Implementation Options

This appendix describes implementation options that affect the operation of your Oracle Projects application.

This appendix covers the following topics:

Implementation Options in Oracle Projects

After you implement other Oracle Applications to work with Oracle Projects, you can define Oracle Projects implementation options. The Implementation Options control how Oracle Projects interfaces data to other Oracle Applications, as well as other fundamental operating settings.

The implementation options also control cross-charging capability across operating units. Expenditures can be charged to a project in a different operating unit from the expenditure operating unit, as long as the two operating units are associated with a ledger, HR business group, and PA period type, and the Cross Charge option Allow Cross Charges to All Operating Units Within Legal Entity is enabled for that responsibility.

The Oracle Projects Implementation Options window contains the Operating Unit field which is mandatory. If the user has access to only one operating unit, that operating unit will appear in this field as the default value. If the user has access to multiple operating units, the list of values displayed in the Operating Unit field is based on the operating units associated with the MO: Security Profile.

The Oracle Projects implementation options include the following groups of options:

System Implementation Options

The system implementation options are described below.


If you are implementing Oracle Projects, then you must specify a ledger to tell Oracle Projects which ledger to use. Oracle General Ledger, Oracle Receivables, Oracle Payables, Oracle Purchasing, and Oracle Assets must also use this ledger. Specify the ledger you defined when you implemented Oracle General Ledger for Oracle Projects.

If your implementation of Oracle Projects is for multiple organizations, then Ledger is a display-only field. The Ledger is derived from the ledger associated with the operating unit defined in the Define Organization window in Oracle HRMS.

Fremont Corporation Ledger Implementation Option

Fremont Corporation uses only one ledger. To see a complete description of Fremont Corporation's ledger see: Fremont Corporation Ledger. The Ledger option for Fremont is shown in the following table:

Implementation Option Value
Ledger Fremont Corporation

Business Group

Business Group is a display-only field. The value in this field depends on the value of the HR: Cross Business Group profile option. See: Profile Options in Oracle Projects.

Fremont Corporation Business Group Implementation Option

Fremont Corporation specifies the Fremont Corporation business group in Oracle Projects. Fremont's Business Group option setting is shown in the following table:

Implementation Option Value
Business Group Fremont Corporation

Summarization Period Type

Specify a summarization period type, which is used when updating project summary amounts.

Oracle Projects maintains summary amounts as follows:

You specify whether to maintain the summary period-to-date values (Period-to-Date and Prior Period) by PA Period or GL Period.

Fremont Corporation Summarization Period Type Option

Fremont Corporation summarizes amounts by PA Period, as shown in the following table:

Implementation Option Value
Summarization Period Type PA Period

Calendar Name

When you implement Oracle Projects, you can select the calendar used to maintain PA periods.

The default value of this option is the calendar assigned to your ledger. You can change the calendar setting during implementation only. You cannot change this value after you copy your PA periods from General Ledger to Oracle Projects.

Note: If your PA and GL periods are identical and you intend to enable the Maintain Common PA and GL Periods implementation option, you must define your PA periods in the calendar assigned to your ledger.

PA Period Type

Specify a Period Type, which is used to copy Project Accounting Periods from the calendar associated with the ledger. If you copy PA Periods from GL, Oracle Projects copies all of the periods of this Period Type to set up the PA Periods.

In a multiple organization environment, the PA Period Type is specified for each operating unit.

Maintain Common PA and GL Periods

When this option is enabled, the system automatically maintains PA period statuses as you maintain the GL period statuses.

To use this option, the following conditions must be met:

Default Asset Book

Optionally, select a default asset book from the list of values. The value that you select for this field will be the default value for all project assets that you create. You can override the default value at the asset level. For more information, see: Asset Attributes, Oracle Project Costing User Guide.

Default Reporting Organization Hierarchy

You specify an organization hierarchy and version to indicate which organization hierarchy you want Oracle Projects to use as the default reporting organization hierarchy. For more information on how Oracle Projects uses organizations, see: Organizations in Oracle Projects, Oracle Projects Fundamentals.

You specify a start organization to indicate which branch of your organization hierarchy you want Oracle Projects to recognize as the top of your hierarchy for reporting purposes. If you want to use your entire organization hierarchy, your top organization (generally the business group) is the start organization.

For example, if you define your organization hierarchy with four divisions under the top organization, you can specify one division as the start organization. Oracle Projects consequently recognizes only that division and its subordinate organizations as its default reporting hierarchy.

Fremont Corporation Default Reporting Organization Hierarchy

Fremont Corporation's implementation team specifies Oracle Projects as the Default Reporting Organization Hierarchy

Fremont Corporation is the start organization, because Fremont uses Oracle Projects on a corporate-wide basis. In this case, Fremont Corporation is also the top organization and the business group, as shown in the following table:

Implementation Option Value
Default Reporting Organization Hierarchy Oracle Projects
Version Number 1
Start Organization Fremont Corporation

Related Topics

Updating Project Summary Amounts, Oracle Project Planning and Control User Guide

Update Project Summary Amounts Process, Oracle Projects Fundamentals

Currency Implementation Options

The currency implementation options control the default values for the currency attributes that are used to calculate currency exchange rates.

When you are setting up your system, Oracle Projects does not require you to enter the currency implementation options. However, if you enter transactions in foreign currencies, the system needs these values to provide default values. If the required values are missing, anyone attempting to enter foreign currency transactions receives an error message.

The Exchange Rate Date Type and Exchange Rate Type you enter in this window determine the exchange rate Oracle Projects uses to convert foreign currency transactions to the functional currency.

Functional Currency

This display-only field shows the functional currency of your company's ledgers.

In a multiple organization environment, the functional currency is the currency of the ledger assigned to the operating unit(s) associated with your login responsibility.

See Also: Oracle Applications Ledger

Exchange Rate Date Type

Specify a default exchange rate date type for converting foreign currency transactions from the transaction currency to the functional and project currencies.

You select from the following exchange rate date types:

Overriding Functional and Project Exchange Rate Dates

When you enter a project, you can optionally enter a default project exchange rate date at the project and/or lowest task level that overrides the Exchange Rate Date Type implementation option.

When you enter transactions, you can override both the functional and project currency exchange rate dates. For more information about overriding the exchange rate date, see: Currency Conversion Attributes for Entered Transaction, Oracle Project Costing User Guide and Currency Conversion Attributes for Imported Transactions.

Important: If you change the Exchange Rate Date Type implementation option after you have processed foreign currency transactions, you lose some of the audit trail of historic rate date types. The currency amount and rate date are stored for each transaction, but the rate date type is stored only at the implementation option level. The system does not store the method of determining the rate date for a transaction.

Exchange Rate Type

Specify a default exchange rate type to be used for conversion of transactions from the transaction currency to the functional and project currencies. The Exchange Rate Type field is a mandatory field.

Select the exchange rate type from a list of valid conversion rate types. Conversion Rate Types are entered in Oracle General Ledger.

Related Topics

Defining Conversion Rate Types, Oracle General Ledger User's Guide

Project Setup Implementation Options

The project setup implementation options are described below.

Project Numbering

You specify whether you want Oracle Projects to number projects automatically, or whether you plan to enter project numbers manually.

If you want Oracle Projects to number each project automatically upon creation, then specify a starting project number. Automatic project numbers are numeric; they do not contain letters or special characters and are sequentially numbered.

If you want to choose your own project numbers, or if want your project numbers to include both alphabetic and numeric characters, choose the manual project numbering method. Manual project numbers can be either alphanumeric or numeric.

Note: Project templates are always numbered manually. The Project Numbering implementation option does not affect how project templates are numbered.

Fremont Corporation Project Numbering Implementation Option

Fremont Corporation prefers alphanumeric, manually entered project numbers, as shown in the following table:

Implementation Option Value
Project Numbering Method Manual
Project Number Type Alphanumeric

If you already have alphanumeric project numbers, you can either continue entering alphanumeric project numbers manually, or you can switch from manual to automatic numbering. If you choose the latter, keep in mind that while your alphanumeric project numbers will always exist in their current form, Oracle Projects automatically generates all future project numbers using numbers only.

Note: In a multiple organization installation of Oracle Projects, project numbers (including project template numbers) are unique across operating units. When automatic project numbering is used, if a value is entered for next project number, the same number will be shown for all operating units that also use the automatic project numbering method.

Project/Task Owning Organization Hierarchy

You assign a project/task owning organization hierarchy to the operating unit to control which organizations can own projects and tasks. To own projects and/or tasks in the operating unit, an organization must have all of the following characteristics:

Fremont Corporation Project/Task Owning Organization Hierarchy

Fremont Corporation specifies the Oracle Projects organization hierarchy as the Project/Task Owning Organization.

Fremont Corporation is the start organization for organizations owning projects and tasks, as shown in the following table:

Implementation Option Value
Project/Task Owning Organization Hierarchy Oracle Projects
Version Number 1
Start Organization Fremont Corporation

Staffing Implementation Options

The staffing implementation options are described below.

Candidate Score Weightings

Candidate score weightings enable you to define the level of importance of the availability, competencies, and job level of the resource when matched to the specifications of a requirement.

Users define these weighting values at the requirement level. Default values are displayed for a requirement if they have been defined for the project or project template. Default values for project template are entered in the implementation options.

You can enter default values for the following weightings:

For more information on candidate score weightings, see: Candidate Score Weightings, Oracle Project Resource Management User Guide


Under Advertisement Action Set, enter the default advertisement rule.

Full Time Equivalent Hours

The Full Time Equivalent specifies how many hours are equivalent to a day of work, and how many hours in a week are equivalent to a week of work.

Full Time Equivalent is used to convert detailed schedule hours to a higher level of labor units in days or weeks, for management reporting.

Different operating units can have a different definition of a working day. For example, a working day can be 8 hours in one operating unit, and 7 hours in another one.

Expenditures/Costing Implementation Options

The expenditures and costing implementation options are described below.

Expenditure Cycle Start Day

You specify an Expenditure Cycle Start Day to indicate the day your seven-day expenditure week begins. If you specify Monday as the expenditure cycle start day, the week ending date on all expenditures, including timecards and expense reports, is the following Sunday. You can choose any day of the week as your expenditure cycle start day.

Fremont Corporation Expenditure Cycle Start Day Implementation Option

Fremont Corporation's expenditure week begins on a Monday, as shown in the following table. Each timecard begins on a Monday and ends on a Sunday.

Implementation Option Value
Expenditure Cycle Start Day Monday

Enable Negative Accrual Transactions

You specify whether you want to create negative accrual transactions by selecting the Enable Negative Accrual Transactions check box.

Enable Overtime Calculations

You specify whether you want to use the Overtime Calculation program to calculate and charge overtime hours automatically.

You may need to customize the Overtime Calculation program if your business wants to use automatic overtime calculation.

Fremont Corporation Enable Overtime Calculations Implementation Option

Fremont Corporation uses automatic overtime calculation, as shown in the following table:

Implementation Option Value
Enable Overtime Calculations Enabled

Import Contingent Worker Timecards with Purchase Order Integration

Enable this option if you want to import contingent worker labor costs from timecards. When you select this option, contingent workers can select a purchase order when they enter timecards. Specifying a contingent worker purchase order on a timecard allows the labor cost to be imported via the timecard, and prevents interface of labor costs to Oracle Projects from supplier invoices that are associated with the purchase order.

Important: Changing the setting of this option after you enter contingent worker timecards, or after you match an invoice to a contingent worker purchase order and interface it to Oracle Projects, can cause data errors. These data errors can include double accounting of costs and failure to interface costs to Oracle Projects.

Fremont Corporation Import Contingent Worker Timecards with Purchase Order Integration Implementation Option

Fremont Corporation imports contingent worker labor costs from timecards, as shown in the following table:

Implementation Option Value
Import Contingent Worker Timecards with Purchase Order Integration Enabled

Default Supplier Cost Credit Account

Define a default supplier cost credit account. Oracle Projects credits the specified account when you adjust supplier cost and expense report expenditure items in Oracle Projects. See also: Accounting for Costs and Generate Cost Accounting Events, Oracle Projects Fundamentals.

If you allow adjustments to supplier cost expenditure or expense report expenditure items in Oracle Projects, then you must either specify a default supplier cost credit account in Oracle Projects, or set up a rule to derive the account in Oracle Subledger Accounting.

Fremont Corporation Default Supplier Cost Credit Account Implementation Option

Fremont Corporation specifies the default supplier cost credit account shown in the following table.

Implementation Option Value
Default Supplier Cost Credit Account 01-000-2500

Interface Cost to GL

If you want to send employee labor costs, contingent worker labor costs, usage costs, inventory costs, WIP costs, miscellaneous costs, and burden costs to Oracle General Ledger, then you must enable the corresponding interface cost option. When you enable an interface cost option, Oracle Projects generates accounting events for that type of cost, and creates accounting for the accounting events in Oracle Subledger Accounting. Oracle Subledger Accounting is an intermediate step in the cost accounting flow between Oracle Projects and Oracle General Ledger. Oracle Subledger Accounting transfers the accounting entries to Oracle General Ledger.

Therefore, if you do not enable an interface cost option, then Oracle Projects does not generate cost accounting events for transactions of that type of cost. As a result, you cannot create accounting in Oracle Subledger Accounting and transfer the costs to Oracle General Ledger.

Fremont Corporation Interface Cost to GL Implementation Option

Fremont Corporation wants to send accounting for all types of costs to Oracle General Ledger. The following table shows the setup for the options.

Implementation Option Value
Interface Employee Labor Costs Enabled
Interface Contingent Worker Labor Costs Enabled
Interface Usage, Inventory, WIP, Miscellaneous and Burden Costs Enabled

Expenditure/Event Organization Hierarchy

You assign an expenditure/event organization hierarchy to the operating unit to control which organizations have the following capabilities:

To incur expenditures, own events, or be assigned to a resource list, an organization must have the following characteristics:

Fremont Corporation Expenditure/Event Organization Hierarchy Implementation Option

Fremont Corporation specifies the Oracle Projects organization hierarchy as the Expenditure/Event Organization. Administration is the start organization for the organizations that have the following capabilities:

These implementation option values are shown in the following table:

Implementation Option Value
Organization Hierarchy Oracle Projects
Version 1
Start Organization Administration

Related Topics

Creating Overtime, Oracle Project Costing User Guide

Integrating with Oracle Subledger Accounting, Oracle Projects Fundamentals

Integrating with Oracle General Ledger, Oracle Projects Fundamentals

Billing Implementation Options

The billing implementation options are described below.

Interface Revenue to GL

If you want to send revenue to Oracle General Ledger, then you must enable the interface revenue option. When you enable the interface revenue option, Oracle Projects generates revenue accounting events and creates accounting for the accounting events in Oracle Subledger Accounting. Oracle Subledger Accounting is an intermediate step in the revenue accounting flow between Oracle Projects and Oracle General Ledger. Oracle Subledger Accounting transfers the accounting entries to Oracle General Ledger.

Therefore, if you do not enable the interface revenue option, then Oracle Projects does not generate revenue accounting events. As a result, you cannot create the accounting and transfer the revenue to Oracle General Ledger.

Fremont Corporation Interface Revenue to GL Implementation Option

Fremont Corporation wants send revenue to Oracle General Ledger. The following table shows the setup for the option.

Implementation Option Value
Interface Revenue to GL Enabled

Invoice Net Zero Lines

You must enable this option to build an invoice even when a group of expenditure items, grouped based on invoice format, is summing to an invoice amount of zero.

Invoice Numbering

Invoice Numbering Method

You specify whether you want Oracle Projects to number invoices automatically, or whether you plan to enter invoice numbers manually.

Invoice Numbering Type

Like manual project numbers, manual invoice numbers may be either alphanumeric or numeric. If you select Manual invoice numbering, you indicate whether you will use alphanumeric or numeric invoice numbers. If you select Automatic invoice numbering, Oracle Projects uses numeric numbering.

Next Number

If you want Oracle Projects to automatically number each invoice, you specify a starting invoice number.

Note: In a multiple organization installation, invoice numbers are unique within an operating unit, not across operating units (unlike project numbers). If automatic invoice numbering method is selected, the next invoice number is operating unit-specific.

Fremont Corporation Invoice Numbering Implementation Option

Fremont Corporation uses alphanumeric invoice numbers, as shown in the following table:

Implementation Option Value
Invoice Numbering Method Manual
Invoice Number Type Alphanumeric

Centralized Invoice Processing

You specify whether you want invoice processing to be centralized, or if you want Oracle Projects to process your invoices at the project invoice collection organization level.

By default, the Centralized Invoice Processing check box is enabled.

If you want all of the project invoices for the operating unit to be processed using the Oracle Projects seeded transaction types, leave the check box enabled.

With decentralized invoicing, you allow organizations to process their own invoice collections. See: Implementing Decentralized Invoice Processing.

Fremont Corporation Centralized Invoice Processing Implementation Option

In the Fremont Corporation, each division has its own cost center, and receivables are reported at the Division level. Fremont's implementation option settings for centralized invoice processing are shown in the following table:

Implementation Option Value
Centralized Invoice Processing (not enabled)

Invoice Batch Source

You need to specify an invoice batch source in Oracle Projects before you can interface invoices to Oracle Receivables.

Oracle Projects provides a predefined batch source name PROJECTS INVOICES. You must select this batch.

Fremont Corporation Invoice Batch Source Implementation Option

Fremont Corporation specifies the PROJECTS INVOICES invoice batch source, as shown in the following table:

Implementation Option Value
Invoice Batch Source PROJECTS INVOICES

Sales Credit Type

You use the Sales Credit Type to interface sales credit information to Oracle Receivables for project invoices.

Select the Sales Credit Type to specify the type of credit you want to allocate to salespersons in Oracle Receivables for project invoices. If there is no credit receiver defined at the project level and Allow Sales Credit is enabled for the Invoice Batch Source, your project invoices will interface to receivables with the selected Sales Credit Type with the project manager as the default credit receiver. See also, Salespersons and Credit Types.

Customer Relationships

You can control the ability to view and select related customers of the project customer for bill and ship to purposes at the operating unit level. The choices are:

Enable Multi-Currency Billing

Check this box if you want to enter agreements, rate schedules, and add billing assignments to the project type in any currency.

Require Rate and Discount Reason

Oracle Projects allows you to enter a reason for the rate or discount override to the standard bill rate schedules. Check this box if you want to require users to enter the rate and discount override reason.

Allow Bill Rate Override

Check this box if you want to be able to override bill rates for all the projects in the operating unit.

Allow Bill Rate Discount Override

Check this box if you want to be able to override the bill rate discount for all the projects in the operating unit. If this functionality is enabled, Oracle Projects allows you to override the project or task level discount percentages at the following levels:

Share Bill Rate Schedules Across Operating Units

Check this box if you want to share bill rate schedules across operating units. This functionality allows an operating unit to share rate schedules from other operating units.

Allow Funding Across Operating Units

Check this box if you want to fund projects across operating units. If you enable this functionality, the list of values for project number includes active projects that are associated with the agreement of the customer and that have:

Account for Unbilled Retention

To generate a different account for unbilled retention using the defined Unbilled Retention Account AutoAccounting rules, you must check this box. The unbilled retention is an asset account, separate from the unbilled receivable account, and tracks the total amount of withheld retention that has not been billed. If this feature is not enabled, Oracle Projects uses the Unbilled Receivable Account AutoAccounting rules when interfacing project invoices and retention invoices to Oracle Receivables.

Note: Only those projects created after Account for Unbilled Retention check box is enabled will derive the Unbilled Retention account using the Unbilled Retention Account function transaction when interfacing project invoices and retention invoices to Oracle Receivables.

Funding Revaluation Includes Gains and Losses

Check this box if you want the funding revaluation process to include gains and losses. If you enable this functionality, you must implement the realized gain and loss function transactions and set up the AutoAccounting rules to reclassify the realized currency gain and loss accounts based on the new event type classifications.

If you do not enable this functionality, the revaluation process includes only the backlog amount for revaluation.

Note: This option cannot be unchecked at this level if any of the project type level or project level Funding Revaluation includes Gains and Losses option is enabled.

Require Credit Memo Reason

Enable this option if you require a user to select a credit memo reason when releasing canceled invoices, write-offs, and credit memos.

Create On Account Credit Memo

Enable this option if you require to create an On Account Credit Memo.

The Interface Invoices to Receivables process creates credit memo as On Account Credit Memo when the following conditions are satisfied:

Note: The On Account Credit Memo has a reference to the original invoice in Oracle Projects and this reference is not propagated to Oracle Receivables.

Related Topics

Accounting for Revenue and Billing

Event Types

Defining Event Types

Defining Transaction Types for Invoice Processing

AutoAccounting, the Account Generator, and Subledger Accounting

Integrating with Oracle Subledger Accounting, Oracle Projects Fundamentals

Integrating with Oracle General Ledger, Oracle Projects Fundamentals

Integrating with Oracle Receivables, Oracle Projects Fundamentals

Employee Bill Rates and Overrides, Oracle Projects Fundamentals

Job Bill Rate and Discount Overrides, Oracle Projects Fundamentals

Invoicing, Oracle Project Billing User Guide

Funding Revaluation, Oracle Project Billing User Guide

Retention, Oracle Project Billing User Guide

Cross Charge

Use this window to define cross charge implementation options. Define cross charge implementation options for every operating unit that uses the cross charge feature (intercompany billing or borrowed and lent processing). The following components are added

Derive Legal Entity from Organization Setup

By default, this check box is not selected. Once this option is selected, you cannot revert it.

If you select this check box, the system derives the legal entity from the organizations which are assigned to legal entity establishment. If an organization is not assigned to the legal entity establishment, then the corresponding operating unit's legal entity is derived.

If you enable the Derive Legal Entity from Organization Setup option, the project or task owning organization hierarchy and the expenditure or event organization hierarchy in the Transfer Price Organization Hierarchy section is displayed with default values from Project Setup and Expnd/Costing tabs. You can provide new organization hierarchies as per the transfer price schedule requirements to override the default values. These hierarchies as mentioned in the Cross Charge tab are the basis for deriving transfer price rules from the transfer price schedule. After enabling the Derive Legal Entity from Organization Setup option, there would be no further default updates from previous organization hierarchies to the Cross Charge tab.

This option provides cross charge for intercompany billing within an operating unit and across legal entities by deriving legal entities from project and expenditure organizations. If an organization is not associated with legal entity establishment, then the legal entity from the operating unit is used by default.

Transfer Price Organization Hierarchy

For the first time when the Derive Legal Entity from Organization Setup option is selected, the project or task owning organization hierarchy and the expenditure or event organization hierarchy in Transfer Price Organization Hierarchy section display default values from Project Setup and Expnd/Costing tabs. You can provide new organization hierarchies as per the transfer price schedule requirements to override the default values. These hierarchies as mentioned in the Cross Charge tab are the basis for deriving transfer price rules from the transfer price schedule.

Transfer Price Currency Conversion

Exchange Rate Date Type: Choose Expenditure Item Date or PA Date.

Exchange Rate Type: Specify the rate type that the system will use as the default for transfer price conversions.

Cross Charges within Operating Unit

Select a method for processing cross charges within the operating unit.

Allow Cross Charges to All Operating Units Within Legal Entity

To allow cross charges to all operating units within a legal entity:

  1. Select the Allow Cross Charges to all Operating Units within Legal Entity check box.

  2. Choose a default processing method for cross charge transactions across operating units within the legal entity.

    None: The system will not process inter-operating unit transactions for cross charge.

    Borrowed and Lent: The system creates borrowed and lent accounting entries only.

Oracle Projects uses the organization defined at Default Legal Context of the operating unit as the legal entity for cross charge processing.

Internal Billing

Use this window to define internal billing implementation options.

For each operating unit that uses internal billing, you must set up Internal Billing implementation options as either a provider or receiver organization, or both.

Provider for Internal Billing

If the current operating unit is a provider organization for internal billing, select the Provider for Internal Billing check box and complete the additional fields in this region.

Supplier Name and Number

Enter the name and number of the supplier associated with the current operating unit.

Invoice Numbering

Select an invoice numbering method:

Manual: To specify invoice numbers, select Manual, and then select Alphanumeric or Numeric numbering.

Automatic: To have the system generate the invoice numbers, select Automatic, and then enter a starting number to use for internal invoices.

Invoice Batch Source

For Invoice Batch Source, select PA Internal Invoices.

Reclassify Costs for Cross Charged Transactions

Cost Accrual Projects: Indicate how you want to reclassify cross charged costs for cost accrual projects (Raw or Burdened). Select None if you do not want to reclassify raw or burdened costs.

Non Cost Accrual Projects: Indicate how you want to reclassify cross charged costs for and non-cost accrual projects (Raw or Burdened). Select None if you do not want to reclassify raw or burdened costs.

Receiver for Internal Billing

If the current operating unit is a receiver organization for internal billing, select the Receiver for Internal Billing check box and enter the customer name and number to be associated with the current operating unit.

If you want to identify the project as a cost accrual project, use the Cost Accrual Identification extension.