Using Web ADI to Manage Campaign Activities

This chapter covers the following topics:

Web ADI Overview

Web Application Desktop Integrator or Web ADI is a tool that brings Oracle E-Business Suite functionality to a spreadsheet, where familiar data entry and modeling techniques can be used to complete Oracle E-Business Suite tasks. Oracle Marketing uses Web ADI support to setup campaign activities from the Campaign Workbench.

When the marketing department of an organization needs to work with a large number of campaign activities that are part of a bigger marketing plan, marketers can use the spreadsheet interface provided by Web ADI. The worksheet provides a quick and simple means to create and update multiple campaign activities within and across campaigns. The campaign activity data can be exported into seeded Web ADI layouts, and can be accessed easily externally, for analysis.

The following are some typical scenarios where Web ADI can be used to create campaign activities:

Scenario 1

The marketing manager of an organization plans to advertise its new "Consulting Solutions Software Application" in 25 magazines that target senior level executives. The placement and the price of each advertisement may vary, and the forecast values for expected results may be different for each marketing medium chosen. Each advertisement will be a campaign activity in Oracle Marketing and may be planned and executed by different marketers.

The marketing manager can use a spreadsheet to create a media plan, and to enter and manage the target audience information, the expected costs, the forecast values for expected results, and so on. When the media plan is finalized and approved, all the 25 campaign activities must be created in the Oracle Marketing application. While the individual campaign activities will be managed by different marketers, the marketing manager will review and analyze the metrics at the parent campaign level.

Scenario 2

The marketing managers of an organization place their advertisement requests for different newspapers to Joe, the media planner. The advertisements are campaign activities belonging to different campaigns. Joe uses a spreadsheet to keep track of the available placements for the different newspapers and the associated costs and other measurements. The advertisements are then imported as campaign activities into the Oracle Marketing application and managed by different marketing managers.

Scenario 3

The marketing department of an organization plans to conduct an event and wishes to elicit online event registrations. 50 advertisements must be deployed via billboards, radio, television, and various third party Web sites (such as Yahoo or CNN). Each advertisement will be a campaign activity in Oracle Marketing and must be created along with the associated Click Through Tracking URLs that lead the customers to the online event registration process.

The marketing manager can use a spreadsheet to enter all the details of the 50 campaign activities, including the associated Click Through Tracking URL definition details. The details can then be imported into the Campaign Workbench of Oracle Marketing.

Web ADI Layouts

Web ADI processes use predefined column layouts for the spreadsheet interface and predefined logic to load the spreadsheet data into an application's data store. A Web ADI layout is a combination of a spreadsheet interface consisting of a set of logically grouped columns, the mapping of attributes from each of these columns to the appropriate column in the underlying data store, and the logic to create or update the data with the necessary validations. Some of these logical groups of columns are:

A marketing administrator can customize Web ADI layouts for marketing use. For example, the administrator may create different layouts (and include a different set of columns) for advertisement activities, direct marketing activities, and Web activities. See the Oracle Marketing Implementation Guide for more details.

The following figure displays a sample Web ADI spreadsheet.

A Sample Web ADI Spreadsheet

the picture is described in the document text

Seeded Web ADI Layouts

The seeded Web ADI Layouts include:

Prerequisites for Using Web ADI

The following are the prerequisites for Web ADI:

General Guidelines for Using Web ADI Layouts

Use the following guidelines when using Web ADI layouts:

Web ADI Processes

You can use Web ADI processes to accomplish the following tasks:

The Web ADI Import Process

You can use the Web ADI Import process to create new campaign activities in the following two distinct ways:

Web ADI Import Process Flow

The following figure depicts the process flow for the two ways in which campaign activities can be created using the Web ADI Import process.

Web ADI Import Process

the picture is described in the document text

the picture is described in the document text

Creating Campaign Activities Using the Import Process

To use Web ADI to import activities data, navigate to the Activities List page from the Campaign Dashboard. You can also work with a saved spreadsheet in the offline mode. If you start the import process in the offline mode, you will need to sign into Oracle Applications and select a responsibility.

Navigation: Campaign Workbench > Activities > Import activities


The following table provides guidelines for using the seeded Activity Import layout.

Fields in the Seeded Import Activities Layout
Field Name Mandatory? Guidelines
Activity Name Yes -
Campaign Yes Campaigns to which you have access will be displayed in the LOV
Template Yes Only Active templates are available for selection
Channel Yes -
Coordinator Yes Defaults to the logged in user
Currency Yes
  • The default currency specified for a activity applies to all the metrics that track amounts

  • Default metric values are displayed in this currency

Timezone Yes -
Launch On Yes
  • As the Web ADI framework does not support date pickers, use MS Excel Date formats to enter dates

  • Do not use a format that includes time

  • This date must be within the parent Campaign's start and end dates

Launch Time No Input time here using the format HH24:MI:SS
End On No
  • As the Web ADI framework does not support date pickers, use MS Excel Date formats to enter dates

  • Do not use a format that includes time

  • If no value is entered, this field defaults to the parent campaign's end date

End Time No
  • Input time here using the format HH24:MI:SS

  • If no value is entered, this field defaults to the parent campaign's end time

Source Code No If you do not enter a Source Code, a system generated Source Code will be assigned to the campaign activity
Country No Defaults to the value defined as the user's country
Marketing Medium No For some activities, such as Advertising activities, this is a mandatory field, and must be selected
Purpose No As dependent columns are not supported, ensure that you select a Purpose relevant to the Template you have selected
Objective No -
Repeat Frequency No If the Repeat Frequency UOM field contains a value, you must enter a value for this field
Repeat Frequency UOM No If the Repeat Frequency UOM field contains a value, you must enter a value for the Repeat Frequency field
Repeat For No
  • If Repeat Frequency and Repeat Frequency UOM contain values, you must select a value for this field

  • Select a value to indicate for which Target Group entries the activity must repeat

Activity Flexfield Category No -
Activity Flexfields No -
Channel Based Flexfields No Use the Context Value LOV to select an Activity Id (it provides the context) when you need to work with context-sensitive flexfields
Primary Product Category No Product Categories associated with the parent Campaign only are available for selection
Primary Product No Products associated with the parent Campaign only are available for selection
Cover Letter No
  • Cover Letters may be associated only to direct marketing activities (Email, fax, Direct Mail - Print)

  • Access to content is based on Oracle Content Manager's security privileges assigned to you

Web Planner - Application No To be specified for Web activities
Web Planner - Placement No To be specified for Web activities
Web Planner - Title No To be specified for Web activities
Web Planner - Content Item No
  • To be specified for Web activities

  • Only Content Items belonging to Content types that are allowed for the specified Placement will be available for selection

Landing Page URL No Applicable for the following types of activities:
  • Advertising

  • Press and Analyst

  • Direct Marketing - Fax

  • Direct Marketing - Print

Additional Parameter No This is an optional field, and may be specified if Landing Page URL is specified
CTD - Action No
  • If the Landing Page URL is specified, CTD - Action must be specified along with the parameters required

  • For Web Offer activities, because the Offers functionality is not available from Web ADI, the "Go To Shopping Cart with an Item" CTD Action is not available

See CTD Actions and their Parameters table for information on CTD parameters.
CTD - URL No -
CTD - Parameter 1 No
  • The layout contains columns for CTD - Parameter 1 to CTD - Parameter 5

  • The page title and table headers for all the CTD parameter LOVs will remain static

CTD - Additional Parameter 1 No The layout contains columns for CTD - Additional Parameter 1 to CTD - Additional Parameter 5
Collaboration Content Item 1 No
  • The layout contains columns for Collaboration Content Item 1 to Collaboration Content Item 3

  • Access to content is based on Oracle Content Manager's security privileges assigned to you

Script No One script may be associated to an activity
Notes No Type in the note text in this field
Intent for Submit For Approval No
  • Use this field to submit activities for approval directly from the spreadsheet. Ensure all the mandatory data for the activities are included

  • The default value is Do Not Submit For Approval

  • Because the Target Group functionality is not enabled in Web ADI and specifying a target group is mandatory for direct marketing activities (Email, fax, Direct Mail - Print), you cannot submit them for approval

Fields Campaign Id to Collaboration Content Item Id No These fields contain system values and you may hide them using Ms Excel's Column Hide feature.
Metric 1 - Manual Fixed No
  • You must be the owner of the parent campaign or be a member of the team with financial privileges to be able to edit the metrics associated with a campaign activity.

  • The layout contains columns for Metric 1 - Manual Fixed to Metric 10 - Manual Fixed

Metric 1 - Manual Fixed Forecast No The layout contains columns for Metric 1 - Manual Fixed Forecast to Metric 10 - Manual Fixed Forecast
Metric 1 - Manual Variable No The layout contains columns for Metric 1 - Manual Variable to Metric 5 - Manual Variable
Metric 1 - Manual Variable Forecast Unit No The layout contains columns for Metric 1 - Manual Variable Forecast Unit to Metric 5 - Manual Variable Forecast Unit
Metric 1 - Function Fixed No
  • A function metric must be associated only once with a campaign activity. If you choose the same metric multiple times for association, the upload process will import the very first occurrence of that metric and the subsequent occurrences will be ignored

  • The layout contains columns for Metric 1 - Function Fixed to Metric 10 - Function Fixed

Metric 1 - Function Fixed Forecast No The layout contains columns for Metric 1 - Function Fixed Forecast to Metric 10 - Function Fixed Forecast
Metric 1 - Function Variable No The layout contains columns for Metric 1 - Function Variable to Metric 5 - Function Variable
Metric 1 - Function Variable Forecast Unit No The layout contains columns for Metric 1 - Function Variable Forecast Unit to Metric 5 - Function Variable Forecast Unit
Metric 1 - Formula No The layout contains columns for Metric 1 - Formula to Metric 5 - Formula
Messages No
  • A read-only column used by the system to display error messages for rows with errors

  • A green smiley indicates that the Import process for the row completed successfully

The following table lists the various CTD Actions and the parameters that must be associated with each.

CTD Actions and their Parameters
CTD Action CTD Parameter 1 CTD Parameter 2 CTD Parameter 3
Go To URL URL - -
Go To Shopping Cart Speciality Store - -
Go To Item Details Product Speciality Store Section
Go To Shopping Cart With an Item Product Speciality Store Section
Go To Section Speciality Store Section -
Go To Store Registration Page - - -
Go To Site Speciality Store - -
Go To Web Script Web Script Event -
Go To Content Item Content Item Stylesheet -

Web ADI Update Process

The Web ADI Export process is used to support the Update process. Using the Web ADI Update process, you can:

You can use the Web ADI Update process in the following two distinct ways:

Web ADI Update Process Flow

The following figure depicts the process flow for the two ways in which campaign activity details can be modified using the Web ADI Update process.

Web ADI Update Process

the picture is described in the document text

Updating Basic Campaign Activity Details

To update the basic campaign activity details, use the Update layout. You may work offline with a spreadsheet saved on your desktop. When you start the Web ADI Update process using the Oracle > Upload menu option, you will need to log in and select a responsibility.

Navigation: Campaign Workbench > Activities List > Export to Update Activities > Go


The following table provides guidelines for working with the Update layout.

Field Name Updateable? Guidelines
Spreadsheet Reference No
  • Displays a system generated value

  • The value is passed to the concurrent program during the Update process and is useful when you need to troubleshoot Update process errors

Activity Name Yes This is a mandatory field
Campaign No If you try to modify any read-only field, the Update process will result in an error for the row. You will need to export the activity data and perform the Update process again
Template No -
Channel No -
Coordinator Yes Only the activity owner or an administrator can modify this value
Currency Yes This is a mandatory field
Timezone Yes -
Launch On Yes
  • As the Web ADI framework does not support date pickers, use MS Excel Date formats to enter dates

  • Do not use a format that includes time

  • This date must be within the parent Campaign's start and end dates

Launch Time Yes Input time here using the format HH24:MM:SS
End On Yes
  • As the Web ADI framework does not support date pickers, use MS Excel Date formats to enter dates

  • Do not use a format that includes time

End Time Yes Input time here using the format HH24:MI:SS
Source Code Yes If you do not enter a Source Code, a system generated Source Code will be assigned to the campaign schedule
Country Name Yes If you need to modify this field, select a value that is valid with reference to any Marketing Medium selected (for Advertising activities)
Marketing Medium Yes
  • For some activities, such as Advertising activities, this is a mandatory field

  • Ensure Channel and Country are selected before attempting to select a Marketing Medium

  • Choose a Marketing Medium relevant to the Channel and Country selected

Description Yes This column is mapped to the Objective field in the Activity Details page
Current Status No -
Update Status To Yes If this field needs to be updated, select a status that is valid with reference to the value in the Current Status field
Activity Flexfields Yes -
Channel Based Flexfields Yes Use the Context Value LOV to select an Activity Id (it provides the context) when you need to work with context-sensitive flexfields
Product Category Yes Only the Product Category marked as Primary will be exported for update
Product Yes Only the Product marked as Primary will be exported for update
Intent To Submit for Approval Yes
  • Use this field to submit activities for approval directly from the spreadsheet. Ensure all the mandatory data for the activities are included

  • The default value is Do Not Submit For Approval

  • Because the Target Group functionality is not enabled in Web ADI, you cannot submit direct marketing activities (Email, fax, Direct Mail - Print) for approval

Fields Activity ID to Coordinator ID No These fields contain system values and you may use MS Excel's Column Hide feature to hide them
Messages No A green smiley indicates that the Update process for the row completed successfully

Updating Campaign Activity Metrics Data

To update activity metric details, use the Media Planner layout.

Navigation: Campaign Workbench > Activities List > Export to Media Planner > Go


The following table provides guidelines for working with the Media Planner layout.

Guidelines for Using the Media Planner Layout
Field Name Updateable? Guidelines
Spreadsheet Reference No
  • Displays a system generated value

  • The value is passed to the concurrent program during the Update process and is useful when you need to troubleshoot Update process errors

Activity Name Yes -
Campaign No If you try to modify any read-only field, the Update process will result in an error for the row. You will need to export the activity data and perform the Update process again
Channel No -
Coordinator No -
Currency No -
Launch On No -
End On No -
Country No -
Marketing Medium No -
Purpose No -
Status No -
Channel Based Flexfields No -
Primary Product Category No -
Primary Product No -
Metric 1 - Manual Fixed Yes
  • You must be the owner of the parent campaign or be a member of the team with financial privileges to be able to edit the metrics associated with a campaign schedule.

  • You can modify existing metrics or associate new metrics. If the new metric is already associated to the schedule, the metric value will be updated. If not, the metric will first be associated to the activity and then the value will be added.

  • The layout contains columns for Metric 1 - Manual Fixed to Metric 10 - Manual Fixed.

Metric 1 - Manual Fixed Forecast Yes The layout contains columns for Metric 1 - Manual Fixed Forecast to Metric 10 - Manual Fixed Forecast
Metric 1 - Manual Fixed Currency Yes The layout contains columns for Metric 1 - Manual Fixed Currency to Metric 10 - Manual Fixed Currency
Metric 1 - Manual Variable Yes
  • Variable metrics are supported only for Cost and Revenue Metrics

  • The layout contains columns for Metric 1 - Manual Variable to Metric 5 - Manual Variable

Metric 1 - Manual Variable Forecast Unit Yes The layout contains columns for Metric 1 - Manual Variable Forecast Unit to Metric 5 - Manual Variable Forecast Unit
Metric 1 - Manual Variable Currency Yes
  • Use the Currency set for this metric attribute to enter values in this field

  • The layout contains columns for Metric 1 - Manual Variable Currency to Metric 5 - Manual Variable Currency

Metric 1 - Manual Variable Actual Yes The layout contains columns for Metric 1 - Manual Variable Actual to Metric 5 - Manual Variable Actual
Metric 1 - Function Fixed Yes
  • A function metric must be associated only once with a campaign schedule. If you associate the same metric multiple times, the upload process will import the very first occurrence of that metric and the subsequent occurrences will be ignored.

  • The layout contains columns for Metric 1 - Function Fixed to Metric 10 - Function Fixed

Metric 1 - Function Fixed Forecast Yes The layout contains columns for Metric 1 - Function Fixed Forecast to Metric 10 - Function Fixed Forecast
Metric 1 - Function Fixed Currency Yes
  • Use the Currency set for this metric attribute to enter values in this field

  • The layout contains columns for Metric 1 - Function Fixed Currency to Metric 10 - Function Fixed Currency

Metric 1 - Function Variable Yes The layout contains columns for Metric 1 - Function Variable to Metric 5 - Function Variable
Metric 1 - Function Variable Forecast Unit Yes The layout contains columns for Metric 1 - Function Forecast Unit to Metric 5 - Function Variable Forecast Unit
Metric 1 - Function Variable Currency Yes
  • Use the Currency set for this metric attribute to enter values in this field

  • The layout contains columns for Metric 1 - Function Variable Currency to Metric 5 - Function Variable Currency

Fields Activity ID to Coordinator ID No These fields contain system values and you may use MS Excel's Column Hide feature to hide them
Messages No This field is used by the system to display error messages for rows with errors. A green smiley indicates that the Update process for the row completed successfully

Security Requirements for Web ADI Processes

The following security restrictions are applicable: