Implementing and Administering Deliverables

This chapter covers the following topics:

Deliverables Overview

Deliverables are hard or soft, electronic collateral transmitted to a customer, prospect or an Event registrant. Deliverables may also be defined and collected into a kit. You can add other deliverables to the kit. Both Campaigns and Events use Deliverables. Deliverables are integrated into Oracle Inventory. When a Deliverable is created as an inventory item, it is created as a collateral. These collateral items are available to Oracle Telesales. Physical Deliverables created as inventory items may be priced using Oracle Pricing in Oracle Marketing.

Setting System Profile Options for Deliverables

Set the following profile options for Deliverables:

Profile Options for Deliverables
Option Required Level Setting Effect/Limitation
AMS: Item Validation Master Organization Yes Site A valid Master Inventory Organization When a Deliverable is flagged as an inventory item, it is created in Inventory under the specified master organization.
AMS: Should Call to Inventory Modules be Made Yes Site Yes/No Indicates whether a Deliverable may be created as an Oracle Inventory item.
AMS: Should Call to Pricing Modules be Made Yes Site Yes/No Indicates whether a Deliverable may be priced.

Creating and Verifying Lookups for Deliverables

See the table below for lookups, types, values and meanings.

Lookups for Deliverables
Key Type Values Meanings
Denied - Budget Approval
Submitted - Budget Approval
Denied - Concept Approval
Budget Approved
Submitted - Concept Approval
On Cancellation
On Enrollment
On Registration
AMS_CAMP_FULFILL_ON System On_Invite On Invite
Used By

Implementing Products

Implementing products for marketing purposes provides marketer's the ability to create, promote, and manage products. After you have properly implemented products, your end users can access products using the Campaign Workbench or the Campaign tab. For the purpose of marketing, products are usually associated with an offer, event, promotion, or deliverable.

Oracle Marketing requires that the following applications are properly implemented:

Implementing Oracle Product Hub

Oracle Marketing uses Oracle Product Hub for product cataloging and management. The concept of using a single product hierarchy model provides an efficient and re-usable catalog and product management system.

Using catalog categories you build a structured hierarchy that contains characteristics (such as attributes and functions). These characteristics are inherited throughout the hierarchy.

For example, you can create a catalog category phone. This category can have children mobile phone and land line categories. Children of the parent phone will inherit all characteristics defined for phone.

Note: Interest Types, primary and secondary codes are no longer used for product categorization.

Setting Up the Product Catalog

the picture is described in the document text

Perform the following steps to set up the product catalog.

Step 1: Create Product Catalog

A catalog is a collection of categories that are setup in a hierarchical format. When building your product catalog (and associated hierarchy), the first thing to do is create the catalog structure.

To create the catalog, login to Self Service as a user that has the Catalog Manager responsibility.

Navigation: Setup > Catalogs


Step 2: Create Product Categories

To create Product Categories, login to Self Service as a user that has the Catalog Manager responsibility.

Prerequisites: Add the following responsibilities to your user:

Navigation: Setup > Categories


Step 3: Add Product Categories to Catalog

In this step, you will add the product categories created above to the product catalog. While adding the categories to the catalog, the parent-child relationships are preserved. After creating the category you must associate it to the catalog created.

To add product categories to Catalog, login to Oracle Forms as a user that has the Catalog Manager responsibility. Navigate to the Catalog created in the previous step and add the category and any required sub-categories.

Step 4: Add Marketing Attributes

Product categories in the catalog have additional Sales and Marketing related attributes. These include:

To setup these attributes, switch to Catalog Manager responsibility, navigate to the Catalog previously created and update the attributes as desired.

To attach the product reporting functional area, login to Oracle Forms as a user that has the Oracle Marketing Administrator responsibility.

Navigation: Inventory > Setup > Items > Categories > Default Category Sets


To run Load Catalog Hierarchy, log in to Oracle Forms as a user that has the Catalog Manager responsibility.

Navigation: View > Requests


Step 5: Viewing Marketing Categories

To see a list of categories used for marketing (to manually map) you will need to run the following script:

This script is located in the Product Top directory (shown below):

Step 6: Mapping Marketing Categories

After viewing the list of categories for Marketing, you will map them to the catalog previously created.

To access PLM UI for Mapping log in to the SSWA Using Catalog manager responsibility.

Navigation: Setup -> Setup Workbench > Catalog > Catalog Category Mapping

Step 7: Run Concurrent Program

After the categories are mapped, run AMS Upgrade Product Categories to migrate marketing data.

Implementing Oracle Inventory for Marketing Products

Oracle Product Hub handles product cataloging and change management for Oracle Marketing. Oracle Inventory acts as the physical repository for products.

You can create 2 different types of products using inventory:

To implement products use the following sections:

Validating Inventory Organization for Products

Oracle Inventory must be properly implemented before using the Product Pages in Oracle Marketing. The Master Inventory Organization assigned will appear by default in the Oracle Marketing Product Pages. When creating new Products, they will be placed into the default Master Inventory Organization.

Set the profile AMS : Item Validation Master Organization to the default Master Inventory Oragnization for which Products will be selected from and created to.

Setting System Profiles for Products

Set the following profile option for Products:

Product Profile Options
Option Required Level Setting Effect/Limitation
AMS : Inventory Item Update Allowed No Site Yes/No Seeded value is No. By default, a Marketer is able to update Products created within the Oracle Marketing application.However, if a Marketer wants to be able update Products from Oracle Inventory, set this value to Yes at Site level.
AMS : Item Validation Master Organization Yes Site NA Indicates the default Master Inventory organization for which Products will be selected from or created to.

Validating Item Validation Organization

This step applies only if implementing Oracle iStore with Oracle Marketing.

Set AMS : Item Validation Master Organization and IBE: Item Validation Organization profiles at site and responsibility levels to the same Master Inventory Organization.

For more information about how iStore uses the IBE: Item Validation Organization profile option to derive its product database, see the Oracle iStore Implementation and Administration Guide.

If the two Item Validation Organization profile options do not match at the same levels, then the Create Product button will not be display in the Store Administration UI's Catalog > Products menu. However, the iStore administrator still will have view and update privileges for Products within the inventory organization of the IBE: Item Validation Organization profile option at its lowest-level setting.

Creating and Verifying lookups for Products

Use the following Lookups for Products:

Lookups for Products
Key Type Values Meanings
ITEM_TYPE Extensible AI
ATO Option Class
ATO item
ATO model
Contracts - consulting
Contracts - Education
Contracts - KIT
Contracts - Media
Contracts - Software
Contracts - Training
Finished good
Inventory Type
Option Class
Outside Processing Item
PTO Option Class
PTO model
Phantom item
Product Family
Purchased Item
Reference Item
Subassembly supply item

Running Concurrent Programs for Products

If there has been a change in the flexfield structure, compile the Inventory System Items Flexfield and the Inventory Category Flexfield prior to running this concurrent program.

Run the concurrent program listed below to load the Oracle Inventory categories information into the Oracle Marketing database tables. This allows the appearance of current product categories data in the Oracle Marketing pages.

You only need to run the concurrent program after you create new categories in Oracle Inventory.

Profile Option for Products
Concurrent Manager Required Description
AMS Load Inventory Categories Yes Loads categories from the MTL schema to the AMS schema denormalized tables. This program should be run if and when a new category is created in Inventory or Advanced Product Catalog.

Recompiling Key Flexfield Segments

In Oracle Applications, key flexfields (KFFs) are customized fields used to enter multi–segment values such as part numbers, account numbers, etc.

You must recompile the key flexfield segments -- only once -- after creating them. If you do not perform this step, part numbers will appear as X in the Products pages.

To recompile the KFF segments, log in to Oracle Forms with System Administrator responsibility.

Navigation: Application > Flexfield > Key > Segments


For more information, see the Oracle Inventory User's Guide. For general information on DFFs, see the Oracle E-Business Flexfields Guide.

Administering Products

See the following sections to administer products:

Administering Product Templates

Product templates enable a marketing administrator to configure product attributes. Configurable Product Options enable the marketer to define, at time of installing Oracle Marketing, the list of product attributes to be displayed in the inventory options side navigation menu for any responsibility.

This allows customizing of a list of product attributes based on business needs and integration requirements. Oracle Marketing provides a default template based on whether you are defining a product or a service. Selecting or clearing the desired product attributes can override the template.

You can define the list of product attributes for each responsibility and you can also specify if the product attributes are editable in the inventory options page. This feature allows you to isolate product attributes and limit their access to the appropriate users in accordance with business and integration requirements. This feature was added as an Enhancement request for Oracle iStore and Oracle Service Online.

Oracle Marketing Product Templates are different from inventory templates. Templates created here are used only in Oracle Marketing screens, which gives the user an option to configure the product attributes, which are displayed in inventory option side navigation menu.

Logical process of creating templates:

  1. Create Product Templates - choose Service or Product Type.

  2. Associate responsibility to the template.

  3. For each product attribute select whether the attribute is defaulted, editable or hidden.

  4. Depending on the responsibility of the user creating the product the templates associated to that responsibility will be implemented. If no templates are associated to the user, the default-seeded template is used.

Creating a New Product or Service Template

To create a new template, log in to Oracle Marketing.

Navigation: Administration > Setup > Product Option >Create Product Template


Implementing the New Template

To set up the new template, log in to Oracle Trade Management.

Navigation: Administration tab, then Trade Management sub tab, and select the Product option.


Selecting Product Attributes in Seeded Product Templates

Different Inventory attributes can be assigned to a product, depending upon the type of product created -- Inventory or Service. If an Inventory product has been created, the attributes screen will display the specific Inventory and Order Management attributes; if the Service option has been selected, the specific Service default attributes will be displayed. The tables in this section list the seeded attributes for each of the two seeded product templates:

See the Oracle Marketing User Guide for more information on seeded Templates for Products and Service Attributes.

Implementing Price Lists

Price Lists are used to price Products. Products can be added to multiple price lists which can be in different currencies support a global pricing strategy. Price lists can have eligibility defined so that customers who match the criteria alone eligible for the price.

Events and Deliverables that are created as inventory items can be added to a price list. Price lists can be attached to Offers as qualifiers so that customers can get a discount on a specific price.

Oracle Quoting-Forms, Oracle Order Management, and Oracle Advanced Pricing must be implemented prior to setting up price lists.

To implement price lists in Oracle Marketing, follow these procedures:

Setting System Profile Options for Price Lists

Set the following profile options for price lists:

Price List Profile Options
Option Required Level Setting Effect/Limitation
QP: Item Validation Organization Yes Responsibility Select from Inventory Organizations set up in Inventory Prices may be defined only for those Products which will be available in the specified organization.
AMS: Allow Updates to QP Price Lists in OMO Yes Responsibility Yes/No Selecting Yes will allow Price lists created using Advanced Pricing to be edited in Oracle Marketing.
See also QP: Source System Code
AMS : Root Section for Price List Report Yes Site Sections defined in the hierarchy Tab of iStore's Merchant UI Price list report available from the overview page will utilize the section set in this profile to determine the section hierarchy. Items can be grouped into sections. Sections in turn can be grouped into other sections, creating a hierarchical structure.

Creating and Verifying Lookups for Price Lists

See the table below for Lookups and their types, values and meanings.

Lookups for Price Lists
Key Type Values Meanings
Pending Budget Approval