Oracle Project Manufacturing Command Center

This chapter covers the following topics:

Project Manufacturing Command Center

Project Manufacturing Command Center Overview

The Oracle Project Manufacturing Command Center enables users to achieve better project supply chain and manufacturing execution outcomes. You can search for manufacturing projects and gain full visibility into manufacturing work orders, sales orders, inventory on-hands, and procurement activities through key metrics, charts, graphs, and tables. Based on your role, the Project Manufacturing Command Center enables you to:

Before you load data from Oracle E-Business Suite into the Project Manufacturing Command Center, ensure that your EBS data is accurate and current.

The following Project Manufacturing Command Center dashboards enable search functions using Enterprise Command Center integration:

Note: You can use the Project Manufacturing Command Center only after the installation and common configurations are completed as described in My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2495053.1, Installing Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework, Release 12.2. For additional ECC Overview information, see Overview of Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide.

Searching Enterprise Command Center Dashboards

Use the dashboard sidebars to refine (filter) the data on each dashboard. You can select a value or record from the Available Refinements component, or use Search to find a keyword, a value, or a specific record. The type-ahead feature suggests matches for your entry that correspond to the available refinements. When you submit a search, the search term is added to the Selected Refinements list, and the dashboard data is refined to include only records that match the search. You can add multiple refinements and remove any of them at any time.

Use an asterisk (*) or percent sign (%) to perform a partial keyword or record search that matches any string of zero or more characters. You can also use a question mark (?) to perform a partial search that matches any single character.

Additional Information: For more information about searching for and refining data in enterprise command centers, see Search in Highlights of an Enterprise Command Center, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide.

Overview Dashboard

As a project manager or a shopfloor supervisor you can use the Overview dashboard to manage project supply chain and manufacturing exceptions. Use this dashboard to:

Using refinements, you can search on schedule exceptions and overdue information using item number, warehouse, or project and task start dates. You can view Project Manufacturing schedule exceptions and overdue metrics for work orders, sales orders, and procurement activities. See Project Manufacturing Command Center Overview for more information.

From the Manufacturing and Distribution Manager responsibility, navigate to the Overview dashboard:

(N) Projects > Project Manufacturing Command Center > Overview (tab)

Overview Dashboard

the picture is described in the document text

The following table describes the Overview dashboard components:

Component Description
Exceptions (summary bar) The Exceptions summary bar displays the following key metrics:
  • Projects with Exceptions

    This metric displays the number of projects that have exceptions.

  • Work Orders Schedule Exceptions

    This metric displays the number of schedule exceptions for project manufacturing work orders.

  • Sales Orders Schedule Exceptions

    This metric displays the number of schedule exceptions for project manufacturing sales orders.

  • Procurement Activities Schedule Exceptions

    This metric displays the number of schedule exceptions for project manufacturing procurement activities.

  • Overdue Work Orders

    This metric displays the number of project manufacturing work orders that are overdue.

  • Overdue Sales Orders

    This metric displays the number of project manufacturing sales orders that are overdue.

  • Overdue Procurement Activities

    This metric displays the number of project manufacturing procurement activities that are overdue.

Number of Exceptions (Count Distinct) by Project Number, Exception Type (chart) This chart provides project manufacturing schedule exceptions information about work orders, sales orders, purchase orders, quotations, requisitions, and blanket releases on the basis of project number and exception type. You can refine the displayed data by clicking the data point on the chart and the dimension and metric value for a data point. Click the Options icon to select Project Number or Exception Type from the Dimension menu and the Group Dimensions menu.
Results Tables (tab layout) The results tables display schedule exception and overdue information in the following tabs:
  • Work Order Schedule Exceptions

  • Sales Order Schedule Exceptions

  • Procurement Activities Schedule Exceptions

  • Overdue Work Orders

  • Overdue Sales Orders

  • Overdue Procurement Activities

Click the Record Details icon in the tabs to view details for a project number.
On the Work Order Schedule Exceptions and Overdue Work Orders tabs, click the Actions icon to select the following actions:
  • Network - Click this link to view the project details in the Genealogy & Trace dashboard.

  • View Work Order Details - Click this link to view information in the Discrete Manufacturing Command Center's Work Order Status dashboard.

On Sales Order Schedule Exceptions tab, click the Actions icon to select the following actions:
  • Network - Click this link to view the project details in the Genealogy & Trace dashboard.

  • View Sales Order Line - Click this link to view information on the Line Details page.

On the Procurement Activities Schedule Exceptions tab, select purchanse orders and then click the Actions icon to select the following actions:
  • Network - Click this link to view the project details in the Genealogy & Trace dashboard.

  • View Purchase Orders - Click this link to view information on the Standard Purchase Order page.

On the Overdue Sales Order click the Network icon to view the project details in the Genealogy & Trace dashboard.
On the Overdue Procurement Activities tab, select purchase orders and then click the Network icon to view the project details in the Genealogy & Trace dashboard.
To view key events for work orders, sales orders, and procurement activities schedule exceptions in the Timeline View, click the Timeline View icon in the following tabs:
  • Work Order Schedule Exceptions - You can view the following dates for work order schedule exceptions in the Timeline View:

    • Start Date

    • Completion Date

    • Project Or Task Start Date

    • Project Or Task End Date

  • Sales Order Schedule Exceptions - You can view the following dates for sales order schedule exceptions in the Timeline View:

    • Request Date

    • Promise Date

    • Project Or Task Start Date

    • Project Or Task End Date

  • Procurement Activities Schedule Exceptions - You can view the following dates for procurement activities schedule exceptions in the Timeline View:

    • Need-By Date

    • Promised Date

    • Project Or Task Start Date

    • Project Or Task End Date

    Click the Timeline View Option icon to enable the overview display and the maximum number of events of up to 500.

Click the links in the table columns to refine the information in the dashboard.
The following actions are available from the Options icon in the tables for the Overview dashboard:
  • Compare - Select multiple rows to compare information.

  • Export - Export the search results in a comma-separated values (CSV) file format.

Projects Dashboard

As a project manager you can use the Projects dashboard to track project activities. Use this dashboard to:

Using refinements, you can view specific project manufacturing metrics, charts, and results tables for projects. See Project Manufacturing Command Center Overview for more information.

From the Manufacturing and Distribution Manager responsibility, navigate to the Projects dashboard:

(N) Projects > Project Manufacturing Command Center > Projects (tab)

Projects Dashboard

the picture is described in the document text

The following table describes the Projects dashboard components:

Component Description
Project Metrics (summary bar) The Project Metrics summary bar displays the following key metrics:
  • Projects

    This metric displays the number of project manufacturing projects.

  • Tasks

    This metric displays the number of project manufacturing tasks.

  • Commitments

    This metric displays the number of project manufacturing commitments.

Project Costs (Sum) by Project Number, Project Currency Code (chart) This chart provides information about project manufacturing project costs on the basis of project numbers and the currency codes. You can refine the displayed data by clicking the data point on the chart and the dimension and metric value for a data point. Click the Options icon to select Project Number or Project Currency Code from the Dimension menu and the Group Dimensions menu.
Results Tables (tab layout) The results tables display schedule exception and overdue information in the following tabs:
  • Projects

  • Tasks

  • Expenditures

  • Commitments

Click the Record Details icon in the tabs to view details for a project number.
On the Projects tab, you can select the following entries from the drop-down list to see additional details:
  • Project Information

  • Project Details

  • Year-to-Date

  • Period-to-Date

  • Inception-to-Date

Click the Timeline View icon on the Projects tab, to view the following key events for projects in the Timeline View:
  • Start Date

  • End Date

Click Timeline View Option icon to enable the overview display and the maximum number of events of up to 500.
On the Commitments tab, you can select the following entries from the drop-down list to see additional details:
  • Commitment Details

  • Commitment Summary

Click the links in the table columns to refine the information in the dashboard
The following actions are available from the Options icon in the tables for the Projects dashboard:
  • Compare - Select multiple rows to compare information.

  • Export - Export the search results in a comma-separated values (CSV) file format.

Work Orders Dashboard

As a project manager or shopfloor supervisor, you can use the Work Orders dashboard to track project WIP jobs and operations. Use this dashboard to:

Using refinements, you can view project manufacturing work order metrics, charts, and results tables. See Project Manufacturing Command Center Overview for more information.

From the Manufacturing and Distribution Manager responsibility, navigate to the Work Orders dashboard:

(N) Projects > Project Manufacturing Command Center > Work Orders (tab)

Work Orders Dashboard

the picture is described in the document text

The following table describes the Work Orders dashboard components:

Component Description
Work Order Metrics (summary bar) The Work Order Metrics summary bar displays the following key metrics:
  • Work Orders

    This metric displays the number of project manufacturing work orders.

  • Operations

    This metric displays the number of project manufacturing operations.

  • Components

    This metric displays the number of project manufacturing components.

  • Work Order Schedule Exceptions

    This metric displays the number of work orders with schedule exceptions.

  • Overdue Work Orders

    This metric displays the number of work orders that are overdue.

  • Associated Projects

    This metric displays the total number of projects associated to the transactions displayed in this dashboard.

Work Orders (Count Distinct) by Project Number, Status (chart) This chart provides information about project manufacturing work orders on the basis of project numbers and the status of the work orders like for example if they are released, unreleased, cancelled, complete, on-hold, or closed. You can refine the displayed data by clicking the data point on the chart and the dimension and metric value for a data point. Click the Options icon to Select Project Number or Status from the Dimension menu and the Group Dimensions menu.
Results Tables (tab layout) The results tables display project manufacturing work order information in the following tabs:
  • Work Orders - Select the following entries from the drop-down list to see additional details in this tab:

    • Work Order Details

    • Work Order Quantities

    • Work Order Dates

    On the Work Order tab, click the Actions icon to select the following actions:

    • Network - Click this link to view the project details in the Genealogy & Trace dashboard.

    • View Work Order Details - Click this link to view information in the Discrete Manufacturing Command Center's Work Order Status dashboard.

    • View Reservations - Click this link to view information in the Item Reservation window.

    Click the Timeline View icon on the Work Order tab to view the following key events for work orders:

    • Start Date

    • Completion Date

    Click Timeline View Option to enable the overview display and the maximum number of events of up to 500.

  • Operations - Select the following entries from the drop-down list to see additional details in this tab:

    • Operations Details

    • Operation Quantities

  • Components - Select the following entries from the drop-down list to see additional details in this tab:

    • Component Details

    • Component Quantities

    On the Components tab, click the View Reservations icon to navigate to the Item Reservation window.

  • Line Schedules - Use this tab to view line schedule information like line code, planned quantity, quantity completed, and variance quantity.

Click the Record Details icon in the tabs to view details for a project number.
Click the links in the table columns to refine the information in the dashboard.
The following actions are available from the Options icon in the tables for the Work Orders dashboard:
  • Compare - Select multiple rows to compare information.

  • Export - Export the search results in a comma-separated values (CSV) file format.

Procurement Dashboard

As a project manager or procurement buyer, you can use the Procurement dashboard to manage procurement activities for manufacturing projects. The Procurement dashboard in the Project Manufacturing Command Center is comprised of the following three dashboards:

You can use the available dashboards in the Procurement dashboard to:

Using refinements, you can view specific information based on your selection in all three dashboards of the Procurement dashboard. See Project Manufacturing Command Center Overview for more information.

From the Manufacturing and Distribution Manager responsibility, navigate to the Procurement dashboard:

(N) Projects > Project Manufacturing Command Center > Procurement (tab)

From the Procurement dashboard, you can select the following tabs:

Purchase Orders Dashboard

To view and manage purchase order details, navigate to the Project Manufacturing Command Center's Purchase Orders dashboard:

(N) Projects > Project Manufacturing Command Center > Procurement (tab) > Purchase Orders (tab)

Purchase Orders Dashboard

the picture is described in the document text

The following table describes the components of the Purchase Orders dashboard:

Component Description
Purchase Order Metrics (summary bar) The Purchase Order Metrics summary bar displays the following key metrics:
  • Purchase Orders

    This metric displays the number of project manufacturing purchase orders.

  • Purchase Order Schedule Exceptions

    This metric displays the number of purchase orders with schedule exceptions.

  • Overdue Purchase Orders

    This metric displays the number of purchase orders that are overdue.

  • Associated Projects

    This metric displays the total number of projects associated to the transactions displayed in this dashboard.

Amount (Sum) by Currency, Project Number (chart) This chart provides information about project manufacturing purchase order amounts based on currency and project number or destination organization. You can refine the displayed data by clicking the data point on the chart and the dimension and metric value for a data point. Click the Options icon to select Project Number or Destination Organization from the Dimension menu. Select Currency from the Group Dimensions menu.
Results Tables (tab layout) The results tables display different levels of purchase order information in the following tabs:
  • Headers - Use this tab to view project manufacturing header information such as document type, order date, currency, status, buyer, supplier, and so on.

  • Distributions - Use this tab to view distributions information for a project such as shipment number, distribution number, destination organization, quantity, amount, currency and so on.

Click the Record Details icon in the tabs to view details for a project number.
On the Headers and Distribution tabs, click the Actions icon to select the following actions:
  • Network - Click this link to view the project details in the Genealogy & Trace dashboard.

  • View Purchase Orders - Click this link to view information on the Standard Purchase Order page.

  • View Receiving - Click this link to view information in the Receiving Dashboard. Note that you must have the Logistics Manager responsibility to access the Receiving Dashboard

  • View Purchase Order Distribution - Click this link to view information on the Distribution page.

On the Distributions tab, click the Timeline View icon to view the following key events for purchase orders:
  • Promised Date

  • Need-By Date

Click Timeline View Option to enable the overview display and the maximum number of events of up to 500.
Click the links in the table columns to refine the information in the dashboard.
The following actions are available from the Options icon in the tables for the Purchase Orders dashboard:
  • Compare - Select multiple rows to compare information.

  • Export - Export the search results in a comma-separated values (CSV) file format.

See: Procurement Dashboard

Requisitions Dashboard

To view and manage project manufacturing requisitions details, navigate to the Project Manufacturing Command Center's Requisitions dashboard:

(N) Projects > Project Manufacturing Command Center > Procurement (tab) > Requisitions (tab)

Requisitions Dashboard

the picture is described in the document text

The following table describes the components of the Requisitions dashboard:

Component Description
Requisition Metrics (summary bar) The Requisition Metrics summary bar displays the following key metrics:
  • Requisitions

    This metric displays the number of project manufacturing requisitions.

  • Requisition Schedule Exceptions

    This metric displays the number of requisitions with schedule exceptions.

  • Overdue Requisitions

    This metric displays the number of requisitions that are overdue.

  • Associated Projects

    This metric displays the total number of projects associated to the transactions displayed in this dashboard.

Amount (Sum) by Currency, Project Number (chart) This chart provides information about project manufacturing requisition amounts based on currency and project number or destination organization. You can refine the displayed data by clicking the data point on the chart and the dimension and metric value for a data point. Click the Options icon to select Project Number or Destination Organization from the Dimension menu. Select Currency from the Group Dimensions menu
Results Tables (tab layout) The results tables display different levels of requisition information in the following tabs:
  • Headers

  • Lines

  • Distributions

Click the Record Details icon in the tabs to view details for a project number.
Click the links in the table columns to refine the information in the dashboard.
The following actions are available from the Options icon in the tables for the Requisitions dashboard:
  • Compare - Select multiple rows to compare information.

  • Export - Export the search results in a comma-separated values (CSV) file format.

See: Procurement Dashboard

Negotiations Dashboard

The Negotiations dashboard comprises the following three tabs:

To view and manage project manufacturing quotations, blanket releases, and RFQs, navigate to the Project Manufacturing Command Center's Negotiations dashboard:

(N) Projects > Project Manufacturing Command Center > Procurement (tab) > Negotiations (tab)

Negotiations Dashboard

the picture is described in the document text

The following table describes the components of the Negotiations dashboard's Quotations tab:

Component Description
Quotations (summary bar) The Quotations summary bar displays the following key metrics:
  • Quotations

    This metric displays the number of project manufacturing quotations.

  • Quotation Schedule Exceptions

    This metric displays the number of quotations for project manufacturing with schedule exceptions.

  • Overdue Quotations

    This metric displays the number of quotations for project manufacturing that are overdue.

  • Associated Projects

    This metric displays the total number of projects associated to the transactions displayed in this dashboard.

Quotation Number (Count Distinct) by Project Number, Quotation Status (chart) This chart provides information about the number of quotations on the basis of quotation status and project number. You can refine the displayed data by clicking the data point on the chart and the dimension and metric value for a data point. Click the Options icon to select Quotation Status or Project Number from the Dimension menu and the Group Dimensions menu.
Results Tables (tab layout) The results tables display procurement information for quotations like project number, task number, quotation number, quotation type, quotation class, quotation status, RFQ number, effective date, and expiration date.
Click the Record Details icon in the table to view details for a project number.
Click the links in the table columns to refine the information in the dashboard.
The following actions are available from the Options icon in the Quotations dashboard tables:
  • Compare - Select multiple rows to compare information.

  • Export - Export the search results in a comma-separated values (CSV) file format.

The following table describes the components of the Negotiations dashboard's Blanket Releases tab:

Component Description
Blanket Releases (summary bar) The Blanket Releases summary bar displays the following key metrics:
  • Blanket Releases

    This metric displays the number of project manufacturing blanket releases.

  • Blanket Release Schedule Exceptions

    This metric displays the number of blanket releases for project manufacturing with schedule exceptions.

  • Overdue Blanket Releases

    This metric displays the number of blanket releases for project manufacturing that are overdue.

  • Associated Projects

    This metric displays the total number of projects associated to the transactions displayed in this dashboard.

Blanket Release Amount (Sum) by Project Number, Currency (chart) This chart provides information about blanket release cost metrics based on project numbers and currency. You can refine the displayed data by clicking the data point on the chart and the dimension and metric value for a data point. Click the Options icon to select Project Number or Currency from the Dimension menu and the Group Dimensions menu.
Results Tables (tab layout) The results tables display procurement information for blanket releases like project number, task number, PO number, release number, item number, item description, line number, shipment number, distribution number, release date amount, currency, and so on.
Click the Record Details icon in the table to view details for a project number.
Click the links in the table columns to refine the information in the dashboard.
The following actions are available from the Options icon in the Blanket Releases dashboard tables:
  • Compare - Select multiple rows to compare information.

  • Export - Export the search results in a comma-separated values (CSV) file format.

The following table describes the components of the Negotiations dashboard's RFQs tab:

Component Description
RFQs (summary bar) The RFQs summary bar displays the following key metrics:
  • RFQs

    This metric displays the number of project manufacturing RFQs.

  • RFQ Schedule Exceptions

    This metric displays the number of RFQs for project manufacturing with schedule exceptions.

  • Overdue RFQs

    This metric displays the number of RFQs for project manufacturing that are overdue.

  • Associated Projects

    This metric displays the total number of projects associated to the transactions displayed in this dashboard.

RFQ Number (Count Distinct) by RFQ Status, Project Number (chart) This chart provides information about RFQs based on RFQ status and project numbers. You can refine the displayed data by clicking the data point on the chart and the dimension and metric value for a data point. Click the Options icon to select Project Number or RFQ Status from the Dimension menu and the Group Dimensions menu.
Results Tables (tab layout) The results tables display procurement information for RFQs like project number, task number, RFQ number, RFQ status, buyer, supplier, supplier site, supplier contact name, and reply date.
Click the Record Details icon in the table to view details for a project number.
Click the links in the table columns to refine the information in the dashboard.
The following actions are available from the Options icon in the RFQs dashboard tables:
  • Compare - Select multiple rows to compare information.

  • Export - Export the search results in a comma-separated values (CSV) file format.

See: Procurement Dashboard

Cost Activities Dashboard

As a project manager, a cost manager, or if in a financial role, you can use the Cost Activities dashboard to summarize project manufacturing costs to facilitate reconciliation with cost in Oracle Projects. Use this dashboard to:

Using refinements, you can view specific project manufacturing metrics, charts, and results tables for project cost activities. See Project Manufacturing Command Center Overview for more information.

From the Manufacturing and Distribution Manager responsibility, navigate to the Cost Activities dashboard:

(N) Projects > Project Manufacturing Command Center > Cost Activities (tab)

Cost Activities Dashboard

the picture is described in the document text

The following table describes the Cost Activities dashboard components:

Component Description
Cost Metrics (summary bar) The Cost Metrics summary bar displays the following key metrics for transactions that have associated costs:
  • Work Orders

    This metric displays the number of project manufacturing work orders in closed, complete, or released status.

  • Sales Orders

    This metric displays the number of project manufacturing sales orders.

  • Purchase Orders

    This metric displays the number of purchase orders with purchase price variance.

  • On-Hand Items

    This metric displays the number of on-hand project manufacturing items.

  • Associated Projects

    This metric displays the total number of projects associated to the transactions displayed in this dashboard.

Total Amount (Sum) by Cost Source (chart) This chart provides information about project manufacturing cost activities on the basis of cost source and total amount. You can refine the displayed data by clicking the data point on the chart and the dimension and metric value for a data point. Click the Options icon to select Cost Source, Project Number or Currency Code from the Dimension menu.
The following cost sources in this chart are color coded for easy reference:
  • WIP Value Summary

  • Purchase Price Variance

  • On-Hand Values

  • Project Level Cost Variances

  • WIP Variances

  • Sales Order Issues

Total Amount (Sum) by Project Number (chart) This chart provides information about project manufacturing project costs on the basis of project numbers and the total amount. You can refine the displayed data by clicking the data point on the chart and the dimension and metric value for a data point. Click the Options icon to select Currency Code, Project Number, or Organization Name from the Dimension menu.
Cost Summary (table) This table displays information for each project and cost source combination based on the currency. You can view the Currency Code, Material Cost, Material Overhead Cost, Resource Cost, Outside Processing Cost, Overhead Cost, Transaction Variances, and Total Amount. You can also see the sum of all the entries in the table grouped by Project Number and Cost Source.
The Cost Summary table displays aggregations based on the attributes and metrics that you select. Click the Options icon to select attributes and metrics and click Update to update the cost details in the Cost Summary table.
Click the Aggregated Table icon to see cost aggregations.
Results Tables (tab layout) The Cost Details results tables display details of project cost in the following tabs:
  • WIP Value Summary.

  • WIP Variances.

  • Purchase Price Variances.

  • Sales Orders Issues.

  • Project Level Cost Variances.

  • On-Hand Values.

Click the links in the table columns to refine the information in the dashboard
Click the Options icon to show or hide attributes in the results tables.

Inventory Dashboard

As a project manager, inventory manager, or a shopfloor supervisor, you can use the Inventory dashboard to manage project materials and on-hand inventory information. Use this dashboard to:

Using refinements, you can view specific project manufacturing inventory metrics, charts, and tables. See Project Manufacturing Command Center Overview for more information.

From the Manufacturing and Distribution Manager responsibility, navigate to the Inventory dashboard:

(N) Projects > Project Manufacturing Command Center > Inventory (tab)

Inventory Dashboard

the picture is described in the document text

The following table describes the Inventory dashboard components:

Component Description
Borrow, Payback, or Transfer button Use this action to navigate to the Project Transfer window to initiate material transfer between project inventories. You can then select from the following inventory transfer transaction types:
  • Project Borrow

  • Project Payback

  • Project Transfer

Inventory Metrics (summary bar) The Inventory Metrics summary bar displays the following key metrics:
  • On-Hand Items

    This metric displays the number of project manufacturing items that are available on hand.

  • On-Hand Quantity

    This metric displays the number of project manufacturing item quantity that is available on hand.

  • Associated Projects

    This metric displays the total number of projects associated to the transactions displayed in this dashboard.

On-Hand Quantity (Sum) by Item Number, Inventory Locator (chart) This chart provides information about the on-hand quantity available on the basis of item and inventory locators. You can refine the displayed data by clicking the data point on the chart and the dimension and metric value for a data point. Click the Options icon to select Inventory Locator, Inventory Organization Name, or Project Number from the Dimension menu. Select Item Number from the Group Dimensions menu.
On-Hand Inventory Value (Sum) by Currency Code, Cost Group Name (chart) This chart provides the on-hand inventory value information about the basis of currency codes and cost group names. Click the Options icon to select Cost Group Name or Project Number from the Dimension menu. Select Currency Code from the Group Dimensions menu.
Results Tables (tab layout) The results tables display inventory information for projects in the following tabs:
  • On-Hand Balances

  • On-Hand Values

Click the links in the table columns to refine the information in the dashboard.
The following actions are available from the Options icon in the tables for the Inventory dashboard:
  • Compare - Select multiple rows to compare information.

  • Export - Export the search results in a comma-separated values (CSV) file format.

Sales Orders Dashboard

As a project manager or sales manager, you can use the Sales Orders dashboard to perform sales analysis and ensure timely delivery of products. Use this dashboard to:

Using refinements, you can view specific project manufacturing sales order metrics, charts, and tables. See Project Manufacturing Command Center Overview for more information.

From the Manufacturing and Distribution Manager responsibility, navigate to the Sales Orders dashboard:

(N) Projects > Project Manufacturing Command Center > Sales Orders (tab)

Sales Orders Dashboard

the picture is described in the document text

The following table describes the Sales Orders dashboard components:

Component Description
Sales Order Metrics (summary bar) The Sales Order Metrics summary bar displays the following key metrics:
  • Sales Orders

    This metric displays the number of project manufacturing sales orders.

  • Sales Order Schedule Exceptions

    This metric displays the number of sales orders with schedule exceptions.

  • Overdue Sales Orders

    This metric displays the number of sales orders that are overdue.

  • Associated Projects

    This metric displays the total number of projects associated to the transactions displayed in this dashboard.

Orders (tab) The Orders tab displays the following charts:
  • Order Number (Count) by Customer Name, Project Number - This cascading chart provides information about the sales order numbers based on customer names and project numbers. Click the Options icon to select Project Number from the Dimension menu.

  • Order Amount (Count) by Project Organization, Project Number - This cascading chart provides information about the sales order numbers based on project organizations and the project number. Click the Options icon to select Project Number or Project Organization from the Dimension menu.

Amount (tab) The Amount tab displays the following charts:
  • Order Amount (Sum) by Order Currency, Customer Name, Project Number - This cascading chart provides information about the order amount based on order currency, customer names and project numbers. Click the Options icon to select Order Currency, Customer Name, or Project Number from the Dimension menu.

  • Order Amount (Sum) by Order Currency, Project Organization, Project Number - This cascading chart provides information about the order amount based on order currency, project organization, and project number. Click the Options icon to select Order Currency, Project Organization, or Project Number from the Dimension menu.

Results Tables (tab layout) The results tables display detailed information about sales order for projects like for example project number, task number, order number, order line number, order category and so on.
Click the Actions icon in the Sales Order dashboard's results table to select the following actions for a project number:
  • Network - Click this link to view the project details in the Genealogy & Trace dashboard.

  • View Sales Order Line - Click this link to view information on the Line Details page.

  • View Reservations - Click this action link to navigate to the Reservations Workbench page (for Release 12.2.10 and above) or to the Item Reservations window (if lower than Release 12.2.10).

  • View Shipping Details - Click this link to view information on the Line Details: Delivery Line page.

Click the Timeline View icon in the Sales Orders dashboard's results table to view the following key events for sales orders:
  • Request Date

  • Promise Date

  • Schedule Ship Date

Click Timeline View Option to enable the overview display and the maximum number of events of up to 500.
Click the links in the table columns to refine the information in the dashboard.
The following actions are available from the Options icon in the tables for the Sales Orders dashboard:
  • Compare - Select multiple rows to compare information.

  • Export - Export the search results in a comma-separated values (CSV) file format.

Project Contracts Dashboard

As a project manager or contracts manager, you can use the Project Contracts dashboard to perform manufacturing related project contract analysis and ensure timely delivery of products. Use this dashboard to:

Using refinements, you can view specific project manufacturing metrics, charts, and results tables for project contracts. See Project Manufacturing Command Center Overview for more information.

From the Manufacturing and Distribution Manager responsibility, navigate to the Project Contracts dashboard:

(N) Projects > Project Manufacturing Command Center > Project Contracts (tab)

Project Contracts Dashboard

the picture is described in the document text

The following table describes the Project Contracts dashboard components:

Component Description
Project Contract Metrics (summary bar) The Project Contract Metrics summary bar displays the following key metrics:
  • Program Name

    This metric displays the number of available program names. Click this metric to view and select a program name from the list of values.

  • Product Line

    This metric displays the number of available product lines. Click this metric to view and select a product line from the list of values.

  • Contracts

    This metric displays the number of contracts for project manufacturing.

  • Contract Deliverables

    This metric displays the number of contract deliverables for project manufacturing.

  • Associated Projects

    This metric displays the total number of projects associated to the transactions displayed in this dashboard.

Contract Amount (Sum) by Currency(chart) This chart provides information about project manufacturing contract amounts based on currency. You can refine the displayed data by clicking the data point on the chart and the dimension and metric value for a data point. Click the Options icon to select Project Number or Currency from the Dimension menu.
Deliverable (Count Distinct) by Project Number (chart) This chart provides information about project manufacturing contract deliverables based on customer names. You can refine the displayed data by clicking the data point on the chart and the dimension and metric value for a data point. Click the Options icon to select Customer Name or Project Number from the Dimension menu.
Results Tables (tab layout) The results tables display detailed information about contract headers, lines, and deliverables in the following tabs:
  • Headers

  • Lines

  • Deliverables

On the Headers tab, click the Record Details icon to view details for a project number. You can also select a project number and click the View Project Contract icon to navigate to the Contract Authoring Workbench window.
On the Lines tab, you can select the following entries from the drop-down list to see additional details:
  • Line Details

  • Additional Information

On the Deliverables tab, you can select the following entries from the drop-down list to see additional details:
  • Deliverable Details

  • Additional Information

Click the Timeline View icon in the Deliverables tab to view the following key events for project contracts:
  • Delivery Date

  • Expected Shipment Date

  • Promised Shipment Date

Click Timeline View Option to enable the overview display and the maximum number of events of up to 500.
Click the links in the table columns to refine the information in the dashboard
The following actions are available from the Options icon in the tables for the Projects Contracts dashboard:
  • Compare - Select multiple rows to compare information.

  • Export - Export the search results in a comma-separated values (CSV) file format.

Genealogy and Trace Dashboard

As a project manager you can use the Genealogy & Trace dashboard for detailed traceability into project manufacturing activities. For example, to analyze the causes of any project exceptions, you can search for a purchase order and view the Project Manufacturing Execution Genealogy diagram to trace forward or backward to identify the cause of the exception and review any component shortages, or shipment delays. Similarly, to analyze customer returns due to product issues, you can trace the assembly, serial unit, or component used in production and view the component materials, work order, and shipping details. Some of the network nodes alert you to issues such as schedule exceptions for a work order or if a purchase order is on hold. You can also navigate to the existing project manufacturing dashboards and other application pages from the Genealogy & Trace dashboard. Use this dashboard to:

The Project Manufacturing Execution Genealogy diagram displays the network relationship of the entity that you query. You can use the Search field to find project locators, work orders, work order components, purchase orders, sales orders, and project contracts. You can also select from the available refinements to filter the information. See Project Manufacturing Command Center Overview for more information.

From the Manufacturing and Distribution Manager responsibility, navigate to the Genealogy & Trace dashboard:

(N) Projects >Project Manufacturing Command Center > Genealogy & Trace (tab)

Note: You can also navigate to the Genealogy & Trace dashboard from the existing Overview, Work Order, Purchase Order, and Sales Orders dashboards in the Project Manufacturing Command Center using the link icon in the Network column on the results tables.

Genealogy and Trace Dashboard

the picture is described in the document text

The following table describes the Genealogy & Trace dashboard components:

Component Description
Project Manufacturing Execution Genealogy (diagram) This diagram displays the network details for the node you query or the refinements that you select. Right-click a node to view available Actions and to select from the following options:
  • Make Anchor Node - Select this option to make a node the main node.

  • Show Adjacent Nodes - Select this option to expand a node to see its related nodes.

  • Highlight Path - Select this option to highlight the specific path of a node. You can right-click and select Unhighlight Path to remove highlighting a path.

  • Explore Node - Select this option to explore the node further.

  • Compare - Select multiple nodes and click Compare for a side-by-side comparison of the records of each selected node.

  • Show Details - Select this for a node to view details. On the Details window that opens, select multiple filters and then click Find Similar to apply these filters to the diagram.

Based on your search and selected refinements, the network diagram displays the following nodes:
  • Purchase Order - Select the following for this node:

    • Show Details - Click this link to view details such as purchase order number, supplier name, and supplier site, purchase order status, operating unit, buyer, document type, currency, and amount.

    • View Purchase Order - Click this action link to navigate to the Standard Purchase Order page to view purchase order line details with item quantities and transaction dates.

    • View Receiving - Click this action link to navigate to the Receiving Dashboard. Note that you must have the Logistics Manager responsibility to access the Receiving Dashboard.

    The Purchase Order node displays the following visual indicators:

    • Hold - This alert icon indicates open and current purchase orders.

    • Schedule Exceptions: This alert icon indicates schedule exceptions related to the purchase order.

    • Overdue Exceptions: This alert icon indicates overdue exceptions related to the purchase order.

  • Distribution - Select the following for this node:

    • Show Details - Click this link to view details such as purchase order number, line number, distribution number, project, task, item, quantity, quantity delivered, amount, currency, and unit of measure (UOM).

    • View Purchase Order Distribution - Click this action link to navigate to the Distribution page to view purchase order distribution details such as quantity, accounts, and so on.

    • View Receiving - Click this action link to navigate to the Receiving Dashboard. Note that you must have the Logistics Manager responsibility to access the Receiving Dashboard.

  • Sales Order - Select the following for this node:

    • Show Details - Click this link to view details such as order number, customer, operating unit, order type, booked date, ordered date, and sales representative.

    • View Sales Order - Click this action link to navigate to the Sales Order View page to view the sales order details with item quantities and transaction dates.

    The Sales Order node displays the following visual indicators:

    • Hold - This alert icon indicates open and current sales orders.

    • Schedule Exceptions: This alert icon indicates schedule exceptions related to the work order.

    • Overdue Exceptions: This alert icon indicates overdue exceptions related to the work order.

  • Line - Select the following for this node:

    • Show Details - Click this link to view details such as order number, line number, project, task, item, quantity, selling price, currency, and unit of measure (UOM).

    • View Sales Order Line - Click this action link to navigate to the Line Details page.

    • View Shipping Details - Click this action link to view information on the Line Details: Delivery Line page.

    • View Reservations - Click this action link to view details in the Reservations Workbench page (for Release 12.2.10 and above) or to the Item Reservations window (if lower than Release 12.2.10).

  • Work Order - Select the following for this node:

    • Show Details - Click this link to view details such as work order number, assembly, organization name, description, organization code, status, start quantity, completed quantity, and scrap quantity.

    • View Work Order - Click this action link to navigate to the Discrete Jobs window to release or put the work order on hold.

    • View Reservations - Click this action link to view details in the Reservations Workbench page (for Release 12.2.10 and above) or to the Item Reservations window (if lower than Release 12.2.10).

    The Work Order node displays the following visual indicators:

    • Hold - This alert icon indicates open and current work orders.

    • Reject - This alert icon appears if there is at least one rejected quantity for that work order.

    • Schedule Exceptions: This alert icon indicates schedule exceptions related to the work order.

    • Overdue Exceptions: This alert icon indicates overdue exceptions related to the work order.

  • Component - Select the following for this node:

    • Show Details - Click this link to view details such as type, component, description, project, task, assembly, operation, inventory locator, supply type, supply locators, required quantity, and open quantity.

    • View Project Inventory - Click this action link to view details of the available inventory in other projects and initiate a material transfer from the Inventory dashboard.

    • View Material Workbench - Click this action link to navigate to the Material Workbench window.

    • View Reservations - Click this action link to view details in the Reservations Workbench page (for Release 12.2.10 and above) or to the Item Reservations window (if lower than Release 12.2.10).

    The Component node displays the following visual indicator:

    • Not Issued in Full - This alert icon appears when the component has not been issued in full.

  • Project Locator - Click Show Details to view details such as type, item locator, project, task, subinventory, item, and operating unit.

  • Project Contract - Select the following for this node:

    • Show Details - Click this link to view details such as type, project contract number, value, currency, program name, product line, status, contract customer, item organization, start date, and end date.

    • View Project Contract - Click this action link to navigate to the Project Contract window to update project contracts.

  • Deliverable - Select the following for this node:

    • Show Details - Click this link to view details such as type, project contract number, line number, deliverable, item, item description, promised shipment date, expected shipment date, and delivery date.

    • View Project Contract - Click this action link to navigate to the Project Contract window to update project contracts.

Click the View Timeline link from the Purchase Order, Distribution, Work Order, Sales Order, Line, Project Contract, and Deliverable nodes to view the following key events in the Timeline View:
  • Promised Date and Need-By Date for purchase orders.

  • Schedule Ship Date, Request Date, and Promise Date for sales orders.

  • Delivery Date, Expected Shipment Date, and Promised Shipment Date for project contracts.

  • Start Date and Completion Date for work orders.

Click Timeline View Option to enable the overview display and the maximum number of events of up to 500.
The following icons are available for the Project Manufacturing Execution Genealogy diagram:
  • Export to Image - Click this option to export the Project Manufacturing Execution Genealogy diagram as an image.

  • Export to CSV - Click this option to download and export the information as a CSV file.

  • Export to PDF - Click this option to download and export the information in the PDF format.

  • Row Expander - View the project manufacturing genealogy information at all levels like header, serial, locators, and components level. To go back to the diagram view, click the Network Diagram icon.