Implementing Oracle Project Resource Management

This chapter contains instructions for implementing Oracle Project Resource Management.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Oracle Project Resource Management Implementation Checklists

Oracle Project Resource Management is an integrated project staffing application to help you manage project resource needs, profitability, and organization utilization by locating and deploying qualified resources to your projects across your enterprise. Project Resource Management empowers key project stakeholders, such as project managers, resource managers, and staffing managers with key information to make better use of their single most critical asset: their people. Oracle Project Resource Management is part of the Oracle E-Business Suite, an integrated set of applications that are engineered to work together.

Note: To find out how to access a window, refer to the Navigation Paths index, Oracle Projects Fundamentals.

Oracle Project Resource Management Product Implementation Checklist

The following checklist shows the steps required to implement Oracle Project Resource Management. The product setup checklist is organized by area of functionality. The Required/Optional column indicates if the step is required or optional for use of the product.

To implement Oracle Project Resource Management, complete the steps in the following order:

  1. Licensing

  2. Project Staffing

1. Licensing

The following table lists the step required for licensing:

Step Description Required /Optional Setup Level Responsibility
PJR-P1.1 Set the profile option PA: Licensed to Use Project Resource Management Required Site System Administrator

Additional Information: For details about the licensing step, see Licensing Oracle Project Resource Management.

2. Project Staffing

The following table lists the steps required for project staffing:

Step Description Required /Optional Setup Level Responsibility
PJR-P2.1 Define additional requirement statuses, candidate statuses, assignment approval statuses, and assignment scheduling statuses. Optional Site Projects Implementation Super User
PJR-P2.2 Set the requirement status, candidate status, and assignment status profile options Required Site System Administrator
PJR-P2.3 Define advertisement rules Optional Site Project Super User
PJR-P2.4 Define team templates Optional Site Project Super User
PJR-P2.5 Define staffing priority codes Optional Site Projects Implementation Super User
PJR-P2.6 Implement assignment approval workflow Optional Site  
PJR-P2.7 Implement assignment approval workflow extensions Optional Site  
PJR-P2.8 Implement candidate notification workflow Optional Site  
PJR-P2.9 Implement candidate notification workflow extension Optional Site  

Additional Information: For details about the project staffing steps, see Project Staffing.

Oracle Project Resource Management Features Implementation Checklist

The following checklist shows the steps required to implement each Oracle Project Resource Management feature. The list is organized by feature. The Required/Optional column indicates if the step is required or optional for each use of the feature.

To implement Oracle Project Resource Management features, complete the steps listed in the following section.

1. Organization Forecasting for Resources

Prerequisites: Before you set up organization forecasting for resources, you must define the following entities in the Project Costing application:

The following table lists the step required for organization forecasting for resources:

Step Description Required /Optional Setup Level Responsibility
PJR-F1.1 Define forecasting options Required OU Projects Implementation Super User

Additional Information: For details about the forecasting based on staffing plan step, see Implementing Organization Forecasting for Resources.

Licensing Oracle Project Resource Management

The following instructions give details about the Licensing steps in the Oracle Project Resource Management Product Implementation Checklist.

To indicate to the system that Project Resource Management is licensed, set the profile option PA: Licensed to Use Project Resource Management.

See: PA: Licensed to Use Project Resource Management.

Project Staffing

The following instructions give details about the Project Staffing steps in the Oracle Project Resource Management Product Implementation Checklist.

Staffing Status Definitions

This section describes the following setup topics:

For information on using the Statuses window to define statuses, see: Defining Statuses and Status Profile Options.

Predefined Statuses and Status Controls

A status is the state of an object. Objects can have only one status at a time. Your implementation of Oracle Project Resource Management includes predefined statuses for the following objects:

You can create new user statuses based on the available system statuses to meet your business needs and create process flows that support those needs. You can also modify the default status controls for each user status.

For each existing user status, you must define the next allowable statuses. Defining the next allowable statuses determines the process flow for your objects.

For example, you can specify that a requirement with the user status Open can have its status changed only to either Filled or Canceled. This example shows that you have just determined two possible process flows of a requirement:

Requirement Statuses

The requirement status indicates the state or condition of the requirement in the staffing life cycle.

Predefined Requirement Statuses

The following table shows the predefined requirement statuses and suggested next allowable statuses.

System Status User Status Description Suggested Next Allowable Statuses
Open Open Available for resource assignments Filled, Canceled
Filled Filled A resource is assigned Canceled
Canceled Canceled Canceled None

The status controls for requirement statuses are:

Use these status controls to restrict allowable actions on requirements based on status.

Assignment Statuses

The assignment status is the daily assignment status. Therefore, each day of the assignment has its own schedule status.

Predefined Assignment Statuses

The following table shows predefined assignment schedule system statuses and suggested next allowable statuses:

System Status User Status Description Suggested Next Allowable Statuses
Provisional Provisional A resource is assigned to the assignment on a provisional basis. Confirmed, Canceled
Confirmed Confirmed The resource is confirmed and scheduled for the assignment. Canceled
Canceled Canceled The assignment was canceled. None

The status controls for assignment statuses are:

Use this status control to include assignments in project forecasts based on the status.

Candidate Statuses

Each candidate has a status that indicates the state of consideration in the nomination process on a given requirement.

Predefined Candidate Statuses

The following table shows the predefined candidate statuses with and suggested next allowable statuses:

System Status User Status Description Suggested Next Allowable Statuses
Pending Review Pending Review Nominated for the requirement and ready for review Suitable, Under Review, Declined, Withdrawn, or Assigned
System Nomination System Nomination Nominated by the automated candidate search and nomination process. You cannot modify the attributes of this status. Also, you cannot create user statuses with the System Nomination system status. Suitable, Under Review, Declined, Withdrawn, or Assigned
Under Review Under Review In the review process Under Review, Declined, Withdrawn, or Assigned
Suitable Suitable A suitable match for the requirement Under Review, Declined, Withdrawn, or Assigned
Declined Declined Unsuitable for the requirement (the default status control Requires Change Reason requires the user who declines the candidate to enter a reason) Suitable or Under Review
Withdrawn Withdrawn Withdrawn from consideration Under Review
Assigned Assigned Assigned to fill the requirement. This status is used only by the workflow process after the candidate has been assigned to fill the requirement. None

There is one status control for the candidate statuses:

This status control requires entry of a reason when a user changes the status of a candidate.

Assignment Approval Statuses

Each assignment has a status that indicates the state of the assignment in the staffing life cycle.

Predefined Assignment Approval Statuses

Assignment approval statuses are used by workflow processes. The assignment approval status represents the approval status for the entire assignment.

You cannot add, modify, or delete these statuses. The status is applied to an assignment based on the action being undertaken.

The following table shows predefined assignment approval statuses and their next allowable statuses:

System Status Description Next Allowable Statuses
Working The assignment is new and has not yet been submitted for approval, or the canceled assignment was changed and needs to be resubmitted for approval. Submitted
Submitted The assignment is submitted for approval. Approval can be sought either manually or by using a workflow process. Approved or Rejected
Approved The assignment is approved and the resource is confirmed. Requires Resubmission
Canceled The assignment is canceled. None
Rejected The assignment is rejected. The user can modify the assignment and resubmit it for approval. Requires Resubmission
Requires Resubmission The approved assignment has been changed and requires a resubmission for approval. Submitted

Setting the Staffing Status Profile Options

Set the following profile options to specify default values for staffing statuses. For details about each profile option, see: Profile Options in Oracle Projects.

Requirement Status Profile Options

Candidate Status Profile Options

Assignment Status Profile Options

Implementing Advertisement Rules

Advertisement rules control the visibility of a requirement to resources and managers of an organization over a period of time. Each advertisement rule is a list of actions that are performed when the condition associated with each action is met.

Implementation of advertisement rule functionality is optional.

Implementing Advertisement Rule Functionality

One advertisement rule, Publish to Everyone, is predefined in Oracle Project Resource Management. This rule has the following attributes:

If you are not using advertisement rule functionality, leave the Start Advertisement Rule box selected for each requirement. If a user deselects this box, then the requirement will not be visible in requirement searches or Requirement List pages.

Defining Advertisement Rules

You can optionally define your own advertisement rules.

To define advertisement rules:

  1. Navigate to the Advertisement Rules page.

  2. Choose Create Advertisement Rule.

  3. Enter the name, description, and effective dates. Choose Add Action.

  4. For each action you want to define for the advertisement rule, enter action and condition information and choose Apply. After you apply each action, the Create Advertisement Rule page is displayed with the updated information.

  5. When you have finished entering all actions, choose Apply on the Create Advertisement Rule page to save the entire advertisement rule.

Specifying the Default Advertisement Rule

After you define your advertisement rules, you can specify the default rule on the Staffing tab in the system Implementation Options window.

Users can set advertisement rules at various levels. The value defined at each level is the default value for the next subsequent level. The hierarchy for default values is:

  1. Implementation Options

  2. Project Template

  3. Project

  4. Requirement

You set the overall default advertisement rule in the Implementation Options. When a user creates a project template, the project template retrieves the advertisement rule from the Implementation Options. When a user creates a project, the project advertisement rule is copied from either the project template or from the original project from which the new project is being copied. Any new requirements added to the project also adopt the project advertisement rule.

You can override the default advertisement rule at any of the levels from the project template to the requirement. In addition, you can modify the actions of the advertisement rule on individual requirements without affecting the original default advertisement rule.

Processing Advertisement Actions

An advertisement rule action on a requirement is performed only if the associated condition is met and the advertisement rule status is Started or Resumed. The associated condition for advertisement actions is validated under the following conditions:

Concurrent Program is Run: The concurrent program PRC: Perform Action Rules, set at regular frequency, performs the advertisement actions of the open requirements that have met the associated condition.

Online update is performed: The associated conditions of the actions on a requirement are re-evaluated online if the start date of the requirement is changed or if the advertisement rule on the requirement is updated. The qualified actions are performed if the advertisement rule status is Started or Resumed.

Advertisement Rule is Started or Resumed: When a requirement advertisement rule is first activated or resumed, the system validates the advertisement actions to check if they meet the associated condition. The qualifying actions are performed.

Submitting the PRC: Perform Action Rules Process

The PRC: Perform Action Rules process evaluates the action conditions for each action on a scheduled basis. You should schedule this process to run on a regular basis.

For more information about this process, see: Perform Action Rules., Oracle Projects Fundamentals

Team Templates

A team template contains attributes that you can use to create requirements on a project. If you need to create multiple project teams with similar requirements, you can use team templates to avoid duplicate entry of requirements.

Creating Team Templates

To create a team template:

Note: You must define work types before you can create team templates. See: Defining Work Types.

  1. Navigate to the Team Templates page.

  2. Enter the information for the new team template.

The following table shows selected fields that you complete when you create a team template:

Field Description
Effective Dates The period of time during which a template can be applied to projects (regardless of the project actual start date)
Calendar Default calendar for the requirement
Work Type Default work type for the requirement
Role List The list of roles that you can select for each requirement on the team template. In addition to requirements, you can add subteams to the template that also will be created on a project once the template is applied.

Applying Team Templates

When you apply a team template to a project, the requirements on the template are created on the project.

If the system date falls between the team template effective dates, you can apply the template to a project. You can apply the team template from the Apply Team Template page (accessible through the Schedule Resource page). Or, if your selected project template has an associated team template, then it is applied during the project creation.

If a project has an associated role list, you can apply only team templates with matching role lists to the project. If a project has no associated role list, then you can apply any current team templates to the project.

The process of applying a team template and its associated requirements to a project can take some time. Therefore, an Oracle Workflow process, PA Apply Team Template, handles the application process.

Start and End Dates for Requirements on a Project

The interval between the team template start date and the dates of the template requirements is used to determine the dates of the requirements created on a project. When the team template is applied to a project, the start date for the new requirement is:

The end date for the new requirement is:

Example: You have a team template called Fast Forward Team with a March 1, 1990 start date.

The template has a requirement called DBA with the following attributes:

You apply this template to a project with a start date of June 1, 2006.

The interval from the team template start date (March 1) to the template requirement start date (April 1) is 31 days. The DBA requirement is added to the project with a start date of July 2, 2006 (June 1, 2006 plus 31 days) and an end date of July 31, 2006 (June 1, 2006 plus 60 days).

Staffing Priority Codes

Staffing priority codes on a requirement specify the priority for filling the requirement.

You can select staffing priorities when you add or updat requirements. An assignment retains the staffing priority allocated to the original requirement before it became an assignment (filled requirement).

Defining Staffing Priorities

You use the Oracle Projects Lookups window to define staffing priorities.

To define staffing priorities:

  1. Navigate to the Oracle Projects Lookups window.

  2. Query the lookups for the lookup type STAFFING_PRIORITY_CODE.

  3. Enter the codes you want to add.

  4. For each code, enter a meaning and description.

  5. Select the Enabled box.

  6. Save your work.

For more information on defining and updating lookups in Oracle Projects, see: Oracle Projects Lookups.

Implementing Staffing Workflow and Extensions

You can use the following workflows and client extensions to extend the staffing functionality.

Assignment Approval Workflow

You can use the Assignment Approval Workflow to obtain approvals for a resource assignment. For more information, see: Assignment Approval Workflow Process.

Assignment Approval Workflow Extensions

You can use the following client extensions to extend the functionality of the Project Assignment Workflow:

Candidate Notification Workflow

You can use the Candidate Notification Workflow to send notifications pertaining to candidates. For details, see: Candidate Notification Workflow Processes.

Candidate Notification Workflow Extensions

You can use the Candidate Notification Workflow Extension to extend the functionality of the Candidate Notification Workflow.

Implementing Organization Forecasting for Resources

The following instructions give details about the Organization Forecasting for Resources steps in the Oracle Project Resource Management Feature Implementation Checklist.

Oracle Project Resource Management provides an organization forecast process that performs calculations based on your predefined bill and cost rates. These rates are evaluated in the time frame of the assignments, requirements, and scheduled work patterns to provide forecast totals. Predefined bill rates can be overridden for individual requirements and assignments.

Prerequisites for Organization Forecasting for Resources

To generate forecasts totals, you must define information on which the forecasts are based. The following steps are required:

Defining Unassigned Time Tracking

Oracle Project Resource Management automatically generates totals for unassigned time for all utilization jobs. The calculation for unassigned time subtracts both provisional and confirmed assignment hours from the total capacity for each available day. Any remaining hours generated from this calculation are assigned to projects specifically implemented for the purpose of tracking unassigned hours.

To define unassigned time tracking projects, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Project Types window.

  2. Create a project type using the indirect project type class.

  3. In the Details window, select the following options:

  4. Administrative

  5. Unassigned Time

  6. Create a project template using the unassigned project type. This type of project is used solely for tracking unassigned time for utilization and forecasting calculations. Therefore, users cannot manually add any scheduled roles to this project and the Add Requirement and Add Assignment options are not available for this project.

  7. Create a project using the unassigned project template. Optionally, you can create two unassigned projects: one for billable jobs and one for non-billable jobs.

  8. Complete the options on the Unassigned Time Options tab.

Forecasting Implementation Options

Use the forecasting implementation options to specify implementation settings for resource scheduling, resource utilization, and organization forecasting.

The forecasting implementation options include:

You define forecast and unassigned time options for each operating unit.

Complete the options according to the guidelines shown in the following table:

Field Description
Operating Unit Select the operating unit for which you are defining forecasting options
Include Administrative Projects Select this box to indicate that you want to include administrative projects in project forecast totals.
You must enable this option to avoid errors because the application does not yet exclude administrative projects.
Maximum Historical Versions Enter the maximum number of historical forecast versions that you want to store. At minimum, you must enter a value of 1. The suggested starting value is 5.
Expenditure Type Class Select the Expenditure Type Class to classify the forecast items.
Expenditure Type Select the Expenditure Type to apply to all generated forecast items.
Transfer Price Amount Type This field is for future use in forecasting functionality.
Job-Based Cost Rate Schedule Select the job-based cost rate schedule for assignments.
Forecast Generation and Display Enter values for forecast generation.

For information about expenditure types and project classifications, see: Expenditure Types and Project Classifications.

Unassigned Time Implementation Options

The Unassigned Time Options page has two regions, one for Billable People and the other for Non-Billable People. You complete the same fields for both regions. The following table shows the Unassigned Time Options fields.

Field Description
Include in Forecast Select this box to indicate that you want to summarize unassigned time in the project financial forecast totals. If you select this option, enter values for the following fields.
Unassigned Time Project Enter the name of the project for reporting of unassigned time.
Expenditure Type Class Specify the expenditure type class for unassigned time.
Expenditure Type Enter the expenditure type for unassigned time.