Oracle Depot Repair Command Center

Depot Repair Command Center

Depot Repair Command Center Overview

You can use the Depot Repair Command Center to increase repair velocity while improving performance and quality. As depot managers and repair managers, you can ensure efficient and effective processing of the repair backlog and improve overall performance by analyzing data using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), performance evaluation metrics, charts, graphs, and tables. Based on your role, the Depot Repair Command Center enables you to:

In Oracle Depot Repair, the following Depot Command Center dashboards enable search functions using Enterprise Command Center integration:

Note: You can use the Depot Repair Command Center only after the installation and common configurations are completed as described in My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2495053.1, Installing Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework, Release 12.2. For additional ECC overview information, see Overview of Oracle Enterprise Command Centers, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Searching Enterprise Command Center Dashboards

Use the sidebars to refine (filter) the data on each dashboard. You can select a value or record from the Available Refinements component, or use the Search field to find a keyword, a value, or a specific record. The type-ahead feature suggests matches for your entry that correspond to the available refinements. When you submit a search, the search term is added to the Selected Refinements list, and the dashboard data is refined to include only records that match the search. You can add multiple refinements and remove any of them at any time. Use Saved Search to create and save your search. You can edit, delete, or refer to this saved search. You can also search using Descriptive Flexfield (DFF) attributes. For a list of Depot Repair Command Center flexfields, refer to the "Configuring Descriptive Flexfields for Search" section, in the chapter "Oracle Depot Repair Command Center Setup", Oracle Depot Repair Implementation Guide.

Use an asterisk (*) or a percent sign (%) to perform a partial keyword or record search that matches any string of zero or more characters. You can also use a question mark (?) to perform a partial search that matches any single character.

For more information about searching for and refining data in enterprise command centers, see "Overview of Enterprise Command Centers" in Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide.

Additional Information: For more information about searching for and refining data in Oracle Enterprise Command Centers, see "Search" under Highlights of an Enterprise Command Center, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide.

Open Service Orders Dashboard

The Open Service Orders dashboard enables you to streamline open orders to deal with current high-impact issues that require immediate resolution and to gather intelligence to analyze data. Use the dashboard to view open, escalated, aging, late, on-hold, rework, and unassigned orders. You can refine the information that is displayed in the dashboard by clicking the metrics, alerts, and portions of the graphs. Using available refinements like service orders, service requests, estimates, actuals, logistics, returns, jobs, carrier, and processor, you can view specific information on the dashboard. See the Depot Repair Command Center Overview for more information.

From the Depot Repair Manager responsibility, navigate to the Open Service Orders dashboard:

(N) Depot Repair > Service Manager Portal > Service Orders (tab) > Open (tab)

Within the Open Service Orders dashboard, you can analyze the data and review item metrics, charts, and tables.

Open Service Orders Dashboard

the picture is described in the document text

The following table describes the Open Service Orders dashboard components:

Components Description
Service Orders Metrics (summary bar) The Service Orders Metrics (summary bar) displays the following key metrics:
  • Open Service Orders - This metric displays the number of open service orders

  • On Hold - This metric displays the number of service orders that are on hold.

  • Escalated - This metric displays the number of escalated service orders.

  • Aging - This metric displays the number of aging orders.

  • Late - This metric displays the number of service orders that are delayed.

  • Rework - This metric displays the number of service orders that are being reworked.

  • Unassigned - This metric displays the number of service orders that are currently unassigned.

Click a metric to refine the information in the dashboard.
Key Reports (tab layout) The Key Reports tab layout provides charts that summarize open service orders information in the following tabs:
  • Due Date - This tab displays information about service orders by due date.

  • Status - This tab displays information about service orders by status.

  • Item - This tab displays information about service orders by item.

  • Owner - This tab displays information about service orders by owner.

You can refine the displayed data by clicking the data point on a chart and the dimension and metric value for a data point.
Due Date (tab) The Service Order (Count Distinct) by Days Until Due, Owner chart displays information about total service orders, the owners and days until they are due. Click the Options icon to select Owner, Service Org, Inventory Org, or Status from the Dimension menu. Days Until Due is the available option in the Group Dimensions menu.
Status (tab) The Service Order (Count Distinct) by Status, Owner chart displays information about total service orders by status and owner. Click the Options icon to select Owner, Service Org, Inventory Org, or Status from the Dimension menu. Status is the available option in the Group Dimensions menu.
Item (tab) The Service Order (Count Distinct) by Item, Owner chart displays information about total service orders by items ordered and by owner. Click the Options icon to select Owner, Service Org, Inventory Org, or Status from the Dimension menu. Item is the available option in the Group Dimensions menu.
Owner (tab) The Service Order (Count Distinct) by Owner, Status chart displays information about total service orders by owner and status. Click the Options icon to select Status or Days Until Due from the Dimension menu. Select Owner, Service Org, or Inventory Org from the Group Dimensions menu.
Results Tables (tab layout) This Open Service Orders results table shows all service order details that meet the current refinements. You can view subsets of the open service order details by selecting from the following options available from the drop-down list:
  • Service Orders

  • Service Requests

  • Estimates

  • Repair Actuals

  • Returns

  • Additional Information

  • SR Additional Information

Click on the links in the results tables columns to refine the information available in the dashboard.
Click the Service Order Number link to navigate to the Service Order page.
On the results table, click the Actions icon for a service order number, and select from the following:
  • Workbench - Click this action link to launch the Depot Repair Workbench.

  • Work Details - Click this action link to navigate to the Technician Portal.

You can select to perform the following actions available from the Options icon in the Open Service Orders dashboard results tables:
  • Compare - Select multiple rows to compare information.

  • Export - Export the search results in a comma-separated values (CSV) file format.

  • Update Selected Service Orders - Select a service order and update information for it.

Resolved Service Orders Dashboard

The Resolved Service Orders dashboard provides intelligence on the speed, quality, and cost of past repairs. This dashboard enables depot repair managers to investigate and document where and why there were bottlenecks and workload imbalances; holds, late orders and demand spikes; quality issues and rework; and extraordinary costs or profits. Use this dashboard to create supporting documentation to assess and reward performance, as well as create documentation for warranty claims, service level agreements (SLAs), and regulatory compliance. You can refine the information that is displayed in the dashboard by clicking the metrics, alerts and portions of the graphs. Using available refinements like service orders, service requests, estimates, actuals, logistics, returns, jobs, carrier, and processor, you can view specific information on the dashboard. See the Depot Repair Command Center Overview for more information.

From the Depot Repair Manager responsibility, navigate to the Resolved Service Orders dashboard:

(N) Depot Repair > Service Manager Portal > Service Orders (tab) > Resolved (tab)

Resolved Service Orders Dashboard

the picture is described in the document text

The following table describes the Resolved Service Orders dashboard components:

Components Description
Service Orders Metrics (summary bar) The Service Orders Metrics (summary bar) displays the following key metrics for resolved service orders:
  • Resolved Service Orders - This metric displays the number of resolved service orders.

  • On Hold - This metric displays the number of service orders that are on hold.

  • Meet Rate % - This metric displays the meet rate percentage for resolved service orders.

  • Rework Rate % - This metric displays the rework percentage for resolved service orders.

  • Average Turn Time (Days) - This metric displays the average turn times in days of for resolved service orders.

  • Average Hold Time (Hours) - This metric displays average hold time in hours for resolved service orders.

Click a metric to refine the information in the dashboard.
Key Reports (tab layout) The Key Reports tab layout provides charts that summarize resolved service orders information in the following tabs:
  • Late Orders - This tab displays information about late orders.

  • Rework - This tab displays information on resolved service orders that required rework.

  • Turn Time - This tab displays information about the turn time for resolved service orders.

  • Hold Time - This tab displays information about the hold time for resolved service orders.

  • Time in Status - This tab displays information about the duration resolved service orders were in a specific status.

  • Costs and Charges - This tab displays costs and charges information for resolved service orders.

You can refine the displayed data by clicking the data point on a chart and the dimension and metric value for a data point.
Late Orders (tab) The Service Orders (Distinct Count) by Owner, Item chart displays information about the number of late orders, owners, and item. Click the Options icon to select Owner, Service Org, Inventory Org, Operating Unit, Item, or Item Description from the Dimension menu and the Group Dimensions menu.
The Service Orders (Distinct Count) by Item, Owner chart displays the number of late orders on basis of items. Click the Options icon to select Owner, Service Org, Inventory Org, or Operating Unit from the Dimension menu. Select Item, or Item Description from the Group Dimensions menu.
Rework (tab) The Service Orders (Distinct Count) by Owner, Item chart displays information about the number of rework orders, owners, and item. Click the Options icon to select Item or Item Description from the Dimension menu. Select Owner, Service Org, Inventory Org, or Operating Unit from the Group Dimensions menu.
The Service Orders (Distinct Count) by Item, Owner chart displays the number of rework orders on basis of items. Click the Options icon to select Item or Item Description from the Dimension menu. Select Owner, Service Org, Inventory Org, or Operating Unit from the Group Dimensions menu.
Turn Time (tab) The Turn Time (Average) by Owner chart displays information about the average turn time in days for resolved service orders and the owner details.
The Turn Time (Average) by Item chart displays information about the average turn time in days for resolved service orders and the item details.
Click the Options icon to select Item, Item Description, Owner, Service Org, Inventory Org, or Operating Unit from the Dimension menu for both charts.
Hold Time (tab) The Time in Status (Average) by Owner chart displays information about the average hold time in days for resolved service orders and the owner details.
The Time in Status (Average) by Item chart displays information about the average hold time in days for resolved service orders and the item details.
Click the Options icon to select Item, Item Description, Owner, Service Org, Inventory Org, or Operating Unit from the Dimension menu for both charts.
Time in Status (tab) The Time in Status (Average) by Time in Status chart displays information about the average time in status in hours for resolved service orders and the status details like open, closed, and so on.
Costs and Charges (tab) The Total Cost (Sum) Charges (Sum) by Day Closed chart displays information about he total cost and charges for resolved service orders on basis of days the service orders were closed. Click the Options icon to select Days Closed, Week Closed, Month Closed, Quarter Closed, or Year Closed from the Dimension menu.
The Total Cost (Sum) Charges (Sum) by Item chart displays information about the total cost and charges for resolved service orders on basis of items. Click the Options icon to select Item, Item Description, Return Type, or Account Name from the Dimension menu.
Results Tables (tab layout) The Resolved Service Orders results table shows all service order details that meet the current refinements. You can view subsets of the resolved service order details by selecting from the following options available from the drop-down list:
  • Service Orders

  • Service Requests

  • Estimates

  • Repair Actuals

  • Returns

  • Additional Information

  • SR Additional Information

Click on the links in the results tables columns to refine the information available in the dashboard.
Click the Service Order Number link to navigate to the Service Order page.
On the results table, click the Actions icon for a service order number, and select from the following:
  • Workbench - Click this action link to launch the Depot Repair Workbench.

  • Work Details - Click this action link to navigate to the Technician Portal.

You can select to perform the following actions available from the Options icon in the Open Service Orders dashboard results tables:
  • Compare - Select multiple rows to compare information.

  • Export - Export the search results in a comma-separated values (CSV) file format.

  • Update Selected Service Orders - Select a service order and update information for it.

My Service Orders Dashboard

The My Service Orders dashboard helps to ensure efficient and effective processing of the repair backlog. Repair managers can execute the highest priority work first, and resolve escalations, holds, late and aging orders. This dashboard helps to continuously improve speed and quality in the repair processes. You can refine the information that is displayed in the dashboard by clicking the metrics, alerts, and portions of the graphs. Using available refinements like service orders, service requests, estimates, actuals, logistics, returns, and jobs, you can view specific information on the dashboard. See the Depot Repair Command Center Overview for more information.

From the Depot Repair Manager responsibility, navigate to the My Service Orders dashboard:

(N) Depot Repair > Technician Portal > My Service Orders (tab)

My Service Orders Dashboard

the picture is described in the document text

The following table describes the My Service Orders dashboard components:

Components Description
Service Orders Metrics (summary bar) The Service Orders Metrics (summary bar) displays the following key metrics for your service orders:
  • Open Service Orders - This metric displays the number of open service orders.

  • On Hold - This metric displays the number of service orders that are on hold.

  • Escalated - This metric displays the number of service orders that have been escalated.

  • Late - This metric displays the number of service orders that have been delayed.

  • Average Turn Time (Days) - This metric displays the average turn times in days of service orders.

  • Meet Rate % - This metric displays the meet rate percentage of service orders.

  • Rework Rate % - This metric displays the rework percentage of service orders.

Click a metric to refine the information in the dashboard.
Key Reports (tab layout) The Key Reports tab layout provides charts that summarize your service order information in the following tabs:
  • Status - This tab displays service orders status information.

  • Item - This tab displays service order information based on items.

  • Due Date - This tab displays service order information based on due dates.

You can refine the displayed data by clicking the data point on a chart and the dimension and metric value for a data point.
Status (tab) The Total Service Orders by Status chart displays total service order information by status and days until due. Click the Options icon to select Days Until Due, Item or Customer Name from the Dimension menu. Status is the available option in the Group Dimensions menu.
Item (tab) The Total Service Orders by Item chart chart displays total service order information by item and status. Click the Options icon to select Status, Days Until Due, or Customer Name from the Dimension menu. Item is the available option in the Group Dimensions menu.
Due Date (tab) The Total Service Orders by Days Until Due Date chart displays total service order information by days until due and the inventory organization name. Click the Options icon to select Inventory Org, Status, Item, Days Until Due, or Customer Name from the Dimension menu. Days Until Due is the available option in the Group Dimensions menu.
Results Tables (tab layout) The My Service Orders results table shows all service order details that meet the current refinements. You can view subsets of the resolved service order details by selecting from the following options available from the drop-down list:
  • Service Orders

  • Service Requests

  • Estimates

  • Repair Actuals

  • Returns

Click on the links in the results tables columns to refine the information available in the dashboard.
Click the Service Order Number link to navigate to the Service Order page.
On the results table, click the Actions icon for a service order number, and select from the following:
  • Workbench - Click this action link to launch the Depot Repair Workbench.

  • Work Details - Click this action link to navigate to the Technician Portal.

You can select to perform the following actions available from the Options icon in the My Service Orders dashboard results tables:
  • Compare - Select multiple rows to compare information.

  • Export - Export the search results in a comma-separated values (CSV) file format.