Concurrent Programs

This appendix covers the following topics:

Concurrent Programs and Request Set

This appendix provides information on the concurrent programs used by Oracle Sales. Each concurrent program in this table is also described in the implementation step where it is set.

For a detailed description of the procedures for running concurrent programs and request sets, refer to the Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide.

This section describes the concurrent programs and a request set.

Concurrent Programs

Table Concurrent Programslists by name and in alphabetical order the concurrent programs used by the Oracle Sales.

Table E-1 Concurrent Programs
Concurrent Program Name Description
ASN Migrate Duplicate Salesrep Main Program Removes duplicate customer entries for leads and opportunities.
Parameters: Refresh Mode, Debug, and SQL Trace.
ASN Post Upgrade Log and Customer Updates Updates Sales Credit log files and Opportunity Lines log files.
Parameters: Number of workers, Commit, and Debug.
This concurrent program migrates multiple sales representatives' opportunities and removes duplicate accesses for leads, opportunities, and customer's accounts.
Auto create opportunity from sales lead Creates opportunities from existing sales leads. This program should be run after the Import Sales Leads program.
Debug Mode
Trace Mode
Flatten group hierarchy Denormalizes the Resource Group hierarchy structure into a flat structure for faster data access.
Schedule: For about 4000 groups, and an average of 10 level hierarchy structure, this program takes about 10-15 minutes. It can be scheduled as a nightly process.
Generate Access Records (ASTGAR) Runs automatically after Assign Territory Accesses. ASTGAR calls the JTF API, which populates the winning territory table (JTF_TAE_1001_ACCOUNT/OPPOR/LEAD_WINNERS) based upon territory definitions. The program then inserts, updates, or deletes AS_ACCESSES_ALL and AS_TERRITORY_ACCESSES tables to make assignments.
Synchronize Territory Assignment Rules This concurrent program, available by logging in under the CRM Administration responsibility, builds the API that returns the winning territories which are defined in territory setup. It must be run at least once before you import leads and each time after you modify the territory setup. You need not run this program every time you import leads.
Initial Load of Opportunity Log Tables Loads data from the opportunity transaction tables AS_LEADS_LOG, AS_LEAD_LINES_ALL, AS_SALES_CREDITS to the corresponding log tables AS_LEADS_LOG, AS_LEAD_LINES_LOG, AS_SALES_CREDITS_LOG if the transaction data does not have log records in the log tables. Set following profile options to Yes before submitting the concurrent program OS: Enable Tracking Opportunity History Data, OS: Enable Tracking Purchase Line History Data, and OS: Enable Tracking Sales Credits History Data.
Load Sales Lead Interface table from flat file (AS) Imports sales leads from the interface. This program must be run before Auto Create Opportunity from Sales Lead. This moves data from the interface table to AS_SALES_LEADS, AS_SALES_LEADS_LINES, and AS_SALES_LEAD_CONTACTS. If you want to import data from a flat file, you must first run OTS: Load Sales Lead, which moves data from the flat file to the interface table.
Refresh AS_PERIOD_DAYS table This program must be run before you can run the Refresh Multi-Currency Conversion Rates. This sequence of programs must be rerun if the GL period definitions are changed.
Refresh Multi-Currency Conversion Rates (AS_PERIOD_RATES) Refreshes the multi-currency conversion rates in setting multiple currency.
Refresh of as_sales_credits_denorm Used for forecasting functionality. This program must be run before a user can perform forecasting functions.

Request Set - Update as_accesses_all denorm flag

The Update as_accesses_all denorm flag request set is run to update the status of an opportunity or a lead from Open to Closed, or from Closed to Open. It updates the denorm flag for AS_ACCESSES_ALL and AS_SALES_LEADS, updating the STATUS_OPEN_FLAG in the AS_SALES_LEADS table and OPEN_FLAG in the AS_ACCESSES_ALL_ALL table under the Oracle Sales Administrator responsibility. Open records are flagged with a Y; Closed records with an N.

There are three stages in this request set. Only the stage 2 concurrent programs require parameters.

There are three concurrent programs in stage 2. These are:

All three programs in stage 2 share the same set of parameters and the parameters must be supplied only once to be used by all three concurrent programs.

The concurrent programs in stage 2 take five parameters:

The other three parameters control the performance of the programs when large data volumes are processed. If you do not process large data volumes, do not change the default values for these parameters.

These settings update the flag for all access records or leads records. Note that if you set X_STATUS_CODE to ALL, this request set runs for a long period, depending on the number of access records in AS_ACCESSES_ALL_ALL. This request set creates a temporary index to use while the programs run. Successful index creation requires that the insert and update records functionality is not in use.