Business Object API Attributes Information

This chapter covers the following topics:

Business Object API Attributes Information Overview

When you use a seeded business object API, attributes of the corresponding business object are affected differently depending on the type of API procedure. These sections provide information about what each API does with the business object attributes:

The seeded business object APIs also affect attributes of the business objects' embedded business structures and granular entities. See:

Related Topics

Business Object APIs Overview

Customer Account Business Object API

For the details on this API, see: Customer Account Business Object API, Oracle Integration Repository.

These sections provide information about what the Customer Account Business Object API procedures do with the business object attributes.

The Save Customer Account Business Object procedure calls either the Create or Update procedure. See the corresponding sections for attribute information. For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Save Customer Account Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Related Topics

Customer Account Business Object

Business Object APIs Overview

Business Object API Attributes Information Overview

Create Customer Account Business Object

For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Create Customer Account Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the Customer Account business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide values in the input object type to create the attribute values in Oracle Trading Community Architecture.

Accepted Attributes

This procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • status is lookup code in lookup type CODE_STATUS.

  • status cannot be set to null during update. It is defaulted to 'A' if user does not pass any value.

account_number VARCHAR2(30) Yes Validation:
  • Mandatory Attribute. If GENERATE_CUSTOMER_NUMBER of AR_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS is on, if user has passed in an account_number, error out.

  • account_number will be generated from sequence. If autonumbering is off, if user has not passed in value, error out.

attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150) No  
global_attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
global_attribute1 to global_attribute20 VARCHAR2(150) No  
customer_type VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: customer_type is lookup code in AR lookup type CUSTOMER_TYPE.
customer_class_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type CUSTOMER CLASS.
primary_salesrep_id NUMBER No Validation: Must be valid salesrep_id from RA_SALESREPS table.
sales_channel_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: sales_channel_code is lookup code in lookup type SALES_CHANNEL in so_lookups.
order_type_id NUMBER No Validation: Must be a valid order_type_id from the OE_ORDER_TYPES_V.
price_list_id NUMBER No Validation: Must be a valid price_list_id from SO_PRICE_LISTS table.
tax_code VARCHAR2(50) No Validation: Must be a valid tax_code from the AR_VAT_TAX table.
fob_point VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type FOB.
freight_term VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: freight_term is lookup code in lookup type FREIGHT_TERMS in so_lookups.
ship_partial VARCHAR2(1) No Comment: This attribute is no longer used. Functionality replaced by ship_sets_include_lines_flag.
ship_via VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: ship_via is foreign key to oe_ship_methods_v and can be passed only in single org case.
warehouse_id NUMBER No Validation: Must be valid organization_id from the ORG_ORGANIZATION_DEFINITIONS table.
tax_header_level_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: tax_header_level_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO. It is defaulted to 'N' if user does not pass value.
tax_rounding_rule VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type TAX_ROUNDING_RULE.
coterminate_day_month VARCHAR2(6) No  
primary_specialist_id NUMBER No Validation: primary_specialist_id is foreign key to per_all_people_f.
secondary_specialist_id NUMBER No Validation: secondary_specialist_id is foreign key to per_all_people_f.
account_liable_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: account_liable_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO. It is defaulted to 'N' if user does not pass value.
current_balance NUMBER No  
account_established_date DATE No  
account_termination_date DATE No Validation:
  • account_termination_date should be greater than account_established_date.

  • account_termination_date should be greater than account_activation_date.

account_activation_date DATE No Validation: account_activation_date should be greater than account_established_date.
department VARCHAR2(30) No  
held_bill_expiration_date DATE No  
hold_bill_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: hold_bill_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.
Default: 'N' .
realtime_rate_flag VARCHAR2(1) No  
acct_life_cycle_status VARCHAR2(30) No  
account_name VARCHAR2(240) No  
deposit_refund_method VARCHAR2(20) No  
dormant_account_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: dormant_account_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.
Default: 'N'.
npa_number VARCHAR2(60) No  
suspension_date DATE No  
source_code VARCHAR2(150) No  
comments VARCHAR2(240) No  
dates_negative_tolerance NUMBER No  
dates_positive_tolerance NUMBER No  
date_type_preference VARCHAR2(20) No Validation: Validated against OE lookup type REQUEST_DATE_TYPE.
over_shipment_tolerance NUMBER No  
under_shipment_tolerance NUMBER No  
over_return_tolerance NUMBER No  
under_return_tolerance NUMBER No  
item_cross_ref_pref VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Allowed values are INT, CUST, and valid cross_reference_type from MTL_CROSS_REFERENCE_TYPES.
ship_sets_include_lines_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • ship_sets_include_lines_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.

  • If ship_sets_include_lines_flag is set to Y, then arrivalsets_include_lines_flag is always N.

  • If arrivalsets_include_lines_flag is Y, then ship_sets_include_lines_flag is always N.

Default: N.
arrivalsets_include_lines_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • arrivalsets_include_lines_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.

  • If ship_sets_include_lines_flag is set to Y, then arrivalsets_include_lines_flag is always N.

  • If arrivalsets_include_lines_flag is Y, then ship_sets_include_lines_flag is always N.

sched_date_push_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: sched_date_push_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.
invoice_quantity_rule VARCHAR2(30) No Validated against OE lookup type INVOICE_BASIS.
pricing_event VARCHAR2(30) No Comment: This attribute is no longer used.
status_update_date DATE No  
autopay_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: autopay_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.
notify_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: notify_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.
last_batch_id NUMBER No  
selling_party_id NUMBER No Validation: selling_party_id is foreign key of HZ_PARTIES.
cancel_unshipped_lines_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: cancel_unshipped_lines_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.
Comment: Indicates whether to cancel all unshipped orders/lines.
Default: Null

Mapped Attributes

This procedure creates a mapping between the internally maintained CUST_ACCT_ID and the attributes in this table. The created Source System Mapping is stored in the TCA SSM tables.

Attribute Data Type
orig_system VARCHAR2(30)
orig_system_reference VARCHAR2(255)

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Attributes of Embedded Business Objects and Structures

The Customer Account business object also has embedded child business objects and structures. You provide embedded object types for the children, submitting the data for creation as if you were calling its own API procedure. For the embedded business object or structure's attribute information, see:

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Customer Account business object also has embedded child granular entities. You provide values for the attributes of the business entities to create the attribute values. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

The Customer Account Source System Information entity is used for extraction only, not for creating the business object. Do not pass any data for this entity. You can create an original system and original system reference mapping by passing those values at the business object level.

Related Topics

Customer Account Business Object API

Create Business Object API Procedures

Customer Account Business Object

Update Customer Account Business Object

For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Update Customer Account Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the Customer Account business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide values in the input object type to update the attribute values in Oracle Trading Community Architecture.

Identification Attributes

This procedure uses the attributes in this table to uniquely identify the correct Customer Account business object in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for these attributes to identify an existing Customer Account object, even if you are not updating any of the business object attributes.

Attribute Data Type
cust_acct_id NUMBER
orig_system VARCHAR2(30)
orig_system_reference VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

This procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • status is lookup code in lookup type CODE_STATUS.

  • status cannot be set to null during update. It is defaulted to 'A' if user does not pass any value.

account_number VARCHAR2(30) Yes Validation:
  • Mandatory Attribute. If GENERATE_CUSTOMER_NUMBER of AR_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS is on, if user has passed in an account_number, error out.

  • account_number will be generated from sequence. If autonumbering is off, if user has not passed in value, error out.

attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150) No  
global_attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
global_attribute1 to global_attribute20 VARCHAR2(150) No  
customer_type VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: customer_type is lookup code in AR lookup type CUSTOMER_TYPE.
customer_class_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type CUSTOMER CLASS.
primary_salesrep_id NUMBER No Validation: Must be valid salesrep_id from RA_SALESREPS table.
sales_channel_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: sales_channel_code is lookup code in lookup type SALES_CHANNEL in so_lookups.
order_type_id NUMBER No Validation: Must be a valid order_type_id from the OE_ORDER_TYPES_V.
price_list_id NUMBER No Validation: Must be a valid price_list_id from SO_PRICE_LISTS table.
tax_code VARCHAR2(50) No Validation: Must be a valid tax_code from the AR_VAT_TAX table.
fob_point VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type FOB.
freight_term VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: freight_term is lookup code in lookup type FREIGHT_TERMS in so_lookups.
ship_partial VARCHAR2(1) No Comment: This attribute is no longer used. Functionality replaced by ship_sets_include_lines_flag.
ship_via VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: ship_via is foreign key to oe_ship_methods_v and can be passed only in single org case.
warehouse_id NUMBER No Validation: Must be valid organization_id from the ORG_ORGANIZATION_DEFINITIONS table.
tax_header_level_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: tax_header_level_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO. It is defaulted to 'N' if user does not pass value.
tax_rounding_rule VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type TAX_ROUNDING_RULE.
coterminate_day_month VARCHAR2(6) No  
primary_specialist_id NUMBER No Validation: primary_specialist_id is foreign key to per_all_people_f.
secondary_specialist_id NUMBER No Validation: secondary_specialist_id is foreign key to per_all_people_f.
account_liable_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: account_liable_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO. It is defaulted to 'N' if user does not pass value.
current_balance NUMBER No  
account_established_date DATE No  
account_termination_date DATE No Validation:
  • account_termination_date should be greater than account_established_date.

  • account_termination_date should be greater than account_activation_date.

account_activation_date DATE No Validation: account_activation_date should be greater than account_established_date.
department VARCHAR2(30) No  
held_bill_expiration_date DATE No  
hold_bill_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: hold_bill_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.
Default: 'N' .
realtime_rate_flag VARCHAR2(1) No  
acct_life_cycle_status VARCHAR2(30) No  
account_name VARCHAR2(240) No  
deposit_refund_method VARCHAR2(20) No  
dormant_account_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: dormant_account_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.
Default: 'N'.
npa_number VARCHAR2(60) No  
suspension_date DATE No  
source_code VARCHAR2(150) No  
comments VARCHAR2(240) No  
dates_negative_tolerance NUMBER No  
dates_positive_tolerance NUMBER No  
date_type_preference VARCHAR2(20) No Validation: Validated against OE lookup type REQUEST_DATE_TYPE.
over_shipment_tolerance NUMBER No  
under_shipment_tolerance NUMBER No  
over_return_tolerance NUMBER No  
under_return_tolerance NUMBER No  
item_cross_ref_pref VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Allowed values are INT, CUST, and valid cross_reference_type from MTL_CROSS_REFERENCE_TYPES.
ship_sets_include_lines_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • ship_sets_include_lines_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.

  • If ship_sets_include_lines_flag is set to Y, then arrivalsets_include_lines_flag is always N.

  • If arrivalsets_include_lines_flag is Y, then ship_sets_include_lines_flag is always N.

Default: N.
arrivalsets_include_lines_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • arrivalsets_include_lines_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.

  • If ship_sets_include_lines_flag is set to Y, then arrivalsets_include_lines_flag is always N.

  • If arrivalsets_include_lines_flag is Y, then ship_sets_include_lines_flag is always N.

sched_date_push_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: sched_date_push_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.
invoice_quantity_rule VARCHAR2(30) No Validated against OE lookup type INVOICE_BASIS.
pricing_event VARCHAR2(30) No Comment: This attribute is no longer used.
status_update_date DATE No  
autopay_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: autopay_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.
notify_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: notify_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.
last_batch_id NUMBER No  
selling_party_id NUMBER No Validation: selling_party_id is foreign key of HZ_PARTIES.
cancel_unshipped_lines_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: cancel_unshipped_lines_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.
Comment: Indicates whether to cancel all unshipped orders/lines.
Default: Null

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Attributes of Embedded Business Objects and Structures

The Customer Account business object also has embedded child business objects and structures. You provide embedded object types for the children, submitting the data for creation or update as if you were calling its own API procedure.

If you are updating the child object, you must provide sufficient identification attributes to uniquely identify the existing child. Otherwise, the child is newly created.

For the embedded business object or structure's attribute information, see:

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Customer Account business object also has embedded child granular entities. You provide values for the attributes of the business entities to create or update the attribute values. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

The Customer Account Source System Information entity is used for extraction only, not for creating the business object. Do not pass any data for this entity. You can create an original system and original system reference mapping by passing those values at the business object level.

Related Topics

Customer Account Business Object API

Update Business Object API Procedures

Customer Account Business Object

Get Customer Account Business Object

For details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Get Customer Account Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the Customer Account business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide identification information to retrieve attribute values of the identified business object.

Except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute, these business object attributes are similarly extracted whether the Get Customer Account Business Object API procedure is called independent of business events, or as part of an event dependent Get business object call.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved Customer Account business object. This attribute is only used when the business object is retrieved as part of an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

This procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
cust_acct_id NUMBER
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
program_update_date DATE
created_by_module VARCHAR2(150)
status VARCHAR2(1)
parent_object_type VARCHAR2(30)
parent_object_id NUMBER
account_number VARCHAR2(30)
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30)
attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150)
global_attribute_category VARCHAR2(30)
global_attribute1 to global_attribute20 VARCHAR2(150)
customer_type VARCHAR2(30)
customer_class_code VARCHAR2(30)
primary_salesrep_id NUMBER
sales_channel_code VARCHAR2(30)
order_type_id NUMBER
price_list_id NUMBER
tax_code VARCHAR2(50)
fob_point VARCHAR2(30)
freight_term VARCHAR2(30)
ship_partial VARCHAR2(1)
ship_via VARCHAR2(30)
warehouse_id NUMBER
tax_header_level_flag VARCHAR2(1)
tax_rounding_rule VARCHAR2(30)
coterminate_day_month VARCHAR2(6)
primary_specialist_id NUMBER
secondary_specialist_id NUMBER
account_liable_flag VARCHAR2(1)
current_balance NUMBER
account_established_date DATE
account_termination_date DATE
account_activation_date DATE
department VARCHAR2(30)
held_bill_expiration_date DATE
hold_bill_flag VARCHAR2(1)
realtime_rate_flag VARCHAR2(1)
acct_life_cycle_status VARCHAR2(30)
account_name VARCHAR2(240)
deposit_refund_method VARCHAR2(20)
dormant_account_flag VARCHAR2(1)
npa_number VARCHAR2(60)
suspension_date DATE
source_code VARCHAR2(150)
comments VARCHAR2(240)
dates_negative_tolerance NUMBER
dates_positive_tolerance NUMBER
date_type_preference VARCHAR2(20)
over_shipment_tolerance NUMBER
under_shipment_tolerance NUMBER
over_return_tolerance NUMBER
under_return_tolerance NUMBER
item_cross_ref_pref VARCHAR2(30)
ship_sets_include_lines_flag VARCHAR2(1)
arrivalsets_include_lines_flag VARCHAR2(1)
sched_date_push_flag VARCHAR2(1)
invoice_quantity_rule VARCHAR2(30)
pricing_event VARCHAR2(30)
status_update_date DATE
autopay_flag VARCHAR2(1)
notify_flag VARCHAR2(1)
last_batch_id NUMBER
selling_party_id NUMBER
cancel_unshipped_lines_flag VARCHAR2(1)

Attributes of Embedded Business Objects and Structures

The Customer Account business object also has embedded child business objects and structures. This procedure retrieves attribute values of these embedded items.

For the embedded business object or structure's attribute information, see:

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Customer Account business object also has embedded child granular entities. This procedure retrieves attribute values of these embedded entities. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

Related Topics

Customer Account Business Object API

Get Business Object API Procedures

Customer Account Business Object

Customer Account Contact Business Object API

For the details on this API, see: Customer Account Contact Business Object API, Oracle Integration Repository.

These sections provide information about what the Customer Account Contact Business Object API procedures do with the business object attributes.

The Save Customer Account Contact Business Object procedure calls either the Create or Update procedure. See the corresponding sections for attribute information. For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Save Customer Account Contact Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Related Topics

Customer Account Contact

Business Object APIs Overview

Business Object API Attributes Information Overview

Create Customer Account Contact Business Object

For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Create Customer Account Contact Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the Customer Account Contact business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide values in the input object type to create the attribute values in Oracle Trading Community Architecture.

Accepted Attributes

This procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
status VARCHAR2(1) Yes Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.
Default: A.
cust_acct_site_id NUMBER No Validation:
  • Foreign key to hz_cust_acct_sites.

  • The cust_account_id in hz_cust_acct_sites which cust_acct_site_id points to should be same as the cust_account_id put in the hz_cust_account_roles.

primary_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • Primary flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.

  • It is unique per cust_account_id or cust_acct_site_id.

    Default: N.

role_type VARCHAR2(30) Yes Validation:
  • Mandatory attribute.

  • It is a lookup code in lookup type ACCT_ROLE_TYPE.

  • The combination of CUST_ACCOUNT_ID, PARTY_ID, ROLE_TYPE should be unique.

  • Or the combination of CUST_ACCT_SITE_ID, PARTY_ID, ROLE_TYPE should be unique.

source_code VARCHAR2(150) No  
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute25 VARCHAR2(150) No  

Mapped Attributes

This procedure creates a mapping between the internally maintained CUST_ACCT__CONTACT_ID and the attributes in this table. The created Source System Mapping is stored in the TCA SSM tables.

Attribute Data Type
orig_system VARCHAR2(30)
orig_system_reference VARCHAR2(255)

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Customer Account Contact business object also has embedded child granular entities. You provide values for the attributes of the business entities to create the attribute values. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

The Customer Account Contact Source System Information entity is used for extraction only, not for creating the business object. Do not pass any data for this entity. You can create an original system and original system reference mapping by passing those values at the business object level.

Related Topics

Customer Account Contact Business Object API

Create Business Object API Procedures

Customer Account Contact

Update Customer Account Contact Business Object

For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Update Customer Account Contact Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the Customer Account Contact business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide values in the input object type to update the attribute values in Oracle Trading Community Architecture.

Identification Attributes

This procedure uses the attributes in this table to uniquely identify the correct Customer Account Contact business object in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for these attributes to identify an existing Customer Account Contact object, even if you are not updating any of the business object attributes.

Attribute Data Type
cust_acct_contact_id NUMBER
orig_system VARCHAR2(30)
orig_system_reference VARCHAR2(255)

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

This procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
status VARCHAR2(1) Yes Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.
Default: A.
cust_acct_site_id NUMBER No Validation:
  • Foreign key to hz_cust_acct_sites.

  • The cust_account_id in hz_cust_acct_sites which cust_acct_site_id points to should be same as the cust_account_id put in the hz_cust_account_roles.

primary_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • Primary flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.

  • It is unique per cust_account_id or cust_acct_site_id.

    Default: N.

role_type VARCHAR2(30) Yes Validation:
  • Mandatory attribute

  • It is a lookup code in lookup type ACCT_ROLE_TYPE.

  • The combination of CUST_ACCOUNT_ID, PARTY_ID, ROLE_TYPE should be unique.

  • Or the combination of CUST_ACCT_SITE_ID, PARTY_ID, ROLE_TYPE should be unique.

source_code VARCHAR2(150) No  
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute25 VARCHAR2(150) No  

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Customer Account Contact business object also has embedded child granular entities. You provide values for the attributes of the business entities to create or update the attribute values. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

The Customer Account Contact Source System Information entity is used for extraction only, not for creating the business object. Do not pass any data for this entity. You can create an original system and original system reference mapping by passing those values at the business object level.

Related Topics

Customer Account Contact Business Object API

Update Business Object API Procedures

Customer Account Contact

Get Customer Account Contact Business Object

For details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Get Customer Account Contact Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the Customer Account Contact business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide identification information to retrieve attribute values of the identified business object.

Except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute, these business object attributes are similarly extracted whether the Get Customer Account Contact Business Object API procedure is called independent of business events, or as part of an event dependent Get business object call.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved Customer Account Contact business object. This attribute is only used when the business object is retrieved as part of an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

This procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
cust_acct_contact_id NUMBER
orig_system_reference VARCHAR2(255)
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
program_update_date DATE
created_by_module VARCHAR2(150)
status VARCHAR2(1)
cust_acct_id NUMBER
cust_acct_site_id NUMBER
primary_flag VARCHAR2(1)
role_type VARCHAR2(30)
source_code VARCHAR2(150)
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30)
attribute1 to attribute25 VARCHAR2(150)
relationship_id NUMBER
contact_person_id NUMBER
contact_person_osr VARCHAR2(255)
relationship_code VARCHAR2(30)
relationship_type VARCHAR2(30)
start_date DATE

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Customer Account Contact business object also has embedded child granular entities. This procedure retrieves attribute values of these embedded entities. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

Related Topics

Customer Account Contact Business Object API

Get Business Object API Procedures

Customer Account Contact

Customer Account Site Business Object API

For the details on this API, see: Customer Account Site Business Object API, Oracle Integration Repository.

These sections provide information about what the Customer Account Site Business Object API procedures do with the business object attributes.

The Save Customer Account Site Business Object procedure calls either the Create or Update procedure. See the corresponding sections for attribute information. For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Save Customer Account Site Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Related Topics

Customer Account Site

Business Object APIs Overview

Business Object API Attributes Information Overview

Create Customer Account Site Business Object

For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Create Customer Account Site Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the Customer Account Site business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide values in the input object type to create the attribute values in Oracle Trading Community Architecture.

Accepted Attributes

This procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: It is a lookup code in lookup type CODE_STATUS.
Default: A.
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150) No  
global_attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
global_attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150) No  
customer_category_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: It is a lookup code in lookup type ADDRESS_CATEGORY.
language VARCHAR2(4) No Validation: language is foreign key of fnd installed languages.
key_account_flag VARCHAR2(1) No  
tp_header_id NUMBER No Validation: tp_header_id must be unique if pass in.
ece_tp_location_code VARCHAR2(40) No Validation: The ece_tp_location_code should be unique for a customer within the organization.
primary_specialist_id NUMBER No Validation: primary_specialist_id is foreign key to per_all_people_f
secondary_specialist_id NUMBER No Validation: secondary_specialist_id is foreign key to per_all_people_f
territory_id NUMBER No  
territory VARCHAR2(30) No  
translated_customer_name VARCHAR2(50) No  
org_id NUMBER    

Mapped Attributes

This procedure creates a mapping between the internally maintained CUST_ACCT__SITE_ID and the attributes in this table. The created Source System Mapping is stored in the TCA SSM tables.

Attribute Data Type
orig_system VARCHAR2(30)
orig_system_reference VARCHAR2(255)

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Attributes of Embedded Business Objects and Structures

The Customer Account Site business object also has embedded child business objects and structures. You provide embedded object types for the children, submitting the data for creation as if you were calling its own API procedure. For the embedded business object or structure's attribute information, see:

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Customer Account Site business object also has embedded child granular entities. You provide values for the attributes of the business entities to create the attribute values. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

The Account Site Source System Information entity is used for extraction only, not for creating the business object. Do not pass any data for this entity. You can create an original system and original system reference mapping by passing those values at the business object level.

Related Topics

Customer Account Site Business Object API

Create Business Object API Procedures

Customer Account Site

Update Customer Account Site Business Object

For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Update Customer Account Site Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the Customer Account Site business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide values in the input object type to update the attribute values in Oracle Trading Community Architecture.

Identification Attributes

This procedure uses the attributes in this table to uniquely identify the correct Customer Account Site business object in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for these attributes to identify an existing Customer Account Site object, even if you are not updating any of the business object attributes.

Attribute Data Type
cust_acct_site_id NUMBER
orig_system VARCHAR2(30)
orig_system_reference VARCHAR2(255)

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

This procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • Status cannot be set to null during update.

  • Status is lookup code in lookup type CODE_STATUS.

attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150) No  
global_attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
global_attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150) No  
customer_category_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: It is a lookup code in lookup type ADDRESS_CATEGORY.
language VARCHAR2(4) No Validation: language is foreign key of fnd installed languages.
key_account_flag VARCHAR2(1) No  
tp_header_id NUMBER No Validation: tp_header_id must be unique.
ece_tp_location_code VARCHAR2(40) No  
primary_specialist_id NUMBER No Validation: primary_specialist_id is foreign key to per_all_people_f.
secondary_specialist_id NUMBER No Validation: secondary_specialist_id is foreign key to per_all_people_f.
territory_id NUMBER No  
territory VARCHAR2(30) No  
translated_customer_name VARCHAR2(50) No  
org_id NUMBER    

Attributes of Embedded Business Objects and Structures

The Customer Account Site business object also has embedded child business objects and structures. You provide embedded object types for the children, submitting the data for creation or update as if you were calling its own API procedure.

If you are updating the child object, you must provide sufficient identification attributes to uniquely identify the existing child, else the child is newly created.

For the embedded business object or structure's attribute information, see:

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Customer Account Site business object also has embedded child granular entities. You provide values for the attributes of the business entities to create or update the attribute values. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

The Account Site Source System Information entity is used for extraction only, not for creating the business object. Do not pass any data for this entity. You can create an original system and original system reference mapping by passing those values at the business object level.

Related Topics

Customer Account Site Business Object API

Update Business Object API Procedures

Customer Account Site

Get Customer Account Site Business Object

For details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Get Customer Account Site Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the Customer Account Site business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide identification information to retrieve attribute values of the identified business object.

Except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute, these business object attributes are similarly extracted whether the Get Customer Account Site Business Object API procedure is called independent of business events, or as part of an event dependent Get business object call.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved Customer Account Site business object. This attribute is only used when the business object is retrieved as part of an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

This procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
cust_acct_site_id NUMBER
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
program_update_date DATE
created_by_module VARCHAR2(150)
status VARCHAR2(1)
cust_acct_id NUMBER
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30)
attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150)
global_attribute_category VARCHAR2(30)
global_attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150)
customer_category_code VARCHAR2(30)
language VARCHAR2(4)
key_account_flag VARCHAR2(1)
tp_header_id NUMBER
ece_tp_location_code VARCHAR2(40)
primary_specialist_id NUMBER
secondary_specialist_id NUMBER
territory_id NUMBER
territory VARCHAR2(30)
translated_customer_name VARCHAR2(50)
party_site_id NUMBER
org_id NUMBER

Attributes of Embedded Business Objects and Structures

The Customer Account Site business object also has embedded child business objects and structures. This procedure retrieves attribute values of these embedded items.

For the embedded business object or structure's attribute information, see:

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Customer Account Site business object also has embedded child granular entities. This procedure retrieves attribute values of these embedded entities. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

Related Topics

Customer Account Site Business Object API

Get Business Object API Procedures

Customer Account Site

EDI Business Object API

For the details on this API, see: EDI Business Object API, Oracle Integration Repository.

These sections provide information about what the EDI Business Object API procedures do with the business object attributes.

The Save EDI Business Object procedure calls either the Create or Update procedure. See the corresponding sections for attribute information. For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Save EDI Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Related Topics


Business Object APIs Overview

Business Object API Attributes Information Overview

Create EDI Business Object

For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Create EDI Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the EDI business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide values in the input object type to create the attribute values in Oracle Trading Community Architecture.

Accepted Attributes

This procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Foreign key to HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS.orig_system with sst_flag value of Y.
status VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.
Default: A.
primary_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type YES/NO.
Default: N.
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150) No  
contact_point_purpose VARCHAR2(30) No Validation:
  • Validated against AR lookup type CONTACT_POINT_PURPOSE when contact_point_type is not WEB.

  • Validated against AR lookup type CONTACT_POINT_PURPOSE_WEB when contact_point_type = WEB.

primary_by_purpose VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type YES/NO.
edi_transaction_handling VARCHAR2(25) No  
edi_id_number VARCHAR2(30) No  
edi_payment_method VARCHAR2(30) No  
edi_payment_format VARCHAR2(30) No  
edi_remittance_method VARCHAR2(30) No  
edi_remittance_instruction VARCHAR2(30) No  
edi_tp_header_id NUMBER No  
edi_ece_tp_location_code VARCHAR2(40) No  

Mapped Attributes

This procedure creates a mapping between the internally maintained EDI_ID and the attributes in this table. The created Source System Mapping is stored in the TCA SSM tables.

Attribute Data Type
orig_system VARCHAR2(30)
orig_system_reference VARCHAR2(255)

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The EDI business object also has embedded child granular entities. You provide values for the attributes of the business entities to create the attribute values. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

The Contact Point Source System Information entity is used for extraction only, not for creating the business object. Do not pass any data for this entity. You can create an original system and original system reference mapping by passing those values at the business object level.

Related Topics

EDI Business Object API

Create Business Object API Procedures


Update EDI Business Object

For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Update EDI Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the EDI business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide values in the input object type to update the attribute values in Oracle Trading Community Architecture.

Identification Attributes

This procedure uses the attributes in this table to uniquely identify the correct EDI business object in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for these attributes to identify an existing EDI object, even if you are not updating any of the business object attributes.

Attribute Data Type
edi_id NUMBER
orig_system VARCHAR2(30)
orig_system_reference VARCHAR2(255)

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

This procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Cannot be updated.
status VARCHAR2(30) No Validation:
  • It is a lookup code in AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.

  • Cannot be set to null during update.

primary_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type YES/NO.
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150) No  
contact_point_purpose VARCHAR2(30) No Validation:
  • Validated against AR lookup type CONTACT_POINT_PURPOSE when contact_point_type is not WEB.

  • Validated against AR lookup type CONTACT_POINT_PURPOSE_WEB when contact_point_type = WEB.

primary_by_purpose VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type YES/NO.
edi_transaction_handling VARCHAR2(25) No  
edi_id_number VARCHAR2(30) No  
edi_payment_method VARCHAR2(30) No  
edi_payment_format VARCHAR2(30) No  
edi_remittance_method VARCHAR2(30) No  
edi_remittance_instruction VARCHAR2(30) No  
edi_tp_header_id NUMBER No  
edi_ece_tp_location_code VARCHAR2(40) No  

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The EDI business object also has embedded child granular entities. You provide values for the attributes of the business entities to create or update the attribute values. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

The Contact Point Source System Information entity is used for extraction only, not for creating the business object. Do not pass any data for this entity. You can create an original system and original system reference mapping by passing those values at the business object level.

Related Topics

EDI Business Object API

Update Business Object API Procedures


Get EDI Business Object

For details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Get EDI Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the EDI business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide identification information to retrieve attribute values of the identified business object.

Except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute, these business object attributes are similarly extracted whether the Get EDI Business Object API procedure is called independent of business events, or as part of an event dependent Get business object call.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved EDI business object. This attribute is only used when the business object is retrieved as part of an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

This procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
edi_id NUMBER
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
program_update_date DATE
created_by_module VARCHAR2(150)
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30)
status VARCHAR2(30)
parent_object_type VARCHAR2(30)
parent_object_id NUMBER
primary_flag VARCHAR2(1)
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30)
attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150)
contact_point_purpose VARCHAR2(30)
primary_by_purpose VARCHAR2(30)
edi_transaction_handling VARCHAR2(25)
edi_id_number VARCHAR2(30)
edi_payment_method VARCHAR2(30)
edi_payment_format VARCHAR2(30)
edi_remittance_method VARCHAR2(30)
edi_remittance_instruction VARCHAR2(30)
edi_tp_header_id NUMBER
edi_ece_tp_location_code VARCHAR2(40)

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The EDI business object also has embedded child granular entities. This procedure retrieves attribute values of these embedded entities. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

Related Topics

EDI Business Object API

Get Business Object API Procedures


EFT Business Object API

For the details on this API, see: EFT Business Object API, Oracle Integration Repository.

These sections provide information about what the EFT Business Object API procedures do with the business object attributes.

The Save EFT Business Object procedure calls either the Create or Update procedure. See the corresponding sections for attribute information. For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Save EFT Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Related Topics


Business Object APIs Overview

Business Object API Attributes Information Overview

Create EFT Business Object

For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Create EFT Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the EFT business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide values in the input object type to create the attribute values in Oracle Trading Community Architecture.

Accepted Attributes

This procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Foreign key to HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS.orig_system with sst_flag value of Y.
status VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.
Default: A.
primary_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type YES/NO.
Default: N.
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150) No  
contact_point_purpose VARCHAR2(30) No Validation:
  • Validated against AR lookup type CONTACT_POINT_PURPOSE when contact_point_type is not WEB.

  • Validated against AR lookup type CONTACT_POINT_PURPOSE_WEB when contact_point_type = WEB.

primary_by_purpose VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type YES/NO.
eft_transmission_program_id NUMBER No  
eft_printing_program_id NUMBER No  
eft_user_number VARCHAR2(30) No  
eft_swift_code VARCHAR2(30) No  

Mapped Attributes

This procedure creates a mapping between the internally maintained EFT_ID and the attributes in this table. The created Source System Mapping is stored in the TCA SSM tables.

Attribute Data Type
orig_system VARCHAR2(30)
orig_system_reference VARCHAR2(255)

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The EFT business object also has embedded child granular entities. You provide values for the attributes of the business entities to create the attribute values. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

The Contact Point Source System Information entity is used for extraction only, not for creating the business object. Do not pass any data for this entity. You can create an original system and original system reference mapping by passing those values at the business object level.

Related Topics

EFT Business Object API

Create Business Object API Procedures


Update EFT Business Object

For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Update EFT Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the EFT business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide values in the input object type to update the attribute values in Oracle Trading Community Architecture.

Identification Attributes

This procedure uses the attributes in this table to uniquely identify the correct EFT business object in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for these attributes to identify an existing EFT object, even if you are not updating any of the business object attributes.

Attribute Data Type
eft_id NUMBER
orig_system VARCHAR2(30)
orig_system_reference VARCHAR2(255)

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

This procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Cannot be updated.
status VARCHAR2(30) No Validation:
  • It is a lookup code in AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.

  • Cannot be set to null during update.

primary_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type YES/NO.
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150) No  
contact_point_purpose VARCHAR2(30) No Validation:
  • Validated against AR lookup type CONTACT_POINT_PURPOSE when contact_point_type is not WEB.

  • Validated against AR lookup type CONTACT_POINT_PURPOSE_WEB when contact_point_type = WEB.

primary_by_purpose VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type YES/NO.
eft_transmission_program_id NUMBER No  
eft_printing_program_id NUMBER No  
eft_user_number VARCHAR2(30) No  
eft_swift_code VARCHAR2(30) No  

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The EFT business object also has embedded child granular entities. You provide values for the attributes of the business entities to create or update the attribute values. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

The Contact Point Source System Information entity is used for extraction only, not for creating the business object. Do not pass any data for this entity. You can create an original system and original system reference mapping by passing those values at the business object level.

Related Topics

EFT Business Object API

Update Business Object API Procedures


Get EFT Business Object

For details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Get EFT Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the EFT business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide identification information to retrieve attribute values of the identified business object.

Except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute, these business object attributes are similarly extracted whether the Get EFT Business Object API procedure is called independent of business events, or as part of an event dependent Get business object call.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved EFT business object. This attribute is only used when the business object is retrieved as part of an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

This procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
eft_id NUMBER
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
program_update_date DATE
created_by_module VARCHAR2(150)
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30)
status VARCHAR2(30)
parent_object_type VARCHAR2(30)
parent_object_id NUMBER
primary_flag VARCHAR2(1)
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30)
attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150)
contact_point_purpose VARCHAR2(30)
primary_by_purpose VARCHAR2(30)
eft_transmission_program_id NUMBER
eft_printing_program_id NUMBER
eft_user_number VARCHAR2(30)
eft_swift_code VARCHAR2(30)

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The EFT business object also has embedded child granular entities. This procedure retrieves attribute values of these embedded entities. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

Related Topics

EFT Business Object API

Get Business Object API Procedures


E-Mail Business Object API

For the details on this API, see: E-Mail Business Object API, Oracle Integration Repository.

These sections provide information about what the E-Mail Business Object API procedures do with the business object attributes.

The Save E-Mail Business Object procedure calls either the Create or Update procedure. See the corresponding sections for attribute information. For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Save E-Mail Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Related Topics


Business Object APIs Overview

Business Object API Attributes Information Overview

Create E-Mail Business Object

For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Create E-Mail Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the E-Mail business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide values in the input object type to create the attribute values in Oracle Trading Community Architecture.

Accepted Attributes

This procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Foreign key to HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS.orig_system with sst_flag value of Y.
status VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.
Default: A.
primary_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type YES/NO.
Default: N.
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150) No  
contact_point_purpose VARCHAR2(30) No Validation:
  • Validated against AR lookup type CONTACT_POINT_PURPOSE when contact_point_type is not WEB.

  • Validated against AR lookup type CONTACT_POINT_PURPOSE_WEB when contact_point_type = WEB.

primary_by_purpose VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type YES/NO.
email_format VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type EMAIL_FORMAT.
Default: MAILHTML.
email_address VARCHAR2(2000) Yes Validation: Mandatory attribute.

Mapped Attributes

This procedure creates a mapping between the internally maintained EMAIL_ID and the attributes in this table. The created Source System Mapping is stored in the TCA SSM tables.

Attribute Data Type
orig_system VARCHAR2(30)
orig_system_reference VARCHAR2(255)

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The E-Mail business object also has embedded child granular entities. You provide values for the attributes of the business entities to create the attribute values. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

The Contact Point Source System Information entity is used for extraction only, not for creating the business object. Do not pass any data for this entity. You can create an original system and original system reference mapping by passing those values at the business object level.

Related Topics

E-Mail Business Object API

Create Business Object API Procedures


Update E-Mail Business Object

For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Update E-Mail Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the E-Mail business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide values in the input object type to update the attribute values in Oracle Trading Community Architecture.

Identification Attributes

This procedure uses the attributes in this table to uniquely identify the correct E-Mail business object in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for these attributes to identify an existing E-Mail object, even if you are not updating any of the business object attributes.

Attribute Data Type
email_id NUMBER
orig_system VARCHAR2(30)
orig_system_reference VARCHAR2(255)

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

This procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Cannot be updated.
status VARCHAR2(30) No Validation:
  • It is a lookup code in AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.

  • Cannot be set to null during update.

primary_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type YES/NO.
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150) No  
contact_point_purpose VARCHAR2(30) No Validation:
  • Validated against AR lookup type CONTACT_POINT_PURPOSE when contact_point_type is not WEB.

  • Validated against AR lookup type CONTACT_POINT_PURPOSE_WEB when contact_point_type = WEB.

primary_by_purpose VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type YES/NO.
email_format VARCHAR2(30) No Validation:
  • Validated against AR lookup type EMAIL_FORMAT.

  • Cannot set to null during update.

email_address VARCHAR2(2000) No Validation: Cannot be set to null during update.

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The E-Mail business object also has embedded child granular entities. You provide values for the attributes of the business entities to create or update the attribute values. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

The Contact Point Source System Information entity is used for extraction only, not for creating the business object. Do not pass any data for this entity. You can create an original system and original system reference mapping by passing those values at the business object level.

Related Topics

E-Mail Business Object API

Update Business Object API Procedures


Get E-Mail Business Object

For details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Get E-Mail Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the E-Mail business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide identification information to retrieve attribute values of the identified business object.

Except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute, these business object attributes are similarly extracted whether the Get E-Mail Business Object API procedure is called independent of business events, or as part of an event dependent Get business object call.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved E-Mail business object. This attribute is only used when the business object is retrieved as part of an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

This procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
email_id NUMBER
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
program_update_date DATE
created_by_module VARCHAR2(150)
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30)
status VARCHAR2(30)
parent_object_type VARCHAR2(30)
parent_object_id NUMBER
primary_flag VARCHAR2(1)
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30)
attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150)
contact_point_purpose VARCHAR2(30)
primary_by_purpose VARCHAR2(30)
email_format VARCHAR2(30)
email_address VARCHAR2(2000)

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The E-Mail business object also has embedded child granular entities. This procedure retrieves attribute values of these embedded entities. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

Related Topics

E-Mail Business Object API

Get Business Object API Procedures


Organization Business Object API

For the details on this API, see: Organization Business Object API, Oracle Integration Repository.

These sections provide information about what the Organization Business Object API procedures do with the business object attributes.

The Save Organization Business Object procedure calls either the Create or Update procedure. See the corresponding sections for attribute information. For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Save Organization Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Related Topics


Business Object APIs Overview

Business Object API Attributes Information Overview

Create Organization Business Object

For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Create Organization Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the Organization business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide values in the input object type to create the attribute values in Oracle Trading Community Architecture.

Accepted Attributes

This procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Foreign key to HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS_B.orig_system with sst_flag value of Y.
Default: SST.
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.
Default: A.
party_number VARCHAR2(30) Yes or No Validation: Generated by sequence if profile HZ_GENERATE_PARTY_NUMBER is Y, else mandatory.
validated_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Default: N.
category_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against lookup type CUSTOMER_CATEGORY.
salutation VARCHAR2(60) No  
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute24 VARCHAR2(150) No  
organization_name VARCHAR2(360) Yes Validation: Mandatory attribute.
duns_number_c VARCHAR2(30) No  
enquiry_duns VARCHAR2(15) No  
ceo_name VARCHAR2(240) No  
ceo_title VARCHAR2(240) No  
principal_name VARCHAR2(240) No  
principal_title VARCHAR2(240) No  
legal_status VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type LEGAL_STATUS.
control_yr NUMBER No  
employees_total NUMBER No  
hq_branch_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type HQ_BRANCH_IND.
branch_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
oob_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
line_of_business VARCHAR2(240) No  
cong_dist_code VARCHAR2(2) No  
sic_code VARCHAR2(30) No  
import_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
export_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
labor_surplus_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
debarment_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
minority_owned_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
minority_owned_type VARCHAR2(30) No  
woman_owned_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
disadv_8a_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
small_bus_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
rent_own_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type OWN_RENT_IND.
debarments_count NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
debarments_date DATE No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score VARCHAR2(30) No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_natnl_percentile NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_override_code VARCHAR2(30) No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_commentary VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY.
global_failure_score VARCHAR2(5) No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
db_rating VARCHAR2(5) No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score VARCHAR2(30) No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_commentary VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY.
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
paydex_score VARCHAR2(3) No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
paydex_three_months_ago VARCHAR2(3) No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
paydex_norm VARCHAR2(3) No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
best_time_contact_begin DATE No  
best_time_contact_end DATE No  
organization_name_phonetic VARCHAR2(320) No  
tax_reference VARCHAR2(50) No  
gsa_indicator_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
jgzz_fiscal_code VARCHAR2(20) No  
analysis_fy VARCHAR2(5) No  
fiscal_yearend_month VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type MONTH.
curr_fy_potential_revenue NUMBER No  
next_fy_potential_revenue NUMBER No  
year_established NUMBER No  
mission_statement VARCHAR2(2000) No  
organization_type VARCHAR2(30) No  
business_scope VARCHAR2(20) No  
corporation_class VARCHAR2(60) No  
known_as VARCHAR2(240) No  
known_as2 to known_as5 VARCHAR2(240) No  
local_bus_iden_type VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type LOCAL_BUS_IDEN_TYPE.
local_bus_identifier VARCHAR2(60) No  
pref_functional_currency VARCHAR2(30) No  
registration_type VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type REGISTRATION TYPE.
total_employees_text VARCHAR2(60) No  
total_employees_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against lookup type TOTAL_EMPLOYEES_INDICATOR.
total_emp_est_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against lookup type TOTAL_EMP_EST_IND.
total_emp_min_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against lookup type TOTAL_EMP_MIN_IND.
parent_sub_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
incorp_year NUMBER No  
sic_code_type VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type SIC_CODE_TYPE.
public_private_ownership_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
internal_flag VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
Default: N.
local_activity_code_type VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type LOCAL_ACTIVITY_CODE_TYPE.
local_activity_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type = value of local_activity_code_type.
emp_at_primary_adr VARCHAR2(10) No  
emp_at_primary_adr_text VARCHAR2(12) No  
emp_at_primary_adr_est_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against lookup type EMP_AT_PRIMARY_ADR_EST.
emp_at_primary_adr_min_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against lookup type EMP_AT_PR IMARY_ADR_MIN.
high_credit NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
avg_high_credit NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
total_payments NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_class NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_natl_percentile NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_incd_default NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_age NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_date DATE No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_commentary2 to credit_score_commentary10 VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY.
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_class NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_incd_default NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_age NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_date DATE No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_commentary2 to failure_score_commentary10 VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY.
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
maximum_credit_recommendation NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
maximum_credit_currency_code VARCHAR2(240) No Validation: Foreign Key to fnd_currencies.currency_code.
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
displayed_duns_party_id NUMBER No Validation: Foreign Key to HZ_PARTIES.PARTY_ID.
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
do_not_confuse_with VARCHAR2(255) No  

Mapped Attributes

This procedure creates a mapping between the internally maintained ORGANIZATION_ID and the attributes in this table. The created Source System Mapping is stored in the TCA SSM tables.

Attribute Data Type
orig_system VARCHAR2(30)
orig_system_reference VARCHAR2(255)

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Attributes of Embedded Business Objects and Structures

The Organization business object also has embedded child business objects and structures. You provide embedded object types for the children, submitting the data for creation as if you were calling its own API procedure. For the embedded business object or structure's attribute information, see:

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Organization business object also has embedded child granular entities. You provide values for the attributes of the business entities to create the attribute values. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

The Organization Source System Information entity is used for extraction only, not for creating the business object. Do not pass any data for this entity. You can create an original system and original system reference mapping by passing those values at the business object level.

Related Topics

Organization Business Object API

Create Business Object API Procedures


Update Organization Business Object

For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Update Organization Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the Organization business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide values in the input object type to update the attribute values in Oracle Trading Community Architecture.

Identification Attributes

This procedure uses the attributes in this table to uniquely identify the correct Organization business object in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for these attributes to identify an existing Organization object, even if you are not updating any of the business object attributes.

Attribute Data Type
organization_id NUMBER
orig_system VARCHAR2(30)
orig_system_reference VARCHAR2(255)

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

This procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Cannot be updated.
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • It is a lookup code in AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.

  • Cannot be updated to null.

party_number VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Cannot be updated.
validated_flag VARCHAR2(1) No  
category_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against lookup type CUSTOMER_CATEGORY.
salutation VARCHAR2(60) No  
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute24 VARCHAR2(150) No  
organization_name VARCHAR2(360) Yes Validation: Cannot be updated to null.
duns_number_c VARCHAR2(30) No  
enquiry_duns VARCHAR2(15) No  
ceo_name VARCHAR2(240) No  
ceo_title VARCHAR2(240) No  
principal_name VARCHAR2(240) No  
principal_title VARCHAR2(240) No  
legal_status VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type LEGAL_STATUS.
control_yr NUMBER No  
employees_total NUMBER No  
hq_branch_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type HQ_BRANCH_IND.
branch_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
oob_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
line_of_business VARCHAR2(240) No  
cong_dist_code VARCHAR2(2) No  
sic_code VARCHAR2(30) No  
import_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
export_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
labor_surplus_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
debarment_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
minority_owned_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
minority_owned_type VARCHAR2(30) No  
woman_owned_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
disadv_8a_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
small_bus_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
rent_own_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type OWN_RENT_IND.
debarments_count NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
debarments_date DATE No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score VARCHAR2(30) No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_natnl_percentile NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_override_code VARCHAR2(30) No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_commentary VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY.
global_failure_score VARCHAR2(5) No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
db_rating VARCHAR2(5) No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score VARCHAR2(30) No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_commentary VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY.
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
paydex_score VARCHAR2(3) No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
paydex_three_months_ago VARCHAR2(3) No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
paydex_norm VARCHAR2(3) No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
best_time_contact_begin DATE No  
best_time_contact_end DATE No  
organization_name_phonetic VARCHAR2(320) No  
tax_reference VARCHAR2(50) No  
gsa_indicator_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
jgzz_fiscal_code VARCHAR2(20) No  
analysis_fy VARCHAR2(5) No  
fiscal_yearend_month VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type MONTH.
curr_fy_potential_revenue NUMBER No  
next_fy_potential_revenue NUMBER No  
year_established NUMBER No  
mission_statement VARCHAR2(2000) No  
organization_type VARCHAR2(30) No  
business_scope VARCHAR2(20) No  
corporation_class VARCHAR2(60) No  
known_as VARCHAR2(240) No  
known_as2 to known_as5 VARCHAR2(240) No  
local_bus_iden_type VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type LOCAL_BUS_IDEN_TYPE.
local_bus_identifier VARCHAR2(60) No  
pref_functional_currency VARCHAR2(30) No  
registration_type VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type REGISTRATION TYPE.
total_employees_text VARCHAR2(60) No  
total_employees_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against lookup type TOTAL_EMPLOYEES_INDICATOR.
total_emp_est_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against lookup type TOTAL_EMP_EST_IND.
total_emp_min_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against lookup type TOTAL_EMP_MIN_IND.
parent_sub_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
incorp_year NUMBER No  
sic_code_type VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type SIC_CODE_TYPE.
public_private_ownership_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
internal_flag VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
Default: N
local_activity_code_type VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type LOCAL_ACTIVITY_CODE_TYPE.
local_activity_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type = value of local_activity_code_type.
emp_at_primary_adr VARCHAR2(10) No  
emp_at_primary_adr_text VARCHAR2(12) No  
emp_at_primary_adr_est_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against lookup type EMP_AT_PRIMARY_ADR_EST.
emp_at_primary_adr_min_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against lookup type EMP_AT_PR IMARY_ADR_MIN.
high_credit NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
avg_high_credit NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
total_payments NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_class NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_natl_percentile NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_incd_default NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_age NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_date DATE No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_commentary2 to credit_score_commentary10 VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY.
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_class NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_incd_default NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_age NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_date DATE No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_commentary2 to failure_score_commentary10 VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY.
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
maximum_credit_recommendation NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
maximum_credit_currency_code VARCHAR2(240) No Validation: Foreign Key to fnd_currencies.currency_code.
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
displayed_duns_party_id NUMBER No Validation: Foreign Key to HZ_PARTIES.PARTY_ID.
do_not_confuse_with VARCHAR2(255) No  

Attributes of Embedded Business Objects and Structures

The Organization business object also has embedded child business objects and structures. You provide embedded object types for the children, submitting the data for creation or update as if you were calling its own API procedure.

If you are updating the child object, you must provide sufficient identification attributes to uniquely identify the existing child, else the child is newly created.

For the embedded business object or structure's attribute information, see:

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Organization business object also has embedded child granular entities. You provide values for the attributes of the business entities to create or update the attribute values. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

The Organization Source System Information entity is used for extraction only, not for creating the business object. Do not pass any data for this entity. You can create an original system and original system reference mapping by passing those values at the business object level.

Related Topics

Organization Business Object API

Update Business Object API Procedures


Get Organization Business Object

For details including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Organization Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository for the Get Organization Business Object procedure and all the event dependent Get procedures.

Details of the Organization business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide identification information to retrieve attribute values of the identified business object.

Except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute, these business object attributes are similarly extracted whether the Get Organization Business Object API procedure is event dependent or independent.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved Organization business object. This attribute is only used when the business object is retrieved for an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

This procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
organization_id NUMBER
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
program_update_date DATE
created_by_module VARCHAR2(150)
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30)
status VARCHAR2(1)
party_number VARCHAR2(30)
validated_flag VARCHAR2(1)
category_code VARCHAR2(30)
salutation VARCHAR2(60)
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30)
attribute1 to attribute24 VARCHAR2(150)
organization_name VARCHAR2(360)
duns_number_c VARCHAR2(30)
enquiry_duns VARCHAR2(15)
ceo_name VARCHAR2(240)
ceo_title VARCHAR2(240)
principal_name VARCHAR2(240)
principal_title VARCHAR2(240)
legal_status VARCHAR2(30)
control_yr NUMBER
employees_total NUMBER
hq_branch_ind VARCHAR2(30)
branch_flag VARCHAR2(1)
oob_ind VARCHAR2(30)
line_of_business VARCHAR2(240)
cong_dist_code VARCHAR2(2)
sic_code VARCHAR2(30)
import_ind VARCHAR2(30)
export_ind VARCHAR2(30)
labor_surplus_ind VARCHAR2(30)
debarment_ind VARCHAR2(30)
minority_owned_ind VARCHAR2(30)
minority_owned_type VARCHAR2(30)
woman_owned_ind VARCHAR2(30)
disadv_8a_ind VARCHAR2(30)
small_bus_ind VARCHAR2(30)
rent_own_ind VARCHAR2(30)
debarments_count NUMBER
debarments_date DATE
failure_score VARCHAR2(30)
failure_score_natnl_percentile NUMBER
failure_score_override_code VARCHAR2(30)
failure_score_commentary VARCHAR2(30)
global_failure_score VARCHAR2(5)
db_rating VARCHAR2(5)
credit_score VARCHAR2(30)
credit_score_commentary VARCHAR2(30)
paydex_score VARCHAR2(3)
paydex_three_months_ago VARCHAR2(3)
paydex_norm VARCHAR2(3)
best_time_contact_begin DATE
best_time_contact_end DATE
organization_name_phonetic VARCHAR2(320)
tax_reference VARCHAR2(50)
gsa_indicator_flag VARCHAR2(1)
jgzz_fiscal_code VARCHAR2(20)
analysis_fy VARCHAR2(5)
fiscal_yearend_month VARCHAR2(30)
curr_fy_potential_revenue NUMBER
next_fy_potential_revenue NUMBER
year_established NUMBER
mission_statement VARCHAR2(2000)
organization_type VARCHAR2(30)
business_scope VARCHAR2(20)
corporation_class VARCHAR2(60)
known_as VARCHAR2(240)
known_as2 to known_as5 VARCHAR2(240)
local_bus_iden_type VARCHAR2(30)
local_bus_identifier VARCHAR2(60)
pref_functional_currency VARCHAR2(30)
registration_type VARCHAR2(30)
total_employees_text VARCHAR2(60)
total_employees_ind VARCHAR2(30)
total_emp_est_ind VARCHAR2(30)
total_emp_min_ind VARCHAR2(30)
parent_sub_ind VARCHAR2(30)
incorp_year NUMBER
sic_code_type VARCHAR2(30)
public_private_ownership_flag VARCHAR2(1)
internal_flag VARCHAR2(30)
local_activity_code_type VARCHAR2(30)
local_activity_code VARCHAR2(30)
emp_at_primary_adr VARCHAR2(10)
emp_at_primary_adr_text VARCHAR2(12)
emp_at_primary_adr_est_ind VARCHAR2(30)
emp_at_primary_adr_min_ind VARCHAR2(30)
high_credit NUMBER
avg_high_credit NUMBER
total_payments NUMBER
credit_score_class NUMBER
credit_score_natl_percentile NUMBER
credit_score_incd_default NUMBER
credit_score_age NUMBER
credit_score_date DATE
credit_score_commentary2 to credit_score_commentary10 VARCHAR2(30)
failure_score_class NUMBER
failure_score_incd_default NUMBER
failure_score_age NUMBER
failure_score_date DATE
failure_score_commentary2 to failure_score_commentary10 VARCHAR2(30)
maximum_credit_recommendation NUMBER
maximum_credit_currency_code VARCHAR2(240)
displayed_duns_party_id NUMBER
do_not_confuse_with VARCHAR2(255)

Attributes of Embedded Business Objects and Structures

The Organization business object also has embedded child business objects and structures. This procedure retrieves attribute values of these embedded items.

For the embedded business object or structure's attribute information, see:

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Organization business object also has embedded child granular entities. This procedure retrieves attribute values of these embedded entities. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

Related Topics

Organization Business Object API

Get Business Object API Procedures


Organization Contact Business Object API

For the details on this API, see: Organization Contact Business Object API, Oracle Integration Repository.

These sections provide information about what the Organization Contact Business Object API procedures do with the business object attributes.

The Save Organization Contact Business Object procedure calls either the Create or Update procedure. See the corresponding sections for attribute information. For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Save Organization Contact Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Related Topics

Organization Contact

Business Object APIs Overview

Business Object API Attributes Information Overview

Create Organization Contact Business Object

For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Create Organization Contact Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the Organization Contact business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide values in the input object type to create the attribute values in Oracle Trading Community Architecture.

Accepted Attributes

This procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.
Default: A.
comments VARCHAR2(240) No  
contact_number VARCHAR2(30) Yes or No Comment: If HZ_GENERATE_CONTACT_NUMBER = Y or null and caller does not pass any value, then it is generated from sequence, else caller is passed value is accepted.
department_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type DEPARTMENT_TYPE.
department VARCHAR2(60) No  
title VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type CONTACT_TITLE.
job_title VARCHAR2(100) No  
decision_maker_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
job_title_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type RESPONSIBILITY.
reference_use_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
rank VARCHAR2(30) No  
party_site_id NUMBER No Validation: Foreign key to HZ_PARTY_SITES. PARTY_SITE_ID. If a value is passed, then the party_id of the party site should be same as the object_id of the relationship to be created for this organization contact.
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute24 VARCHAR2(150) No  
relationship_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation:
  • Mandatory attribute.

  • Validated against AR lookup type PARTY_RELATIONS_TYPE.

  • Required to be a valid forward_rel_code for the particular relationship type requested.

relationship_type VARCHAR2(30) No Validation:
  • Mandatory attribute.

  • Must be a valid relationship_type from the HZ_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE table for the combination of subject_type, object_type, and relationship_code passed.

relationship_comments VARCHAR2(240) No  
start_date DATE No Validation: Mandatory attribute
end_date DATE No Validation: Must not be less than start_date.
Default: 31-DEC-4712
relationship_status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.
Default: A.

Mapped Attributes

This procedure creates a mapping between the internally maintained ORG_CONTACT_ID and the attributes in this table. The created Source System Mapping is stored in the TCA SSM tables.

Attribute Data Type
orig_system VARCHAR2(30)
orig_system_reference VARCHAR2(255)

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Attributes of Embedded Business Objects and Structures

The Organization Contact business object also has embedded child business objects and structures. You provide embedded object types for the children, submitting the data for creation as if you were calling its own API procedure. For the embedded business object or structure's attribute information, see:

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Organization Contact business object also has embedded child granular entities. You provide values for the attributes of the business entities to create the attribute values. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

The Organization Source System Information entity is used for extraction only, not for creating the business object. Do not pass any data for this entity. You can create an original system and original system reference mapping by passing those values at the business object level.

Related Topics

Organization Contact Business Object API

Create Business Object API Procedures

Organization Contact

Update Organization Contact Business Object

For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Update Organization Contact Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the Organization Contact business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide values in the input object type to update the attribute values in Oracle Trading Community Architecture.

Identification Attributes

This procedure uses the attributes in this table to uniquely identify the correct Organization Contact business object in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for these attributes to identify an existing Organization Contact object, even if you are not updating any of the business object attributes.

Attribute Data Type
org_contact_id NUMBER
orig_system VARCHAR2(30)
orig_system_reference VARCHAR2(255)

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

This procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • It is a lookup code in AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.

  • Cannot be updated to null.

comments VARCHAR2(240) No  
contact_number VARCHAR2(30) No  
department_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type DEPARTMENT_TYPE.
department VARCHAR2(60) No  
title VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type CONTACT_TITLE.
job_title VARCHAR2(100) No  
decision_maker_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
job_title_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type RESPONSIBILITY.
reference_use_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
rank VARCHAR2(30) No  
party_site_id NUMBER No Validation: Foreign key to HZ_PARTY_SITES. PARTY_SITE_ID. If a value is passed, then the party_id of the party site should be same as the object_id of the relationship to be created for this organization contact.
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute24 VARCHAR2(150) No  
relationship_code VARCHAR2(30) No Cannot be updated.
relationship_type VARCHAR2(30) No Cannot be updated.
relationship_comments VARCHAR2(240) No  
start_date DATE No Validation: Cannot be updated to null.
end_date DATE No Validation: Cannot be less than start_date.
relationship_status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • It is a lookup code in AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.

  • Cannot be updated to null.

Attributes of Embedded Business Objects and Structures

The Organization Contact business object also has embedded child business objects and structures. You provide embedded object types for the children, submitting the data for creation or update as if you were calling its own API procedure.

If you are updating the child object, you must provide sufficient identification attributes to uniquely identify the existing child, else the child is newly created.

For the embedded business object or structure's attribute information, see:

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Organization Contact business object also has embedded child granular entities. You provide values for the attributes of the business entities to create or update the attribute values. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

The Organization Source System Information entity is used for extraction only, not for creating the business object. Do not pass any data for this entity. You can create an original system and original system reference mapping by passing those values at the business object level.

Related Topics

Organization Contact Business Object API

Update Business Object API Procedures

Organization Contact

Get Organization Contact Business Object

For details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Get Organization Contact Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the Organization Contact business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide identification information to retrieve attribute values of the identified business object.

Except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute, these business object attributes are similarly extracted whether the Get Organization Contact Business Object API procedure is called independent of business events, or as part of an event dependent Get business object call.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved Organization Contact business object. This attribute is only used when the business object is retrieved as part of an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

This procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
org_contact_id NUMBER
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
program_update_date DATE
created_by_module VARCHAR2(150)
status VARCHAR2(1)
comments VARCHAR2(240)
contact_number VARCHAR2(30)
department_code VARCHAR2(30)
department VARCHAR2(60)
title VARCHAR2(30)
job_title VARCHAR2(100)
decision_maker_flag VARCHAR2(1)
job_title_code VARCHAR2(30)
reference_use_flag VARCHAR2(1)
rank VARCHAR2(30)
party_site_id NUMBER
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30)
attribute1 to attribute24 VARCHAR2(150)
relationship_code VARCHAR2(30)
relationship_type VARCHAR2(30)
relationship_comments VARCHAR2(240)
start_date DATE
end_date DATE
relationship_status VARCHAR2(1)

Attributes of Embedded Business Objects and Structures

The Organization Contact business object also has embedded child business objects and structures. This procedure retrieves attribute values of these embedded items.

For the embedded business object or structure's attribute information, see:

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Organization Contact business object also has embedded child granular entities. This procedure retrieves attribute values of these embedded entities. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

Related Topics

Organization Contact Business Object API

Get Business Object API Procedures

Organization Contact

Organization Customer Business Object API

For the details on this API, see: Organization Customer Business Object API, Oracle Integration Repository.

These sections provide information about what the Organization Customer Business Object API procedures do with the business object attributes.

The Save Organization Customer Business Object procedure calls either the Create or Update procedure. See the corresponding sections for attribute information. For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Save Organization Customer Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Related Topics

Organization Customer

Business Object APIs Overview

Business Object API Attributes Information Overview

Create Organization Customer Business Object

For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Create Organization Customer Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the Organization Customer business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide values in the input object type to create the attribute values in Oracle Trading Community Architecture.

Attributes of Embedded Business Objects and Structures

The Organization Customer business object has embedded child business objects and structures. You provide embedded object types for the children, submitting the data for creation as if you were calling its own API procedure. For the embedded business object or structure's attribute information, see:

Related Topics

Organization Customer Business Object API

Create Business Object API Procedures

Organization Customer

Update Organization Customer Business Object

For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Update Organization Customer Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the Organization Customer business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide values in the input object type to update the attribute values in Oracle Trading Community Architecture.

Attributes of Embedded Business Objects and Structures

The Organization Customer business object has embedded child business objects and structures. You provide embedded object types for the children, submitting the data for creation or update as if you were calling its own API procedure.

If you are updating the child object, you must provide sufficient identification attributes to uniquely identify the existing child, else the child is newly created.

For the embedded business object or structure's attribute information, see:

Related Topics

Organization Customer Business Object API

Update Business Object API Procedures

Organization Customer

Get Organization Customer Business Object

For details including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Organization Customer Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository for the Get Organization Customer Business Object procedure and all the event dependent Get procedures.

Details of the Organization Customer business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide identification information to retrieve attribute values of the identified business object.

Except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute, these business object attributes are similarly extracted whether the Get Organization Customer Business Object API procedure is event dependent or independent.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved Organization Customer business object. This attribute is only used when the business object is retrieved for an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Attributes of Embedded Business Objects and Structures

The Organization Customer business object has embedded child business objects and structures. This procedure retrieves attribute values of these embedded items.

For the embedded business object or structure's attribute information, see:

Related Topics

Organization Customer Business Object API

Get Business Object API Procedures

Organization Customer

Party Site Business Object API

For the details on this API, see: Party Site Business Object API, Oracle Integration Repository.

These sections provide information about what the Party Site Business Object API procedures do with the business object attributes.

The Save Party Site Business Object procedure calls either the Create or Update procedure. See the corresponding sections for attribute information. For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Save Party Site Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Related Topics

Party Site

Business Object APIs Overview

Business Object API Attributes Information Overview

Create Party Site Business Object

For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Create Party Site Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the Party Site business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide values in the input object type to create the attribute values in Oracle Trading Community Architecture.

Accepted Attributes

This procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.
party_site_number VARCHAR2(30) Yes or No Validation:
  • Required when profile HZ_GENERATE_PARTY_SITE_NUMBER = N, else it is generated from sequence.

  • Unique when passed in.

mailstop VARCHAR2(60) No  
identifying_address_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
party_site_name VARCHAR2(240) No  
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute24 VARCHAR2(150) No  
language VARCHAR2(4) No Validation: Foreign Key to fnd_languages.language_code (installed).
addressee VARCHAR2(150) No  
global_location_number VARCHAR2(40) No Validation:
  • Cannot have nonnumeric characters.

  • Must be 13 digits long.

  • Must satisfy the check-digit algorithm.

    The check-digit algorithm is:

    1. Add the digits in even position. Multiply this sum by three.

    2. Add the digits in odd position, excluding the thirteenth digit.

    3. Add the values obtained in the previous two steps.

    The thirteenth digit should be the smallest number that should be added to make the sum obtained in step 3, a multiple of 10.

Mapped Attributes

This procedure creates a mapping between the internally maintained PARTY_SITE_ID and the attributes in this table. The created Source System Mapping is stored in the TCA SSM tables.

Attribute Data Type
orig_system VARCHAR2(30)
orig_system_reference VARCHAR2(255)

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Attributes of Embedded Business Objects and Structures

The Party Site business object also has embedded child business objects and structures. You provide embedded object types for the children, submitting the data for creation as if you were calling its own API procedure. For the embedded business object or structure's attribute information, see:

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Party Site business object also has embedded child granular entities. You provide values for the attributes of the business entities to create the attribute values. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

The Party Site Source System Information entity is used for extraction only, not for creating the business object. Do not pass any data for this entity. You can create an original system and original system reference mapping by passing those values at the business object level.

Related Topics

Party Site Business Object API

Create Business Object API Procedures

Party Site

Update Party Site Business Object

For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Update Party Site Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the Party Site business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide values in the input object type to update the attribute values in Oracle Trading Community Architecture.

Identification Attributes

This procedure uses the attributes in this table to uniquely identify the correct Party Site business object in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for these attributes to identify an existing Party Site object, even if you are not updating any of the business object attributes.

Attribute Data Type
party_site_id NUMBER
orig_system VARCHAR2(30)
orig_system_reference VARCHAR2(255)

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

This procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • It is a lookup code in AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.

  • Cannot be set to null during update.

party_site_number VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Cannot be updated.
mailstop VARCHAR2(60) No  
identifying_address_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
party_site_name VARCHAR2(240) No  
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute24 VARCHAR2(150) No  
language VARCHAR2(4) No Validation: Foreign Key to fnd_languages.language_code (installed).
addressee VARCHAR2(150) No  
global_location_number VARCHAR2(40) No Validation:
  • Cannot have nonnumeric characters.

  • Must be 13 digits long.

  • Must satisfy the check-digit algorithm.

    The check-digit algorithm is:

    1. Add the digits in even position. Multiply this sum by three.

    2. Add the digits in odd position, excluding the thirteenth digit.

    3. Add the values obtained in the previous two steps.

    The thirteenth digit should be the smallest number that should be added to make the sum obtained in step 3, a multiple of 10.

Attributes of Embedded Business Objects and Structures

The Party Site business object also has embedded child business objects and structures. You provide embedded object types for the children, submitting the data for creation or update as if you were calling its own API procedure.

If you are updating the child object, you must provide sufficient identification attributes to uniquely identify the existing child, else the child is newly created.

For the embedded business object or structure's attribute information, see:

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Party Site business object also has embedded child granular entities. You provide values for the attributes of the business entities to create or update the attribute values. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

The Party Site Source System Information entity is used for extraction only, not for creating the business object. Do not pass any data for this entity. You can create an original system and original system reference mapping by passing those values at the business object level.

Related Topics

Party Site Business Object API

Update Business Object API Procedures

Party Site

Get Party Site Business Object

For details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Get Party Site Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the Party Site business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide identification information to retrieve attribute values of the identified business object.

Except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute, these business object attributes are similarly extracted whether the Get Party Site Business Object API procedure is called independent of business events, or as part of an event dependent Get business object call.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved Party Site business object. This attribute is only used when the business object is retrieved as part of an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

This procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
party_site_id NUMBER
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
program_update_date DATE
created_by_module VARCHAR2(150)
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30)
status VARCHAR2(1)
parent_object_type VARCHAR2(30)
parent_object_id NUMBER
party_site_number VARCHAR2(30)
mailstop VARCHAR2(60)
identifying_address_flag VARCHAR2(1)
party_site_name VARCHAR2(240)
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30)
attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150)
language VARCHAR2(4)
addressee VARCHAR2(150)
global_location_number VARCHAR2(40)

Attributes of Embedded Business Objects and Structures

The Party Site business object also has embedded child business objects and structures. This procedure retrieves attribute values of these embedded items.

For the embedded business object or structure's attribute information, see:

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Party Site business object also has embedded child granular entities. This procedure retrieves attribute values of these embedded entities. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

Related Topics

Party Site Business Object API

Get Business Object API Procedures

Party Site

Person Business Object API

For the details on this API, see: Person Business Object API, Oracle Integration Repository.

These sections provide information about what the Person Business Object API procedures do with the business object attributes.

The Save Person Business Object procedure calls either the Create or Update procedure. See the corresponding sections for attribute information. For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Save Person Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Related Topics


Business Object APIs Overview

Business Object API Attributes Information Overview

Create Person Business Object

For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Create Person Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the Person business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide values in the input object type to create the attribute values in Oracle Trading Community Architecture.

Accepted Attributes

This procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Foreign key to HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS_B.orig_system with sst_flag value of Y.
Default: SST.
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.
Default: A.
party_number VARCHAR2(30) Yes or No Validation:.Generated by sequence if profile HZ_GENERATE_PARTY_NUMBER is Y, else unique and mandatory.
validated_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Default: N
category_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against lookup type CUSTOMER_CATEGORY.
salutation VARCHAR2(60) No  
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute24 VARCHAR2(150) No  
person_pre_name_adjunct VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type CONTACT_TITLE.
person_first_name VARCHAR2(150) Yes or No Validation: Either one of person_first_name or person_last_name should be passed in.
person_middle_name VARCHAR2(60) No  
person_last_name VARCHAR2(150) Yes or No Validation: Either one of person_first_name or person_last_name should be passed in.
person_name_suffix VARCHAR2(30) No  
person_title VARCHAR2(60) No  
person_academic_title VARCHAR2(30) No  
person_previous_last_name VARCHAR2(150) No  
person_initials VARCHAR2(6) No  
known_as VARCHAR2(240) No  
known_as2 to known_as5 VARCHAR2(240) No  
person_name_phonetic VARCHAR2(320) No  
person_first_name_phonetic VARCHAR2(60) No  
person_last_name_phonetic VARCHAR2(60) No  
middle_name_phonetic VARCHAR2(60) No  
tax_reference VARCHAR2(50) No  
jgzz_fiscal_code VARCHAR2(20) No  
person_iden_type VARCHAR2(30) No  
person_identifier VARCHAR2(60) No  
date_of_birth DATE No  
place_of_birth VARCHAR2(60) No  
date_of_death DATE No  
deceased_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Validated against date_of_death. If deceased_ind is N, then date_of_death cannot have a value.
Default: If date_of_death is null, then N. If date_of_death is not null, then Y.
gender VARCHAR2(30) No  
declared_ethnicity VARCHAR2(60) No  
marital_status VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type MARITAL_STATUS.
marital_status_effective_date DATE No  
personal_income NUMBER No  
head_of_household_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
household_income NUMBER No  
household_size NUMBER No  
rent_own_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type OWN_RENT_IND.
last_known_gps VARCHAR2(60) No  
internal_flag VARCHAR2(2) No Default: N

Mapped Attributes

This procedure creates a mapping between the internally maintained PERSON_ID and the attributes in this table. The created Source System Mapping is stored in the TCA SSM tables.

Attribute Data Type
orig_system VARCHAR2(30)
orig_system_reference VARCHAR2(255)

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Attributes of Embedded Business Objects and Structures

The Person business object also has embedded child business objects and structures. You provide embedded object types for the children, submitting the data for creation as if you were calling its own API procedure. For the embedded business object or structure's attribute information, see:

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Person business object also has embedded child granular entities. You provide values for the attributes of the business entities to create the attribute values. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

The Person Source System Information entity is used for extraction only, not for creating the business object. Do not pass any data for this entity. You can create an original system and original system reference mapping by passing those values at the business object level.

Related Topics

Person Business Object API

Create Business Object API Procedures


Update Person Business Object

For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Update Person Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the Person business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide values in the input object type to update the attribute values in Oracle Trading Community Architecture.

Identification Attributes

This procedure uses the attributes in this table to uniquely identify the correct Person business object in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for these attributes to identify an existing Person object, even if you are not updating any of the business object attributes.

Attribute Data Type
person_id NUMBER
orig_system VARCHAR2(30)
orig_system_reference VARCHAR2(255)

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

This procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Cannot be updated.
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • It is a lookup code in AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.

  • Cannot be updated to null.

party_number VARCHAR2(30) Yes or No Validation: Cannot be updated.
validated_flag VARCHAR2(1) No  
category_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against lookup type CUSTOMER_CATEGORY.
salutation VARCHAR2(60) No  
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute24 VARCHAR2(150) No  
person_pre_name_adjunct VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type CONTACT_TITLE.
person_first_name VARCHAR2(150) Yes or No Validation: During update both person_first_name and person_last_name cannot be set to null.
person_middle_name VARCHAR2(60) No  
person_last_name VARCHAR2(150) Yes or No Validation: During update both person_first_name and person_last_name cannot be set to null.
person_name_suffix VARCHAR2(30) No  
person_title VARCHAR2(60) No  
person_academic_title VARCHAR2(30) No  
person_previous_last_name VARCHAR2(150) No  
person_initials VARCHAR2(6) No  
known_as VARCHAR2(240) No  
known_as2 to known_as5 VARCHAR2(240) No  
person_name_phonetic VARCHAR2(320) No  
person_first_name_phonetic VARCHAR2(60) No  
person_last_name_phonetic VARCHAR2(60) No  
middle_name_phonetic VARCHAR2(60) No  
tax_reference VARCHAR2(50) No  
jgzz_fiscal_code VARCHAR2(20) No  
person_iden_type VARCHAR2(30) No  
person_identifier VARCHAR2(60) No  
date_of_birth DATE No  
place_of_birth VARCHAR2(60) No  
date_of_death DATE No  
deceased_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Default: If this parameter is null and date_of_death is not null, then this parameter changes to Y.
gender VARCHAR2(30) No  
declared_ethnicity VARCHAR2(60) No  
marital_status VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type MARITAL_STATUS.
marital_status_effective_date DATE No  
personal_income NUMBER No  
head_of_household_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
household_income NUMBER No  
household_size NUMBER No  
rent_own_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: If the value is changed, then the value is validated against the AR lookup type OWN_RENT_IND.
last_known_gps VARCHAR2(60) No  
internal_flag VARCHAR2(2) No  

Attributes of Embedded Business Objects and Structures

The Person business object also has embedded child business objects and structures. You provide embedded object types for the children, submitting the data for creation or update as if you were calling its own API procedure.

If you are updating the child object, you must provide sufficient identification attributes to uniquely identify the existing child, else the child is newly created.

For the embedded business object or structure's attribute information, see:

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Person business object also has embedded child granular entities. You provide values for the attributes of the business entities to create or update the attribute values. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

The Person Source System Information entity is used for extraction only, not for creating the business object. Do not pass any data for this entity. You can create an original system and original system reference mapping by passing those values at the business object level.

Related Topics

Person Business Object API

Update Business Object API Procedures


Get Person Business Object

For details including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Person Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository for the Get Person Business Object procedure and all the event dependent Get procedures.

Details of the Person business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide identification information to retrieve attribute values of the identified business object.

Except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute, these business object attributes are similarly extracted whether the Get Person Business Object API procedure is event dependent or independent.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved Person business object. This attribute is only used when the business object is retrieved for an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

This procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
person_id NUMBER
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
program_update_date DATE
created_by_module VARCHAR2(150)
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30)
status VARCHAR2(1)
party_number VARCHAR2(30)
validated_flag VARCHAR2(1)
category_code VARCHAR2(30)
salutation VARCHAR2(60)
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30)
attribute1 to attribute24 VARCHAR2(150)
person_pre_name_adjunct VARCHAR2(30)
person_first_name VARCHAR2(150)
person_middle_name VARCHAR2(60)
person_last_name VARCHAR2(150)
person_name_suffix VARCHAR2(30)
person_title VARCHAR2(60)
person_academic_title VARCHAR2(30)
person_previous_last_name VARCHAR2(150)
person_initials VARCHAR2(6)
known_as VARCHAR2(240)
known_as2 to known_as5 VARCHAR2(240)
person_name_phonetic VARCHAR2(320)
person_first_name_phonetic VARCHAR2(60)
person_last_name_phonetic VARCHAR2(60)
middle_name_phonetic VARCHAR2(60)
tax_reference VARCHAR2(50)
jgzz_fiscal_code VARCHAR2(20)
person_iden_type VARCHAR2(30)
person_identifier VARCHAR2(60)
date_of_birth DATE
place_of_birth VARCHAR2(60)
date_of_death DATE
deceased_flag VARCHAR2(1)
gender VARCHAR2(30)
declared_ethnicity VARCHAR2(60)
marital_status VARCHAR2(30)
marital_status_effective_date DATE
personal_income NUMBER
head_of_household_flag VARCHAR2(1)
household_income NUMBER
household_size NUMBER
rent_own_ind VARCHAR2(30)
last_known_gps VARCHAR2(60)
internal_flag VARCHAR2(2)

Attributes of Embedded Business Objects and Structures

The Person business object also has embedded child business objects and structures. This procedure retrieves attribute values of these embedded items.

For the embedded business object or structure's attribute information, see:

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Person business object also has embedded child granular entities. This procedure retrieves attribute values of these embedded entities. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

Related Topics

Person Business Object API

Get Business Object API Procedures


Person Customer Business Object API

For the details on this API, see: Person Customer Business Object API, Oracle Integration Repository.

These sections provide information about what the Person Customer Business Object API procedures do with the business object attributes.

The Save Person Customer Business Object procedure calls either the Create or Update procedure. See the corresponding sections for attribute information. For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Save Person Customer Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Related Topics

Person Customer

Business Object APIs Overview

Business Object API Attributes Information Overview

Create Person Customer Business Object

For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Create Person Customer Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the Person Customer business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide values in the input object type to create the attribute values in Oracle Trading Community Architecture.

Attributes of Embedded Business Objects and Structures

The Person Customer business object has embedded child business objects and structures. You provide embedded object types for the children, submitting the data for creation as if you were calling its own API procedure. For the embedded business object or structure's attribute information, see:

Related Topics

Person Customer Business Object API

Create Business Object API Procedures

Person Customer

Update Person Customer Business Object

For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Update Person Customer Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the Person Customer business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide values in the input object type to update the attribute values in Oracle Trading Community Architecture.

Attributes of Embedded Business Objects and Structures

The Person Customer business object has embedded child business objects and structures. You provide embedded object types for the children, submitting the data for creation or update as if you were calling its own API procedure.

If you are updating the child object, you must provide sufficient identification attributes to uniquely identify the existing child, else the child is newly created.

For the embedded business object or structure's attribute information, see:

Related Topics

Person Customer Business Object API

Update Business Object API Procedures

Person Customer

Get Person Customer Business Object

For details including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Person Customer Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository for the Get Person Customer Business Object procedure and all the event dependent Get procedures.

Details of the Person Customer business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide identification information to retrieve attribute values of the identified business object.

Except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute, these business object attributes are similarly extracted whether the Get Person Customer Business Object API procedure is event dependent or independent.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved Person Customer business object. This attribute is only used when the business object is retrieved for an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Attributes of Embedded Business Objects and Structures

The Person Customer business object has embedded child business objects and structures. This procedure retrieves attribute values of these embedded items.

For the embedded business object or structure's attribute information, see:

Related Topics

Person Customer Business Object API

Get Business Object API Procedures

Person Customer

Phone Business Object API

For the details on this API, see: Phone Business Object API, Oracle Integration Repository.

These sections provide information about what the Phone Business Object API procedures do with the business object attributes.

The Save Phone Business Object procedure calls either the Create or Update procedure. See the corresponding sections for attribute information. For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Save Phone Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Related Topics


Business Object APIs Overview

Business Object API Attributes Information Overview

Create Phone Business Object

For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Create Phone Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the Phone business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide values in the input object type to create the attribute values in Oracle Trading Community Architecture.

Accepted Attributes

This procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Foreign key to HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS.orig_system with sst_flag value of Y.
status VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.
Default: A.
primary_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type YES/NO.
Default: N.
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150) No  
contact_point_purpose VARCHAR2(30) No Validation:
  • Validated against AR lookup type CONTACT_POINT_PURPOSE when contact_point_type is not WEB.

  • Validated against AR lookup type CONTACT_POINT_PURPOSE_WEB when contact_point_type = WEB.

primary_by_purpose VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type YES/NO.
phone_calling_calendar VARCHAR2(30) No  
last_contact_dt_time DATE No  
timezone_id NUMBER No Validation: Foreign key to hz_timezone.timezone_id.
phone_area_code VARCHAR2(10) No  
phone_country_code VARCHAR2(10) Yes or No Validation: Foreign key to hz_phone_country_codes. phone_country_code.
phone_number VARCHAR2(40) No Validation: Mandatory if raw_phone_number is not passed in.
If raw_phone_number is NULL, then you cannot update phone_number to NULL.
phone_extension VARCHAR2(20) No  
phone_line_type VARCHAR2(30) Yes Validation:
  • Mandatory attribute.

  • Validated against AR lookup type PHONE_L INE_TYPE.

raw_phone_number VARCHAR2(60) Yes or No Validation: Mandatory if phone_number is not passed in.

Mapped Attributes

This procedure creates a mapping between the internally maintained PHONE_ID and the attributes in this table. . The created Source System Mapping is stored in the TCA SSM tables.

Attribute Data Type
orig_system VARCHAR2(30)
orig_system_reference VARCHAR2(255)

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Phone business object also has embedded child granular entities. You provide values for the attributes of the business entities to create the attribute values. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

The Contact Point Source System Information entity is used for extraction only, not for creating the business object. Do not pass any data for this entity. You can create an original system and original system reference mapping by passing those values at the business object level.

Related Topics

Phone Business Object API

Create Business Object API Procedures


Update Phone Business Object

For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Update Phone Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the Phone business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide values in the input object type to update the attribute values in Oracle Trading Community Architecture.

Identification Attributes

This procedure uses the attributes in this table to uniquely identify the correct Phone business object in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for these attributes to identify an existing Phone object, even if you are not updating any of the business object attributes.

Attribute Data Type
phone_id NUMBER
orig_system VARCHAR2(30)
orig_system_reference VARCHAR2(255)

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

This procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Cannot be updated.
status VARCHAR2(30) No Validation:
  • It is a lookup code in AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.

  • Cannot be set to null during update.

primary_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type YES/NO.
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150) No  
contact_point_purpose VARCHAR2(30) No Validation:
  • Validated against AR lookup type CONTACT_POINT_PURPOSE when contact_point_type is not WEB.

  • Validated against AR lookup type CONTACT_POINT_PURPOSE_WEB when contact_point_type = WEB.

primary_by_purpose VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type YES/NO.
phone_calling_calendar VARCHAR2(30) No  
last_contact_dt_time DATE No  
timezone_id NUMBER No Validation: Foreign key to hz_timezone.timezone_id.
phone_area_code VARCHAR2(10) No  
phone_country_code VARCHAR2(10) No Validation: Foreign key to hz_phone_country_codes. phone_country_code.
phone_number VARCHAR2(40) No Validation: Mandatory, if raw_phone_number is not passed in.
phone_extension VARCHAR2(20) No  
phone_line_type VARCHAR2(30) No Validation:
  • Validated against AR lookup type PHONE_L INE_TYPE.

  • Cannot be updated to null

raw_phone_number VARCHAR2(60) No Validation: Mandatory, if phone_number is not passed in.

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Phone business object also has embedded child granular entities. You provide values for the attributes of the business entities to create or update the attribute values. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

The Contact Point Source System Information entity is used for extraction only, not for creating the business object. Do not pass any data for this entity. You can create an original system and original system reference mapping by passing those values at the business object level.

Related Topics

Phone Business Object API

Update Business Object API Procedures


Get Phone Business Object

For details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Get Phone Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the Phone business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide identification information to retrieve attribute values of the identified business object.

Except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute, these business object attributes are similarly extracted whether the Get Phone Business Object API procedure is called independent of business events, or as part of an event dependent Get business object call.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved Phone business object. This attribute is only used when the business object is retrieved as part of an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

This procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
phone_id NUMBER
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
program_update_date DATE
created_by_module VARCHAR2(150)
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30)
status VARCHAR2(30)
parent_object_type VARCHAR2(30)
parent_object_id NUMBER
primary_flag VARCHAR2(1)
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30)
attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150)
contact_point_purpose VARCHAR2(30)
primary_by_purpose VARCHAR2(30)
phone_calling_calendar VARCHAR2(30)
last_contact_dt_time DATE
timezone_id NUMBER
phone_area_code VARCHAR2(10)
phone_country_code VARCHAR2(10)
phone_number VARCHAR2(40)
phone_extension VARCHAR2(20)
phone_line_type VARCHAR2(30)
raw_phone_number VARCHAR2(60)

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Phone business object also has embedded child granular entities. This procedure retrieves attribute values of these embedded entities. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

Related Topics

Phone Business Object API

Get Business Object API Procedures


SMS Business Object API

For the details on this API, see: SMS Business Object API, Oracle Integration Repository.

These sections provide information about what the SMS Business Object API procedures do with the business object attributes.

The Save SMS Business Object procedure calls either the Create or Update procedure. See the corresponding sections for attribute information. For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Save SMS Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Related Topics


Business Object APIs Overview

Business Object API Attributes Information Overview

Create SMS Business Object

For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Create SMS Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the SMS business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide values in the input object type to create the attribute values in Oracle Trading Community Architecture.

Accepted Attributes

This procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Foreign key to HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS.orig_system with sst_flag value of Y.
status VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.
Default: A.
primary_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type YES/NO.
Default: N.
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150) No  
contact_point_purpose VARCHAR2(30) No Validation:
  • Validated against AR lookup type CONTACT_POINT_PURPOSE when contact_point_type is not WEB.

  • Validated against AR lookup type CONTACT_POINT_PURPOSE_WEB when contact_point_type = WEB.

primary_by_purpose VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type YES/NO.
phone_calling_calendar VARCHAR2(30) No  
last_contact_dt_time DATE No  
timezone_id NUMBER No Validation: Foreign key to hz_timezone.timezone_id.
phone_area_code VARCHAR2(10) No  
phone_country_code VARCHAR2(10) Yes or No Validation: Foreign key to hz_phone_country_codes. phone_country_code.
phone_number VARCHAR2(40) No Validation: Mandatory, if raw_phone_number is not passed in.
If raw_phone_number is NULL, then you cannot update phone_number to NULL.
phone_extension VARCHAR2(20) No  
phone_line_type VARCHAR2(30) Yes Validation:
  • Mandatory attribute.

  • Validated against AR lookup type PHONE_L INE_TYPE.

raw_phone_number VARCHAR2(60) Yes or No Validation: Mandatory, if phone_number is not passed in.

Mapped Attributes

This procedure creates a mapping between the internally maintained SMS_ID and the attributes in this table. The created Source System Mapping is stored in the TCA SSM tables.

Attribute Data Type
orig_system VARCHAR2(30)
orig_system_reference VARCHAR2(255)

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The SMS business object also has embedded child granular entities. You provide values for the attributes of the business entities to create the attribute values. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

The Contact Point Source System Information entity is used for extraction only, not for creating the business object. Do not pass any data for this entity. You can create an original system and original system reference mapping by passing those values at the business object level.

Related Topics

SMS Business Object API

Create Business Object API Procedures


Update SMS Business Object

For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Update SMS Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the SMS business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide values in the input object type to update the attribute values in Oracle Trading Community Architecture.

Identification Attributes

This procedure uses the attributes in this table to uniquely identify the correct SMS business object in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for these attributes to identify an existing SMS object, even if you are not updating any of the business object attributes.

Attribute Data Type
sms_id NUMBER
orig_system VARCHAR2(30)
orig_system_reference VARCHAR2(255)

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

This procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Cannot be updated.
status VARCHAR2(30) No Validation:
  • It is a lookup code in AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.

  • Cannot be set to null during update.

primary_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type YES/NO.
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150) No  
contact_point_purpose VARCHAR2(30) No Validation:
  • Validated against AR lookup type CONTACT_POINT_PURPOSE when contact_point_type is not WEB.

  • Validated against AR lookup type CONTACT_POINT_PURPOSE_WEB when contact_point_type = WEB.

primary_by_purpose VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type YES/NO.
phone_calling_calendar VARCHAR2(30) No  
last_contact_dt_time DATE No  
timezone_id NUMBER No Validation: Foreign key to hz_timezone.timezone_id.
phone_area_code VARCHAR2(10) No  
phone_country_code VARCHAR2(10) No Validation: Foreign key to hz_phone_country_codes. phone_country_code.
phone_number VARCHAR2(40) No Validation: Mandatory if raw_phone_number is not passed in.
phone_extension VARCHAR2(20) No  
phone_line_type VARCHAR2(30) No Validation:
  • Validated against AR lookup type PHONE_L INE_TYPE.

  • Cannot be updated to null

raw_phone_number VARCHAR2(60) No Validation: Mandatory if phone_number is not passed in.

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The SMS business object also has embedded child granular entities. You provide values for the attributes of the business entities to create or update the attribute values. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

The Contact Point Source System Information entity is used for extraction only, not for creating the business object. Do not pass any data for this entity. You can create an original system and original system reference mapping by passing those values at the business object level.

Related Topics

SMS Business Object API

Update Business Object API Procedures


Get SMS Business Object

For details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Get SMS Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the SMS business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide identification information to retrieve attribute values of the identified business object.

Except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute, these business object attributes are similarly extracted whether the Get SMS Business Object API procedure is called independent of business events, or as part of an event dependent Get business object call.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved SMS business object. This attribute is only used when the business object is retrieved as part of an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

This procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
sms_id NUMBER
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
program_update_date DATE
created_by_module VARCHAR2(150)
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30)
status VARCHAR2(30)
parent_object_type VARCHAR2(30)
parent_object_id NUMBER
primary_flag VARCHAR2(1)
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30)
attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150)
contact_point_purpose VARCHAR2(30)
primary_by_purpose VARCHAR2(30)
phone_calling_calendar VARCHAR2(30)
last_contact_dt_time DATE
timezone_id NUMBER
phone_area_code VARCHAR2(10)
phone_country_code VARCHAR2(10)
phone_number VARCHAR2(40)
phone_extension VARCHAR2(20)
phone_line_type VARCHAR2(30)
raw_phone_number VARCHAR2(60)

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The SMS business object also has embedded child granular entities. This procedure retrieves attribute values of these embedded entities. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

Related Topics

SMS Business Object API

Get Business Object API Procedures


Telex Business Object API

For the details on this API, see: Telex Business Object API, Oracle Integration Repository.

These sections provide information about what the Telex Business Object API procedures do with the business object attributes.

The Save Telex Business Object procedure calls either the Create or Update procedure. See the corresponding sections for attribute information. For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Save Telex Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Related Topics


Business Object APIs Overview

Business Object API Attributes Information Overview

Create Telex Business Object

For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Create Telex Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the Telex business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide values in the input object type to create the attribute values in Oracle Trading Community Architecture.

Accepted Attributes

This procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Foreign key to HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS.orig_system with sst_flag value of Y.
status VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.
Default: A.
primary_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type YES/NO.
Default: N.
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150) No  
contact_point_purpose VARCHAR2(30) No Validation:
  • Validated against AR lookup type CONTACT_POINT_PURPOSE when contact_point_type is not WEB.

  • Validated against AR lookup type CONTACT_POINT_PURPOSE_WEB when contact_point_type = WEB.

primary_by_purpose VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type YES/NO.
telex_number VARCHAR2(50) Yes Validation: Mandatory attribute.

Mapped Attributes

This procedure creates a mapping between the internally maintained TELEX_ID and the attributes in this table. . The created Source System Mapping is stored in the TCA SSM tables.

Attribute Data Type
orig_system VARCHAR2(30)
orig_system_reference VARCHAR2(255)

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Telex business object also has embedded child granular entities. You provide values for the attributes of the business entities to create the attribute values. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

The Contact Point Source System Information entity is used for extraction only, not for creating the business object. Do not pass any data for this entity. You can create an original system and original system reference mapping by passing those values at the business object level.

Related Topics

Telex Business Object API

Create Business Object API Procedures


Update Telex Business Object

For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Update Telex Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the Telex business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide values in the input object type to update the attribute values in Oracle Trading Community Architecture.

Identification Attributes

This procedure uses the attributes in this table to uniquely identify the correct Telex business object in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for these attributes to identify an existing Telex object, even if you are not updating any of the business object attributes.

Attribute Data Type
telex_id NUMBER
orig_system VARCHAR2(30)
orig_system_reference VARCHAR2(255)

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

This procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Cannot be updated.
status VARCHAR2(30) No Validation:
  • It is a lookup code in AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.

  • Cannot be set to null during update.

primary_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type YES/NO.
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150) No  
contact_point_purpose VARCHAR2(30) No Validation:
  • Validated against AR lookup type CONTACT_POINT_PURPOSE when contact_point_type is not WEB.

  • Validated against AR lookup type CONTACT_POINT_PURPOSE_WEB when contact_point_type = WEB.

primary_by_purpose VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type YES/NO.
telex_number VARCHAR2(50) No Validation: Mandatory attribute.

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Telex business object also has embedded child granular entities. You provide values for the attributes of the business entities to create or update the attribute values. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

The Contact Point Source System Information entity is used for extraction only, not for creating the business object. Do not pass any data for this entity. You can create an original system and original system reference mapping by passing those values at the business object level.

Related Topics

Telex Business Object API

Update Business Object API Procedures


Get Telex Business Object

For details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Get Telex Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the Telex business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide identification information to retrieve attribute values of the identified business object.

Except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute, these business object attributes are similarly extracted whether the Get Telex Business Object API procedure is called independent of business events, or as part of an event dependent Get business object call.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved Telex business object. This attribute is only used when the business object is retrieved as part of an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

This procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
telex_id NUMBER
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
program_update_date DATE
created_by_module VARCHAR2(150)
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30)
status VARCHAR2(30)
parent_object_type VARCHAR2(30)
parent_object_id NUMBER
primary_flag VARCHAR2(1)
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30)
attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150)
contact_point_purpose VARCHAR2(30)
primary_by_purpose VARCHAR2(30)
telex_number VARCHAR2(50)

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Telex business object also has embedded child granular entities. This procedure retrieves attribute values of these embedded entities. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

Related Topics

Telex Business Object API

Get Business Object API Procedures


Web Business Object API

For the details on this API, see: Web Business Object API, Oracle Integration Repository.

These sections provide information about what the Web Business Object API procedures do with the business object attributes.

The Save Web Business Object procedure calls either the Create or Update procedure. See the corresponding sections for attribute information. For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Save Web Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Related Topics


Business Object APIs Overview

Business Object API Attributes Information Overview

Create Web Business Object

For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Create Web Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the Web business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide values in the input object type to create the attribute values in Oracle Trading Community Architecture.

Accepted Attributes

This procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Foreign key to HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS.orig_system with sst_flag value of Y.
status VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.
Default: A.
primary_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type YES/NO.
Default: N.
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150) No  
contact_point_purpose VARCHAR2(30) No Validation:
  • Validated against AR lookup type CONTACT_POINT_PURPOSE when contact_point_type is not WEB.

  • Validated against AR lookup type CONTACT_POINT_PURPOSE_WEB when contact_point_type = WEB.

primary_by_purpose VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type YES/NO.
web_type VARCHAR2(60) Yes Validation: Mandatory attribute.
URL VARCHAR2(2000) Yes Validation: Mandatory attribute.

Mapped Attributes

This procedure creates a mapping between the internally maintained WEB_ID and the attributes in this table. The created Source System Mapping is stored in the TCA SSM tables.

Attribute Data Type
orig_system VARCHAR2(30)
orig_system_reference VARCHAR2(255)

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Web business object also has embedded child granular entities. You provide values for the attributes of the business entities to create the attribute values. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

The Contact Point Source System Information entity is used for extraction only, not for creating the business object. Do not pass any data for this entity. You can create an original system and original system reference mapping by passing those values at the business object level.

Related Topics

Web Business Object API

Create Business Object API Procedures


Update Web Business Object

For the details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Update Web Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the Web business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide values in the input object type to update the attribute values in Oracle Trading Community Architecture.

Identification Attributes

This procedure uses the attributes in this table to uniquely identify the correct Web business object in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for these attributes to identify an existing Web object, even if you are not updating any of the business object attributes.

Attribute Data Type
web_id NUMBER
orig_system VARCHAR2(30)
orig_system_reference VARCHAR2(255)

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

This procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Cannot be updated.
status VARCHAR2(30) No Validation:
  • It is a lookup code in AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.

  • Cannot be set to null during update.

primary_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type YES/NO.
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150) No  
contact_point_purpose VARCHAR2(30) No Validation:
  • Validated against AR lookup type CONTACT_POINT_PURPOSE when contact_point_type is not WEB.

  • Validated against AR lookup type CONTACT_POINT_PURPOSE_WEB when contact_point_type = WEB.

primary_by_purpose VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type YES/NO.
web_type VARCHAR2(60) No Validation: Mandatory attribute.
URL VARCHAR2(2000) No Validation: Mandatory attribute.

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Web business object also has embedded child granular entities. You provide values for the attributes of the business entities to create or update the attribute values. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

The Contact Point Source System Information entity is used for extraction only, not for creating the business object. Do not pass any data for this entity. You can create an original system and original system reference mapping by passing those values at the business object level.

Related Topics

Web Business Object API

Update Business Object API Procedures


Get Web Business Object

For details on this API procedure, including description, PL/SQL procedure, parameters, and validations, see: Get Web Business Object, Oracle Integration Repository.

Details of the Web business object are captured as attributes of the object type. You provide identification information to retrieve attribute values of the identified business object.

Except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute, these business object attributes are similarly extracted whether the Get Web Business Object API procedure is called independent of business events, or as part of an event dependent Get business object call.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved Web business object. This attribute is only used when the business object is retrieved as part of an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

This procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
web_id NUMBER
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
program_update_date DATE
created_by_module VARCHAR2(150)
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30)
status VARCHAR2(30)
parent_object_type VARCHAR2(30)
parent_object_id NUMBER
primary_flag VARCHAR2(1)
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30)
attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150)
contact_point_purpose VARCHAR2(30)
primary_by_purpose VARCHAR2(30)
web_type VARCHAR2(60)

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Web business object also has embedded child granular entities. This procedure retrieves attribute values of these embedded entities. For the embedded granular entity's attribute information, see:

Related Topics

Web Business Object API

Get Business Object API Procedures


Business Structure Attributes

Many seeded business objects have embedded business structures. When you use the seeded business object APIs, the embedded structures are correspondingly created, updated, or retrieved.

These sections provide information about what seeded business object API procedures do with the attributes of embedded business structures.

Related Topics

Business Object API Attributes Information Overview

Business Object APIs Overview

Contact Person Information Business Structure Attributes

This section provides information about what seeded business object API procedures do with the attributes of embedded Contact Person Information business structure.

Create Contact Person Information Business Structure

As part of creating a business object, you can provide data to create the Contact Person Information business structure.

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Foreign key to HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS_B.orig_system with sst_flag value of Y.
Default: SST.
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.
Default: A.
party_number VARCHAR2(30) Yes or No Validation:.Generated by sequence if profile HZ_GENERATE_PARTY_NUMBER is Y, else unique and mandatory.
validated_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Default: N
category_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against lookup type CUSTOMER_CATEGORY.
salutation VARCHAR2(60) No  
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute24 VARCHAR2(150) No  
person_pre_name_adjunct VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type CONTACT_TITLE.
person_first_name VARCHAR2(150) Yes or No Validation: Either one of person_first_name or person_last_name should be passed in.
person_middle_name VARCHAR2(60) No  
person_last_name VARCHAR2(150) Yes or No Validation: Either one of person_first_name or person_last_name should be passed in.
person_name_suffix VARCHAR2(30) No  
person_title VARCHAR2(60) No  
person_academic_title VARCHAR2(30) No  
person_previous_last_name VARCHAR2(150) No  
person_initials VARCHAR2(6) No  
known_as VARCHAR2(240) No  
known_as2 to known_as5 VARCHAR2(240) No  
person_name_phonetic VARCHAR2(320) No  
person_first_name_phonetic VARCHAR2(60) No  
person_last_name_phonetic VARCHAR2(60) No  
middle_name_phonetic VARCHAR2(60) No  
tax_reference VARCHAR2(50) No  
jgzz_fiscal_code VARCHAR2(20) No  
person_iden_type VARCHAR2(30) No  
person_identifier VARCHAR2(60) No  
date_of_birth DATE No  
place_of_birth VARCHAR2(60) No  
date_of_death DATE No  
deceased_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Validated against date_of_death. If deceased_ind is N, then date_of_death cannot have a value.
Default: If date_of_death is null, then N. If date_of_death is not null, then Y.
gender VARCHAR2(30) No  
declared_ethnicity VARCHAR2(60) No  
marital_status VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type MARITAL_STATUS.
marital_status_effective_date DATE No  
personal_income NUMBER No  
head_of_household_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
household_income NUMBER No  
household_size NUMBER No  
rent_own_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type OWN_RENT_IND.
last_known_gps VARCHAR2(60) No  
internal_flag VARCHAR2(2) No Default: N

Mapped Attributes

This procedure creates a mapping between the internally maintained PERSON_ID and the attributes in this table. The created Source System Mapping is stored in the TCA SSM tables.

Attribute Data Type
orig_system VARCHAR2(30)
orig_system_reference VARCHAR2(255)

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Contact Person Information business structure has a couple of embedded granular entities. For the embedded entity's attribute information, see: Create Extension Attribute Entity.

The Contact Person Information Source System Information entity is used for extraction only, not for creating the business object. Do not pass any data for this entity. You can create an original system and original system reference mapping by passing those values at the business object level.

Update Contact Person Information Business Structure

As part of updating a business object, you can provide data to create or update the Contact Person Information business structure.

Identification Attributes

The API procedure uses the attributes in this table to uniquely identify the correct Contact Person Information business structure in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for these attributes to identify an existing Contact Person Information business structure.

Attribute Data Type Logical Key
person_id NUMBER No
orig_system VARCHAR2(30) No
orig_system_reference VARCHAR2(255) No

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Cannot be updated.
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • It is a lookup code in AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.

  • Cannot be updated to null.

party_number VARCHAR2(30) Yes or No Validation: Cannot be updated.
validated_flag VARCHAR2(1) No  
category_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against lookup type CUSTOMER_CATEGORY.
salutation VARCHAR2(60) No  
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute24 VARCHAR2(150) No  
person_pre_name_adjunct VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type CONTACT_TITLE.
person_first_name VARCHAR2(150) Yes or No Validation: During update both person_first_name and person_last_name cannot be set to null.
person_middle_name VARCHAR2(60) No  
person_last_name VARCHAR2(150) Yes or No Validation: During update both person_first_name and person_last_name cannot be set to null.
person_name_suffix VARCHAR2(30) No  
person_title VARCHAR2(60) No  
person_academic_title VARCHAR2(30) No  
person_previous_last_name VARCHAR2(150) No  
person_initials VARCHAR2(6) No  
known_as VARCHAR2(240) No  
known_as2 to known_as5 VARCHAR2(240) No  
person_name_phonetic VARCHAR2(320) No  
person_first_name_phonetic VARCHAR2(60) No  
person_last_name_phonetic VARCHAR2(60) No  
middle_name_phonetic VARCHAR2(60) No  
tax_reference VARCHAR2(50) No  
jgzz_fiscal_code VARCHAR2(20) No  
person_iden_type VARCHAR2(30) No  
person_identifier VARCHAR2(60) No  
date_of_birth DATE No  
place_of_birth VARCHAR2(60) No  
date_of_death DATE No  
deceased_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Default: If this parameter is null and date_of_death is not null, then this parameter changes to Y.
gender VARCHAR2(30) No  
declared_ethnicity VARCHAR2(60) No  
marital_status VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type MARITAL_STATUS.
marital_status_effective_date DATE No  
personal_income NUMBER No  
head_of_household_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
household_income NUMBER No  
household_size NUMBER No  
rent_own_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: If the value is changed, then the value is validated against the AR lookup type OWN_RENT_IND.
last_known_gps VARCHAR2(60) No  
internal_flag VARCHAR2(2) No  

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Contact Person Information business structure has a couple of embedded granular entities. For the embedded entity's attribute information, see: Update Extension Attribute Entity.

The Contact Person Information Source System Information entity is used for extraction only, not for creating the business object. Do not pass any data for this entity. You can create an original system and original system reference mapping by passing those values at the business object level.

Get Contact Person Information Business Structure

As part of getting a business object, embedded Contact Person Information business structure attributes are also retrieved. These attributes are similarly extracted for both event independent and event dependent Get business object API procedures, except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved Contact Person Information business structure. This attribute is only used when the business structure is retrieved as part of an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

The API procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
person_id NUMBER
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
program_update_date DATE
created_by_module VARCHAR2(150)
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30)
party_number VARCHAR2(30)
validated_flag VARCHAR2(1)
status VARCHAR2(1)
category_code VARCHAR2(30)
salutation VARCHAR2(60)
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30)
attribute1 to attribute24 VARCHAR2(150
person_pre_name_adjunct VARCHAR2(30)
person_first_name VARCHAR2(150)
person_middle_name VARCHAR2(60)
person_last_name VARCHAR2(150)
person_name_suffix VARCHAR2(30)
person_title VARCHAR2(60)
person_academic_title VARCHAR2(30)
person_previous_last_name VARCHAR2(150)
person_initials VARCHAR2(6)
known_as VARCHAR2(240)
known_as2 to known_as5 VARCHAR2(240)
person_name_phonetic VARCHAR2(320)
person_first_name_phonetic VARCHAR2(60)
person_last_name_phonetic VARCHAR2(60)
middle_name_phonetic VARCHAR2(60)
tax_reference VARCHAR2(50)
jgzz_fiscal_code VARCHAR2(20)
person_iden_type VARCHAR2(30)
person_identifier VARCHAR2(60)
date_of_birth DATE
place_of_birth VARCHAR2(60)
date_of_death DATE
deceased_flag VARCHAR2(1)
gender VARCHAR2(30)
declared_ethnicity VARCHAR2(60)
marital_status VARCHAR2(30)
marital_status_effective_date DATE
personal_income NUMBER
head_of_household_flag VARCHAR2(1)
household_income NUMBER
household_size NUMBER
rent_own_ind VARCHAR2(30)
last_known_gps VARCHAR2(60)
internal_flag VARCHAR2(2)

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Contact Person Information business structure has a couple of embedded granular entities. For the embedded entity's attribute information, see:

Related Topics

Business Structure Attributes

Customer Account Site Use Business Structure Attributes

This section provides information about what seeded business object API procedures do with the attributes of embedded Customer Account Site Use business structure.

Create Customer Account Site Use Business Structure

As part of creating a business object, you can provide data to create the Customer Account Site Use business structure.

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: It is a lookup code in AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.
Default: A.
site_use_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation:
  • Mandatory attribute.

  • Cannot be updated to null.

primary_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Primary_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.
Default: N
location VARCHAR2(40) No Validation:
  • Mandatory attribute.

  • It will be generated from sequence if user does not pass in and AUTO_SITE_NUMBERING in AR_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS is on.

  • location must be unique within a customer account/ site_use_type.

bill_to_site_use_id NUMBER No  
sic_code VARCHAR2(30) No  
payment_term_id NUMBER No Validation: Must be a valid term_id from RA_TERMS.
gsa_indicator VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Primary_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.
Default: N
ship_partial VARCHAR2(1) No Comment: This attribute is no longer used. Functionality replaced by ship_sets_include_lines_flag.
ship_via VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: ship_via is foreign key to oe_ship_methods_v and can be used in both single and multi org case.
fob_point VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type FOB.
order_type_id NUMBER No Validation: Valid order_type_id from OE_ORDER_TYPES_V.
price_list_id NUMBER No Validation: Valid price_list_id from SO_PRICE_LISTS.
freight_term VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: freight_term is lookup code in lookup type FREIGHT_TERMS in so_lookups.
warehouse_id NUMBER No Validation: Valid organization_id from ORG_ORGANIZATION_DEFINITIONS.
territory_id NUMBER No  
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute25 VARCHAR2(150) No  
tax_reference VARCHAR2(50) No  
sort_priority NUMBER No  
tax_code VARCHAR2(50) No Validation: Must be a valid tax_code from AR_VAT_TAX.
demand_class_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type DEMAND_CLASS.
tax_header_level_flag VARCHAR2(1) No  
tax_rounding_rule VARCHAR2(30) No  
global_attribute1 to global_attribute20 VARCHAR2(150) No  
global_attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
primary_salesrep_id NUMBER No Validation: Valid salesrep_id from RA_SALESREPS.
finchrg_receivables_trx_id NUMBER No Validation: Valid receivables_trx_id from AR_RECEIVABLES_TRX.
dates_negative_tolerance NUMBER No  
dates_positive_tolerance NUMBER No  
date_type_preference VARCHAR2(20) No Validation: Validated against OE lookup type REQUEST_DATE_TYPE.
over_shipment_tolerance NUMBER No  
under_shipment_tolerance NUMBER No  
item_cross_ref_pref VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Allowed values are INT, CUST, and cross_reference_type value from MTL_CROSS_REFERENCE_TYPES.
over_return_tolerance NUMBER No  
under_return_tolerance NUMBER No  
ship_sets_include_lines_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • shipsets_include_lines_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.

  • If ship_sets_include_lines_flag is set to Y, then arrivalsets_include_lines_flag is always N.

  • If arrivalsets_include_lines_flag is Y, then ship_sets_include_lines_flag is always N.

Default: N
arrivalsets_include_lines_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • arrivalsets_include_lines_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.

  • If ship_sets_include_lines_flag is set to Y, then arrivalsets_include_lines_flag is always N.

  • If arrivalsets_include_lines_flag is Y, then ship_sets_include_lines_flag is always N.

Default: N
sched_date_push_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: sched_date_push_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.
Default: N
invoice_quantity_rule VARCHAR2(30) No  
pricing_event VARCHAR2(30) No Comment: This attribute is no longer used.
gl_id_rec NUMBER No Validation: gl_id_rec is valid gl field.
gl_id_rev NUMBER No Validation: gl_id_rev is valid gl field.
gl_id_tax NUMBER No Validation: gl_id_tax is valid gl field.
gl_id_freight NUMBER No Validation: gl_id_freight is valid gl field.
gl_id_clearing NUMBER No Validation: gl_id_clearing is valid gl field.
gl_id_unbilled NUMBER No Validation: gl_id_unbilled is valid gl field.
gl_id_unearned NUMBER No Validation: gl_id_unearned is valid gl field.
gl_id_unpaid_rec NUMBER No Validation: gl_id_unpaid_rec is valid gl field.
gl_id_remittance NUMBER No Validation: gl_id_remittance is valid gl field.
gl_id_factor NUMBER No Validation: gl_id_factor is valid gl field.
tax_classification VARCHAR2(30) No  
org_id NUMBER No  

Mapped Attributes

This procedure creates a mapping between the internally maintained PERSON_ID and the attributes in this table. The created Source System Mapping is stored in the TCA SSM tables.

Attribute Data Type
orig_system VARCHAR2(30)
orig_system_reference VARCHAR2(255)

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Customer Account Site Use business structure has an embedded business structure and embedded granular entities. For the embedded structure and entity attribute information, see:

Update Customer Account Site Use Business Structure

As part of updating a business object, you can provide data to create or update the Customer Account Site Use business structure.

Identification Attributes

The API procedure uses the attributes in this table to uniquely identify the correct Customer Account Site Use business structure in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for these attributes to identify an existing Customer Account Site Use business structure.

Attribute Data Type Logical Key
site_use_id NUMBER No
orig_system VARCHAR2(30) No
orig_system_reference VARCHAR2(255) No

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • status cannot be set to null during update.

  • status is lookup code in lookup type CODE_STATUS.

site_use_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Cannot be updated
primary_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • primary_flag cannot be set to null during update.

  • primary_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.

location VARCHAR2(40) No Validation: Can only be updated if the AUTO_S ITE_NUMBERING profile option in AR_SYSTEMS_PARAMETERS is unchecked.
bill_to_site_use_id NUMBER No  
sic_code VARCHAR2(30) No  
payment_term_id NUMBER No Validation: Must be a valid term_id from RA_TERMS.
gsa_indicator VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: gsa_indicator is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO
ship_partial VARCHAR2(1) No Comment: This attribute is no longer used. Functionality replaced by ship_sets_include_lines_flag.
ship_via VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: ship_via is foreign key to oe_ship_methods_v and can be used in both single and multi org case.
fob_point VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type FOB.
order_type_id NUMBER No Validation: Valid order_type_id from OE_ORDER_TYPES_V.
price_list_id NUMBER No Validation: Valid price_list_id from SO_PRICE_LISTS.
freight_term VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: freight_term is lookup code in lookup type FREIGHT_TERMS in so_lookups.
warehouse_id NUMBER No Validation: Valid organization_id from ORG_ORGANIZATION_DEFINITIONS.
territory_id NUMBER No  
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute25 VARCHAR2(150) No  
tax_reference VARCHAR2(50) No  
sort_priority NUMBER No  
tax_code VARCHAR2(50) No Validation: Must be a valid tax_code from AR_VAT_TAX.
demand_class_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type DEMAND_CLASS.
tax_header_level_flag VARCHAR2(1) No  
tax_rounding_rule VARCHAR2(30) No  
global_attribute1 to global_attribute20 VARCHAR2(150) No  
global_attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
primary_salesrep_id NUMBER No Validation: Valid salesrep_id from RA_SALESREPS.
finchrg_receivables_trx_id NUMBER No Validation: Valid receivables_trx_id from AR_RECEIVABLES_TRX.
dates_negative_tolerance NUMBER No  
dates_positive_tolerance NUMBER No  
date_type_preference VARCHAR2(20) No Validation: Validated against OE lookup type REQUEST_DATE_TYPE.
over_shipment_tolerance NUMBER No  
under_shipment_tolerance NUMBER No  
item_cross_ref_pref VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Allowed values are INT, CUST, and cross_reference_type value from MTL_CROSS_REFERENCE_TYPES.
over_return_tolerance NUMBER No  
under_return_tolerance NUMBER No  
ship_sets_include_lines_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • shipsets_include_lines_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.

  • If ship_sets_include_lines_flag is set to Y, then arrivalsets_include_lines_flag is always N.

  • If arrivalsets_include_lines_flag is Y, then ship_sets_include_lines_flag is always N.

arrivalsets_include_lines_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • arrivalsets_include_lines_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.

  • If ship_sets_include_lines_flag is set to Y, then arrivalsets_include_lines_flag is always N.

  • If arrivalsets_include_lines_flag is Y, then ship_sets_include_lines_flag is always N.

sched_date_push_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: sched_date_push_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.
invoice_quantity_rule VARCHAR2(30) No  
pricing_event VARCHAR2(30) No Comment: This attribute is no longer used.
gl_id_rec NUMBER No Validation: gl_id_rec is valid gl field.
gl_id_rev NUMBER No Validation: gl_id_rev is valid gl field.
gl_id_tax NUMBER No Validation: gl_id_tax is valid gl field.
gl_id_freight NUMBER No Validation: gl_id_freight is valid gl field.
gl_id_clearing NUMBER No Validation: gl_id_clearing is valid gl field.
gl_id_unbilled NUMBER No Validation: gl_id_unbilled is valid gl field.
gl_id_unearned NUMBER No Validation: gl_id_unearned is valid gl field.
gl_id_unpaid_rec NUMBER No Validation: gl_id_unpaid_rec is valid gl field.
gl_id_remittance NUMBER No Validation: gl_id_remittance is valid gl field.
gl_id_factor NUMBER No Validation: gl_id_factor is valid gl field.
tax_classification VARCHAR2(30) No  
org_id NUMBER No  

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Customer Account Site Use business structure has an embedded business structure and embedded granular entities. For the embedded structure and entity attribute information, see:

Get Customer Account Site Use Business Structure

As part of getting a business object, embedded Customer Account Site Use business structure attributes are also retrieved. These attributes are similarly extracted for both event independent and event dependent Get business object API procedures, except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved Customer Account Site Use business structure. This attribute is only used when the business structure is retrieved as part of an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

The API procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
site_use_id NUMBER
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
program_update_date DATE
created_by_module VARCHAR2(150)
status VARCHAR2(1)
cust_acct_site_id NUMBER
site_use_code VARCHAR2(30)
primary_flag VARCHAR2(1)
location VARCHAR2(40)
bill_to_site_use_id NUMBER
sic_code VARCHAR2(30)
payment_term_id NUMBER
gsa_indicator VARCHAR2(1)
ship_partial VARCHAR2(1)
ship_via VARCHAR2(30)
fob_point VARCHAR2(30)
order_type_id NUMBER
price_list_id NUMBER
freight_term VARCHAR2(30)
warehouse_id NUMBER
territory_id NUMBER
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30)
attribute1 to attribute25 VARCHAR2(150)
tax_reference VARCHAR2(50)
sort_priority NUMBER
tax_code VARCHAR2(50)
demand_class_code VARCHAR2(30)
tax_header_level_flag VARCHAR2(1)
tax_rounding_rule VARCHAR2(30)
global_attribute1 to global_attribute20 VARCHAR2(150)
global_attribute_category VARCHAR2(30)
primary_salesrep_id NUMBER
finchrg_receivables_trx_id NUMBER
dates_negative_tolerance NUMBER
dates_positive_tolerance NUMBER
date_type_preference VARCHAR2(20)
over_shipment_tolerance NUMBER
under_shipment_tolerance NUMBER
item_cross_ref_pref VARCHAR2(30)
over_return_tolerance NUMBER
under_return_tolerance NUMBER
ship_sets_include_lines_flag VARCHAR2(1)
arrivalsets_include_lines_flag VARCHAR2(1)
sched_date_push_flag VARCHAR2(1)
invoice_quantity_rule VARCHAR2(30)
pricing_event VARCHAR2(30)
gl_id_rec NUMBER
gl_id_rev NUMBER
gl_id_tax NUMBER
gl_id_freight NUMBER
gl_id_clearing NUMBER
gl_id_unbilled NUMBER
gl_id_unearned NUMBER
gl_id_unpaid_rec NUMBER
gl_id_remittance NUMBER
gl_id_factor NUMBER
tax_classification VARCHAR2(30)
org_id NUMBER

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Customer Account Site Use business structure has an embedded business structure and embedded granular entities. For the embedded structure and entity attribute information, see:

Related Topics

Business Structure Attributes

Customer Profile Business Structure Attributes

This section provides information about what seeded business object API procedures do with the attributes of embedded Customer Profile business structures.

Create Customer Profile Business Structure

As part of creating a business object, you can provide data to create the Customer Profile business structure.

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: It is a lookup code in lookup type CODE_STATUS.
Default: A.
collector_id NUMBER No Validation: foreign key to ar_collectors.
Default: it is defaulted to the corresponding value of DEFAULT PROFILE CLASS (PROFILE_CLASS_ID = 0).
credit_analyst_id NUMBER No  
credit_checking VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:I t is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.
Default: It is defaulted to the corresponding value of DEFAULT PROFILE CLASS (PROFILE_CLASS_ID = 0).
next_credit_review_date DATE No  
tolerance NUMBER No Validation: Must be between -100 and 100.
Default: Defaulted to the corresponding value of DEFAULT PROFILE CLASS (PROFILE_CLASS_ID = 0).
discount_terms VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • It is lookup code in lookup YES/NO.

  • If discount_terms = Y, then discount_grace_days should be greater than or equal to 0.

  • If discount_terms = N, then discount_grace_days should be null.

Default: defaulted to the corresponding value of DEFAULT PROFILE CLASS (PROFILE_CLASS_ID = 0).
dunning_letters VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • Dunning letters is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.

  • If dunning_letters = N, then dunning_letter_set_id must be null.

  • If dunning_letters = Y, then dunning_letters_set_id must have a value.

Default: defaulted to the corresponding value of DEFAULT PROFILE CLASS (PROFILE_CLASS_ID = 0).
interest_charges VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • It is lookup code in lookup YES/NO.

  • If interest_charges = Y, then charge_on_finance_charge_flag must have a value and interest_period_days must have a value greater than 0.

  • If interest_charges = N, then charge_on_finance_charge_flag must be null and interest_period_days must be null.

Default: defaulted to the corresponding value of DEFAULT PROFILE CLASS (PROFILE_CLASS_ID = 0).
send_statements VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • It is lookup code in lookup YES/NO.

  • If send_statements = Y, then statement_cycle_id must have a value and credit_balance_statements must have value.

  • If send_statements = N, then statement_cycle_id must be null and credit_balance_statements must be N.

Default: defaulted to the corresponding value of DEFAULT PROFILE CLASS (PROFILE_CLASS_ID = 0).
credit_balance_statements VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: It is a lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.
Default: defaulted to the corresponding value of DEFAULT PROFILE CLASS (PROFILE_CLASS_ID = 0).
credit_hold VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • If passed in, profile_class_id should be positive.

  • Foreign key to hz_cust_profile_classes and the corresponding profile class should be active.

Default: defaulted to the corresponding value of DEFAULT PROFILE CLASS (PROFILE_CLASS_ID = 0).
profile_class_id NUMBER No Validation:
  • If passed in, profile_class_id should be positive.

  • Foreign key to hz_cust_profile_classes and the corresponding profile class should be active

Default: defaulted to the corresponding value of DEFAULT PROFILE CLASS (PROFILE_CLASS_ID = 0).
site_use_id NUMBER No Validation:
  • Foreign key to hz_cust_site_uses.

  • One site use can only have one profile.

  • The customer which the site_use_id belongs to should have the same id as cust_account_id in this profile. In this case cust_account_id is mandatory.

credit_rating VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Credit Rating is lookup code in AR lookup type CREDIT_RATING.
risk_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Risk Code is lookup code in AR lookup type RISK_CODE.
standard_terms NUMBER No Validation: Must be a valid term_id in RA_TERMS.
override_terms VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
dunning_letter_set_id NUMBER No Validation:
  • • If dunning_letters = Y, then dunning_letter_set_id must have a value.

  • If dunning_letters = N, then dunning_letter_set_id must be null.

  • Must be a valid dunning_letter_set_id from AR_DUNNING_LETTER_SETS.

interest_period_days NUMBER No Validation: Can be entered when interest_charges is Y and it is mandatory.
payment_grace_days NUMBER No Validation: Must be greater than zero.
discount_grace_days NUMBER No Validation: Can be populated only if discount_terms is Y.
statement_cycle_id NUMBER No Validation:
  • Must be a valid statment_cycle_id from AR_STATEMENT_CYCLES.

  • Can be populated if send_statements is Y.

account_status VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type ACCOUNT_STATUS.
percent_collectable NUMBER No Validation: Must be between 0 and 100.
autocash_hierarchy_id NUMBER No Validation: Must be a valid autocash_hierarchy_id from AR_AUTOCASH_HIERARCHIES.
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute15 VARCHAR2(150) No  
auto_rec_incl_disputed_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: It is a lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.
Default: Defaulted to the corresponding value of 'DEFAULT PROFILE CLASS (PROFILE_CLASS_ID = 0)
tax_printing_option VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type TAX_PRINTING_OPTION.
charge_on_finance_charge_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: charge_on_finance_charge_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.
grouping_rule_id NUMBER No Validation: Must be a valid grouping_rule_id from RA_GROUPING_RULES.
clearing_days NUMBER No Validation: Must be greater than zero.
jgzz_attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
jgzz_attribute1 to jgzz_attribute15 VARCHAR2(150) No  
global_attribute1 to global_attribute20 VARCHAR2(150) No  
global_attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
cons_inv_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: cons_inv_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.
cons_inv_type VARCHAR2(30) No  
autocash_hierarchy_id_for_adr NUMBER No Validation: Must be a valid autocash_hierarchy_id from AR_AUTOCASH_HIERARCHIES.
lockbox_matching_option VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type ARLPLB_MATCHING_OPTION.
review_cycle VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type PERIODIC_REVIEW_CYCLE.
last_credit_review_date DATE No  
credit_classification VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: This is a lookup code in lookup_type 'CREDIT_CLASSIFICATION'.
Default: NULL
cons_bill_level VARCHAR2(30) No  
late_charge_calculation_trx VARCHAR2(30) No  
credit_items_flag VARCHAR2(1) No  
disputed_transactions_flag VARCHAR2(1) No  
late_charge_type VARCHAR2(30) No  
late_charge_term_id NUMBER No  
interest_calculation_period VARCHAR2(30) No  
hold_charged_invoices_flag VARCHAR2(1) No  
message_text_id NUMBER No  
multiple_interest_rates_flag VARCHAR2(1) No  
charge_begin_date DATE) No  

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Customer Profile business structure has an embedded granular entity. For the embedded entity's attribute information, see: Create Customer Profile Amount Entity.

Update Customer Profile Business Structure

As part of updating a business object, you can provide data to create or update the Customer Profile business structure.

Identification Attributes

The API procedure uses the attributes in this table to uniquely identify the correct Customer Profile business structure in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for these attributes to identify an existing Customer Profile business structure.

Note: Some attributes are used as a logical key to identify the business structure if the CUST_ACCT_PROFILE_ID attribute value is not provided. If that value is provided, then these attributes are not used for identification, but are accepted and stored in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Logical Key
cust_acct_profile_id NUMBER No
profile_class_id NUMBER Yes
site_use_id NUMBER Yes

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: It is a lookup code in lookup type CODE_STATUS.
Default: A.
collector_id NUMBER No Validation: foreign key to ar_collectors.
credit_analyst_id NUMBER No  
credit_checking VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:I t is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.
next_credit_review_date DATE No  
tolerance NUMBER No Validation:
  • Tolerance cannot be updated to null.

  • Must be between -100 and 100.

discount_terms VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • It is lookup code in lookup YES/NO.

  • If discount_terms = Y, then discount_grace_days should be greater than or equal to 0.

  • If discount_terms = N, then discount_grace_days should be null.

dunning_letters VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • Dunning letters is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.

  • If dunning_letters = N, then dunning_letter_set_id must be null.

  • If dunning_letters = N, then dunning_letter_set_id must be null.

interest_charges VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • It is lookup code in lookup YES/NO.

  • If interest_charges = Y, then charge_on_finance_charge_flag must have a value and interest_period_days must have a value greater than 0.

  • If interest_charges = N, then charge_on_finance_charge_flag must be null and interest_period_days must be null.

send_statements VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • It is lookup code in lookup YES/NO.

  • If send_statements = Y, then statement_cycle_id must have a value and credit_balance_statements must have value.

  • If send_statements = N, then statement_cycle_id must be null and credit_balance_statements must be N.

credit_balance_statements VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • It is a lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.

  • Can be populated if send_statments is Y.

credit_hold VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: It is a lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.
profile_class_id NUMBER No Validation: Cannot be set to null.
site_use_id NUMBER No Validation: Cannot be updated.
credit_rating VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Credit Rating is lookup code in lookup type CREDIT_RATING.
risk_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Risk Code is lookup code in AR lookup type RISK_CODE.
standard_terms NUMBER No Validation: Must be a valid term_id in RA_TERMS.
override_terms VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
dunning_letter_set_id NUMBER No Validation:
  • If dunning_letters = Y, then dunning_letter_set_id must have a value.

  • If dunning_letters = N, then dunning_letter_set_id must be null.

  • Must be a valid dunning_letter_set_id from AR_DUNNING_LETTER_SETS.

interest_period_days NUMBER No Validation: Must be entered when interest_charges is Y and it is mandatory.
payment_grace_days NUMBER No Validation: Must be greater than zero.
discount_grace_days NUMBER No Validation: Can only be populated only if discount_terms is Y.
statement_cycle_id NUMBER No Validation:
  • Must be a valid statment_cycle_id from AR_STATEMENT_CYCLES.

  • Can be populated if send_statements is Y.

account_status VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type ACCOUNT_STATUS.
percent_collectable NUMBER No Validation: Must be between 0 and 100.
autocash_hierarchy_id NUMBER No Validation: Must be a valid autocash_hierarchy_id from AR_AUTOCASH_HIERARCHIES.
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute15 VARCHAR2(150) No  
auto_rec_incl_disputed_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • Cannot be set to null.

  • It is a lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.

tax_printing_option VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type TAX_PRINTING_OPTION.
charge_on_finance_charge_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: It is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.
grouping_rule_id NUMBER No Validation: Must be a valid grouping_rule_id from RA_GROUPING_RULES.
clearing_days NUMBER No Validation: Must be greater than zero.
jgzz_attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
jgzz_attribute1 to jgzz_attribute15 VARCHAR2(150) No  
global_attribute1 to global_attribute20 VARCHAR2(150) No  
global_attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
cons_inv_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: It is a lookup code in lookup type YES/NO
cons_inv_type VARCHAR2(30) No  
autocash_hierarchy_id_for_adr NUMBER No Validation: Must be a valid autocash_hierarchy_id from AR_AUTOCASH_HIERARCHIES.
lockbox_matching_option VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type ARLPLB_MATCHING_OPTION.
review_cycle VARCHAR2(30) No  
last_credit_review_date DATE No  
credit_classification VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: This is a lookup code in lookup_type 'CREDIT_CLASSIFICATION'.
cons_bill_level VARCHAR2(30) No  
late_charge_calculation_trx VARCHAR2(30) No  
credit_items_flag VARCHAR2(1) No  
disputed_transactions_flag VARCHAR2(1) No  
late_charge_type VARCHAR2(30) No  
late_charge_term_id NUMBER No  
interest_calculation_period VARCHAR2(30) No  
hold_charged_invoices_flag VARCHAR2(1) No  
message_text_id NUMBER No  
multiple_interest_rates_flag VARCHAR2(1) No  
charge_begin_date DATE) No  

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Customer Profile business structure has an embedded granular entity. For the embedded entity's attribute information, see: Update Customer Profile Amount Entity.

Get Customer Profile Business Structure

As part of getting a business object, embedded Customer Profile business structure attributes are also retrieved. These attributes are similarly extracted for both event independent and event dependent Get business object API procedures, except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved Customer Profile business structure. This attribute is only used when the business structure is retrieved as part of an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

The API procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
cust_acct_profile_id NUMBER
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
program_update_date DATE
created_by_module VARCHAR2(150)
status VARCHAR2(1)
cust_acct_id NUMBER
collector_id NUMBER
credit_analyst_id NUMBER
credit_checking VARCHAR2(1)
next_credit_review_date DATE
tolerance NUMBER
discount_terms VARCHAR2(1)
dunning_letters VARCHAR2(1)
interest_charges VARCHAR2(1)
send_statements VARCHAR2(1)
credit_balance_statements VARCHAR2(1)
credit_hold VARCHAR2(1)
profile_class_id NUMBER
site_use_id NUMBER
credit_rating VARCHAR2(30)
risk_code VARCHAR2(30)
standard_terms NUMBER
override_terms VARCHAR2(1)
dunning_letter_set_id NUMBER
interest_period_days NUMBER
payment_grace_days NUMBER
discount_grace_days NUMBER
statement_cycle_id NUMBER
account_status VARCHAR2(30)
percent_collectable NUMBER
autocash_hierarchy_id NUMBER
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30)
attribute1..15 VARCHAR2(150)
auto_rec_incl_disputed_flag VARCHAR2(1)
tax_printing_option VARCHAR2(30)
charge_on_finance_charge_flag VARCHAR2(1)
grouping_rule_id NUMBER
clearing_days NUMBER
jgzz_attribute_category VARCHAR2(30)
jgzz_attribute1..15 VARCHAR2(150)
global_attribute1..20 VARCHAR2(150)
global_attribute_category VARCHAR2(30)
cons_inv_flag VARCHAR2(1)
cons_inv_type VARCHAR2(30)
autocash_hierarchy_id_for_adr NUMBER
lockbox_matching_option VARCHAR2(30)
review_cycle VARCHAR2(30)
last_credit_review_date DATE
credit_classification VARCHAR2(30)
cons_bill_level VARCHAR2(30)
late_charge_calculation_trx VARCHAR2(30)
credit_items_flag VARCHAR2(1)
disputed_transactions_flag VARCHAR2(1)
late_charge_type VARCHAR2(30)
late_charge_term_id NUMBER
interest_calculation_period VARCHAR2(30)
hold_charged_invoices_flag VARCHAR2(1)
message_text_id NUMBER
multiple_interest_rates_flag VARCHAR2(1)
charge_begin_date DATE)

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Customer Profile business structure has an embedded granular entity. For the embedded entity's attribute information, see: Get Customer Profile Amount Entity.

Related Topics

Business Structure Attributes

Employment History Business Structure Attributes

This section provides information about what seeded business object API procedures do with the attributes of embedded Employment History business structure.

Create Employment History Business Structure

As part of creating a business object, you can provide data to create the Employment History business structure.

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: validated against AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.
begin_date DATE No  
end_date DATE No Validation: If both begin_date and end_date are passed, then end_date must be greater than or equal to the begin_date.
employment_type_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against the HZ_EM PLOYMENT_TYPE lookup type.
employed_as_title_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against the RESPONSIBILITY lookup type.
employed_as_title VARCHAR2(60) No Validation: if employed_as_title_code is supplied, then employed_as_title must be null.
employed_by_name_company VARCHAR2(60) No Validation: If employed_by_party_id is passed, then employed_by_name_company should not be passed.
Comments: This field captures the employer name in situations where there is no Party that represents the employer. If the employed_by_party_id is known, then that party name will be denormalized in the employed_by_name_company field.
employed_by_party_id NUMBER No Validation: Must exist in the HZ_PARTIES table.
employed_by_division_name VARCHAR2(60) No  
supervisor_name VARCHAR2(60) No  
branch VARCHAR2(80) No  
military_rank VARCHAR2(240) No  
served VARCHAR2(240) No  
station VARCHAR2(240) No  
responsibility VARCHAR2(240) No  
weekly_work_hours NUMBER No Validation: If passed, then must be greater than zero and less than or equal to 168.
reason_for_leaving VARCHAR2(240) No  
faculty_position_flag VARCHAR2(1) Yes Validation: validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
Default: N.
tenure_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Must only be passed if FACULTY_POSIT ION_IND = Y, else must be null. Validated against AR lookup type HZ_TENURE_CODE
fraction_of_tenure NUMBER No Validation: Must only be passed if FACULTY_POSITION_IND = Y, else must be null. If passed, must be between 0 and 100 inclusive.
comments VARCHAR2(2000) No  

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Employment History business structure has an embedded granular entity. For the embedded entity's attribute information, see: Create Work Class Entity.

Update Employment History Business Structure

As part of updating a business object, you can provide data to create or update the Employment History business structure.

Identification Attributes

The API procedure uses the attributes in this table to uniquely identify the correct Employment History business structure in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for these attributes to identify an existing Employment History business structure.

Note: Some attributes are used as a logical key to identify the business structure if the EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_ID attribute value is not provided. If that value is provided, then these attributes are not used for identification, but are accepted and stored in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Logical Key
employment_history_id NUMBER No
begin_date DATE Yes
employed_by_name_company VARCHAR2(60) Yes

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: validated against AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.
begin_date DATE No  
end_date DATE No Validation: If both begin_date and end_date are passed, then end_date must be greater than or equal to the begin_date.
employment_type_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against the HZ_EM PLOYMENT_TYPE lookup type.
employed_as_title_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against the RESPONSIBILITY lookup type.
employed_as_title VARCHAR2(60) No Validation: if employed_as_title_code is supplied, then employed_as_title must be null.
employed_by_name_company VARCHAR2(60) No Validation: If employed_by_party_id is passed, then employed_by_name_company should not be passed.
Comments: This field captures the employer name in situations where there is no Party that represents the employer. If the employed_by_party_id is known, then that party name will be denormalized in the employed_by_name_company field.
employed_by_party_id NUMBER No Validation: Must exist in the HZ_PARTIES.
employed_by_division_name VARCHAR2(60) No  
supervisor_name VARCHAR2(60) No  
branch VARCHAR2(80) No  
military_rank VARCHAR2(240) No  
served VARCHAR2(240) No  
station VARCHAR2(240) No  
responsibility VARCHAR2(240) No  
weekly_work_hours NUMBER No Validation: If passed, then must be greater than zero and less than or equal to 168.
reason_for_leaving VARCHAR2(240) No  
faculty_position_flag VARCHAR2(1) Yes Validation: validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
Default: N.
tenure_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Must only be passed if FACULTY_POSIT ION_IND = Y, else must be null. Validated against AR lookup type HZ_TENURE_CODE
fraction_of_tenure NUMBER No Validation: Must only be passed if FACULTY_POSITION_IND = Y, else must be null. If passed, must be between 0 and 100 inclusive.
comments VARCHAR2(2000) No  

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Employment History business structure has an embedded granular entity. For the embedded entity's attribute information, see: Update Work Class Entity.

Get Employment History Business Structure

As part of getting a business object, embedded Employment History business structure attributes are also retrieved. These attributes are similarly extracted for both event independent and event dependent Get business object API procedures, except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved Employment History business structure. This attribute is only used when the business structure is retrieved as part of an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

The API procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
employment_history_id NUMBER
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
program_update_date DATE
created_by_module VARCHAR2(150)
status VARCHAR2(1)
person_id NUMBER
begin_date DATE
end_date DATE
employment_type_code VARCHAR2(30)
employed_as_title_code VARCHAR2(30)
employed_as_title VARCHAR2(60)
employed_by_name_company VARCHAR2(60)
employed_by_party_id NUMBER
employed_by_division_name VARCHAR2(60)
supervisor_name VARCHAR2(60)
branch VARCHAR2(80)
military_rank VARCHAR2(240)
served VARCHAR2(240)
station VARCHAR2(240)
responsibility VARCHAR2(240)
weekly_work_hours NUMBER
reason_for_leaving VARCHAR2(240)
faculty_position_flag VARCHAR2(1)
tenure_code VARCHAR2(30)
fraction_of_tenure NUMBER
comments VARCHAR2(2000)

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Employment History business structure has an embedded granular entity. For the embedded entity's attribute information, see: Get Work Class Entity.

Related Topics

Business Structure Attributes

Financial Report Business Structure Attributes

This section provides information about what seeded business object API procedures do with the attributes of embedded Financial Report business structure.

Create Financial Report Business Structure

As part of creating a business object, you can provide data to create the Financial Report business structure.

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30) Yes Validation: Foreign key to HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS_B.orig_system with sst_flag value of Y.
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.
type_of_financial_report VARCHAR2(60) No  
document_reference VARCHAR2(150) No  
date_report_issued DATE No  
issued_period VARCHAR2(60) No Validation: Either issued_period or report_start_date must be provided, but not both.
report_start_date DATE No Validation: Either issued_period or report_start_date must be provided, but not both.
If report_start_date is provided, then it must be less than or equal to report_end_date.
report_end_date DATE No Validation: Must be provided if report_start_date is provided, else must be null.
If provided, then it must be greater than or equal to report_start_date.
requiring_authority VARCHAR2(60) No  
audit_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
consolidated_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
estimated_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
fiscal_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
final_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
forecast_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
opening_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
proforma_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
qualified_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
restated_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
signed_by_principals_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
trial_balance_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
unbalanced_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Financial Report business structure has an embedded granular entity. For the embedded entity's attribute information, see: Create Financial Number Entity.

Update Financial Report Business Structure

As part of updating a business object, you can provide data to create or update the Financial Report business structure.

Identification Attributes

The API procedure uses the attributes in this table to uniquely identify the correct Financial Report business structure in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for these attributes to identify an existing Financial Report business structure.

Note: Some attributes are used as a logical key to identify the business structure if the FINANCIAL_REPORT_ID attribute value is not provided. If that value is provided, then these attributes are not used for identification, but are accepted and stored in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Logical Key
financial_report_id NUMBER No
type_of_financial_report VARCHAR2(60) Yes
document_reference VARCHAR2(150) Yes
date_report_issued DATE Yes
issued_period VARCHAR2(60) Yes
report_start_date DATE Yes
report_end_date DATE Yes

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30) Yes Validation: Foreign key to HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS_B.orig_system with sst_flag value of Y.
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.
type_of_financial_report VARCHAR2(60) No  
document_reference VARCHAR2(150) No  
date_report_issued DATE No  
issued_period VARCHAR2(60) No Validation: Either issued_period or report_start_date must be provided, but not both.
report_start_date DATE No Validation: Either issued_period or report_start_date must be provided, but not both.
If report_start_date is provided, then it must be less than or equal to report_end_date.
report_end_date DATE No Validation: Must be provided if report_start_date is provided, else must be null.
If provided, then it must be greater than or equal to report_start_date.
requiring_authority VARCHAR2(60) No  
audit_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
consolidated_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
estimated_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
fiscal_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
final_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
forecast_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
opening_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
proforma_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
qualified_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
restated_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
signed_by_principals_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
trial_balance_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
unbalanced_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Financial Report business structure has an embedded granular entity. For the embedded entity's attribute information, see: Update Financial Number Entity.

Get Financial Report Business Structure

As part of getting a business object, embedded Financial Report business structure attributes are also retrieved. These attributes are similarly extracted for both event independent and event dependent Get business object API procedures, except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved Financial Report business structure. This attribute is only used when the business structure is retrieved as part of an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

The API procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
financial_report_id NUMBER
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
program_update_date DATE
created_by_module VARCHAR2(150)
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30)
status VARCHAR2(1)
organization_id NUMBER
type_of_financial_report VARCHAR2(60)
document_reference VARCHAR2(150)
date_report_issued DATE
issued_period VARCHAR2(60)
report_start_date DATE
report_end_date DATE
requiring_authority VARCHAR2(60)
audit_ind VARCHAR2(30)
consolidated_ind VARCHAR2(30)
estimated_ind VARCHAR2(30)
fiscal_ind VARCHAR2(30)
final_ind VARCHAR2(30)
forecast_ind VARCHAR2(30)
opening_ind VARCHAR2(30)
proforma_ind VARCHAR2(30)
qualified_ind VARCHAR2(30)
restated_ind VARCHAR2(30)
signed_by_principals_ind VARCHAR2(30)
trial_balance_ind VARCHAR2(30)
unbalanced_ind VARCHAR2(30)

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Financial Report business structure has an embedded granular entity. For the embedded entity's attribute information, see: Get Financial Number Entity.

Related Topics

Business Structure Attributes

Location Business Structure Attributes

This section provides information about what seeded business object API procedures do with the attributes of embedded Location business structure.

Create Location Business Structure

As part of creating a business object, you can provide data to create the Location business structure.

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Foreign key to HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS_B.orig_system with sst_flag value of Y.
country VARCHAR2(60) Yes Validation:
  • Mandatory attribute.

  • Foreign Key to fnd_territories.territory_code

address1 VARCHAR2(240) Yes Validation: Mandatory attribute.
address2 VARCHAR2(240) No  
address3 VARCHAR2(240) No  
address4 VARCHAR2(240) No  
city VARCHAR2(60) No  
postal_code VARCHAR2(60) No  
state VARCHAR2(60) No  
province VARCHAR2(60) No  
county VARCHAR2(60) No  
address_key VARCHAR2(500) No  
address_style VARCHAR2(30) No  
validated_flag VARCHAR2(1) No  
address_lines_phonetic VARCHAR2(560) No  
postal_plus4_code VARCHAR2(10) No  
position VARCHAR2(50) No  
location_directions VARCHAR2(640) No  
address_effective_date DATE No  
address_expiration_date DATE No  
clli_code VARCHAR2(60) No  
language VARCHAR2(4) No Validation: Foreign key to fnd_languages.language_code (installed).
short_description VARCHAR2(240) No  
description VARCHAR2(2000) No  
loc_hierarchy_id NUMBER No  
sales_tax_geocode VARCHAR2(30) No  
sales_tax_inside_city_limits VARCHAR2(30) No  
fa_location_id NUMBER No  
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150) No  
timezone_id NUMBER No Validation: Foreign key to hz_timezones.timezone_id.
delivery_point_code VARCHAR2(50) No  
geometry_status_code VARCHAR2(30) No  
geometry mdsys.sdo_geometry No  

Mapped Attributes

This procedure creates a mapping between the internally maintained PERSON_ID and the attributes in this table. The created Source System Mapping is stored in the TCA SSM tables.

Attribute Data Type
orig_system VARCHAR2(30)
orig_system_reference VARCHAR2(255)

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Location business structure has an embedded granular entity. For the embedded entity's attribute information, see: Create Extension Attribute Entity.

Update Location Business Structure

As part of updating a business object, you can provide data to create or update the Location business structure.

Identification Attributes

The API procedure uses the attributes in this table to uniquely identify the correct Location business structure in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for these attributes to identify an existing Location business structure.

Attribute Data Type Logical Key
location_id NUMBER No
orig_system VARCHAR2(30) No
orig_system_reference VARCHAR2(255) No

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Cannot be updated.
country VARCHAR2(60) No Validation: Foreign key to fnd_territories.territory_code.
address1 VARCHAR2(240) No Validation: Cannot be set to null during update.
address2 VARCHAR2(240) No  
address3 VARCHAR2(240) No  
address4 VARCHAR2(240) No  
city VARCHAR2(60) No  
postal_code VARCHAR2(60) No  
state VARCHAR2(60) No  
province VARCHAR2(60) No  
county VARCHAR2(60) No  
address_key VARCHAR2(500) No  
address_style VARCHAR2(30) No  
validated_flag VARCHAR2(1) No  
address_lines_phonetic VARCHAR2(560) No  
postal_plus4_code VARCHAR2(10) No  
position VARCHAR2(50) No  
location_directions VARCHAR2(640) No  
address_effective_date DATE No  
address_expiration_date DATE No  
clli_code VARCHAR2(60) No  
language VARCHAR2(4) No Validation: Foreign key to fnd_languages.language_code (installed).
short_description VARCHAR2(240) No  
description VARCHAR2(2000) No  
loc_hierarchy_id NUMBER No  
sales_tax_geocode VARCHAR2(30) No  
sales_tax_inside_city_limits VARCHAR2(30) No  
fa_location_id NUMBER No  
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150) No  
timezone_id NUMBER No Validation: Foreign key to hz_timezones.timezone_id.
delivery_point_code VARCHAR2(50) No  
geometry_status_code VARCHAR2(30) No  
geometry mdsys.sdo_geometry No  

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Location business structure has an embedded granular entity. For the embedded entity's attribute information, see: Update Extension Attribute Entity.

Get Location Business Structure

As part of getting a business object, embedded Location business structure attributes are also retrieved. These attributes are similarly extracted for both event independent and event dependent Get business object API procedures, except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved Location business structure. This attribute is only used when the business structure is retrieved as part of an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

The API procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
location_id NUMBER
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
program_update_date DATE
created_by_module VARCHAR2(150)
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30)
country VARCHAR2(60)
address1 VARCHAR2(240)
address2 VARCHAR2(240)
address3 VARCHAR2(240)
address4 VARCHAR2(240)
city VARCHAR2(60)
postal_code VARCHAR2(60)
state VARCHAR2(60)
province VARCHAR2(60)
county VARCHAR2(60)
address_key VARCHAR2(500)
address_style VARCHAR2(30)
validated_flag VARCHAR2(1)
address_lines_phonetic VARCHAR2(560)
postal_plus4_code VARCHAR2(10)
position VARCHAR2(50)
location_directions VARCHAR2(640)
address_effective_date DATE
address_expiration_date DATE
clli_code VARCHAR2(60)
language VARCHAR2(4)
short_description VARCHAR2(240)
description VARCHAR2(2000)
loc_hierarchy_id NUMBER
sales_tax_geocode VARCHAR2(30)
sales_tax_inside_city_limits VARCHAR2(30)
fa_location_id NUMBER
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30)
attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150)
timezone_id NUMBER
delivery_point_code VARCHAR2(50)
geometry_status_code VARCHAR2(30)
geometry mdsys.sdo_geometry

Attributes of Embedded Entities

The Location business structure has an embedded granular entity. For the embedded entity's attribute information, see: Get Extension Attribute Entity.

Related Topics

Business Structure Attributes

Granular Entity Attributes

Many seeded business objects have embedded granular entities. When you use the seeded business object APIs, the embedded entities are correspondingly created, updated, or retrieved.

These sections provide information about what seeded business object API procedures do with the attributes of embedded granular entities.

Related Topics

Business Object API Attributes Information Overview

Business Object APIs Overview

Bank Account Use Entity Attributes

Create Bank Account Use Entity

As part of creating a business object, you can provide entity data to create the Bank Account Use entity.

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type
org_type            VARCHAR2(30)
org_id              NUMBER
instrument_type     VARCHAR2(30)
instrument_id       NUMBER
priority            NUMBER
start_date          DATE
end_date            DATE

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Update Bank Account Use Entity

As part of updating a business object, you can provide entity data to create or update the Bank Account Use entity.

Identification Attributes

The API procedure uses the BANK_ACCT_USE_ID attribute to uniquely identify the correct Bank Account Use entity in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for this attribute to identify an existing Bank Account Use entity.

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type
org_type            VARCHAR2(30)
org_id              NUMBER
instrument_type     VARCHAR2(30)
instrument_id       NUMBER
priority            NUMBER
start_date          DATE
end_date            DATE

Get Bank Account Use Entity

As part of getting a business object, embedded Bank Account Use entity attributes are also retrieved. These attributes are similarly extracted for both event independent and event dependent Get business object API procedures, except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved Bank Account Use entity. This attribute is only used when the entity is retrieved as part of an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

The API procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
bank_acct_use_id NUMBER
payment_function    VARCHAR2(30)
party_id            NUMBER
org_type            VARCHAR2(30)
org_id              NUMBER
cust_acct_id        NUMBER
site_use_id         NUMBER
instrument_type     VARCHAR2(30)
instrument_id       NUMBER
priority            NUMBER
start_date          DATE
end_date            DATE
created_by_name     VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date       DATE
last_update_date    DATE
last_updated_by_name  VARCHAR2(100)

Related Topics

Granular Entity Attributes

Certification Entity Attributes

Create Certification Entity

As part of creating a business object, you can provide entity data to create the Certification entity.

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type
status VARCHAR2(1)
certification_name VARCHAR2(240)
current_status VARCHAR2(30)
expires_on_date DATE
grade VARCHAR2(30)
issued_by_authority VARCHAR2(60)
issued_on_date DATE

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Update Certification Entity

As part of updating a business object, you can provide entity data to create or update the Certification entity.

Identification Attributes

The API procedure uses the CERTIFICATION_ID attribute to uniquely identify the correct Certification entity in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for this attribute to identify an existing Certification entity.

Attribute Data Type Logical Key
certification_id NUMBER No
certification_name VARCHAR2(240) Yes

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type
status VARCHAR2(1)
certification_name VARCHAR2(240)
current_status VARCHAR2(30)
expires_on_date DATE
grade VARCHAR2(30)
issued_by_authority VARCHAR2(60)
issued_on_date DATE

Get Certification Entity

As part of getting a business object, embedded Certification entity attributes are also retrieved. These attributes are similarly extracted for both event independent and event dependent Get business object API procedures, except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved Certification entity. This attribute is only used when the entity is retrieved as part of an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

The API procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
certification_id NUMBER
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
program_update_date DATE
status VARCHAR2(1)
parent_object_type VARCHAR2(30)
parent_object_id NUMBER
certification_name VARCHAR2(240)
current_status VARCHAR2(30)
expires_on_date DATE
grade VARCHAR2(30)
issued_by_authority VARCHAR2(60)
issued_on_date DATE

Related Topics

Granular Entity Attributes

Citizenship Entity Attributes

Create Citizenship Entity

As part of creating a business object, you can provide entity data to create the Citizenship entity.

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: validated against AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.
birth_or_selected VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against the HZ_CITIZENSHIP_ACQUISITION lookup type.
country_code VARCHAR2(2) Yes Validation: Must exist in FND_TERRITORIES.
date_recognized DATE No  
date_disowned DATE No  
end_date DATE No  
document_type VARCHAR2(30) No  
document_reference VARCHAR2(60) No  

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Update Citizenship Entity

As part of updating a business object, you can provide entity data to create or update the Citizenship entity.

Identification Attributes

The API procedure uses the CITIZENSHIP_ID attribute to uniquely identify the correct Citizenship entity in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for this attribute to identify an existing Citizenship entity.

Attribute Data Type Logical Key
citizenship_id NUMBER No
country_code VARCHAR2(2) Yes

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: validated against AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.
birth_or_selected VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against the HZ_CITIZENSHIP_ACQUISITION lookup type.
country_code VARCHAR2(2) Yes Validation: Must exist in FND_TERRITORIES.
date_recognized DATE No  
date_disowned DATE No  
end_date DATE No  
document_type VARCHAR2(30) No  
document_reference VARCHAR2(60) No  

Get Citizenship Entity

As part of getting a business object, embedded Citizenship entity attributes are also retrieved. These attributes are similarly extracted for both event independent and event dependent Get business object API procedures, except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved Citizenship entity. This attribute is only used when the entity is retrieved as part of an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

The API procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
citizenship_id NUMBER
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
program_update_date DATE
created_by_module VARCHAR2(150)
status VARCHAR2(1)
person_id NUMBER
birth_or_selected VARCHAR2(30)
country_code VARCHAR2(2)
date_recognized DATE
date_disowned DATE
end_date DATE
document_type VARCHAR2(30)
document_reference VARCHAR2(60)

Related Topics

Granular Entity Attributes

Classification Entity Attributes

Create Classification Entity

As part of creating a business object, you can provide entity data to create the Classification entity.

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Foreign key to HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS.orig_system with sst_flag value of Y.
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Validated against AR_LOOKUP type CODE_STATUS.
class_category VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against HZ_CLASS_CATEGORIES.
class_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against FND lookup values where the LOOKUP_TYPE = CLASS_CATEGORY. A class code must be a valid lookup_code from the lookup_type which name is the CLASS_CATEGORY.
primary_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • Validated against FND lookup values where lookup type YES/NO.

  • An owner_table_id can only have one primary (PRIMARY_FLAG = Y) assignment to a class_code of one class_category for one actual_content_source at one time.

start_date_active DATE No  
end_date_active DATE No Validation: must be null or greater than start_date_active.
rank NUMBER No Comment: Provides the ability to rank classes if multiple classes have been assigned to a party.

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Update Classification Entity

As part of updating a business object, you can provide entity data to create or update the Classification entity.

Identification Attributes

The API procedure uses the CODE_ASSIGNMENT_ID attribute to uniquely identify the correct Classification entity in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for this attribute to identify an existing Classification entity.

Attribute Data Type Logical Key
code_assignment_id NUMBER No
class_category VARCHAR2(30) Yes
class_code VARCHAR2(30) Yes
start_date_active DATE Yes

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30)    
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Validated against AR_LOOKUP type CODE_STATUS.
class_category VARCHAR2(30) Yes  
class_code VARCHAR2(30) No  
primary_flag VARCHAR2(1) No  
start_date_active DATE No  
end_date_active DATE No Comment: Cannot create classification with time period that overlaps an existing classification.
Validation: Done in HZ_CLASS_VALIDATE_V2.validate_code_assignment.
rank NUMBER No Comment: Provides the ability to rank classes if multiple classes have been assigned to a party.

Get Classification Entity

As part of getting a business object, embedded Classification entity attributes are also retrieved. These attributes are similarly extracted for both event independent and event dependent Get business object API procedures, except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved Classification entity. This attribute is only used when the entity is retrieved as part of an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

The API procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
code_assignment_id NUMBER
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
program_update_date DATE
created_by_module VARCHAR2(150)
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30)
status VARCHAR2(1)
parent_object_type VARCHAR2(30)
parent_object_id NUMBER
class_category VARCHAR2(30)
class_code VARCHAR2(30)
primary_flagcontent_source_type VARCHAR2(1)
start_date_active DATE
end_date_active DATE

Related Topics

Granular Entity Attributes

Contact Preference Entity Attributes

Create Contact Preference Entity

As part of creating a business object, you can provide entity data to create the Contact Preference entity.

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • Should be validated against the CODE_STATUS lookup type.

  • The PREFERENCE_END_DATE attribute should be set to the sysdate when STATUS has a value other than A.

contact_type VARCHAR2(30) Yes Validation:
  • Mandatory attribute.

  • Cannot be updated.

  • contact_type is lookup code in lookup type CONTACT_TYPE.

preference_code VARCHAR2(30) Yes Validation:
  • Mandatory attribute.

  • Should be validated against the PREFERENCE_CODE lookup type.

preference_topic_type VARCHAR2(30) No Validation:
  • Should be validated against the PREFERENCE_TOPIC_TYPE lookup type.

  • The lookup contains the following lookup_codes against which the PREFERENCE_TOPIC_TYPE will be validated:






preference_topic_type_id NUMBER No Validation:
Valid if the value in the PREFERENCE_TOPIC_TYPE attribute is one of these values:



The PREFERENCE_TOPIC_TYPE attribute is the foreign key of table selected PREFERENCE_TOPIC_TYPE.
preference_topic_type_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation:
If PREFERENCE_TOPIC_TYPE = CONTACT_USAGE, then PREFERENCE_TOPIC_TYPE_CODE should be a lookup code of lookup type CONTACT_USAGE. Validation exists to ensure that this lookup code exists.
If PREFERENCE_TOPIC_TYPE is FND_BUSINESS_PURPOSES_B, then PREFERENCE_TOPIC_TYPE_CODE is the name of a column in FND_BUSINESS_PURPOSES_B. No validation exists to ensure that the value passed is a proper column name.
preference_start_date DATE Yes Validation: Mandatory attribute.
preference_end_date DATE No Validation:
  • Cannot be updated to a day before the sysdate.

  • PREFERENCE_END_DATE should be greater than or equal to PREFERENCE_START_DATE.

  • If the STATUS column in the HZ_CONTACT_POINTS table is set to a value other than A for Active (such as I for Inactive, M for Merged, and D for Deleted), then PREFERENCE_END_DATE is not passed in these situations, it should default to the system date. If a value other than the system date is passed, it should fail.

preference_start_time_hr NUMBER No Validation:
In 0 to 24 hour format.
preference_end_time_hr NUMBER No Validation:
In 0 to 24 hour format.
preference_start_time_mi NUMBER No Validation:
In 0 to 59 minute format.
preference_end_time_mi NUMBER No Validation:
In 0 to 59 minute format.
max_no_of_interactions NUMBER No Validation: none.
max_no_of_interact_uom_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: The MAX_NO_OF_INTERACT_UOM_CODE column should be validated against the new MAX_NO_OF_INTERACT_UOM_CODE lookup.
requested_by VARCHAR2(30) Yes Validation:
  • Mandatory attribute.

  • Should be validated against the REQUESTED_BY lookup type.

reason_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against the REASON_CODE lookup type.

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Update Contact Preference Entity

As part of updating a business object, you can provide entity data to create or update the Contact Preference entity.

Identification Attributes

The API procedure uses the CONTACT_PREFERENCE_ID attribute to uniquely identify the correct Contact Preference entity in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for this attribute to identify an existing Contact Preference entity.

Attribute Data Type Logical Key
contact_preference_id NUMBER No
contact_type VARCHAR2(30) Yes
preference_topic_type VARCHAR2(30) Yes
preference_topic_type_id NUMBER Yes
preference_topic_type_code VARCHAR2(30) Yes
preference_start_date DATE Yes

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • Should be validated against the CODE_STATUS lookup type.

  • The PREFERENCE_END_DATE attribute should be set to the sysdate when STATUS has a value other than A.

  • Cannot be set to NULL during update.

contact_type VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Cannot be updated.
preference_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Should be validated against the PREFERENCE_CODE AR lookup type.
preference_topic_type VARCHAR2(30) No Validation:
  • Should be validated against the PREFERENCE_TOPIC_TYPE lookup type.

  • The lookup contains the following lookup_codes against which the PREFERENCE_TOPIC_TYPE will be validated:






preference_topic_type_id NUMBER No Validation:
If the value in the PREFERENCE_TOPIC_TYPE attribute is one of these values:



The PREFERENCE_TOPIC_TYPE attribute is the foreign key of table selected in the attribute PREFERENCE_TOPIC_TYPE.
preference_topic_type_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation:
If PREFERENCE_TOPIC_TYPE = CONTACT_USAGE, then PREFERENCE_TOPIC_TYPE_CODE should be a lookup code of lookup type CONTACT_USAGE. Validation exists to ensure that this lookup code exists.
If PREFERENCE_TOPIC_TYPE is FND_BUSINESS_PURPOSES_B, then PREFERENCE_TOPIC_TYPE_CODE is the name of a column in FND_BUSINESS_PURPOSES_B. No validation exists to ensure that the value passed is a proper column name.
preference_start_date DATE Yes Validation:
The value of the PREFERENCE_END_DATE attribute should be greater than or equal to the value of the PREFERENCE_START_DATE attribute.
preference_end_date DATE No Validation:
  • PREFERENCE_END_DATE cannot be updated to a day before the sysdate.

  • PREFERENCE_END_DATE should be greater than or equal to PREFERENCE_START_DATE.

preference_start_time_hr NUMBER No Validation:
In 0 to 24 hour format.
preference_end_time_hr NUMBER No Validation:
In 0 to 24 hour format.
preference_start_time_mi NUMBER No Validation:
In 0 to 59 minute format.
preference_end_time_mi NUMBER No Validation:
In 0 to 59 minute format.
max_no_of_interactions NUMBER No Validation: none.
max_no_of_interact_uom_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: The MAX_NO_OF_INTERACT_UOM_CODE column should be validated against the new MAX_NO_OF_INTERACT_UOM_CODE lookup.
requested_by VARCHAR2(30) Yes Validation: REQUESTED_BY should be validated against the REQUESTED_BY AR lookup type
reason_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Should be validated against the REASON_CODE lookup type.

Get Contact Preference Entity

As part of getting a business object, embedded Contact Preference entity attributes are also retrieved. These attributes are similarly extracted for both event independent and event dependent Get business object API procedures, except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved Contact Preference entity. This attribute is only used when the entity is retrieved as part of an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

The API procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
contact_preference_id NUMBER
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
program_update_date DATE
created_by_module VARCHAR2(150)
status VARCHAR2(1)
parent_object_type VARCHAR2(30)
parent_object_id NUMBER
contact_type VARCHAR2(30)
preference_code VARCHAR2(30)
preference_topic_type VARCHAR2(30)
preference_topic_type_id NUMBER
preference_topic_type_code VARCHAR2(30)
preference_start_date DATE
preference_end_date DATE
preference_start_time_hr NUMBER
preference_end_time_hr NUMBER
preference_start_time_mi NUMBER
preference_end_time_mi NUMBER
max_no_of_interactions NUMBER
max_no_of_interact_uom_code VARCHAR2(30)
requested_by VARCHAR2(30)
reason_code VARCHAR2(30)

Related Topics

Granular Entity Attributes

Credit Rating Entity Attributes

Create Credit Rating Entity

As part of creating a business object, you can provide entity data to create the Credit Rating entity.

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30) No Validate: HZ_MIXNM_UTILITY ValidateContentSource.
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup REGISTRY_STATUS.
description VARCHAR2(2000) No  
rating VARCHAR2(60) No  
rated_as_of_date DATE No  
rating_organization VARCHAR2(240) No  
comments VARCHAR2(240) No  
det_history_ind VARCHAR2(5) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO.
fincl_embt_ind VARCHAR2(5) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO.
criminal_proceeding_ind VARCHAR2(5) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO.
claims_ind VARCHAR2(5) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO.
secured_flng_ind VARCHAR2(5) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO.
fincl_lgl_event_ind VARCHAR2(5) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO.
disaster_ind VARCHAR2(5) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO.
oprg_spec_evnt_ind VARCHAR2(5) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO.
other_spec_evnt_ind VARCHAR2(5) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO.
avg_high_credit NUMBER No  
credit_score VARCHAR2(30) No  
credit_score_age NUMBER No  
credit_score_class NUMBER No  
credit_score_commentary VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY.
credit_score_commentary2 to credit_score_commentary10 VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY.
credit_score_date DATE No  
credit_score_incd_default NUMBER No  
credit_score_natl_percentile NUMBER No  
failure_score VARCHAR2(30) No  
failure_score_age NUMBER No  
failure_score_class NUMBER No  
failure_score_commentary VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY.
failure_score_commentary2 to failure_score_commentary10 VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY.
failure_score_date DATE No  
failure_score_incd_default NUMBER No  
failure_score_natnl_percentile NUMBER No  
failure_score_override_code VARCHAR2(30) No  
global_failure_score VARCHAR2(30) No  
debarment_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO.
debarments_count NUMBER No  
debarments_date DATE No  
high_credit NUMBER No  
maximum_credit_currency_code VARCHAR2(240) No Validation: Foreign key to fnd_currencies.currency_code.
maximum_credit_rcmd NUMBER No  
paydex_norm VARCHAR2(3) No  
paydex_score VARCHAR2(3) No  
paydex_three_months_ago VARCHAR2(3) No  
credit_score_override_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup FAILURE_SCORE_OVERRIDE_CODE.
cr_scr_clas_expl VARCHAR2(30) No  
low_rng_delq_scr NUMBER No  
high_rng_delq_scr NUMBER No  
delq_pmt_rng_prcnt NUMBER No  
delq_pmt_pctg_for_all_firms NUMBER No  
num_trade_experiences NUMBER No  
paydex_firm_days VARCHAR2(15) No  
paydex_firm_comment VARCHAR2(60) No  
paydex_industry_days VARCHAR2(15) No  
paydex_industry_comment VARCHAR2(50) No  
paydex_comment VARCHAR2(240) No  
suit_ind VARCHAR2(5) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO.
lien_ind VARCHAR2(5) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO.
judgement_ind VARCHAR2(5) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO.
bankruptcy_ind VARCHAR2(5) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO.
no_trade_ind VARCHAR2(5) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO.
prnt_hq_bkcy_ind VARCHAR2(5) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO.
num_prnt_bkcy_filing NUMBER No  
prnt_bkcy_filg_type VARCHAR2(20) No  
prnt_bkcy_filg_chapter NUMBER No  
prnt_bkcy_filg_date DATE No  
num_prnt_bkcy_convs NUMBER No  
prnt_bkcy_conv_date DATE No  
prnt_bkcy_chapter_conv VARCHAR2(60) No  
slow_trade_expl VARCHAR2(100) No  
negv_pmt_expl VARCHAR2(150) No  
pub_rec_expl VARCHAR2(150) No  
business_discontinued VARCHAR2(240) No  
spcl_event_comment VARCHAR2(150) No  
num_spcl_event NUMBER No  
spcl_event_update_date DATE No  
spcl_evnt_txt VARCHAR2(2000) No  

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Update Credit Rating Entity

As part of updating a business object, you can provide entity data to create or update the Credit Rating entity.

Identification Attributes

The API procedure uses the CREDIT_RATING_ID attribute to uniquely identify the correct Credit Rating entity in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for this attribute to identify an existing Credit Rating entity.

Attribute Data Type Logical Key
credit_rating_id NUMBER No
rated_as_of_date DATE Yes
rating_organization VARCHAR2(240) Yes

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30) No Validate: HZ_MIXNM_UTILITY ValidateContentSource.
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup REGISTRY_STATUS
description VARCHAR2(2000) No  
rating VARCHAR2(60) No  
rated_as_of_date DATE No  
rating_organization VARCHAR2(240) No  
comments VARCHAR2(240) No  
det_history_ind VARCHAR2(5) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO.
fincl_embt_ind VARCHAR2(5) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO.
criminal_proceeding_ind VARCHAR2(5) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO.
claims_ind VARCHAR2(5) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO.
secured_flng_ind VARCHAR2(5) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO.
fincl_lgl_event_ind VARCHAR2(5) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO.
disaster_ind VARCHAR2(5) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO.
oprg_spec_evnt_ind VARCHAR2(5) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO.
other_spec_evnt_ind VARCHAR2(5) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO.
avg_high_credit NUMBER No  
credit_score VARCHAR2(30) No  
credit_score_age NUMBER No  
credit_score_class NUMBER No  
credit_score_commentary VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY.
credit_score_commentary2 to credit_score_commentary10 VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY.
credit_score_date DATE No  
credit_score_incd_default NUMBER No  
credit_score_natl_percentile NUMBER No  
failure_score VARCHAR2(30) No  
failure_score_age NUMBER No  
failure_score_class NUMBER No  
failure_score_commentary VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY.
failure_score_commentary2 to failure_score_commentary10 VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY.
failure_score_date DATE No  
failure_score_incd_default NUMBER No  
failure_score_natnl_percentile NUMBER No  
failure_score_override_code VARCHAR2(30) No  
global_failure_score VARCHAR2(30) No  
debarment_ind VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO.
debarments_count NUMBER No  
debarments_date DATE No  
high_credit NUMBER No  
maximum_credit_currency_code VARCHAR2(240) No Validation: Foreign key to fnd_currencies.currency_code.
maximum_credit_rcmd NUMBER No  
paydex_norm VARCHAR2(3) No  
paydex_score VARCHAR2(3) No  
paydex_three_months_ago VARCHAR2(3) No  
credit_score_override_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup FAILURE_SCORE_OVERRIDE_CODE.
cr_scr_clas_expl VARCHAR2(30) No  
low_rng_delq_scr NUMBER No  
high_rng_delq_scr NUMBER No  
delq_pmt_rng_prcnt NUMBER No  
delq_pmt_pctg_for_all_firms NUMBER No  
num_trade_experiences NUMBER No  
paydex_firm_days VARCHAR2(15) No  
paydex_firm_comment VARCHAR2(60) No  
paydex_industry_days VARCHAR2(15) No  
paydex_industry_comment VARCHAR2(50) No  
paydex_comment VARCHAR2(240) No  
suit_ind VARCHAR2(5) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO.
lien_ind VARCHAR2(5) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO.
judgement_ind VARCHAR2(5) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO.
bankruptcy_ind VARCHAR2(5) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO.
no_trade_ind VARCHAR2(5) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO.
prnt_hq_bkcy_ind VARCHAR2(5) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO.
num_prnt_bkcy_filing NUMBER No  
prnt_bkcy_filg_type VARCHAR2(20) No  
prnt_bkcy_filg_chapter NUMBER No  
prnt_bkcy_filg_date DATE No  
num_prnt_bkcy_convs NUMBER No  
prnt_bkcy_conv_date DATE No  
prnt_bkcy_chapter_conv VARCHAR2(60) No  
slow_trade_expl VARCHAR2(100) No  
negv_pmt_expl VARCHAR2(150) No  
pub_rec_expl VARCHAR2(150) No  
business_discontinued VARCHAR2(240) No  
spcl_event_comment VARCHAR2(150) No  
num_spcl_event NUMBER No  
spcl_event_update_date DATE No  
spcl_evnt_txt VARCHAR2(2000) No  

Get Credit Rating Entity

As part of getting a business object, embedded Credit Rating entity attributes are also retrieved. These attributes are similarly extracted for both event independent and event dependent Get business object API procedures, except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved Credit Rating entity. This attribute is only used when the entity is retrieved as part of an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

The API procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
credit_rating_id NUMBER
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
program_update_date DATE
created_by_module VARCHAR2(150)
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30)
status VARCHAR2(1)
organization_id NUMBER
description VARCHAR2(2000)
rating VARCHAR2(60)
rated_as_of_date DATE
rating_organization VARCHAR2(240)
comments VARCHAR2(240)
det_history_ind VARCHAR2(5)
fincl_embt_ind VARCHAR2(5)
criminal_proceeding_ind VARCHAR2(5)
claims_ind VARCHAR2(5)
secured_flng_ind VARCHAR2(5)
fincl_lgl_event_ind VARCHAR2(5)
disaster_ind VARCHAR2(5)
oprg_spec_evnt_ind VARCHAR2(5)
other_spec_evnt_ind VARCHAR2(5)
avg_high_credit NUMBER
credit_score VARCHAR2(30)
credit_score_age NUMBER
credit_score_class NUMBER
credit_score_commentary VARCHAR2(30)
credit_score_commentary2 to credit_score_commentary10 VARCHAR2(30)
credit_score_date DATE
credit_score_incd_default NUMBER
credit_score_natl_percentile NUMBER
failure_score VARCHAR2(30)
failure_score_age NUMBER
failure_score_class NUMBER
failure_score_commentary VARCHAR2(30)
failure_score_commentary2 to failure_score_commentary10 VARCHAR2(30)
failure_score_date DATE
failure_score_incd_default NUMBER
failure_score_natnl_percentile NUMBER
failure_score_override_code VARCHAR2(30)
global_failure_score VARCHAR2(30)
debarment_ind VARCHAR2(30)
debarments_count NUMBER
debarments_date DATE
high_credit NUMBER
maximum_credit_currency_code VARCHAR2(240)
maximum_credit_rcmd NUMBER
paydex_norm VARCHAR2(3)
paydex_score VARCHAR2(3)
paydex_three_months_ago VARCHAR2(3)
credit_score_override_code VARCHAR2(30)
cr_scr_clas_expl VARCHAR2(30)
low_rng_delq_scr NUMBER
high_rng_delq_scr NUMBER
delq_pmt_rng_prcnt NUMBER
delq_pmt_pctg_for_all_firms NUMBER
num_trade_experiences NUMBER
paydex_firm_days VARCHAR2(15)
paydex_firm_comment VARCHAR2(60)
paydex_industry_days VARCHAR2(15)
paydex_industry_comment VARCHAR2(50)
paydex_comment VARCHAR2(240)
suit_ind VARCHAR2(5)
lien_ind VARCHAR2(5)
judgement_ind VARCHAR2(5)
bankruptcy_ind VARCHAR2(5)
no_trade_ind VARCHAR2(5)
prnt_hq_bkcy_ind VARCHAR2(5)
num_prnt_bkcy_filing NUMBER
prnt_bkcy_filg_type VARCHAR2(20)
prnt_bkcy_filg_chapter NUMBER
prnt_bkcy_filg_date DATE
num_prnt_bkcy_convs NUMBER
prnt_bkcy_conv_date DATE
prnt_bkcy_chapter_conv VARCHAR2(60)
slow_trade_expl VARCHAR2(100)
negv_pmt_expl VARCHAR2(150)
pub_rec_expl VARCHAR2(150)
business_discontinued VARCHAR2(240)
spcl_event_comment VARCHAR2(150)
num_spcl_event NUMBER
spcl_event_update_date DATE
spcl_evnt_txt VARCHAR2(2000)

Related Topics

Granular Entity Attributes

Customer Account Relationship Entity Attributes

Create Customer Account Relationship Entity

As part of creating a business object, you can provide entity data to create the Customer Account Relationship entity.

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Status is lookup code in lookup type CODE_STATUS.
Default: A.
relationship_type VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: relationship_type is lookup code in lookup type RELATIONSHIP_TYPE.
comments VARCHAR2(240) No  
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute15 VARCHAR2(150) No  
customer_reciprocal_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: customer_reciprocal_flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.
Default: N.
bill_to_flag VARCHAR2(1) No  
ship_to_flag VARCHAR2(1) No  
org_id NUMBER No  

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Update Customer Account Relationship Entity

As part of updating a business object, you can provide entity data to create or update the Customer Account Relationship entity.

Identification Attributes

The API procedure uses the CUST_ACCT_ID attribute to uniquely identify the correct Customer Account Relationship entity in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for this attribute to identify an existing Customer Account Relationship entity.

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • Status cannot be set to null during update.

  • Status is lookup code in lookup type CODE_STATUS.

relationship_type VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: relationship_type is lookup code in lookup type RELATIONSHIP_TYPE.
comments VARCHAR2(240) No  
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute15 VARCHAR2(150) No  
customer_reciprocal_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Cannot be updated.
bill_to_flag VARCHAR2(1) No  
ship_to_flag VARCHAR2(1) No  
org_id NUMBER No  

Get Customer Account Relationship Entity

As part of getting a business object, embedded Customer Account Relationship entity attributes are also retrieved. These attributes are similarly extracted for both event independent and event dependent Get business object API procedures, except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved Customer Account Relationship entity. This attribute is only used when the entity is retrieved as part of an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

The API procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
program_update_date DATE
created_by_module VARCHAR2(150)
status VARCHAR2(1)
cust_acct_id NUMBER
related_cust_acct_id NUMBER
relationship_type VARCHAR2(30)
comments VARCHAR2(240)
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30)
attribute1 to attribute15 VARCHAR2(150)
customer_reciprocal_flag VARCHAR2(1)
bill_to_flag VARCHAR2(1)
ship_to_flag VARCHAR2(1)
org_id NUMBER

Related Topics

Granular Entity Attributes

Customer Profile Amount Entity Attributes

Create Customer Profile Amount Entity

As part of creating a business object, you can provide entity data to create the Customer Profile Amount entity.

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
currency_code VARCHAR2(15) Yes Validation:
  • Mandatory attribute.

  • Foreign key to fnd_currencies.

  • For a given cust_account_profile_id and currency_code, only one record of the profile amount is allowed.

trx_credit_limit NUMBER No Validation: trx_credit_limit must be less than or equal to overall_credit_limit.
overall_credit_limit NUMBER No Validation: trx_credit_limit must be less than or equal to overall_credit_limit.
min_dunning_amount NUMBER No  
min_dunning_invoice_amount NUMBER No  
max_interest_charge NUMBER No  
min_statement_amount NUMBER No  
auto_rec_min_receipt_amount NUMBER No  
interest_rate NUMBER No  
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute15 VARCHAR2(150) No  
min_fc_balance_amount NUMBER No  
min_fc_invoice_amount NUMBER No  
expiration_date DATE No  
jgzz_attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
jgzz_attribute1 to jgzz_attribute15 VARCHAR2(150) No  
global_attribute1 to global_attribute20 VARCHAR2(150) No  
global_attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
exchange_rate_type VARCHAR2(30) No  
min_fc_invoice_overdue_type VARCHAR2(30) No  
min_fc_invoice_percent NUMBER No  
min_fc_balance_overdue_type VARCHAR2(30) No  
min_fc_balance_percent NUMBER No  
interest_type VARCHAR2(30) No  
interest_fixed_amount NUMBER No  
interest_schedule_id NUMBER No  
penalty_type VARCHAR2(30) No  
penalty_rate NUMBER No  
min_interest_charge NUMBER No  
penalty_fixed_amount NUMBER No  
penalty_schedule_id NUMBER No  

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Update Customer Profile Amount Entity

As part of updating a business object, you can provide entity data to create or update the Customer Profile Amount entity.

Identification Attributes

The API procedure uses the CUST_ACCT_PROFILE_AMT_ID attribute to uniquely identify the correct Customer Profile Amount entity in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for this attribute to identify an existing Customer Profile Amount entity.

Attribute Data Type Logical Key
cust_acct_profile_amt_id NUMBER No
currency_code VARCHAR2(15) Yes

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
currency_code VARCHAR2(15) No Validation: Cannot be updated.
trx_credit_limit NUMBER No Validation: trx_credit_limit must be less than or equal to overall_credit_limit.
overall_credit_limit NUMBER No Validation: trx_credit_limit must be less than or equal to overall_credit_limit.
min_dunning_amount NUMBER No  
min_dunning_invoice_amount NUMBER No  
max_interest_charge NUMBER No  
min_statement_amount NUMBER No  
auto_rec_min_receipt_amount NUMBER No  
interest_rate NUMBER No  
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute15 VARCHAR2(150) No  
min_fc_balance_amount NUMBER No  
min_fc_invoice_amount NUMBER No  
expiration_date DATE No  
jgzz_attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
jgzz_attribute1 to jgzz_attribute15 VARCHAR2(150) No  
global_attribute1 to global_attribute20 VARCHAR2(150) No  
global_attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
exchange_rate_type VARCHAR2(30) No  
min_fc_invoice_overdue_type VARCHAR2(30) No  
min_fc_invoice_percent NUMBER No  
min_fc_balance_overdue_type VARCHAR2(30) No  
min_fc_balance_percent NUMBER No  
interest_type VARCHAR2(30) No  
interest_fixed_amount NUMBER No  
interest_schedule_id NUMBER No  
penalty_type VARCHAR2(30) No  
penalty_rate NUMBER No  
min_interest_charge NUMBER No  
penalty_fixed_amount NUMBER No  
penalty_schedule_id NUMBER No  

Get Customer Profile Amount Entity

As part of getting a business object, embedded Customer Profile Amount entity attributes are also retrieved. These attributes are similarly extracted for both event independent and event dependent Get business object API procedures, except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved Customer Profile Amount entity. This attribute is only used when the entity is retrieved as part of an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

The API procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
cust_acct_profile_amt_id NUMBER
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
program_update_date DATE
created_by_module VARCHAR2(150)
cust_acct_profile_id NUMBER
cust_acct_id NUMBER
cust_acct_site_id NUMBER
currency_code VARCHAR2(15)
trx_credit_limit NUMBER
overall_credit_limit NUMBER
min_dunning_amount NUMBER
min_dunning_invoice_amount NUMBER
max_interest_charge NUMBER
min_statement_amount NUMBER
auto_rec_min_receipt_amount NUMBER
interest_rate NUMBER
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30)
attribute1 to attribute15 VARCHAR2(150)
min_fc_balance_amount NUMBER
min_fc_invoice_amount NUMBER
expiration_date DATE
jgzz_attribute_category VARCHAR2(30)
jgzz_attribute1 tojgzz_attribute15 VARCHAR2(150)
global_attribute1 to global_attribute20 VARCHAR2(150)
global_attribute_category VARCHAR2(30)
exchange_rate_type VARCHAR2(30)
min_fc_invoice_overdue_type VARCHAR2(30)
min_fc_invoice_percent NUMBER
min_fc_balance_overdue_type VARCHAR2(30)
min_fc_balance_percent NUMBER
interest_type VARCHAR2(30)
interest_fixed_amount NUMBER
interest_schedule_id NUMBER
penalty_type VARCHAR2(30)
penalty_rate NUMBER
min_interest_charge NUMBER
penalty_fixed_amount NUMBER
penalty_schedule_id NUMBER

Related Topics

Granular Entity Attributes

Education Entity Attributes

Create Education Entity

As part of creating a business object, you can provide entity data to create the Education entity.

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Validated against the REGISTRY_STATUS lookup type.
course_major VARCHAR2(60) No  
degree_received VARCHAR2(60) No  
start_date_attended DATE No  
last_date_attended DATE No Validation: If both start_date_attended and last_date_attended are passed, then last_date_attended must be greater than or equal to start_date_attended.
school_attended_name VARCHAR2(60) No Validation: If school_party_id is passed, then school_attended_name should not be passed.
Comments: This field captures the school name in situations where there is no Party that represents the school. If the school_party_id is known, then that party name will be denormalized in the school_attended_name field.
school_party_id NUMBER No Validation: Must exist in the HZ_PARTIES table.
type_of_school VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: If the value is modified, then the value is validated against the HZ_TYPE_OF_SCHOOL lookup type.

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Update Education Entity

As part of updating a business object, you can provide entity data to create or update the Education entity.

Identification Attributes

The API procedure uses the EDUCATION_ID attribute to uniquely identify the correct Education entity in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for this attribute to identify an existing Education entity.

Attribute Data Type Logical Key
education_id NUMBER No
course_major VARCHAR2(60) Yes
degree_received VARCHAR2(60) Yes
school_attended_name VARCHAR2(60) Yes

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Validated against the REGISTRY_STATUS lookup type.
course_major VARCHAR2(60) No  
degree_received VARCHAR2(60) No  
start_date_attended DATE No  
last_date_attended DATE No Validation: If both start_date_attended and last_date_attended are passed, then last_date_attended must be greater than or equal to start_date_attended.
school_attended_name VARCHAR2(60) No Validation: If school_party_id is passed, then school_attended_name should not be passed.
Comments: This field captures the school name in situations where there is no Party that represents the school. If the school_party_id is known, then that party name will be denormalized in the school_attended_name field.
school_party_id NUMBER No Validation: Must exist in the HZ_PARTIES table.
type_of_school VARCHAR2(30) No  

Get Education Entity

As part of getting a business object, embedded Education entity attributes are also retrieved. These attributes are similarly extracted for both event independent and event dependent Get business object API procedures, except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved Education entity. This attribute is only used when the entity is retrieved as part of an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

The API procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
education_id NUMBER
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
program_update_date DATE
created_by_module VARCHAR2(150)
status VARCHAR2(1)
person_id NUMBER
course_major VARCHAR2(60)
degree_received VARCHAR2(60)
start_date_attended DATE
last_date_attended DATE
school_attended_name VARCHAR2(60)
school_party_id NUMBER
type_of_school VARCHAR2(30)

Related Topics

Granular Entity Attributes

Extension Entity Attributes

Create Extension Attribute Entity

As part of creating a business object, you can provide entity data to create the Extension Attribute entity.

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
attr_value_str VARCHAR2(1000) Yes or No Validation: One of attr_value_str, attr_value_date, or attr_value_num is mandatory.
attr_value_num NUMBER Yes or No Validation: One of attr_value_str, attr_value_date, or attr_value_num is mandatory.
attr_value_date DATE Yes or No Validation: One of attr_value_str, attr_value_date, or attr_value_num is mandatory.

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Update Extension Attribute Entity

As part of updating a business object, you can provide entity data to create or update the Extension Attribute entity.

Identification Attributes

The API procedure uses the EXTENSION_ID attribute to uniquely identify the correct Extension Attribute entity in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for this attribute to identify an existing Extension Attribute entity.

Attribute Data Type Logical Key
extension_id NUMBER No
attr_group_name VARCHAR2(30) No
attr_name VARCHAR2(30) No
attr_group_type VARCHAR2(30) No

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
attr_value_str VARCHAR2(1000) Yes or No Validation: One of attr_value_str, attr_value_date, or attr_value_num is mandatory.
attr_value_num NUMBER Yes or No Validation: One of attr_value_str, attr_value_date, or attr_value_num is mandatory.
attr_value_date DATE Yes or No Validation: One of attr_value_str, attr_value_date, or attr_value_num is mandatory.

Get Extension Attribute Entity

As part of getting a business object, embedded Extension Attribute entity attributes are also retrieved. These attributes are similarly extracted for both event independent and event dependent Get business object API procedures, except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved Extension Attribute entity. This attribute is only used when the entity is retrieved as part of an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

The API procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
attr_group_name VARCHAR2(30)
attr_name VARCHAR2(30)
attr_value_str VARCHAR2(1000)
attr_value_num NUMBER
attr_value_date DATE
attr_display_value VARCHAR2(1000)
attr_group_type VARCHAR2(30)
attr_group_id NUMBER
parent_object_type VARCHAR2(30)
parent_object_id NUMBER

Related Topics

Granular Entity Attributes

Financial Number Entity Attributes

Create Financial Number Entity

As part of creating a business object, you can provide entity data to create the Financial Number entity.

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
status VARCHAR2(1) Yes Validation: validated against AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.
financial_number NUMBER No  
financial_number_name VARCHAR2(60) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup under FIN_NUM_NAME lookup type.
financial_units_applied NUMBER No  
financial_number_currency VARCHAR2(240) No  
projected_actual_flag VARCHAR2(1) No  

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Update Financial Number Entity

As part of updating a business object, you can provide entity data to create or update the Financial Number entity.

Identification Attributes

The API procedure uses the FINANCIAL_NUMBER_ID attribute to uniquely identify the correct Financial Number entity in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for this attribute to identify an existing Financial Number entity.

Attribute Data Type Logical Key
financial_number_id NUMBER No
financial_number_name VARCHAR2(60) Yes

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
status VARCHAR2(1) Yes Validation: validated against AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.
financial_number NUMBER No  
financial_number_name VARCHAR2(60) No Validation: Must be a valid lookup under FIN_NUM_NAME lookup type.
financial_units_applied NUMBER No  
financial_number_currency VARCHAR2(240) No  
projected_actual_flag VARCHAR2(1) No  

Get Financial Number Entity

As part of getting a business object, embedded Financial Number entity attributes are also retrieved. These attributes are similarly extracted for both event independent and event dependent Get business object API procedures, except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved Financial Number entity. This attribute is only used when the entity is retrieved as part of an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

The API procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
financial_number_id NUMBER
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
program_update_date DATE
created_by_module VARCHAR2(150)
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30)
status VARCHAR2(1)
financial_report_id NUMBER
financial_number NUMBER
financial_number_name VARCHAR2(60)
financial_units_applied NUMBER
financial_number_currency VARCHAR2(240)
projected_actual_flag VARCHAR2(1)

Related Topics

Granular Entity Attributes

Financial Profile Entity Attributes

Create Financial Profile Entity

As part of creating a business object, you can provide entity data to create the Financial Profile entity.

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type
status VARCHAR2(1)
access_authority_date DATE
access_authority_granted VARCHAR2(1)
balance_amount NUMBER
balance_verified_on_date DATE
financial_account_number VARCHAR2(60)
financial_account_type VARCHAR2(30)
financial_org_type VARCHAR2(30)
financial_organization_name VARCHAR2(240)

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Update Financial Profile Entity

As part of updating a business object, you can provide entity data to create or update the Financial Profile entity.

Identification Attributes

The API procedure uses the FINANCIAL_PROFILE_ID attribute to uniquely identify the correct Financial Profile entity in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for this attribute to identify an existing Financial Profile entity.

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type
status VARCHAR2(1)
access_authority_date DATE
access_authority_granted VARCHAR2(1)
balance_amount NUMBER
balance_verified_on_date DATE
financial_account_number VARCHAR2(60)
financial_account_type VARCHAR2(30)
financial_org_type VARCHAR2(30)
financial_organization_name VARCHAR2(240)

Get Financial Profile Entity

As part of getting a business object, embedded Financial Profile entity attributes are also retrieved. These attributes are similarly extracted for both event independent and event dependent Get business object API procedures, except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved Financial Profile entity. This attribute is only used when the entity is retrieved as part of an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

The API procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
financial_profile_id NUMBER
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
program_update_date DATE
status VARCHAR2(1)
parent_object_type VARCHAR2(30)
parent_object_id NUMBER
access_authority_date DATE
access_authority_granted VARCHAR2(1)
balance_amount NUMBER
balance_verified_on_date DATE
financial_account_number VARCHAR2(60)
financial_account_type VARCHAR2(30)
financial_org_type VARCHAR2(30)
financial_organization_name VARCHAR2(240)

Related Topics

Granular Entity Attributes

Organization Contact Role Entity Attributes

Create Organization Contact Role Entity

As part of creating a business object, you can provide entity data to create the Organization Contact Role entity.

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: validated against AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.
Default: A.
role_type VARCHAR2(30) Yes Validation:
  • Mandatory attribute.

  • Validated against AR lookup type CONTACT_ROLE_TYPE.

primary_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
role_level VARCHAR2(30) No  
primary_contact_per_role_type VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Update Organization Contact Role Entity

As part of updating a business object, you can provide entity data to create or update the Organization Contact Role entity.

Identification Attributes

The API procedure uses the ORG_CONTACT_ROLE_ID attribute to uniquely identify the correct Organization Contact Role entity in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for this attribute to identify an existing Organization Contact Role entity.

Attribute Data Type Logical Key
org_contact_role_id NUMBER No
orig_system VARCHAR2(30) No
role_type VARCHAR2(30) Yes

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • Validated against AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.

  • Cannot be set to null during update.

role_type VARCHAR2(30) No Validation:
  • Cannot be set to null during update.

  • Validated against AR lookup type CONTACT_ROLE_TYPE.

primary_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
role_level VARCHAR2(30) No  
primary_contact_per_role_type VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.

Get Organization Contact Role Entity

As part of getting a business object, embedded Organization Contact Role entity attributes are also retrieved. These attributes are similarly extracted for both event independent and event dependent Get business object API procedures, except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved Organization Contact Role entity. This attribute is only used when the entity is retrieved as part of an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

The API procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
org_contact_role_id NUMBER
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
program_update_date DATE
created_by_module VARCHAR2(150)
status VARCHAR2(1)
org_contact_id NUMBER
role_type VARCHAR2(30)
primary_flag VARCHAR2(1)
role_level VARCHAR2(30)
primary_contact_per_role_type VARCHAR2(1)

Related Topics

Granular Entity Attributes

Party Preference Entity Attributes

Create Party Preference Entity

As part of creating a business object, you can provide entity data to create the Party Preference entity.

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type
category VARCHAR2(30)
preference_code VARCHAR2(20)
value_varchar2 VARCHAR2(240)
value_number NUMBER
value_date DATE
value_name VARCHAR2(50)
module VARCHAR2(50)
additional_value1 VARCHAR2(150)
additional_value2 VARCHAR2(150)
additional_value3 VARCHAR2(150)
additional_value4 VARCHAR2(150)
additional_value5 VARCHAR2(150)

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Update Party Preference Entity

As part of updating a business object, you can provide entity data to create or update the Party Preference entity.

Identification Attributes

The API procedure uses the PARTY_PREFERENCE_ID attribute to uniquely identify the correct Party Preference entity in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for this attribute to identify an existing Party Preference entity.

Attribute Data Type Logical Key
party_preference_id NUMBER No
category VARCHAR2(30) Yes
preference_code VARCHAR2(20) Yes
module VARCHAR2(50) Yes

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type
category VARCHAR2(30)
preference_code VARCHAR2(20)
value_varchar2 VARCHAR2(240)
value_number NUMBER
value_date DATE
value_name VARCHAR2(50)
module VARCHAR2(50)
additional_value1 VARCHAR2(150)
additional_value2 VARCHAR2(150)
additional_value3 VARCHAR2(150)
additional_value4 VARCHAR2(150)
additional_value5 VARCHAR2(150)

Get Party Preference Entity

As part of getting a business object, embedded Party Preference entity attributes are also retrieved. These attributes are similarly extracted for both event independent and event dependent Get business object API procedures, except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved Party Preference entity. This attribute is only used when the entity is retrieved as part of an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

The API procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
party_preference_id NUMBER
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
parent_object_type VARCHAR2(30)
parent_object_id NUMBER
category VARCHAR2(30)
preference_code VARCHAR2(20)
value_varchar2 VARCHAR2(240)
value_number NUMBER
value_date DATE
value_name VARCHAR2(50)
module VARCHAR2(50)
additional_value1 VARCHAR2(150)
additional_value2 VARCHAR2(150)
additional_value3 VARCHAR2(150)
additional_value4 VARCHAR2(150)
additional_value5 VARCHAR2(150)

Related Topics

Granular Entity Attributes

Party Site Use Entity Attributes

Create Party Site Use Entity

As part of creating a business object, you can provide entity data to create the Party Site Use entity.

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.
comments VARCHAR2(240) No  
site_use_type VARCHAR2(30) Yes Validation:
  • Mandatory attribute.

  • Validated against AR lookup type PARTY_SITE_USE_CODE.

primary_per_type VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO. If the status is set to Inactive (I), then this value cannot be set to Yes (Y).

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Update Party Site Use Entity

As part of updating a business object, you can provide entity data to create or update the Party Site Use entity.

Identification Attributes

The API procedure uses the PARTY_SITE_USE_ID attribute to uniquely identify the correct Party Site Use entity in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for this attribute to identify an existing Party Site Use entity.

Attribute Data Type Logical Key
party_site_use_id NUMBER No
site_use_type VARCHAR2(30) Yes

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • Validated against AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.

  • Cannot be updated to null.

comments VARCHAR2(240) No  
site_use_type VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Cannot be updated.
primary_per_type VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.

Get Party Site Use Entity

As part of getting a business object, embedded Party Site Use entity attributes are also retrieved. These attributes are similarly extracted for both event independent and event dependent Get business object API procedures, except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved Party Site Use entity. This attribute is only used when the entity is retrieved as part of an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

The API procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
party_site_use_id NUMBER
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
program_update_date DATE
created_by_module VARCHAR2(150)
status VARCHAR2(1)
party_site_id NUMBER
comments VARCHAR2(240)
site_use_type VARCHAR2(30)
primary_per_type VARCHAR2(1)

Related Topics

Granular Entity Attributes

Payment Method Entity Attributes

Create Payment Method Entity

As part of creating a business object, you can provide entity data to create the Payment Method entity.

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type
receipt_method_id NUMBER
primary_flag VARCHAR2(1)
start_date DATE
end_date DATE
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30)
attribute1 to attribute15  VARCHAR2(150)

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Update Payment Method Entity

As part of updating a business object, you can provide entity data to create or update the Payment Method entity.

Identification Attributes

The API procedure uses the PAYMENT_METHOD_ID attribute to uniquely identify the correct Payment Method entity in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for this attribute to identify an existing Payment Method entity.

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type
receipt_method_id NUMBER
primary_flag VARCHAR2(1)
start_date DATE
end_date DATE
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30)
attribute1 to attribute15  VARCHAR2(150)

Get Payment Method Entity

As part of getting a business object, embedded Payment Method entity attributes are also retrieved. These attributes are similarly extracted for both event independent and event dependent Get business object API procedures, except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved Payment Method entity. This attribute is only used when the entity is retrieved as part of an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

The API procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
payment_method_id NUMBER
cust_acct_id NUMBER
site_use_id NUMBER
receipt_method_id NUMBER
primary_flag VARCHAR2(1)
start_date DATE
end_date DATE
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30)
attribute1 to attribute15 VARCHAR2(150)
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)

Related Topics

Granular Entity Attributes

Person Interest Entity Attributes

Create Person Interest Entity

As part of creating a business object, you can provide entity data to create the Person Interest entity.

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type
status VARCHAR2(1)
level_of_interest VARCHAR2(30)
level_of_participation VARCHAR2(30)
interest_type_code VARCHAR2(30)
comments VARCHAR2(240)
sport_indicator VARCHAR2(1)
sub_interest_type_code VARCHAR2(30)
interest_name VARCHAR2(240)
team VARCHAR2(240)
since DATE

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Update Person Interest Entity

As part of updating a business object, you can provide entity data to create or update the Person Interest entity.

Identification Attributes

The API procedure uses the PERSON_INTEREST_ID attribute to uniquely identify the correct Person Interest entity in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for this attribute to identify an existing Person Interest entity.

Attribute Data Type Logical Key
person_interest_id NUMBER No
interest_type_code VARCHAR2(30) Yes
sub_interest_type_code VARCHAR2(30) Yes
interest_name VARCHAR2(240) Yes

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type
status VARCHAR2(1)
level_of_interest VARCHAR2(30)
level_of_participation VARCHAR2(30)
interest_type_code VARCHAR2(30)
comments VARCHAR2(240)
sport_indicator VARCHAR2(1)
sub_interest_type_code VARCHAR2(30)
interest_name VARCHAR2(240)
team VARCHAR2(240)
since DATE

Get Person Interest Entity

As part of getting a business object, embedded Person Interest entity attributes are also retrieved. These attributes are similarly extracted for both event independent and event dependent Get business object API procedures, except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved Person Interest entity. This attribute is only used when the entity is retrieved as part of an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

The API procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
person_interest_id NUMBER
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
program_update_date DATE
created_by_module VARCHAR2(150)
status VARCHAR2(1)
person_id NUMBER
level_of_interest VARCHAR2(30)
level_of_participation VARCHAR2(30)
interest_type_code VARCHAR2(30)
comments VARCHAR2(240)
sport_indicator VARCHAR2(1)
sub_interest_type_code VARCHAR2(30)
interest_name VARCHAR2(240)
team VARCHAR2(240)
since DATE

Related Topics

Granular Entity Attributes

Person Language Entity Attributes

Create Person Language Entity

As part of creating a business object, you can provide entity data to create the Person Language entity.

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.
Default: A.
language_name VARCHAR2(4) Yes Validation:
  • Mandatory attribute.

  • Foreign key to fnd_languages.language_code

native_language VARCHAR2(1) No  
primary_language_indicator VARCHAR2(1) No  
reads_level VARCHAR2(30) No  
speaks_level VARCHAR2(30) No  
writes_level VARCHAR2(30) No  
spoken_comprehension_level VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Validated against the HZ_LANGUAGE_PROFICIENCY lookup type.

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Update Person Language Entity

As part of updating a business object, you can provide entity data to create or update the Person Language entity.

Identification Attributes

The API procedure uses the LANGUAGE_USE_REFERENCE_ID attribute to uniquely identify the correct Person Language entity in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for this attribute to identify an existing Person Language entity.

Attribute Data Type Logical Key
language_use_reference_id NUMBER No
language_name VARCHAR2(4) Yes

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • Validated against AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.

  • Cannot be set to null during update.

language_name VARCHAR2(4) No Validation: Cannot be updated.
native_language VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
primary_language_indicator VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO.
reads_level VARCHAR2(30) No  
speaks_level VARCHAR2(30) No  
writes_level VARCHAR2(30) No  
spoken_comprehension_level VARCHAR2(30) No  

Get Person Language Entity

As part of getting a business object, embedded Person Language entity attributes are also retrieved. These attributes are similarly extracted for both event independent and event dependent Get business object API procedures, except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved Person Language entity. This attribute is only used when the entity is retrieved as part of an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

The API procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
language_use_reference_id NUMBER
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
program_update_date DATE
created_by_module VARCHAR2(150)
status VARCHAR2(1)
person_id NUMBER
language_name VARCHAR2(4)
native_language VARCHAR2(1)
primary_language_indicator VARCHAR2(1)
reads_level VARCHAR2(30)
speaks_level VARCHAR2(30)
writes_level VARCHAR2(30)
spoken_comprehension_level VARCHAR2(30)

Related Topics

Granular Entity Attributes

Relationship Entity Attributes

Create Relationship Entity

As part of creating a business object, you can provide entity data to create the Relationship entity.

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Foreign key to HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS_B.orig_system with sst_flag value of Y.
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.
Default: A.
related_object_type VARCHAR2(30) Yes Validation:
  • Mandatory attribute.

  • Foreign key to fnd_object_instance_sets.instance_set_name.

related_object_id NUMBER Yes Validation:
  • Mandatory attribute.

  • Validated against Primary Key in fnd_objects.obj_name where fnd_objects.object_id = fnd_object_instance_sets.object_id and fnd_object_instance_sets.instance_set_name = subject_type.

related_object_orig_system VARCHAR2(30)    
related_object_osr VARCHAR2(255)    
relationship_code VARCHAR2(30) Yes Validation:
  • Mandatory attribute.

  • Validated against AR lookup type PARTY_RELATIONS_TYPE.

  • Required to be a valid relationship code for the particular relationship type requested.

relationship_type VARCHAR2(30) Yes Validation:
  • Mandatory attribute.

  • Foreign key to hz_relationship_types.relationship_type.

comments VARCHAR2(240) No  
start_date DATE Yes Validation: Must be less than end_date if end_date is passed.
Default: sysdate.
end_date DATE No Default: 31-DEC-4712
Validation: Must be greater than start_date.
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150) No  
additional_information1 to additional_information30 VARCHAR2(150) No  
percentage_ownership NUMBER No  

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Update Relationship Entity

As part of updating a business object, you can provide entity data to create or update the Relationship entity.

Identification Attributes

The API procedure uses the RELATIONSHIP_ID attribute to uniquely identify the correct Relationship entity in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for this attribute to identify an existing Relationship entity.

Attribute Data Type Logical Key
relationship_id NUMBER No
related_object_type VARCHAR2(30) Yes
related_object_id NUMBER Yes
related_object_orig_system VARCHAR2(30) Yes
related_object_osr VARCHAR2(255) Yes
relationship_code VARCHAR2(30) Yes
relationship_type VARCHAR2(30) Yes
start_date DATE Yes

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Value will not be updated in the database.
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • Validated against AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.

  • Cannot be updated to null.

related_object_type VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Cannot be updated.
related_object_id NUMBER No Validation: Cannot be updated.
related_object_orig_system VARCHAR2(30)    
related_object_osr VARCHAR2(255)    
relationship_code VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Cannot be updated.
relationship_type VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Cannot be updated.
comments VARCHAR2(240) No  
start_date DATE Yes Validation: Cannot be set to null during update.
Cannot be greater than end_date.
end_date DATE No Validation: Must be greater than start date.
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150) No  
additional_information1 to additional_information30 VARCHAR2(150) No  
percentage_ownership NUMBER No  

Get Relationship Entity

As part of getting a business object, embedded Relationship entity attributes are also retrieved. These attributes are similarly extracted for both event independent and event dependent Get business object API procedures, except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved Relationship entity. This attribute is only used when the entity is retrieved as part of an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

The API procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
relationship_id NUMBER
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
program_update_date DATE
created_by_module VARCHAR2(150)
actual_content_source VARCHAR2(30)
status VARCHAR2(1)
parent_object_type VARCHAR2(30)
parent_object_id NUMBER
related_object_type VARCHAR2(30)
related_object_id NUMBER
related_object_orig_system VARCHAR2(30)
related_object_osr VARCHAR2(255)
relationship_code VARCHAR2(30)
relationship_type VARCHAR2(30)
comments VARCHAR2(240)
start_date DATE
end_date DATE
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30)
attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150)
additional_information1 to additional_information30 VARCHAR2(150)
percentage_ownership NUMBER

Related Topics

Granular Entity Attributes

Account Contact Role Entity Attributes

Create Account Contact Role Entity

As part of creating a business object, you can provide entity data to create the Account Contact Role entity.

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
responsibility_type VARCHAR2(30) Yes Validation:
  • Mandatory attribute.

  • It is a lookup code in lookup type SITE_USE_CODE.

primary_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • Primary Flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.

  • It is unique per cust_account_role_id.

    Default: N.

attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150) No  

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Update Account Contact Role Entity

As part of updating a business object, you can provide entity data to create or update the Account Contact Role entity.

Identification Attributes

The API procedure uses the RESPONSIBILITY_ID attribute to uniquely identify the correct Account Contact Role entity in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for this attribute to identify an existing Account Contact Role entity.

Attribute Data Type Logical Key
responsibility_id NUMBER No
responsibility_type VARCHAR2(30) Yes

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
responsibility_type VARCHAR2(30) No Validation: Cannot be updated.
primary_flag VARCHAR2(1) No Validation:
  • Primary Flag is lookup code in lookup type YES/NO.

  • It is unique per cust_account_role_id.

attribute_category VARCHAR2(30) No  
attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150) No  

Get Account Contact Role Entity

As part of getting a business object, embedded Account Contact Role entity attributes are also retrieved. These attributes are similarly extracted for both event independent and event dependent Get business object API procedures, except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved Account Contact Role entity. This attribute is only used when the entity is retrieved as part of an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

The API procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
responsibility_id NUMBER
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
program_update_date DATE
created_by_module VARCHAR2(150)
cust_acct_contact_id NUMBER
responsibility_type VARCHAR2(30)
primary_flag VARCHAR2(1)
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30)
attribute1 to attribute15 VARCHAR2(150)

Related Topics

Granular Entity Attributes

Source System Information Entity Attributes

As part of getting a business object, embedded Source System Information entity attributes are also retrieved. The API procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
orig_system_ref_id NUMBER
orig_system VARCHAR2(30)
orig_system_reference VARCHAR2(255)
object_type VARCHAR2(30)
object_id NUMBER
status VARCHAR2(1)
reason_code VARCHAR2(30)
old_orig_system_reference VARCHAR2(255)
start_date_active DATE
end_date_active DATE
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
program_update_date DATE
created_by_module VARCHAR2(150)
attribute_category VARCHAR2(30)
attribute1 to attribute20 VARCHAR2(150)

Related Topics

Granular Entity Attributes

Work Class Entity Attributes

Create Work Class Entity

As part of creating a business object, you can provide entity data to create the Work Class entity.

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: validated against AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.
level_of_experience VARCHAR2(60) No  
work_class_name VARCHAR2(240) Yes  

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Update Work Class Entity

As part of updating a business object, you can provide entity data to create or update the Work Class entity.

Identification Attributes

The API procedure uses the WORK_CLASS_ID attribute to uniquely identify the correct Work Class entity in the data model. You must provide sufficient information for this attribute to identify an existing Work Class entity.

Common Object Attribute

In certain cases, parties may be integrated between TCA and other systems using a “common object” model. In such a model, a common identifier for the object may sit outside of the TCA data model and a caller of the procedure will require the common object ID as a return parameter of the API call.

This attribute is returned from the API so that the caller may identify the common object that corresponds to the TCA object that has been created or updated. The attribute is not stored in TCA tables and is “passed through” the API in the return object.

Attribute Data Type
common_obj_id VARCHAR2(255)

Accepted Attributes

The API procedure accepts the attributes shown in this table, and stores the corresponding data in the data model.

Attribute Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
status VARCHAR2(1) No Validation: validated against AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS.
level_of_experience VARCHAR2(60) No  
work_class_name VARCHAR2(240) Yes  

Get Work Class Entity

As part of getting a business object, embedded Work Class entity attributes are also retrieved. These attributes are similarly extracted for both event independent and event dependent Get business object API procedures, except for the ACTION_TYPE attribute.

Action Type Attribute

The ACTION_TYPE attribute provides information about how an Update business event affected the retrieved Work Class entity. This attribute is only used when the entity is retrieved as part of an event dependent Get business object API procedure call. See: Get Updated Business Object Procedures.

Retrieved Attributes

The API procedure retrieves values for the attributes shown in this table.

Attribute Data Type
work_class_id NUMBER
last_update_date DATE
last_updated_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
creation_date DATE
created_by_name VARCHAR2(100)
program_update_date DATE
created_by_module VARCHAR2(150)
status VARCHAR2(1)
employment_history_id NUMBER
level_of_experience VARCHAR2(60)
work_class_name VARCHAR2(240)

Related Topics

Granular Entity Attributes