Setting Up Duplicate Checking

This chapter covers the following topics:

About the Duplicate Checking Topics

This group of topics explains how you can set up the application to automatically check for potential duplicates of the service request an agent or customer is creating.

For an explanation of the different ways of checking for duplicates, see Duplicate Checking Overview.

For the general setup procedure see Setting Up Duplicate Checking.

The other topics provide details for the setup of each method:

Duplicate Checking Overview

The application determines if new service requests are possible duplicates of existing ones based on the following attributes:

The two methods of checking for duplicates meet different business needs. If your organization services items owned by your customers, then you are likely to restrict checking to the customer and item combination. If you are a government agency responding to reports of power outages or broken water mains, then you are likely to implement duplicate checking on the extended attributes and the incident address.

You can use the status to identify duplicate service requests. Select the Include in Duplicate Checking check box on the Service Request Status window to enable the status to be considered in the duplicate checking process.

If a service request is identified as a duplicate, then the status of the service request and the resolution code is automatically set to Closed. You can modify the status and the resolution code for an event in the Automatic Status Update Rules window. For more information, see Service Request Linking to Specify Duplicates and Other Relationships.

In the HTML based modules of Oracle TeleService, the agent can search if there are any existing duplicate of and similar service requests to the new service request. Your administrator can set up the application to automatically detect duplicate and similar service requests.

Duplicate Checking Based on Customer and Item

For example, an agent at a printer manufacturer receives a call from a customer contact reporting that a departmental printer is broken. The agent records the details about the problem and asks the caller for the printer's serial number.

If the agent enters the serial number or instance number for the printer, the application checks for duplicates or similar requests and displays a list of any service requests that have been created for that printer within the period you specify.

Because the printer is shared by many people in the department, chances are that others have already called about the same problem. If they have, the agent can abort the service request creation, or, if the problem is new, continue creating the service request.

If the caller does not know the serial or instance number, the application checks for duplicates based on a combination of the customer and item and displays a listing of potential duplicates at the time the agent saves the service request. The agent can either create a service request, or create a duplicate service request that is linked to the original service request.

Creating a duplicate service request, for customers calling about the same problem makes it possible for the organization to track the number of service requests agents handle and to add the customer contact to the list of people who are notified when the issue is resolved.

Online customers who report the same problem on their Oracle iSupport portal, do not receive any warnings. The application permits the customer to create the service request and find duplicates, notify the owner of the service request (an agent that has been assigned to handle the service request) that the customer has created a potential duplicate.

Duplicate Checking Based on Capture of Extended Attributes

A government agency receives a call from a resident of 915 Oxford Street that a truck has been parked in front of the house for the past week.

The agent selects "Abandoned Vehicle" as the service request type and enters the address the caller is reporting as the incident address. The application presents the agent with a list of questions that you have set up for this service request type: What is the make of the vehicle?, the model?, the color?, the license plate number? (See Overview of Topics on Capturing Additional Service Request Attributes in the Contact Center.)

When the agent saves the service request, the application performs the duplicate check based on any of the information you specify using the procedures in this section and displays a list of any potential duplicates.

You must create service request task territories to assign the default task owner (either a group or an individual) else the tasks are not created. See Guidelines for Setting Up Service Territories for more information.

Just as with the previous duplicate checking method, the agent can create a service request, or create a duplicate service request, linked to the original.

Online customers can also report the problem. The application creates the service request and notifies an agent ,you specify in the setup, that a potential duplicate service request is created.

Note: The application notifies different individuals based on the duplicate checking process selected. For customer and item-based checking, the process notifies the service request owner. For attribute-based checking you must specify a single individual to be notified for each service request type.

Setting Up Duplicate Checking

Use this procedure to set up duplicate checking on saving a service request.

To set up duplicate checking

  1. Turn on duplicate checking by setting the system profile option Services: Check for Duplicate Service Requests to Yes.

    By default, this profile option is set to No. This profile option takes precedence over all other duplicate checking setups. If it is set to No, duplicate checking is turned off.

  2. Select the type of duplicate check you wish to use by setting the profile option Services: Service Request Duplicate Criteria as follows:

    1. To enable duplicate checking by customer and item, select one of the following:

      • Instance or (Customer, Item, and Serial Number)

        Select this setting if your organization uses serial numbers when logging service requests against items.

        The application checks duplicates on either the instance or the combination of customer, item, and serial number.

      • Instance or (Customer and Item)

        Select this option if you do not use serial numbers for logging service requests against items. The application checks for duplicates on either instance or a combination of customer and item.

        Note: This profile takes precedence over setups you make in the Service Request Attribute Configuration window. If you select to check for duplicates using item and customer alone using one of these two settings, the application does not perform a check based on attributes even if you select to do so while setting up attributes in the Service Request Attribute Configuration window.

    2. To enable duplicate checking based on extended attributes and the incident address alone, select Extended Attributes and Incident Address.

    3. To enable duplicate checking using both types of check, select one of the two following options:

      • All with Serial Number

        Performs both type of duplicate checks with the serial number.

      • All without Serial Number

        Performs both type of duplicate checks without the serial number.

  3. If you have selected to use duplicate checking by customer and item, then set up the time duration system profile and notifications as outlined in Setting Up Duplicate Checking by Customer and Item Details.

  4. If you have selected to use the attribute method of duplicate checking, then select the attributes and time frame for the check in the Service Request Attribute Configuration window. See Setting Up Duplicate Checking by Service Request Attributes.

Setting Up Duplicate Checking by Customer and Item Details

Use this procedure to enable duplicate checking by customer and item.


You must first set up the system profile options to enable duplicate checking by customer and item described in Setting Up Duplicate Checking.

To set up duplicate checking by customer and item

  1. Set up the time frame for the duplicate checking:

    1. Set the system profile option Service: Service Request Duplicate Time Frame UOM to the unit of time you want to use. This profile option is set to Day by default.

    2. Set the system profile option Service: Service Request Duplicate Time Frame to the time duration. By default, this profile option is set to 30.

  2. To notify the owner of the service request when the application finds duplicates, set up notifications as described in Setting Up Notifications.

    Notifications provide the only way to alert agents when service requests are created in Oracle iSupport or Oracle Email Center. In the Service Request tab of the Contact Center and in the Service Request window, agents receive automatic alerts.

Setting Up Duplicate Checking by Service Request Attributes

Use this procedure to set up duplicate checking by service request attributes.


You must first:

To set up duplicate checking by service request attributes

  1. Under the Service responsibility, navigate to Setup, then Mapping, and select Extended Attribute Mapping.

    The Service Request Attribute Configuration window appears.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Select the service request type you wish to set up using the Type list of values.

    The window displays the attributes you have created.

  3. In the Duplicate Check region:

    1. Select the Check Required check box.

    2. Enter the time frame as an integer in the Time Frame field.

    3. Select the unit of measure using the Increment Type list of values.

      For example, to check all service requests created in the past two hours for duplicates, enter 2 in the Time Frame field and select Hour as the increment.

  4. Select the Incident Address check box to use the incident address in duplicate checking.

  5. For each attribute you want to use for the duplicate check, select the Duplicate check box.

Setting Up Duplicate Checking by Item Instance or Serial Number

You can have the application identify potential duplicate service requests whenever agents enter the serial number or the item instance number (the number identifying the customer product in Oracle Installed Base).

The application alerts agents about prior service requests for the product.

Note: The application checks for potential duplicates when you select the item instance or serial number and not when you save the service request.

To set up duplicate checking by item instance or serial number

  1. Set up the time frame for the duplicate checking:

    1. Set the system profile option Service: Service Request Duplicate Time Frame UOM to the unit of time you wish to use. By default, this profile option is set to Day.

    2. Set the system profile option Service: Service Request Duplicate Time Frame to the time duration. By default, this profile option is set to 30.

  2. Set the system profile Services: Check for Similar Service Requests to Yes. (A setting of No disables this functionality).