Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

This chapter covers the following topics:


Use the following information to diagnose and fix issues you might encounter when implementing and using Oracle One-to-One Fulfillment.

Common Error Messages

Refer to the following common error messages for instructions on correcting errors.

Out of Memory Error

An out of memory error is received when running JTFFMCTL.SH.


Reset JTF_FM_MAX_PROCESSES to 9 or less. The server is designed to run a maximum of nine processes.

java.lang.NullpointerException or Blank Screen

If you receive the following exception:


  1. Set the profile JTF_FM_DONE_DEST to a Java Server Page to which you want to return (such as CntctSumryMain.jsp).

  2. Restart the Apache server.

Fulfillment Server Error Messages and Debug Flags

Refer to the following topics for descriptions of Fulfillment Server error messages and debug flags.

Common Fulfillment Server Errors

The following table lists errors that the Fulfillment server most commonly writes to the logs. For further information regarding each error, see the exception trace files.

Error Description
tried to execute bind query > Unable to execute Bind Query
no columns returned in result set -- No records returned from query
unable to create temp file for Could not create a temporary file on the local file system
no bind value for merge field Merge field exists for which there is no matching bind (replacement text)
unable to get form fields Unable to determine the form fields in a PDF document
unable to merge PDF with XFDF Merge of bind data with PDF document failed
multiple HTML files in zipped content Correct format is one HTML file and one or more image files (gif, jpeg, and so on)
maximum number of images has been reached for content Memory constraints limit the maximum number of images that can be associated with an HTML file
no HTML in zipped content -- Correct format is one HTML file and one or more image files (gif, jpeg, and so on)
no images in zipped content Correct format is one HTML file and one or more image files (gif, jpeg, and so on)
could not read any zip file entries Invalid Zip format
could not process zip file Invalid Zip format
unable to download with query id No query associated with the content
invalid extended_header format Invalid extended header XML format
empty header_name in extended_header Missing name in name-value pair
unable to create email address from Invalid string for use as email address
unable to send email -- refer to error Unable to send an email, refers to an error in the error log
unable to get text/plain content Unable to get text content
unable to get content bind Error in getting bind information associated with a Content item
could not get fnd_file_id for request fnd_file_id not present for a content item in the XML
unrecognized mime type for dynamic content Dynamic Content (capable of being merged) can only be of type ['text/html','richtext',pdf]
unable to merge legacy data Merge failure occurs when trying to review a sent document
unable to download with fnd file id Data not found in fnd_lobs for the file_id
unable to create directory Unable to create a directory in the file system

Fulfillment Server Debug Flags

The Fulfillment Server can be debugged at runtime by using a debug flag in the Fulfillment Server startup script or in the command line. The debug information is written to the Fulfillment Server events log, with debug=log, or to Central Logging in the database.

In some cases, through use of third-party debugging such as Java Mail API, debug information is written to the console. The correct syntax for such flags is -Ddebug=<flag>[,<flag>]. The following table lists individual settings of the Fulfillment Server debug flags.

Flag Description
full Turn on all debug flags (*including 'log' which disables Central Logging).
off Turn off all debugging.
content Write request content, as downloaded from the database, to the local disk on which the server is running. The directory is called 'contents' and is under the log directory.
email Print details of email delivery the Events log and to the console. Not all information printed to the console is recorded in the Events log.
fax Debug fax delivery.
history Debug the writing of Fulfillment Request History, Fulfillment Content History, and Interaction History.
log Debug the creation of local disk log files. *Disables the use of Central Logging.
monitor Debug the operations of the Fulfillment Server internal monitors. All vital internal processes of the server are handled by these monitors.
print Debug sending print jobs.
processor Debug the functions of the server main thread.
query Debug queries executed by the server. These are written to the Events log.
request Debug requests that are processed by the server. Details of the request are written to the Events log.
header Debug extended headers. Each is written as part of the email header for email sent by the server. Additional details of the request are written to the header such as request id, party_id, and so on.
jdbc Debug JDBC calls made by the server. Java communicates with the database through JDBC.
fault Debug the functioning of the server fault monitor. This provides details of request fault detection and handling.
mass Debug Mass Request processing.
failure Debug failures that occur as a normal part of processing a request. The failure is written to the Error log to record a stack trace from where the failure originated. This skews the actual error count because an exception is created to track the stack trace of the failure.
merge Debug the merge field parsing and insertion of bind variables within dynamic request content (Master Documents and email subject field).
queue Debug reading and writing to Advanced Queues (AQ). The XML-based requests and responses are written to the Events log.
bind Debug the use of bind data that is associated with the content of a fulfillment request.
labels Debug PDF Labels requests.

Stopping and Restarting the Fulfillment Server

Stop and restart the Fulfillment server for changes to take effect to the settings, parameters and flags of the following servers:

Email Issues

Use the following solutions to resolve these known issues with the Fulfillment Server sending email.

java.io.IOException: 500 5.5.1 Command Unrecognized

This type of Java IOException, recorded in the Fulfillment Server's error log, usually means that the email server did not recognize the sent command. This behavior may happen because the email server did not recognize the common SMTP command ‘EHLO' but instead used the older ‘HELO' command.


  1. Use the Fulfillment Administration Console to configure the Fulfillment Server to send email through an outbound email server that recognizes the ‘EHLO' command.

  2. Restart the Fulfillment Server.

Characters Appear as ‘?' in Body of Email

The Fulfillment Server may parse characters or symbols incorrectly for some natural languages, other than English, that are not based on US ASCII. The Fulfillment Server sends email that contains unreadable characters, which appear as question marks. This situation may have the following causes:


Frequently Asked Questions

Refer to the following frequently asked questions for help in resolving issues.

Uploading an RTF Document Fails in Oracle Content Manager

When uploading an RTF document in Oracle Content Manager, the upload fails.


This failure can occur when you have Microsoft Word open when you click the Submit for Approval button. The solution is to close Word and then click Submit again.

Content Types Not Visible

Why can I not see some content types in the list when I create a content item?


Only active content types appear in the list. It does not include inactive content types.

Cannot Update Existing Content Type

Why am I unable to update content types that are being used by content items?


Content types that are being used by content items cannot be updated.

Log Directory Path

The Fulfillment server is writing log files to the ./logs subdirectory instead of ./log. How can I change this path?


The default directory for error messages and logs is ./log. This directory is determined by the oracle.apps.jtf.fm.engine.logging.logger class in the file apps.zip. If logs are written to a different directory (such as ./logs) instead of ./log, then change the logger.class. Open that class and see how DEF_LOG_PATH and LogPath variables are set. Use the -Dengine.LogPath switch to change the logging default directory. The format is: -Dengine.LogPath=<directory>

TeleSales Java Exception

The Fulfillment log receives a Java exception when trying to send collateral from Telesales. The Telesales popup window indicates that it was successful, however, there is nothing in the history for the collateral, and the following error message appears in the Fulfillment log file.

'could not complete process for request '10011' oracle.apps.jtf.fm.engine.request.WorkNotCompletedException: failed to process  part of request '10011' at java.lang.Throwable.fillInStackTrace(Native Method)


Use the following steps to check your Return Address setup for the Fulfillment server that is in use.

  1. Log in using the Fulfillment Responsibility.

  2. Select Server tab > server name > Email Servers.

  3. Check that the Return Address setup is a valid email address to which you want to send all email replies.


A java.lang.IllegalArgumentException message occurs while trying to start the FM Server Script. What is the problem?


This condition happens because of an improperly written Fulfillment Server startup script. The PrintEnabler and the FaxEnabler take the class file name from the script. If the file name is not correct, then the method that receives this classfile name will throw the exception. All the -D flags in the script should be written in either of the following ways:


A DoNotContactException message occurs while trying to send a request through the Fulfillment Server.

The outcome of the request id FAILURE and the following error appear in the Error.log file:

Unable to dispatch 'EMAIL' for request '<request_id>' 

oracle.apps.jtf.fm.engine.disp.DoNotContactException: unable to email 


When a request is submitted to the Fulfillment server, the server checks the APPS.HZ_CONTACT_PREFERENCES table for the values of "DO_NOT", "EMAIL" or "CONTACT" for PREFERENCE_CODE and CONTACT_TYPE, respectively, to determine if the email should not be sent to the customer. If the values are present in the table for the party_id that is specified in the request, then the request fails.

To change these values, do the following procedure:

  1. Run the following query in the database for the party_id that is in use.

    SELECT distinct b.contact_type 
    FROM apps.hz_contact_preferences b,
    apps.hz_contact_points c
    b.preference_code = 'DO_NOT'
    ((b.contact_level_table = 'HZ_PARTIES' and b.contact_level_table_id = &party_id)
    (b.contact_level_table = 'HZ_CONTACT_POINTS'
    AND c.contact_point_id = b.contact_level_table_id 
    AND c.owner_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES' 
    AND c.owner_table_id = &party_id 
    AND c.status ='A')) 
    AND nvl(b.preference_start_date,sysdate -1) < sysdate 
    AND nvl(b.preference_end_date,sysdate+1) > sysdate 
    ORDER BY b.contact_type
  2. The Contact_type would appear as 'EMAIL' or 'CONTACT'. Remove the 'EMAIL'/'CONTACT' restriction or change the 'DO_NOT' restriction.

  3. Resend the request.

    It should now succeed.

Commands in Background Mode

How can I send commands to the Fulfillment Server while in background mode?


Do the following procedure:

  1. If the Fulfillment server is running in console mode, shut it down by typing kill. If the Fulfillment Server is running in background mode, kill the process. To be safe, you might want to do a ps -ef | grep java to make sure that no other Fulfillment Server processes are running. Also, you need to be able to use a port to send commands through a remote command process. You may need to confirm with the database administrator which port is available.

  2. To reference the port you will use to accept commands for the Fulfillment Server, add the following line to the startup script, where 99999 represents the selected port.

  3. Create a remote command script that is basically one line. Include the port to monitor in this script.

    For UNIX:

    #!/bin/csh java oracle.apps.jtf.fm.engine.remote.RemoteCommand -port99999 /host <remote hostname>/ $* 

    For DOS:

    java oracle.apps.jtf.fm.engine.remote.RemoteCommand -port99999 /host <remote hostname>/ %* 
  4. Start the server by running the Server script in the console mode (not in background). Open another window and test the remote script by sending commands to it. If you name the remote script RS.sh, type a command like RS.sh stat or RS.sh kill. If the server that is running in console mode accepts these commands, everything is set up correctly. You can then type RS.sh kill to shut down the server.

  5. If the remote functionality tested successfully, so you can now run the server in the background. If the Fulfillment Server Script was FS.sh, you could run FS.sh &.

  6. When the server is running in the background, you can send commands to it by using your remote script RS.sh.

Viewing Request Processing

How can I see what Fulfillment Server processes are processing requests?


Type the command stat at the Fulfillment server command prompt to see what processes are processing requests.

"Initializing Processor" Error

When I try to start the Fulfillment Server, I receive the following error message. What is the problem?



Processor cannot be started





Check for spelling mistakes and syntax errors in the Fulfillment startup script.

Merge Field Errors

What can I do if I encounter either of the following problems when my master documents and cover letters use merge fields?


This issue occurs with Windows NT 4.00.1381, Service Pack 6 with Internet Explorer 5.5.50. The browser is not able to take the standard ASCII value of the "<<" and ">>" merge field delimiters, and therefore the master document or Oracle Content Manager Template contains the "?" delimiters instead of "<<" and ">>".

Use one of the following workarounds:

Unable to Use Merge Field Delimiters &laquo; and &raquo;

If some versions miss the left angle quote &laquo; and the right angle quote &raquo;. The workaround is to insert the delimiter flags in the Fulfillment startup script as,



Insert the flags after the Java or JRE command and before the name of the executed class. The class earlier was ‘oracle.apps.jtf.fm.engine.processor.Processor', and later was changed to ‘oracle.apps.jtf.fm.FulfillmentServer'. The classes are case sensitive.

Table Rows and Merge Fields

How can I switch from repeating to non-repeating HTML table rows with merge fields?


Enhancements for this functionality are available as patches for earlier releases. These enhancements are now a part of the standard functionality.

Earlier, Oracle One-to-One Fulfillment treated all HTML source documents containing merge fields embedded in table rows as repeating rows. For example, if users wanted to create an itemized order form, they could create the HTML source document with an HTML table that represented the itemized list. The HTML table could have merge fields in the following columns:


Example HTML Code

<table border="1" summary="Order Table">


<th>Item Number</th>

<th>Item Description</th>


<th>Unit Price</th>

<th>Total Price</th>










Users can then use a key, such as ORDER_NUMBER, to associate a SQL query to the document that retrieves multiple rows of data from the database, as in the following example:







WHERE ORDER_NUMBER = :my_order_number

When Fulfillment processes this document, it parses the HTML source document and identifies a table containing merge fields. As Fulfillment executes the query, it repeats the line containing the merge fields for each row that is returned from the query. In this way, a single HTML table row in the source document is custom expanded to all the results that are returned from the associated query.

Because this feature repeated any HTML table row with merge fields, it prevented some users from using HTML tables for document layout.


To accommodate users who want to use HTML tables for document layout, and also to support repeatable fields, Fulfillment can create both repeatable merge field rows and non-repeatable merge field rows. To keep the existing result of every table row containing repeated merge fields, do not make any changes. To enable the non-repeating row feature, use the following procedure.

Note: To use this feature, users must edit the HTML source directly. Microsoft Word does not allow direct HTML editing, so users will need to use a plain-text editor instead of Word. Also, Oracle has made every effort to keep Fulfillment HTML 4.01-compliant so that no user agents (browsers) will be affected by any of these changes.

  1. Add new styles

    Two empty styles identify rows as repeating (jtorep) and non-repeating (jtonorep). To specify that rows can be repeating or non-repeating, add the following styles between the <head> </head> tags of your HTML source document.

    <style type="text/css">
    jtonorep {}
    jtorep {}
  2. Optionally, change the default behavior.

    The default behavior is to expand automatically every row that contains merge fields. If your document has many rows with merge fields, but you want to repeat only some of those rows, you can change the default behavior to repeat only rows that contain merge fields when a tag specifies to repeat those rows.

    To change the default behavior, add the following <meta> tag to the <head> section of the HTML source document:

    <meta name="jto_tables" content="no_repeat">

    If this meta tag is not in the HTML source document, then the default behavior is used. Adding this tag changes only the default behavior.

  3. Identify the repeating and non-repeating rows.

    After you have designed your document and you can see whether or not you want to set the default behavior to repeat, you are ready to modify the HTML table rows to indicate which rows should repeat and which rows should not repeat, as in the following example.

    If in the previous order form example, you want to add a single row at the bottom of the table to show the order total, you would have the following HTML code:

    <table border="1" summary="Order Table">
    <th>Item Number</th>
    <th>Item Description</th> 
    <th>Unit Price</th><th>
    Total Price</th>
    <td colspan="4">&nbsp;</td>

The SQL query would change to:

WHEREORDER_NUMBER = :my_order_number

PCDATA cannot be inserted: The default behavior repeats not only the item rows, but the order total row is repeated for each row that the query returns. To change the default, first add the new styles as described Step 1. Next, depending on whether or not you changed the default behavior described as in Step 2, you need to make one of the following changes.

Changing Default Behavior (Without Step 2 Addition)

The first row (the row with the table headers or <th> tags) does not have any merge fields, so it will not be repeated.

The second row will automatically be repeated because it contains merge fields, and you have not changed the default behavior. It can stay as it is.

The third row will also be repeated automatically, so you need to explicitly instruct it not to repeat. To do this, you need to use the jtonorep class style that was defined in step one. Change the third row from,


 <td colspan="4">&nbsp;</td>




<tr class="jtonorep">

<td colspan="4">&nbsp;</td>



This change specifies the class for this <tr> as jtonorep. When Fulfillment sees this tag, it will not repeat this row. It will only write the row once regardless of the number of rows that the query returns.

Altered Default Behavior Change

If you changed the default behavior as in Step 2, no rows will repeat. You need to tell Fulfillment which row to repeat.

If the second row is the row that you want to repeat, change it from,









<tr class="jtorep">







The line <class="jtorep"> was added to the <tr> element for the second row to tell Fulfillment to repeat this row for each result row from the SQL query.

Additional Information

Whether or not you changed the default behavior by including the <meta> tag from Step 2, you can use both attributes class="jtonorep" and class="jtorep" in the same document. These attributes override the default behavior and specify what to disregard. Also, these attributes only take affect where there are table rows with merge fields. If there are no merge fields, no rows are repeated.

Because of HTML 4.01 specifications, multiple class names can be associated to the class attribute. They simply need to be separated by white space. This is important if you have a nicely formatted HTML document already that is using style sheets. You only need to add jtorep or jtonorep to the necessary rows separated by white space.

Note: The class attribute must be in lowercase, and the class names must be enclosed in double quotes, as in: <td class="jtorep">.


By using some standard HTML tags, Fulfillment can support both repeatable merge field rows, as originally designed, and non-repeatable rows that allows for more flexible formatting of Fulfillment documents using HTML tables.

HTML Examples

The following examples of HTML code demonstrate table order using the default behavior and the altered behavior.

Order Table Using the Default Fulfillment Behavior



<title>Sample Order Table</title>

<style type="text/css">

jtonorep {}

jtorep {}




<table border="1" summary="Order Table">


<th>Item Number</th>

<th>Item Description</th>


<th>Unit Price</th>

<th>Total Price</th>









<tr class="jtonorep">

<td colspan="4">&nbsp;</td>






Order Table Example With Altered Behavior



<title>Sample Order Table</title>

<meta name="jto_tables" content="no_repeat">    

<style type="text/css">

jtonorep {}

jtorep {}




<table border="1" summary="Order Table">


<th>Item Number</th>

<th>Item Description</th>


<th>Unit Price</th>

<th>Total Price</th>


<tr class="jtorep">








<td colspan="4">&nbsp;</td>






Server id and User id in create_fulfillment API Call

Is it necessary to pass Server id and User id for the create_fulfillment API call?

Server_id is not required, but user id is required.

Earlier, if a valid One-to-One Fulfillment Server was not associated with the user, API would throw an error. Currently, the API checks for the One-to-One Fulfillment Server that is associated with that user. If the API does not find any server associated with the user, then the request is submitted to Server Id 5000 (the Rapid Install One-to-One Fulfillment Server that is available out of the box). The Rapid Install Server must be running to pick up these requests.

Sending a Request Through Multiple Media Types

How can I send the same request through multiple types of media, such as email, fax, and print?

Fulfillment allows sending a document by using the supported media types EMAIL, FAX and PRINT.

When GET_CONTENT_XML is called, the p_media_type parameter can be set to the following combinations of values, depending on the requirements.

The sequence does not matter. Separate the media types with a comma. To successfully send a message, ensure that proper values are passed for the parameters p_emai, p_fax and p_printer.


Use the following procedures to set and view debug logging for PL/SQL and the Fulfillment Server.

PL/SQL Debugging

All logging is at the procedure level (Level 2). To debug at the API level, turn on debugging, and set the logging level to Procedure or Statement.

To run a test script and enable debugging, call the following API before calling the Fulfillment APIs.

l_session_id           NUMBER :=1000;


After the logging level is set and the application is initialized, whenever a request is sent to the One-to-One Fulfillment API, a debug is written to the central repository.

To view all debugs, use the following procedure.


HTML Administration


System Administrator




  1. Select the Settings tab > System sub tab > Messages link in the Debug Logging group.

    The Debug Log Viewer page appears.

  2. In the fields, enter search criteria to define the search range.

  3. In the Module field, reset the debug logging level by entering jtf.plsql%JTF_FM% .

  4. Click View Log.

    The Log Summary and Log Messages appear.

Server Debugging

For the server to write to the central logging repository, set the logging level to one of the following levels:

After a request is processed, use the following procedure to view logs.


HTML Administration


System Administrator




  1. Select the Settings tab > System sub tab > Messages link in the Debug Logging group.

    The Debug Log Viewer page appears.

  2. In the fields, enter search criteria to define the search range.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • In the Module field, reset the debug logging level by entering jtf.fm.engine.logging%.

    • If the request identifier is known, append it to the Module value, for example, jtf.fm.engine.logging%12345% (assuming 12345 is the request identifier).

    • If the job is also known and the request identifier, add it to the Module value also, for example, jtf.fm.engine.logging%12345%34% (assuming 35 is the party identifier).

Troubleshooting the RightFax Integration

Q: What can I do if a fax request is sent and the Fulfillment Server is not set up to send faxes?

A: If the Fulfillment Server receives a fax request and is not configured to send faxes, an error will be logged in the Servers error log and Fulfillment History tables will note the failure to send the fax.

Q: What can I do if a print request is sent and the Fulfillment Server is not set up to send print jobs?

A: If the Fulfillment Server receives a print request and is not configured to send print jobs, an error will be logged in the Servers error log and Fulfillment History tables will note the failure to print.