Working with Budgets

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Budgets

Budgets in Oracle Marketing are the funding source for a variety of objects. These objects, such as campaigns and events, may require other approvals before a funding request may be made. Budgets may exist in a hierarchical structure, a root budget supplying funds to child budgets, allowing you to view and control costs. Budget checkbooks have columns for: Total (original amount), Holdback, Planned, Committed, Balance (Total – Holdback – Committed), Utilized and Balance, giving you a clear view of utilized and available funds. Oracle Marketing's budgeting functions are grouped in the following categories:

Budget Planning

Budget planning includes defining Fixed and Accrual budgets, the market eligibility of customers, and the product eligibility for a product or product family.

Fixed Budget

A fixed budget is a pool of money, with value > zero, decided up front to fund sales, marketing, and partnering activities. Fixed budgets can be defined for different customer and product attributes.

Multiple marketing objects request money from fixed budgets including campaigns, campaign activities, events, event activities, and so on.

Here is an example of how a campaign updates the budget:

A fixed budget is set up for all sales and marketing activities for customers in the United States for $500,000. A campaign is created for $10,000. When it becomes active, the budget has the following balances:

Total Committed Utilized Paid
500,000 10,000 0 0

This is an advertising campaign, and a marketing manager contacts an advertising agency. The agency runs the ads for the company and charges the company $8,000. The marketing manager enters this $8,000 as an actual cost for the campaign. The budget balances become:

Total Committed Utilized Paid
500,000 10,000 8,000 8,000

For more details about different budgets, refer Oracle Trade Management User Guide.

Market Eligibility

Market eligibility defines what customers or customer groups the budget is targeting. For a fixed budget, market eligibility serves two purposes:

Eligibility for a fixed budget can be defined for the following:

Product Eligibility

Product eligibility defines what product or product families or groups the budget is targeting. For a fixed budget, product eligibility mainly serves the purpose of classification.

Creating and Managing Budgets

Use the Budget tab to set up funding for campaigns, offers, events, and deliverables. To draw funds from an existing budget, use the Budget item on the side navigation in the individual campaign, event, offer, or deliverable.

Procedures in this section include:

Creating a Fixed Budget

A fixed budget has a budget amount specified at the time of creation and activation.

Use the following information to create a fixed budget.

Navigation: Budget > Budgets > Create


Updating Market Eligibility for Fixed Budgets

Use the following navigation to update market eligibility for fixed budgets.

Prerequisite: A draft fixed budget exists

Navigation: Budget > Budgets > Market Eligibility

Updating Products for Fixed Budgets

Use the following information to update products for a fixed budget.

Prerequisite: A draft fixed budget exists

Navigation: Budget > Budgets > Products


Creating Budget Requests from a Budget

Use the following navigation to create a budget request from a budget.

Prerequisite: Access to the Budget Request page

Navigation: Budget > Budget Transfers > Create Request

Creating Budget Transfers from an Object

Use the following navigation to create a budget transfer from a marketing object.


Navigation: Budgets > Create Transfer

Creating Budget Transfers from a Budget

Use the following navigation to create a budget transfer request from one budget to another.


Navigation: Budget > Budget Transfers > Create Request

Viewing Budget Utilized

For marketing purposes, the Budget Utilized column contains all the costs posted to the budget from marketing objects such as Campaigns and Events.

Prerequisite: Access to view the budget

Navigation: Budget > Budgets


Reconciling a Budget

Reconciliation is a way to return the unutilized money at the end of a marketing activity. Budget reconciliation performs the following tasks:

The Reconcile button will appear after the marketing activity's end date and when its status is Completed or Closed, or if the activity has no end date specified, its status is Completed or Closed.

Use the following information to reconcile a budget.

Note: As a sample object, a Campaign has been used in the topic, but reconciliation can be performed for Events and Deliverables as well.

Prerequisite: Access to the Budget page of an object such as a campaign

Navigation: Campaign > Campaigns > Budget


Viewing the Budget Checkbook

The budget checkbook summarizes the main budget buckets.

Use the following procedure to view a budget checkbook.

Prerequisite: Access to the Budget

Navigation: Budget > Budgets > Checkbook

Viewing the Customer Checkbook

The customer checkbook summarizes the main budget buckets by customer. You can get to a customer checkbook by viewing the 'Customer Budget View.' A profile option determines if you can view all the customers' budget views or simply those customers who belong to the budget you own. For more information, refer Oracle Trade Management Implementation Guide.

Use the following procedure to view the customer checkbook.

Prerequisite: Access to the Budget

Navigation: Budget > Budgets > Customer Budget View


Viewing Budget Rollup

Use the following information to view a budget rollup.

Prerequisite: Access to the Budget

Navigation: Budget > Budgets


Adding a Budget Threshold

Use the following information to add an existing budget threshold rule to an existing budget.

Prerequisite: Access to the budget

Navigation: Budget > Budgets


Activating a Budget

After all the necessary information has been entered, a user can initiate the activation of a budget.

Use the following information to activate a budget.

Prerequisites: Access to the Budget

Navigation: Budget > Budgets


Budget Execution

Topics in this section include:

Budget Request

A budget request is a request to withdraw money from a budget and it comes through marketing objects such as campaigns, activities, or deliverables. A budget request may also be submitted by sales representatives who want to give an offer to customers or by the owner of another budget. Requests generally need to be approved before money actually gets transferred. Approval rules can be configured to route different requests to different approvers.

A budget may provide funding for multiple marketing activities, and vice versa; an activity such as a campaign can receive funds from multiple budgets.

Budget Transfer

While a request is asking for money from another budget, a transfer is moving money to another budget. In any case, all movements of money in and out of any given budget are tracked to provide full audit control.

For example, a “New Product Introduction” fund may not need as much money as originally forecasted because the new product was not performing well. As a budget user, you can then transfer money out of it into other budgets so that the money can be spent elsewhere.

Budget Reconciliation

Reconciliation is a way to return unutilized money at the end of a marketing activity. Previously committed, but unutilized funds, are adjusted by transferring them from being committed to becoming available again. You can use this functionality when a marketing activity has completed or when the activity has been cancelled.

You can reconcile a budget only if a campaign's end date has been reached and its status is 'Completed' or if the campaign has no end date and its status is 'Completed'. You can drill down all reconciliations to view their details. You can also set the reconciliation to be performed automatically by a concurrent process by defining a grace period for it.

Budget Tracking

Topics in this section include:

Budget Buckets

The Table Budget Buckets describes the multiple buckets used to track different Budget amounts.

Budget Buckets
Column Meaning
Total Total budget amount
Transferred In Amount transferred into the budget. This is added to the Total.
Transferred Out Amount transferred out to another budget. This is subtracted from the Total.
Holdback Amount held in reserve.
Available Total – Holdback
Planned Total amount of not yet approved budget requests.
Committed Total amount of all approved budget requests.
Balance Available – Committed
Utilized Amount that has been utilized.
Paid Amount that has been paid.

Budget Roll-Up View

The budget rollup view shows the total funds in a budget, including the sum of all its child budgets. For example, if there is a budget hierarchy where there are 3 levels, each level with one node, like USA, Western Region, and California, then the roll-up view of USA will be the numbers for USA+Western Region+California.

So if the California budget has committed $10,000, the Western Region budget on its own has committed $5,000, the USA budget on its own has committed $3,000, then the roll-up view for the USA budget's committed funds is $10,000 + $5,000 + $3,000 = $18,000.

The Roll-up view of the Western Region budget's committed funds is $10,000 + $5,000 = $15,000.

The Roll-up view of the California budget's committed funds is $10,000.

A budget self view means that it will only show the transactions/activities that the budget itself directly funds. In the above example, the budget self view for the California budget's committed is the same as its roll-up view (that is, it equals $10,000). The budget self view for the Western Region budget's committed is $5,000. The budget self view for the USA budget's committed is $3,000.

Users in a budget hierarchy can see real-time, roll-up views based on their user profile currency. For example, a manager in Canada may see the roll-up view in Canadian Dollars. The budget's parent may be owned by a US manager who may prefer to see the roll-up view in USD.

Related Topics

See the Oracle Trade Management User Guide for more information about budgets.