G-Invoicing Setup and Administration: Servicing Agency

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of G-Invoicing

The Oracle E-Business Suite solution for G-Invoicing works with the federal G-Invoicing application to facilitate the exchange and processing of buy and sell data related to intragovernmental transactions (IGTs). The solution is integrated with Oracle Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector (CLM), Oracle Purchasing, and Oracle Projects. Other E-Busines Suite products play supporting roles.

Federal program agencies (FPAs) can use the G-Invoicing solution to:

The G-Invoicing solution uses REST services to communicate with the federal G-Invoicing web application. Agencies push and pull IGT data to and from the G-Invoicing application. Data retrieved from the G-Invoicing application is validated, and corresponding transactions are created within Oracle E-Business Suite.

The EBS G-Invoicing solution includes:

For information about setting up and using G-Invoicing in Oracle E-Business Suite, see:


Before you begin to set up the Oracle G-Invoicing solution, you must meet the following prerequisites.

Refer to My Oracle Support knowledge document 2600811.1, G-Invoicing Integration, for details about the latest patches and Oracle E-Business Suite G-Invoicing integration.

Summary of Setup Tasks

To prepare your Oracle Projects implementation for use with G-Invoicing, complete the following tasks:

Setting Profile Options

  1. From the System Administrator responsibility, click Profile and then System.

    The Find System Profile Values window appears.

  2. Set the profile options as shown below.

Profile Option Value Level
FND: Personalization Region Link Enabled Yes Site
Disable Self-Service Personal No Site
G-Invoicing Service Host qa.ws.igt.fiscal.treasury.gov  
G-Invoicing Service Path /ginv/services  
G-Invoicing Integration Admin Administrator  
G-Invoicing Create Auto Agreement Yes/No  
PA: Manage Revenue Budget Manually Yes/No  
PA: Use Original Exchange Rate Date for Recalculation of Revenue Yes/No  
PA: Interface Unreleased Revenue to GL Yes/No  
PA: Enable Tax Estimation During Invoice Generation Yes/No  
Confirm Funds Availability upon Revenue Budget Baseline Yes/No  

Setting Up Oracle Enterprise Command Center

You must implement the Oracle Projects Enterprise Command Center to get the G-Invoicing dashboard, an integral component of the EBS G-Invoicing solution. To install and set up ECC, refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2495053.1, Installing Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework, Release 12.2.12 (Latest Version).

Entering Security Certificate Details

Enter EBS security certificate details before using EBS G-Invoicing.

To enter security certificate details:

  1. From the Projects Super User responsibility, select Setup and then G-Invoicing Options.

    The G-Invoicing Options window appears.

  2. Enter the following path in the TrustStore Path field:

  3. Enter a value in the TrustStore Password field.

  4. Enter the following path in the KeyStore Path field:

  5. Enter a value in the KeyStore Password field.

  6. In the Associate System IDs region, select or enter your agency type, operating unit, and system ID. The operating unit is mapped to the system ID.

  7. In the GT&C Response Type, select XML or JSON type.

  8. In the Order and Performance Response Type, select XML or JSON type.

    Oracle EBS now includes JSON support for interfacing GT&C, orders, and performances with federal G-Invoicing to conform with the US Treasury mandate for faster data transmission and smaller file sizes. This change allows the JSON-based interface to coexist with the existing XML-based interface. If you are using the 7600 Easy (EZ) Invoicing functionality, then you must select JSON response type. For the other features, you can choose either XML or JSON.

Placing Certificate Files

To place certificate files:

  1. In the file system, change the file path to the following:

  2. In the 12.0.0 directory, create a directory named ginvoicing.

  3. Place the certificate files in the directory.

Setting Up Agency Location Codes in Oracle Payables

Create a servicing agency location code (ALC) for each ALC that your agency maintains.

To set up agency location codes:

  1. From the Payables responsibility, select Setup, then Payment, and then Bank Accounts.

    The Bank Accounts page appears.

  2. Search for an account name.

  3. Choose the account name and click Select.

  4. Click Go.

    The selected account appears.

  5. Select the account name.

  6. Click the Update Account option.

    The Update Bank Account page appears.

  7. Select the Account Controls option in the side tab.

    The Update Bank Account: Account Controls page appears.

  8. In the Federal Controls region, enter a value in the Agency Location Code field.

  9. Click Save and Next or Finish.

Identifying Requesting Agencies in Oracle Receivables

Oracle Projects derives the customer information for agreements from the customer information that you set up in Oracle Receivables.

In Oracle Receivables, set up a customer for each requesting agency location code (ALC). To derive customer information, you can either use the procedures explained here or create custom logic using the client extension PA_CLIENT_EXTN_IGT_CUST.

To set up customer information in Oracle Receivables for use by Oracle Projects:

  1. Turn off automatic customer numbering.

    1. Select Receivables, then Setup, then System, and then System Options.

      The System Options window appears.

    2. On the Accounting tab, search for an operating unit.

    3. Click the Trans and Customers tab.

    4. In the Customers region, disable the Automatic Customer Numbering option.

    5. Save your work.

  2. Enable the Trading Partner Agency ID field.

    1. On the Home page, click Receivables, then click Customers and then Customers. The Customers page appears.

    2. Search for any customer name.

    3. Click the customer name in the results table. The Customer Information page appears.

    4. In the table on the Accounts tab, click the account number for the account that you want to set up. The Update Account page appears.

    5. In the Account region, click Personalize "Create Account". The Personalize Region page appears.

    6. In the Personalization Structure hierarchy table, locate Message LOV Input: Trading Partner Agency ID and click the Personalize icon.

    7. The Personalize Message LOV Input page appears.

    8. In the Rendered row, set all values to true.

    9. Verify that the value in the Result column is true / Responsibility.

    10. Apply your changes and exit E-Business Suite.

    11. Clear the browser cache.

  3. Enable the Federal Entity Type field.

    1. Log in and select the Receivables responsibility.

    2. Click Customers, and then Customers.

      The Customers page appears.

    3. Click Create.

      The Create Organization page appears.

    4. Click Settings, then select Personalize Page.

    5. Search for and select Message Choice: Federal Entity Type.

    6. Click Personalize.

      The Personalize Message Choice page appears.

    7. In the Rendered row, set all fields to True.

    8. Click Apply and then Return to Application.

      The Customers page appears.

  4. Create a new customer.

    1. On the Customers page, click Create.

      The Create Organization page appears.

    2. In the Account Number field, enter a customer number that matches a requesting Agency Location Code (ALC).

    3. Select Federal Entity Type and Trading Partner Agency ID.

    4. Click Apply.

Setting Up Prepayment or Refunding in Receivables

For advance-enabled orders, set up receivables activities in Oracle Receivables to create funding and baseline budgets and set up a refund activity to generate refunds.

To set up either the Prepayment or the Refund activity type, perform the following steps:

  1. From the Home page, select the Receivables, US Federal responsibility.

  2. Click Setup, then Receipts, and then Receivable Activities.

    The Receivables Activities window appears.

  3. Enter values in the mandatory fields such as Name, Type, and Activity GL Account (in the Accounting region).

  4. In the Type field, choose Prepayment to create receipts and baseline budgets, or Refund to generate refunds.

Setting Up Transaction Types in Receivables

If an agency is using the refund process, then it must setup the overapplication option in the transaction type window. To set the transaction type, perform the following steps:

  1. In EBS, select the Receivables Super User responsibility.

  2. Click Setup, then Transactions, and then Transaction Types.

  3. In the Transaction Types window, click and enable the Allow Overapplication option.

  4. Save your changes.

Refer to the "Transaction Types" topic in Oracle Receivables User Guide for more details on overapplication functionality.

Setting Up an Agreement Type

Set up an agreement type for each operating unit that uses G-Invoicing in the Implementation Options window. Any agreement created for the operating unit uses this agreement type.

You can use an existing agreement type or create a new one. Either way, ensure that the Approval Required option is enabled in the Agreement Type window.

If you set the profile option G-Invoicing Create Auto Agreement to Yes, then the order interface program automatically creates agreements when orders are interfaced to EBS. If you set the profile option value to No, then you must manually create agreements. The default value is Yes.

For auto-created IGT agreements, you can use the client extension to derive the agreement type. While creating an agreement, the Pull Intragovernmental Orders Interface Program checks whether a client extension exists. If a client extension does not exist, then the program uses the agreement type set up in the Implementation Options window.

If you change the value of the Agreement Type field in the Implementation Options window, then all new agreements are created with the new agreement type. The change does not impact existing agreements.

To set up an agreement type:

  1. From the Projects, US Federal responsibility, navigate to Setup, then System, and then Implementation Options.

    The Implementation Options window appears.

  2. Click the Billing tab.

  3. Select or enter the agreement type.

Note: IGT agreement types are reserved for IGT orders. The list of values for this field only displays types that are workflow-enabled and are not assigned to any non-IGT agreements.

Each ALC is mapped to an operating unit (OU). The mapping is sourced from the Bank Accounts page in the Federal Administrator responsibility. The Pull Intragovernmental Orders Interface Program defaults the agreement type and operating unit on the draft agreement.

Entering G-Invoicing Setup Options

On the G-Invoicing Setup page, you can set up default preparer information for performances and the receipt and refund payment methods used during IPAC settlement.

Default preparer information is based on performance roles. You can set the performance role values at the operating unit level and override them at the project level.

To set up default performance attributes:

  1. Select the Projects Super User, US Federal responsibility.

  2. Click Projects: Setup and then G-Invoicing Setup.

    The G-Invoicing Setup page appears.

  3. Select an operating unit.

  4. Select a default performance role.

    The person performing this role for a project acts as the preparer for performance. Oracle Projects defaults the preparer details such as name, email address, and phone number on the Submit Advance Performance page.

  5. Select a receipt method.

    This method is used to create receipts during the IPAC settlement process.

  6. Select a value for the Refund Pay Group field.

    This option is available at the operating unit and project level.

  7. Set the Manage Deferred Performance field to Yes or No.

    If you select Yes, the system submits deferred performance first and then runs the delivery performance. If you select No, deferred performance is not generated for revenue transactions. The default value is Yes.

    The revenue hard limit is activated based on the value setup for the manage deferred performance option in the G-Invoicing Setup page. If you set the value to No, then the revenue hard limit is enabled for edits. If the value is set to Yes, then the revenue hard limit option is disabled from edits.

    Refer to "Flexible Revenue Hard Limit" topics for more details.

  8. Select a refund payment method.

    During the IPAC settlement process, the selected refund payment method is used to create adjustments and refund activity.

  9. Select an accounting method.

    Choose between CA/CL Accounting (Contract Asset and Contract Liability) and UER/UBR Accounting (Unearned Revenue and Unbilled Receivable). The default value is UER/UBR.

  10. Select a value for the Buyer-Initiated Orders Maintained In field.

    The value indicates whether the orders are created and maintained in the federal G-Invoicing application or in EBS, and dictates the performance processing and accounting performed in the corresponding systems.

  11. Select a value for the Seller-Facilitated Orders Maintained In field.

    The value indicates whether the orders are created and maintained in the federal G-Invoicing application or in EBS.

  12. Select the Request Full Advance upon Order Approval option to automatically submit full advance for all order line schedules using Oracle Projects.

  13. In the EZ Invoicing Setup region, enter a value in the Invoice Cancellation Numbering field to initiate specific numbering for invoice cancellation and credit memo creation process. The specified number will be the starting point for all the transactions in the EZ invoice cancellation process. This numbering is applicable for all projects in the chosen operating unit. The subsequent transactions are incremented by 1. The cancellation series is effective only when the implementation options do not have automatic numbering and the credit memo reason is not a required value as per the implementation setup.

  14. Click Apply.

Setting Up Units of Measure for Order Lines

Set up units of measure for order lines in Oracle Projects. Add each required unit of measure as a lookup for Projects lookup type UNIT.

For example, in G-Invoicing, for the unit of measure Each, define the lookup as below:

  1. From the Home page, select the Projects, US Federal responsibility.

  2. Select Setup, then System, then Units.

  3. Click Add a Line.

  4. Enter the following details:

    • Application: Projects

    • Type: UNIT

    • Code: EA

    • Meaning: Each

  5. Save your changes.

Setting Up Trading Partner TAS and BETC

To set up TAS and BETC for both requesting and servicing agencies:

  1. From the Federal Administrator responsibility, select Setup and then Treasury.

    • To set up TAS and BETC for a requesting agency, select Trading Partner TAS.

      The Define Trading Partner TAS (US Federal) page appears.

    • To set up TAS and BETC for a servicing agency, select Trading Account Symbols.

      The Define Treasury Account Symbols page appears.

  2. Enter values in the Agency Identifier, Main Account Code, and Federal Account Symbol Title fields.

  3. Click the Treasury Account Symbol (TAS) tab and enter your Allocation Transfer Agency (ATA) identifier. When you tab out of the field, the TAS symbol is automatically populated.

  4. Click TAS/BETC Mapping.

    The TAS/BETC Mapping window appears.

  5. Select a TAS type:

    • For a requesting agency, select Trading Partner.

    • For a servicing agency, select Agency.

  6. Click in the Treasury Account Symbol field to select a TAS value.

  7. In the Business Event Type Codes region, click in the BETC field to select a value. These values were set up in the US Treasury Federal Portal.

  8. Save your changes.

Setting Up Group Security

The Get Group in Agency Account concurrent program returns organizational groups in the agency associated with the requested system ID. The security attributes that you set up at the user level determine group access. The TAS/BETC filters are applied based on the group association.

  1. From the Home page, select the Projects Super User responsibility.

  2. Select Setup and then G-Invoicing Options.

    The G-Invoicing Options page appears.

  3. Select values in the Agency Type, Operating Unit, and System ID fields.

    The selected operating unit is mapped to the system ID.

    To view the operating unit and system ID mapping, select G-Invoicing, then Administration, and then Manage System Users.

Setting Up AME Administration

To use Oracle Approvals Management Engine (AME) for the agreement approval mechanism, set the attributes explained in the Existing Approval Attributes to Modify table.

  1. Select the Approvals Management Administrator responsibility.

    The Administrator Dashboard page appears.

  2. Set the filter to Transaction Type and enter the transaction type Projects Agreement Approval.

  3. Click Go.

  4. In the Transaction Types results table, click Update.

    The Update Transaction Type: Transaction Type Details page appears.

  5. Click Next. The Update Transaction Type: Item Classes page appears.

  6. Click Next. The Update Transaction Type: Mandatory Attributes page appears.

  7. Click Next. The Update Transaction Type: Review page appears.

    Verify all details.

  8. Click Finish.

    The transaction type is ready for use.

  9. Click Home.

  10. Switch to the Approvals Management Business Analyst responsibility.

    The Business Analyst Dashboard appears.

  11. In Approvals Process Setup side bar, search for the Projects Agreement Approval transaction type.

  12. Click Attributes to define attributes.

    Oracle Projects adds three attributes by default.

Creating the Agreement Amount Attribute

To create a new Agreement Amount attribute:

  1. From the Administrator Dashboard, click the Attributes subtab, then Create.

    The Create New Attribute page appears.

  2. In the Name field, enter Agreement_Amount.

  3. Enter a description.

  4. Select Number from the Data Type list.

  5. Select Dynamic from the Usage Type list.

  6. In the Value field, enter the following:

    select amount from pa_agreement_versions where AGREEMENT_VERSION_ID=:transactionId 
  7. Click Validate to verify the value.

  8. Click Apply.

    The new Agreement_Amount attribute is created.

Modifying Existing Attributes

Modify existing attributes as shown in the following table:

Note: The attribute values are case sensitive. Enter values in lowercase.

Existing Approval Attributes to Modify
Attribute Attribute Type Value
TRANSACTION_REQUESTOR_PERSON_ID Usage Type: Dynamic SELECT employee_id FROM fnd_user where user_id=(select last_updated_by from pa_agreement_versions where AGREEMENT_VERSION_ID=:transactionId)

To modify attributes:

  1. From the Administrator Dashboard, click the Attributes subtab, then Use Existing Attribute.

    The Use Existing Attribute: Select Attribute page appears.

  2. In the Name field, enter the attribute name, then click Go.

    The specified attribute appears.

  3. In the Value field, enter the value shown in the Existing Attributes to Modify table.

    Note: Enter the value in all lowercase. Entering the value in uppercase results in an error.

  4. Click Finish.

    The attribute is modified.

  5. To modify another attribute, click Use Existing Attribute on the Attributes page.

    The Use Existing Attribute: Select Attribute page appears.

    Repeat steps 2, 3, and 4 until you have modified all attributes in the Existing Attributes to Modify table.

    Note: The REJECTION_RESPONSE, REPEAT_SUBSTITUTIONS, and USE_WORKFLOW attributes are included by default.

  6. Verify that all 16 attributes have been modified. Scroll down to view the complete list.

Create a Condition and Assign Action Types

  1. On the Transaction Type: Projects Agreement Approval page, click the Conditions tab.

  2. Click Create.

    The Create New Condition page appears.

  3. Enter Agreement_Amount in the Attribute field. The Expression region appears.

  4. In the Expression region, set the condition for the attribute. Add an appropriate condition for use when running the Agreement Approval workflow.

  5. Click Apply.

    The condition is added.

    AME searches for an approver that satisfies the condition. If none exist, then Oracle Projects displays an error.

  6. Click the Action Types tab.

  7. Click Use Existing Action Type.

  8. Select the Absolute job level action type.

  9. Click Continue.

    The action type is assigned.

  10. Click the Rules tab on the Transaction Type: Projects Agreement Approval page.

  11. In the Rules Details subtab, click Create.

    The Create New Rule: Enter Rule Details page appears.

  12. Enter a rule name and click Next.

  13. Click Add Condition and select your new condition.

  14. Click Next.

  15. Add Action for the rule.

  16. Select Requires approvals up to at least level 1 from the list of values.

    Note: Only one level of approval is supported at this time.

  17. Click Next.

    Review the details.

  18. Click Finish.

This completes the AME Administration setup.

Setting Up Descriptive Flexfields

Set up the descriptive flexfield JG_PA_PROJ_ELEMENT_VERSIONS by running the following command from the $FND_TOP:

FNDLOAD APPS/pwd 0 Y UPLOAD @FND:patch/115/import/afffload.lct $FV_TOP/patch/115/import/US/b13614161_gdf.ldt UPLOAD_MODE=REPLACE CUSTOM_MODE=FORCE

Create a Context for the Flexfield: JG_PA_DRAFT_INVOICE_ITEMS

To create a new context for the JG_PA_DRAFT_INVOICE_ITEMS flexfield:

  1. Switch to the Projects responsibility.

  2. Select Setup, then Flexfields, then Descriptive, and then Segments.

  3. Press the F1 key.

  4. Enter JG_PA_DRAFT_INVOICE_ITEMS in the Title field and press CTRL-F11.

  5. Unfreeze the flexfield definition.

  6. Click the third row in the Context Field Values region, and enter the following:

    • In the Code field, enter FV.US.POBG.TP_TAS.

    • In the Name field, enter GTAS Trading Partner Attributes.

    • In the Description field, enter GTAS Trading Partner Attributes.

    • Select Enabled.

  7. Save your work.

  8. Click Segments in the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window.

    The Segments Summary window appears.

  9. Enter the following in the first row:

    • In the Number field, enter 10.

    • In the Name field, enter TRADING_PARTNER_TAS.

    • In the Window Prompt field, enter TRADING_PARTNER_TAS.

    • In the Column field, enter GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2.

  10. Enter the following in the next row:

    • In the Number field, enter 20.

    • In the Name field, enter TRADING_PARTNER_BETC.

    • In the Window Prompt field, enter TRADING_PARTNER_BETC.

    • In the Column field, enter GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3.

  11. Save your changes.

  12. Click Compile in the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window.

  13. Freeze the flexfield definition.

  14. Save your changes.

Setting Up for 7600EZ Invoicing

The agency must complete the following mandatory setups for using the 7600EZ Invoicing.

G-Invoicing Setup

In the G-Invoicing Setup page enable the invoice cancellation numbering.

  1. From the Home page, select the Projects Super User, US Federal responsibility.

  2. Click Projects: Setup and then G-Invoicing Setup. The G-Invoicing Setup page appears.

  3. In the EZ Invoicing Setup region, enter a value in the Invoice Cancelation Numbering field to initiate specific numbering for invoice cancellation and credit memo creation process. The specified number will be the starting point for all the transactions in the EZ invoice cancellation process. This numbering is applicable for all projects in the chosen operating unit. The subsequent transactions are incremented by 1. The cancellation series is effective only when the implementation options do not have automatic numbering and the credit memo reason is not a required value as per the implementation setup.

Setting Up G-Invoicing Option

To set up automatic release of credit memo, perform the following steps:

  1. From the Home page, select the Projects Super User responsibility.

  2. Click Setup and then G-Invoicing Options. The G-Invoicing Options page appears.

  3. Click and choose JSON for the GT&C Response Type field.

Set up Credit Reason

EBS G-Invoicing supports automatic release of credit memos. You must set an option in the implementation option to avail this functionality. To set up automatic release of credit memo, perform the following steps:

  1. From the Home page, select the Projects Super User, US Federal responsibility.

  2. Click Setup, then Systems and then Implementation Options.

  3. The Implementation Options page appears.

  4. Disable the Require Credit Memo Reason option to utilize the automatic release of credit memos. If the option is enabled, then the credit memo is retained in the approved status. You must manually release the credit memo.

Project Setup

A new attribute is included in the Project setup page that identifies a project enabled for EZ invoicing. Only projects with the 7600EZ Invoice enabled would be available for funding association to an agreement which is also EZ-enabled. To setup projects for EZ invoice, perform the following steps:

  1. From the Home page, select the Projects US Federal responsibility.

  2. Click Projects: Delivery and then Search Projects. The Search Projects page appears.

  3. Click Advanced search on the top right-hand corner.

  4. Search for a EZ project using a search criteria.

  5. Click the project name or project number link.

  6. Click the Setup subtab in the Projects tab. The Projects Setup page appears.

  7. Enable the 7600EZ Invoice option. This field is editable until the project is associated with an agreement and the funding is established. You cannot change the value after the funding is established.

If a projects is IGT-enabled and has been associated to an order line, then such projects cannot be enabled for 7600EZ invoice.

If the 7600EZ Invoice option is enabled on a project, then such projects cannot be associated to an order line or order line schedule.

Billing Setup Changes

Perform the following setups in the Billing setup window:

  1. From the Home page, select the Projects US Federal responsibility.

  2. Click Setup, then Projects, and then Project Templates.

  3. In the Find Projects window, query for an easy project.

  4. Click the Project and click Open. The Projects Templates page appears.

  5. In the Options region, scroll down, and then click and expand Billing Information.

  6. Select Billing Setup and click Details. The Revenue and Billing Information window appears.

  7. You must enable the Customer at Top Task and Invoice Method at top Task option for an EZ invoice to enable funding. If you choose these two options at the template level, they get defaulted to projects that use this template. If you do not enable them at the template level, then you must enable these options for each project you create for EZ invoicing.

  8. For an EZ invoice, the Adjustment Included on Standard Invoice must include All. When the project is identified as an EZ invoice project, the values of Adjustment Included on Standard Invoice at the project and task level Billing Setup are changed to All. You cannot modify this value. Similarly, for an EZ invoice enabled project, the Error Negative Standard Invoice option is enabled. You cannot modify this option. This avoids credit memo and negative invoice creation for EZ Adjustments. EZ invoices do not allow partial reversal or credits for a transaction. You can only reverse or credit the whole amount and a new invoice is generated for the same.

  9. For the EZ enabled projects, the Error Negative Standard Invoices option is enabled by default. You cannot modify the value. When this option is enabled, the system does not process an invoice that has a negative value. It is applicable only for a standard negative invoice and not for a credit memo. When an invoice is generated as per the invoice limits, the system checks this parameter and stamps the invoice with an error when the invoice value is negative. Transactions associated to such invoices will be eligible for invoice generation on the following runs after the errors are corrected.

Intragovernmental 7600EZ Invoice Interface Program

To pull or push 7600 Easy orders, run the Intragovernmental 7600EZ Invoice Interface Program.

  1. From Home, switch to Projects Super User responsibility.

  2. Click Requests and then click Schedule.

    Query for the Intragovernmental 7600EZ Invoice Interface Program.

  3. Click the Parameters tab, enter the following details:

    • Agency Type: Select Requesting Agency.

    • Request Mode: Select Push to send data to or Pull to retrieve data from the federal G-Invoicing application.

    • Request Type: If the request mode is pull, then select from the following values:

      Get Order Attachment

      Get Order List

      Get Order by ID

    • Operating Unit: Specify the operating unit.

    • Agency Location Code (Optional): To retrieve data for a specific agency, select its agency location code (ALC).

    • EZ Number (Optional): To run the program for a specific EZ invoice, enter the invoice number.

    • GTC Number (Optional): To run the program for a specific GT&C, enter the GT&C number.

    • Document Status (Optional): If you specify a status, then the program only processes documents that are in that status.

  4. Submit the concurrent request.

    Note: Schedule this program to run as often as required to keep the G-Invoicing data current.