


Adopt As-Is
An option that enables a local organization to adopt a global clause without modification. However, the clause still goes through formal approvals in the local organization.
Any changes that are made to the terms and conditions of a signed contractual business document. These changes could be made to the contract language or to the deliverables.
Allows organizations to use global clauses automatically, without formal approval processes.


Business Document
A document that is generated in the procurement or sales contracting business flows. Examples are, Purchase Order, Quote, Sales Order, and Blanket Purchase Agreement.


Business or legal language that constitutes the terms and conditions of a contract. Note that in earlier releases of Oracle Contracts, clauses were referred to as articles.
A binding agreement between two or more individuals or organizations that describes the obligations and rights of the parties and is enforceable by law.
Contract Document
Any document that is used for the purpose of or incidental to a contractual negotiation or execution. Examples of contract documents include, signed contract image and supporting documents.
Contract Hierarchy
Contract Hierarchy depicts related contracts in an H-Grid table layout. In the default view, the reference contract is the root and shown on row 1 or level 1. Each related contract for the reference contract is shown at level 2. By expanding any level 2 contract, you can access any additional related contracts of any level 2 contract, and so on.
Contract Template
A document containing standard (boilerplate) terms and conditions that organizations use to rapidly create new contracts with preapproved legal language.
Contract Terms
See: Terms and Conditions.
Contract Terms Library
A centralized repository for approved Contract Templates.
Contract XML
The XML document that represents the terms and conditions of a contract. Oracle Contracts uses this document to generate the contract document in PDF using a layout template that is configured by the user.
Contracts Workbench
Users can access contracts authored in other applications (for example, Oracle Order Management) and manage repository contracts from the contracts workbench.
Contractual Deliverable
A task that is part of the terms and conditions of the contract, and one of the parties needs to perform it during the life of the contract. Note that the Deliverables functionality is currently supported only on contracts with Buy intent.


Data Source Name
The name of the data definition for a layout template.
A task that needs to be performed as part of the execution of the contract, either once or in a repeating fashion. Deliverables are part of the terms and conditions of a contract. Note that the Deliverables functionality is currently supported only on contracts with Buy intent.
Deliverable Variable
A variable that captures the list of deliverables that are applicable to a contract. The list appears in table format on a printed contract. Note that the Deliverables functionality is currently supported only on contracts with Buy intent.
Document Type
A categorization of business documents, in the Contract Terms Library, to identify documents that are generated in procurement or sales contracting business flows.


Execute a Contract
Means to fulfill the commitments under the contract. Note that some organizations use this term to describe the act of signing of a contract.
External Party
Represents all business units or organizations with which a contract can be entered into. In Oracle Contracts, External Party specifically identifies suppliers or customers, as understood in the procurement or sales flows respectively.


Global Organization
An operating unit in an organization that sets contract standards for all operating units worldwide.


Insert by Reference
Enables users to print only a reference to the full clause text on a printed contract without printing the entire text. The text of a clause with this attribute is standard and publicly available. A reference to the location of the full text is sufficient on the printed document. This is typically used in procurement contracts of U.S. government agencies.
Determines the usage of contract.
Internal Deliverable
A task that the internal party needs to perform but is not part of the terms and conditions. Internal Deliverables typically are fulfilled to augment the contractual deliverables and stay compliant with contract terms.
Internal Party
Internal party represents a business unit or organization that has implemented and uses the Oracle Contracts solution.


Keyword Search
An easy method to search for clauses and contract templates in the Contract Terms Library. The search is performed across several attributes, such as Description, Title, and Clause Text.


Layout Template
A document that defines the layout of contract templates or contract terms on other business documents. The layout template is designed using the following file types:
  • XSL-FO

  • RTF (Rich Document Format)

  • PDF (Portable Document Format)

Local Organization
An operating unit of a larger organization. Local organizations subscribe to global clauses that are approved by the global organization, and adopt or localize them for use in local contracts.
The process by which a local organization uses Oracle Contracts to modify global clauses to enable the use of clauses in that organization.


Negotiation Deliverable
A deliverable that needs to be performed during the negotiation phase of the contract. It is authored and managed in Oracle Sourcing. Note that the Deliverables functionality is currently supported only on contracts with Buy intent.
Numbering Scheme
A definition of the numbering format that numbers clauses and sections in a printed contract.


One-Time Order
A single sales transaction that results in fulfillment and invoicing of specified products or services at specified prices.
Order Release
A sales transaction referencing a sales agreement. The Sales Agreement governs the terms and price of the release.


Refers to any business unit or organization representing both sides of a contract, whether internal or external.
(Portable Document Format) An open printable-document standard that Adobe Systems, Incorporated developed and that Oracle Contracts uses as the format for printed contracts. Use the Adobe Acrobat application to view and print PDF documents.
Used in the Federal Government contracting. A provision is a type of clause that is used only in negotiations and is dropped when the negotiation is converted to a contract.


Redline Comparisons
Compares and highlights the differences between two pieces of clause text. Oracle Contracts offers redline comparisons between two versions of a standard clause, between a nonstandard clause and its original standard clause, and more.
Related As
This field specifies the relationship that a contract being related to serves. For example, the contract may be related as a Master Agreement. The Related As values differ based on the contract that is referenced. For example, if Contract M is related as a Master contract of Contract X (a parent contract), then when viewing Contract M's related contracts, Contract X will appear with the related as value of Release.
Related Contract
These contracts are added with a Related As term indicating how that contract is related. From a purchasing document (PO, GBPA, or CPA) one or more repository contract can be related. For a repository contract a purchasing document and one or more other repository contracts can be related.
Rich Text Editor
An online editing tool that is used to format clause text on a business document or in the Contract Terms Library. The rich text editor supports font effects (bold, italic, underline), alignment, indentation, and bulleted or numbered lists.
The Rich Text Format (RTF) specification provides a format for text and graphics interchange that can be used with different applications, output devices, operating environments, and operating systems.


Sales Agreement
A long-term agreement that governs individual sales transactions. Each transaction can leverage the negotiated terms of the agreement, including volume pricing and commitments.
A categorization that helps group clauses under a logical common heading.
System Variable
A variable for which the value is set by Oracle Contracts and represents an attribute of the business document. For example, in a:
  • Purchase Order: PO Amount, Payment Terms, and PO Number

  • Sales Contract: Customer Name, Ship-To Address, and Payment Terms.


Table Variable
One of several variables that capture certain types of structured information, such as items and price lists, in sales contracting flows.
See: Contract Template or Layout Template.
Terms and Conditions
The set of clauses and deliverables that together constitute the terms and conditions of a contract. Also known as the legal language of the contract.


User-Defined Variable
Tokens that you define over and above the system variables. As part of the contract authoring process, users must provide values for these variables. You can define variables that are sourced or derived from contract data. These variables can be used in clause text or for Contract Expert rules. You can indicate the variable source as Manual or PL/SQL Procedure.


A piece of information that is generated by the system or filled in by the user, and can appear inside a clause. Variables often represent a negotiated term or a field from the business document.


(eXtensible Markup Language) An industry standard for formatting data to allow easy exchange and processing of business documents. Oracle Contracts uses Contract XML documents to format contracts for previewing and printing.
XSL-FO Stylesheet
(eXtensible Stylesheet Language - Formatting Objects) An industry standard for formatting XML documents. Oracle Contracts uses XSL-FO stylesheets to format XML data documents for printing.