Plant Manager Dashboard

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of the Plant Manager Dashboard

Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is a key metric that every plant manager monitors. The Plant Manager Dashboard provides a complete view of the equipment and helps the plant manager to assess where the source for production losses occur. The Plant Manager Dashboard and integrated reports provide the plant manager views of the production data for the plant in terms of overall equipment effectiveness, batch performance, schedule adherence, and production loss analysis for the departments and equipment on the shop floor

Oracle Manufacturing Operations Center collects data from disparate sources into this single role-based dashboard that allows Plant Managers and staff to view manufacturing operations efficiently and effectively. The open and flexible BI technology from Oracle Fusion Middleware makes it easy to build and modify KPIs and dashboards.

The Plant Manager Dashboard lets you report and analyze electricity consumption, electricity cost, and carbon emission for an entity You can view information for all the levels of entity hierarchy, plant, department, floor, floor section, and equipment.

The following table identifies the dashboard pages and the reports made available to the Plant Manager role:

Dashboard Pages Reports
Equipment Performance (OEE) Overall Equipment Effectiveness by Plant
  Overall Equipment Effectiveness By Department (Bottom Performers)
  Overall Equipment Effectiveness Details By Plant
  Overall Equipment Effectiveness Details By Department
  Overall Equipment Effectiveness Trend by Plant
  Overall Equipment Effectiveness Trend by Department
OEE by Equipment Overall Equipment Effectiveness by Department
  Overall Equipment Effectiveness by Equipment (Bottom Performers)
  Overall Equipment Effectiveness Details by Department
  Overall Equipment Effectiveness Details by Equipment
  Overall Equipment Effectiveness Trend by Department
  Overall Equipment Effectiveness Trend by Equipment
Equipment Downtime Analysis Equipment Downtime Analysis
  Machine Availability Ratio Trend
Equipment Downtime Reasons Downtime Reasons
Production Slippage Trend Production Slippage Trend
Production Loss Analysis Production Loss Distribution
  Effective Production Capacity
  Production Loss Analysis
Production Loss Detail Production Loss Detail
Equipment Efficiency Analysis Equipment Efficiency Analysis
  Equipment Performance Ratio Trend
Equipment Efficiency Detail Equipment Efficiency Detail
Equipment Scrap Analysis Equipment Scrap Analysis
  First Pass Yield Trend
Equipment Scrap Reasons Equipment Scrap Reasons
Batch Performance Production Variance by Product Category
  Production Variance by Product
  PPM Trend (Month to Date)
  Batch Cycle Time Trend (Month to Date)
  Service Level Performance by Product Category
  Service Level Performance by Product
Batch Performance Detail Batch Performance Detail
Production Performance Performance to Schedule Measures by Plant
  Performance to Schedule Measures by Department
  Performance to Schedule Measures by Equipment (Bottom Performers)
  Production Slippage (Equipment)
  Current Month Production Slippage Trend by Department
  Current Month Production Slippage Trend by Equipment
Sustainability Performance Electricity Consumption
  Electricity Cost
  CO2 Emission
  Production Value Analysis by Product
  Ranking and Distribution

Equipment Performance (OEE)

The Equipment Performance page provides performance data for the plant and displays the bottom four departments performance in terms of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) measures. It displays Machine Availability Ratio, Machine Performance Ratio, and First Pass Yield. Equipment Performance (OEE) reporting regions include:

You can view Equipment Performance (OEE) by the following dimensions:

To view equipment performance (OEE)

  1. From the Manufacturing Operations Center User responsibility, select the Plant Manager Dashboard. The Equipment Performance (OEE) page appears. This page displays Overall Equipment Effectiveness, Overall Equipment Effectiveness Details, and Overall Equipment Effectiveness Trend regions.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Scroll down the Equipment Performance (OEE) page to view:

    • Overall Equipment Effectiveness By Plant

    • Overall Equipment Effectiveness By Department (Bottom Performers)

    • Overall Equipment Effectiveness Details By Plant

    • Overall Equipment Effectiveness Details By Department

    • Overall Equipment Effectiveness Trend By Plant

    • Overall Equipment Effectiveness Trend By Department

    the picture is described in the document text

    the picture is described in the document text

    From the Equipment Performance (OEE) page, you can navigate to other pages to view additional manufacturing operations details.

Related Topics

Asset Performance (OEE) by Equipment

Equipment Performance (OEE) by Equipment

The Asset Performance page provides performance data for equipment and displays the bottom four equipment performance in terms of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) measures. It displays Machine Availability Ratio, Machine Performance Ratio, and First Pass Yield. Reporting regions include:

You can view OEE by Equipment by the following dimensions:

To view OEE by Equipment

  1. From the Equipment Performance (OEE) page, click on a Department gauge in the Overall Equipment Effectiveness By Department (Bottom Performers) region. For example, click on the Paint Shop (SM1) gauge to drill down and display details of low OEE contribution. The OEE by Equipment page displays the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) for Equipment belonging to the Paint Shop department.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Scroll down the page to view Overall Equipment Effectiveness Details by Department and by Equipment regions. The page displays Machine Availability Ratio, Machine Performance Ratio, and First Pass Yield by Department and by Equipment.

  3. Change the View by to: Table

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. Select a link in the Machine Availability column to view Equipment Downtime details. See: Equipment Downtime Analysis, and Equipment Downtime Reasons.

  5. Scroll further to view Overall Equipment Effectiveness Trend by Department and by Equipment regions.

    the picture is described in the document text

Related Topics

Asset Performance (OEE)

Equipment Runtime Analysis

The Equipment Runtime Analysis page enables you to analyze the run time transactions by run time reasons. Reason codes are associated with equipment run time status in addition to downtime status, idle status, and scrap. Equipment Runtime Analysis dashboard allows you to analyze run time transactions by run time reasons.

This report enables you to analyze the run time transactions by run time reasons and to view the run time transactions with the following dimensions:

To view equipment runtime analysis report

  1. Navigate to the Equipment Runtime Analysis page from the OEE By Equipment page to view the equipment run time details.

  2. Click the Production Loss Analysis link.

  3. Click the Equipment Runime Analysis link.

    the picture is described in the document text

Equipment Runtime Analysis page displays the following reports:

  1. Equipment Runtime Analysis Pie Chart:

    • Displays breakup of run time by reason codes for an equipment for a selected time period.

  2. Machine Runtime Trend Chart:

    • Displays date-wise trend of run time for the equipment for a selected time period.

  3. Equipment Runtime Reason Trend Chart:

    • Displays breakup of run time reasons in a date-wise trend in hours for the equipment for a selected time period.

  4. Equipment Runtime Analysis Tabular Report:

    • Shows Equipment Calendar Time (Hours), Equipment Schedule Time (Hours), Production Loss - Planned (Hours), Actual Down Time (Hours), Production Loss (Hours), Actual Available Time (Hours), Actual Run Time (Hours) for the equipment for a selected time period.

the picture is described in the document text

the picture is described in the document text

Runtime Reasons Report

Runtime reasons report enables you to view the run time reasons for a particular shift selected in the Runtime Analysis report by the following dimensions:

Click on the Actual Run Time (Hours) column value in the Equipment Runtime Analysis tabular report to navigate to the Runtime Reasons page.

the picture is described in the document text

Equipment Downtime Analysis

You can use the Equipment Downtime Analysis page to analyze the equipment downtime by downtime reasons. Reporting regions include:

You can view equipment downtime by the following dimensions:

To view equipment downtime details

  1. From the OEE by Equipment page, you can navigate to the Equipment Downtime Analysis page to view equipment downtime details. Scroll down to Overall Equipment Effectiveness Details by Equipment region.

  2. Change the View by to: Table

  3. Select a link from the Machine Availability column.

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. The Equipment Downtime Analysis page appears. This page displays Equipment Downtime Reasons and Machine Availability Ratio Trend graphs.

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. Scroll down this page to view daily details of equipment downtime information.

    the picture is described in the document text

  6. Select the OEE by Equipment link to return to that page.

Related Topics

Equipment Downtime Reasons

Equipment Downtime Reasons

The Equipment Downtime Reasons report lets you view the downtime reasons for a particular day selected from the Equipment Downtime Analysis page. The report displays Downtime Hours and Reasons for the equipment by Shift level for the day.

To view Equipment Downtime Reasons

  1. Navigate to the Equipment Downtime Analysis page and scroll down to the Equipment Downtime details region.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Select a link from the Actual Down Time (Hours) column. The Downtime Reasons page appears and displays Equipment Downtime reasons by Shift for the day.

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Click the Return link to return to the Equipment Downtime Analysis page.

Related Topics

Equipment Downtime Analysis

Production Slippage Trend

The Production Slippage Trend report displays the production slippage and trend by equipment and shift for a monthly period.

To view Production Slippage Trend

  1. Navigate to the Equipment Downtime Analysis page and scroll down to the Equipment Downtime details region.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Select a link from the Production Slippage Report column. The Production Slippage page appears. The page displays production slippage measures and trend by equipment and shift for a month period.

    the picture is described in the document text

Related Topics

Production Performance

Equipment Scrap Analysis

You can use the Equipment Scrap Analysis page to analyze the scrap transactions by scrap reasons. Reporting regions include:

You can view scrap transactions by the following dimensions:

To view Equipment Scrap Analysis

  1. Navigate to the OEE by Equipment page.

  2. Scroll down to the Overall Equipment Effectiveness Details - By Equipment region.

  3. Change the View by to: Table

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. Select a value in the First Pass Yield column. The Equipment Scrap Analysis page appears where you can view quality details. This page displays Equipment Scrap Analysis and First Pass Yield Trend graphs.

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. Scroll down the page to view Scrap Details.

    the picture is described in the document text

  6. Select the OEE by Equipment link to return to that page.

Related Topics

Equipment Scrap Reasons

Equipment Scrap Reasons

The Scrap Reasons report lets you view the scrap reasons for a particular day. Select Scrap Reasons from the Equipment Scrap Analysis page. The report displays the Scrap Quantity and Reasons for the equipment at shift level for the day.

To view Equipment Scrap Reasons

  1. Navigate to the Equipment Scrap Analysis page.

  2. Scroll down to the Equipment Scrap Analysis Details region.

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Select a value in the Scrapped Quantity column to view scrap details and reasons by shift for the day. The Scrap Reasons report appears.

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. Select the Return link to return to the Equipment Scrap Analysis page.

Related Topics

Equipment Scrap Analysis

Equipment Efficiency Analysis

The Equipment Efficiency Analysis page displays production loss due to inefficiency of the equipment. Reporting regions include:

You can view Equipment Efficiency Analysis by the following dimensions:

To view the Equipment Efficiency Analysis page

  1. Navigate to the OEE by Equipment page.

  2. Scroll down to the Overall Equipment Effectiveness Details by Equipment region.

  3. Change View by to: Table.

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. Select a value from the Machine Performance column for an equipment item. The Equipment Efficiency Analysis page appears. This page displays and reports the production loss due to inefficiency.

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. Scroll down the page to view Equipment Efficiency Details.

    the picture is described in the document text

  6. Select the OEE by Equipment link to return to that page.

Related Topics

Production Loss Analysis

Equipment Efficiency Detail

Equipment Efficiency Detail

The Equipment Efficiency Detail report lets you view the Equipment Efficiency for a particular day, and is selected from the Equipment Efficiency Analysis report. The report displays the Efficiency for the equipment at shift level for the day.

To view Equipment Efficiency Detail

  1. Navigate to the Equipment Efficiency Analysis page.

  2. Scroll down the page to the details region.

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Select a value in the Machine Efficiency column. The Equipment Efficiency Details report appears.

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. Select the Return link to return to the Equipment Efficiency Analysis page.

Related Topics

Equipment Efficiency Analysis

Equipment Idletime Analysis

You can use the Equipment Idletime Analysis page to analyze the equipment idletime by idletime reasons. The reporting regions include:

You can view equipment idletime with the following dimensions:

To view equipment idletime details

  1. Navigate to the Equipment Idletime Analysis link from the OEE by Equipment page to view equipment idletime details.

  2. Click on Production Loss Analysis link.

  3. Select Equipment Idletime Analysis link.

    the picture is described in the document text

    the picture is described in the document text

    The Equipment Idletime Analysis page appears. This page displays Equipment Idletime Reasons and Equipment Idletime Trend graphs.

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. Scroll down this page to view daily details of equipment idletime information.

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. Select the OEE by Equipment link to return to that page.

Related Topics

See: Equipment Idletime Reasons.

Equipment Idletime Reasons

The Equipment Idletime Reasons report enables you to view the idletime reasons for a particular day selected from the Equipment Idletime Analysis page. The report displays idletime hours and reasons for the equipment at Shifts level for a day.

To view equipment idletime reasons

  1. Navigate to the Equipment Idletime Analysis page and scroll down to the Equipment Idletime details region.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Select a link from the Idle Reason column. The Idletime Reasons page appears and displays equipment idletime reasons by Shift for the day.

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Click the Return link to return to the Equipment Idletime Analysis page.

Related Topics

See: Equipment Idletime Analysis.

Production Loss Analysis

You can use the Production Loss Analysis page to analyze production loss by equipment. Reporting regions include:

You can view Production Loss by the following dimensions:

To view Production Loss Analysis

  1. Navigate to the OEE by Equipment page.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Select the Production Loss Analysis link. The Production Loss Analysis page appears.

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. The page displays the distribution of production loss as well as the OEE time metrics for the equipment.

  4. The page provides the Production Loss detail and can be defined as:

    • Planned

    • Unplanned

    • Due to Other Reasons

    • Due to Inefficiency

    • Due to Bad Quality

  5. Scroll down the page to view Production Loss Analysis. This includes Total Production Loss in hours and Overall Effective Run Time in hours.

    the picture is described in the document text

  6. You can view the Production Loss Detail page by selecting a value in the Total Production Loss column and analyze the Production Loss by day and shift.

  7. Select the OEE by Equipment link to return to that page.

Related Topics

Production Loss Detail

Production Loss Detail

The Production Loss Detail page lets you view the Production Loss for a particular day, and is selected from the Production Loss Analysis page. The page displays the Production Loss and details for the equipment at the shift level for the day.

You can view Production Loss Detail page by the following dimensions:

To view Production Loss Detail

  1. Navigate to the Production Loss Analysis page and scroll down to the Production Loss Analysis region.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Select a value in the Total Production Loss column to analyze the Production Loss by day and shift. The Production Loss Detail page appears.

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. This report displays the Production Loss detail as well as the OEE Time Analysis for equipment.

  4. Select the Return link to return to the Production Loss Analysis page.

Related Topics

Production Loss Analysis

Batch Performance

The Batch Performance page displays performance metrics that include Work Order Quantity Variance, PPM, Batch Cycle Time Trend, and Service Level Performance. Reporting regions include:

You can view Batch Performance by the following dimensions:

To view Batch Performance

  1. Navigate to the Batch Performance page to view production variance. You can view production variance by Product Category and by Product.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. In the Production Variance By Product region, you can click on a Work Order Quantity Variance Percent bar within the bar graph to view work order contributing details.

  3. Scroll down the Batch Performance page to view PPM Trend (Month to Date) and Batch Cycle Time Trend (Month to Date) regions.

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. Continue to scroll down the page to also view Service Level Performance by Product Category and by Product.

    the picture is described in the document text

Related Topics

Batch Performance Detail

Batch Performance Detail

The Batch Performance page allows you to navigate to the Batch Performance Detail page. From the Batch Performance Details page, you can view details of specific work orders that are contributing to the production variance.

To view Batch Performance Detail

  1. Navigate to the Batch Performance page.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. In the Production Variance By Product region, you can click on a Work Order Quantity Variance Percent bar within the bar graph to view work order contributing details. The page displays details of work orders that contribute to the production variance for the product.

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Select the Batch Performance link at the bottom of the page to navigate back to the Batch Performance page.

Related Topics

Batch Performance

Production Performance

The Production Performance page provides the performance to schedule measures by plant, department, and bottom performing equipment. It also displays production slippage in comparison to different shifts and the current month production slippage trend. Reporting regions include:

You can view Production Performance by the following dimensions:

To view Production Performance

  1. Navigate to the Production Performance page. The page displays Performance to Schedule Measures By Plant, By Department, and By Equipment Bottom Performers.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Scroll down the Production Performance page to view the Production Slippage (Equipment) region.

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. You can scroll down the page further to view Current Month Production Slippage Trend by Department and by Equipment.

    the picture is described in the document text

Related Topics

Production Slippage Trend

Sustainability Performance by Department

The Sustainability Performance by Department page displays the electricity consumption, electricity cost, and carbon emission for all departments in a plant.

To view the Sustainability Performance by Department page

  1. Navigate to the Plant Manager dashboard using the Manufacturing Operations Center User responsibility. Select the Sustainability Aspect tab.

  2. Select the time period for which you want to view the details. Choose the Year, Quarter, Period, Week, and Date. All Choices displays as the default value for all the time period fields.

  3. Select the Plant for which you want to display the reports. All production sites from the Site master display in the list of values. The first site in ascending alphabetical order of Sites is the default value.

  4. Click Go. The Sustainability Performance by Department Appears. The following Plant Characteristics display:

    • Plant

    • Business Function is the business function of the plant.

    • Headcount is the number of employees in the plant

    • Area is the area of the plant.

    • Area UOM is the unit of measure in which Area is expressed.

  5. Scroll down the page to view the following reports for each department in the plant:

    • Electricity Consumption

    • Electricity Cost

    • CO2 Emission

    • Production Value Analysis by Product

    • Trend

    • Ranking and Distribution

    Electricity Consumption:

    • Department is the name of the department of the plant. You can click on a department to view reports on the equipment in the department.

    • Business Function is the business function of the department

    • Area is the area of the department.

    • Headcount is the number of employees working in the department.

    • Direct Actual Consumption- Period to Date is the actual electricity consumed by the department in a specific time period for production purposes.

    • Indirect Actual Consumption- Period to Date is the actual electricity consumed by the department in a specific time period for non-production purposes. For example, lighting, air-conditioning, and water treatment systems.

    • Total Actual Consumption – Period to Date is the sum of Direct and Indirect Actual Consumption.

    • Plan Consumption- Period to Date is the planned electricity to be consumed by the department.

    • Last Year Consumption – Period Date is the electricity consumed by the department in the same time period of the previous year.

    • % Change (Plan) is the percentage deviation of actual consumption from planned electricity consumption by the department. A red flag displays when the value is more than zero.

    • % Change (Last Year) is the percentage deviation of actual electricity usage by the department in the period of the current year from that of the last year. A red flag displays when the value is more than zero.

    • Actual Consumption Per Unit Area is the actual electricity consumed per unit area of the department.

    • Actual Consumption Per Person is the actual electricity consumed per person in the department.

    • Electricity Consumption UOM is the unit of measure in which electricity consumption is expressed.

    • Area UOM is the unit of measure in which the department area is expressed.

    Electricity Cost:

    • Actual Cost-Period to Date is the cost of actual electricity consumed by the department in a specific time period.

    • Plan Cost-Period to Date is the cost of planned electricity to be consumed by the department in a specific time period.

    • Last Year Cost-Period Date is the cost of electricity consumed by the department in the same time period of the previous year.

    • % Change (Plan) is the percentage deviation of cost of actual electricity consumption from planned electricity consumption by the department. A red flag displays when the value is more than zero.

    • % Change (Last Year) is the percentage deviation of cost of actual electricity usage by the department in the period of the current year from that of the last year. A red flag displays when the value is more than zero.

    • Actual Cost Per Unit Area is the cost of actual electricity consumed per unit area of the department.

    • Actual Cost Per Person is the cost of actual electricity consumed per person in the department.

    CO2 Emission

    • Actual Emission-Period to Date is the carbon emission based on electricity consumption by the department in a specific time period.

    • Plan Emission-Period to Date is planned emissions based on electricity consumption by the department.

    • Last Year Emission-Period Date is emission based on electricity consumed by the department in the same time period of the previous year.

    • % Change (Plan) is the percentage deviation of actual from planned emissions by the department. A red flag displays when the value is more than zero.

    • % Change (Last Year) is the percentage deviation of actual emission by the department in the period of the current year from that of the last year. A red flag displays when the value is more than zero.

    • Actual Emission Per Unit Area is the actual emission per unit area of the department.

    • Actual Emission Per Person is the emission per person in the department.

    the picture is described in the document text

    the picture is described in the document text

    Production Value Analysis by Product:

    The Production Value Analysis by Product report provides information on the actual electricity consumed, cost of electricity consumed, and carbon emissions due to the consumption per production output of the department.

    • Product is the product name.

    • Production Value is the value of the produced product.

    • Actual Electricity Consumption-Period to Date is the actual electricity consumed for producing the product.

    • Actual Electricity Cost-Period to Date is the cost of the actual electricity consumed for producing the product.

    • Actual CO2 Emission – Period to Date is carbon emission based on electricity consumption by the department in a specific time period.

    • Actual Electricity Consumption per Unit Production Value is the actual electricity consumed by the department for the production of the value of one unit of production output.

    • Actual Electricity Cost Per Unit Production Value is the cost of actual electricity consumed by the department for the production of the value of one unit of production output.

    • Actual CO2 Emission Per Unit Production Value is the CO2 emission based on actual electricity consumed by an entity for the production of the value of one unit of production output.

    • Electricity Consumption UOM is the unit of measure in which the electricity consumption is expressed.

    • CO2 Emission UOM is the unit of measure in which the CO2 emission is expressed.

    • Currency UOM is the currency in which the Production Value is expressed.


    The Trend graph report provides a graphical representation of the electricity consumption, electricity cost, and CO2 emission for:

    • All departments in a plant by the Trend by Period-All Departments report.

    • Each department in a plant by the Trend by Period-By Department report

    To view the trend graph report, select the report you want to view in the Measure field from the following options.

    • Electricity Consumption

    • Electricity Consumption Per Unit Area

    • Electricity Consumption Per Person

    • Electricity Cost

    • Electricity Cost Per Unit Area

    • Electricity Cost Per Person

    • CO2 Emission

    • CO2 Emission Per Unit Area

    • CO2 Emission Per Person

    the picture is described in the document text

    Ranking and Distribution:

    The Ranking and Distribution report provides a graphical representation of the department rankings and distributions based on electricity consumption, cost, and CO2 emission.

    To view the Ranking and Distribution report select any one of the following KPIs in the Measure field for which you want to view the report:

    • Electricity Consumption

    • Electricity Consumption Per Unit Area

    • Electricity Consumption Per Person

    • Electricity Cost

    • Electricity Cost Per Unit Area

    • Electricity Cost Per Person

    • CO2 Emission

    • CO2 Emission Per Unit Area

    • CO2 Emission Per Person

    Site Ranking report displays the top five departments in the descending order for the selected measure.

    Distribution by Department report displays the distribution of the selected measure across all departments of the plant.

    Distribution by Usage Category displays the distribution of the selected measure across various usage categories for all departments at the plant, for example, electricity consumption for air conditioning, lighting, production equipment etc.

Sustainability Performance by Equipment

You can view the electricity consumption, electricity cost, and carbon emission for all equipments in a department using the Sustainability Performance by Equipment page.

To view the sustainability performance by equipment page

  1. Navigate to the Sustainability Performance page.

  2. Select a department from the Department column of the Electricity Consumption report. The Sustainability Performance page by Equipment displays. You can also change the time period and the Department for which you want to view the report or select All Choices to view the reports for all departments.

  3. The following reports display:

    • Distribution and Trend region displays the following graph reports:

      • Distribution by Usage Categories graph provides the distribution of the selected measure across various usage categories for all equipment in the department. You can choose to view the report for the Measures, Electricity Consumption, CO2 Emission, and Electricity Cost.

      • Trend by Period- By Equipment graph provides the trend in electricity consumption, CO2 emission, and electricity cost by all equipments in a department over a specific time period.

      the picture is described in the document text

    • Department Summary region displays the following information for the department:

      • Equipment is the name of the equipment.

      • Department is the department in which the equipment is present.

      • Scrap % is the percentage of scrap expected for equipment.

      • Total Electricity Consumption is the actual electricity consumed by the equipment in the RUN, IDLE, DOWN, and OFF statuses.

      • Value Added Electricity Consumption is the actual electricity consumed by the equipment in the RUN status.

      • Non- Value Added Electricity Consumption is the electricity consumed by the equipment in the IDLE, DOWN, or OFF statuses.

      • Value Added Electricity % is the percentage of the Value Added Consumption per Total consumption for an entity.

      • CO2 Emission is the actual CO2 emission by the equipment.

      • Overall Equipment Effectiveness is calculated by multiplying Availability Ratio, Performance Ratio, and First Pass Yield for an equipment.

Sustainability Performance Equipment Hourly Summary Page

You can view the electricity consumption, electricity cost, equipment output, and carbon emission for hourly time periods for equipment in a plant using the Sustainability Performance Equipment Hourly Summary Page.

To view the sustainability performance equipment hourly summary page

  1. Navigate to the Sustainability Performance tab. The Sustainability Performance by Department displays.

  2. Select a department from the Department column of the Electricity Consumption report. The Sustainability Performance page by Equipment displays.

  3. Select equipment in the Equipment Summary report. The Sustainability Performance by Equipment Hourly Summary displays. You can also change the time period and the Equipment for which you want to view the reports or select All Choices to view the reports for all equipments.

  4. The following reports display for the equipment:

    • Electricity Consumption Trend report is a graphical representation of the trend in electricity consumption of the equipment in hourly time intervals.

      the picture is described in the document text

    • Equipment Output Trend report is a graphical representation of the trend in output production and the scrap quantity recorded for the equipment during shifts.

      the picture is described in the document text

    • Parameter Monitoring report is a graphical representation of the measures of parameters like temperature and pressure over hourly time periods.

    • Equipment Status Trend is a graphical representation of the trend in which an equipment is in Idle, Run, Down, and Off statuses over hourly time periods. You can choose to display a Bar or Area Graph.

      the picture is described in the document text

    • Equipment Summary report is a tabular representation of the durations for which the equipment is in the Idle, Run, Down and Off statuses over hourly time periods.

      the picture is described in the document text

Sustainability Performance Equipment Hourly Detail Page

You can view the detailed information on electricity consumption, electricity cost, equipment output, and carbon emission for an equipment in a specific hourly time period using the Sustainability Performance Equipment Hourly Detail Page.

To view the Sustainability Performance Equipment Hourly Detail page

  1. Navigate to the Equipment Summary region of the Equipment Hourly Summary page.

  2. Click the From Time to view the equipment detail reports for the equipment within a specific hour. The Equipment Hourly Detail page appears.

  3. The following reports display for the equipment within the selected hour:

    • Electricity Consumption Detail Trend graphically displays the electricity consumption by the equipment within the selected hour.

    • CO2 Emission Detail Trend graphically displays the carbon emission by the equipment within the selected hour.

      the picture is described in the document text

    • Equipment Status Trend graphically displays the times for which the equipment is in the Up, Idle, Down, and Off Statuses within the selected hour.

    • Production Output Trend graphically displays the product output quantity and scrap quantity produced by the equipment within the selected hour.