Enabling Universal Work Queue

About Universal Work Queue Integration with Oracle TeleService

Universal Work Queue integrates customer channels into E-Business Suite applications and makes it possible for agents working in Customer Support, IT Help Desk, and Case Management to accept work from different sources, that is assigned to them and their groups.

The HTML Universal Work Queue application is a central portal for agent work access. It dynamically displays media and application work nodes and summary items, and provides work access controls. From the work queue, agents browse through work sources, organize work summaries, select and open work items, view work item details, and act on selected work items. Agents use work access controls to request queued work or media contacts and to open selected work items or to get next work.

Implementing Universal Work Queue in Oracle TeleService

Agents using Customer Support, IT Help Desk, and Case Management can access the Universal Work Queue functionality for nonmedia work types in the Agent Dashboard or through the Universal Work Queue HTML page.

To display the Universal Work Queue region, you can use personalization to hide or expose content, rename tabs and fields, and make other personalization changes.

For example, Customer Support implementations may choose to expose My Tasks and Unassigned Tasks on the Agent Dashboard if agents are using tasks in the resolution of service requests.

For more information on how to personalize and display flexible content, see Configuring and Personalizing HTML Modules Process Overview.

Work Queue Display

The Universal Work Queue displays your assigned work nodes and allows you to view your current workload and select a specific node to view summarized information about each qualified work item.

The work items for each node are displayed in a tree (referred to as "HGrid") always displays on the left side of the Agent Dashboard or in Universal Work Queue page.

The work queue displays nodes for the following items:

The service requests node displays service requests of types that are mapped to the agent's responsibility. Similarly tasks nodes display tasks that are attached to the service request types that are mapped to the agent's responsibility. For more information on service request security, see, Setting Up Security.

Requesting Work

This option is used to request distribution of one or more queued work items. The number of work items requested is predetermined by your administrator and your qualification.

The logic used by the 'Request Work' button is the same as the 'Next Work', except that work items that are already assigned to the agent are ignored.

The number of work items that are assigned to the agent is based on the profile "IEU: Distribute: Amount for distribute only". For example, if there are ten unassigned work items, and the value of the profile is set to three, each time the agent presses this button, the system assigns three work items to the agent.

Use this procedure to request distribution only. Universal Work Queue will attempt to distribute the specified number of work items.


Customer Support, Incident Manager or Problem Manager, and Case Worker



  1. In the Agent Dashboard, Universal Work Queue region or from the Universal Work Queue page click Request Work.

    This displays the Request Work page. This displays a list of all Work Sources (types) your current responsibility qualifies to receive.

  2. Select the check box to include the work source for this request.

  3. Click OK to receive work or Cancel to abort the request.

    A confirmation is displayed informing you of the amount of work distributed. Depending on available qualified work in the selected work sources you may receive all requested work, some requested work or no work.

Next Work Delivery and Distribution

The Next Work option is used to pull the next priority work item from the queue. Next Work derives the next important work item that the agent needs to work on based on the priority and due dates of the work item. It considers work items that are already assigned to the agent and work items that are unassigned to the agent but belong to a group that the agent is a member of. Work items that are already owned by other resources or those that are in a 'Closed' or 'On Hold' status or those that in a 'sleep' state are not considered for work distribution.


Customer Support, Incident Manager or Problem Manager, and Case Worker



  1. In the Agent Dashboard, Universal Work Queue region or from the Universal Work Queue page click Next Work.

    This displays the Next Work page. This displays a list of all Work Sources (types) your current responsibility qualifies to receive.

  2. Select the check box to include the work source for this request.

  3. Click OK to receive work or Cancel to abort the request.

Assigning a New Action

The lists of actions available to you from the Action page differ by work type and the source document (work source). Also different actions may be available when multiple work items are selected. Each node has a default action configured by your administrator.

Use this procedure to change the current action.


Customer Support, Incident Manager or Problem Manager, and Case Worker



  1. Select a work item from the work queue on the Agent Dashboard, Universal Work Queue region or from the Universal Work Queue page.

  2. Click the icon in the Action column for the selected work item.

  3. In the Actions list, select a new action for the work item.

    Depending on the action selected, different work item attributes are displayed. You can view and update the attributes.

  4. Click Apply.