Oracle Sales Frequently Asked Questions

This appendix covers the following topics:

Why does a search for lead or opportunity with particular owner produce unexpected results?

On Leads and Opportunities view pages, the leads and opportunities matching the search criteria and that the user can access are listed. Also, only the leads and opportunities for which the user is on the sales team are listed on the Sales Dashboard page. This restriction is used to avoid the potential performance issues that could result if the user is granted full access to leads and opportunities.

For users who are granted Sales Team access, the search results on Sales Dashboard are the same as the ones on Leads and Opportunities view pages. There is no issue in this case.

An issue can occur if users who are granted Full Access use the Sales Dashboard as a sales representative. Oracle Sales treats users who have Full Access like a super user. In most cases, a super user would not be on the sales team, so they might not get the expected search results.

Instead of these users accessing the Sales Dashboard page as a sales representative, you should create custom responsibility to enable these users to access Leads, Opportunities, Customers and Forecasting pages directly.

How can I see the Trading Community Architecture log messages logged in the customer module?

Oracle Sales uses TCA (or HZ) CPUI components, and uses common FND logging to log messages. But TCA currently does not have Oracle Applications logging, but instead uses BC4J logging.

To enable BC4J logging for TCA:

Add the following to the under ../Apache/Jserv/etc:

# Enable/disable Apache JServ logging.
# WARNING: Logging is a very expensive operation in terms of performance.
# You should reduced the generated log to a minimum or even disable it if
# fast execution is an issue.  Note that if all log channels (see below)
# are enabled, the log may become quite large since each servlet request 
# may generate many Kb of log. Some log channels are mainly for debugging
# purposes and should be disabled in a production environment.
# Syntax: log=[true,false] (boolean)
# Default: true

The log message output will be available under ../Apache/Jserv/logs/jserv.log

Why does a newly created customer not show in customer search?

Trading Community Architecture's (TCA) Data Quality Management (DQM) feature searches for customer information against TCA staging tables. When a customer is created, the new information is staged based on the DQM synchronization setup done in TCA. Please refer to the Oracle Trading Community Architecture Administration Guide for more information on setting up DQM synchronization.

Why do customer search results show customers that do not match the search criteria?

When performing customer search on address fields, the customers returned are the ones that have an address matching the search criteria or that the contact's address match the search criteria. This is the TCA DQM search functionality.

Also note that the address displayed in the search results table is the primary address of the customer and not the address on which you searched.

How can I hide entries in the Customer Classification list of values?

You can log in using the Trading Community Manager responsibility to setup and manage Classification Categories and Codes and hide created values. You cannot hide the values provided with Oracle Sales. See the Oracle Trading Community Architecture Administration Guide for details.

Why can't I see the personalization page for Configurable UI in the Sales Dashboard?

The personalization for Configurable UI is supported only if Accessibility is set to None for the user. Otherwise, the standard personalization page with the H-Grid form is displayed.

Why are some of my personalizations gone after I upgrade?

All sales pages have been changed to use a flexible layout, which enable you to easily configure the page layout. Due to this change, some of your personalizations performed at the page level (e.g. region re-ordering) may be gone after upgrading as Oracle Applications Framework cannot apply these personalizations.

How do I enable the Additional Information tab?

The additional information tab is hidden by default and can be enabled through personalization.

To enable the Addition Information tab, set the Rendered option to True in these two locations:

Sub Tab Layout: Update Lead --> Stack Layout: Additional Information

Sub Tab Layout: Update Lead --> subTabs --> Link: Additional Information

To enable the Additional Information tab:

  1. On the personalization page for LeadDetPG, click Complete View.

  2. Click Sub tab Layout: Sub tabs.

  3. Scroll down to the stack layout to Stack Layout: Additional Information; click the personalize icon (pencil icon).

  4. Set the Rendered property to True.

  5. Click Apply.

  6. Verify the setting under the Subtabs > Subtab bar by clicking the personalize link for Additional Information. The Rendered property should be set to True.

  7. Return to Oracle Sales and verify that you can access the Additional Information tab.

How do I show Sales Funnel at the bottom of the Sales Dashboard page?

To position the Sales Funnel at the bottom of the Sales Dashboard page:

  1. Click the Personalize Page link .

  2. Select the Personalization Level as Site: Site and click Go.

  3. Click the Contents tab.

  4. Remove the Sales Funnel content. Retain it to reposition it in next step

  5. Add the Sales Funnel content to the layout that contains Leads and Opportunities contents. Add the Sales Funnel to the end. You can also change the order of the contents if needed.

How do I download personalizations?

To download personalizations:

  1. Set the value of the profile option FND: Personalization Document Root Path to a file location. This location is where the downloaded personalized documents are stored. For example, if the value is set to: /home/usr/john/test/download, the downloaded document is stored at /home/usr/john/test/download/oracle/apps/asn/.../.../

  2. Log in using the Functional Administrator responsibility.

  3. Click the Personalization tab.

  4. Click the Import/Export subtab.

  5. In the Personalization Repository page, enter the Application as Sales.

  6. Enter the Document Path as /oracle/apps/asn/ and click Go.

  7. All personalized documents in Oracle Sales (ASN) are listed.

  8. Select the documents to download and click Export to File System.

  9. Go to file location (for example, /home/usr/john/test/download) and verify that the personalizations are downloaded.

How can I define a default subtab?

This is how to define a default subtab (making a selected subtab the first one your user will see) using Contacts as an example.

Follow these steps to make the Contacts tab as the first tab shown on the Update Opportunity page:

  1. Go to the Update Opportunity Page and click the Personalization Global icon.

  2. Expand the H-Grid tree as follows:

    Page Layout: Update Opportunity

    ----Sub Tab Layout: Sub Tabs


    --Sub Tab Bar: (ASNOpptyDetSubtabBar)

  3. On the Sub Tab Layout: (Sub Tabs) item, click the ReOrder icon.

  4. Select the Personalization Level check box.

  5. Rearrange the subtab layouts by moving the Contacts item to be the first item on the list.

  6. Click Apply.

  7. On the Sub Tab Bar: (ASNOpptyDetSubtabBar) item click the ReOrder icon.

  8. Select the Personalization Level check box.

  9. Rearrange the subtab links by moving the "Contacts" item to be the first item on the list.

  10. Click Apply and go back to the application page.

Note: User selected subtab has preference over default subtab. User selected subtab is remembered by OA Framework for the duration of the login session.

Why do I get a “You do not have Permission to access this functionality” error when clicking on a hyperlink?

The error message also says to contact your system administrator to grant access to the responsibility you are using. This error occurs when the function security is enabled at the destination page, but the corresponding page function is not included as part of responsibility menu or is excluded from the responsibility menu. When this happens, first verify if there are any menus or functions that have been excluded under the given responsibility.

Then check Oracle Sales Implementation Guide for menu setup details. If the problem still exists, log a bug with the following information:

  1. Responsibility menu details.

  2. Exclusions for the given responsibility.

  3. The page your user was attempting to access.

Can I set up a sales representative without any sales group in TAP?

Do not set up a resource without a sales group in TAP. If a sales representative without a sales group is assigned using TAP, TAP inserts the sales representative with a Null sales group. Be sure to set up TAP so that it does not encounter resources without sales groups.

Why am I getting a java null pointer exception when attempting to access the Sales Dashboard through Sales User?

Verify that the profile option Server Timezone (SERVER_TIMEZONE_ID) is set.

Is there a way to prevent a user from creating a Quote on a closed Opportunity, or on an Opportunity whose close date is past due?

No, this is intended functionality.

The profile option OS: Sales Methodology will not default Sales Methodology to a new Opportunity. Is this correct?

This is intended functionality. Oracle Sales does not default the Sales Methodology using a profile option. The profile OS: Sales Methodology is used only by Oracle TeleSales and during the auto-conversion of a Lead to an Opportunity. Customers can personalize the Create Opportunity Page to have the user interface default to the desired Sales Methodology. Do this by personalizing the item Message Choice: Methodology. Set the property Initial Value to the value of the sales_methodology_id that the user wants to use as the default. This can be retrieved by selecting the sales_methodology_id from as_sales_methodology_tl.

Does Oracle Sales support the addition of a Sales Member of a Customer Sales Team to either an Opportunity or Lead?

This functionality does not exist currently.

Why can sales representatives view opportunities for which they are not part of the Sales Team?

This is intended functionality. Even though sales representatives can view these opportunities, they cannot update them. Oracle Sales performs access checks only when a user tries to access an opportunity to update. The Recent Opportunities and Business Activities Open Opportunities bins will show all Opportunities regardless of the Sales Team Access type of the logged in user.

Why are Opportunity Products not carried over to a Quote?

If Oracle Sales and Oracle Quoting have different Product Categories, then the line items in Oracle Sales will not be carried over to Oracle Quoting.

Additional Information: Oracle Quoting can leverage the same Product Catalog setup as Oracle Sales by setting up a profile option. See the Oracle Quoting Implementation Guide for details.

Can I disable a Lead Rank?

If you attempt to disable a Lead Rank, you receive this error message:

Ratings used by Sales Leads or Profile settings or Rules cannot be disabled or deleted.

This is to protect data integrity. If a ranking is being referred to in the profile option, Rules or Leads, it should not be disabled. You can, however, delete or disable a seeded rating if it is not being used.

Additional Information: Leads become read-only after they are converted to an Opportunity. This is expected functionality.

How do you enable the View History Button on the Opportunity Details Page?

To enable the View History button:

  1. Log into Oracle Sales and navigate to the Sales Opportunity Details Page (OpptyDetPG).

  2. Select the Personalize Page link. This navigates to the Personalize Page for the Sales Opportunity Details Page.

  3. Click Complete View.

  4. Navigate to the Page Button Bar: Page Buttons > Submit Button: View History.

  5. Click the Personalize pencil icon and set the value for Rendered to True.

The View History button should be available in the right corner on the Opportunity details page.

How do you set up Forecasting in Oracle Sales?

To set up forecasting in Oracle Sales:

  1. Set the following profile options:

    ASN: Forecast Calendar

    ASN: Forecast Calendar Month

    ASN: Forecast Sales Credit Type

    ASN: Default Forecast Period Type

    ASN: Default Forecast Category

    ASN: Default Value for Minimum Number of Opportunities Displayed for Forecasting Purposes

  2. Create Forecast Categories. Using the responsibility Sales Administrator, navigate to Administration > Sales > Forecast Category.

    Additional Information: The middle-tier of the Applications Server must be stopped and restarted before the next step.

  3. Map Product Categories to Forecast Categories. Using the responsibility Sales Administrator, navigate to Administration > Sales > Forecast Category Mapping.

  4. Setup Currency Conversion Rates.

  5. Run the Concurrent Programs AS_PERIOD_DAYS and AS_PERIOD_RATES.

Additional Information: There should be only one active Manager per Sales Group. If this is not the case, then the sales managers will see the same Opportunity multiple times in the Opportunity Detail section, instead of just once.

Should Advanced Search work when using Classification as the only search criteria?

Customer Search within Oracle Sales is implemented using DQM (Data Quality Management). The DQM search expects at least one search criteria which is defined as an acquisition attribute in the match rule for the search being conducted. In the case described earlier, Classification is not actually part of the match rule, it is simply an additional search criteria that appears on the Advanced Search in addition to the search attributes defined in the Customer Advanced Search match rule. Thus, the advanced search will not work if you use Classification as the only search criteria. Refer to the DQM section of the Oracle Trading Community Architecture Administration Guide for information on setting up match rules.

Why does the Relationship Roles dropdown in the Customer Advanced Search display types that have been disabled?

The Relationship Role dropdown in the Customer Advanced Search will contain all the organization to organization and organization to person relationship roles and is not filtered by relationship group.

How do you assign an External Sales Team to a Customer in Oracle Sales?

Support of External Sales Teams is available through Sales and Partner integration. This feature is disabled by default. To implement this feature, refer to the steps documented in the Oracle Sales Implementation Guide and the Oracle Partner Management Implementation Guide.

Why can't a Sales Manager see a subordinate's Leads or Opportunities, despite the profile ASN: Manager Update Access set to Update?

For a sales manager to be able to view or update a subordinate's data, the sales manager must log into Oracle Sales using the Sales Manager responsibility. If the sales manager logs in using the Sales User responsibility, then they will have the same access as a sales representative and will not be able to view or update a subordinate's data. For details, refer to Setting Up Manager Roles in this guide.

Can a Customer use Oracle Sales without Oracle Inventory if they are a Customer that sells Services rather than Products?

Services can be defined as a Product in Oracle Inventory. Oracle Sales does enable users to add Products with type of Service to an Opportunity or Lead. Customers must implement Product Category Hierarchy to add Product Categories and Inventory Items in Oracle Sales. Inventory set up is not required if customers only want to implement Product Categories. Refer to Note 337319.1 for additional information.

What prerequisite steps are required to generate Sales Campaigns?

To generate sales campaigns:

  1. Create a Campaign in Oracle Marketing. This step is mandatory. A Rollup Campaign is the Marketing effort that the Sales Campaign will roll up to.

  2. Optionally, create a List Template in the Audience Workbench. You do not have to perform this step if you choose to use a provided template.

    To create a new list template, do the following:

    1. Enter a query template name.

    2. Select the first filter attribute through the attribute LOV.

    3. Select one or more operators (for example: Is, Is Not, Like) using the Operator LOV.

    4. Select one of the operators chosen in the previous step as the operator default for the attribute.

    5. Enter a value and value display for the line and indicate if the attribute must be included when a Sales Campaign is created from the template.

    6. Click Add more rows to add additional attributes to the template.

    7. Click Finish when you have completed your template.

  3. Create a Schedule Template in the Campaign Workbench. This step is mandatory.

    Sales Campaigns created in Oracle Sales use only the 'Sales' activity type schedule templates. A schedule template provides a framework that includes predefined values and specifications for commonly used schedule attributes, such as the list template and approval requirements for the Sales Campaign.

  4. Create Proposal Templates and other content. This step is optional. Any proposal template or other content for the Campaign must be set up through Oracle Proposals and Oracle Content Manager.

How can I personalize the Shortcuts Bin?

To personalize the Shortcuts on the Sales Dashboard:

  1. Set the profiles Personalize Self-Service Defn to Yes, and Disable Self-Service Personal to No.

  2. Navigate to the Personalize page. On this page select the Personalize Properties pencil icon above Shortcuts (right side of the screen). This will take you to the Personalize Page hierarchy for Sales Dashboard (DashboardPG).

  3. Navigate to Flexible Content: Shortcuts > Content Container: Shortcuts > Bulleted List: Shortcut List. Expand to see the list of available links available for display. There is a column which advises whether or not the link is shown. For example, if the Leads is blank and you want it displayed, click the Personalize pencil. Check to see what the property for Rendered is (usually set to inherit or false).

  4. Change this value to True at the Responsibility Level and hit the Apply button. Navigate to the Sales Dashboard and the Leads link should now be visible in the Shortcuts.

How can I add a link to the Shortcuts Bin?

You can add a link to the Shortcuts on the Sales Dashboard through OA Personalization.

  1. Set the Personalize Self-Service Defn profile to Yes, and the Disable Self-Service Personal profile to No.

  2. Navigate to the Personalize page hierarchy for the Sales Dashboard with personalization at the 'Site' level.

  3. Navigate to Bulleted List: Shortcut List and click the Create Item icon.

  4. After choosing Item Style as Static Styled Text, enter the other required information like ID, Prompt, Destination URL.

  5. Click Apply.

    The link is now visible in the list of Shortcuts.

For more information about adding or creating items to a page or a region, refer the Oracle Applications Framework Personalization Guide.

How can I enable the Personalization Page link?

Set the value for the profile option Personalize Self-Service Defn to Yes and Disable Self-Service Personal profile to No.

How can I turn On/Off the Personalization Links that are visible within Oracle Sales?

Set the profile option FND: Personalization Region Link Enabled. Setting to Yes will display the various hyperlinks displayed within Oracle Sales. Setting to No will remove these links.

How can I disable the hyperlink of Opportunity and Customer in the Opportunity Page?

To disable the Opportunity and Customer hyperlinks:

  1. Hide the Customer link.

  2. In the personalization page for Update Opportunity, use: 'Create Item' in the appropriate region. Create an item of type 'MessageStyleText' and specify PartyName and OpportunityDetailsVO1 as View Attribute and View Instance respectively.

How do I create and display additional Category Attachments?

Refer to Note 337957.1 for information.

Can I run Oracle Sales (ASN) and Oracle Sales Online or Oracle Field Sales (ASF) together?

No, refer to Note 293049.1 for further information.

Can I run Oracle Sales (ASN) and Oracle TeleSales together?

Yes, however Oracle Sales does not use all of the same profile options as Oracle TeleSales. For Oracle TeleSales profile options to have an effect within Oracle Sales and for both products to have the same behavior, there are certain profile options which you must set for both Oracle Sales and Oracle TeleSales.

Refer to the Setting Corresponding Oracle Sales and Oracle TeleSales Profile Options section and the Oracle TeleSales Implementation Guide for details.

How can I enable Diagnostics in Oracle Sales?

Set the profile option FND: Diagnostics to Yes to enable logging. If set to Yes, a Diagnostics Global button will be rendered on every page (top right hand corner). Users can select this button to view the log messages for the page, with the Log Viewer screen. Database trace is also available when this profile is set to Yes.

The profile option FND: Debug Log Filename will determine the filename for the Middle-Tier messages. If this profile is not set, Middle-Tier messages will be logged to the Database. Server PL/SQL ignores this value, and logs to the Database only.

If the logging is turned on, the AOLJ opens a separate database connection to call the PL/SQL Logging APIs to write the log messages to the database. If the profile FND: Debug Log Filename is set, no database connection is used to perform the logging.

Additional Information: Running Diagnostics can impact application performance.

Why is the match any/all option missing in customer/contact advanced search?

The radio buttons to choose match any/all are not available anymore. However, you can configure an appropriate match rule to do a match any or all.

Why can't I change the Party Name anymore?

The HZ: Change Party Name profile determines the update behavior of Organization and Person names. When this profile is set to No, you will not be able to update the party name.

The Sales Coach and Account Plan report were generated in an Unknown format. How do I solve this?

The ASN: Default Sales Document Type profile must be set to an appropriate value. You can also use the Sales Default Preferences page to set the default Sales Document Type.

Why does the Account Plan Report show only ten records when there are more than ten records available in the table/bin?

The seeded ACCTPLAN.rtf template is restricted to display only ten records due to performance constraints.

This restriction can be relaxed by following the steps below. However, performance considerations should be taken into account before making the changes.

  1. Log in to Oracle Application with Business Intelligence Publisher Administrator responsibility and navigate to Template.

  2. Search for the original template either by selecting Sales as the application or ACCTPLAN as the Data Definition.

    Important: Please note that the Data Definition field is case sensitive.

  3. Click Duplicate to navigate to the Copy Template window.

  4. Enter the new code and the other mandatory fields and click Enter.

  5. Click the Download icon to download the translatable template.

  6. Click Open in the dialog box to open the template. Go to the section where you want to change the number of rows.

  7. Right-click in the first data row, and select Properties from the list-of-values.

  8. Click Add Help Text in the Text Form Field options dialog box.

  9. Verify the code displayed in the Type Your Own text area in the Form Field Help Text dialog box.

    This is a sample of the code you will see:

  10. Replace the code [position()<11] with [position <51], to increase the number of rows to be displayed in the report to 50. To display all the rows, remove [position()<11] from the code.

  11. Click Save the template, using a new name, in your local directory. twice to return to the Template file.

  12. Save the template, using a new name, in your local directory.

  13. In the View Template: Account Plan Worksheet page in the application, click the Update icon.

  14. Click Browse to upload the modified template file.

  15. Click Apply.

In Oracle Sales you can now see the new template that you have created.

Additional Information: You may need to bounce the Apache server.

Now, there may be more than one template, the seeded template and the one that you have created. If you want the application to display the only the template that you have created, then modify the SQL code of the ASN: Default Plan Document Template profile option. Change the template code from ACCTPLAN to your user defined code.

Navigate to Profile in Applications Developer responsibility, and enter the following code:

SQL="SELECT template_name \"Account Plan Template\", 
WHERE application_id = 280 and template_code='ACCTPLAN'" 
COLUMN="\"Account Plan Template\"(*)"

Why don't new period types appear in the Calendar?

When a sales user adds a new period type to a calendar in General Ledger Super User responsibility, the new period type does not automatically show as a valid period type mapped to the calendar in the Sales Admin UI. The user must map the period type to the calendar manually in the Sales Admin UI. After the mapping, the user must run the following concurrent programs in order to get the rates for the new period type.