
This appendix describes the lookups that are used in Oracle Projects.

This appendix covers the following topics:

Oracle Projects Lookups

Use the Oracle Projects Lookups window to review and maintain lookups that you use in Projects.

In some fields in Projects windows, you are required to enter a value from a predefined list of values. Sometimes the values on the list are items you have defined in a setup window such as Credit Types. Other predefined sets of values are lookups, which you can view, and in some cases, update, in the Oracle Projects Lookups window.

Each lookup category is identified by its lookup type. For example, UNIT is a lookup type for which Currency and Hours are allowable codes.

The Access Level region in the Lookups window indicates at what level each lookup type is maintained. For example, you can only create new lookup names to add to the list of predefined lookups for an extensible lookup type, whereas you can both add new lookup names and change the attributes of predefined lookups for a lookup type with an access level of User.

You cannot change lookup code value after you save a lookup code. You can remove an obsolete lookup in the following ways: disable the code, enter an end date, or change the meaning and description to match a replacement code.

Caution: If you remove or make obsolete a lookup that is in use, processing errors can result.

If you use Multiple Language Support (MLS), you can define lookups in each of your installed languages. Select Translations from the toolbar or menu to enter the lookup name and description in other languages. When a user selects lookups from a list of values, the lookups on the list will appear in the user's language. For more information about MLS, see "Internationalization Support" in Oracle E-Business Suite Concepts and "Administering Internationalization" in Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide.

Extensible and User Lookups in Oracle Projects

Lookup types for Oracle Projects are shown in the following table.

Lookup Name / LOOKUP TYPE Access Level Description
Bill Hold Reason / TXN BILL HOLD REASONS Extensible Indicates reasons for the transaction bill hold for expenditures and events.
Budget Change Reason / BUDGET CHANGE REASON Extensible Indicates why a budget changed. See: Budget Change Reasons.
Candidate Status Change Reasons / CANDIDATE_STS_CHANGE_REASON User Indicates reasons for changing a candidate's status. See: Defining Statuses and Status Profile Options.
Control Item Effort Levels / PA_CI_EFFORT_LEVELS User Specifies the level of effort required to complete an issue or change. See: Control Item Priorities, Levels of Effort, and Source Types
Control Items Source Types / PA_CI_SOURCE_TYPES User Specifies the originating source of an issue or change. See: Control Item Priorities, Levels of Effort, and Source Types
Cost Base Type / COST BASE TYPE Extensible Specifies the use of cost bases. Oracle Projects predefines the cost base types Burden Cost and Other. See: Cost Bases and Cost Base Types.
Cost Category/ PA_CBS_COST_CATEGORY User Specifies the name of the level in the cost breakdown structure. The cost attributes that are selected in the cost breakdown structure are entered as values in one or more FND lookups. The lookup is associated to a level as a cost category. The cost categories are selected at the levels in the cost breakdown structure to define the type of value in the segments of the cost codes.
Credit Type / CREDIT TYPE Extensible Categorizes revenue credit awarded to employees, such as sales credit, marketing credit, or quota credit. See: Credit Types.
Customer Project Relationship / PROJECT CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP Extensible Specifies the relationship a customer has with a project. See: Project Customer Relationships and Contact Types.
Federal Rejection Reason / PA_BUD_INTERFACE_REJ_CODE Extensible Indicates why a budget failed to integrate with the Budget Execution module of Oracle Federal Financials. See PA: Budget Workflow
Key Performance Areas / PA_PERF_KEY_AREAS User Categorizes performance measures and their attributes, and displays statuses and performance exceptions by category to determine the overall performance status of the project. See Key Performance Areas and Scoring.
Performance Indicators / PA_PERF_INDICATORS User Indicates the performance statuses of measures, key performance areas, and projects. See Statuses and Status Indicators.
Project Contact Type / PROJECT CONTACT TYPE Extensible Specifies how the contacts of a customer are involved with a project. See: Project Customer Relationships and Contact Types.
Project Priority / PA_PROJECT_PRIORITY_CODE User Specifies the priority rating for projects
Project Status / PROJECT STATUS Extensible Indicates reasons for changing a candidate's status. See: Defining Statuses and Status Profile Options.
Project Task and Control Item Priority / PA_TASK_PRIORITY_CODE User Specifies the priority rating for tasks and control items. See: Control Item Priorities, Levels of Effort, and Source Types and Defining Your Workplan Structure, Oracle Projects Fundamentals.
Reporting Pack Calendar Types / PA_RP_CALENDAR_TYPES User Specifies the different calendars that you can use for a reporting pack when reporting performance
Reporting Pack Currency Types / PA_RP_CURRENCY_TYPES User Specifies the different currencies that you can use for a reporting pack when reporting performance
Retirement Cost Classification / PROCEEDS_OF_SALE_EXP_TYPES User Expenditure types for proceeds of sale of retired assets. See: Implementing Oracle Project Costing: Capital Projects.
Revenue Category / REVENUE CATEGORY Extensible Describes a source of revenue. Used to group expenditure types and event types for revenue and billing, budgeting, reporting purposes, and in AutoAccounting rules. See: Revenue Categories.
Revenue Hold Reason / TXN REVENUE HOLD REASONS Extensible Indicates reasons for the revenue hold for expenditures and events.
Service Type / SERVICE TYPE Extensible Represents activities that you want to track for financial purposes. You assign a service type to each financial task. You can use service types in your AutoAccounting setup and to group tasks for custom reporting. See: Service Types.
Pm Product Code [Source Products] / PM_PRODUCT_CODE Extensible Identifies the external systems you use with Oracle Projects, for use with application programming interfaces (APIs). See: Source Products.
Staffing Priority / STAFFING_PRIORITY_CODE Extensible These codes enable you to rank the priority of staffing requirements. See: Staffing Priority Codes.
Third Party Pay Elements / THIRD PARTY PAY ELEMENTS Extensible Use this lookup to define pay element types used by the third party payroll applications that you use to import actual labor costs. You must define the pay elements in order to use them for creating pay element distribution rules. You can specify whether the pay element represents Earnings, Informational, Supplemental Earnings, Employer Taxes, Employer Liabilities, or Other. If you do not specify the pay element type, then the application assumes it to be Earnings.
Unit / UNIT Extensible Specifies quantities or amounts of an expenditure item. Oracle Projects predefines the units Currency and Hours. See: Units.
Work Quantity Work Items / PA_WQ_WORK_ITEMS Extensible An exact definition of the work being done on a workplan task. You can assign work items to workplan tasks to plan and track the progress of the work in terms of work quantity. See: Defining Work Items.
Workplan Change Reason / PA_WORKPLAN_CHANGE_REASON Extensible Use workplan change reasons to indicate why you have updated or otherwise changed a workplan. See: Defining Workplan Change Reasons.