Working with Home Page Bins, Reports, and Charts

This chapter covers the following topics:

Marketing Intelligence Overview

Marketing intelligence is displayed as bins, reports, and charts on the Home page of Oracle Marketing, and provides summary information about key marketing activities, along with links to recently accessed campaigns and events.

Security for Bins, Reports, and Charts

There are two types of Home Page Reports:

Marketing Intelligence Security

Marketing Intelligence security utilizes the Oracle Marketing security Model. Members of the Oracle Marketing Administration group can access all marketing intelligence reports. Users who are not members of this group can view reports for all the marketing objects they have access to (either directly or via a Team).

Leads Intelligence Security

Users who are managers or Administrators of sales groups can view Leads Intelligence reports. Such users can view data corresponding to their sales group. For a list of marketing and leads intelligence reports, see the table Home Page Marketing Intelligence Reports and the table Home Page Leads Intelligence Reports.

Most Recent Bins

Most Recent bins display links to recently accessed campaigns and events. The links are generated automatically when you create or edit a campaign or event. The links navigate you to the details page for the object type. Most Recent bins are available for campaign and event objects.

Reporting Bins

Reporting bins display trend performance information for key marketing activities. Some examples include campaign effectiveness, event effectiveness, and marketing budgets. Each reporting bin contains links to more granular detailed reports.


Reports displayed directly on the Home page are drill-down reports linked from a reporting bin, but with a configurable date range specified by the user. The date aggregate for the report is inherited from the calling bin. For example, when drilling down on the month of September, all data for the drill down reports is about September.


Charts display trend performance information for key marketing activities. They illustrate information based on date ranges specified by the user.

In Oracle Marketing, charts render the top comparisons. For example, if you are viewing a Campaigns by Leads chart and the number of rows to display is 10, then the chart for Campaigns by Leads will show the Top 10 Campaigns by Leads.

Personalizing Home Page Bins, Reports, and Charts

Each bin, report, and chart has configurable parameters. These parameters are either general or specific to the bin, report, or chart. For example, specific parameters may relate only to budgets. These parameters are available only from the Budget bins, reports, and charts.

Use the following procedures to personalize your Home page:

Specifying Home Page Bins, Reports, and Charts

To personalize the available bins, reports, and charts that are displayed on your Home page, navigate to Home > Home > Personalize.

Editing a Home Page Bin

To edit a home page bin, navigate to Home > Home, and click the Edit link for the bin. Click the Personalize side navigation link to set your favorites, and the parameters and attributes for the bin.

Editing a Home Page Report

Reports displayed directly on the Home page are drill-down reports displayed from a reporting bin, but with a configurable aggregate. Because Home Page reports are not derived from a reporting bin, the aggregate must be configured. Similar aggregates are available as they are in the bins.

Columns and rows to display on a report are configurable via the Edit link.

Drill-down reports do not allow for data aggregation selection. The aggregate is inherited from the calling bin.

Editing Home Page Charts

Charts always represent the top comparison of components. For example in the Campaigns by Leads chart, if the number of rows to display was set to 10, then the chart renders with the top 10 Campaigns by Leads.

Rows to display in a chart can be configured by using the Edit link.

You can perform the following edits:

Home Page Bins

This section presents a detailed listing of the components of the bins available in Oracle Marketing. Bins are displayed on the Oracle Marketing home page. Prior to displaying bin data, you must implement market intelligence, as described in the Oracle Marketing Implementation Guide.

The following table summarizes the available bins.

Home Page Bins
Name Description Related Section
Campaign Effectiveness Summarizes the total number of leads and lead amount created against campaigns during the period Campaign Effectiveness Bin
Completed Web Surveys Summarizes the total number of leads added, invalid and went into lead import from the web response point of view during the period. Also calculates the change since the last period. Completed Web Surveys Bin
Event Effectiveness Summarizes the total number of registrations, leads and lead amount created against events during the period Event Effectiveness Bin
Lead Import Statistics Summarizes the total number of leads added, valid, invalid and new from import point of view during the period. It also calculates the change since the last period. Lead Import Statistics Bin
Lead to Opportunity (Key Metrics) Summarizes the Key Performance Indicators like Lead Coverage and Lead to Opportunity from Lead Intelligence and other modules. Lead to Opportunity Bin (Key Metrics)
Lead Quality Summarizes total number of leads by quality (rank) during the period. Also calculates the change since the last period. Lead Quality Bin
Lead Sources Summarizes total number of leads by source of origin during the period. Also calculates the change since the last period. Lead Sources Bin
Marketing Activities Summarizes the number of active marketing activities for a given period Marketing Activities Bin
Marketing Budgets Summarizes the amount of budget committed, utilized and balance for a given period Marketing Budgets Bin
Response to Lead (Key Metrics) Summarizes the Key Performance Indicators from Oracle Marketing and other modules Response to Lead Bin (Key Metrics)
Responses Summarizes the total number of responses added and converted during the period. Also calculates the change since the last period. Response to Lead Bin (Key Metrics)

When you view the Home page bins, you can set different parameters. The following table provides a comprehensive list of these parameters and their descriptions. A subset of these parameters will be applicable to each bin.

Home Page Bins Parameters
Parameter Name Description
Region Lists all Regions defined by geographic area Region (geographic area location 2). User may choose a region or 'All' for all Regions. Default is set to 'All'.
Country Lists all Countries defined in geographic area Country. User may choose a Country or 'All' for all Countries. Default is set to 'All'.
Business Unit Lists all business units defined in HR Organizations with type 'BU'. Users can choose a business unit or 'All' for all business units. Default is set to 'All'.
Aggregate By Data can be aggregated by period. The default period is Quarter.
  • Month - Aggregates by Month defined in GL Calendar associated with the profile option 'AMS Marketing Calendar'.

  • Quarter - Aggregates by Quarter defined in GL Calendar associated with the profile option 'AMS Marketing Calendar'.

  • Year - Aggregates by Fiscal Year defined in GL Calendar associated with the profile option 'AMS Marketing Calendar'.

  • Incremental (Day, Week, Month, Quarter, Year)

    Aggregated as follows:

  • Day is 24 hours prior to Last Refresh Date/Time.

  • Wk is 7 days prior to Last Refresh Date/Time (Rolling 7 Days).

  • Mth is from start of current month to Last Refresh Date/Time.

  • Qtr is from start of current fiscal quarter to Last Refresh Date/Time.

  • Yr is current fiscal quarter plus previous 3 fiscal quarters (Rolling 4 Quarters).


  • Day 9-Nov-02 to 10-Nov-02

  • Wk 4-Nov-02 to 10-Nov-02

  • Mth 1-Nov-02 to 10-Nov-02

  • Qtr 1-Sep-02 to 10-Nov-02

  • Yr 1-Dec-01 to 10-Nov-02

Fixed Calculation Period Data can be aggregated by period. Default is Quarter.
  • Daily - Last 24 hours (Last refresh date)

  • Weekly - Start of week to current date, up to 7 days. Week begins on a Sunday.

  • Monthly - Start of month, up to 30 days.

  • Quarterly - Start of current quarter, up to current date.

  • Yearly - Start of current fiscal year, up to current date.


  • Daily 9-Nov-02 to 10-Nov-02

  • Weekly 4-Nov-02 to 10-Nov-02

  • Monthly 1-Nov-02 to 10-Nov-02

  • Quarterly 1-Sep-02 to 10-Nov-02

  • Yearly 1-Jun-02 to 10-Nov-02

Scale by Scale the amount columns by user choice. Available options:
  • Units

  • Hundreds

  • Thousands

  • Millions

Campaign Effectiveness Bin

This bin summarizes the total number of Leads and Lead Amounts created against Campaigns during the period. This bin comprises all leads except dead leads. The following table describes the columns of the Campaign Effectiveness bin.

Campaign Effectiveness Bin Columns
Column Name Description
Period Period is displayed based on the option chosen in parameter 'Aggregate by'. The period displayed is hyper linked to the following drill down reports:
  • Campaigns by Leads and Opportunities

  • Campaigns by Activity

  • Campaigns by Budget Amount

  • Campaign to Order

    The reports inherit the Bin parameters and their values. However, the user has the choice of changing the parameters on the report.

Lead Total number of leads created against the campaigns during the period, excluding dead leads.
Lead Amount The sum of Lead amount of all leads created against the campaign during the period.

Completed Web Surveys Bin

This bin summarizes the web responses information for the period. The following table describes the columns of this bin.

Completed Web Surveys Columns
Column Name Description
Added The total number of completed web surveys for the time period.
Invalid The number of completed web surveys that are invalid.
To Lead Import The number of completed web surveys that were passed to the lead import engine.

The period displayed is hyperlinked to the following drill down reports:

Event Effectiveness Bin

This bin summarizes the total number of Registrations, Leads and Lead Amounts created against Events during the period. This bin summarizes all leads except dead leads. The following table describes the columns of this bin.

Event Effectiveness Columns
Column Name Description
Period Period is displayed based on the option chosen in parameter 'Aggregate by'. The period displayed is hyperlinked to the following drill down reports:
  • Events by Leads and Opportunities

  • Events by Event type

  • Events by Budget Amount

  • Events by Registrants

    The reports inherit the Bin parameters and their values. However, the user has the choice of changing the parameters on the report.

Registration Total number of registrations created against the events during the period.
Lead Total number of leads created against the events during the period, excluding dead leads.
Lead Amount The sum of Lead amount of all leads created against the events during the period.

Lead Import Statistics Bin

This bin summarizes the lead import statistics during the period. The following table describes the columns of this bin.

Lead Import Statistics Columns
Column Name Description
Added The total number of valid, invalid and new leads.
Valid The number of successfully imported leads.
Invalid The number of lead import failures.
New The total number of leads added to the import interface engine during the period.

The period displayed is hyperlinked to the following drill down reports:

Lead to Opportunity Bin (Key Metrics)

This bin summarizes the Key Performance Indicators from Lead Intelligence and other modules. The following table describes the columns of this bin.

Lead to Opportunity Columns
Column Name Description
Key Metrics Key Metrics:
  • Leads Assigned

  • Lead to Opportunity

    Each key metric is a hyperlink to drill down detail reports specific to each key metric. Lead Assignment drill down to the following reports:

  • Conversion Rates by Sales Group

  • Campaign Conversion Rates

    The reports inherit the Bin parameters and their values. However, the user has the choice of changing the parameters on the report.

  • Lead Coverage

    For this key metric, the value is calculated as the total amount of open leads in the system with how many are currently being worked on. This is a percentage.

    OPEN = status of OPEN only

    Formula: (assigned/lead open)*100

  • Lead to Opportunity

    For this key metric, the value is calculated by dividing the number of leads that have been converted to opportunities by the total amount of leads in the system. This is a percentage.

    Total # of Leads = all lead statuses minus dead leads

    Formula: Converted/Total # of leads * 100

  • This column is the percentage representation of the difference between the current Lead Assignment value and the Lead Assignment value from the previous time aggregate.

  • This column is the percentage representation of the difference between the current Lead to Opportunity value and the Lead to Opportunity value from the previous time aggregate.

Status The Status column is common across all Key Metrics. The indicator arrow images mean the following:
Green Up indicates data increasing over the comparison period and that for this attribute, an increase is good.
Green Down indicates data decreasing over the comparison period and that for this attribute, the decrease is good.
Red Up indicates data increasing over the comparison period and for this attribute, an increase is bad.
Red down indicates data decreasing over the comparison period and that for this attribute, a decrease is bad.
Status Indicators - - - - -
Column From Prev Period GreenUp Green Down Red Up Red Down
Leads Assigned Increase X - - -
Leads Assigned Decrease - - - X
Lead to Opportunity Increase X - - -
Lead to Opportunity Decrease - - - X

Lead Quality Bin

This bin summarizes the total number of leads created per rank during the period. The following table describes the columns of this bin.

Lead Quality Bin Columns
Column Name Description
First Defined Rank The A, B, and C columns of this bin are defined at: Administration, Marketing > Setup > Code Definition, Object Type Rank.
Second Defined Rank N/A
Third Defined Rank N/A
Others These are leads belonging to ranks not shown in the first three columns.
Total Total leads by all ranks during the period.

The period displayed is hyperlinked to the following drill down reports:

Lead Sources Bin

This bin summarizes the total number of leads created per source during the period. The following table describes the columns of this bin.

Lead Sources Columns
Column Name Description
First Defined Source The A, B, and C columns of this bin are defined at: Administration > Marketing > Setup > Code Definition, Object Type Source.
Second Defined Source N/A
Third Defined Source N/A
Others Leads belonging sources not shown in the first three columns.
Total Total leads by all sources during the period.

The period displayed is hyperlinked to the following drill down reports:

Marketing Activities Bin

This bin summarizes the number of active marketing activities for a given period grouped by activity type. It shows active, completed, and cancelled activities.

Data in the report is displayed depending on the following conditions:

The following table describes the columns of this bin.

Marketing Activities Columns
Column Name Description
Period Period is displayed based on the option chosen in parameter 'Aggregate by'.
Count The number of active marketing activities at the start of the period.
Started The number of marketing activities activated during the period.
Ended The number of marketing activities that ended during the period.
Change The change from previous value to current value. Formula: ((Current - Previous) / Previous) * 100

Marketing Budgets Bin

This bin summarizes the amount of Budget committed, utilized and balance for a given period. Note that only those budgets, which are active during the given time period, are considered for calculating these figures. For example, a budget is active for a period of 3 months starting from '01-Mar-2001' to '31-May-2001'. This budget is considered for calculating the total committed, utilized and balance amounts only for months of March, April and May 2001. The following table describes the columns of this bin.

Marketing Budgets Columns
Column Name Description
Period Period is displayed based on the option chosen in parameter 'Aggregate by'. The period displayed is hyperlinked to the following drill down reports:
  • Budgets by Utilization

  • Budgets by Activity

  • Budgets by Campaign

  • Budgets by Business Unit

    The reports inherit the Bin parameters and their values. However, the user has the choice of changing the parameters on the report.

Committed The sum of all the budget commitments or approvals made during the period.
Utilized The sum of all the budgets utilization occurred during the period. Budget utilization is recorded only the Actual costs are posted to Budgets.
Balance The sum of the balance of all the budgets which are active during the period.

Note: When budget facts are loaded, the program will consider pre approval transactions. When pre approval transactions are considered, there may be time periods for which there is no data. The summarized data may not have information in the comparative period and thus may not be able to display a positive or negative value in the form of an arrow.

Response to Lead Bin (Key Metrics)

This bin summarizes the Key Performance Indicators from Oracle Marketing and other modules. The following table describes the columns of this bin.

Response to Lead Columns
Column Name Description
Key Metrics Key Metrics:
  • Leads

  • 'A' Lead Ratio

  • Cost per Lead

  • Revenue per Lead

    Each key metric is a hyperlink to drill-down detail reports specific to each key metric. Currently Leads and 'A' Lead Ratio drill down to the following reports and charts.


  • Campaign Cost and Revenue and ROI

  • Event Cost and Revenue and ROI

  • Campaign to Order

    The reports do not inherit the bin parameters. However, the user has the choice of changing the parameters on the report.


  • Leads and Cost Per Lead

    Cost per Lead and Revenue per Lead drill down to the following reports:

  • Campaign Cost and Revenue

  • Event Cost and Revenue

    The reports inherit the Bin parameters and their values. However, the user has the choice of changing the parameters on the report.

  • Leads Shows the total amount of all leads, except dead leads, during the period.

  • 'A' Lead Ratio Shows the percentage of 'A' (top) quality leads of all leads during the period. (This is all leads except dead leads.) The Value is calculated by dividing the number of all 'A' quality leads during the period by the total number of leads.

  • Cost per Lead Shows the budgetary cost of generating all leads during the period. The Value is calculated by dividing the budget of all current Campaign and Events during the period by the total number of leads. Equally allocated per "active" day.

  • Revenue per Lead shows the booked revenue ratio as a result of all leads that were generated during the period. The Value is calculated by dividing the booked revenue associated with all leads during the period by the total number of leads.

  • Leads: The Change is calculated by comparing the total number of leads for the current period with the total number of leads for the previous refresh period. E.g. if on October 1 there were 1,000 leads and on November 1 there were 1,200, to get the % Change, take ((1,200 - 1,000)/1,000) * 100. The negative(-) or positive (+) signs indicate if the change is up or down from the previous period.

  • 'A' Lead Ratio: The Change is calculated by comparing the 'A' quality lead ratio for the current period with the 'A' quality lead ratio for the previous refresh period.

  • Cost per Lead: The Change is calculated by comparing the cost per lead ratio for the current period with the cost per lead ratio for the previous refresh period.

  • Revenue per Lead: The Change is calculated by comparing the revenue per lead for the current period with the revenue per lead for the previous refresh period.

Status The Status column is common across all Key Metrics. The indicator arrow images mean the following:
  • Green Up - Indicates data increasing over the comparison period and that for this attribute, an increase is good.

  • Green Down - Indicates data decreasing over the comparison period and that for this attribute, a decrease is good.

  • Red Up - Indicates data increasing over the comparison period and that for this attribute, an increase is bad.

  • Red Down - Indicates data decreasing over the comparison period and that for this attribute, a decrease is bad.

Status by Column - - - - -
Column From Prev Period GreenUp Green Down Red Up Red Down
Leads Increase X - - -
Leads Decrease - - - X
A Leads Increase X - - -
A Leads Decrease - - - X
Cost/Lead Increase - - X -
Cost/Lead Decrease - X - -
Revenue/Lead Increase X - - -
Revenue/Lead Decrease - - - X

Home Page Reports

This section presents a detailed listing of the reports available in Oracle Marketing. Reports are displayed on the Oracle Marketing home page. Prior to displaying Report data, marketing intelligence must be implemented, as described in the Oracle Marketing Implementation Guide.

The following table lists the Marketing Intelligence reports that can be displayed on the Oracle Marketing Home page:

Home Page Marketing Intelligence Reports
Report Name Description Related Section
Budget Utilization (Budget by total amount) Summarizes budget utilization information Budget Utilization Report (Budget by Total Amount)
Budgets by Activity Summarizes budget information per activity Budgets by Activity Report
Budgets by Business Unit Summarizes budget information per business unit Budgets by Business Unit Report
Budgets by Campaign Summarizes budget information per campaign Budgets by Campaign Report
Campaign Cost and Revenue Summarizes costs and revenues per campaign Campaign Cost and Revenue Report
Campaign Cost, Revenue, and ROI Summarizes costs, revenues, and return on investments per campaign Campaign Cost, Revenue, and ROI Report
Campaign to Order Summarizes order information per campaign Campaign to Order Report
Campaigns by Activity Summarizes campaign information per activity Campaigns by Activity Report
Activities by Campaign Summarizes activity information per campaign Activities by Campaign Report
Marketing Activities Summarizes marketing activities information per activity Marketing Activities Report
Campaign Budget Amount by Activity Type Summarizes budget information per Activity Type Campaign Budget Amount by Activity Type Report
Campaigns by Leads and Opportunities Summarizes lead and opportunity information per campaign Campaigns by Leads and Opportunities Report
Event Cost and Revenue Summarizes costs and revenues per event Event Cost and Revenue Report
Event Cost, Revenue, and ROI Summarizes costs, revenues, and return on investments per event Event Cost, Revenue and ROI Report
Events by Budget Amount Summarizes budget information per event Events by Budget Amount Report
Events by Event Type Summarizes budget and event information per Event Type Events by Event Type Report
Events by Leads and Opportunities Summarizes lead and opportunity information per event Leads by Opportunity Report
Events by Registrants Summarizes registration information per event Events by Registrants Report
Responses by Activity Summarizes Interaction History responses information by Activity Responses by Activity Report
Responses by Campaign Summarizes Interaction History responses information by campaign Responses by Campaign Report

The following table lists the Leads Intelligence Reports that can be displayed on the Oracle Marketing Home page:

Home Page Leads Intelligence Reports
Report Name Description Related Section
Campaign Conversion Rates Summarizes lead conversion rate information by campaign Campaign Conversion Rate Report
Conversion Rates by Sales Group Summarizes lead conversion rate information by sales group Conversion Rates by Sales Group Report
Invalid Leads by Reason Summarizes invalid leads by reason Invalid Leads by Reason Report
Lead Aging by Quality Summarizes leads information based on lead age by sales rank Lead Aging by Quality Reports
Lead Aging by Sales Group Summarizes leads information based on lead age by sales group Lead Aging by Sales Group Report
Lead Assignment and Conversion by Sales Group Summarizes lead assignment and conversion information by sales group Lead Assignment and Conversion by Sales Group Reports
Lead Import Statistics by Campaign Summarizes lead import statistics by campaign Lead Import Statistics by Campaign Report
Lead Import Statistics by Region Summarizes lead import statistics by region Lead Import Statistics by Region Report
Lead Quality by Campaign Summarizes leads by rank per campaign Lead Quality by Campaign Report
Lead Quality by Region Summarizes leads by rank per region Lead Quality by Region Report
Lead Quality by Status Summarizes leads by rank per status Lead Quality by Status Report
Lead Sources by Campaign Summarizes leads by source per campaign Lead Sources by Campaign Report
Lead Sources by Region Summarizes leads by source per region Lead Sources by Region Report
Lead Sources by Status Summarizes leads by source per status Lead Sources by Status Report
Lead Status by Campaign Summarizes leads by status per campaign Lead Status by Campaign Report

The following table lists and describes the parameters that can be set for Home page reports.

Home Page Reports Parameters
Parameter Name Description Remarks
Region Lists all Regions defined by geographic area Region (geographic area location 2). User may choose a region or 'll' for all Regions. Default is set to 'All'. Applicable to all reports.
Country Lists all Countries defined in geographic area Country. User may choose a Country or 'All' for all Countries. Default is set to 'All'. Applicable to all reports.
Business Unit Lists all business units defined in HR Organizations with type 'BU'. User can choose a business unit or 'All' for all business units. Default is set to 'All'. Not applicable to the following reports:
  • Invalid Leads by Reason

  • Lead Import Statistics by Campaign

  • Lead Import Statistics by Region

  • Lead Quality by Campaign

Scale by Scale the amount columns by user choice. Available options:
  • Units

  • Hundreds

  • Thousands

  • Millions

Applicable to all reports.
Fixed Calculation Period
  • Data can be aggregated by period. Default is Quarter.

  • Daily - Last 24 hours (Last refresh date)

  • Weekly - Start of week to current date, up to 7 days. Week begins on a Sunday.

  • Monthly - Start of month, up to 30 days.

  • Quarterly - Start of current quarter, up to current date.

  • Yearly - Start of current fiscal year, up to current date.


  • Daily 9-Nov-02 to 10-Nov-02

  • Weekly 4-Nov-02 to 10-Nov-02

  • Monthly 1-Nov-02 to 10-Nov-02

  • Quarterly 1-Sep-02 to 10-Nov-02

  • Yearly 1-Jun-02 to 10-Nov-02

Applicable to the following reports:
  • Campaign by Conversion Rate

  • Campaign Cost and Revenue

  • Conversion Rates by Sales Groups

  • Event Cost and Revenue

  • Lead Assignment and Conversion by Sales Group

Period Data can be aggregated by period. Default is Current Quarter.
For campaigns, lists of all fiscal years and all quarters are available.
For Events, lists of 4 fiscal years and 16 quarters are available.
Applicable to the following reports:
  • Campaign Cost, Revenue and ROI

  • Event Cost, Revenue and ROI

Budget Utilization Report (Budget by Total Amount)

This report summarizes Budget utilization information. The following table describes the columns of this report.

Budget Utilization Columns
Column Name Description
Budget Name Budget name
Total This represents total budget minus holdback.
Planned Sum of planned amount. Planned amount is any amount for which new campaigns or offers are in Waiting or Approval stage.
Committed Sum of committed amount. Committed amount is any amount for campaigns with an Approval status.
Utilized Sum of the amount of total budget earned or used.
Balance Sum of the amount of funds available for further activity. Balance = Budget – Committed
Paid Sum of paid amount. Paid amount is the total paid on the promotion, amounts deducted on the face of the invoice, rendered checks and submitted credit memos.
Category The category in which the budget falls.

Budgets by Activity Report

This report summarizes Budget information per activity grouped by activity types. It shows active, completed, and cancelled activities.

Data in the report is displayed depending on the following conditions:

The following table describes the columns of this report.

Budget by Activity Columns
Column Name Description
Activity Activity name.
Number of Budgets The number of budgets currently opened for this Activity.
Approved Budget Amount The total budget amount allocated to the Activity by approved budget lines
Awaiting Approval Budget Amount The total budget amount is the combined total amount for Pending and Planned for the Activity.

Budgets by Business Unit Report

This report summarizes Budget information per Business Unit. The following table describes the columns of this report.

Budget by Business Unit Columns
Column Name Description
Business Unit Business Unit name.
Number of Budgets The number of budgets currently opened for this business unit.
Approved Budget Amount This represent total budget that is approved.
Awaiting Approval Budget Amount Sum of planned amount. Planned amount is any amount for which new campaigns or offers are in Waiting or Approval stage.

Budgets by Campaign Report

This report summarizes Budget information per Campaign. The following table describes the columns of this report.

Budgets by Campaign Column
Column Name Description
Campaign Name Campaign name.
Number of Budgets The number of budgets currently opened for this Campaign.
Approved Budget Amount The total budget amount allocated to the Activity by approved budget lines.
Awaiting Approval Budget Amount The total budget amount is the combined total amount for Pending and Planned for the Activity.

Campaign Conversion Rate Report

This report summarizes the rate of lead conversion to opportunities, quotes and orders by sales group. The following table describes the columns of this report.

Campaign Conversion Rate Columns
Column Name Description
Campaign Campaign Name.
Total Leads Sum of total leads during the period.
Open Leads Sum of open leads during the period.
% Converted Leads The number of opportunities divided by total leads multiplied by 100.
Total Opportunities Sum of total opportunities during the period.
Open Opportunities Sum of open opportunities during the period.
Converted to Quotes The number of quotes divided by total opportunities multiplied by 100.
Total Quotes Sum of total quotes during the period.
Open Quotes Sum of open quotes during the period.
Converted to Orders % The number of orders divided by total quotes multiplied by 100.

Campaign Cost and Revenue Report

This report summarizes Costs and Revenues per Campaign. The following table describes the columns of this report.

Campaign Cost and Revenue Columns
Column Name Description
Campaign Campaign Name.
Total Cost Period-to-date cost which is the cumulative amount of the approved budget for the period.
Total Revenue Period-to-date revenue which is the cumulative amount of revenue for the period. This is booked order in the CRM schema for actual revenue.
Response Count The sum of positive responses for the period.
Cost Per Response Total approved budget amount for the campaigns for the activity divided by the number of cumulative responses.
Revenue Per Response The sum of the revenue for that period divided by the number of responses for that period.
Response Lead Count Total number of leads created against the campaigns during the period. This excludes dead leads.
Cost per Lead The sum of Period-to-date cost divided by the sum of lead count.
Revenue per Lead The sum of the revenue for that period divided by the sum of leads for that period.
Order Count The number of booked orders.
Cost per Order The total booked order amount divided by the number of orders booked.
Revenue per Order The sum of the revenue for that period divided by the sum of orders for that period.

Campaign Cost, Revenue, and ROI Report

This report summarizes Costs, Revenues and Return on Investments per Campaign. The following table describes the columns of this report.

Campaign Cost, Revenue, ROI Columns
Column Name Description
Campaign Campaign name.
Actual Cost Summarized schedule costs and its parent object's costs.
Forecasted Cost From Metrics value. Summarize schedule cost and the parent cost.
Cost Variance ((actual – forecast) / forecast) * 100
Actual Revenue Booked order amount in Quoting/Order Capture.
Forecasted Revenue From Metrics value. Summarize schedule revenue and the parent revenue.
Revenue Variance ((actual – forecast) / forecast) * 100
Actual ROI ((actual revenue - actual cost) / actual cost) * 100
Forecasted ROI ((forecast revenue - forecast cost) / forecast cost) * 100
ROI Variance ((actual - forecast) / forecast) * 100

Campaign to Order Report

This report summarizes Order information per Campaign. The following table describes the columns of this report.

Campaign to Order Columns
Column Name Description
Campaign Name Campaign name.
Total Responses Sum of responses, collected in Interaction History, based on the aggregate.
Converted to Leads Sum of responses converted to a lead based on aggregate.
((open + closed leads) / total responses) * 100
Open Leads Total number of leads created against the campaigns which are open during the period.
Close Leads Sum of Leads closed based on aggregate. All closed leads regardless of qualified/unqualified.
Converted to Orders Sum of Leads converted to orders based on aggregate.
((total orders of all statuses) / (open + closed leads)) * 100
Orders Booked The dollar amount of the sum of orders booked based on the aggregate.

Campaigns by Activity Report

This report summarizes Campaign information per Activity. It shows active, completed and cancelled campaigns.

Data in the report is displayed depending on the following conditions:

The following table describes the columns of this report.

Campaigns to Activity Columns
Column Name Description
Activity Activity name.
Count This is the number of Campaigns associated to this activity during the period.
Target Audience The total target audience for this Activity during the period.
Lead Total number of leads created against the campaigns during the period, excluding dead leads.
Lead Amount The sum of lead amount of all leads created against the campaigns during the period.
Opportunities Total number of opportunities created against the campaigns during the period.
Opportunity Amount The sum of opportunity amount of all opportunities created against the campaigns during the period.

Activities by Campaign Report

This report summarizes activities information per campaign. It shows active, completed, and cancelled campaigns.

Data in this report is displayed depending on the following conditions:

The following table describes the columns of this report.

Activities by Campaign Columns
Column Name Description
Campaign Campaign name.
Active Schedules Count The number of campaign schedules associated to this campaign during the period.
Active Schedules Total Cost The total budget amount currently assigned to this campaign.
Target Audience The number of target group entries (combination of List, Segment, and Employee List) associated with this campaign.
Forecasted Responses The number of responses forecasted for the campaign.
Forecasted Response Rate (forecasted responses/targeted customers)*100.

Marketing Activities Report

This report summarizes marketing activities information per activity. The following table describes the columns of this report.

Marketing Activities Report Columns
Column Name Description
Activity Activity name.
Number of Campaigns This is the number of campaigns associated to this activity during the period.
Active Schedules Count The number of campaign schedules associated to this activity during the period
Active Schedules % Change The percentage increase or decrease in the number of active schedules as compared to the previous period.
((Current schedule count - previous schedule count)/previous schedule count)*100
Active Schedules Total Cost The total budget amount currently assigned to this activity.
Target Audience Count The number of target group entries (combination of List, Segment, and Employee List) associated with this Activity Type.
Target Audience % Change The percentage increase or decrease in the number of target group entries as compared to the previous period.
((Current target audience count - previous target audience count)/previous target audience count)*100
Forecasted Responses The number of responses forecasted for the activity.
Forecasted Response Rate (forecasted responses/targeted customers)*100

Campaign Budget Amount by Activity Type Report

This report summarizes Budget information per Activity Type. The following table describes the columns of this report.

Campaigns by Budget Amount by Activity Type Columns
Column Name Description
Campaign Name Campaign name.
Activity Type Activity Type name.
Activity Activity name.
Business Unit Business Unit name.
Approved Budget Amount The total budget amount allocated to the Activity by approved budget lines.
Awaiting Approval Budget Amount The total budget amount is the combined total amount for Pending and Planned for the Activity.

Campaigns by Leads and Opportunities Report

This report summarizes Lead and Opportunity information per Campaign. The following table describes the columns of this report.

Campaigns by Leads and Opportunities Columns
Column Name Description
Campaign Name Campaign name.
Targeted Customers The total target audience for this Activity during the period.
Lead Total number of leads created against the campaigns during the period, excluding dead leads.
Lead Amount The sum of Lead amount of all leads created against the campaigns during the period.
Opportunities Total number of opportunities created against the campaigns during the period.
Opportunity Amount The sum of opportunity amount of all opportunities created against the campaigns during the period.

Conversion Rates by Sales Group Report

This report summarizes rate of lead conversion to opportunities, quotes and orders by sales group. The following table describes the columns of this report.

Conversion Rates by Sales Group Columns
Column Name Description
Sales Group Name of the Sales Group.
Total Count Sum of total leads corresponds to that sales group during the period.
Opportunities Total leads converted to opportunities during the period.
Quotes Total leads converted to Quotes during the period.
Lead to Opportunities % The number of opportunities divided by total leads multiplied by 100.
Opportunities to Quotes % The number of quotes divided by total opportunities multiplied by 100.
Quotes to Orders % The number of orders divided by total quotes multiplied by 100.

Event Cost and Revenue Report

This report summarizes Costs and Revenues per event. The following table describes the columns of this report.

Event Cost and Revenue Report Columns
Column Name Description
Event Event Name
Total Cost Period-to-date cost which is the cumulative amount of the approved budget for the period.
Total Revenue Period-to-date revenue which is the cumulative amount of revenue for the period. This is booked order in the CRM schema for actual revenue.
Registration Count The sum of registrations for the period.
Cost per Registration Total approved budget amount for the events for the activity divided by the number of cumulative registrations.
Revenue per Registration The sum of the revenue for that period divided by the sum of registrations for that period.
Lead Count Total number of leads created against the campaigns during the period, excluding dead leads.
Cost per Lead The sum of Period-to-date costs divided by the sum of Lead Count.
Revenue per Lead The sum of the revenue for that period divided by the sum of leads for that period.
Order Count The number of booked orders.
Cost Per Order The total booked order amount divided by the numbers of orders booked.
Revenue per Order The sum of the revenue for that period divided by the sum of orders for that period.

Event Cost, Revenue and ROI Report

This report summarizes Costs, Revenues and Return on Investments per Event. The following table describes the columns of this report.

Event Cost, Revenue and ROI Report Columns
Column Name Description
Actual Cost Summarized schedule costs and its parent object's costs.
Forecasted Cost From Metrics value. Summarize schedule cost and the parent cost.
Cost Variance ((actual – forecast) / forecast) * 100
Actual Revenue Booked order amount in Oracle Quoting.
Forecasted Revenue From Metrics value. Summarize schedule revenue and the parent revenue.
Revenue Variance ((actual – forecast) / forecast) * 100
Actual ROI ((actual revenue - actual cost) / actual cost) * 100
Forecasted ROI ((forecast revenue - forecast cost) / forecast cost) * 100
ROI Variance ((actual - forecast) / forecast) * 100

Events by Budget Amount Report

This report summarizes Budget information per Event. It shows active, completed, and cancelled events or schedules.

Data in the report is displayed depending on the following conditions:

The following table describes the columns of this report.

Events by Budget Amount Columns
Column Name Description
Event Event name.
Type Event Type name.
Business Unit Business Unit name.
Approved Budget Amount The total budget amount allocated to the Event by approved budget lines.
Awaiting Approval Budget Amount The total budget amount is the combined total amount for Pending and Planned for the Event.

Events by Event Type Report

This report summarizes Budget and Event information per Event Type. It shows active, completed, and cancelled event or schedules.

Data in the report is displayed depending on the following conditions:

The following table describes the columns of this report.

Events by Event Type Columns
Column Type Description
Event Type Event Type name.
Number of Events The number of Events associated with this Event Type.
Approved Budget Amount The total budget amount allocated to the Event by approved budget lines.
Awaiting Approval Budget Amount The total budget amount is the combined total amount for Pending and Planned for the Event.
Registrants The sum number of registrations for this event type for the period.
Attendees The sum number of attendees for this event type for the period.
Cancellations The sum number of cancellations for this event type for the period.

Leads by Opportunity Report

This report summarizes Leads and Opportunities information per Event. The following table describes the columns of this report.

Leads by Opportunity Columns
Column Name Description
Event Event name.
Leads Total number of leads created against the campaigns during the period, excluding dead leads.
Lead Amount The sum of Lead amount of all leads created against the campaigns during the period.
Opportunities Total number of opportunities created against the campaigns during the period.
Opportunity Amount The sum of opportunity amount of all opportunities created against the campaigns during the period.

Events by Registrants Report

This report summarizes Registration information per Event. It shows active, completed, and cancelled event or schedules.

Data in the report is displayed depending on the following conditions:

The following table describes the columns of this report.

Events by Registrants Columns
Column Name Description
Event Name Event name.
Registrants The sum number of registrations for this event type for the period.
Attendees The sum number of attendees for this event type for the period.
Cancellations The sum number of cancellations for this event type for the period.

Invalid Leads by Reason Report

This report summarizes invalid leads by reason. The following table describes the columns of this report.

Invalid Leads by Reason Columns
Column Name Description
Reason Reason for failure.
Invalid Total leads which failed to import during the period.

Lead Aging by Quality Reports

This report summarizes leads by aging by rank. The following table describes the columns of this report.

Leads Aging by Quality Reports Columns
Column Name Description
Rank Name of the Sales Rank
0-1 Leads generated from 0 to 1 day from the last refresh date.
2-3 Leads generated between 2 and 3 days from the last refresh date.
3-7 Leads generated between 3 and 7 days from the last refresh date.
8-14 Leads generated between 8 and 14 days from the last refresh date.
15-21 Leads generated between 15 and 21 days from the last refresh date.
22-28 Leads generated between 22 and 28 days from the last refresh date.
29-35 Leads generated between 29 and 35 days from the last refresh date.
36-42 Leads generated between 36 and 42 days from the last refresh date.
> 43 Leads generated 43 days and beyond from the last refresh date.
Total Total leads generated since the last refresh date.

Lead Aging by Sales Group Report

This report summarizes leads by aging by sales group. The following table describes the columns of this report.

Leads Aging by Sales Group Columns
Column Name Description
Sales Group Name of the Sales Group.
0-1 Leads generated from 0 to 1 day from the last refresh date.
2-3 Leads generated between 2 and 3 days from the last refresh date.
3-7 Leads generated between 3 and 7 days from the last refresh date.
8-14 Leads generated between 8 and 14 days from the last refresh date.
15-21 Leads generated between 15 and 21 days from the last refresh date.
22-28 Leads generated between 22 and 28 days from the last refresh date.
29-35 Leads generated between 29 and 35 days from the last refresh date.
36-42 Leads generated between 36 and 42 days from the last refresh date.
> 43 Leads generated 43 days and beyond from the last refresh date.
Total Total leads generated since the last refresh date.

Lead Assignment and Conversion by Sales Group Reports

This report summarizes lead assignment and conversion by sales group. The following table describes the columns of this report.

Lead Assignment and Conversion by Sales Group Columns
Column Name Description
Sales Group Name of the Sales Group.
Total Count Sum of total leads corresponds to that sales group during the period.
Changed Count Total number of assigned leads that are actually updated by sales rep during the period.
Changed % The number of changed leads divided by assigned leads multiplied by 100.
Unchanged Count Total leads that are assigned but not updated by sale rep during the period.
Unchanged % The number of unchanged leads divided by assigned leads multiplied by 100.
Open Leads Total leads in open status during the period.
Dead Leads Total leads in dead status during the period.
Converted to Opportunities Total leads converted to opportunities during the period.
Converted to Opportunities % The number of opportunities divided by total leads multiple by 100.

Lead Import Statistics by Campaign Report

This report summarizes lead import statistics by campaign. The following table describes the columns of this report.

Lead Import Statistics by Campaign Columns
Column Name Description
Campaign Name of the campaign.
Added Total of valid, invalid and new leads.
Valid Total leads imported successfully during the period.
Invalid Total lead import failures during the period.
New Total Leads imported during the period.

Lead Import Statistics by Region Report

This report summarizes lead import statistics by region. The following table describes the columns of this report.

Lead Import Statistics by Region Columns
Column Name Description
Region Name of the Region.
Added Total of valid, invalid and new leads.
Valid Total leads imported successfully during the period.
Invalid Total lead import failures during the period.
New Total Leads imported during the period.

Lead Quality by Campaign Report

This report summarizes leads by rank by campaign. The following table describes the columns of this report.

Lead Quality by Campaign Columns
Column Name Description
Campaign Name of the Campaign
First Defined Rank The A, B and C columns of this report are defined at: Administration > Marketing > Setup > Code Definition, Object Type Rank.
Second Defined Rank N/A
Third Defined Rank N/A
Others The total of the leads in the remaining ranks.
Total Total leads by all ranks during the period.

Lead Quality by Region Report

This report summarizes leads by rank by region. The following table describes the columns of this report.

Lead Quality by Region Columns
Column Name Description
Region Name of the Region.
First Defined Rank The A, B and C columns of this report are defined at: Administration > Marketing > Setup > Code Definition, Object Type Rank.
Second Defined Rank N/A
Third Defined Rank N/A
Others The total of the leads in the remaining ranks
Total Total leads by all ranks during the period.

Lead Quality by Status Report

This report summarizes leads by rank by status. The following table describes the columns of this report.

Lead Quality by Status Columns
Column Name Description
Status Name of the Status
Status Flag Flag to determine if the status is yes or no.
First Defined Rank The A, B and C columns of this report are defined at: Administration > Marketing > Setup > Code Definition, Object Type Rank.
Second Defined Rank N/A
Third Defined Rank N/A
Others The total of the leads in the remaining ranks.
Total Total leads by all ranks during the period.

Lead Sources by Campaign Report

This report summarizes leads by source then by campaign. The following table describes the columns of this report.

Lead Sources by Campaign Columns
Column Name Description
Campaign Name of the Campaign.
First Defined Source The A, B and C columns of this report are defined at: Administration > Marketing > Setup > Code Definition, Object Type Source.
Second Defined Source N/A
Third Defined Source N/A
Others The total of the leads from the remaining sources.
Total Total leads by all sources during the period.

Lead Sources by Region Report

This report summarizes leads by source by region. The following table describes the columns of this report.

Lead Sources by Region Columns
Column Name Description
Region Name of the Region
First Defined Source The A, B and C columns of this report are defined at: Administration > Marketing > Setup > Code Definition, Object Type Source.
Second Defined Source N/A
Third Defined Source N/A
Others The total of the leads from the remaining sources.
Total Total leads by all sources during the period.

Lead Sources by Status Report

This report summarizes leads by source and then by status. The following table describes the columns of this report.

Lead Sources by Status Report Columns
Column Name Description
Status Name of the Status.
Open Flag top determine if the status is yes or no.
First Defined Source The A, B and C columns of this report are defined at: Administration > Marketing > Setup > Code Definition, Object Type Rank.
Second Defined Source N/A
Third Defined Source N/A
Others The total of the leads from the remaining sources.
Total Total leads by all sources during the period.

Lead Status by Campaign Report

This report summarizes leads by status then by campaign. The following table describes the columns of this report.

Lead Status by Campaign Report Columns
Column Name Description
Campaign Name of the Campaign.
First Defined Status The A, B and C columns of this report are defined at: Administration > Marketing > Setup > Code Definition, Object Type Status.
Second Defined Status N/A
Third Defined Status N/A
Others The total of the leads from the remaining statuses.
Total Total leads by all statuses during the period.

Responses by Activity Report

This report summarizes response information by activity. The following table describes the columns of this report.

Responses by Activity Columns
Column Name Description
Activity Activity Name.
Number of Campaigns Total number of campaigns belonging to that activity during the period.
Target Audience Total targeted audience for this activity during the period.
Responses Added Total number of responses added for the activity during the period.
Responses Change Change from previous to current for the number of responses during the period.
Cost Per Response Total approved budget amount for the campaigns for the activity divided by the number of cumulative responses during the period.
Responses Forecast Total number of responses forecasted during the period.
Responses Variance ((Actual - Forecast)/Actual) * 100
Conversion to Lead Count Total number of responses converted to leads during the period.
Conversion to Lead Change Change from previous to current for the number of responses converted to leads during the period.
Cost Per Lead Sum of period-to-date cost divided by total leads during the period.

Responses by Campaign Report

This report summarizes response information by campaign. The following table describes the columns of this report.

Responses by Campaign Columns
Column Name Description
Campaign Campaign Name.
Target Audience Total targeted audience for this campaign during the period.
Responses Added Total number of responses added for the campaign during the period.
Responses Change Change from previous to current for the number of responses during the period.
Cost Per Response Total approved budget amount for the campaigns divided by the number of cumulative responses during the period.
Responses Forecast Total number of responses forecasted during the period.
Responses Variance ((Actual - Forecast)/Actual) * 100
Conversion to Lead Count Total number of responses converted to leads during the period.
Conversion to Lead Change Change from previous to current for the number of responses converted to leads during the period.
Cost Per Lead Sum of period-to-date cost divided by total leads during the period.

Home Page Charts

In order for the charts to display, your server must be configured as follows:

  1. To enable run-time image generation for charts on Unix, specify the X Server used to generate dynamic images. This server does not have to be a dedicated server for Applications; however, it does need to be accessible by the Apache server that calls it. This is done through “xhost +“, or through a more secure “xauth“ Unix command. A Windows NT Machine running a Unix emulator like Exceed may be used. Note: This step is not required if you are installing the JTF framework on a Windows-based operating system (Windows NT or Windows 2000). To implement the Display Server identifier, update the <ORAHTTP_TOP>/Jserv/etc/ with the following changes:

  2. Add the following DISPLAY parameter immediately below the wrapper.bin variable:


    Replace <xserver-hostname> and <xserver-displayport> with the machine name and port number where the X Server is running. For example,

    This step is required if Apache Jserv is started in the Automatic mode. If Jserv is started in Manual mode, then set the DISPLAY environment variable, either in the script that starts the jserv or on the shell that (re)starts Apache. For example,

    setenv DISPLAY <xserver-hostname>:<xserver-displayport>

    The following table contains a list of charts available for display on the Oracle Marketing home page:

    Home Page Charts
    Chart Name Description
    Budget Utilization by Business Unit Summarizes the top ten budgets by business unit
    Budget Utilization by Category Summarizes the top ten budgets by category
    Campaigns by Leads Summarizes the top ten campaigns by leads
    Campaigns by Opportunity Summarizes the top ten campaigns by opportunities
    Events by Attendance Summarizes the top ten events by attendance
    Data in this report is displayed according to the following criteria:
    • The event or schedule must start before the start of the report period.

    • The event or schedule must not end before the start of the report period.

    • The event registration and attendance check must be within this period.

    Events by Leads Summarizes the top ten events by leads
    Events by Registration -
    Lead to Opportunity -

The following table provides a list and description of the parameters that you can set to view Home page charts. The following table describes the parameters for Home Page charts.

Home Page Charts Parameters
Parameter Name Description
Region Lists all Regions defined by geographic area Region (geographic area location 2). User may choose a region or 'All' for all Regions. Default is set to 'All'.
Country Lists all Countries defined in geographic area Country. User may choose a Country or 'All' for all Countries. Default is set to 'All'.
Business Unit Lists all business units defined in HR Organizations with type 'BU'. User can choose a business unit or 'All' for all business units. Default is set to 'All'.