Setting Up Contract Terms Library

This chapter describes all the functions of the Contract Terms Library feature.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Contract Terms Library

Contract terms Library is the central library of all pre-approved clauses and contract templates that can be used to create contracts across the enterprise.

The library gives the legal department and business organizations a powerful tool to create reusable clauses. Clauses can be grouped into sections and stored as reusable contract templates to codify best practices. Templates provide a framework for rapid assembly and creation of contracts. These capabilities provide the foundations for contract process standardization controls across the enterprise. Another key feature of the Contracts Terms Library is the ability to establish global standards and enforce these standards enterprise-wide. Organizations can manage clauses and templates centrally in a global organization. Local organizations can then use or duplicate these clauses and templates and customize them to meet their own specific local requirements.

In addition to standard clauses and contract templates, the Contract Terms Library supports the creation and maintenance of a library of folders, sections and variables.

Managing Standard Clauses

A standard clause is the text that describes the legal or business language used to author a contract. Clauses are drafted based on both business and statutory requirements.

Creating Standard Clauses

You can create standard clauses in the following ways:

Creating a Clause

  1. Navigate to the Create Clauses page.

    Navigation: Library > Clauses tab > Create Clause button

  2. Enter the following attributes:

    • Number. This field can be manually entered or automatically generated. To automatically generate the number, see the Setting Up Auto Numbering section.

    • Clause Title: Enter a title for the clause. The clause title is unique within an organization.

    • Display Name: Optionally enter the display name for the clause. The display name does not have to be a unique name. Your organization could have alternate names with the same display name. The system uses the Display Name on a printed contract field. If you leave this field blank, the Clause Title is used as the display name.

    • Intent: Select the intent of the contracts that can use the clause. Select the Buy or Sell option from the list of values.

    Note: Based on the OKC: Clause Intent profile option setup, you can create clauses for buy, sell, or both intents. If you set the profile option to either Buy or Sell, the system provides read-only access to the Intent field. This profile option also governs other feature in the Contract Terms Library, including contract templates and variables.

    • Type: Use the Type field to classify the clause according to the business purpose (for example, General or Payment terms). Select a clause type from the list of values.

    • Default Section: Optionally select the default section from the list of values. You can use sections as heading to format contracts. You can optionally assign multiple sections to a clause based on an attribute. For example, if the Variable Name attribute is Format, which is Uniform Contract Format (UCF), then you can assign Section A to the clause.

    • Description: Optionally enter a description for the clause.

    • Status: The system controls this field. During the creation process, the clause is in Draft status.

    • Version: The system generates the version number.

    • Start date. Accept the default or change the start date.

    • End date. Optionally enter an expiration date for the clause.

    • Provision. Provisions are used in negotiation documents in Oracle Sourcing only. If applicable, select the Provision check box.

    • Protect text. To prevent modification to the clause text in documents, select the protect Text check box.

    • Global. To make the clause available to all organizations, select the global check box. This field is only available in the Global operating unit.

    • Text. Enter the necessary text for the clause. Clause texts can include business variables. In the text area you can choose one of the following modes:

      • Rich Text: The Rich Text editor provides special formatting of the text that is driven by business and legal requirements. The Rich Text editor provides a Tool bar and a Text area.

      • Text: The Text mode provides a plain text area only. If you use the Rich Text mode to enter the clause text and then toggle to the Text mode, the system displays the HTML source for the text you have entered. However, the system prints the clause using the Rich Text features even if you have toggled to the Text mode.

      • Preview: The Preview button is available in the clause library and the contract authoring flows. This provides a preview of the clause content in the PDF file format.

      • Import: Click Import to import clause information, from a document created in MS-Word and stored as a 2003 XML document to the text area. Formatting of the document is retained in the imported content.

      • Export: Click Export to export clause information from the text area to a document in MS-Word. Formatting of clause text is retained in the exported content.

    • Add Variables. Click Add Variables to search for available variables, The Add Variables page appears. From this page you can search for available variables, then click the Insert icon to add the variable that you want into your text, at the location of the cursor within the text area. In the clause text, variables are displayed as tags in the format [@variable name@].

      Note: If you do not use the Rich Text editor to author clause text, the system inserts the variables at the end of the test instead of where the cursor is located. You can use the Cut and Paste operation to move a variable tag, within the clause text to the appropriate location.

    • Instructions. Optionally enter instructions on how and when to use the clause in a contract template or business document. Users can view these instructions when they add the clause to a contract template or business document.

    • Allow Include by Reference. Select the check box to replace the clause text with the Reference text when the clause is used in a contract. Optionally enter the following information:

      • Reference Source. Provide the source of the clause that may not Be printed in full text.

      • Reference Text. Enter the reference text. The system prints the reference text instead of the clause text, on a printed contact.

        Note: If you select the Allow Include by Reference check box, the Reference Text field becomes mandatory.

  3. To complete your operation, select one of the following buttons:

    • Click Submit to submit the clause for approval.

    • Click Apply and Add Details to save your work and move to the Update Clause page.

    • Click Apply to save the clause and close the Create Clauses page.

      Important: By default, when you create or update a clause with any of the above actions, the system performs a preview to validate the clause and then displays errors if any are found.

    • Click Cancel to close the Create Clauses page without saving the clause.

Duplicating an Existing Clause

You can use the Duplicate feature to create new clauses form existing ones. The Duplicate feature is available from the Search and View Clauses pages.

  1. Navigate to the Search Clauses page.

    Navigation: Contract Terms Library > Clauses tab

  2. Search and select a clause. For more information , see the searching for Clauses section.

  3. Click the Duplicate button.

  4. In the New Clause Title field, enter a unique title.

  5. Optionally choose to copy folders and related clauses.

  6. Click the Save and Continue button.

  7. Enter of change the information as describes in the Defining Clauses section.

Defining Related Clauses

For any given clause, you can define alternate and incompatible clauses. You can use alternate clauses as a substitute for the main clause on a contract. Incompatible clauses cannot be used on the same contract.

Note: You can add alternate an incompatible clauses to an approved clause without requiring the creation of a new version.

  1. Navigate to the Create Clauses or Update Clauses page.

  2. Open the Related Clauses subtab.

  3. Click Add Another Row.

  4. In the Relationship field, select one of the following options:

    • Alternate

    • Incompatible

  5. In the Clause Title field, enter the clause title. You can also use the List of Values icon to search and select the clause.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Click Compare to compare related clauses. Select the two clauses that you want to compare and then click the button.

  8. Click Compare with Current to compare the related clause with the current clause. Select only one clause from the list and click the button

  9. Click Remove to delete a clause relationship.

Assigning Clauses to Folders

You can assign clauses to folders from the Update Clause page. Note that you must have previously defined the folder

  1. Navigate to the Clauses page.

    Navigation: contract Terms Library > Clauses tab.

  2. Open a clause for update.

  3. Open the Clause Folders subtab.

  4. Click Add Another Row

  5. In the Name field, enter the folder name. You can also click the List of Values icon to search and select the folder name.

  6. Click Save or Apply.

Approving Clauses

To make standard clauses available for use in contracts, they must be approved first. You can

You must have set up an approver first.

Note: The default workflow supports a single approver. However, you can modify the workflow processes to include more approvers and route approvals based in additional business conditions.

  1. Navigate to the Clauses page.

    Navigation: Contract Terms Library > Clauses tab.

  2. Create a new clause or search and open a clause in Draft status.

  3. Click Submit to

    • Change the clause status from Draft to Pending Approval.

    • Send a workflow notification to the approver.

  4. The approver opens the notification and reviews the clause.

  5. The approver either approves or rejects the clause. As a result

    • The clause status is changed to Approved or Rejected.

    • A workflow notification informs the author of the clause of the decision.

Managing Clauses Across Organizations

This section discusses how organizations with global operations can manage clauses across multiple organizations. This feature is useful for companies that contract with customers across the globe with operations in different countries and locations. Organizations are identified based on the operating unit assignments in the define Organizations form. In this document, we refer to those operating units that have been set up to use the Contract Terms Library as organizations.

A central organization can define global clauses and make them available for use by local organizations. To define global clauses, you need to identify your global organization, usually the corporate headquarters. The designated global organization is responsible for the creation of clauses for business terms that need to be enforced globally. On approval, the clauses are made available to local organizations. A workflow notification is sent to the local organizations that need to review the clause.

In the local organizations, library administrators review the clause and decide if it needs to be modified to meet local requirements. If necessary, the clause is modified (localized) and routed for internal approvals. If not, the clause is adopted with no changes or modifications and routed internally for approvals. Alternatively, local organizations can be set up to automatically adopt all global clauses.

Prior to creating global clauses, you must

This section covers the following topics:

Adoption of Global Clauses by Local Organizations

You can set up your local organizations to adopt global clauses automatically or manually.

Creating Global Clauses

Use these steps to create a global clause.

  1. Create a standard clause.

  2. Select the Global check box. This check box is only available in the designated global organization. When a global clause is approved, it remains global on all subsequent versions. However, if an earlier version of a clause is not global, you can make the subsequent versions global.

    Note: When a global clause is approved, it remains global on all subsequent versions. However, if an earlier version of a clause is not global, you can make the subsequent versions global.

Notifying Local Organizations

When a global clause is approved, the system send a notification to the library administrators, in all local organizations, to consider the clause for adoption. In case a local organization is set to automatically adopt global clauses, a notification is sent to these organizations informing the local administrators that a new global clause has been automatically adopted for their organization. Note that library administrators must be set up.

Reviewing for Adoption

As the library administrator in a local organization, you can review and adopt global clauses.

  1. Navigate to the Clauses page.

    Navigation: Contract terms Library > Clauses tab.

  2. Search for Global clauses. For more information, see Searching for Clauses.

    Note that:

    • A global clause that is approved (in the global operating unit) is available for adoption in local operating units. If a global clause is on hold or expired, although the clause is displayed in the search results, local operating units cannot adopt or localize it.

    • In a local operating unit, the first version of an adopted global clause must be manually assigned to a folder that is created in that operating unit. However, after adoption, the system assigns the subsequent versions of the global clause to the same folder.

    • Each time that a new version is created and approved for a global clause, that version becomes available for adoption in the local operating units. Each version of a global clause must be adopted individually.

  3. In the Adoption Type field, choose available for Adoption

    Note: For performance reasons, you cannot search for clauses by the Adoption Type alone. In searching for clauses that are available for adoption, you must enter additional search criteria such as Clause Type or Keyword.

  4. Click Go to view the list of available clauses.

  5. Review every clause on a case-by-case basis and decide whether to adopt the clause as-is or localize it.

    • If a previous version of a global clause was adopted as-is, you must adopt subsequent versions of the clause in the same manner. You cannot change the adoption type on subsequent versions on a clause.

    • If the first version of a global clause is localized and the next version is now available for adoption, when you choose to localize the second version, the Localize page displays the text from the localized version. Currently, the system does not provide a comparison of the current localized text and the second version of the global text. To view the text of the second version of the global clause, you must view the clause form the Search page.

  6. Click for Adoption to view the full text and clause details. At this point you can:

    • Adopt the clause as-is. In this case, you only need to submit the clause for local approval.

    • Localize the clause. When you localize a clause, you can modify the text and check the Translation Only check box to indicate that the changes were for translation purposes. Submit the localized clause for approval on completing the modifications. Note that you can delete a clause that had been localized and is in draft status. This makes the original global clause available again for adoption.

Approving Global Clauses in Local Organizations

At the time a global clause is adopted and submitted for local approval, the library administrator receives a workflow notification requesting approval for adoption of the clause.

The local administrator can approve or reject the clause. After approval, the global clause (or the modified localized clause) becomes available for use in the local organization. If a clause is rejected, the local organization may choose to continue modifying the clause, based on the rejection comments, or modify the adoption type. For example, a clause that was previously adopted as-is can now be localized.

When local organizations adopt a global clause, the system sends a notification to the global organization with details on date and type of adoption.

Note: When approving or rejecting a clause or contract template, you can use the Comments section to provide your remarks in the Approval notification. Your comments are visible to the user who has submitted the original approval request.

Also, you can send the approval notifications by e-mail. However, this would require additional configuration. For more information on how to set up the e-mail client to receive all notifications, see the Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide.

Viewing Adoption status

Global organizations can monitor when and how global clauses are adopted across local organizations. The Adoption Status report provides an overview of the adoption status across multiple local organization for a given global clause. This report is only available in the global organization and allows the global organization to analyze cases where the global clauses are not adopted in a timely manner.

  1. Navigate to the Clauses page.

    Navigation: Contract Terms Library > Clauses tab

  2. In the global organization, search for global clauses. For more information, see the Searching for Clauses.

  3. Click the clause title to view the clause detail.

  4. Select the View Adoption Status option from the list.

  5. Click Go

    the View Adoption Status report provides the following information:

    • Organization Name

    • Clause Title

    • Version

    • Adoption Type (indicates if the global clause was adopted as-is or localized)

    • Translation Only (indicates if the global clause was only translated to the local language).

    • Adoption Status (indicates if the clause was approved in the local organization or not).

    • Adoption Date (the date the clause was adopted.

Adopting Global Clauses in a New Organization

For any new organization that is set up to adopt global clauses, Oracle Procurement Contracts provides a concurrent program to adopt all global clauses that were created before the new organization was created.

To adopt the global clauses, you must run the Adopt Global Clauses for a New Organization concurrent program. It is not necessary to rerun the program for a given organization more than once, if all the migrated clauses and the new global clauses have been created in the global organization at the time of running the concurrent program.

The clause status in the new organization could be one of the following:

Searching for Clauses

You can search or browse to find clauses in the Clauses Library. This section covers the following topics

Searching for Clauses

  1. Navigate to the Clauses page.

    Navigation: Contract Terms Library > Clauses tab

  2. In the Search region, search for clauses by

    • Operating Unit (mandatory field)

    • Keyword

    • Type

    • Title

    • Number

  3. To access additional search options, click the Show More Search Options link. These options are:

    • Intent

    • Status

    • Start and end dates

    • Provisions only

    • Variables used in the clause

    • Used in templates

    • Default section

    • Show all versions check box

    • Adoption Type (available only in local operating units)

      To perform your search, you must enter information in the Operating Unit field and one of the following fields:

    • Number

    • Title

    • Keyword

    • Type

    • Status

    • Start Date

    • End Date

    • Used in Templates

    • You cannot perform blind searches or start your search criteria with the wildcard character (%).

    • If you do not select the Show All Versions check box, the system displays only the latest version of the clauses that match the search criteria.

    • Description does not work with leading searches. Also, the description returns only those clauses for which the description begins with the search criteria that you enter. For instance, if you enter A% in the Description field, only those clauses for which the description begins with the letter A are returned.

  4. Click Go to view the search results.

  5. In the Search Result section, select the check box for any clause and click one of the following buttons:

    • Submit. Submit the clause for approval.

    • Duplicate. Create a new clause by copying from an existing clause.

    • Create New Version. Create a new version.

    • Review for Adoption. This button is available only to local organizations for adopting global clauses. See: Approving Global Clauses in Local Operating Units section.

Using the Keyword Search Feature

You can search for clauses in the Contract Terms Library using the Keyword Search feature. The system searches for clauses than contain the text you enter in any of the following fields:

To perform the keyword search, you must run the following concurrent programs periodically:

If you have not run the concurrent programs, the search will not provide accurate results. The frequency for running these programs must be decided on a case-by-case basis. You can schedule the concurrent programs to run together automatically at predefined intervals.

Note: You do not need to run the foregoing concurrent programs for each operating unit. Running the program synchronizes the data across the operating units that use the Contract Terms Library.

Browsing for a Clause

In addition to search, you can use the Browse feature to search for clauses using folders.

  1. Navigate to the Clauses page.

    Navigation: Library > Clauses tab

  2. Click Browse to search through folders for the clause that you want to retrieve. The system displays the list of available folders.

  3. To view all clauses assigned to a folder, select the check box for that folder.

  4. Optionally, click the clause title to view clause details.

  5. If applicable, select the check box for any clause and click and of the following buttons:

    • Submit. Submit the clause for approval.

    • Duplicate. Create a new clause by copying from an existing clause.

    • Create New Version. Create a new version.

    • Review for Adoption. This button is available only to local organizations for adopting global clauses.

    • Update. Open the clause for update

Contract Clause Analysis Report

The Contract Clause Analysis report enables you to search for the contracts where a given set of clauses is used. After entering the search criteria for the clauses and the contracts, the system displays a list of all appearances of the clauses in those contracts. For more information on Contract Clause Analysis report, see the online help topics in Oracle Contracts, Oracle Procurement Contracts, or Oracle Sales Contracts.

Managing Changes to Standard Clauses

This section covers the following topics

Updating Clauses

You can modify clauses and their versions subject to certain business rules. When updating a clause, you can:

  1. Navigate to the Clauses page.

    Navigation: Contract Terms Library > Clauses tab

  2. Search for the clause that you want to update.

  3. Verify the clause status:

    • If the clause is in draft status, all the fields are available for update.

    • If the clause is in any other status, certain fields are protected and cannot be updated.

  4. Click the Update icon. The system opens the clause for update.

  5. Make the necessary changes:

    • Except for the first version of a clause in draft status, you cannot change the clause number, title, and intent.

    • For clauses with the approved status, you cannot make changes to the following fields: Display Name, Start Date, Provision, and Global check boxes, Clause Text, and Allow Include by Reference.

  6. Select one of the following actions:

    • Create new version (not available for clauses in draft status)

    • Submit for approval (only available for clauses in draft status)

    • Put on hold (not available for clauses on draft status)

    • Delete (only available for clauses in draft status).

    • Apply

    • Save

    • Cancel

Versioning Clauses

The Versioning feature enables you to make changes to clauses that are already in use on contracts. You can modify clause details including clause text and description. New versions need to be approved before they can be used in contracts.

A new version is required if:

  1. Navigate to the Clauses page.

    Navigation: Library > Clauses tab.

  2. In the Search region, enter the search criteria for the clause that you want.

  3. Click Go. The system displays the search results.

  4. Select the check box for the clause.

  5. Click Create New Version. Fields from the previous version are copied to the new version. You cannot change clause title, number, and intent, when creating a new version.

  6. Select one of the following options:

    • Apply

    • Save

    • Submit

    • Cancel

    You can delete the new version of a clause if it is in draft status.

Comparing Clauses

You can compare any two versions of a clause. the system provides a redline comparison of the changed made to the clause text.

You can choose any two versions of a clause, and then click the Compare button available in the Version History subtab of Updating Clause page.

Placing Clauses on Hold

You can place clauses on hold to prevent them from being used in contract templates and contracts. You can also release the hold to make the clause available again.

  1. Navigate to the Clauses page.

    Navigation: Contract Terms Library > Clauses tab

  2. Search for the clause that you want put on hold.

  3. Verify the clause status.

  4. Click the Update icon or the clause title link.

  5. Click Put on Hold

  6. Click Yes to confirm.

  7. To release the hold, open the clause for update.

  8. Click release Hold. The system confirms the release.

Deleting Clauses

You can only delete clauses that are in draft or rejected status.

  1. Navigate to the Clauses page.

    Navigation: Contract Terms Library > Clauses tab

  2. Search for the clause you want to delete.

  3. Verify the clause status.

  4. Click the Update icon or the clause title link.

  5. Click Delete. The system asks you to confirm your request for deletion.

  6. Click Yes.

Importing Clauses

You use the Clause import feature to import clauses into the Contract Terms Library. In addition to clauses, you can import the following related entities:

Clause import can also be used on an ongoing basis to update these entities in the library.

You can import clauses and the related entities using the following methods:

The following tables identify and describe the attributes that are imported for each entity:

Attribute Description
Clause Number Number that identifies the clause. Two alternatives for a clause could have the same number.
Description Description of the clause.
Title Clause title or name.
Clause Type Type of clause.
Display Title Title that is displayed for the clause in the application.
Start Date Date from which the clause can be used.
End Date Date until which the clause can be used.
Date Published Date that uniquely identifies the updates. This date determines whether the update is subsequent to the one already in the clause library and whether a new version of the clause will be created.
Clause Text Legal text of the clause. The variables in the clause text should be enclosed within <Var> and <Var/> tags.
Intent Business intent of the clause: (B) for Buy and (S) for Sell.
Language Language in which the clause is authored.
Provision Indicator Indicates whether the clause is a provision.
It only applies to clauses with the Buy intent.
Include By Reference Indicator Indicates whether the clause should be used by reference in a contract.
Reference Source Source from which clause is referenced.
Reference Title Title of the clause in the source.
Operating Unit Operating unit using the clause.
Global Clause Indicator Indicates if the clause is a global clause (all operating units can use them).
Standard Indicator Indicates whether the clause is standard or nonstandard.
Clause Status Status of the clause. Valid values are Draft, Approved, Pending Approval, and Rejected.
Lock Text Indicator Indicates if the clause text can be modified.
Action Action that the import process should perform on the clause.
Clause Relationships
Attribute Description
Clause1 Number Clause number of the first clause.
Source Clause1 Title Clause title of the first clause.
Clause2 Number Clause number of the second clause.
Source Clause2 Title Clause title of the second clause.
Relationship Type Relationship type code:
  • ALTERNATE: Clause1 and Clause2 are alternatives to each other.

  • INCOMPATIBLE: Clause1 and Clause2 are incompatible with each other.

User-Defined Variables

Clauses can have variables embedded in the clause text. System variables are already defined in the system and are available for use in clause text. However, user-defined variables must be defined in the system before they can be used in clauses. A variable code uniquely identifies the variable and must be specified as part of the definition. It is recommended that the variable code follow the pattern OKC$<intent>$<code> and must be unique in the system. For example, if the variable is the VAT code of the supplier and is used in buy-side transactions, then the code could look like OKC$B$VATCODE where B stands for buy intent.

User-Defined Variables
Attribute Description
Code Variable code that uniquely identifies the variable.
Name Variable name.
Description Description of the variable.
Data Type Data type of the value of the variable. Valid values are Date, String, and Number.
Valueset Code of the valueset used.
Intent Intent of the variable: B (Buy) and S (Sell).
External User Updatable Indicates whether suppliers can update the variable.
  • Y, if suppliers provide the value.

  • N, if suppliers do not provide the value.

Note: This attribute is not available for Sales Contracts.

Language Language of the variable.
Contract Expert Enabled Indicator Indicates whether the variable can be used in Contract Expert.
  • N: Do not use in Contract Expert.

  • Y: Enabled for use in Contract Expert. Note that the value set for the variable should have a format type that is character or number and validation type independent.

Value Sets

Each user-defined variable that is embedded in the clause sources the value from a value set. Value sets can also be defined during the import process. Value sets can either enforce the data types or the actual values that a variable can have. It is recommended that value sets that are defined during the import process should have a name in the format OKC$<SOURCE>$<VALUESETNAME> to distinguish them from other value sets in Oracle Applications. For example, a value set for a variable called Business Type used in a FAR clause can have the name OKC$FAR$BUSINESSTYPE.

Each valueset should have the following attributes:

Value Sets
Attribute Description
Name Name of the value set.
Description Description of the value set.
Format Type Format of the values that are provided by the value set:
  • D (Date)

  • N (Number)

  • C (Character)

Minimum Size of Values Minimum number of characters for each value in the value set. Valid values are 1–38.
Maximum Size of Values Maximum number of characters for each value in the value set. Valid values are 1–38.
Uppercase Values Allowed Indicator Indicates whether uppercase values are allowed:
  • Y: Allowed

  • N: Not Allowed

Precision Allowed for Number Types Number of decimal points allowed for number values.
Validation Type Validation type for the value set:
  • N: None

  • I: Independent

Each value set that has validation type of independent should have a list of valid values.

Value Set Values
Attribute Description
Value Actual value
Description Description of the value

Additional Section Mapping

Use the OKC_ART_VAR_SEC_INTERFACE table to import attributes to the Additional Section Mapping of the new clause. The following table provides details of the new attribute values:

Additional Section Mapping
Attribute Description
Article Title The clause title for the new Additional Section Mapping region
Organization ID The organization ID of the clause
Variable Name The variable name based on which the default section values are provided
Variable Value ID The variable value ID for the default section
Variable Value The variable value for the default section
Section Name The section name into which the new clause is created by the contract expert

Interface Tables Used for Import

The following tables are used during the import process:

Interface Tables Used for Import
Table Name Description
OKC_ART_INTERFACE_ALL This is the main interface table where the users load data from external systems.
OKC_ART_RELS_INTERFACE This is the interface table that stores the relationships between clauses.
OKC_VARIABLES_INTERFACE This interface table is used to import variables that are used in clauses.
OKC_VALUESETS_INTERFACE This interface table is used to import value sets that are used in variables.
OKC_VS_VALUES_INTERFACE This interface table stores the values for the value sets that are used in variables.
OKC_ART_INT_ERRORS This table stores the errors that are reported by the run in the validation or import mode.
OKC_ART_INT_BATPROCS_ALL This is an internal system table that stores the batch run details. This includes the processing status as well as all the parameters that are used for the run.
OKC_ART_VAR_SEC_INTERFACE This interface table stores all the attributes required to map the Additional Section Mapping region of a clause.

For detailed information about the preceding tables, see the Oracle eTechnical Reference guide (eTRM).

Clause Import - Open Interface Method

The following tasks constitute the Clause Import With Open Interface procedure:



  1. Format the data in a form that is suitable for loading into the interface table. For example, if you are using SQL*Loader to load data into the interface tables, you can choose to use a comma separated data file (CSV) and a control file that describes the data format.

  2. Run the Import Clauses concurrent program in validation mode to identify any invalid data or errors. This is recommended but not a mandatory step. You can specify the following parameters for the Import Clauses concurrent program:

    Concurrent Program Parameter Possible Values Mandatory Function
    Batch Name Name of the batch Yes Provide a batch name to easily identify the records that you are importing.
    Run in Validation Mode Yes / No No Set to Yes if you want to run in validation mode to identify potential errors.
    Commit Size 1 to 300 Yes Indicates the maximum number of records that the system processes and commits to the database at one time. For example, if you have 1,000 records to be imported and your commit size is set to 100, and an error occurs on the 150th record, the system has already processed the first 100, and the data will not be reprocessed the next time that you run the program. Consult your database administrator for the appropriate value.
  3. The Import program generates a report that lists the success and error messages. The errors at this stage would primarily be related to data format or missing required data. Review the report and correct the errors outside the system and prepare the data for a reload.

  4. Reload the data into the interface table after correcting the errors.

  5. Run the Import Clauses concurrent program in import mode to create or update data in the library. If the program was run previously in the validation mode with no errors, then the import should succeed. The Import program generates a report that lists the success and error messages. Records with errors remain in the interface tables until they are purged or corrected.

  6. If clauses are imported in Draft status, they must be approved before they are available for authoring contracts. If they are imported in the pending approval status, the system automatically routes the clauses to approvers for review and approval.

  7. Purge the Interface records. See: Purge Interface Records.

Clause Import - XML Data File Method


Set up the following:

To import clauses using XML

  1. Data preparation: Format the data to be imported in a form that is suitable for XML import. This involves generating an XML file with the clause data that conforms to the XML schema that was published for import (see the table below for how to access the schema definition file in Oracle XML Publisher).

    Schema Definition File Name Application XML Schema XML Preview File
    Clause Import XML Data Definition Contracts Core OKCXMLIMPDFN.xsd OKCXMLIMPDFN.xml
  2. Staging the XML import file: Copy the XML file to the location specified by the OKC: Clause Import XML File Location profile option.

  3. Import in the Validate mode: Run the Import Clauses from XML File concurrent program in the Validate mode to identify any invalid data or errors. This is recommended but is not a mandatory step. The program parses the XML file and populates the interface tables. You can specify the following parameters for the concurrent program:

    Parameter Possible Values Default Mandatory Function
    XML File Name   No Yes Name of the XML import file. The file must be present in the location that is specified by the profile option OKC: Clause Import XML File Location.
    Default Operating Unit Any operating unit for which contract terms are enabled No No Identifies the operating unit for which the Import process needs to run. Leave it blank if the operating unit has already been provided for each record in the XML file. This value is used as the default for those records for which the operating unit is not provided.
    Create as Global Clause (Default) Yes/No No No If this parameter is set to Yes, it will import all clauses as global clauses. Note that the operating unit in which the clauses are imported must be set up as the global operating unit.
    Default Clause Status Approved, Draft, Pending Approval No No This identifies the status in which to import the clauses. Leave it blank if the records already have a status. This value is used as the default for those records for which the status is not provided.
    Validate Only Yes/No Yes No Run the Import process in validate mode to identify invalid data or errors.
  4. Review the error messages: The import program generates a report that lists the success and error messages. The errors at this stage would primarily be related to data format or missing required data. Review the report and correct the errors outside the system and prepare the data for a reload.

  5. Correct the errors: Review the report in the log file and correct errors in the XML data file.

  6. Import data into the library: Run the Import Clauses from XML File concurrent program in import mode to create or update data in the library. If the program was run previously in validation mode with no errors, then the import should go through successfully. The Import program generates a report that lists the success and error messages.

  7. Approvals: If clauses are imported in the Draft status, they must be approved before they are available for authoring contracts. If they are imported in the Pending Approval status, the system automatically routes the clauses to approvers for review and approval.

  8. Purge the interface records. See: Purge Interface Records.

  9. The OKC_ART_VAR_SEC_INTERFACE table imports the Additional Section Mapping region of a clause during clause import.

Purge Interface Records

To optimize performance, you should periodically run the Purge Clause Import Interface Table concurrent program. This program purges records in the interface tables for clauses and the other related entities.

The following table describes the parameters for the Purge program:

Concurrent Program Parameter Mandatory Purpose
Start Date, End Date No Use the Start and End Dates to identify the range of dates for interface records that need to be purged.
Process Status No Provide a specific status if you want to purge interface records with that status. The possible values are Error, Success, and Warning.
Batch Name No Provide a specific batch name if you want to purge records belonging to that batch only.

Note: If you do not specify any parameters, the system displays the following warning message: "No parameters found for this run. This request will delete all the records for your organization in the interface tables."

Managing Contract Templates

Oracle Contracts enables you to define a standard set of templates to easily default terms for contracts authored by your organization. You can create templates that include both clauses and deliverables. These templates can then be used to default clauses and deliverables on a contract.

Not that the Deliverables functionality is currently supported only on contract templates with the Buy intent.