Approving Requisitions

Finding Requisitions to Approve

Finding Requisitions to Approve

How do I find requisitions that require my approval?

How do I approve a requisition?

How do I reject a requisition ?

What are To Do and FYI notifications on the Notifications page?

Can I reject some of the items in a multi-item requisition?

How do I forward a requisition to another approver?

How do I reassign the requisition to another approver?

Why do I sometimes not see certain approval actions?

How do I know when a purchase order or agreement is created from my requisition?

How do I see the transaction currency in a notification?

How do I view charge account details in a notification?

Can I change the check box I need a purchase order number immediately?

How do I find requisitions that require my approval?

To find requisitions for approval:

  1. Do either:

    • Below the Requisitions tab, click Approvals. You can view requisitions from all operating units for which you have an access. Search for specific requisitions to approve.

    • Below the Requisitions tab, click Notifications. View To Do Notifications and click Go.

  2. Find the requisition to approve.

  3. Open the requisition or notification.

What are To Do and FYI notifications on the Notifications page?

To Do notifications require your approval. FYI (For Your Information) notifications inform you of requisitions that have been approved, approvers that could not be found, or items that you should have received.

Can I reject some of the items in a multi-item requisition?

You cannot selectively approve or reject individual items. You can edit the requisition to add or delete items, modify requisition quantity, and then approve the requisition.

How do I approve a requisition?

Find and open the requisition or notification and click Approve. However, the application displays a warning message if you update the details of a requisition. The warning message states that if you edit the requisition details, then the Approval hierarchy refreshes and reverts to the original default approver.

How do I reject a requisition ?

Find and open the requisition or notification, and click Reject.

How do I forward a requisition to another approver?

  1. Find and open the requisition or notification.

  2. Find and select a forward-to approver.

  3. Click Forward to forward to the other approver. Click Approve and Forward to both record your approval and forward the requisition.

See what happens to the approval hierarchy when you add or forward to another approver.

How do I reassign the requisition to another approver?

  1. Find the requisition or notification.

  2. Click Reassign. (Depending on how your administrator configured the system, you may see a button other than Reassign. See the online Help on the opened notification for more information.)

Why do I sometimes not see certain approval actions?

If you do not see Forward or Approve and Forward actions on any notification, then your system may not have been configured by your administrator to include them.

Alternatively, some notifications vary in the actions that you can take. For example, you may receive notifications to approve incomplete requisitions that you created. In these notifications, you cannot reject the requisition.

You may also see notifications from other applications, which have their own actions.

How do I know when a purchase order or agreement is created from my requisition?

If, when you created the purchase requisition, you selected the Notify Me with Status Updates for my Purchase Order checkbox, you will receive notifications when a purchase order or agreement is created from your requisition, and when that purchase order or agreement is approved, or rejected.

When the purchase order or agreement is approved, a notification informs you that the document has been approved, and the supplier will also be notified.

When the purchase order or agreement is rejected, a notification informs you that the purchasing document has been rejected. This notification is sent if you had selected the Notify me with status updates for my Purchase Order checkbox during the requisition creation.

How do I see the transaction currency in a notification?

The transaction (foreign) currency information is shown in a notification when you click one of the following links in the notification:

How do I view charge account details in a notification?

For requisitions with accounting information, the charge account details are displayed in the notification at the requisition line level. If the requisition has associated projects and tasks, clicking the Charge Account link displays the charge account, percent, quantity, amount, project name, task name, and expenditure details. When there are multiple charge accounts, the Multiple link displays instead of the charge account (in a web-based notification). Click the Multiple link to open the Distributions popup that displays the charge accounts, with the allocation percentage, quantity, and amount. With an email based notification, the Multiple link is not available.

Related Topics

Editing Requisitions in Your Approval Queue

Editing Requisitions in Your Approval Queue

Editing Requisitions in Your Approval Queue

What changes can I make in the approver shopping cart?

Where do I start if I want to edit a submitted requisition?

Can I delete items from a requisition submitted for my approval?

Can I update item quantity?

Can I add items to a requisition submitted for my approval?

Why are some item descriptions linked?

What changes can I make in the approver shopping cart?

The approver shopping cart enables you to make changes to requisitions that are waiting for your approval. You can add new items, delete existing items, and change quantities.

Where do I start to edit a submitted requisition?

  1. On the Requisitions tab, click Notifications.

    The Notifications page opens.

  2. Click the subject link for the requisition you want to approve, edit, or cancel.

  3. Click "Edit Requisition."

    The Approver Shopping Cart page opens.

  4. Edit the line or click the Trashcan icon on the item line you want to delete.

Can I delete items from a requisition submitted for my approval?

Yes. See the steps for editing a submitted requisition.

Can I update item quantity?

Yes. See the steps for editing a submitted requisition.

Can I add items to a requisition submitted for my approval?

Yes. See the steps for editing a submitted requisition. After you click "Edit Requisition," click "Return to Shopping." Search for your item and add it the cart.