How to Shop

Looking for Items

Looking for Items


How do I search for catalog items?

Can I use transaction currency?

Can I search more than one store?

Can I use wildcard character searches?

How do I perform an AND or an OR search?

Can I enter hyphens or other special characters?

Is the searching case sensitive?

How do I do an advanced search?

How do I search in other languages?

See also: Shopping Lists.

Search Results

How do I sort my search results?

How do I filter my search results?

Why can I not find an item?

What does Add to Favorites do?

Why can I not add some items to my favorites list?

Why does the item information sometimes vary?

Search-Based Shopping

How do I use the What do you need to buy today? search feature

How do I use the purchasing news region?

What are Popular Categories?

What are Frequently Requested Items?

How do I view my recently created requisitions?

How can I access my latest approval notification?

How do I use the Results table?

How do I add items to my Cart?

How do I request services from the shopping page?

Using Ratings and Reviews

How do I search for catalog items?

Note: See Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide for detailed information about Oracle Enterprise Command Center.

  1. On the Shop home page:

    • Select a store. (Only searchable stores are included in the list.) You can search only one store at a time. You can also search for categories, and shopping lists. Use the infolets to view frequently ordered items.

    • Enter a keyword and click Go.

    • To search on part of a word, use a wildcard character. For example, to find ballpoint, enter ball% or ballpoint (not ball). To find pens, enter pen% (not pen).

  2. View the search results. The search engine returns items containing all of your keywords. Some stores contain multiple catalogs to maintain items. If so, the Search Results Summary page appears first, and shows the first few results from each catalog. Click "View more results" to view, sort, or filter all results.

Keywords must contain at least one character and typically consist of one or a combination of the following:

If you do not like the results returned from this search, you may want to try:

Note: The Employee Shopping Tracker dashboard, which is available from the Procurement Command Center displays the data for searches that are performed in the iProcurement Shop page. See Employee Shopping Tracker Dashboard, Oracle Purchasing User's Guide for more information.

Can I use transaction (foreign) currency?

Click an item name to open the Item Details page. The Item Details page displays the item attributes and their corresponding values.

You can enter transaction (foreign) currency (different from functional currency) for pricing catalog items, that are not linked to an agreement. Select the Currency (for example, AUD, EUR, etc.,). The Exchange Rate Type list of values is displayed. Select the exchange rate type and enter the date of the exchange rate (the Exchange Rate Date is defaulted to the current date).

The Exchange Rate is displayed, depending on the values of the Exchange Rate Type and Exchange Rate Date.

Enter a Price in the transaction currency based on the exchange rate. The corresponding price in USD (the functional or base currency) is already visible on the page.

Enter a Quantity for the item and click Add to Cart. Your item will be added to the cart along with the transaction currency information. If you do not enter a Price in the foreign currency, the system displays an error message, prompting you to enter a non-negative value for the Price field.

Please note that when you add the catalog item to your favorites, the item is added with transaction (foreign) currency details.

Can I search more than one store?

You can search only one store at a time.

Can I use wildcard searches?

You can use a wildcard character (either the % or the *) in the middle of or after your search character value. For example, a search on o% returns Oracle and Open Markets Inc., and a search on op% returns Open Markets Inc.

How do I perform an AND or an OR search?

When you enter keywords in the Search field, it always performs an AND search. For example, entering red pen returns items containing the words red and pen. To perform an OR search or a more detailed AND search, use advanced searching.

Can I enter hyphens or other special characters?

You can enter the following special characters while searching:

For example, you can search for post-it or AB_22ZL. Keywords with hyphens or underscores are treated as whole words. For example, a search on post or AB does not find post-it or AB_22ZL. To search part of a word, use wildcard characters.

Special characters such as a slash (/) and ampersand (&) are ignored. For example, a search on red, white & green looks for items containing red and white and green.

If you are searching in a catalog language that uses language-specific characters, the search supports them. See instructions for searching in other languages.

Is the searching case sensitive?

No. Entering ab22ZL finds AB22ZL.

How do I do an advanced search?

  1. On the Shop tab, click "Advanced Search" next to the Search field.

  2. Select a store.

    Note: Some stores, such as those that access external sites, cannot use advanced searching. These stores do not appear in an advanced search.

  3. For at least one of the fields, select a command from the list and enter a search term. (You can use wildcard characters.)

    • with all of the words performs an and search. (The words don't have to occur side by side.)

    • with at least one of the words performs an or search.

    • without the words excludes the keywords. In the following example, the search engine finds all pens not manufactured by Acme:- Description: with all of the words: pen. - Manufacturer: without the words: Acme

    • with the exact phrase looks for the same keywords, together, in that order.

    • is between, is greater than, is, and is less than are used by Unit Price. For example, is between 500 and 1,000 returns an item costing more than 500 and less than 1,000. (Select a Currency to avoid displaying prices in all currencies between 500 and 1,000.) The qualifier is performs an exact match; for example, entering 1.21 finds items that cost exactly 1.21 (not 1.2134). The search engine looks for the transactional (supplier's) price and currency.

    • If you enter advanced search criteria in more than one field, then the system performs an AND search on those terms.

  4. If a Flashlight icon appears next to the field, click it to search for and select the internally stored value. (When searching for the value, the search engine performs a begins with search. If you do not know the beginning of the name you are searching for, use a wildcard character--for example, %network.) If you cannot find a value, such as a supplier, it may not exist in that store.

  5. Optionally, select an additional field and click Add to search by additional criteria. (You still must enter a search in one of the other fields.)

  6. Click Go.

    Note: Quick Search exits the advanced search.

How do I sort my search results?

  1. Perform an item search to locate items. The simple way to sort results is by clicking on any highlighted column headings. For more complex sorting follow the steps below.

  2. Access the Search Results page by clicking "View more results."

  3. On the Search Results page, choose a Sort By option:

    • Relevance: Your Search Results appear in order by rank. Rank is based on the number of keyword matches found for an item and the number of times a keyword occurs in the entire catalog.

    • Other options: The available options depend on how your system was set up. Most options sort alphabetically. Options like Unit Price sort numerically. Words enclosed in quotation marks and numeric characters appear first.

      Note: Some catalog search results limit the sorting options.

  4. To sort items, select Ascending or Descending next to the Sort By field. Click Go.

For services, which display editable amounts in the search results, the system sorts by the default amount, not the amount that you entered. To sort by amount, select a Sort By of Unit Price.

How do I filter my search results?

Filtering your search results enables you to narrow your search by eliminating irrelevant items. When you choose the value by which you want to filter your items, all items that do not match that value are removed from your results.

To filter your item search results:

  1. Perform an item search to locate items.

  2. Access the Search Results page by clicking "View view more results."

  3. On the Search Results page, click Add Filter.

    Note: Filtering is not always available. Some catalogs do not allow filtering the search results.

  4. From the Filter menu, select an attribute to filter by.

  5. Click Go.

  6. A Filter Results By table lists the filter values. Choose a value to eliminate all results that do not contain that value. For example, if you only want to see items from Acme Supplier, choose Acme Supplier, and then click Apply. All suppliers other than Acme Supplier are eliminated from your results. You can filter by several values simultaneously. For example, if you only want to see items from Acme Supplier, Smith Supplies Inc., and Bargain Supplies, choose all three suppliers in the Filter Results By table, then click Apply.

  7. To filter by more than one attribute at a time (for example, by supplier and unit of measure), follow the instructions above. After you click Apply, click Add Filter and follow the instructions again.

To undo or restart filtering click Remove All Filters on the Search Results page.

How do I search in other languages?

If catalog items exist in multiple languages, you can search for items in a language other than the system's language. For example, if an item exists only in the German version of the catalog, you will not find it unless you change your search language to German.

To change your search language:

  1. In the Catalog Language box on the Shop home or Search Results pages, click "Change Catalog Language." (If you do not see this link, your administrator has hidden it.)

  2. On the Select Catalog Language page, select the language in which you want to search.

  3. Click Apply.

  4. Any search is now performed on that language version of the catalog, until you change the language again.

Why can I not find an item?

Why does the item information sometimes vary?

Some items are services, which can display an amount instead of a quantity and price. For some services, you can change this amount just like you can change the quantity on a goods item before adding it to the cart.

How do I use the What do you need to buy today? search feature

If you have configured iProcurement to use the ECC framework, then you can use the search-based shopping feature in Oracle iProcurement. For more information on how to configure iProcurement for ECC, see "Set Up Search-Based Shopping in iProcurement", Oracle iProcurement Implementation and Administration Guide.

Note: You must complete the Search-Based Shopping in iProcurement configuration and setup after the installation and common configurations are completed as described in My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2495053.1 Installing Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework, Release 12.2.

The Home page, accessible from the Shop tab, enables you to search all items by using the catalog item name, or generic name, using the search feature What do you want to buy today?. The All drop-down list displays shopping category names that are used to filter your search.

The search feature enables you to search for any item without first choosing the appropriate catalog, therefore you are not required to know the store from which the item is sourced. The search results display results from every eligible source, regardless of where the data is hosted.

Use the search box to search for and refine (filter) the data in the results table. You can select a value or record from the Available Refinements options, such as Browse By and Filters. The Filters refinement includes categories such as content type, item number, supplier contract, location, supplier part number, manufacturer, price, and so on. You can also use the Search field to find a keyword, a value, or a specific record. When you submit a search, or select an available refinement, the search term or refinement is added to the Selected Refinements list, and all of the data is refined. Use Saved Search to create and save your search. You can edit, delete, or refer to this saved search.

Use an asterisk (*) or a percent sign (%) to perform a partial keyword or record search that matches any string of zero or more characters. You can also use a question mark (?) to perform a partial search that matches any single character.

The Results table displays results based on refinements such as items, details of the item, content type, item rating, supplier information, manufacturer information, and so on.

For additional ECC overview information, see Overview of Oracle Enterprise Command Centers, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide.

Additional Information: For more information about searching for and refining data in Oracle Enterprise Command Centers, see "Search" under Highlights of an Enterprise Command Center, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide.

How do I use the purchasing news region?

The purchasing news region enables you to view procurement related news for your company, such as your company's purchasing policy, procurement alerts for your company, and so on.

What are Popular Categories?

The Popular Categories region enables you to view the most popular categories searched for by requesters in your company.

What are Frequently Requested Items?

The Frequently Requested Items region enables you to view the most popular items purchased by you or your business group. Set the profile option POR: Display Top Categories and Frequently Requested Items in ECC Shopping Page to Employee to view your popular items and frequently requested items.

Note: For more information about this profile option, see Oracle iProcurement Implementation and Administration Guide.

Click the item name link to view the Item Details page for that item.

The Item Details page contains item information such as price, shopping category, supplier, supplier site, and so on.

For the selected item, specify the required quantity then click Add to Cart, or Add to Favorites.

How do I view my recently created requisitions?

View your recently created requisitions in the My Requisitions region, where you perform actions such as View (requisition details), Change, Copy, or Express Receive.

Select the Full List action from the Options menu to view all of your requisitions on the Requisitions page.

You can also view all your requisitions by navigating to the Requisitions tab.

(N): Requisitions > Requisitions

How can I access my latest approval notifications?

Access your latest approval notifications in the My Notification region.

Click the notification description to view the details of the selected notification in the Notifications tab. On the Notification tab, click Return to Worklist to view all your notifications in the Worklist.

You can also view all your notifications by navigating to the Notifications tab.

(N): Requisitions > Notifications

How do I use the Results table?

In the Results table, scroll down to view the entire list of items in the search results.

Use the Results table to view search results for items, details of items, item and supplier ratings, supplier information, and to perform actions on those items. Additional supplier information is available as icons with tooltips above each supplier name (for example, Green Supplier, Preferred Supplier, Eco Friendly Supplier, and so on). The application uses relevance ranking to display the items on the page. Relevance ranking is a combination of system scoring and weightage. The highest ranked items and suppliers are displayed first on the page, followed by the other items and suppliers in ascending order. System scores are calculated based on the occurrence of matched text, and weightage given to descriptors (such as Preferred Supplier, Green Supplier and so on).

Note: To further refine the results, see: How do I use the What do you need to buy today? search feature

Select the check box in the Results table to choose an item. You can perform actions on the selected items. Use the Compare action from the Options menu to compare two or more items. To view item details, click the item name link. The items details are displayed as columns. You can search for a specific item attribute (such as price or description), and view it by entering the Item Attribute name in the Type to filter by attribute filter field. Use the Actions drop down to highlight the differences between various item attributes, or to reset the compare view to default. Click Return to go back to the Results table.

Click Add to Favorites to add your item to the Favorite list. A confirmation message appears, informing you that you have added the item to the Favorites.

How do I add items to my cart?

To add items to your shopping cart:

How do I request services from the shopping page?

To request a service, such as consulting. from the shopping page:

Using Ratings and Reviews

Click the item name link to open the Item Details, and the Ratings and Reviews tabs. The Ratings and Reviews tab enables requesters to get recommendations on the best products / services to buy that match requester's need. Organizations greatly value feedback and rating others provide on the products which they have already bought. This enables the user community to provide feedback about item/services to the procurement department (Buyer) to tell them that they have negotiated pricing for the goods & services. Buyers can access the review comments and ratings via the Procurement Command Center to know the review trends are positive or negative. The Ratings and Reviews tab displays the following information:

Shopping Lists

Shopping Lists

What is a shopping list?

How is a public shopping list different from Personal Favorites?

How do I create my favorites list?

Why should I use a shopping list?

How do I access these shopping lists?

Why can I not add some items to my favorites lists?

What is a shopping list?

It contains information on the items frequently requested. The types include: Public and Personal Favorites.

How is a public shopping list different from personal favorites?

If you see shopping lists other than personal favorites, then your company has created public lists for frequently needed items. Personal favorites is a list that you created by clicking Add to Favorites (for example, on the Search Results page).

How do I create My Favorites list?

Search for the items you frequently request, select them, and click Add to Favorites. You can also save items from a non-catalog request.

You can create additional personal favorite lists in iProcurement Preferences. See: Setting Preferences, Oracle iProucrement User Help.

Why should I use a shopping list?

It speeds the requisitioning process:

How do I access these shopping lists?

Click "Shopping Lists" on the Shop page.

Why can I not add some items to my favorites lists?

You can add some items to your favorites list only from the shopping cart rather than from the search results, if your administrator has set up the system to allow this.

If you see a disabled favorites list icon, then the item has a supplier configuration number (which might not appear). For example, personal computers are often configurable, and each configuration has a unique number. You cannot add these items to your favorites list.

Related Topics

Shopping at Supplier Sites

Shopping at Supplier Sites

Shopping at Supplier Sites

Can I shop at any internet shopping site?

How do I shop at a supplier site?

How do I check out goods bought at a supplier site?

Can I change the items I ordered from the supplier site?

Why do I get an error when accessing the supplier site?

Can I shop at any Internet shopping site?

You can shop only at sites to which Oracle iProcurement directs you through a link. Your administrator set up these sites.

How do I shop at a supplier site?

Any store can contain, or directly link to, an external site. Your company and the supplier set up the site to automatically return you to Oracle iProcurement when you finish shopping. The goods from the site automatically appear in your shopping cart.

How do I check out goods bought from a supplier site?

When you have returned to iProcurement, click Checkout to process your requisition. Your shopping cart can contain items from external supplier sites or from your organization's catalogs.

Can I change the items I ordered from the supplier site?

It depends on how your administrator set up access to the site. If the supplier does not want you to change the quantity after leaving its site, then Oracle iProcurement does not allow you to update the quantity.

If your item was configured on the supplier site (for example, you configured your own computer), then often you cannot change this information after leaving the site.

See also information on linked item descriptions.

Why do I get an error when accessing the supplier site?

If you receive a message that the supplier site is not responding or cannot be reached, then something is wrong with the connection between Oracle iProcurement and the site. Try again later.

If you receive a message that the user name or password is incorrect, then your administrator needs to verify the setup for the site.

Contact your purchasing or system administrator for problems accessing the supplier site.

Non-Catalog Requests

Non-Catalog Requests

How do I use non-catalog requests?

Why can I not update some fields?

Can I use transaction currency in non-catalog requests?

Why do the non-catalog request fields differ?

How does a non-catalog request differ from a catalog request?

What does the New Supplier check box do?

Is the requisitioning process different for a non-catalog request?

Could I receive notifications about a purchase order created from the requisition?

How do I check for similar catalog items?

How do I use non-catalog requests?

Non-catalog requests help you purchase goods and services not available in the catalog. You can use non-catalog requests to order:

If your company created multiple non-catalog request templates, then you must select a request type.

Why can I not update some fields?

You company can customize the non-catalog request page. If so, then your company may not allow some fields to be changed.

Can I use transaction (foreign) currency in Non-Catalog Requests?

Transaction currency (such as AUD, SGD, CAD) can be used in a catalog request.

In addition, when you edit a non-catalog request, the following transaction currency fields are available for you to use, to complete the non-catalog request creation with another transaction currency.

If the supplier and the supplier site are entered, then the default currency is displayed which is based on the OU, Supplier Name, or Site (supplier site) respectively. Otherwise, it defaults from the preferences.

Why do the non-catalog request fields differ?

Your company can display different non-catalog request fields depending on the store. The fields also vary depending on the Request Type chosen.

How does a non-catalog request differ from a catalog request?

Your company maintains a catalog of items, item information, and preferred supplier information. When searching, you search this online catalog. Use non-catalog requests to request items that are not available in this catalog.

What does the New Supplier check box do?

If you enter supplier information for a non-catalog request, selecting the New Supplier check box tells iProcurement not to validate the supplier. This allows you to enter a name for suppliers that are not yet approved for use by your organization. It does not add them to your supplier base.

Is the requisitioning process different for a non-catalog request?

The requisitioning process for catalog and non-catalog request items are similar except that for a catalog item, you search for the catalog item online and select it while for a non-catalog request, you enter the item information yourself. In both cases, the checkout process is the same.

Could I receive notifications about a purchase order created from the requisition?

Notify me with status updates for my Purchase Order: If this checkbox is selected, the requester receives a notification when a purchase order is created, or approved. By default, this checkbox is selected, because the selection defaults from the iProcurement Preferences page.

How do I check for similar catalog items?

To check for similar catalog items when you create a non-catalog request, use the profile option POR: Force User to Auto Suggest Page in NCR Flow.

For more information on this profile option, see Oracle iProcurement Implementation and Administration Guide.

The Check Catalog for Similar Items displays your non-catalog request details and the suggested catalog items. The suggestions are based on details like the description you enter in the non-catalog request.

Optionally, to request that the buyer add this non-catalog request to the catalog, select the check box Please add this Non-Catalog Request to a catalog for future orders. To check the progress of your request, click Feedback.

Note: Search-Based Shopping in Oracle iProcurement is available through Oracle Enterprise Command Center. For more information on Installation and common configurations, see: My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2495053.1, Installing Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework, Release 12.2.

Related Topics

Spot Buy Using Non-Catalog Requests

Spot Buy Using Non-Catalog Requests

Spot Buy contributes a certain percentage of indirect spend. These items are not sourced, business critical and the requester needs it. These are typically low Spend items, project based purchase with high volume transactions and too costly to involve sourcing and procurement organizations. Spot Buy is defined as non budgeted spend and are mostly non-catalog requests with most being sourced with a few bids and one buy.

Certain business users have the buying insight and authority to place purchase orders for their needs. The spot buy feature empowers requestors to convert requisitions to purchase orders using the "few bids and one buy" approach.

When Spot Buy is set up for a user/role, the Non-Catalog Request page shows several options, that you can use to complete a spot buy requisition.

When you click the Non-Catalog Request tab, the following conditions determine what is displayed on the page:

To create a spot buy requisition:

  1. Use the following dropdown values in the Non-Catalog Request page. Select one of the following in response to the question: What do you need to request?

    • Goods. I can provide a description, item price, and quantity. (Line Type: Goods billed by Quantity)

    • Goods or Services. I can provide a description and a total amount. (Line Type: Goods or services billed by Amount)

    • Services. I can provide a description/statement of work, rate and quantity (Line Type: Services billed by Quantity)

  2. Enter the category name in the field next to the question, and click Go. You can enter category, or category description, or commodity in the keyword search field for category search.

    The table displays the category, description, commodity, and spot buy threshold limit values (the functional currency is displayed here).

    Note: The spot buy threshold limit is displayed when the ICX Spot Buy Access Role is granted to the user. The limit can be rendered on the page using personalization, depending on your business requirements. The buying organization determines the spot buy threshold limit, which limits the amount based on the user and the category. The buying organization can choose whether to display the threshold limit to requesters. This helps to control the spend limit.

    Select a Category by clicking the radio button.

    Note: To create a spot buy request, you must specify the Spot Buy Threshold Limit for category.

  3. Below the table is a set of three options that pertain to supplier selection. The question

    Have you already found a supplier for the goods or services you need?

    requires that you select one of the three options as a response:

    • No, I do not know which supplier to use: this response opens the Non-Catalog Request page with no supplier related fields. Thus you can create the Non-Catalog Request with no supplier, however, the buyer will need to specify a supplier in Demand Workbench, when the buyer autocreates the requisition to a purchase order.

    • Yes, I already have a particular supplier in mind: this response opens the Non-Catalog Request page with the fields for the supplier entry visible and enabled.

      Use the Find Your Supplier region to select a supplier. If you wish to suggest a supplier who does not exist in the system, click the link in If you cannot find your supplier click here to setup a new supplier. This link enables you to create, invite, or register a new supplier for the spot buy requisition. The link is personalizable, that is, you can hide/show it as per your requirement. The requisition is sent to Demand Workbench, where the system autocreates the requisition to a purchase order.

      If you have a spot buy access role, you can create supplier details in the system. To invite suppliers, you need any requester role, and an Oracle iSupplier Portal licence. To register suppliers, you need any requester role, and access to the Non-Catalog Request page.

      The Onboard New Supplier page appears, where you need to enter new supplier details such as supplier name, justification, address, and contact information. The value of the Registration Purpose column is defaulted, depending on the following conditions: In the Non-Catalog Request page, if you click the checkbox Automatically Create a Purchase Order, the value of Registration Purpose is defaulted to Spot Buy Request (non-editable value). However, in the Non-Catalog Requestpage, if you do not click the checkbox Automatically Create a Purchase Order, the value of Registration Purpose defaults to Non-Catalog Request (non-editable value).

      In the Tax Details region, you can enter tax-related information for the supplier, including Tax Country, Taxpayer ID, Tax Registration Number, and D-U-N-S Number. This region is optional. A buyer can enter the supplier's tax information at a later time. For more information about entering tax information, refer to Oracle Supplier Lifecycle Management User Guide.

      If you do not enter tax information while registering the supplier, you can add this information at a later point in time. Note that if tax details are not entered, and if you click Register Supplier, the supplier registration request has a status of Draft.

      Click Register Supplier to proceed with the supplier registration.

      Click the I agree to the terms and conditions checkbox in order to proceed with creating, registering, or inviting suppliers. Click Create, Invite, or Register, depending on your requirement. The new suppliers are created, registered or invited and their information is updated in the Non-Catalog Request page. Newly created suppliers have a supplier status of Approved. Successfully invited or registered suppliers have a supplier status of Supplier to Provide Details. Other supplier statuses for onboarded suppliers are: Pending Approval, Approved, Rejected, Active (for existing suppliers). When supplier onboarding is complete, you can proceed with adding to cart and checking out.

    • Yes, I have got pricing from multiple suppliers: this response displays a table in the Non-Catalog Request page, where you can add multiple suppliers (who exist in the system), rank them and enter the prices they have quoted.

      First enter your item information, and then scroll down to the suppliers table. Click the Add Rows icon (with the green plus sign) to add a new row for your supplier. Select the supplier name, enter the price, promised date and rank. The rank for each supplier should be unique (for example: if you have three suppliers, their ranks might be 1, 2,3…). If you wish to order from the supplier(s), select the Order From checkbox. Click the Update icon to open the Update Supplier popup, in order to enter the contact details for the supplier.

      Please note that requesters with a spot buy role can create suppliers when the multiple supplier table is displayed. However, requesters without a spot buy role cannot onboard a supplier.

  4. The Supplier On-boarding Policy News region enables organizations to add their policies and other useful information about the supplier on-boarding process.

    Note that the price can be in transaction currency, that may be different from the functional currency. However the Amount column shows you the value in the functional currency only.

  5. Select the Automatically create a Purchase Order when my requisition is approvedcheckbox to send the requisition to Demand Workbench, where the system autocreates the requisition to a purchase order. If the requester has a Spot Buy role, and if the requisition amount is within the threshold limit, a purchase order is created automatically when the requisition is approved.

  6. Click Add to Cart when you are done. The items will be added to your cart.

    You can proceed to checkout the same way that you would do for a regular Non-Catalog Request.

    The Requisition Summary page, Shopping Cart page, and Edit Lines page display an indicator for Spot Buy items, which lets you know that the requisition is a Spot Buy requisition.

  7. Requisition lines may be spot buy lines or non-spot buy lines. When the requisition is submitted, the spot buy lines are automatically created to a purchase order, if all the setup steps for spot buy are complete. For non-spot buy lines, the buyer needs to autocreate the requisition lines to a purchase order in Demand Workbench.

When copying a spot buy requisition, the system automatically copies the value of the checkbox Automatically create a Purchase Order when my requisition is approved.

When you create a spot buy requisition with a Smart Form category, the system enables the spot buy requisition as a requisition that can be referenced in purchase orders.

For more information on autocreating purchase orders from spot buy requisitions, see: Oracle Purchasing User's Guide.

For more information on setting up Spot Buy, see: Oracle iProcurement Implementation and Administration Guide.