Implementation Tasks for Oracle Sales

This chapter covers the following topics:

Setting Up Users and Reporting Hierarchy

To access Oracle Sales, users must be set up as valid resources. Resources are then assigned responsibilities and roles within a group. Setting the security profile options for a resource determines what customers, leads, and opportunities the resource can access and the level of access.

Perform the procedures in the following list to create users and assign them roles and responsibilities:

Creating an Employee User

You must first create a user of type employee. You must create an employee user for each resource in the resource hierarchy.


Please refer the Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide (Global) for more details on creating an employee.

Setting Up Employees as FND Users and Assigning Responsibilities

You must set up employees as users and assign them certain responsibilities to access Oracle Sales.

Responsibilities determine the user's access to application functions and data. For more information, refer to the Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide.


The person must be set up as an employee in Oracle Human Resources. Refer to Managing Your Workforce Using HRMS (US) for more information on setting up employees.

Log in to Self Service applications with the System Administrator responsibility. Navigate to Security > User > Define.


  1. Follow the steps for creating a user listed in the Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide - Security.

  2. Assign one or more of the seeded responsibilities or any customized responsibilities. For example, you should assign a sales representative with the Sales User responsibility, a sales manager or sales admin with the Sales Manager responsibility, and a system administrator with both the Sales Administrator and the Oracle Sales Administrator responsibilities.

    The Sales Administrator responsibility differs from the Sales Admin role. Sales Admin is a special role for someone designated to act for the sales manager in a group, not a system administrator.

    Refer to Seeded Roles and Responsibilities for details on seeded responsibilities.

Setting Up a Group

Oracle Sales security uses groups to determine the resource hierarchy. The manager in a group is considered the manager of all resources in child groups.

Note: Each sales group can have only one manager. Additionally, the manager role must be active in the roles table in Resource Manager.

A resource can belong to multiple groups. Only one resource with a manager role should be in each group. If you are defining group hierarchies, set up the Parent group first.

Log in to Self Service applications with the CRM Resource Manager responsibility. Navigate to Resources Manager > Maintain Resources > Groups.

Set up a group and select Sales and TeleSales from the Role Type list of values.

Note: A Sales Representative or a Sales Manager user cannot have multiple roles of type 'Sales and Telesales'.

See the Oracle Trading Community Architecture Administrator's Guide for details on Resource Manager.

Changes in Resource Hierarchy

If groups change within your existing resource hierarchy, be sure to use Move Member in the Resource Manager to move group members before taking any other action, such as providing an end date for the group. After making resource hierarchy changes, sales representatives and sales managers might have to resubmit their forecasts.

Note: Do not end date a group member role to remove the member from a group hierarchy. Always use Move Member to move a group member out of a group and into a new group.

Here are resource hierarchy change scenarios and how to manage them:

Sales Representative moves to another Sales Group

  1. Move the sales representative using Move Member.

  2. The previous manager must save the forecast worksheet and resubmit the forecast for the group.

  3. The sales representative and the new manager must save their forecast worksheets and resubmit them.

All members of a sales group move to another Sales Group

  1. Move all of the sales representatives using Move Member.

    Additional Information: The profile option OS: Move Opportunities must be set to Open in order for you to be able to use Move Member to move the sales representatives.

  2. Have the previous manager save his forecast worksheet and resubmit the forecast for the group.

  3. Move the sales manager using Move Member.

  4. End date the sales manager role for one sales manager, and give that manager a sales representative role.

  5. End date the old sales group after moving all of the members.

  6. Have the sales representatives and the new manager save their forecast worksheets and resubmit their forecasts.

Sales Manager Leaves - All Sales Representatives Move to a New Manager

  1. Move the sales representatives to the new manager's group using Move Member.

  2. End date the previous manager.

  3. Add the new manager to the old sales group.

  4. Have the new manager save the forecast worksheet and submit a forecast for the old sales group.

  5. End date the old sales group.

  6. Have the sales representatives save their forecast worksheets and resubmit their forecasts.

  7. Have the sales manager save his forecast worksheet and submit a forecast for his new group.

Verifying Group Setup

To verify that you have set up your groups correctly:

Log in to Self Service applications with the CRM Resource Manager responsibility. Navigate to Resource Manager > Maintain Resources > Group Hierarchy.

Setting Up Manager Roles

Oracle Sales security uses roles to determine which resources are managers. A manager must have an active role, of any role type, with the Manager flag checked. In addition, a manager must have the appropriate role in the context of a group.

Additional Information: To perform forecast, a user must have the role type of Sales.

A manager's access level to leads, opportunities, and customers depends on the security profile options. Refer to Setting Up Security and Security Profile Options for more information.

Table 4-1 lists examples of users, roles, roles attributes, and role types.

Table 4-1 Role Type Example
User Role Role Attribute Role Type
Bob Jones Regional Sales Manager Manager Sales
Jane Adams District Sales Manager Manager Sales
John Franklin Sales Agent Member Sales
Jennifer Moore Sales Agent Member Sales

Setting Up the Sales Admin Role

The Sales Admin role enables a sales group member (such as an administrative assistant, or other support team member) to have access to all leads, opportunities, customers, and contacts to which the manager of the sales group has access. A user with this role can act for the sales manager when necessary.

The level of access for the Sales Admin is based on the settings of the ASN: Sales Admin Update Access and the ASN: Sales Admin Forecast Update Access profiles.

You can specify that a sales group member is the Sales Admin by setting the role attribute for that user to Admin=Yes. Sales Admin is not a seeded role. If you want to restrict the role of Sales Admin (for example, removing business object creation capacity) you can do this through personalization.

A user acting as Sales Admin must log in using the Sales Manager responsibility.

Creating a Resource, and Assigning Roles and Resource Groups

All Oracle Sales users must be set up as valid resources in Oracle Resource Manager. Users who are not valid resources cannot log in to Oracle Sales. To set up users, use the CRM Resource Manager responsibility. See the Oracle Trading Community Architecture Administrator's Guide for details on Resource Manager.

When you create a resource, you assign roles to the resource. To belong to a sales group a user should be a member of the sales group and have at least one active role of any role type.

You can create a resource either by entering the user information into Resource Manager or by importing an employee from Oracle Human Resources into Resource Manager.

Log in to Self Service applications with the CRM Resource Manager responsibility. Navigate to Maintain Resources > Import Resources.

Setting Up Product Hierarchies

Oracle Sales uses a product catalog common to all applications across the Oracle E-Business Suite. Within the product catalog, administrators must create a product catalog hierarchy, assigning first level catalog categories as components. Within each component, the administrator assigns categories and items.

For information on creating product catalog hierarchies, refer to the Advanced Product Catalog User's Guide.

For information on the guidelines for using product hierarchies with forecasting, see Product Hierarchies and Forecasting.

Setting Up Data Quality Management in Trading Community Architecture

Data Quality Management (DQM) minimizes the creation of duplicate parties. The match rules that are set for the following profile options determine the search criteria available to users:

You can change the profile option setting to a different match rule, or modify the currently-set match rule.

The match rules associated with these profile options determine which records trigger an interruption to the create flow for organizations, contacts or persons. The user is warned that the new record resembles one or more existing records and is given the option to select one of the presented existing records instead, if applicable.

Setting Up DQM for customer searches includes administrative tasks such as running concurrent programs and setting up the DQM synchronization method to keep the staging schema up-to-date. See the Oracle Trading Community Architecture Administration Guide for more information.

Enabling Address Validation

When an address is created or updated through Oracle Sales, the address is validated. Similarly, the address is validated when selecting a customer or contact address from an opportunity or a lead details page.

To enable address validation, log in to Oracle Forms with the Trading Community Manager responsibility.

Navigate to the Geographic Setup form from Trading Community > Administration > Geography Hierarchy.

Address validation is determined by country level setup done through Geography Setup UI. New application level profile is also available that will override country level settings. For more information, please refer the Setting Up Real-Time Address Validation section in the Oracle Trading Community Architecture Administration Guide.

Setting Up Preferred Currency

You must set up a preferred currency for Oracle Sales. Oracle Sales uses this default currency for the Sales Dashboard, lead, opportunity, and forecast amounts. To set up your preferred currency, set the profile option ICX: Preferred Currency. Users can set this profile at the User level to specify their own preference.

After setting up your preferred currency, you must set up and enable currency conversions. Refer to Setting Up and Enabling Currency Conversion for more information.

Setting Up and Enabling Currency Conversion

You must enable currency conversions to allow users to create opportunities, account plans, and forecasts in the necessary currency, and amounts can be displayed correctly on the Sales Dashboard.

Additional Information: Pseudo rates are currency conversion rates used for a specific period. While daily rates can fluctuate, pseudo rates maintain one conversion rate for the entire period.

Use the following topics to enable currency conversions:

Setting Up Currency Codes

To set up currency codes:

Log in to Self Service applications with the System Administrator responsibility. Navigate to Application > Currency.

Refer to the Oracle General Ledger User Guide for information on setting up currency codes.

Setting Up the Accounting Calendar

To set up the accounting calendar:

Log in to Self Service applications with the General Ledger Super User responsibility. Navigate to General Ledger > Setup > Financials > Calendars > Accounting.

For information on setting up the accounting calendar, refer to the Oracle General Ledger User Guide.

Setting Up Calendar Types

To set up calendar types:

Log in to Self Service applications with the General Ledger Super User responsibility. Navigate to General Ledger > Setup > Financials > Calendars > Types.

For information on setting up calendar types, refer to the Oracle General Ledger User Guide.

Setting Up Period Type Mapping

To set up type mapping for period types for which pseudo period rates can be set:


  1. Log in to Oracle Sales with the Sales Administrator responsibility.

  2. Navigate to Globalization > Type Mapping.

  3. Select the same calendar you designated in the profile option OS: Forecast Calendar.

  4. In the first blank Period Type field, select a period type for which you want to set the conversion rates.

  5. Select the Conversion Type.

  6. Enter a description.

  7. Select the Updateable and Deletable boxes if you want to enable the currency conversion rates to be changed in the Pseudo Period Rates window.

Setting Profile Options for Multiple Currency

Certain profile options are required for multiple currency.

Log in to Self Service applications with the System Administrator responsibility. Navigate to Profiles > System.

Set the following profile options:

Refer to Profile Options for more information on the profile options required for multiple currency.

Setting Up Reporting Currencies

Currency conversions in sales applications are based on reporting currency setups.

Note: When selecting values for the REPORTING_CURRENCY lookup, you must select all FND currencies that you are currently using in the application.

Log in to Self Service applications with the Oracle Sales Administrator responsibility. Navigate to Oracle Sales Setup > Lookup Codes > Sales.


  1. Query for the Lookup Type REPORTING_CURRENCY.

  2. Enter additional currency codes that you want available when a user is creating an opportunity.

  3. Enter the effective dates.

  4. Select the Enabled check box.

  5. Save your work.

Setting Up Quarters as a Time Period in the General Ledger

To make Close Date Quarter available for lead and opportunity searches and forecasting, you must set up Quarter as a time period in the General Ledger. See the General Ledger User Guide for details.

Entering GL Daily Conversion Rates

To search for and enter GL daily conversion rates:

Log in to Self Service applications with the General Ledger Super User responsibility. Navigate to General Ledger > Setup > Currencies > Rates > Daily.

For information on entering GL daily conversion rates, refer to the Oracle General Ledger User Guide.

Running Concurrent Programs to Set Up Pseudo Period Rates

To forecast in multiple currencies, you must enter pseudo period rates for periods by running two concurrent programs.

Before running the concurrent programs, ensure that you have completed the following set ups:

Defining Currency Rates for Periods

Optionally, you can search for and edit the pseudo period rate. It is a good practice to check the pseudo period rates through a search for the rates before you run the concurrent programs.

Log in to Self Service applications with the Sales Administrator responsibility. Navigate to Administration > Globalization > Period Rate.

To search for existing pseudo period rates before running the concurrent programs:

  1. Select a calendar.

  2. Enter the full or partial name of the period name, using % as a wildcard, and click Go.

  3. Select the period name and click Select.

  4. Select Start or End date from the Mapping Date radio buttons.

  5. Click Search.

To edit a pseudo period rate (optional):

  1. Select the Period Name.

  2. Select the currency to convert From.

  3. Select the currency to convert To.

    The Conversion Type is automatically populated based on the Period Name list of values.

  4. Enter a rate.

  5. The Updateable and Deletable boxes display if the pseudo period rates can be changed. If you must change the status of these boxes, click the Type Mapping link.

  6. Click Update.

Mandatory Step: Run the following concurrent programs to set up the pseudo period rates:

For detailed information on running concurrent programs, refer to the Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide - Maintenance.

Setting Up Leads Management in Marketing

Leads Management is an Oracle Marketing module that enables users to capture, evaluate, and distribute leads for follow up. Leads help to identify a customer's level of interest by tracking customer and contact information, product interest information, and ranking information. The Oracle Leads Management Rules Engine evaluates the quality and priority of leads, and then routes leads based on business workflow and best practices.

During creation of a lead, if you do not mark the Do Not Reassign checkbox, then the application will pick the lead owner using the Territory Assignment Program (TAP).

Set the ASN: Uncheck Do Not Reassign Checkbox for Lead Creator to Yes, so that the application keeps the checkbox unchecked when you create a lead.

For information on setting up Oracle Leads Management, refer to the Oracle Leads Management Implementation and Administration Guide.

Setting Up the Lead Rules Engines

In Oracle Sales, leads are ranked to indicate their likelihood of converting to opportunities. For example, a hot lead might be ranked A, whereas a cold lead is ranked D.

To use the lead ranking functionality in Oracle Sales, you must set up and enable the Lead Rules Engine in Oracle Leads Management. The Lead Rules Engine does the following:

For information on implementing the Lead Rules Engine, refer to the Oracle Leads Management Implementation and Administration Guide.

Note: The Lead Rules Engine provides functionality to automatically route a lead to Oracle Marketing. Oracle Sales does not support this functionality.

Additionally, you must set the following profile options:

Creating Win Probabilities

Win probabilities represent the likelihood of an opportunity closing. You can use predefined win probabilities or define your own.

To create new win probabilities:


Setting Up Sales Stages

Sales stages represent the state of an opportunity or lead in the sales cycle. You can choose to use predefined sales stages or create your own.

To create a new sales stage:


Setting Up Sales Coaches (Sales Supplements)

Sales Coaches are created by setting up Sales Supplements in Oracle Quoting.

Note: When you create sales supplement templates to use as sales coaches, you must ensure that the templates are created for the application Oracle Sales by selecting the value Oracle Sales - Sales Coach from the Application menu.

After sales stages are defined, you can define a sales coach, or multiple sales coaches, for each stage. The sales coach:

For details on setting up sales supplements, see the Oracle Quoting Implementation Guide.

Setting Up Sales Methodologies

Sales Methodologies are used to capture essential information throughout the sales cycle of leads and opportunities.

To set up a sales methodology:


Creating and Modifying Status Codes

Status codes are used to determine the status of a lead or opportunity.

Note: In order for an opportunity to be included in a forecast, the status code must be an Opportunity status and must be Forecastable. You cannot modify the Status Code name after you create the status code.

To create new status codes:


Setting Up Forecast Categories

Forecast categories enable users to designate the product or service families to be included in a forecast.

Forecast categories are comprised of product categories. Refer to Setting Up Forecast Category Mappings for more information.

Opportunities are only included in forecasts if the product category on the opportunity line is mapped to the forecast category selected for the forecast.

To set up forecast categories:


Setting Up Forecast Category Mappings

Forecast category mappings group together product categories for a specific forecast category. Typically, the highest level product category is mapped to the forecast category.

To add product categories to a particular forecast category:


Setting the Defaults for Forecast Amounts

You can set the defaults for forecast amounts (Best, Forecast, Worst) for opportunity lines using the ASN: Forecast Defaulting Type profile option. The default for this profile option is Pipeline; the other valid value is Win Probability.

Opportunity product line forecasts default amounts are calculated using pipeline or win probability range.

If the pipeline is used to calculate forecast amounts, it is used as shown in the following table:

Pipeline and Forecast Amounts
Status Best Forecast Worst
Forecastable, Not Won Pipeline Amount Pipeline Amount * Win Probability 0
Forecastable, Won Pipeline Amount Pipeline Amount Pipeline Amount
Not Forecastable Blank and not editable Blank and not editable Blank and not editable

If the win probability range is used to calculate forecast amounts, it is used as shown in the following table:

Win Probability Ranges and Forecast Amounts
Status and Win Probability Range Best Forecast Worst
Forecastable, Not Won, Win Probability < 40% 0 0 0
Forecastable, Not Won, 40% <= Win Probability < 60% Pipeline Amount 0 0
Forecastable, Not Won, 60% < = Win Probability < 80% Pipeline Amount Pipeline Amount 0
Forecastable, Not Won, 80% < = Win Probability Pipeline Amount Pipeline Amount Pipeline Amount
Forecastable, Won, Win Probability is not applicable in this case Pipeline Amount Pipeline Amount Pipeline Amount
Not Forecastable, Win Probability is not applicable in this case Blank and not editable Blank and not editable Blank and not editable

Any manual updates that you make to the Best, Forecast, and Worst amounts will override the values that result from any defaulting that has been set for your organization.

Importing Leads

You can import leads using the Oracle Leads Management concurrent program Import Sales Leads. The program also imports customers, contacts, and addresses into the Trading Community Architecture tables, if the data does not already exist.

Refer to the Oracle Leads Management Implementation and Administration Guide for information on importing leads.

Setting Up Dashboard Tables - Leads by Age and Cross-Sell/Up-Sell Campaigns

You can improve application performance by restricting the number of leads displayed in the Leads by Age table in the Dashboard page. You can do so by specifying a shorter historical period in the system profile ASN: Sales Dashboard Leads Aging Bin Period (Days). By default, this system profile is set to 90 days.

Note: If you set the profile to 31 days or less, you may want to hide the column in the table which displays leads older than one month

The Cross-Sell/Up-Sell Sales Campaigns table is controlled by the ASN: Sales Dashboard Sales Campaign Bin Period (Days) profile option. This profile option determines the age of the sales campaign's leads and opportunities that are displayed in this table. The default value for this profile option is 90. You can modify this value to meet your business needs. You can consider the average length of time between lead generation, conversion to opportunity, and opportunity closure when defining this profile option. Make sure you provide enough time for the sales cycle to complete for your sales campaigns before they are omitted from the table.

Defining the Sales Funnel

The sales funnel displayed on the Sales Dashboard is divided into four sections that can be linked to sales stages of a sales methodology. When your users click the link in the funnel section, they see a list of opportunities that are in that particular sales stage.

The funnel graphic is limited to four sections, and if this does not meet your business needs, you can hide the funnel using personalization.

You can assign one or more sales stages to each section of the funnel graphic.


  1. Determine whether you want to assign sales stages from a single sales methodology to the funnel or if you want to assign stages from more than one methodology:

    Single methodology: If there is a single methodology that you want to link to the funnel, go to the Sales Methodology Details page and look at the details for that methodology (see Setting Up Sales Methodologies for more details). Determine which individual sales stages of the methodology must be mapped to each of the four funnel sections. While on this page, note the stage sequence numbers that are displayed for each of the sales stages you want to assign to the funnel. Be sure to write down these numbers and their associated stages. You must enter these numbers in step 3 of this process.

    Multiple methodologies: If you want to link more than one sales methodology to the funnel, you can create a placeholder methodology that contains links to the multiple sales methodologies. The placeholder methodology is not a real sales methodology, but will act as a container for the sales stages that you want to link to the sections of the funnel.

    To do this, go to the Create Sales Methodology page and create a new sales methodology. You do not want this methodology to be available to your users, so be sure to enter effective dates (from and to) for this placeholder methodology that are in the past. This automatically makes the new methodology inactive in the system, and your users will not see it in the list of available sale methodologies.

    Now that you have created this inactive sales methodology, you must assign all of the sales stages to it that you will eventually link to the sales funnel. As you assign the sales stages to your new methodology, you must enter minimum and maximum win probability numbers for each stage. Win probability values are required; enter any value (these values do not have any impact on the sales funnel). Also, enter the stage sequence numbers for each of the sales stages assigned to the methodology. After assigning sales stages to your new methodology, note the stage sequence numbers that are displayed for each of the sales stages you want to assign to the funnel. Be sure to write down these numbers and their associated stages. You must enter these numbers in step 3 of this process.

  2. Link the sales methodology from step 1 to the sales funnel. To do this, use the profile ASN: Dashboard Funnel Assigned Methodology. Users cannot have their own sales funnels with a different sales methodology since the profile is enabled only at the site level. This profile option enables you to search all sales methodologies (both active and inactive) in the system and select which methodology you want to link to the sales funnel. Search and select the sales methodology defined in step 1 and add it to the profile option. The funnel is then linked to this sales methodology.

  3. Designate which stages of the methodology must be mapped to corresponding sections of the funnel. Use the lookup ASN: Dashboard Funnel Assigned Stages to accomplish this. You must be logged in using the Application Developer responsibility to access this lookup.

    Enter this information into the lookup table:

    • In the "Code" column of the lookup, enter the sales stage sequence numbers that you wrote down in step 1 that will be associated with a funnel section. Entered stage sequence numbers are separated by commas (for example, 5, 10, 15 would assign stages with sequence numbers 5, 10, and 15 from the designated sales methodology). You must set up four sales stages.

    • In the "Meaning" column of the lookup, enter the text that will be displayed to users in each funnel section. Note that you must keep the text very short so that it will fit in the limited space in the funnel graphic.

    • In the "Tag" column of the lookup, enter the section number of the funnel (this will be a value between 1 and 4 and these values cannot be changed). This will tie the sales stages and display text (described earlier) to each individual funnel section. Table 4-3 shows the contents of a completed lookup table.

      Table 4-3 Lookup Codes
      Code Meaning Description Tag From To
      1, 2, 3 Assess   1 01-Feb-2005  
      4,5 Identify   2 01-Feb-2005  
      6 Propose   3 01-Feb-2005  
      7 Close   4 01-Feb-2005  

      The first row of the table corresponds to the first section of the funnel. In this example, the first row of the table shows the use of sales stages from multiple methodologies. The values in the Code column assign sales stages with sequence numbers 1, 2, and 3 to the first section of the sales funnel. The first section of the funnel is labeled Assess as shown in the Meaning column. The Description column is not used; ignore this column. The Tag column has a value of 1, indicating that all of the data in this row corresponds to the first section of the sales funnel. Ignore the From and To columns as they have no impact on the funnel.

Additional Information: You must complete all of the steps described in Setting Up and Enabling Currency Conversion to display data in the sales funnel.

About Sales Security

Oracle Sales security is controlled by a set of profile options that are grouped into the following categories:

Additionally, security differs based on whether the user is a sales representative or a sales manager. Refer to Security Profile Options for more information on the security profile options.

Sales Team

Customers, opportunities, and leads have separate sales teams. Any valid resource can be added to these sales teams, as long as the resource is part of a sales group with the usage type Sales and TeleSales. Note that customer, opportunity, and lead sales teams are separate entities and that you cannot move one type of sales team to another type. For example, you cannot move the customer sales team to be the lead or opportunity sales team.

Additionally, the resource must have at least one active role in that group.

Sales teams are either assigned manually or using the Territory Assignment Program (TAP). The Do Not Reassign flag prevents TAP from reassigning sales team members. If a user is added to the sales team when creating a lead or opportunity, the Do Not Reassign flag is selected. The Do Not Reassign flag is controlled by the profile ASN: Default Value for Sales Team Do Not Reassign Flag. If the profile is not set, the flag is enabled by default. The value in the profile is used while adding a sales team to customers, leads, and opportunities. Refer to Setting Up the Territory Assignment Program (TAP) for more information on automatically assigning sales teams.

Note: A user-group combination can only be added to a sales team once. A user can be on the sales team multiple times, as long as each instance is for a separate group.


When a user creates a lead or opportunity, the user is automatically added to the sales team, with the Do Not Reassign flag selected, as the owner. The Full Access flag is automatically checked as well, unless otherwise specified.

Note: A user with access to the lead or opportunity sales teams can check or clear the Owner check box to designate if a particular resource must be the owner of the lead or opportunity.

Oracle Sales also supports product-level forecasting within an opportunity. This means that if multiple sales representatives have worked on an opportunity that contains multiple products, the opportunity is forecasted showing all of the product lines and the representative for each product line. As a result, multiple sales representatives can forecast on a single opportunity. This product level forecasting can occur within a sales group, and also across multiple sales groups for the distribution of sales credits.

The type of revenue or non-revenue sales credits is based on the setting of the profile option ASN: Forecast Sales Credit Type. Refer to System Profile Options for more information on this profile option.

Note: On an opportunity, if the owner receiving revenue forecast credits is removed from the sales team, the forecast credits are passed on to the subsequent owner.

In opportunities, the sales team owner is mandatory. The Do Not Reassign Flag is automatically checked, ensuring that the owner is not removed by TAP.

Owners are optional for Leads. If an owner is not specified by the user, the owner is assigned using TAP.

Customer Access Security

Customer Access is controlled by the ASN: Customer Access Privilege profile. This enables users to view or update customer information for their customers. A user can only drill into customer and contact details, if that user has access to that customer. Additionally, the user can only update the customer or contact if the user has Update access.

Sales Manager Access Levels

Sales manager access is controlled by the ASN: Manager Update Access profile. There are three additional levels of access:

Sales Admin Access Levels

Sales Admin access is controlled by the ASN: Sales Admin Update Access profile. There are three additional levels of access, as there are for the sales manager:

The Sales Admin can have an access level that is the same as, but not higher than, that of the sales manager. When setting the ASN: Sales Admin Update Access, take into account the setting for the ASN: Manager Update Access profile. Be sure that the Sales Admin has access that is either equal to or less than that of the sales manager. Table 4-2 lists examples of relative settings of these two profiles that can result in the Sales Admin role having higher access than the sales manager.

Table 4-2 Sales Manager and Sales Admin Access Profile Settings
Profiles Profile Settings Results
ASN: Sales Admin Update Access
ASN: Manager Update Access
Sales Admin has Update access, which is a higher access level than the sales manager's View access. Change the sales manager's access to Update, or change the Sales Admin's access to View.
ASN: Sales Admin Update Access
ASN: Manager Update Access
Sales Admin might have a higher level of access depending on what level inherited by the sales manager. Change the sales manager's access to Update, or change the Sales Admin's access to View.
ASN: Sales Admin Update Access
ASN: Manager Update Access
Sales Admin might have a higher level of access depending on what level inherited by the sales admin. Change the sales manager's access to Update, or change the Sales Admin's access to View

Lead Access Security

Lead access security is governed by the ASN: Lead Access Privilege profile. There are two levels of access to leads:

If the user is a sales manager, there are three additional levels of access. See Sales Manager Access Levels for details. Also, there are three additional levels of access for the Sales Admin. See Sales Admin Access Levels for details.

Opportunity Access Security

Opportunity access security is governed by the ASN: Opportunity Access Privilege profile. There are two levels of access to opportunities:

If the user is a sales manager, there are three additional levels of access. See Sales Manager Access Levels for details. Also, there are three additional levels of access for the Sales Admin. See Sales Admin Access Levels for details.

Forecast Security

Setting Up Time Zones

You can define time zone information for phone number area codes for all phone numbers used in Oracle Sales. This is achieved by creating or updating area codes for a specific country in Oracle Trading Community Architecture.

Here you are using the area code to set up the time zone that is used for a lead to opportunity conversion. The profile FND: Framework Compatibility Mode is used in this conversion.

Log in to Self Service applications with the Trading Community Manager responsibility. Navigate to Trading Community > Administration > Phones.


  1. Search for phone code (area code).

  2. Map area code to time zone.

For complete information on setting up setting up time zone information, refer to the Oracle Trading Community Architecture Administration User Guide.

Additional Information: Be sure that the profile option FND: Framework Compatibility Mode is set to ensure proper setting of time zones.

Setting Up the Territory Assignment Program (TAP)

Oracle Sales uses the Territory Assignment Program (TAP) to automatically assign sales teams to opportunities, leads, and customers based on preset rules. If you choose not to implement TAP, you can manually enter sales team members and owners.

See the Oracle TeleSales Implementation Guide for details on setting up TAP.

Setting Up Marketing Source Codes

Source codes are unique identifiers that indicate the source of a lead or opportunity. For example, Campaign for Upgrades would be the source code for a lead generated based on a marketing campaign. Users can access sales campaign details from the Source field on the Lead and Opportunity Update pages, as well as the Lead and Opportunity View pages.

You can set up additional source codes in Oracle Marketing. For more information, see the Oracle Marketing Implementation Guide.

Setting Up Sales Campaigns

Sales campaigns are marketing tools that help to disseminate information about a company's products, services, offers, and messages to existing and potential customers. Campaigns consist of a campaign and a campaign activity. Campaign activities indicate the start and duration of an active sales campaign. Campaign activities can be set up to repeat weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly. Refer to the Oracle Marketing Implementation Guide for more information.

Oracle Sales users can create sales campaign activities within Oracle Sales, but the roll-up campaigns referenced in these schedules are created in Oracle Marketing. The Create Campaign page enables users to create and carry out campaign activities through a variety of marketing channels. Although users can create campaign activities in Oracle Sales, administration tasks are performed within the Campaign Workbench in Oracle Marketing. To access the Campaign Workbench for administration purposes, administrators must be assigned the Campaign Workbench Super User responsibility.

Campaign activities use templates that are purpose and channel driven. The Campaign Workbench provides a seeded Sales template, which defaults into the Oracle Sales user interface.

Note: Although you can define new, sales-related campaign activity templates in the Campaign Workbench, you can only use the seeded Sales template in Oracle Sales.

Administrators can customize this template in the Campaign Workbench by:

When a sales representative is creating a campaign activity, they have the option to include:

In the Target Accounts region, users can select a list template. List templates are defined in the Audience Workbench of Oracle Marketing. Lists enable users to determine the audience for a campaign.

Note: If a list template is defaulted in the Target Accounts region, the activity template has been set up with a default list template.

Administrators must be assigned the following responsibility to administer lists:

When a user is creating a campaign activity, they have the option of associating Sales Kits, also known as collaboration content, from Oracle Content Manager or Oracle Proposals. This content is set up in the respective applications, and these modules must be properly implemented for the content to be available for campaign activities. For information on setting up content in Oracle Content Manager, refer to the Oracle Marketing Implementation Guide. For information on setting up Proposals, refer to the Oracle Proposals Implementation Guide.

Setting Up Competitor Information

Within an opportunity, a sales representative can select competitor information for a product. Competitor product information is set up in Oracle Channel Revenue Management, and can be defined for a particular inventory item, for an entire category of products, or for both.

For information on setting up competitor information, refer to the Oracle Channel Revenue Management Implementation and Administration Guide.

Setting Up Quoting

Oracle Sales integrates with Oracle Quoting to enable users to convert opportunities to quotes, and eventually orders. If integrated, a Create Quote button appears in the Proposals and Quotes tab in the Opportunity Details page and in the Quotes bin of the Sales Dashboard. After you click this button, you are taken to Quoting. You can also use the Quoting link in the Shortcuts bin of the Sales Dashboard to access Oracle Quoting.

Note: You can create multiple quotes from a single opportunity.

After the quote is created, you can access it through a link in Oracle Sales. The opportunity name is referenced in the quote as well.

For complete information on implementing and setting up Oracle Quoting, refer to the Oracle Quoting Implementation Guide.

Additional Information: You can use personalization to disable the Create Quote selection in the Action pull down menu on the Customer Update and Contact Update pages. Also, you can disable the Create Quote button for opportunities.

Setting Up Proposals

Oracle Sales integrates with Oracle Proposals to enable users to generate proposals from leads or opportunities. With Oracle Proposals, Oracle Sales users can create and send proposals to customers, including opportunity information and customized collateral. After the proposal is created, users can access it through a link in Oracle Sales. The opportunity name is referenced in the proposal as well.

You can create proposals or access the Proposals application from the following pages: Sales Dashboard, Lead Details, Opportunity Details, Customer Details and Contact Details.

For information on setting up Oracle Proposals, refer to the Oracle Proposals Implementation Guide.

Additional Information: You can use personalization to disable the Create Proposal selection in the Action pull down menu on the Customer Update and Contact Update pages.

Setting Up Projects

Oracle Projects provides project managers with the ability to manage the schedule, resources, finances, issues, and other aspects of their projects. Oracle Sales integrates with Oracle Projects allowing project managers view projects associated with an opportunity and to capture the costs related to the pursuit of opportunities.

You must use personalization to enable the Projects table on the Proposals and Quotes Tab on the Update Opportunities page.

For information on setting up Oracle Projects, refer to the Oracle Projects Implementation Guide.

Setting Up Partners

Oracle Sales integrates with Oracle Partners to provide sales representatives with the capability to determine the sales channel for a lead or opportunity. Partners functionality is available through personalization and can appear on the Partners Tab and the header section on the Update Opportunity page. Partner sales team information is also displayed on the Sales Team tab on the Lead and Customer details pages.

For steps for setting up Oracle Partners to integrate with Oracle Sales, refer to the Oracle Partner Management Implementation Guide.

Setting Up Incentive Compensation

Oracle Sales uses the functionality of Oracle Incentive Compensation to enable users to view sales commissions, earnings statements, attainment summaries, and year to date summaries. For steps for setting up Incentive Compensation, refer to the Oracle Incentive Compensation Implementation Guide.

Setting Up Attachments

Oracle Sales uses the attachments functionality provided by Oracle Common Application calendar to provide users with attachments capability for opportunities, leads, customers, contacts, and forecasts. These attachments can include text, external documents and web addresses. You can provide access to attachments through personalization.

Setting Up Notes, Tasks, and Calendar

Oracle Common Applications provides a set of components that can be used by all Oracle CRM applications. Sales applications use the Oracle Common Application Calendar, Notes, and Tasks to help sales representatives manage daily activities. Implementation of these modules is optional. Refer to the Oracle Common Application Calendar Implementation Guide for complete setup information.

Setting Up Notes

Through integration with Notes, Oracle Sales users can enter notes regarding leads, opportunities, customers, contacts, and forecasts so that all members of the sales teams can view the latest information.

Notes are categorized into note types. You can select to use predefined note types or create your own.

For complete information on implementing and setting up Notes, refer to Oracle Common Application Calendar Implementation Guide.

Log in to Oracle Forms with the CRM Administrator responsibility. Navigate to Notes Setup > Note Type Setup.

Setting Up Tasks

Through integration with Tasks, users can both create and view existing tasks that are associated with leads, opportunities, customers, or contacts. Users can also create tasks on the Sales Dashboard.

Tasks are categorized into task types. You can choose to use predefined task types or create your own.

Do not perform personalization in both the task region in the Details Tab and in the Notes and Tasks tab. Perform personalization in either area, but not both. You can personalize the display of Description and Name information shown in the References table for the task.

For complete information on implementing and setting up Tasks, refer to Oracle Common Application Calendar Implementation Guide.

Log in to Oracle Forms with the CRM Administrator responsibility. Navigate to Task and Escalation Manager > Setup.

Setting Up Calendar

Integration with Calendar enables users to conveniently access appointments on the Sales Dashboard. The Sales Dashboard displays the full list of appointments for a given date and enables users to create new appointments by selecting a link to Oracle's calendar tool.

For complete information on implementing and setting up Calendar, refer to Oracle Common Application Calendar Implementation Guide.

Log in to Oracle Forms with the CRM Administrator responsibility. Navigate to Calendar > Calendar Setup.

Setting Up Customer Classifications


Trading Community Manager


Trading Community > Administration > Classifications

Oracle Sales applications use the seeded general and industrial classifications that are set up in Oracle Trading Community Architecture. These classifications are based on lists of government-generated classifications for types of businesses, and are listed in the Classifications Tab on the Customer Update page. Refer to the Oracle Trading Community Architecture Administration Guide for details.

Additional Information: You can create general classifications to use in addition to the provided classifications.

Enabling Multi-Organization Access

The Multi-Organization Access Control (MOAC) functionality enables users to access secure data in one or more operating units within the context of a single responsibility. Thus, users logged in under a single responsibility can perform business tasks on entities belonging to all of the operating units to which they have access. For example, a user can add products associated with multiple operating units to the same opportunity or lead. Since product categories are not restricted by organization, users can add any product category at any level in the product category hierarchy.

Users can access multiple operating units, so there is a default operating unit that a user will work with most frequently. This default operating unit, which can be set at the user and responsibility levels is the operating unit that defaults in the user interface when a user is able to select an operating unit. It is also the operating unit that is stamped on new opportunities when they are created. To enable the stamping of opportunities with the user's default operating unit, you must set the profile option MO: Default Operating Unit and MO: Security profile to valid values. This profile option setting is mandatory. Stamping the user's new opportunity with the default operating unit does not limit user access to the opportunity and the operating unit stamp is not exposed to the user.

Additional Information: If you are not implementing multiple organization functionality, you must set the profile option MO: Operating Unit.

See the Oracle E-Business Suite Multiple Organizations Implementation Guide for information on setting the profile MO: Default Operating Unit and MO: Security Profile, as well as implementation considerations for operating unit security, and other details on enabling Oracle Sales users to access multiple operating units.

Setting Up Web ADI to Enable Forecast Opportunity Export

Oracle Sales enables users to export opportunities from the Forecast page to a spreadsheet using Web ADI functionality. This enables the users to quickly download to a spreadsheet all opportunities that match the forecast parameters criteria using the Export Opportunities button.

Additional Information: Be sure that the Web ADI profile option BNE_UIX_PHYSICAL_DIRECTORY is set to contain the path to the UIX (Cabo) libraries that are used to generate the Web ADI user interface. Also, be sure to have your users set their Internet browser security setting for "Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe" to "Prompt". Ensure that the Microsoft Excel macro security is set to Medium.

For details on the purpose of setting the ActiveX controls, refer to the Web Applications Desktop Integrator Implementation Guide Frequently Asked Questions for more information.

Refer to the Oracle Web Applications Desktop Integrator Implementation Guide for more information.

Setting Up Account Plans

Account plans contain information about key customers and are used to maintain long-term relationships with them. An Account Plan contains Sales Supplement sections, Business Drivers and Selling Plan. All three sections are personalizable.

To set up an account plan:

  1. Create the sales supplement template for the account plan: You can create parts of an account plan by setting up sales supplements in Oracle Quoting. The Business Drivers and Selling Plan sections of the account plan are provided by default (not through a sales supplement template) and can be customized or personalized through Oracle Applications Framework personalizations.

    Additional Information: When you create sales supplement templates to use in an account plan, ensure that the templates are created for the application Oracle Sales – Account Planning.

    Note: For details on setting up sales supplements, see the Oracle Quoting Implementation Guide.

  2. Set the profile option ASN: Account Plan Sales Supplement Template: The template accessed by your users for account plan creation is based on the setting of the profile option ASN: Account Plan Sales Supplement Template.

    Oracle recommends that you set up a new customized sales supplement template based on your user's needs rather than rely on the provided Account Plan Worksheet, which is a generic template. Also, it could be undesirable to have some users with account plans created in one template, and other users with plans that were based on another template.

    When you create a new template for your users, be sure to set the value for the ASN: Account Plan Sales Supplement Template profile option to that template name.

  3. Set the profile option ASN: Primary Currency Code for Top Customers and Revenue Objective regions: Set this profile option to enable the currency conversion for the revenue amount that displays in the Revenue Objectives section of the account plan. This is a mandatory profile.

  4. Set the profile option ASN: Exchange Rate Type for Top Customers and Revenue Objective regions: Set this profile option to provide the exchange rate type for the revenue amount that displays in the Revenue Objectives section of the account plan. This is a mandatory profile.

  5. Set up Business Intelligence Publisher: Oracle Sales enables your users to print a copy of the account plan. When the user has completed the account plan, they then select an account plan output template and click View Worksheet to generate a printable copy of the plan. The results include the account plan data and other customer information that exists in Oracle Sales.

    Users can choose to generate the account plans in RTF (rich text) or PDF formats. You create account plan output templates to enable the printing of this information. The template name is displayed in the Select Template menu in the Account Plan tab. You use Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher to create these templates. The ASN: Default Account Plan Document Template profile determines the Business Intelligence Publisher template used to generate the worksheet for account plan and the ASN: Default Sales Document Type profile determines the default document type. See the Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher User's Guide for more information on creating and implementing RTF and PDF templates for account plan output.

Setting Up Strategic Information

Strategic information about a customer's contact can include the degree of contact your user has with the contact, the contact's professional or personal goals, or similar information.

To set up strategic information:

  1. Create the sales supplement template for the strategic information: You can create strategic information by setting up sales supplement templates in Oracle Quoting.

    Additional Information: When you create sales supplement templates to use for strategic information, ensure that the templates are created for the application Oracle Sales – Contact Information.

    For details on setting up sales supplements, see the Oracle Quoting Implementation Guide.

  2. Set the profile option ASN: Contact Sales Supplement Template: The template accessed by your users for strategic information creation is based on the setting of the profile option ASN: Contact Sales Supplement Template. Oracle recommends that you set up a new customized sales supplement template based on your user's needs rather than rely on the provided Contact Strategic Information template, which is a generic template. Also, it could be undesirable to have some users with strategic information created in one template, and other users with information that is based on another template. When you create a new template for your users, be sure to set the value for the ASN: Contact Sales Supplement Template profile option to that template name.

Setting Up Opportunity History Tracking

Oracle Sales enables users to access history for leads and opportunities. History tracking for leads is automatically enabled, and cannot be turned off. History tracking for opportunities is initialized using a concurrent program and profiles. Thereafter, the profile options can be used to turn history tracking off and on. Use personalization to make history tracking available to users (the history pages and the View History button as well).

History tracking cannot be extended after a user creates history for a lead or an opportunity. For example, if a user has retained history for 10 columns, history is available only for those columns, and the saved history cannot be changed to display more columns.

Access to history information is allowed to users who have access to lead and opportunity information.

Opportunity history tracking is shown in three tables on the Opportunity History page:


  1. To enable opportunity history and make the history information tables available to the user, you must set the profiles listed in Table 4-7 as indicated.

    Table 4-7 Opportunity History Tracking Profile Settings
    Profile Setting History Tracking Table Enabled
    OS: Enable Tracking Opportunity History Data Yes Opportunity
    OS: Enable Tracking Purchase Line History Data
    OS: Enable Tracking Sales Credits History Data
    Set both to Yes to enable product history tracking. Set both to No to disable this tracking.
    OS: Enable Tracking Purchase Line History Data
    OS: Enable Tracking Sales Credits History Data
    Set both to Yes to enable non-revenue history tracking. Set both to No to disable this tracking.
  2. Set the profile OS: Time Frame for Opportunity Logs to Null.

  3. Run the Initial Load of Opportunity Log Tables concurrent program

This program must be run only when you initialize history tracking. Be sure that all three of the history tracking profiles are set to Yes before running the concurrent program. After the program has run, you can use the profiles to disable selected portions of history tracking.

For detailed information on running concurrent programs, refer to the Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide - Maintenance.

Defining Descriptive Flexfields

Descriptive flexfields are customizable fields on the Oracle Sales forms that enable the application developer to define additional fields as needed. A descriptive flexfield is composed of segments, each of which has a prompt and can have either a valid set of values or data entered by the user. After you have defined the flexfields, personalize the respective region to make the flexfields available in the user interface.

Oracle Sales supports these flexfields for customer-related pages:

Oracle Sales supports flexfields at the following levels for both leads and opportunities:

To ensure that flexfields carry over when a lead is converted to an opportunity, the flexfield definitions for the following must be consistent:

These flexfields are supported for account plans:

For information on setting up and modifying flexfields, refer to the Oracle E-Business Suite Flexfields Guide.

Specifying Flexfields

To specify values for flexfields:

Log in to Oracle Forms with the Application Developer responsibility. Navigate to Flexfield > Descriptive > Segments.


  1. From the navigator, select Flexfield > Descriptive > Segments.

  2. For opportunity, lead, sales team, and account plan flexfields, query for the application Sales Foundation, and search for the individual flexfield by title.

    For customer flexfields, query for the application Receivables and then search.

  3. Enter flexfield information as described in the Oracle Application Developer's Guide.

  4. Set up flexfield segments and map the segments to attributes.

  5. Save your work.

  6. Log in to Oracle Sales as System Administrator and perform the necessary personalization to display the flexfields in the user interface.

For more information on OA Personalization, refer the Oracle Applications Framework Personalization Guide.

Setting Up Lead and Opportunity Searches

To improve performance, the application restricts searches that are not based on lead or opportunity number. The application enforces different search restrictions for sales representatives and sales managers.

A sales representative must enter the following information to perform a search unless the search is based on the lead or opportunity number:

To search for opportunities, a sales manager must enter the following information (unless the search is based on opportunity number):

To search for leads, a sales manager must enter the following information (unless the search is based on lead number):

You can personalize the selective search criteria to enforce different search restrictions based on the data pattern in your organization. By default, due to the size limitation of the simple search panel, the definition of selective search criteria is different for the simple search panel and the advanced search panel. Different selective search criteria are also defined for lead and opportunity searches by sales representatives and sales managers to address different search requirement and achieve reasonable search performances.

In addition, the user cannot perform a query with duplicate non-date or non-numeric type of search parameters, for example, a customer name.

For details on customer and contact searches, see, Personalizing Customer and Contact Searches.

Personalizing the User Interface

Using Oracle Applications Framework personalization, you can customize the Oracle Sales user interface. The ability to personalize is controlled by the profiles Personalize Self-Service Defn and Disable Self-Service Personal. To enable personalization, set the former to Yes and the latter to No.

Additional Information: Oracle Sales pages are configurable and implemented with a flexible layout. Only if User Accessibility is set to None for the logged in user, the page layout personalization page is supported. Otherwise, the page hierarchy personalization page with H-Grid form is displayed.

There are five levels of personalization:

For example, you can customize the user interface in the following ways:

To learn more about the Oracle Applications Framework, see the guides available through the Oracle Application Framework Documentation Resources.

Personalizations on the Sales Dashboard Page

Leads and Opportunities Links - Shortcuts

You can use personalization to enable the Leads and Opportunities links in the Shortcuts on the Sales Dashboard.

Full List Button for Leads, Opportunities, and Leads by Age

You can use personalization to enable the Full List button for these tables.

Personalizations for Customers (Organization) or Customers (Person)

Working with Customers as Organizations, Customers as Persons, or Both Types of Customers

By default, Oracle Sales displays customers that are organizations. You can use personalization to support an environment in which customers are organizations only, or in which customers are persons only, or a blended environment which includes customers that are persons as well as customers that are organizations.

Implementation of business to business, business to consumer, or blended environments depend on a combination of the setting of the profile option HZ: Default Party Type and personalizations.

To implement a business to business environment (customer as organization): This is the default setting in Oracle Sales. You do not have to change the profile option HZ: Default Party Type or perform personalizations to obtain this implementation.

To implement a business to consumer environment (customer as person):

  1. Set the profile option HZ: Default Party Type to Person.

  2. Perform personalizations listed in the table Personalizations for Customer as Person Only as needed for your users.

To implement a blended environment, with business to business and business to consumer:

  1. Set the profile option HZ: Default Party Type to determine the default of the Customer Type field on the customer search and select pages.

  2. Perform personalizations listed in the table Personalizations for Customer as Person and Organization as needed for your users.

Additional Information: The profile option HZ: Default Party Type must match the personalizations for customer information, and not conflict with them. For example, do not set this profile option to Person and then disable the person information for customers.

Personalizations for Customer as Person Only on the Sales Dashboard page
Region on the Page Personalization to Perform
Shortcuts list
  • Hide Contacts

On the Create Lead page, hide the Primary Contact field.

On the Lead Views page:

Region on the Page Personalization to Perform
Search Hide these search parameters:
  • Primary Contact First Name

  • Primary Contact Last Name

  • Primary Contact Role

Leads table Show these fields as needed:
  • Customer Phone

  • Customer Email

Hide these fields:
  • Primary Contact

  • Contact Job Title

  • Contact Phone

  • Contact City

  • Contact Province

  • Contact State

  • Contact Country

  • Contact Postal Code

  • Contact Email

  • Contact Address

  • Contact Role

On the Opportunity Views page:

Region on the Page Personalization to Perform
Search Hide these search parameters:
  • Primary Contact First Name

  • Primary Contact Last Name

Opportunity table Show these fields as needed:
  • Customer Phone

  • Customer Email

Hide these fields:
  • Primary Contact

  • Contact Job Title

  • Contact Phone

  • Contact City

  • Contact Province

  • Contact State

  • Contact Country

  • Contact Postal Code

  • Contact Email

  • Contact Address

On the Sales Dashboard page:

Personalizations for Customer as Person and Organization
Region on the Page Personalization to Perform
Shortcuts list
  • Rename Contacts to Contacts (Organization)

  • Rename Customers to Customers (Organization)

  • Enable new link named Customers (Person) directly under the link Customers (Organization)

On the Lead Views Search page and the Opportunity Views Search page, show the Customer Type field.

On the Simple and Advanced Search for Customers page, show the Customer Type field with both Organization and Person options.

Personalizing the Lead, Opportunity, Contact, and Customer Pages

Details Tab

Some tabs on the update pages for leads, opportunities, contacts, and customers can be combined into one Details tab. If you choose to use the Details tab to display information, use personalization to disable the tabs whose information is contained in the Details tab. Note that for customers, Account Plan and Sales Team information cannot be added to the Details tab, and for contacts, Strategic Information cannot be added to the Details tab. Tasks can be added if you move them from the Notes and Tasks tab to the Details tab.

Lead and Opportunity History Tracking

The View History buttons on Lead and Opportunity Details pages are hidden by default; use personalization to make it available. See Setting Up Opportunity History Tracking for details.

Budget Amount for Lead

The Budget Amount for leads is hidden by default; use personalization to make it available.

Lead and Opportunity Response Channel

The Response Channel is hidden by default for both leads and opportunities; use personalization to make it available.

Projects Table - Opportunity Details

You can add the Projects table content, which is located on the Proposals and Quotes Tab on the Update Opportunity page, through page layout personalization.

Contributor in Opportunity Sales Team

Contributor information is hidden by default in Opportunity Sales Team; use personalization to make it available.

Line-Level Forecasting Support for Opportunity Products

You can use personalization to add line-level (product-level) forecasting for opportunity products. This enables the display of Revenue and Non-Revenue information in addition to the default Competitor information on the Products Tab for Opportunities.

  1. Enable the View menu under the Product subtab on the opportunity details page.

  2. In the FND lookup type ASN: Display Opportunity Products Additional Information, enable the lookup code FRCST_DTLS.

Personalizing Forecasting Pages

Sales Group Column for Sales Manager's Forecast

You can enable the Sales Group column in the Direct Reports Forecast detail and Opportunity Forecast detail for sales managers through personalization.

Forecast Type and Non-revenue Type Forecast Parameters

You can enable these parameters on the Forecast page to support non-revenue line-level (product-level) forecasting through personalization.

Enable Win Probability and Close Date Columns - Forecasting

You can enable these columns and summaries on the Opportunity Forecast Detail page through personalization.

Export Buttons on Forecast Page

Use personalization to enable the Export Opportunities button on the Forecast page to enable the download of multiple opportunities into a Web Applications Desktop Integrator (Web ADI) driven spreadsheet with dynamic download capability. Also, the Export button on the Opportunity Forecast Details region is enabled through personalization.

Personalizing Customer and Contact Searches

Personalization for Customer and Contact Searches

You can personalize the customer and contact search pages. To do this, modify the match rules that control which search parameters are displayed to users.

Note that only the Name and Related Organization search parameters on the contact search pages search directly on the contact record. You might also want to hide the Advanced Search button using Oracle Applications Framework personalization tools if you determine the advanced search page does not provide sufficient functionality beyond what is available on the simple search page.

Personalizing the Customer Region Search Results

In the Customer Search Result region of Oracle Sales, there are two regions, although the user sees only one table. When personalizing this page, you must ensure that the following two regions are identical, or the data presentation in the user interface is inconsistent:

Add Do Not Call Preference for Contacts and Business to Consumer Customers

You can add a Do Not Call preference for contacts who specify that they do not want to receive telemarketing calls. There is a Restrictions column available on Contact pages that shows a flag if the contact has requested calling restrictions. This Restrictions column can be enabled on these pages:

Customer and Contact Business Activities Plug-Ins

Consultants can provide customized views of business activities for a customer or contact using a plug-in. See Customer and Contact Business Activities for details.

Additional Information: Personalizations for phones must be done at the page level, not the region level. The same phone regions are used for business to customer and business to business environments.

Enable Contact Purposes

Contact roles are called Contact Purposes. By default, Contact Purposes is disabled in Oracle Sales. You can enable it through Oracle Personalization in the Update Contact Page. See the Oracle Applications Framework Personalization Guide for details on personalization.

Export Functionality Support

The Export button for the view-based leads and opportunities tables on the Sales Dashboard and Customer/Contact searches is hidden by default; use personalization to make it available. See the Personalizing Forecasting Pages section for details on export functionality for forecasting.

Enabling Flexfields in Oracle Sales

Header-Level Flexfields Support - Lead and Opportunity

Header-Level Flexfields information is displayed under Additional Information subtab on Lead/Opportunity Details pages and is hidden by default; use personalization to make it available.

Note: Subtab related personalization, for example, changing a label or display order or hiding or showing a subtab, must be performed at both the Stack Layout and Subtab layout levels.

Header-Level Flexfields information is hidden by default on Lead and Opportunity Create pages; use personalization to make it available.

Line Level Flexfield Support for Lead and Opportunities

Line-Level Flexfields are supported for customer/lead/opportunity sales team, lead/opportunity products and contacts. Line-Level Flexfields information is hidden by default; use personalization to make it available.

To enable the line level flexfields for opportunity products:

  1. Enable the View menu under the Product subtab on the opportunity details page.

  2. In the FND lookup type ASN: Display Opportunity Products Additional Information, enable the lookup code ADD_INFO.

Personalizing Lead and Opportunity Searches

Administer Personalization of Views

You can create lead and opportunity saved views that are available to all users. Specifics on how to accomplish this are beyond the scope of this document. Refer the Oracle Applications Framework Personalization Guide.

User Personalization of Views

Oracle Sales enables users to save sets of search criteria as views. These views control the display of data in the Leads and Opportunities tables on the Sales Dashboard, and on the Lead and Opportunity view pages. Users can create personalized views or use the seeded views or the views created by the administrator. Seeded views that are provided with Oracle Sales are described in Seeded Views.

To create a view, the user clicks Personalize in the Leads and Opportunities tables on the Sales Dashboard, or on the Lead and Opportunity view pages. The user can choose to duplicate or update an existing view, or to create a new view. Users can duplicate, but not update, seeded views. By clicking Create View, the user accesses the Create Views page, and can enter criteria for the new view. Users can also delete or disable views.

For leads and opportunities, users can click Save Search to save the search criteria from simple or advanced searches as a view.

After creating, the view name populates the View menu. Note that users can create separate views for the view-enabled leads and opportunities bin on the Sales Dashboard page and for the lead and opportunity views pages. For example, if the user is on the Sales Dashboard page, and clicks the Personalize button in either the Lead or Opportunity bin, the Personalize Views page displays and all views that are created are available only on the Sales Dashboard. The same logic applies to the Views page. Views created on this page apply only to the Views page, and not to the Sales Dashboard.

Personalization of Search Parameters and Display Columns

You can personalize the search parameters that are available on the leads and opportunities search pages. The simple search panels have a seeded set of search parameters displayed by default, and there are additional parameters that are hidden when you first install Oracle Sales. Using the Oracle Applications Framework personalization tools, you can hide or display individual search parameters that are most important to your organization. The advanced search panels can also be personalized in a similar manner. You can also use the personalization tools to determine which search fields are selective fields (at least one selective field must be entered by a user before the query can be run).

Also, you can personalize the display columns that are available on the lead and opportunity search pages.

Enabling Oracle Partners and Oracle Sales Integration

The integration of Oracle Partners and Oracle Sales Integration is hidden by default. See the Oracle Partners Management Implementation Guide for details.

Personalizing at the Region Level

Note that for business activities regions, all the personalization must be done at the region level.

Update Lead and Opportunity Pages - Show More Details Link

On the Lead and Opportunity Update pages, there is a hide/show region (which the user sees as the Show More Details link) in the header portion of the pages that you can add so that the user can hide or show header level flexfields and also select standard header level fields. The flexfields in the hide/show region can be the same ones shown in the Additional Information tab, or can be extra fields. The standard header level fields that you choose to put in this region can be fields that the user uses infrequently.

A field can be displayed in the header region only, or in the hide/show region, but not in both regions. Also, if two fields are related to each other (for example Sales Methodology and Stage fields), then these two fields must be displayed together in the same region.