, you can enter the identification number. A resource of type Other that is not a salesperson can be an individual or an object.

If a salesperson is defined with category To Be Hired, then this salesperson is not visible within Accounts Receivable. A Salesperson defined in this manner can be viewed only within CRM.

Users are not allowed to create a new user that is associated with a resource/employee. It is only the first time during the "Create Employee" process that user can specify a non-existing user name.

If you make any changes to an employee in HRMS, then you must run the Synchronize Employee concurrent program to synchronize resource information. See the chapter on Concurrent Programs in the Implementation Guide appendix.

If a resource (who first was a salesperson with a salesperson's number) changes jobs within the same company (and is no longer a salesperson), you must end date the first resource and create a new resource with new settings. You cannot delete a salesperson's number once it is assigned, but in such cases you end date the salesperson record instead of the resource.

You can create a resource of type Other or To Be Hired and you can create a corresponding salesperson record for either.

Creating a Salesperson Automatically

You can automatically create a salesperson when importing resources by using either the Import Resource form or the Synchronize Employees concurrent program. You can also set up job role mappings that are associated with resources when they are automatically created as a salesperson.

Using the Import Resource Form

The Import Resource form imports selected resources, based on filtering criteria from HRMS, TCA, and Purchasing into Resource Manager. To create a salesperson automatically using the Import Resource form, you must perform the steps listed in the following table.

Create Salesperson Automatically Using the Import Resource Form
Step Required Action
Create Salesperson Perform the required steps for Importing Individual Resources As part of this process, select the Create Salesperson check box in the default values window of Import Resources form.
Provide Sales Credit Type Information Continue to perform the required steps for Importing Individual Resources. As part of this process, select a value from the Sales Credit Type field in the default values window of the Import Resources form.
Determine mode of salesperson creation number To determine the mode for creating the salesperson number, set the required value for the Profile Option JTFRS: Mode of Salesperson Number Creation:
  • Employee Number. The salesperson number is identical to the employee number.

  • Sequence Generated. The salesperson number is auto-generated by a newly created Sequence.

  • Manually. The salesperson number is manually entered by the implementor. If no salesperson number is specified for the selected resources then the import process fails.

Using the Synchronize Employees Concurrent Program

The Synchronize Employee concurrent program imports resources in bulk from HRMS into Resource Manager by synchronizing resource information with its corresponding employee information. The "Get New Employees" parameter can be used to import newly created employees from HRMS. To create a salesperson automatically using the Synchronize Employees concurrent program, you must perform the steps listed in the following table.

Note: When using the Synchronize Employees concurrent program for bulk import, the sales person numbers can only be Employee Numbers or Sequence Generated numbers and cannot be entered manually.

Create Salesperson Automatically Using the Synchronize Employees Concurrent Program
Step Required Action
Create Sales Person Run the Synchronize Employees concurrent program. Select Yes from the Create Salesperson field.
Provide Sales Credit Type Information Select a value from the Sales Credit Type field In the Synchronize Employees concurrent program.

Automatically Creating Resource Roles for Job-role Mapping

When importing employees from HRMS to Resource Mangager, the Import Resource form and the Synchronize Employees concurrent program automatically create resource rolls based on the employees' jobs. When importing Employees from HRMS to Resource Manager, all of the roles associated with their jobs are automatically created as Resource Roles.


The following examples demonstrate how to use the Import Resource form and the Synchronize Employees concurrent program to automatically create or modify a resource role that is mapped to a job role in HRMS. In each of these examples, a major retail store is adding new temporary sales representatives to its workforce to cover its annual sale. The company hires two-hundred temporary employees and enters their data into its HRMS application.

Note: For examples that use the Import Resource form, see also:

Mapping a Single Job to a Single Role (Import Resource Form)

An implementor or system administrator for the retail store performs the following:

  1. Defines a job roll, "Floor Sales Rep II" in HRMS and assigns it to the two hundred temporary employees when their data is entered in that application.

  2. Defines a new role, "Sales Rep Floor", in Resource Manager.

  3. Maps the role in Resource Manager to the job roll in HRMS.

  4. Imports the two hundred temporary employees from HRMS to Resource Manager. During this process, they are automatically assigned the resource role, "Sales Rep Floor".

Mapping a Single Job to Many Roles (Import Resource Form)

An implementor or system administrator for the retail store performs the following:

  1. Defines job role, "Floor Sales Rep I" in HRMS and assigns it to the two hundred temporary employees when their data is entered in that application.

  2. Defines three new roles in Resource Manager, "Sales Rep I", "Sales Rep Merchandise" and "Sales Rep III".

  3. Maps the Human Resources job role, "Floor Sales Rep I" to the newly defined resource roles.

  4. Imports the two hundred temporary employees from HRMS to Resource Manager. During this process, they are automatically assigned the resource rolls "Sales Rep I", "Sales Rep Merchandise", and "Sales Rep III".

Mapping Multiple Jobs to a Single Role (Import Resource Form)

An implementor or system administrator for the retail store performs the following:

  1. Defines three jobs in HRMS: "Floor Sales Rep I", "Floor Sales Rep II" and "Floor Sales Rep III".

  2. Defines a role, "Sales Rep Floor" in Resource Manager.

  3. Maps the three HRMS job roles to the resource role.

  4. Imports the two hundred temporary employees from HRMS to Resource Manager. During this process, they are automatically assigned the role, "Sales Rep Floor".

Mapping One or More Jobs to No Roll (Import Resource Form)

When HRMS jobs are not mapped to a resource roll, no roll is assigned to these employee resources when they are automatically imported in Resource Manager. Users can, however, assign them manually.

Oracle HRMS Job Change with No Existing Roll (Synchronize Employees Concurrent Program)

For its annual sale, the retail store decides to place its stock room employees on the sales floor to work with the two hundred temporary employees:

  1. A member of the Human Resources staff changes the "Stock Room Clerk" job roll to "Floor Sales Rep II" in HRMS.

  2. The implementor or system administrator runs the Synchronize Employees concurrent program to synchronize changes in HRMS with data in Resource Manager. As a result, the stock room employees are automatically assigned the "Sales Rep Floor" role in Resource Manager.

  3. When the sale is finished, the stock room employees resume their original jobs. To end date the "Sales Rep Floor" role , a new role must be associated with the "Stock Room Clerk" job roll in HRMS, otherwise it will continue to be associated with the "Sales Rep Floor" role in Resource Manager .

    1. To accomplish this, a member of the Human Resources staff defines a new 'dummy' role in Resource Manager called "Store Clerk" and maps it to the Human Resources job roll, "Stock Room Clerk".

    2. The implementor or system administrator runs the 'Synchronize Employees' concurrent program. Consequently, the "Sales Rep Floor" roll is end dated and the new role, "Store Clerk" is associated with the resource.

      After running the concurrent program, no job roles will be changed in Resource Manager if a job changes in Oracle HRMS with no existing role mapping for both old and new jobs.

Human Resources Job Change with an Existing Role Where One-to-one Mapping Occurs (Synchronize Employees Concurrent Program)

For its annual sale, the retail store decides to place its line manager employees on the sales floor with the two hundred temporary employees:

  1. A member of the Human Resources staff changes the job roll from "Line Manager I" to "Floor Sales Rep I" in HRMS.

  2. The implementor or system administrator runs the Synchronize Employees concurrent program to synchronize employee data in HRMS with Resource Manager. As a result, the "Sales Manager" roll is end dated for the line manager employees and they are subsequently assigned the "Sales Rep Floor" roll.

  3. When the sale is concluded, the line managers resume their original jobs. When the implementor or system administrator runs the Synchronize Employees concurent program, the "Sales Rep Floor" roll is end dated and the "Sales Manager" role is once again associated with the line managers.

Human Resources Job Change with an Existing Role Where One-to-many Mapping Occurs (Synchronize Employees Concurrent Program)

For its annual sale, the retail store decides to place its line manager employees on the sales floor with the two hundred temporary employees:

  1. A member of the Human Resources staff changes the job roll from "Line Manager I" to "Floor Sales Rep II" in HRMS.

  2. The implementor or system administrator runs the Synchronize Employees concurrent program to synchronize employee data in HRMS with Resource Manager. As a result, the "Sales Manager" roll is end dated for the line manager employees and they are subsequently assigned the "Sales Rep I", "Sales Rep Merchandise", and "Sales Rep III" rolls.

  3. When the sale is concluded, the line managers resume their original jobs. When the implementor or system administrator runs the Synchronize Employees concurent program, the "Sales Rep I", "Sales Rep Merchandise", and "Sales Rep III" rolls are end dated and the "Sales Manager" role is once again associated with the line managers.

Business Rules

This section discusses business rules for creating a sales person automatically and for creating roles for job role mapping.

Creating a Salesperson Automatically

The following rules apply to creating a new Salesperson when importing resources from HRMS into Resource Manager:


If the salesperson number already exists in the Salesreps table, based on the value chosen for the Profile Option 'JTFRS: Mode of Salesperson Number Creation', the following rules apply

If Profile Value is 'Employee Number' or 'Manually Entered':

If Profile Value is 'Sequence Generated':

The sequence will continue to generate next number until it produces a value that does not already exist as salesperson number in the Salesreps table. This number is used as salesperson number to create the new salesperson


If the user chooses to create Salesperson, during bulk import, using Synchronize Employees concurrent program, a value for the new parameter "Sales Credit Type" must be chosen. If not, the import resource process will stop, and corresponding error message will be displayed in the concurrent program log.

Creating Roles for Job Role Mapping

Rule 1

When importing an employee from HRMS application into Resource Manager, new Resource Roles are automatically created for all the imported Resources, if the corresponding employees' job title has job-role mappings, set up in Resource Manager.

Rule 2

If an Employees' Job Title has changed in HRMS and if there is at least one corresponding Role associated with the current Job Title of the Employee, in the Resource Job Roles Setup, the Synchronize Employees concurrent program will do the following:

If any of the business validation fails when terminating the roles associated with the previous job title of the employee, the end-dating process does not occur and the corresponding error messages are displayed in the concurrent program log.

Creating a Salesperson of Type Other and To Be Hired in HTML

You can use the HTML version of Resource Manager to create and modify resources whose category is Other and To Be Hired. You can additionally view their sales credit type, group membership, and role details. You cannot delete any resources in the HTML version of Resource Manager. However, you can allocate an end date for the resource that will render it inactive on the set date.




Resource Self Service Administrator


In HTML version of Resource Manager, select the People tab, and then select Others or To Be Hired from the sub navigation menu.

Steps for Creating Salespersons of Other or To Be Hired

  1. In the Others or To Be Hired window, click Create.

  2. Enter required information such as Name, Salesperson Number, and Sales Credit Type for the resource. You can also optionally enter additional information such as Active Date (from and to).

  3. Click the Active Roles, Group Membership, and Compensation links to define, role, group membership, and compensation information for the resource.

Steps for Modifying Salespersons of Other or To Be Hired

  1. Search your resource in the Others or To Be Hired Resource window.

  2. Modify the resource information as required and save your changes.

Creating a Salesperson in Multiple Organizations

A business unit such as a corporation can have multiple separate organizations within its structure that are also known as MULTI-ORGS. A salesperson can cover areas in multiple organizations. In order to receive the appropriate compensation from each organization, the salesperson must belong to both organizations. The salesperson has one employee number, but multiple salesperson numbers that correspond to each organization that the salesperson belongs to.

To add a salesperson to another organization requires two steps:

  1. First set the multiple organization profile option MO: Operating Unit to the appropriate organization using the drop down menu provided in the Responsibility field. Use the System Administrator responsibility and select Profile > System. In the Find System Profile Values window, select the appropriate Responsibility and enter the MO: Operating Unit profile option. Save your work and log in using your user ID.

  2. Query the resource in Resource Manager and assign a salesperson's number as well as the other required actions outlined in the following steps.


Business World Enterprises is a global company consisting of several organizations including Business World, USA, and Business World, Canada. You are a salesperson for Business World, USA. Your coverage encompasses parts of Western Canada and Mexico. In order to receive financial compensation in both US and Canadian dollars, as well as Mexican pesos, you must be a salesperson for Business World, USA, Business World, Canada, and Business World, Mexico. Your employee number is #0001 and your salesperson number in Business World USA is #0001US. Your employee number for Business World, Canada is #0001CAN and for Business World, Mexico #0001MEX.

Any changes pertaining to your Canadian and Mexican compensation packages can be handled by the Resource Administrators in Business World, Canada and Business World, Mexico. In other words, regional changes that affect you are handled by that organization. Changes that affect you on a global level, such as if you receive a promotion and become a Senior Salesperson, will be handled by the parent company, Business World Enterprises.

The following table lists the sample data.

Example Data
Country MO: Operating Unit Salesperson ID Number
United States Vision Corporation 0001US
Canada Vision Canada 0001CAN
Mexico Vision Mexico 0001MEX

Perform the following steps in Forms to make an existing salesperson visible from one organization to another organization.




Navigate to the Define Resource window.


  1. Query the imported resource for the selected employee.

  2. Click Resource Details .

    The Resource window opens and is populated with your selection.

  3. Specify a salesperson number for the resource. Since you have changed your profile option, it is empty.

  4. In the Receivables tab, verify that the default Date Active is the correct one.

  5. Enter the information for Sales Credit type.

  6. Save your work.

    The employee is a salesperson in both organizations.


You can also create a salesperson in multiple organizations using the HTML-based Resource Manager, but you first must set your profile option in Forms.

Defining Role Types

A role type is a broad descriptive category such as "Sales" that contains one or more roles. A role is a more detailed descriptive categories such as "Sales Representative" or "Sales Manager". Resource Manager is delivered with many predefined Role Types. Perform the following steps to define additional custom Role Types for your company. Make sure that a role type exists with which you can associate the new role.





Navigate to the Navigator - CRM (or CRM Resource Manager) Administrator window.


  1. Select Resource Manager > Setup > Role Types.

    The Application Object Library: JTF_RS_ROLE_TYPES Lookups window displays existing Role Types.

  2. Use the down arrow to scroll to the bottom of the list of Role Types.

  3. Select the last entry in the record and choose File > New to add a blank field.

  4. Enter the name of the new Role Type in the blank field at the bottom of the list.

  5. In the Meaning field, enter the CRM module for which this Role Type is created.

  6. Choose File > Save to complete the Role Type definition.

Defining Roles in Forms

A Role may encompass one or more job descriptions and job titles. Use Roles to assign responsibilities to resources, resource groups and resource teams. Resource Manager is delivered with pre-defined Roles for all CRM modules. Perform the following steps in Forms to define additional custom Roles for your enterprise.


Make sure that a Role Type exists with which you can associate the new Role.

Note: When a sales role is associated with a resource that is attached to a group with no group member role, the OIC application may provide the sales representative with incorrect compensation and may incorrectly roll up the hierarchy.



Navigate to the Navigator - CRM (or CRM Resource Manager) Administrator window.


  1. Select Resource Manager > Setup > Roles.

  2. Enter your values in the Code and Name fields. Choose a Role Type from the list of values (LOV). The role code can only be entered in upper case.

  3. Select the Active box to make the Role active. Select one or more of the role attribute check boxes–Member, Lead, Admin, Manager–to associate the Role to a responsibility. See the Resource Roles Attributes table in the Guidelines section for descriptions of these role attributes.

  4. Select one or more Job names in the job region to map the reource roll to a job roll in HRMS.

  5. Select File > Save to complete the Role definition.

    The new role name registers in the Role Name field in Resource Manager. The following table describes resource role attributes.


The following table describes resource role attributes used in the Resource Manager.

Resource Role Attributes
Check Box Action
Member Identifies the role name as a member of the role.
Lead Identifies the role name as a lead for the role.
Active Identifies the role as active.
Admin Identifies the role as administrative.
Manager Identifies the role as managerial.
Seeded (Read-only) Identifies the role as seeded.

Defining Roles in HTML

A Role Type is a category of roles associated with a particular CRM module. Resource Manager is delivered with pre-defined Role Types for all CRM modules. Perform the following steps in HTML to define additional custom Roles for your enterprise. Ensure that a role type exists with which you can associate the new role.


Resource Self Service Administrator

Steps to Create Role in HTML

  1. Navigate to the Setup tab, click the Roles subtab and then click the Create button.

  2. In the Create Role page, enter the required information in the Role Name and Role Code fields and select a role type from the drop-down list.

  3. Select the required role attributes from the drop-down lists and then click the Apply button.

Steps to Modify Role in HTML

  1. Navigate to the Setup tab, click Roles subtab, enter search criteria and click Go.

  2. Click Update link associated to the role you wish to modify.

  3. Modify the required information and then click the Apply button.

Specifying Role Attributes

Attributes aid in grouping different roles together when defining a resource reporting hierarchy. This hierarchy is used in sales product families, such as Oracle Sales Online and Oracle TeleSales, to control the data access privilege (customer, sales lead, and sales opportunity) as well as sales forecast rollup and incentive compensation plan. It is also used for workflow notifications and escalations. You can have more than one attribute such as Admin and Manager as each has different functions. However, you would not select Lead and Manager, for example, because Lead is a subset of Manager.


You set up an escalation for service requests and tasks, notifications for members of groups go to the manager. Therefore, besides defining a role, you also need to specify the role attribute information for this new role by selecting the following seeded role attribute check boxes:

Perform the following steps to view roles and role attributes.


A role must exist before it can be viewed.



Navigate to the Navigator - CRM (or CRM Resource Manager) Administrator window.


  1. Select Resource Manager > Setup > Roles.

  2. On the application tool bar, click View > Find All.

    Information populates the window.

  3. Use the up and down arrows to move through the various role definitions.

    As the role type changes, you can also view the responsibilities associated with each role.


You can also specify role attributes using the HTML-based Resource Manager.



Navigate to the Navigator - Resource Self Service Administrator.


  1. Select Resource Manager > Setup > Roles.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Go.

  3. Click Update associated to the role you wish to modify attributes of.

  4. The drop-down lists linked to the role attributes allows you to modify change you can change the attributes of the selected role.

Important: Seeded roles and their attributes cannot be modified.

Defining Skill Levels in HTML

Defining skill levels in HTML is accomplished by assigning a numeric value to a skill rating and changing the value of the skill rating if required. Instruction for performing these steps are contained in the following sections:

Assigning a Numeric Value to a Skill Rating

Use the Define Skill Levels window in HTML to enter the name of the skill level and its associated numeric value. Once this is specified, an individual resource can select an appropriate skill level from the list of values of the Level field in the Rate Skill window to rate his technical skills. These skill levels are standard regardless of whether or not the resource is rated at product, platform, or problem code level. The numeric values for the related skill levels can be a part of the calculation when selecting the optimal individual for a service request.

Use the following rules to define skill level information:

Perform the following steps to assign a numeric value to a skill rating.


Resource Self Service Administrator


  1. Navigate to the Setup tab and click the Skill Levels subtab.

  2. Enter a numeric value in the skill rating you want to modify.

  3. Click Apply to modify the information.

    Note: Possible combinations for defining skills include:

    • Product

    • Category

    • Product and component

    • Product and problem code

    • Problem code

    • Problem code and category

    • Platform

    • Platform and Category

    • Product and category

    • Category, product, and component

Changing the Name of a Skill Rating

The skill levels are editable, but you cannot delete any of them without entering a new name or value. Otherwise, an error message occurs saying “Level Name cannot be null” or “Numeric Value cannot be null.” Perform the following steps to change the name of a skill rating.


Resource Self Service Administrator


  1. Navigate to the Setup tab and click the Skill Levels subtab.

  2. Select the skills rating you want to modify and enter a new name in the text field.

  3. Click Apply to modify the information.

Publishing Workflow Business Events

Resource Manager publishes Workflow business events such as creating and importing resources, updating resources, and end dating resources using the Oracle Workflow Business Event System. Applications that contain data directly affected by these events can subscribe to them and synchronize or modify their data accordingly. For example if a resource that is assigned to a Task is end dated, this action is published or "raised" as a business event. Task Manager, can consequently subscribe to this event and reassign the task to another resource.

The Oracle Workflow Business Event System

The Oracle Workflow Business Event System is an application service that leverages the Oracle Advanced Queuing (AQ) infrastructure to communicate business events between systems. The Business Event System consists of the Event Manager and workflow process event activities.

The Event Manager contains a registry of business events, systems, named communication agents within those systems, and subscriptions indicating that an event is significant to a particular system. Events can be raised locally or received from an external system or the local system through AQ. When a local event occurs, the subscribing code is executed in the same transaction as the code that raised the event, unless the subscriptions are deferred.

Resource Manager Events

When a resource is created, imported, updated, or deleted, the Resource Manager APIs call wrapper APIs that raise the events shown in the following table:

Resource Manager Events
Event Description
Resource Create This event is raised for all newly created and imported resources.
Resource Update User This event is raised for resources whose USER_ID data has changed.
Resource Update dateEffectivity This event is raised for all resources that have a modified start date active or end date active.
Resource Update Attribute This event is raised for all the resources that have a changes in the following attributes:
















Resource Delete This event is raised for deleted resources.
Assign new role to resources This event assigns new roles to resources
Assign new role to resources within a resource group or team This event assigns new roles to resources within a resource group or team
Update existing role for a resource This event updates existing roles for a resource
Update existing role for a resource This event updates existing roles for a resource within a resource group or team
Delete role from a resource This event deletes roles from resources
Delete role from a resource within a resource group or team This event deletes roles from resources within a resource group or team
Merge resources This event merges resources

Example: Importing a Resource

In this example, the Oracle Mobile Field Sales team wants to populate its temporary table with all newly imported/created resources in Resource Manager. This process is accomplished as follows:

  1. A new employee is hired to fill an open position within the organization.

  2. Resource Manager conducts its weekly import of new resources from HRM.

  3. The new employee is imported into Resource Manager and a new record is created as an employee resource in the table JTF_RS_RESOURCE_EXTNS_VL. The following table shows the new record.

    Imported Resource Johnson Record
    Resource ID Resource Name Category User ID
    10001 Johnson Employee 101
  4. Importing the resources into Resource Manager raises the following Resource Create event in the Oracle workflow event Manager:

    Resource Create Event
    Event Name Event Key
    oracle.apps.jtf.jres.resource.create oracle.apps.jtf.jres.resource.create-1001
  5. Oracle Mobile Field Sales subscribes to the Resource Create event, every time a user syncs from a remote location to determine whether any new records have been created in Resource Manager. Because the field sales application is used mostly offline, new resource records may not be replicated into the local database, there fore, by subscribing to the event, field sales can get up to date records when a user syncs to replicate the online database.

    Subscription for Resource Create Event
    Event Filter Phase Status Rule Function
    oracle.apps.jtf.jres.resource.create >100 Enabled OracleMobileFieldSales.ResourceCreated

The Oracle Mobile Field Sales team owns the rule function, OracleMobileFieldSales.ResourceCreated, and has the logic to populate their temporary table with all newly imported or newly created resources in Resource Manager.

  1. The sales manager with the open position syncs the sales manager's laptop to replicate its data with the system's data using the temporary table. After completing the sync, the sales manager sees the new employee record and is able to assign the open opportunities to the new salesrep as well as adding the new salesrep to the manager's sales group.

Example: Updating a Resource

In this example, Oracle Service only assigns the following resources to a Service Request if the resource is attached to an FND user:

Resource Johnson Data
Resource ID Resource Name Category User ID Start Date End Date Time Zone
10001 Johnson Employee 101 01-01-2002 None Pacific

Updating the USER_ID Value

If the Service Request is already assigned to a resource that has a USER_ID value attached and Resource Manager changes the USER_ID value to NULL, then Oracle Service must reassign the Service Request to a different resource.

  1. Resource Johnson is attached to a valid FND user and is assigned to the following Service Request:

    Service Request for Resource Johnson
    Service Request ID Service Request Name Assignee ID Assignee Name
    1001 Software Problem 10001 Johnson
  2. The FND user record with USER_ID value 101 is deleted in FND Applications.

  3. Resource Manager performs the following steps to update the record for the resource, Johnson:

    1. Resource Manager executes the 'Synchronize Application user name' Concurrent Program to update the USER_ID attached to 'Johnson' to NULL

      Updated Record for User Johnson
      Resource ID Resource Name Category User ID
      10001 Johnson Employee NULL
    2. Resource Manager simultaneously raises the Business event, oracle.apps.jtf.jres.resource.update.user with the following parameters:

      Resource Update Event
      Parameter Name Parameter Value
      RESOURCE_ID 10001
      OLD_USER_ID 101
  4. The service request subscribes to the resource update event with the following details:

    Subscription for Resource Update Event
    Event Filter Phase Status Rule Function
    oracle.apps.jtf.jres.resource.update.user >100 Enabled OracleService.ResourceUserUpdated

Oracle Service owns the rule function OracleService.ResourceUserUpdated that contains the logic to reassign the resource to a resource that has a valid USER_ID attached.

When START_DATE_ACTIVE and/or End_DATE_ACTIVE is Changed

In this example, Oracle Service only assigns the resources to a Service Request if the resource is valid in Resource Manager because the service request assignment period exists within the Resource start date and end date. If the Service Request is already assigned to a resource and Resource Manager changes the date effectivity of that resource, Oracle Service must reassign the Service Request to some other resource.

  1. Resource Johnson is assigned to the following Service Request from 08-01-2002 to 08-01-2003:

    Service Request for Resource Johnson
    Service Request ID Service Request Name Assignee ID Start Date End Date
    1001 Software Problem 10001 08-01-2002 08-01-2003
  2. The Resource Johnson is updated and a business event is raised.

    1. Resource, Johnson is end dated in Resource Manager with the end date, 08-01-2002:

      Modified Record for Resource Johnson
      Resource ID Resource Name Category Start Date End Date
      10001 Johnson Employee 01-01-2002 08-01-2002
    2. Resource Manager raises the event, oracle.apps.jtf.jres.resource.update.effectivedate with the following parameters:

      Resource Update Event
      Parameter Name Parameter Value
      RESOURCE_ID 10001
      RESOURCE_NAME Johnson
      OLD_START_DATE_ACTIVE 01-01-2002
      NEW_START_DATE_ACTIVE 01-01-2002
      NEW_END_DATE_ACTIVE 08-01-2002
  3. Service request subscribes to the resource update event with the following details.

    Subscription for Resource Update Event
    Event Filter Phase Status Rule Function
    oracle.apps.jtf.jres.resource.update.effectivedate >100 Enabled OracleService.ResourceDateUpdated

Oracle Service owns the rule function OracleService.ResourceDateUpdated and has the logic to reassign the resource to a resource with a valid date effectivity.

When Resource Time Zone is Changed

In this example, Oracle Service assigns the resources to a service request that depends on the time zone of the resource. If the Service Request is already assigned to a resource and Resource Manager changes the time zone of that resource, Oracle Service must reassign the Service Request to some other resource.

  1. Resource Johnson is assigned to the following Service Request that has a time zone 'Pacific':

    Service Request Assignment
    Service Request ID Service Request Name Assignee ID Time Zone
    1001 Software Problem 10001 Pacific
  2. The resource is modified as follows:

    1. Time zone for the resource, Johnson is changes from 'Pacific' to 'Central':

      Modified Service Request Assignment
      Service Request ID Service Request Name Assignee ID Time Zone
      1001 Software Problem 10001 Central
    2. Resource Manager simultaneously raises the Business event, oracle.apps.jtf.jres.resource.update.attributes with the following parameters:

      Resource Update Event
      Parameter Name Parameter Value
      RESOURCE_ID 10001
      RESOURCE_NAME Johnson
      OLD_ TIME_ZONE Pacific
      NEW_ TIME_ZONE Central
  3. Service request subscribes to the resource update event with the following details:

    Subscription to Resource Update Event
    Event Filter Phase Status Rule Function
    oracle.apps.jtf.jres.resource.update.attributes >100 Enabled OracleService.ResourceTimeoneUpdated

Oracle Service owns the rule function, OracleService.ResourceTimeoneUpdated that contains the logic to reassign the resource to a resource that has a required time zone.

Example: Deleting a Resource

In this example, only Resource of type 'TBH' such as the following resource can be deleted using the delete resource API:

Resource Abraham Example
Resource ID Resource Name Category User ID Start Date End Date
10002 Abraham Other NULL 01-01-2002 NULL

Task Manager assigns the resources to a Task only if that resource exists in Resource manager. If the Task is already assigned to a resource and Resource Manager deletes that resource, Task Manager needs to reassign that Task to some other existing resource.

  1. Resource Abraham is assigned to the following Task from 08-01-2002 to 08-01-2003:

    Task Assignment
    Task ID Task Name Resource ID Resource Name Start Date End Date
    1002 Product Presentation 10002 Abraham 08-01-2002 08-01-2003
  2. Resource, Abraham is deleted using the API Resource Public API jtf_rs_resource_pub.delete_resource.

  3. Because resource, Abraham is deleted, Task Manager must reassign the task to a different resource. To accomplish this, Resource Manager raises the Business event, oracle.apps.jtf.jres.resource.delete with the following parameters:

    Resource Delete Event
    Parameter Name Parameter Value
    RESOURCE_ID 10001
  4. Task Manager subscribes to the resource update event with the following details:

    Resource Delete Event Subscription
    Event Filter Phase Status Rule Function
    oracle.apps.jtf.jres.resource.delete >100 Enabled TaskManager.ResourceDeleted

Task Manager owns the rule function, TaskManager.ResourceDeleted is the Rule function that contains the logic to reassign the resource to an existing resource.


This section provides instructions for publishing Resource Manager business events.

Create Resource

Perform the following to raise a business event using the jtf_rs_wf_event_pub.create_resource wrapper API:

  1. Add the following parameters into the parameter list using wf_event.AddParameterToList:




    • USER_ID



  2. Event_key will be 'oracle.apps.jtf.jres.resource.create-'||jtf_rs_wf_event_guid_s.nextval.

  3. Raise the event, oracle.apps.jtf.jres.resource.create, using the workflow API, Wf_event.Raise.

Update Resource

Perform the following to raise a business event using the jtf_rs_wf_event_pub.update_resource API:

When the user_id is updated

  1. Add the following parameters into the parameter list using wf_event.AddParameterToList:






  2. Event_key will be 'oracle.apps.jtf.jres.resource.update.user-'||jtf_rs_wf_event_guid_s.nextval.

  3. Raise the event, oracle.apps.jtf.jres.resource.update.user, using the workflow API, Wf_event.Raise.

When Start Date Active or End Date Active is changed

  1. Add the following parameters into the parameter list using wf_event.AddParameterToList:








  2. Event_key will be 'oracle.apps.jtf.jres.resource.update.effectivedate-'|| jtf_rs_wf_event_guid_s.nextval.

  3. Raise the event, oracle.apps.jtf.jres.resource.update.effectivedate, using the workflow API, Wf_event.Raise.

When any of the following attributes changed

Delete Resource

Perform the following to raise a business event using the jtf_rs_wf_event_pub.delete_resource API.

  1. Add the RESOURCE_ID parameter into the parameter list using wf_event.AddParameterToList

  2. Event_key will be 'oracle.apps.jtf.jres.resource.delete-' || jtf_rs_wf_event_guid_s.nextval.

  3. Raise the Event, oracle.apps.jtf.jres.resource.delete using the workflow API, Wf_event.Raise.

  4. Only Resource of 'TBH' can be deleted using the delete resource API.