Performing Oracle Installed Base Related Tasks in Other Oracle Applications

This chapter covers the following topics:


Oracle Installed Base is integrated with many Oracle applications. This chapter describes the following operations performed in Oracle applications related to Oracle Installed Base:

Using the Order Management Transaction Details Window

In the Transaction Details window you can update Oracle Depot Repair with attributes provided for an item that is being sold or returned. In addition, you can update a referenced item instance.

This topic group covers the following topics:

Accessing the Transaction Details Window

Unlike the main interfaces for end users in Oracle Depot Repair, the Transaction Details window is based on forms, not HTML. Therefore the window requires a different access procedure than does the main part of the application.

Access the Transaction Details window through the Sales Orders window as follows:

  1. Use the URL, user name, and password provided by your local system administrator to log in to the Oracle Forms mode of Oracle Applications.

  2. From the Responsibilities menu, select the Order Management Super User responsibility, and click OK.

  3. From the Navigator, choose Orders, Returns > Sales Orders.

    The Sales Orders window appears.

  4. Enter an appropriate sales order number in the Order Number field to populate the window.

  5. In the Line Items tab, select a line.

  6. Click Actions.

    The Actions window appears.

  7. Select Installation Details and click OK.

    The Transactions Details window appears.

The Transaction Details Window

The Transaction Details window is used to specify the transaction type used to update a source instance and non-source instance and to define multiple parties, contacts, accounts, organization assignments, configuration, and extended attributes for the source instance. In addition, a new system can be created for the instance from this window.

the picture is described in the document text

Source Information Region

In this region you can define the updates to be made for the item being sold or returned on the sales order line.

System Region

Auto Create Button

Use the Auto Create button to define a new system for the source instance. This process is similar to setting up a system and related information in the system setup in the HTML page. After setup here, you can use the system name to associate it with the source instance.

Transaction Line Details Region

Source Transaction Details Tab

Use this tab to specify the attributes and transaction type for the item displayed in the Source Information region. This tab provides for specifying the Oracle Depot Repair transaction subtype, which is defined in the subtype name of the transaction type and subtype setup window. In that setup, the kind of actions that can happen to a source instance and its related non-source instance has already been defined. An LOV displays only the subtypes defined for this source application.

This window can also be used to specify system, item, revision, instance type, item status, location type, installation location, installation date, serial/lot number being processed, instance number being referenced, in service date, external reference, version label, start date, and end date. For the instance, the following can be defined: party, configuration, organization assignment, extended attributes, accounts, and contacts. At the right-hand side of the window is a check box named Cascade Ownership, whose value defaults from an Oracle Installed Base Install Parameter. If this is selected, then whenever ownership of an item instance changes for a parent instance, the application cascades the party ownership of the parent to all its children for outbound transactions such as Shipment.

Parties Tab

For a sales shipment line, the owner party is displayed and cannot be changed. In addition, other parties with different relationship types can be specified here for the source instance. Fields include party source, name, relationship, start date, and end date. For each of these parties, the Accounts tab and the Contacts tab can be used to define multiple accounts and contacts for the source item. The Accounts tab includes the following fields within the Accounts region: number, name, relationship, start date, and end date.

Replace/Upgrade Tab

The Replace/Upgrade tab is used to specify the Replaced-by and Upgraded-from relationships between the instance in the source region and the one defined in the non-source region. If this page is used, then the non-source region must be populated.

Org Assignments Tab

Here the various organization assignment such as Service Billed From can be specified for the source instance.

Extended Attributes Tab

If any extended attribute has been defined for this item, instance, or category, then the values for these attributes can be entered here.

Accounts Tab

This tab is used to define accounts for a party. For a shipped item on a sales order line, the owner account default is displayed. In addition, more accounts can be specified for the party of the source instance.

Contacts Tab

This tab is used to define contacts for a party. Multiple contacts can be specified for the same party of the source instance.

Non Source Transaction Details Tab

This tab is used to specify the attributes for the instance that is related to the one displayed in the Source Information region. An example of a non-source instance is an instance being replaced by the one being shipped in the source transaction. You can specify a parent instance and instance number when doing a replacement.

Note: The Transaction Subtype is entered only on source lines in the Source Transaction Details tab. This determines the mandatory attribute values in the non-source lines entered.

The LOV for Parent Instance lists all instances that are parents of the item that you entered in the Non Source Transaction Details tab and are customer items (not internally owned).

If you are replacing the highest node (top-level parent, assembly item) in a hierarchy, then directly enter an instance number without entering a value for Parent instance. This is existing functionality where you can only replace a top-level parent or stand-alone items.

The component replacement functionality includes the Return for Repair scenario where a subassembly has been returned for repair and is either repaired and shipped or a replacement is shipped. You can reference components that are to be replaced whether they are at a customer site or in inventory.

Replacing a Component

The component replacement feature provides functionality to replace components in a hierarchical component-of configuration using Sales Order Installation and Transaction Details windows. Here are some characteristics of the feature:

The component replacement functionality has the following limitations:

Business Process for Entering Transactions for Component Replacement

Here is the business process for entering transactions for component replacement:

  1. Cause: A need exists to ship an item replacement.

  2. Enter a sales order.

  3. Create order lines.

  4. Enter transaction details (using Oracle Depot Repair windows).

    This is where you enter further details of the new item being shipped (optional) and the details of the item being replaced (mandatory).

  5. Confirm and book the order.

  6. Result: The item is replaced, and the instance information is updated.

Using the Feature: Details For Step 4 in the Business Process

Use the following procedure as an example of entering transaction details for step 4 in the business process. You can use the seeded Replace value for Txn Subtype (transaction subtype) after making modifications as needed.


Component replacement requires setting up Oracle Depot Repair transaction subtypes in the Transaction Subtypes window:

  1. In the Transaction Subtypes region, the Name field must be set to the Replace subtype.

  2. In the Source Info region, the value of Status must be Replacement.

  3. In the Non Source Info region, the value of Status must be Replaced.

Refer to the Oracle Depot Repair Implementation Guide for details on using the window.


  1. Select Installation Details from the Action button for a sales order line.

    This displays the Installed Base Transaction Details window.

  2. Enter a value of Replace in the Transaction Subtype field in the Source Transaction Details tab.

    This tab is used to specify the transaction type to be used for the item being shipped.

  3. Click the Parties and Accounts tabs to show the owner and the account respectively.

    These values default from the Order Management sales order setup.

  4. Click the Non-Source Transaction Details tab.

  5. Enter the item number, instance number, and serial number if the item is serialized. If you are replacing a component in a hierarchy, then enter the parent instance first and then select the appropriate component instance. If you are replacing the highest node (top level parent, assembly item) in a hierarchy, then you can directly enter an instance number without entering the parent instance.

  6. Click the Replace/Upgrade tab.

  7. Select the relationship type Replaced By.

    This value is derived from seeded Oracle Depot Repair Relationship Type setup codes. Enter the to-be-shipped item number in the inventory item field.

    Note: If you were in the Source Transaction Details tab when you clicked the Replace/Upgrade subtab, then the relationship type shows as "Replacement for."

  8. Select the Txfr Components check box if you want the components under the old item instance to be transferred under the new item instance. This feature works only if the new item is a standalone item with no components attached. If the new item has components attached, then the box is ignored and components from the old instance are not transferred.

  9. Save your entries.

    Following shipment, Oracle Depot Repair creates a replaced-by relationship from the to-be-replaced instance to the to-be-shipped item.

Accessing the Installation Details HTML Page

Users can create, update, delete, and query source and non-source transaction line details, party details, and account details in the Installation Details HTML page.

Access the Installation Details HTML page through the Order Management HTML user interface as follows:

  1. Select the Order Management, HTML User Interface.

  2. The Orders page appears with a list of orders.

  3. Select an order and click the Order Lines tab.

  4. In the Order Lines tab, select a line.

  5. Click the Actions list to view the actions you can perform for a line, for example, Installation Details.

    the picture is described in the document text

  6. Select Installation Details and click Go.

    The Installation Details page appears.

  7. Click the Non Source Transaction Details tab to view the non source installation details for serviceable items.

    Non Source Transaction Details page

    the picture is described in the document text

Using the WIP Component Install Window

Oracle Installed Base configurations are generally created using job requirement quantities. When the issued quantity does not match the job requirement quantity, excess components are left free standing and are not attached as part of an Installed Base top assembly configuration. You can use the Installed Base component install (WIP) windows to allocate these freestanding or non-allocated components to specific assembly configurations following WIP assembly completion.

Note: With reference to WIP and Installed Base integration:

Attaching Non-Allocated Components

Use this procedure to allocate freestanding or non-allocated components to specific assembly configurations following WIP assembly completion.


You must have completed a job and created at least one serialized assembly.


  1. Using the Oracle Install Base Administrator responsibility, navigate to IB Component Install (WIP).

    The WIP Component Install window appears.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Enter a WIP job name.

  3. Tab to the next region.

    The window displays assemblies created by your job.

  4. Click in a row to select a specific assembly to which you want to attach unattached components.

  5. Click Component Details.

    The Component Details region of the Assembly window displays unattached components for the job.

    the picture is described in the document text

  6. Select the Link check box for any component that you want to attach to the serial assembly.

  7. Click Save to save your changes.

    The WIP Component Install window reappears.

  8. Click WIP Process to submit a concurrent job to attach components to desired assemblies.

  9. Optionally, query the job until it displays an assembly status of Processed, which denotes successful processing.

Using the Order Management Item Instance Query Window

The Item Instance Query window displays existing configured item instances, including attributes and components, primarily to support the Oracle Order Management Telecommunications Service Ordering (TSO) functionality using Sales Orders or Quick Sales Orders windows. The Item Instance Query window provides integration and flexibility in entering TSO changes from multiple sources.

Here are key features of the window:


  1. To make a query through Oracle Order Management so that you can return values to that application, perform the steps below:

    1. Using the Order Management Super User responsibility, select Orders, Returns > Sales Orders.

      The Sales Orders window appears.

    2. Create or query an order.

    3. Click the Line Items tab.

    4. Enter an order line.

    5. Click Actions.

      The Actions window appears.

    6. Select Item Instance Query, and click OK.

      The Item Instance Query window appears.

      the picture is described in the document text

  2. In the top region, specify the criteria for your instances, and click Find.

    The results of the search appear in the Query Results tab. Extended-attribute information for a selected instance appears in the bottom region of the Item Instance Query window.

  3. To add an instance from the Query Results tab to the list on the Selected Instances tab, either select its Select box or select the instance and click Add to Selected.

  4. In the Query Results tab, select an instance and then click the Configuration tab to see any configuration for that instance.

  5. Select any node, either parent or child, and click Add to Selected to add the node to the list in the Selected Instances tab.

  6. To remove an instance from Selected Instances, select an instance there and click Remove from Selected.

  7. Click Done to close the window, pass a PL/SQL table of selected instances to the calling window if there is one, and clear the PL/SQL table.

    The selected instances are not stored in any database table. After you close the window, you cannot go back and add more instances to those that you selected.

Tracking Customer-Owned Item Instances Using Oracle Installed Base

Your business may find it sufficient to track only customer owned item instances. You can use the Only Customer Owned Instances option to restrict tracking to customer owned instances only, while performing after sale transactions such as RMAs and Field Service Returns on the Installed Base instances. Tracking these types of customer-owned instances provides the ability to address after sales needs.

Important: This feature is not available for Oracle Asset Tracking or Oracle Enterprise Asset Management customers.

See Setting Up Installation Parameters for more information.

By enabling this option, the Installed Base tracking process restricts itself from creating any internal instances and the lifecycle of the Installed Base tracked item starts only on the order fulfillment to external customers.

You can use Oracle Installed Base to perform the following customer-owned item instance transactions:

Note: The item instance is expired if the ownership is changed back to the enterprise such as in the case of an RMA.


Related Topics

Order Capture, Oracle Order Management User's Guide

Overview of Returns, Order Capture, Oracle Order Management User's Guide

Creating Service Requests and Field Service Tasks, Oracle Field Service User Guide